Books From The Back Log #58 ~ Carpe Bead ‘Em

Posted: January 14, 2021 in Chick Lit, Meme
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If you’re like me, you have a pile of books beckoning to you from your lists. Carole hosts this fun feature where you can share some of those older books and perhaps nudge you to finally read them. If you want to join in on the fun, head over to Carole’s Random Life In Books and leave a link to your post.

Carpe Bead ‘Em

by Tonya Kappes





Genre: Chick Lit / Women’s Fiction


**eFestival of Words 2012 Women’s Fiction Winner From USA TODAY Bestselling Author Tonya Kappes**

Orphaned at a young age, Hallie Mediate was raised by her (slightly) crazy Great Aunt Grace on the wrong side of the tracks in Cincinnati. Hallie dreamed of escaping her hometown and never looking back. After putting herself through college, landing her dream job in Chicago, and starting a romance with her handsome running partner Bo Pompillio, life is finally exactly as she wants it.

That is, until she’s transferred back to the hometown. Not wanting her past to cross paths with her future, Hallie puts her relationship with Bo on hold.

When she arrives in town, Hallie finds crazy Aunt Grace rummaging through a dumpster looking for the “perfect” welcome home gift for her niece. That’s just the beginning. After that, Aunt Grace stays busy by dying her stolen poodle’s hair pink and leaving the dog on her apartment roof to pee, throwing bricks out the window at passing neighbors, and climbing every flag pole to kiss the ornamental eagle.

Hallie finds some sanity at a local jewelry-making class where she uncovers a hidden talent for beading. When her talent is discovered by a major department store jewelry buyer, Hallie realizes that what she had in Chicago might not have been her dream life after all.

When faced with the choice of moving back to Chicago and Bo or taking a leap of faith to start her own jewelry company (with Aunt Grace in tow), Hallie has to make a decision. Will she let her past and her future collide, or will she or keep searching for the happiness she may already have found?



I added this back on January 2017.

I’ve enjoyed so many of her books and surprised I let this one slip by me for so long.


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  1. Lelia T says:

    Tonya Kappes is a hoot 😄

  2. Tammy says:

    This does sound good, I can see why you added it to your TBR😁

  3. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader says:

    Oooh I totally get why you added it to your TBR at the time.

  4. Literary Feline says:

    I am familiar with the author, but don’t think I have read anything by her. Such a cute cover! This sounds like a fun book. I will have to give Kappes a try.

  5. Sophia Rose says:

    Tonya Kappes books are so fun and this one is one I’d not noticed before. Enjoy, Laura!

  6. Sam@WLABB says:

    I am not familiar with this author, but the book sounds like a lot of fun.

  7. Carole says:

    I would pick this one up just for Aunt Gertie! She sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. Hope you get a chance to read it soon…

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