Wordless Wednesday ~ What Do You See?

Posted: March 16, 2016 in Meme, Photos
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Welcome to Wordless Wednesday.

A chance to share your photos and have some fun.

Here is last weeks picture.

There were some good guesses.

flamingo 005

It’s a glass flamingo. The reason it looked blue was my dog, who’s black, came and lay down close to it, causing it to change color. LOL


Now for this weeks picture.

ww march 16 003

What do you see?


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  1. atothewr says:

    Hubcap – though it could be two metal eyes.

  2. robeader says:

    I’d say this is the hubcap to a vehicle. Fun idea to post pics of items and see what others see within the picture.

  3. I go with hubcap too, but is it a supernatural hubcap? I see it looking at me and it doesn’t look friendly. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental Wordless Wednesday

  4. Taylor Dean says:

    I see an evil bunny rabbit–and he looks mad. I don’t like the way he’s looking at me. I think he’s about to lose it.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      LOL That’s what I see too. I thought it would be fun to see if anyone else spotted that. Especially as Easter is fast approaching. LOL

  5. Either a metal rabbit with sunken eyes or …a car wheel hub.

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