Archive for October, 2017

Welcome to my 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!

And welcome to my Monday Minis Reviews where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

I’m going to take you back in time. To 1898 and H.G. Wells classic story War Of The Worlds.

The War Of The Worlds

by H.G. Wells



Genre: Horror

 My Review

I remember the original movie for this book. It had loads of atmosphere and scared me way more than the more modern one starring Tom Cruise with the techie CG stuff. Mind you, I still enjoyed that one too. And I guess I’m showing my age here when I mention listening to shows on the radio. Not so old that I listened to the original show broadcast in 1938 that caused such a panic. People came into the radio broadcast not having heard it was just a show and actually believed aliens had invaded.  Having read so many books since I first read this and seen so many movies, I figured a reread was in order to see how I felt about it now.

Keeping in mind this was written in 1898, I was surprised by how modern it felt while still feeling like the time it was written in.  I think Wells was a visionary. We hadn’t yet learned to fly and he wrote about Martians in alien space crafts invading our planet.

It’s a thrilling They came, They saw, We conquered story. And I think what made it scarier for me was I kept seeing scenes from the original film while reading it. Towering alien machines that shoot death rays and slithering, ugly aliens. Mr. Wells was one of the great story tellers and I bet he enjoyed scaring the pants off people.

 4  Stars



With H.G. Wells’ other novels, The War of the Worlds was one of the first and greatest works of science fiction ever to be written. Even long before man had learned to fly, H.G. Wells wrote this story of the Martian attack on England. These unearthly creatures arrive in huge cylinders, from which they escape as soon as the metal is cool. The first falls near Woking and is regarded as a curiosity rather than a danger until the Martians climb out of it and kill many of the gaping crowd with a Heat-Ray. These unearthly creatures have heads four feet in diameter and colossal round bodies, and by manipulating two terrifying machines – the Handling Machine and the Fighting Machine – they are as versatile as humans and at the same time insuperable. They cause boundless destruction. The inhabitants of the Earth are powerless against them, and it looks as if the end of the World has come. But there is one factor which the Martians, in spite of their superior intelligence, have not reckoned on. It is this which brings about a miraculous conclusion to this famous work of the imagination.



The War Of The Worlds trailer from 1953.


The War Of The Worlds trailer from 2005.


The War Of The Worlds Radio Broadcast in 1938.


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Welcome to my 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!

I’ve got another one by Peter Tremayne to share today. This is my favorite so far.


  by Peter Tremayne



Genre: Horror

 My Review

This book had all the elements of a good horror story. It takes place in the swamps of Florida. The author gives you some good guys, some bad guys, some really bad guys, and something monstrous that doesn’t discriminate over its chow. And…there’s a hurricane bearing down on all of them.

See, I told you it had some good stuff. And I really had fun. I must confess, being a southern gal, I like stories set in my area. This is my favorite book by Peter Tremayne. I’ve read several and something about this one stood out. Perhaps it was the character development. I enjoy character driven stories and this had a bunch of them. Plus, it took some time to figure out who were the real bad guys.

With lots of intrigue and all the monster stompin and munching you could wish for, I’d recommend this one. And I feel I should mention the ending. Wait. There is one. It just feels like it’s left open for your interpretation. I chose what to believe and you can too, or you can go with what the author gives you. Either way, its wrapped up.

4  Stars



The only time Pirelli had ever heard the swamplands so deathly still was just before a fire had raged through the area — the animals, by some curious instinct, seemed to know something was wrong.

Caleb Burns, a portly man, was hunting in the forests of Florida with his friend, Jeff Smith.

The manatee, the largest aquatic species of mammal in the swamp country, was highly prized by hunters but for the last twenty years state law had made it illegal to shoot it.

In the sweltering heat, they get more than they bargained for…

A few yards away from them the black, dank waters suddenly began to erupt in a swirling torrent of froth, dwarfing them with its gigantic size.

It gazed at them for a moment from angry, red-veined eyes. An awesome cry echoed deep in its throat from behind razor-sharp incisor teeth, teeth that glinted like a row of stilettos.

For what seemed an eternity it stood like a malevolent statue. Then it swooped, its jaws gnashing viciously…

Where does this blood-thirsty, other-worldly beast come from?

Peter Pirelli, and Everglades National Park Ranger, is trying to discover what this mysterious beast truly is.

