What’s New On My Bookshelf #81 and The Sunday Post

Posted: October 5, 2014 in Freebies!, giveaways, Meme, reviews, Uncategorized, What's New on My Bookshelf
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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Another fun way to share your book news and enjoy others is The Sunday Post

hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

See what everyone else has been up to. Join in the fun!


I’ve been reading so many scary books I’m surprised only one of them invaded my dreams. I’ve also spent the last week watching The Walking Dead from first episode to last, getting ready for the new season. What I haven’t watched yet is Z Nation. Has anyone watched it? Is it worth it? From what I”ve heard it isn’t. But, I also heard that about The Walking Dead, so I’m thinking I might check it out.

I also hauled out my fall and Halloween decorations. At first, I didn’t really feel like doing it. Then, as I started unwrapping everything and deciding where to put it, the mood hit me. Especially when I got to the scary stuff. The weather also took a turn towards fall so that might have had something to do with it. From 90 to the 60’s is a refreshing cool down. Probably won’t last and I’ll be back in the pool this week, but it’s a nice change.

The cooler weather also got me in the fall cleaning mood. I’ve been rearranging furniture, boxing up stuff for Goodwill, and finding stuff I forgot I had. Now every room has piles of stuff I have to take care of. Should have done one room at a time. LOL

My dog Quigley sure enjoyed the nice weather. He loves the crisp, cool mornings and was out in the yard chasing butterflies and rolling in the grass for hours. In the summer, he’s usually out long enough to take care of business and wants right back in unless I’m out there. He also loves to go out right at dawn and howl. It sounds eerie. Good thing all of my neighbors have dogs too and we all don’t live close to each other.

Now for my book haul!


Books for Review

I just got Santa’s Little Helper.


I’ve read all of H.D. Gordon’s books and loved them. I’m sure I’ll love this one too!

Plus one ARC that I can’t talk about yet.


Here are some of the books coming up as my blog goes dark for Halloween this October!

In my to read line up

17408845  20771826  15997561


Reading now

20810004  23293658

23015062  22718724


Finished reading and reviews are almost ready.

  22665165  20659824



These are some I picked up just for me!

22240532  22849242


And here are some freebies for ya! Click on the covers to get yours.

 And remember to make sure they’re still free before you click that buy button.

  22560141  18298896


20559808  18895261




Reviewed this week!

I was shocked when I went to my reviewed list and none were posted! I knew I’d written a bunch. Then I smiled when I realized they are mostly scheduled and will start releasing this coming week.


Scheduled reviews for next week

20256219  21806369  22742696

I’ll also be adding some Halloween reviews throughout the week.


What I won this week

I won an ARC copy of Outsider: Flawed #2 by Becca J. Campbell.


You can read my reviews for the other books in the series by clicking on the covers below.

18429929  22571458


Other Posts

The White Devil of Dublin ~ Character Bios ~ Dream Cast ~ Giveaway

Carina Press Mystery Blitz ~ 4 Authors ~ 4 Mysteries ~ Awesome Giveaway

Teaser Tuesdays #83 ~ Devil Music by Carly Orosz

Black Dog Nights ~ A New Adult Romance Blast and Giveaway

The Magic, Mystery, and Romance of Midnight Kisses ~ Blitz Giveaway

Cover Reveal for The Union by T.H. Hernandez

Launch Celebration for Brew & Boil ~ Special Sale and Giveaway

Super Sale and Giveaway ~ The Ondine Quartet

A Chiller Thriller! Say Nothing Of What You See ~ Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #39 ~ The Abyss Above Us

Friday First Chapter Reveal and Giveaway ~ A Murder of Magpies

Freakin Fridays $34 ~ Ice Massacre ~ A Mermaid Freebie and Giveaway!


For all of my 2014 reviews go HERE

For a list of free books go HERE

For all of my giveaways go HERE


So, what did you get to read this week?

Got any recommendations?

I’d love to know and thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

evil books photo: evil loves candy 1mQFxyUn5Nnm.jpg

  1. bluekaren says:

    Nice haul! I love that all your books are creepy, this is definitely the right time of year for that. I really appreciate that you include links to all your freebees. I went ahead and one-clicked The Ghost files to my kindle. Thanks much!
    My Sunday Post: http://kissinbluekaren.com/the-sunday-post-6/

  2. Emma says:

    The cover for The Ghost Files is creepy.

  3. Wow, you are ready to be SCARED! I am a fan of suspense…and even stories that border on the macabre, but I take my horror in small doses. LOL

    I did read a collection of JCO this week, which you saw when you visited my blog (thanks!), but I wasn’t terribly impressed.

