This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.
I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
Some chit chat.
This was a weird week. I was off of work on Monday and Tuesday because the owners went north to watch the eclipse. I enjoyed that time by reading, napping, swimming in the pool, and binging more Game Of Thrones episodes. I’m now into season six.
What made it weird is I kept getting my days mixed up. I had a doctor’s appointment and missed it because I thought Wednesday was Monday since it was my first day back to work. LOL Ever done that? It continued to be messed up all week. Until Friday. With the weekend starting it all fell back into place.
My prayers go out to those caught in the path of Hurricane Harvey. Once the hurricane hit the hot waters of the Gulf it exploded into a Category 4, the first major hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast since 2005. Keep them in your prayers.
Here’s some new pictures of my bananas.
The last of the cover leaves have fallen off and if you look closely at the top of the bunch where they meet the stalk you can see them starting to take shape.
I’ll be heading over to your posts soon. Happy Sunday!
My new books this week.
And here are some freebies for ya. Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.
Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.
Other posts on my blog this week.
Blitz and Giveaway for A Swedish Crime Thriller ~ Vanished?
My Monday Minis Reviews #65 ~ The Loft by Bette Lee Crosby
The Helena Hawthorn Series by May Freighter ~ Book Tour and Giveaway
Teaser Tuesday #215 ~ Masked Hearts
Icy fingers up and down my spine! Bone White by Ronald Malfi
Perfectly You by Robin Daniels ~ Excerpt and Giveaway
The Friday 56 #164 ~ Spiral Of Hooves
Saturday Screams #36 ~ Onyx Webb
Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.
Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE
To see all of my giveaways go HERE.
I’ve mixed up days before, for sure. And yes hopefully everyone in the area is safe or will be okay with all that flooding and storm. Looks like Texas got hit pretty hard…
Bone White looks great, and Into the Water I was kinda curious about. The Motel looks creepy…
Texas did get hit hard. Been watching the weather channel and it’s still making an impact even though its now a tropical storm. I remember how it was when we got hit. Bone White was something else. I now want to go back and check the other books I’ve not read by him. The Motel sounds creepy for sure. I’m struggling with Into The Water. So many points of view and I’m still not sure what the heck is really going on.
Yes… I’ve missed appointments before through getting the days muddled – it’s a horrible feeling but I think it’s a fairly common problem. Thank you so much for the banana update – I’m fascinated! I’ve just found a vegan recipe for delicious banana bread made with elderly, inedible bananas well past their sell-by date. Glad the storm gave you a miss – but am very sorry for all the folks who got hammered by it. Have a great week, Laura:)
I now have a post it note for my new appointment stuck to my computer and the dash in my car. LOL I expect the bananas to really start growing now. I buy mine green as I don’t like them too ripe and they turn so fast. I find that if you tear the bundle apart it slows the process. This is prime hurricane season and I’m crossing everything I can we make it through unscathed. We are way overdue though.
In the summer, when I’m not working, I never know what day it is! I get so mixed up!
It happens when I’ve had a long vacation too. Good thing they didn’t charge me for the missed appointment!
Yea to being almost caught up with Game of Thrones! Binge watching it like that is fun and you can avoid horrible end of season cliffhangers. Can you imagine having to wait a year between seasons five and six? Oh that would have been awful! I’m looking forward to chatting about all that and you are very welcome to visit all the older GoT posts I’ve done as I’ll still reply to them!
For sure about five and six. I was left speechless. It’s getting so crazy and I can’t imagine what’s going to happen! You can be sure I’ll revisit your older posts so we can vent. LOL
When you have extra days off it’s easy to mix up days! You got some good books. I have been looking at that Ultimate Sacrifice one.
Have a great week and happy reading!
Week in Review
I’m back on track now. LOL Ultimate Sacrifice has a good beginning. I plan to get back into it this coming week. Got caught up in Game Of Thrones.
Banana update! Are they the red/purple kind? Amazing!
Actually! This week I’ve also mixed up the weekdays! First time in my life. I was supposed to go to a friend’s concert and totally thought it was Wednesday, but it was Thursday :/ I was s sad! It’s totally weird though, I absolutely get what you mean. How does this even happen to us, right…
Have a great reading week
I’m not sure which they are. This is the first time they’ve produced since I moved them to my new house. Exciting to see how it goes. I’m back on track with days now. Until the next time. LOL
Woohoo for Game of Thrones binge! I just got caught up last week and now the finale is tonight.
Hubs and I are starting back over at season one. Haha. I grew up with tons of banana trees. I love them. Yours look great! I’m excited to see there is an audio for Bone White now. I’m hoping to give it a read (or maybe a listen) in the next few weeks.
