I know it may seem intimidating that this is Book #9 in this series. I was.
Then, I did a little research and was happy to discover that these books can be read as stand-alones!
I’ve decided to start from the beginning though. That’s what’s so fun about a series, following characters, meeting new ones, and remaining in the moment.
Follow the tour, learn more about the Halo Legacy Series, and don’t forget to enter the awesome giveaway!

Legacy Reborn
by Genie Gabriel
An attorney devoted to social causes and a burned out women’s advocate help save their home town while struggling not to fall in love. However, an unintended pregnancy and a gift from the heart lead them on a journey to new possibilities and love.

Once more dressed in jeans and her well-worn cowboy boots, with a jacket thrown on to ward off the chill evening air, Phoenix walked.
Against a backdrop of blue-green mountain peaks and the lightly wooded hillsides closer to the farm, the hens were settling in their coop, with only an occasional soft clucking.
Inside the boldly painted red barn, horses whickered in their stalls. She breathed deeply of the scents of horse and hay as she ambled through the dusty structure, then opened the side door and walked into the llama’s pasture.
The male immediately approached her and nuzzled her cheek as she slung her arm around him. “I love you too, Romeo.”
She closed her eyes and relaxed against the animal’s woolly neck. However, her relaxation ended abruptly when the animal stiffened and emitted a shrill cry.
Following the animal’s gaze, Phoenix saw CJ standing on the other side of the corral with his arms folded on the top board. “Will your llama spit in my face?”
“It’s alright, Romeo.” Phoenix patted the llama, then walked slowly toward the man who had occupied too much of her thoughts lately. “What brings you out this way?”
“You left the Governor’s presentation right after you talked to Mitch. I wanted to be sure you were okay.”
All the memories she had been trying to walk off slammed into Phoenix once more. “What is okay? I’m not sure I’ve ever been okay or ever will be. How can I find normal or happy when I don’t think I’ve experienced those things?”
“You come up your own version of what makes you happy.”
“A woman is dead because of me. How can I ever be happy knowing that?”
“Mitch said Swaggerty was waiting for Charlene. If it hadn’t been that night, he would have killed her another way.”
Phoenix let that statement sink in. One part of her brain knew that was true. So why did she cling to the blame for Charlene’s death? Maybe she was afraid to move forward.
About the author and links

I’m an optimist whose rose-colored glasses have bent frames and cracked lenses. When life kicks me in the teeth, I find miracles and lessons I refused to learn an easier way. In fact, I live with a small herd of miracles in the furry forms of dogs, who are constantly trying to teach me to forgive, to play more, and to love without limits. I write about people who find courage and integrity in the darkest times of their lives, who rescue stray dogs and kittens, who find a person they would willingly give their lives for, and who make their little corners of the world a better place. People have remarked my stories “aren’t what they expected.” With rose-colored glasses firmly in place, I take that as a compliment. I invite you to share a piece of my world in the pages of a book, and hope you find some surprises, some tears, some laughter, and always a happy ending.
My Web site: http://www.GenieGabriel.com
My blog: http://oshealegacyseries.blogspot.com
****NOTE: All nine books in the Halo Legacy Series will be $0.99 the day of the tour!****

Genie will be awarding nine $9 Amazon GCs — eight will be awarded to randomly drawn commenters during the tour, and one will be awarded to a randomly drawn host.
Make sure you follow the tour and comment; the more you comment, the better your chances of winning. The tour dates can be found here.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For all of my giveaways go here.