    Organizing things is great in the fall…some do spring cleaning, but I feel more energized in the fall. I tackled the garage this past week and now have some bags of stuff in my office that I need to sort. Messy! And the garage doesn’t look much better…sigh.

    Enjoy your week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I like my horror year round. LOL
      I’ve got piles in every room of the house. I can’t seem to get organized and flit from place to place never getting one room done.

  4. Jenna @ Rather Be Reading YA says:

    I am so ready for The Walking Dead to come back! A lot of the podcasts I listen to have been gearing up for the new season.

    Enjoy all your new books!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It will be here soon. I’m excited to see how they get out of the train car and just what Terminus really is. Is it cannibalism, a breeding facility…? What is it? LOL

  5. stephie5741 says:

    Yeah, we’re enjoying great weather here but it’s supposed to jet back up to the 80s this week, so I’m enjoying it. I feel that way about Christmas decorations. It seems like so much work to put up the Christmas tree, but once I get started I get into the spirit!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      It’s back up there today! We should be feeling close to 90 the rest of the week. And I felt that humidity creeping back in too. It’s better than the cold though:) I got some of the decorating done. Just need to do some outside and I’m finished.

  6. Deasy says:

    I like the picture of mannequin leaning on bookcase!

    I’m never brave enough to watch and read scary films and books. I always put myself out from things like that. Even The Walking Dead’s trailer made me scream. And…. as I scrolled down through your post, I found my heart fall to the ground, I suddenly felt weak… Let’s just say I’m not a fan of this genre lol. But I’m glad you enjoy it. Have a great week, Laura!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That’s my wish. To not need sleep and read, read, read…LOL
      Sorry I freaked you out. It’s funny that I love horror but you can give me a romance, a children’s book, a cozy mystery, or other genres and I enjoy them just as much:)

  7. Lola says:

    I am not really into the scary stuff, but I do like seeing halloween themed posts around the blogosphere. Your dogs sounds like a great dog and how fun he goes to howl around dawn, that must sound eerie.

  8. beckireads says:

    It looks like you’ve got some brilliant books this week. The covers look decidedly spooky on some of them, you definitely seem to be getting into the Hallowe’en mood. Hope you enjoy them and have a good week.

  9. readerbuzz says:

    And that’s exactly why I never, ever read scary books! I hate bad dreams.

    Wish I didn’t because I want to like scary books.

    Here’s my Week in Books.

  10. You do love the scary books! And I’m impressed with your decorating and cleaning energy. I don’t suppose you’d like to come by and do my house, too? 😉

  11. I’ve been adding scary books too. I love the Walking Dead. Z Nation I want to watch but I’m not sure about it yet.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I watched an episode of Z Nation last night. I can’t tell if I didn’t like it because it wasn’t Walking Dead or whether it just didn’t grab me. I can only do so much zombie. I’m very picky about which movies or shows I’ll view.

  12. Greg says:

    You have a ton of scary reads, and some of those look pretty good. Is October great or what? 🙂 enjoy all the spookiness, and the decorating too. It’s fun to put out all the autumny stuff…

  13. Abyss Above Us looks good, hope you enjoy and have a good upcoming week.

  14. Now is a perfect time of year to be investing in some scary stories and horror TV, as the weather starts to get cooler and the days grow darker. Great haul.

  15. I’m so bad at horror! I hate reading it so much! There’s so many good horror books but my brain is not compatible with the genre unfortunately like I literally can’t sleep if I read horror. Consider yourself lucky!

  16. That’s one creepy looking haul! Enjoy!!

  17. Christy says:

    I watched a little bit of Z Nation, but couldn’t really get into it. I’m excited for TWD to start though!

  18. Nyze says:

    Creepy haul you got there. I stay away from those genre. I get nightmares all the time. LOL!

  19. Awesome haul Laura, looks like some great creepy reads to celebrate Halloween

  20. Oh man, did you just add to my TBR pile! Great haul! I hope you enjoy all your spooky read! Can’t wait to see your reviews. 🙂 New follower!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks for following Stormi. Now we can chat on each others posts:) I did get a haul. And I’m heading to my local book store this weekend to look for some others.

  21. You are made of much stronger stuff than me…I am absolutely not a horror reader (or movie watcher!) which started when my best friend and I shared a copy of The Amityville Horror. I saw two or three slasher films (between my fingers). Even Jaws kept me up at night. I finally decided that I would rather get made fun of than subject myself to those visuals! My husband still laughs at me for taking 3 very sunny days to watch Scream.