With more innocent lives on the line, will he be able to find out before it’s too late?



The cover I used for my review is the eBook one I own. Here is the paperback cover published in 1989.

Which do you like more?


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Sunday Post

Some chit chat.

It’s been interesting since my last Sunday post. Hurricane Nate came in late Saturday night. It was super windy and tons of rain. But no major damage. It did blow down all the pecans in my trees. It sounded like bombs going off. I went out Sunday morning and there were thousands of them on the back porch and in the front and back yard.


I’ve been gathering them up and the pecan wholesaler opens Monday. Hoping for a good price as these are Elliot’s, the cream of the crop. We’ll see.


And I’ve got some iffy news about my bananas. The batch was on the tallest tree and it was above the roof line. The winds blasted it and broke it. Dang it!


They actually are still growing and looking better than the first few attempts. The top of the tree is bent over but still green so who knows. I think they were protected hidden between the other trees and might make it. Those pale yellow flowers are now getting longer and becoming little bananas. Cross you finger that they keep going! I know they look small but this is when the actually banana forms and gets  bigger.

Happy Sunday everyone!


My new books this week.

Just one!


I probably should have shown the ones in my Amazon cart. There’s a bunch waiting for me to decide on. LOL


And here are some freebies for ya. Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

Better Watch Out by [Rose, Willow]  Murder In The Neighborhood by [Lane, Janis]  Resurrection: A Zombie Novel: Resurrection Book 1 by [Totten, Michael J.]

Poison in Paddington (A Cozy Mystery) (Cassie Coburn Mysteries Book 1) by [Silver, Samantha]  The Paranormal Investigations of Mr Charles Fort (Charles Fort Historical Mysteries Book 1) by [Scott, T E]  52 Steps to Murder (Book 1 Dekker Cozy Mystery Series) by [Demaree, Steve]

Snowed by [Pamela Burford]  Start Again: A Contemporary Romance Novel (Start Again Series #1) by [Saman, J.]  Chocolate Kisses and Love Filled wishes: A Fabulous Feel Good Holiday Romance (Christmas on Kissing Bridge Mountain Book 3) by [West, Linda]


Books I reviewed this week. Click on the covers to read my reviews.

Tales Of Horror On Halloween Night by [Sands, Samie, Hall, Kevin, Suscheck Jr., Dave, Price, Georgina, Boving, Nicholas, Finn, K, Pugliese, Anthony, Harper, James, Lockwood, Andy, Pacini, Amy]  36176840  36288212  36073213

  35992505  34724899  35005186

32509098  32717348


Other posts on my blog this week.

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #8 ~ Tales Of Horror On Halloween Night

The Rememdium Series by Ashley Fontainne ~ Tour and Giveaway

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #9 ~ My Monday Minis Reviews #68 ~ Don’t ask About The Guy In The Basement

Blasting About 16 Millimeters by Larissa Reinhart

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #10 ~ Teaser Tuesday #221 ~ A Witchy Boxed Set

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #11 ~ Binge Watchers #2 ~ Stranger Things

A Supernatural Horror ~ The Darkness: Giger, Texas – Review and Giveaway

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #12 ~ All Kinds Of Sea Monsters

Ultimate Sacrifice by S.E. Green ~ Review and Giveaway

The Friday 56 #168 ~ Flesh by Laura Bickle

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #13 ~ Freakin Fridays #58 ~ Shallow Graves

Blitz and Giveaway ~ In Wolves’ Clothing by Greg Levin ~ An Adult Psychological Thriller

31 Days Of Thrills And Chills ~ Day #14 ~ Saturday Screams #39 ~ Black Bayou


Leave your link and I’ll come visit you.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!

And welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

Black Bayou

The Dark Legacy #1

by Sara Clancy



Genre: Horror / Paranormal

 My Review

Now this is more like it. The story starts out with an explosive scene and really doesn’t slow down much from there.

Events move swiftly after Marigold’s parents tried to drown her in the bath tub. Turns out they had a huge secret. Once it’s exposed, Marigold has to leave town to avoid those who blame her for what her parents did. Her aunt offers to let her come live with her in New Orleans, so off she goes.

This is where you’d expect things to slow down a bit while the author gives you some filler. But, it doesn’t. Weird and scary things happen as Marigold travels to New Orleans and keep happening once she gets there.

