Get ready for it! The Intergalactic Custody Battle ~ Blurb Blitz and Giveaway

Posted: May 31, 2016 in Blitz, Fantasy, giveaways, Science Fiction, YA
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How could I resist such a clever title. I had to read the blurb to see just what this book was all about.

Now, I’m sharing it with you.

Check out the wild cover.

Read the fun excerpt.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

The Intergalactic Custody Battle

The Infestation Trilogy #1

by Lee J Mavin.


Genre:ย  YA Fantasy / Sci-fi


Ziggy has been taken from away from Earth, stolen away so it seems to complete his training on another planet. Little does he know that his Alien father has grand plans for him, plans for him to take the royal throne and lead the Empire! Ziggyโ€™s mother (a mere human) wants him back so she is going to fight for her Sonโ€™s custody, even if his father is the Emperor of an Alien race! An Alien race that has plans to expand its Intergalactic Empire. Ziggyโ€™s best friend Hiroki, the tiny super genius, plans on finding Ziggy too, even if he does miss his year twelve math exams. The Intergalactic Custody Battle is the first of a trilogy that crosses the universe. Get ready for a wild ride across the galaxy!


Enjoy this glimpse inside

Two green cockroaches sped toward earth in their silver space pod. Well, to call them cockroaches is quite inaccurate actually, even though they did resemble cockroaches in some ways. They were, of course, distant cousins of the creepy brown insect you might find on your kitchen bench in the middle of the night, but thatโ€™s getting a little off track. In any case, the two green cockroach-like beings made their way into the Earthโ€™s atmosphere.

The bigger roach, who had more brown spots on his back than the other, shouted, ‘Is that Shanghai down there?’ If you could understand the Zular language, that is.

The other, smaller, green roach, who was steering (very badly) replied, ‘I think so; it is very hard to see through all that pollution. If we were going to sector two, we would be able to see the horizon a lot clearer. That dimension is so much simpler than this one.’


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Intergalactic Custody Battle author


After six years in Shanghai, I am finally back in Sydney (brand new home). Here I will teach and focus on my writing! I will be starting my Phd in Arts at the University of Sydney in March 2015!


I have already polished off a children’s novel, a collection of poetry and am about to publish a series of stories titled “The Students Sold Us Secrets Volume One” with ASJ Publishers.

I’m also kept on my toes by my feisty wife and three year old daughter both of whom are Chinese. They like to let me know how bad my Chinese is on a daily basis.Oh yeah, I used to be an MC, I mean I was potentially the next Aussie Eminem,(just kidding) but there is an EP by yours trully somewhere out there in the world wide web….

Lee Mavin Facebook / Students Sold Us Secrets Facebook / Goodreads


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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  1. Mary Preston says:

    I need to read more Fantasy.

  2. James Robert says:

    Good morning! I am appreciate of you giving us the opportunity to win this giveaway, thank you

  3. I loved your bio. I also love what I have read so far.

  4. Mai Tran says:

    What is the most annoying interview question you have ever been asked?

  5. Not a bit sci-fi fan but that little excerpt was fun and reminded me of Men in Black with the cockroaches…lol.

    • fuonlyknew says:

      That’s the first thing I thought of too. Can’t wait to see what else is crawling in these pages:)

  6. gemiinii90 says:

    Sounds like an awesome read!

    Betul E.

  7. Lisa Brown says:

    thank you for the chance to win ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Rita Wray says:

    Sounds like a great read.

  9. kim hansen says:

    Sounds like a good read.

  10. steph y says:

    This sounds like a fun read. Is this a ya book?

  11. Victoria says:

    I love the concept of this book, I’m looking forward to reading it! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Huge fan of sci-fi! Sounds like an interesting read

  13. Lee says:

    Hi. This is Lee j mavin, author of the Intergalactic custody battle. Any questions?

    • fuonlyknew says:

      Thanks for stopping by Lee. It sounds like I’ll get some action and luaghs with your book. One person did ask if this is YA? I didn’t see it categorized that way anywhere.

  14. diannekc says:

    I don’t usually read fantasy, but this looks like a good tead.

  15. Sandra Watts says:

    Thanks for hosting. Looks good.

  16. I have added this book to my TBR list and look forward to reading this book!

    • Lee says:

      That’s great! The sequels will be written 2017, 2018. I also have a series The Students sold us secrets, look it up on goodreads. Thanks

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I bet you’ll be doing some laughing. The synopsis sounds fun.

  17. Couldn’t help but laugh at the synopsis. Sounds like it might be a fun read.

  18. Mindy Bel says:

    Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I would really like to read this book!

  19. Sandra Watts says:

    Happy National Donuts Day.

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