    More power to you!

  22. Liza Barrett says:

    Ooh, I hope you’ve been enjoying Ice Massacre. I just finished it (literally, about 15 minutes ago) and have just scheduled my review to post on Wednesday. I will have to swing back over when you’ve finished 🙂

    And wow, I don’t know how some of those others haven’t been giving you nightmares. You certainly have a collection worthy of the month of Halloween!

  23. what, that’s a spooky list for sure! Spelled has such a beautiful cover!

  24. Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace says:

    We don’t really celebrate Halloween down here in Aus, so no decorating for me!
    Enjoy your new reads, lots more scary reads!

    Thanx for visiting My Weekly Wrap-Up!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I didn’t know that Naomi. It’s odd that we just assume our holidays are celebrated everywhere. But I don’t need Halloween to enjoy my horror:) I do that year round!

  25. I love the Walking Dead, I am glad you’re enjoying it! I’ve heard a bit about Z Nation, not sure I want to watch another zombie series other than my favourite though. Hope you get more pleasant dreams and happy reading!

  26. Finley Jayne says:

    Great list of scary books! I’ve also been doing this with my reading-the scarier the book, the better 😀

  27. Yvonne says:

    I love reading scary books in October. Walking Dead is one of my favorites, but I never saw Z Nation. I’ve heard about it though.

    Have a great week!

  28. Great haul! Some of those covers are awesome! I love it when they get all bloody. I’m surprised you’ve only had one nightmare with the scary books and shows. Normally Walking Dead has a way of entering my dreams. I’m always running from zombies or killing zombies when that show is on. I haven’t watched Z Nation yet. Curious though. Have a fantastic week!

  29. pagesandtea says:

    Some lovely, creepy looking books here – definitely the right season for that kind of reading 😉

    The Walking Dead!!! I absolutely LOVE that show. I’m currently watching season 4, but probably won’t be able to watch the latest until much much later as they’re not showing it on any of the channels I have at the moment. Spoiler avoidance is SO difficult, I came across a MASSIVE S4 spoiler just before I started watching it, but I will try my best. There are certain characters I would be pretty upset if they killed off.

    Enjoy all your books 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      You do know they like to kill off the beloved ones don’t you? And they sure do like to drag it out before finally killing the dastardly bast…bad guys.LOL

  30. Pretty sure Santa’s Little Helper is the creepiest cover this week. Why are kids so creepy? I don’t watch The Walking Dead but my husband basically has a countdown going so we talk a lot about it. Enjoy your new books! How do you not sleep with the light on? Have a great week!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I was almost jumping up and down when the author emailed me about Santa’s Little Helper. I’ve read and loved all of her books and this is more horror so I’m really curious:)
      My co-worker and I are doing a count down too. LOL

  31. Halloween is so much fun. We don’t get any trick or treaters anymore as out entire neighborhood has grown up. You books look wicked scary!

  32. oh scary books? halloween? I love this time of year!

    Thanks for stopping by The Story Goes and have a lovely week!

  33. You have been busy, wow! Your reading fare creeps me out a bit. I worry about having books like that lying around the house because I know I would probably jump if I accidently saw a face peering out in an unlikely place!

  34. Nice haul this week. I hope you enjoy them and thanks for visiting my blog – Sharon’s Book Nook!

  35. Fantastic haul, Laura! I haven’t taken out my Halloween decorations yet….maybe this coming weekend I’ll find the time. I did buy candy for the trick-or-treaters, though.

    Thanks for visiting my Sunday/Monday post.

  36. katarguelles says:

    I don’t read any scary books (because I’m a big chicken lol) so those covers look really scary to me. I hope you enjoyed them! You have done everything I have been putting off!! I need to go through our closets and old toys to give to the Goodwill but I’ve been lazy. And the weather here is still in the 90’s but I really should start decorating for Halloween. I’ll try to do that this weekend. thanks for stopping by my blog and have a great week!!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      LOL I love my scary books and movies:)
      I still have piles in some rooms and got almost all of my decorating done. The weather is back up to high 80s to 90 and lovin it. I’m not ready for cooler weather.

  37. You have so much going on! Enjoy the month and your reads!

  38. You’ve got some creepy books you’re reading and coming up in your list. Some of those covers! *shiver* 😉 We had cooler weather here in AZ too. Unfortunately, it didn’t last so we’re back to warm this week. Not for long though. I hope it’s been a good week for you!

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