It takes a lot to make my creep-o-meter spike to the red zone. This story had all the bells and whistles I look for in a solid horror story. And I couldn’t have asked for a more genuine main character. Not to mention the setting. New Orleans is popular for vampire and voodoo stories. And it sure worked good for what lurked in the pages here.

Kudos to the author for choosing the perfect title and great cover art for her story. It’s what first drew me to this book and the story lives up to its name.

Not too long or too short, this story was just right for a late night read. The only hitch, it didn’t really have an ending. A lot of questions were left unanswered. I enjoyed this so much I’ll continue with the series, but leaving me hanging with so much still left open was the one thing that kept if from being a 5 star read.

4  Stars



Marigold La Roux had a perfectly average existence…until the night her parents tried to murder her.

Barely escaping with her life should have been the end of Marigold’s living nightmare. Unfortunately, it was just the beginning. Her entire world starts shattering. She moves to New Orleans to stay with her only living relative, her aunt Delilah. She believes the bustle of Bourbon Street will help her get a fresh start, but strange things start happening to Marigold at the La Roux estate. Ghostly voices whisper in her ear, sharp knives scrape against her door, and something in the darkness lashes out, leaving deep claw marks on her back.

Hoping to understand her torment, she starts delving into her family’s past and is shocked and appalled by what she discovers. She begins to understand why locals shudder at the mere mention of La Roux house. The attacks against her grow more vicious, ravaging not only her body, but also her mind.

Desperate to end her suffering, Marigold teams up with Louis, an occult enthusiast, who hopes his knowledge of the paranormal can help end her family curse once and for all. But, the dark forces of evil are relentless and their twisted hold runs deep in her blood. They will stop at nothing to get what they want: her life.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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In Wolves’ Clothing
Greg Levin
Publication date: October 11th 2017
Genres: Adult, Psychological Thriller


Zero Slade is not a bad guy—he merely plays one when saving children’s lives.

During his seven years on a team fighting child sex trafficking, Zero’s become quite good at schmoozing with pimps, getting handcuffed by cops and pretending not to care about the Lost Girls he liberates. But the dangerous sting operations are starting to take their toll on his marriage and sanity. His affinity for prescription painkillers isn’t exactly helping matters.

When the youngest girl the team has ever rescued gets abducted from a safe house in Cambodia, Zero decides to risk everything to find her. His only shot is to go rogue—and sink deeper into the bowels of the trafficking world than he’s ever sunk.

It’s the biggest mission of his life. Trouble is, it’s almost certain death.


“A truly original and enthralling novel. Levin’s blazing prose and acerbic wit capture the madness—and the humanity—of working undercover in the darkest corners.”
Radd Berrett, former Jump Team member, Operation Underground Railroad

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy a glimpse inside

I can’t remember if I took an oxy during the flight, so I eat two. They pair nicely with the scotch.

It’s good to be home.

I should be upstairs sleeping, especially since I didn’t catch a single wink on the flight from Guadalajara. But there’s something I have to finish first.

An eight-letter word for gradually losing one’s edge.


I fill in each box of 27 Down with my black pen and take another sip of scotch. It’s times like these I turn into God. The crossword squares fill up by themselves in a secret blurry code. A few of the answers might even be correct.

The black pleather couch makes love to me as I solve 32 Across.

A four-letter word for spouse.


She’s leaning on the banister, wearing a white T-shirt and gray sweatpants that might have fit me when I was ten. Her eyes, almond-shaped during waking hours, are half open.

“You’re home?” she says, pre-dawn gravel in her voice.

“Hi, baby,” I say while trying to conceal the nearly empty lowball glass in my hand. “Sorry to wake you. I’ll be up in a sec.”

Neda yawns and combs her hand through a shining cascade of black hair. “What time d’you get in?”

I scratch my shaved dome, feeling the perspiration forming, and say, “Uh, a little after one maybe.”

Neda opens her eyes the rest of the way. “You’ve been here for nearly two hours? Why didn’t—”

“Baby, I just needed to unwind a bit before bed.”

Neda’s eyes open wider than the manual recommends. “Why must unwinding always involve single malt and a crossword?” she asks. “You know, some men unwind by spooning their beautiful wife. Especially when they haven’t seen her in four days.”

I ponder the answer to 36 Across.

“Zero!” Neda shouts.

