The Friday 56 #32 ~ Waking the Merrow by Heather Rigney ~ Not so nice mermaids

Posted: August 15, 2014 in Fantasy, horror, Meme, The Friday 56
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The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.

The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find any sentence or a

few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.


I shuddered violently and reached for the handle to close the door. As if I had suddenly cut myself, my hand recoiled, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

The handle was wet and it wasn’t raining…

I noticed for the first time, just how many windows faced the porch. Many. Too Many. “Why didn’t we ever get blinds?”

I reached for the remote. I was going to watch my vampire show, damn it.

I had my shit together. Then my pocket buzzed, and I skyrocketed off the couch.


Waking the Merrow

by Heather Rigney





In 1772, angry Rhode Island colonists set fire to a British ship, sparking the American Revolution. Taxation without representation was a motivator. So was the vengeful, man-eating mermaid who had it out for the commanding officer.

That was then. This is now.

Mermaids, or merrow, still hunt in Narragansett Bay, but these days they keep a lower profile.

At night, centuries-old Nomia seduces smutty frat boys, lures them into icy waters, and feeds them to her voracious kin. By day, she and her half-breed daughter attempt to blend in at the coastal Village Playground.

But Nomia slips up. She makes a friend. Then she makes that friend disappear, and someone notices.

Thirty-something Evie McFagan just wants to make it through working motherhood. But she’s a blistering stew of issues—snarky alcoholic and a friendless funeral director who just witnessed Nomia dismembering a guy at the nearby yacht club.

When Evie believes a mermaid stole her baby, who will help? The merrow of Ireland? Or maybe anti-hero Evie will surprise everyone, including herself, and summon the strength to save her own family.

Intertwining the stories of two primordial families with the colonial history of Narragansett Bay,  Waking the Merrow is a dark historical fantasy.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

  1. Kathy Martin says:

    This one sounds really good. One day I hope to find a book with nice mermaids though. Happy reading!

  2. You know me, I love mermaids. I am curious. ^_^
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. Sounds suspenseful and intense! Thanks for sharing…and here’s mine: “SAVE THE DATE”

  4. I’m not sure I’d enjoy reading a book that featured dismembering! However, the tie-in with Narragansett Bay history is intriguing. I’d give it a try.
    Here’s the link to my Friday post: MADE FOR TWO.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I haven’t run into the dismembering yet. The mermaid is evil, for sure. There are many flawed characters and one heck of a disfunctional family and marriage. Very interesting reading.

  5. Vicki says:

    I love scary, and this sounds scary!

  6. fredamans says:

    I’m intrigued…. I smell mermaids based on the cover and wet remote… I hope it’s good though.

    Happy weekend!

  7. Jo says:

    What a interesting concept. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. moonglint says:

    I love the cover and title. My mermaid reads are a bit limited, so I think I might check this one out. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I haven’t heard of this one. LOL at the “watch my vampire show” part.

  10. I’ve never heard of this one. I’m not so sure about mermaids. But it sounds interesting though.

  11. Topazshell says:

    Hope you enjoy it. Have fun reading this weekend.

  12. hah, I can relate to jumping when your pocket buzzes. 😀 The snippet about the wet handle was creepy.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know. I carry my phone in my back pocket sometimes and always jump when it rings. LOL Had to mention that. And the wet door handle gives you a sense of something bad coming.

  13. Yvonne says:

    Mmmm…this sounds spooky. I like it 🙂

  14. This definitely sounds unique. I’m not sure I’ve come across many books about mermaids and definitely not an evil one. Love the 56. Any character that qualifies as snarky is going to be my kind of character.

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