Books From The Backlog #11 ~ Celeste Files: Unlocked

Posted: June 6, 2019 in Paranormal or fantasy, Romance, suspense
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If you’re like me, you have a pile of books beckoning to you from your lists. Carole hosts this fun feature where you can share some of those older books and perhaps nudge you to finally read them. If you want to join in on the fun, head over to Carole’s Random Life In Books and leave a link to your post.

Celeste Files: Unlocked

Psychic CORE #1

  by Kristine Mason



Genre: Paranormal / Suspense / Romance


Some secrets should remain locked in the past…

Celeste Kain hasn’t had a psychic vision in two years. After being brutally attacked while helping criminal investigation agency CORE stop a serial killer, her mind repressed her clairvoyant abilities. Married to CORE agent, John Kain, mother to their toddler, Olivia, and owner of an up-and-coming bakery, Celeste has been doing fine psychic-free. Only now the dead are using her body to tell their stories again…putting her new life and family at risk.

Haunted by a murdered woman, Celeste turns to a psychic mentor to learn how to control her gift, protect her family and bring justice to the dead. But the more she digs into the dead woman’s past, the further she slips into the unknown, unlocking secrets literally worth killing for. As the body count rises, it becomes clear: someone in the dead woman’s family is deeply, violently wrong. And Celeste needs to be careful, before she loses something more precious to her than her life.

Celeste Risinski, the heroine of Shadow of Danger (Book 1 CORE Shadow Trilogy), is back with her own series. Join her as she learns how to deal with being a wife, mom, baker and…psychic investigator.

Amazon / B&N


I added this book back in June of 2015 and I own a copy. Kristine always writes such fabulous characters and I’ve loved several of her books. I plan to read my way through all of them.


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  1. That cover is perfect for the synopsis. So intriguing! I hope that you enjoy it when you do get the chance to read it. 🙂

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I love that cover and it is perfect for the description. Can’t wait to get started on this:)

  2. Tammy says:

    I’ve never read this author, but I love the sound of this book. Hope you can find time to read it!

  3. Oh I love the sound of this! I love the psychic helping with murder investigations angle a lot!

  4. Sherry Fundin says:

    Sweeet. I loved the series and I think you will too. Happy reading.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    • fuonlyknew says:

      I know I’m going to love it. I had a set back on getting to her books when I started my new job. Now I’m ready to get at them!

  5. This sounds like such a good read, I’m definitely intrigued by it. The book has such a great cover too. I hope you enjoy it when you get to read it. 🙂

  6. Sophia Rose says:

    Juggling real life with a psychic gift like that would make for an interesting read. I suspect you’ll enjoy this one when you get the chance.

  7. Beware Of The Reader says:

    Me think that indeed the cover fits the synopsis to a “T”!

  8. Bea says:

    This sounds really intriguing. I might have to check it out.

  9. Literary Feline says:

    This sounds good. I enjoy reading books featuring psychic powers. I hope you love this one.

  10. Carole says:

    This one is new to me. I do have a few authors that I tend to collect so I can be sure to read all of their books. I hope you enjoy this one, Laura!

  11. I hope you enjoy it when you get to read it!

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