The sound knocks the pen from my fingers, and I go, “I didn’t want to wake you.”

“And look how that worked out for you,” says Neda. “At least if you’d come up when you got home you wouldn’t be getting yelled at.”

I tell her not to be mad, then get up from the couch as gracefully as a man two drinks and twenty milligrams in can. “I knew if I woke you right when I got home, you’d want to talk about the mission.”

I realize this is not what God would say. I can tell by Neda’s face.



Author Greg Levin

author in wolves


Greg Levin is an award-winning author of contemporary fiction with a dark comedic tinge. He’s gone from being read merely by immediate family and friends to being read also by extended family and Facebook acquaintances.

Greg’s novel The Exit Man was optioned by Showtime for development into a TV series, and won a 2015 Independent Publisher Book Award (a.k.a., an “IPPY”). He earned a second IPPY with his next novel, Sick to Death, which Craig Clevenger (The Contortionist’s Handbook) called “a tour de force dark comedy.” Greg’s upcoming book, In Wolves’ Clothing, is due out October 2017 and is his most dangerous work yet. He wrote much of it during a ten-week-long workshop led by the great Chuck Palahniuk (author of Fight Club and lots of other books Greg sleeps with at night).

Greg resides with his wife, daughter and two cats in Austin, Texas. He is currently wanted by local authorities for refusing to say “y’all” or do the two-step.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!

Welcome to Freakin Fridays, where I share my reviews of books that scare you, thrill you, and get those endorphins pumping.

It’s Friday the 13th. Yikes!

What could be better than curling up with a chilling haunted house story. Shallow Graves was free at time of posting. Go HERE or click on the cover to grab a copy. Just be sure to check the price before clicking.


Shallow Graves

The Haunted #1

by Patrick Logan



Genre:  Horror / Supernatural

My Review

It seems like too much for Robert Walker. He’s lost his wife. He’s lost his job. He’s about to lose his house. How will he take care of his daughter, Amy? Where will they go?

Just when it seems like all hope is lost, Robert is given a life preserver. Sean, a mysterious stranger, knocks on his door and presents him with a letter. An aunt unbeknownst to him requests he come take care of her in her last days. If he does this, he’ll inherit her entire estate. What aunt? He’s not aware he had one. But, with the prospect of being homeless looming, he decides to check out the offer. It can’t get any worse, can it?

Oh boy. I might not have seen this author’s spin coming, but I’ve sure read plenty of books and watched many movies with similar situations. I could anticipate all kinds of ways it could get worse. Wish I could tell you how bad it got, but that spoiler thing, ya know.

I liked Robert, He was in a tough situation but his daughter, Amy, was his first priority and he did everything possible to provide for her and keep her safe. Too bad the house had other things in mind.

The story sometimes reads disjointed. When this first happened I was worried. But I quickly discovered it read that way because I was actually in Robert’s shoes, going through the eerie events as him. Once I caught onto that, it actually made this even more crazy. At one point my nerves were so jangled. Things go so sideways for Robert, and I felt his despair and desperation.

Other characters enter the story as you get to the meat of it. They play some crucial roles in this stories ending and I expect they will keep contributing with each new book. My imagination comes into play and I’m excited to see how the author spins it. Especially after the surprise ending for Shallow Graves.

   4  Stars



Not all houses are made of brick and stone… Robert Watts is having the worst day of his entire life: first he’s laid off, then he finds out that his wife is having an affair… with his boss no less. And that’s only the beginning.

Before the month is out, Robert finds himself alone to raise his daughter with no money, no job, and a house that is minutes from being repossessed. Just when he hits rock bottom, a strange visitor arrives at the doorstep of his soon to be foreclosed house with a letter from an Aunt he didn’t know existed.

The offer is simple: look after Aunt Ruth during her dying days, and in return Robert will be bequeathed the Harlop Estate in which she currently resides. It’s a no brainer and Robert jumps at the opportunity, equally motivated by the prospect of financial security as he is for a fresh start.

Problem is, it only takes a few nights in the Harlop Estate before he begins to question Aunt Ruth’s claims that they are the home’s only inhabitants…

It’s the scratching he hears during the night, the voices that he can barely make out over the constant rain, and then there’s the girl with the rat…

With their house foreclosed and their bank accounts liquidated, Robert and his daughter Amy desperately need a place to live. But the question Robert soon finds himself struggling with is whether living in the Harlop Estate is worth it… and if he can survive until Aunt Ruth passes to collect his inheritance.

