Teaser Tuesdays #100 ~ One More Day ~ What if tommorrow never happens?

Posted: February 3, 2015 in Anthology, Teaser Tuesdays, YA
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Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.


Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My Tease for this week is from

One More Day

An Anthology by multiple authors




There are 7 short stories in this anthology and I chose a brief tease from each one.

Time Piece by Anna Simpson

She reaches out a hand, letting the golden watch swing in my face.

“It’s the key to–” She jumps and glances behind her.

Dark Rose by Marissa Halvorson

Why come all the way to this world to ruin it?

Dragon Flight by J. Keller Ford

I close my eyes and breathe deep, certain I’m mistaken, but when I open my eyes, the veil remains.

The 13th Month by L.S. Murphy

 I stood, not knowing my next move, and trying not to freak out as I stared down at my hand, half expecting it to glow or something.

Sleepless Beauty by Kimberly Kay

Will I remain seventeen, or will I grow old and die while just sitting around?

Stage Fright by Erika Beebe

“Ever since you moved here, you’ve been trying to steal my life. You’re going to burn for this, Hannah.”

A Morrow More by Danielle E. Shipley

I have yet to lose my fascination with Inkborn hair.

Or Inkborn movement.

Or the king’s part-Inkborn son.


So, which one grabs you the most?



What if today never ends?

What if everything about life—everything anyone hoped to be, to do, to experience—never happens?

Whether sitting in a chair, driving down the road, in surgery, jumping off a cliff or flying … that’s where you’d be … forever.

Unless …

In One More Day, Erika Beebe, Marissa Halvorson, Kimberly Kay, J. Keller Ford, Danielle E. Shipley and Anna Simpson join L.S. Murphy to give us their twists, surprising us with answers to two big questions, all from the perspective of characters under the age of eighteen.

How do we restart time?

How do we make everything go back to normal?

The answers, in whatever the world—human, alien, medieval, fantasy or fairytale—could,maybe, happen today.

Right now.

What would you do if this happened … to you?


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

stick out tongue photo: rr-sticking-out-tongue roadrunner-stick-out-tongue.gif

  1. Dagny says:

    The title grabbed me immediately, but I’m not much of a short story reader.

    Mine this week is from Death of a Policeman by M C Beaton: http://wp.me/pZnGI-iW

  2. I agree with Dagny, catchy title. Enjoy!
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  3. Dagny says:

    I just noticed that this is your 100th TT, Laura. Congratulations!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know!! I love this meme. I’ve met so many awesome people and discover a bunch of great books and authors. Here’s to another 100!

  4. Marsha says:

    I love anthologies. I will definitely be searching for this one. Sounds so interesting. Great tease.

    My Teaser this week

  5. What a brilliant sounding anthology and great that you’ve given a taster of each one. Thanks for visiting my TT https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/02/03/teaser-tuesday-february-3/

  6. Love the cover of this book, but I´m not sure it is anything for me! 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I might not have thought they were for me a few years ago. I’ve tried so many new genres since then, even some erotica, and now I’ll try anything so I don’t miss the good ones like these.

  7. P.D. Workman says:

    Very interesting!

    Mine this week is a middle-grade fantasy: http://pdworkman.com/excerpt-from-island-of-fog/

  8. fredamans says:

    I love short stories, ironically, am also featuring a book of shorts this week by Gaiman.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      So do I. I loved the ones you featured and added it to my wishlist so I’ll grab it on my next book buying mission! I have to read something by him.

  9. Nice teasers from the stories. I love the cover! Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
    Old follower

  10. Alice Audrey says:

    The inkborn thing stands out.

  11. nadz2014 says:

    Stage Fright stood out for me. Thanks for visiting my blog. Nadene@Totally Addicted to Reading.

  12. Almost all of the stories sound appealing to me, but I’m really curious about Sleepless Beauty. Maybe because sometimes I feel like I’m seventeen, and sometimes I feel like I’m getting old just sitting around!
    My Tuesday post features SIX STRINGS.

  13. Marilyn says:

    That’s a nice selection of teasers. Thanks for sharing.

  14. alisbooks says:

    I wasn’t crazy about the last short story anthology I read. I guess I wasn’t spending enough time with the characters. I’m curious how you felt about it. The cover’s pretty!

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I finished it. I would have loved more from each story but the authors did a great job entertaining me and I’m satisfied:)

  15. Zed says:

    I like the teaser from Dark Rose the most.
    Here’s a link to mine, taken from Alice and the fly:


    • fuonlyknew says:

      You’d like it. Not what you’re thinking:) I want to read Alice and the Fly. I’m seeing it everywhere.

  16. verushka says:

    Wow, big questions for an anthology. And for kids under 18 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I expect it’s okay for younger readers because they are short stories. Nothing in there I wouldn’t let my teen read:)

  17. Eustacia Tan says:

    Ooooh, this sounds really great, and all the teasers are fantastic! I hope the book lives up to expectations!

    Thanks for having dropped by my blog!

  18. Jamie says:

    Great teasers! The title is interesting and I will be looking into this anthology. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  19. Suzie Quint says:

    Short stories generally aren’t my thing, but there are some nice teasers here.

  20. Jaina says:

    DARK ROSE and THE 13TH MONTH book have very intriguing teasers! I’ll have to pick this anthology up from the library – I love the premise. 🙂

  21. sennalyn says:

    I love anthologies! This is going straight on my TBR list! Thanks for sharing it! And, for stopping by my blog! Cheers!

  22. Kate says:

    Dark Rose sounds very interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

  23. So many teasers! Thanks for sharing a little from each!

  24. Great post Laura! I sense this is a book that would pose questions and challenge the reader’s perspectives, I so enjoy books like these 🙂

  25. I’m always hesitant when it comes to anthologies… I am so greedy I rather prefer full-length novels 😉
    I hope you enjoyed this one, and I’ll check out your review to see if maybe I’ll add it for some shorter stories when I don’t have much time for reading.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I never used to read them. I preferred full length novels. Now, I’m in love with them. I ended up reading this twice now. My review will be up later this month.

  26. Nyze says:

    What a gorgeous cover! The excerpts are intriguing 🙂

  27. lpcoolgirl says:

    That is a good collection of teasers! And they are really awesome! Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!

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