The Sherwood Proof by Kristee Ravan

Posted: December 7, 2021 in Fantasy, giveaways, middle grade
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On Tour with Prism Book Tours
The Sherwood Proof


(The Lily Sparrow Chronicles #3)


By Kristee Ravan
Middle-Grade, Fairy Tale, Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 569 Pages
November 23, 2021 by Kristee Ravan

Lily Sparrow has finally created an equation for being a good princess.
Things are adding up and making sense, and she’s even growing a
measurable amount more excited about her future. But unexpected
variables keep being tossed into her equation:

1. Carole Claus is facing her first hurdle as Santa. She needs Lily’s help.
2. Lily’s Half-Birthday–an important Smythian tradition–is coming up, requiring her to find time to prepare for it.
3. Her algebra teacher has an unusual (and stressful plan) for Lily.
4. Lily remains convinced that her mom is hiding something from her.
5. The investigation into the traitor is an on-going source of stress and tension at work for Lily and Calo.
6. Oh, and Calo’s still betrothed to Su’Sauna, making life difficult and confusing all around.

Will Lily be able to place these variables securely in her equation?
Will the Sparrow family find a way to convince their critics they are
good for the Kingdom? Or will everything fall apart–subtracting all the
good will Lily has already earned from her citizens?

(Affiliate links included.)
Enjoy this peek inside:

Carole didn’t budge.

“Go on.” Corrie pushed again.


“Carole?” I asked. “What’s going on?”

“You do it, Lily.” Her voice was a whisper.

“Do what?”

“Go talk to him. Feel him out or something.”

“What?!” That eggnog lip gloss was affecting her brain.


“Carole, you’re being crazy right now. What am I going to say to him? I don’t know how to talk to boys.”

“Also,” Eric put in, “I’m not comfortable with the Princess being that far away from me.” He looked through the shelves again. “It’s over thirty feet.”

“Nothing is going to happen, Eric,” I protested.

“Kara gave me specific instructions for these outings. We cannot be sure that—”

“Enough, Eric,” Corrie spoke up. “No one’s going to risk Lily.” She turned to Carole. “It’s a lot. I get it. I’ll go talk to him.”

I looked at Corrie, stunned. She knew how to talk to boys? When did she learn that formula?

“Wait!” Carole grabbed Corrie’s arm just before she stepped into the aisle. “Take this.” She shoved a candy cane into Corrie’s jacket pocket and held up an identical one. “It’s a listening device,” she explained. “So we can hear what he says.”

“Where did you get that?” I asked as we watched Corrie approach Mikey.

Carole shrugged. “We use them for surveillance at the North Pole.”

“I thought you used the Showglobe for that.”

“Hush, Algebra. She’s talking!”

Hi!” We heard Corrie say through the candy cane. We watched as she stood next to Mikey.

Hey,” he said. He looked up at her.

Corrie cleared her throat. “Um, can I borrow your notes from class this morning?

You’re not in my class.”

She laughed nervously. “No, I know. They’re for my friend, who is in your class. She’s in that class. Your history class, she’s in that class.

You look really young. Are you in high school?

Bye!” Corrie dashed back to our shelf. “It did not go well,” she whispered to us.

“We heard.” Carole sounded discouraged.

We all bent to look through the shelf again. “He’s gone,” I pointed out.

“You dropped this,” a voice behind us said.

We all jumped. Eric hit his head on the shelving.

Mikey’s face was dark as he held out the candy cane.

Excerpted from The Sherwood Proof by Kristee Ravan, Copyright © 2021 by Kristee Ravan. Published by Kristee Ravan.



Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Kristee Ravan lives in Oklahoma with her husband, daughter, and pet fish, Val (short for Valentine). She wanted to be many things as she grew up including a general, an artist, and an architect. But she never bothered to say, “I want to be a writer when I grow up.” She was always writing stories and thought of herself as a writer anyway. She sent her first story to a publisher in the sixth grade. (It was rejected – in a nice way.) When she is not making up stories in her head, she enjoys reading, juggling, green smoothies, playing dollhouse with her daughter, and hearing from her fans. You can contact Kristee at the Facebook page for her Lily Sparrow books: The Lily Sparrow Chronicles.


Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway


Three winners will receive a print copy of The Sherwood Proof (US only)

Ends December 15, 2021

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  1. Anne says:

    The Sherwood Proof sounds wonderful and unique. I love the cover design. The color and the artwork is beautiful and reflects the book. Congratulations. A beautiful book which my grandchildren would treasure greatly.

  2. kristeeravan says:

    Thanks for hosting The Sherwood Proof on your blog!

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