Shallow Graves is the first book in the Haunted Series, chilling, gruesome, and truly haunting tales with a twist that you will never see coming.



Other books available in The Haunted Series.

32871333  33141042  33796681  34200802

And you can pre-order the sixth book available October 31st.


Clicking on the covers will take you to Amazon.


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to The Friday 56 hosted by Freda’s Voice.


This is a really fun meme!

The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find a sentence or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it.

Then go over to Freda’s Voice and leave your link so we can visit your 56!

My 56 for this week is from:


  by Laura Bickle


Genre: YA Horror

My 56 from the eBook

My voice quavers. But I’ve got to get some power, some leverage in this situation. Nothing else is stopping her from eating me.

This is from a crazy scene. I’ve enjoyed a bunch of Laura’s books and this is another winner.


Read on if you want to know more.


The dead are easy to talk to. Live people, not so much.

Charlie Sulliven thinks she knows all the secrets of the dead. Raised in a funeral home, she’s the reluctant “Ghoul Girl,” her reputation tied to a disastrous Halloween party. But navigating her life as a high school sophomore is an anxiety-inducing puzzle to her. She haunts the funeral home with her parents, emo older brother, Garth, their pistol-packing Gramma, and the glass-eyeball-devouring dachshund, Lothar.

Chewed human bodies are appearing in her parents’ morgue…and disappearing in the middle of the night. The bodies seem tied to a local legend, Catfish Bob, who has resurfaced in the muddy Milburn river near Charlie’s small town. When one of Charlie’s classmates, Amanda, awakens in the cooler as a flesh-eating ghoul, Charlie must protect her newfound friend and step up to unravel the mystery…and try to avoid becoming lunch meat for the dead.



Leave your link and I’ll drop by your 56.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Ultimate Sacrifice
S.E. Green
Publication date: October 3rd 2017
Genres: Horror, Young Adult

My Review

Well, this wasn’t what I was expecting, in a good way.

Told from Vickie’s, seventeen years old, point of view, the story begins when her brother finds a little girl’s body in the woods by their house. It appears to be a ritualistic sacrifice. The family is under suspicion because of the close proximity of the murder and their connection to the girl. Hounded by and condemned in the press, Vickie digs deep, looking for something, anything, to clear her and her family.

This story goes quickly. As Vickie gets desperate and does some stupid things to solve the murder, the more reckless she becomes. Her actions are believable. You know how you watch a movie and scoff when the character goes in the basement after hearing a strange noise. We are so sure nothing bad will happen to us that we often do go see. I could feel her frustration when people look at her strange. And her family has some deep, dark secrets. She thinks she knows them, but she doesn’t.

Reminds me so much of a movie I watched a long time ago. Two couples are racing to get away from demon worshipers after coming across their sacrifice. Just like in that movie, I kept getting nigglings of something supernatural. Not just because of how the little girl was killed either.

I also knew that the more Vickie stuck her nose into the investigation, the darker things would become. It was subtle to begin with. Then I started to get an idea where the author was taking me, and couldn’t wait to see if I was right. I knew what I wanted to happen. It’s horror, right. And I got it. A surreal ending.

4 Stars



Vickie has always lived a quiet, ordinary life in an equally quiet and ordinary small town. Yet one fateful night a child turns up dead in the woods behind her house in a ritualistic slaughter. Vickie and her family are suddenly thrown into a national spotlight. But as the investigation unfolds, she begins to realize her family isn’t so ordinary after all. Evil is inching closer to those she holds dear and Vickie isn’t sure who she can ultimately trust.

Goodreads / Amazon

Author S.E. Green

S. E. Green (aka Shannon Greenland) is the award winning author of the thriller, KILLER INSTINCT, the spy series, THE SPECIALISTS, and the romances, THE SUMMER MY LIFE BEGAN and SHADOW OF A GIRL. She lives off the coast of Florida with her very grouchy dog. ULTIMATE SACRIFICE is her debut YA horror, due out October 2017.

Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter


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a Rafflecopter giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!

I love stories with sea monsters. Got three fun ones to share today by Peter Tremayne.

The Curse Of Loch Ness

by Peter Tremayne



Genre: Horror

My Review

Right from the get go this story had weird vibes. Kind of supernatural.