I’ve tried really hard not to catch any spoilers. Is it the season finale or the complete end the show? Bone White was very good and I’m glad I went with the audible. The time flew by I got so caught up.
So excited for GoT!!!
Your banana tree is awesome! I will have to check out some of the books you listed, especially the Hawkins book. Have a great week!
I’m struggling with Into The Water. Hoping it will get better once I get further in:)
Great look to your banana tree…and I’m curious about The Loft. I guess I need to start reading this series.
Thanks for sharing, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
I’m hoping the bananas start looking like bananas soon. LOL I love Bette’s books I now have the last three books in this series and still some to go in her others. I hope she keeps writing them fast enough. LOL
The pictures coming in from Texas are scary. My heart goes out to them all. Yes, I have had weeks like that but how nice to have two days off.
I feel for the people of Texas. They have more to come too. I’ll be looking for ways to help. At least sending supplies through Red Cross collections or something.
All summer my days were mixed up. Sorry you missed your appointment! I hope you don’t have to pay a fee for it. Your banana tree looks so great! Texas is not doing so good. Even three hours inland where I am, and my parents an hour and a half away, there is massive rainfall and flooding. FEMA, the Task Forces, and the National Guard have been activated.
They didn’t charge me for missing the appointment thankfully:) I hope you stay safe and the weather doesn’t hit you any harder.
The hurricane is very scary and the pictures are horrifying. Prayers to all in the storm. Lately I’ve been mixing up my days alot. LOL Have a great week!
It looks like another long weekend with the holiday so I’m sure I’ll mix up my days again. LOL Things in Texas are a disaster. I was able to donate at our pet shelter as they are sending supplies that way. Now to find an aid station here that’s sending supplies for those poor people.
I’ve missed up days too. I didn’t miss any appointments but I was disappointed when I found out it was only Weds and not Thurs (I was so excited for the week to end already lol). I saw recent pictures of Houston and it’s horrible the damage. I am praying for everyone there! I hope you have a great week!
I’ve done that but it was a Thursday and I thought it was Friday. LOL Houston has been hit so hard and more is coming. I’ve been in some bad hurricanes and feel for them.
I’ve been messed up on my days for weeks it seems. Looking forward to Into The Water Friends had to cancel a trip because of the hurricane.
It’s a good thing it happened before their trip. Things are so bad and getting worse.
And the bananas continue to grow. I love watching them develop. Ultimate Sacrifice looks really good and I’d go grab the dog-related freebies but I already have them
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Yep. I’m hoping for more changes. They should start looking like bananas soon. I thought of you when I spotted the dog themed ones.
Glad you enjoyed your time off, mixed up or not.
sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes
LOL I was so lazy.
Two extra days off spent swimming, reading and napping? Sounds like my idea of heaven!
Of course then it’s natural that the rest of the week is off-kilter. Hope you enjoy your new books!
Yeah. Took time to get back on track:)
I’ve been keeping track of the hurricane as well. Seems like it’s been devastating. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people out there!
It’s still going! It’s heart wrenching to see what’s happening.
I’ve done that sooo many times. Hope you were able to reschedule your appointment.
Your bananas are getting bigger! How exciting. Can’t wait to see them fully grown.
Hope you have a great week!
I’m back on schedule and made a new appointment for Thursday. Now to remember. LOL The bananas should start taking shape soon. Been fun to share.
Bah-nan-ahs… I keep thinking about the minions. Ha ha. It is so interesting. I have never watched bananas grow before. It is terrible about Texas. I guess parts of Louisiana got hit, too. I would get confused about the days during the summer when I don’t work, but I check in every morning on Facebook and people always complain on Mondays, mention that it’s hump day, and TGIF, so I am aware of those days anyway. Ha ha. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
You’d think I wouldn’t get confused as I look at the date on my phone and computer every day. LOL Texas is a disaster. Can’t believe what I’ve been seeing on the telly. The rains are now moving into my area. We’ll get nothing like they are though.
Wow. Your banana plant is doing really well. We got one from my parents who live in SC, but up here in the Northeast, it only grows a little and dies every winter. Lol. It’s never going to grow a banana at this rate. Yes, I’ve gotten days mixed up too! This is why I live and die by my phone calendar now. Otherwise, I would miss appointments all the time.
I’m hoping the bananas start to take shape soon. It’s fun sharing the changes. I have another long weekend coming up. Oh boy. Better leave post it reminders. LOL
Weeks like that are hard to get going sometimes. But they are still nice.
Hope you have a great week!
Yep. Hard to get back in the routine. I am now but have another long weekend coming. LOL