When Jeannie arrives at the castle she inherited in Scotland, she’s met by a strange woman claiming to be the estate’s housekeeper. She’s rude and kind of creepy. And it sets the tone for what’s to come.

As Jeannie explores the castle and surrounding area, she begins to think something is wrong. Where is everyone? What is wailing below the castle? Why does she feel impending doom?

I liked this book. Almost felt gothic. All gloomy and desolate. And the author gave an interesting angle on the creature. Why it’s there. What it wants.

Not too scary and reads kind of slow in the beginning, but then it gets intriguing. A different kind of Nessie.

 3 Stars



Through the gaps in the swirling mist she could make out, perhaps two hundred feet below, something which looked like a rag doll, arms and legs askew at strange angles.

London-raised Jeannie Millbuie has received news that she has unexpected inherited a Scottish castle after the death of her previously unknown relative.

As the only heir of Donald Millbuie, Jeannie travels up to Scotland to take a look at Balmacaan Castle to determine its future.

The castle, which stood on the banks of Loch Ness, along with its odd housekeeper, Mrs. Murdo, and tales of the oddly reclusive previous owner, is a bit in bad shape, but Jeannie is determined to not make a rash decision about its future.

The weird wailing that echoed through the castle and the general eerie atmosphere led to Jeannie asking questions which Mrs. Murdo brushes off, but after exploration of her relatives old quarters reveals a journal, she learns of a horrible truth the Balmacaan Castle and lake is hiding.

Millbuie and the being hiding in Loch Ness have tied fates – and the terrifying and hideous truth will threaten safety and sanity in a race to the end.

The Curse of Loch Ness is a menacing story of the marriage of man, myth and magic in a nightmare world of compulsive horror and evil.


This was first published in 1979. Here is the original cover.




by Peter Tremayne



Genre: Horror

My Review

A beast beneath the waves. Now that sounds interesting.

When men drill too deep into the ocean sea bed they awaken an ancient beast. That’s when it all starts. People disappear. Mysterious attacks are made on the oil rig. And then the beast shows itself. It’s every man for himself when the killing really begins.

I’ve seen several movies and read plenty of books with this story line. Never gets old for me.

And while this one didn’t blow me away, it was a fun creature story. I can’t resist monsters from the deep. And this one is a water demon. Something different for me.

3 Stars



Nicor the mythical water demon…

The monsters straddled the bay, giant black rowers, spurring flame far into the tropical night. From the belly of each a long, sharp proboscis stabbed down into the sea bed…

Oil rigs. Slashing, whirling teeth biting greedily into the ocean floor, sucking deeply of its secrets. Secrets that should have remained forever buried in those peaceful waters.

Oscar Blumen, a drilling superintendent is working aboard one such oil rig – ES 127. A semi-submersible anchored in the Caribbean Sea.

His job, and the job of his fellow employees aboard the oil rig, is to drill a new hole…

For in those Caribbean depths lurked something beyond the feeble powers of man, an abomination that the oilmen’s relentless probing would provoke into a violent frenzy of retribution and surging…

Amid murders, disappearances, police investigations and mysterious attacks on the oil rig itself, the crew must fight for their lives against a seemingly unreal and unbelievable monster…


This was first published in 1987. Here is the original cover.


The Morgow Rises!

by Peter Tremayne



Genre: Horror

My Review

Over fishing forces the fishermen of the Cornish village of Bosbradoe to venture further and further out to sea to find fish. On one such trip a man and his son are attacked in their boat. A giant leviathan from the depths of the ocean has risen. It’s angry. It’s hungry. It could be unstoppable.

A quick read, though a bit slow to really get into the meat of the story. I liked the Morgow. An interesting legend and new to me. That’s always intriguing.

Take a good look at the cover. Doesn’t that look like a giant piranha? i would have liked more scenes with the monster but this was still a fun read.

3  Stars



Beware when the Morgow rises;
Lament for the living.
Lament for the unborn.
All things end!

Billy Scawen and his son, Jack are local fisherman of the sleepy coastal, Cornish village of Bosbradoe.

This season, the fishing has been particularly bad.

What could be causing this shortage of fish?

Twenty-five years ago, Billy had skippered a trawler out of Penzance. That had been in the days when the Cornish fishing fleet was a force to be reckoned with.

Without protection for native fishermen, the Cornish seas were being farmed bare by the factory trawlers from upcountry, from France and even from the Soviet Union.

This meant the locals had to go further and further afield just to make their living.

While out to sea, aboard their ship, Ysolt IV, Billy and Jack have no choice but to explore further to find a decent haul.

Suddenly, something hard seemed to smash into the underside of the boat. The waters around them seemed to erupt. Billy Scawen’s mouth dropped open in horror, the briar pipe falling to the boards and smashing to pieces.

Then young Jack Scawen gave one long, piercing shriek of terror…


This was first published in 1982 Here is the original cover.



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The Darkness: Giger, Texas

Joe M. Solomon

Genre: Horror/Supernatural

Publisher: NES Publishing, LLC

Date of Publication: October 3, 2017

ISBN: 978-0-9990024-0-7 / ASIN: B07435H5YR

Number of pages: 372 / Word Count: 106,029

Cover Artist: Syneca Featherstone



My Review

Between the great cover art and thrilling blurb, I knew this could be a good book, and it was.

It seems like an ordinary night. Well, aside from the hurricane that’s blowing in, ready to devastate everything in its path. Power will go out, leaving all in darkness. But it’s no ordinary darkness. It’s taken on a life of its own. Forms attack, killing millions. The only weapon is light. And with the storm, there won’t be any once the power grids go down.

Michael isn’t prepared. How could he be? And his girlfriend is out there somewhere. He has to find her. Save her. So he heads out into the dark. Along the way, he hooks up with some friends and strangers. None of them know what’s happening. They just know the darkness kills. What caused it? Why? They may not live to find out.

I was reading this book while tracking Hurricane Irma, watching Florida get hammered by the very conditions described in it. It sure did make my imagination run wild. The lights go out. The wind howls. Things start crashing into your house. You can’t see what’s coming. And then it starts to flood. The water rises. That’s truly scary. Even scarier is the darkness becoming corporeal. being able to touch you. To hurt and kill you.

And, as with all things human, when disaster strikes the good come together and help each other, and the bad crawl out from under their rocks to wreak havoc. As bands of survivors struggle to stay alive, to keep some form of light on to ward off the things in the dark, they also have to contend with others who want what they have.

I think the author did a good job of giving us realistic characters and came up with some twisted scenarios that were believable. It was easy to picture and made things edgy, creepy.

Definitely a book I recommend you read at night. If you aren’t afraid of the dark now, you could be once you’ve read it.

4 Stars



When night falls in Giger, Texas, shadows gather as they always do in dim corners and other areas bereft of light.  But this time they consolidate and attack any who tread too close. Michael Warren, a twenty-four-year-old resident of Giger, finds himself at the epicenter of this horror and is stunned by the losses suffered overnight.  Then the sun sets and the shadows again coalesce, growing more aggressive, the darkness eviscerating anyone it touches.

His only weapon light, Michael struggles to survive and searches frantically for his girlfriend, aiding friends along the way.  When Hurricane Daniel roars ashore, wind gusts shred trees and tear down power lines, plunging all of Southeastern Texas into blackness that only feeds and strengthens the encroaching darkness.  Rising floodwater provides easy thoroughfares from which the darkness can strike as Michael and his friends contend with the elements, clash with criminals, and battle their way to his residence where they will stand against the darkness and fight to survive.

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Enjoy this excerpt:

Startled, Eddie blinked and wiped at his own eyes. “What was…? Hello?”

No answer.

His pulse picked up. “C-Curt, you in here… you a-a-a-asshole?”

A box fell behind him.

Eddie spun around, body tight as a knot, eyes wide as their sockets would allow. “Wh-h-h-h-who the hell’s that?” he demanded with as much sternness as he could inject into his quivering voice.

Soft whispers trickled out of a minuscule pocket of emptiness near the back door on the farthest wall. There, amid the gloom, something progressed toward him. At first, its movements appeared mechanical, inelastic. Then it evolved into a smooth flow. A soft ripple. A consolidated wave of darkness.


About the Author:

Joe M. Solomon earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas, followed by both master’s and doctoral degrees from Rice University. Joe’s supernatural thriller The Darkness: Giger, Texas released in 2017. A second novel—The Light: Houston, Texas—and a collection of short stories that arise from the macabre will soon follow.

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