Archive for December 15, 2022


Former rock star and world-class drinker Joshua Traxon leaves LA for small town VT, escaping tragedy, finding love…

By Dave Abare



Book Blurb


Josh Traxon, a former rock/reality TV
star, moves from L.A. to Vermont, after a failed reality TV show and the
death of his lover Sasha, for which he blames himself. He and his
spunky pug Pickle soon meet their beautiful neighbor, Laurel, her young
boy, Ethan, and her mother, who Josh often spars with. Laurel’s
ex-boyfriend Barry tries to stir up trouble, but with his wit, humor,
and a little bravado, Josh dispatches him—and wins Laurel’s affections.
Narrating directly to the reader at times, Josh humorously and candidly
describes his fondness for chess, his dog, and his embarrassment and
guilt in being a womanizer for much of his life. His love of tequila and
whiskey, however, is a problem, and much of that is tied to his shame
in lying about the auto accident in California that killed his


As Laurel and Josh grow closer, he
notices her getting sick often, but his focus remains on himself and
dealing with his past. As his drinking intensifies, Laurel expresses
concerns, and he admits the details of the accident to her. He decides
he owes Sasha’s father the truth—that Josh had been behind the wheel,
not Sasha—and plans a trip to Connecticut to confess. Laurel accompanies
him, and despite her hesitations, she falls in love with him as he
recounts poignant and hysterical details of his youth. But soon after
arriving, Laurel gets sick again. Josh thinks she’s pregnant with
Barry’s baby, but she tells him she has cancer. They share a tender
moment before she sends him away to visit Sasha’s father, though he
doesn’t want to leave. During the tense visit, Josh realizes (through
words Sasha had spoken to him years earlier and the father’s current
actions) that he’d sexually abused her, and Josh attacks the man


When Josh returns to Laurel, they talk
more about her illness, cry, and make love. The next morning, as Josh
recounts memories of living there, he mentions his dog Timber and that
there was a heart-shaped stone his mother found and placed on his
gravesite. Laurel says they must go get it, and Josh agrees. They meet
the man who owns his childhood home, and he shows Josh the stone, which
he’d dug up years earlier. The two of them end up playing a chess match
that Josh loses, which is a rare event for him. The man tells him he can
take the Timber Stone, which Josh does.


Back in Vermont, all Josh wants is to
get drunk but an unexpected visit from a boy in town keeps him sober, A
battle with Laurel’s ex, Barry, gets Josh briefly thrown in jail. After,
he visits Barry at his home to agree to disagree, but to care for
Laurel like grown-ups. Josh discovers Barry likes chess and they end up
playing, though Josh beats him handily. When Josh arrives home, he
discovers Laurel is in the hospital and goes to see her. She looks frail
and ill, though he tries to lighten the mood with humor and levity. But
Laurel’s cancer has progressed rapidly.


She lives only weeks longer, and at
the very end, they share a heartfelt moment where they talk and listen
to music together, and she gives him a letter. It details her love for
him, her joy in meeting him, and hopes that he will continue having a
relationship with her son, as Ethan also loves Josh. Shortly after her
funeral, Josh is talking with Ethan in his backyard and Ethan mentions a
special spot he and his mother had for picnics. Josh gets the Timber
Stone and asks if he can leave it in that spot. Ethan agrees, they cry,
and then Josh mentions how he now has a family, a purpose.


A few weeks later, a newly sober Josh
drives down the coast to spread Laurel’s ashes, as she’d have wanted. He
realizes his relationship with fame has evolved, how he’s discovered
what’s truly important to him now—sobriety and being there for young
Ethan—and how he wishes he’d learned that lesson, and met Laurel,
sooner. Still, he’s grateful for the brief time they had together, and
how because of her, he’s found out who he really is, and can now thrive
in his awakening.

Book Information


Release Date: October 26, 2022

Publisher: Hear Our Voice LLC

Soft Cover: ISBN: 978-1957913179; 306 pages; $14.05; eBook $.99; FREE on Kindle Unlimited



Book Excerpt



The daylight had stretched itself over the landscape of my front yard, bending off the bright white corners of the outside trim and spilling into pockets that had been dark an hour earlier. A lone beam ricocheted off one of the white gutters that hung from the piece of roofing that covered my front porch, illuminating a patch of grass that was withered and amber in color. In L.A. ninety percent of the grass looked that way, and if you were lucky, you’d get a patch of hunter green, shaggy growth here and there on your lawn, which in total was no bigger than a card table. This particular patch, however, wasn’t the result of poor soil or climate, but instead, the ball of wrinkles and eyeballs I was carrying.

When I lived out west, one of the roadies and guitar techs for my band, Jeremiah Stoven—what a name on that guy—showed up at my place with this nine-week-old puppy. It was wiggling and whining to get out of his arms, dead staring me, so he let it go and the dog was about to stroke out trying to climb up my leg. I sat down on the floor, and his wrinkled, smushed-in face released this maniacal tongue that wiped across every inch of my cheeks and chin as Jeremiah told me their dog had four puppies and this was the last one. He knew I was a dog nut and said he wanted me to have it. Ballsy move, just showing up with it, aware that I’d always been enamored with the critters. I hadn’t had a dog in ages, so Jeremiah said, “It’s time, dude,” and just left the two-pound hairball with me, almost four years ago now. Have to say, it was a near genius move on Jeremiah’s part, arriving pup in hand, never letting me get a word in, and then vanishing as the canine was pissing on my Fender jazz bass. The little bugger had some accidents early on, but he was a quick study to housebreaking.


Pickle had decided, for reasons that only his tiny, deranged mind could know, that when he peed in the front yard of his new place, it would only happen on this one, now brownish spot of turf. He’d storm out of the house, perform his ritualistic dance of what I’d always called “devil circles,” where he’d speed in figure eights confined to a small stretch of earth, then explode into random darts and weaves with his tongue dangling and flopping like an uncooked slice of bacon out of the side of his mouth. Then, without warning, he’d make a beeline to ‘the spot’ and take a leak. I guess this lunatic expulsion of energy was formally called “the zoomies,” according to whatever experts study dogs going batshit nuts, and it was completely normal, but a sight to behold. He’d always done the frantic running, zoomy whatever it is, but the peeing on that specific patch was new behavior. Of course, I had just taken a small animal that had known the same home for his entire life across the country and plopped him in a place that looked entirely different than anything he’d experienced. There was one dainty tree in our backyard in L.A. that wasn’t any taller than the fence that bordered our property, and now he’s surrounded by hundreds that dwarf most of the houses we had on our old block.


Go ahead and take a leak wherever you want, buddy.






About the Author


Dave Abare was born in Hartford,
Connecticut, and has spent most of his life in and around the
Connecticut area. He became enamored with writing at a very young age,
writing his first book, “Troll Island” at eleven years old. This work
was never published, thankfully, but it was the beginning of a passion
that has only intensified over his adult years.

His love of music led him to begin a
part-time gig as a music writer, interviewing bands for his own
“Fanzine” in the mid-eighties, including such Metal icons as Slayer,
Metallica, and Anthrax, as well as bands such as Van Halen, Blues
Traveler, Motorhead and Big Head Todd and the Monsters for other
publications. In the last several years, Dave has spent his time working
on short stories, poems, and his debut novel, “The Swing Over the
Ocean,” which was, in his words, “a bit of a mess” in terms of editing,
etc., but an invaluable self-publishing learning experience. Most
recently, he’s completed work on his second novel, “The Timber Stone,”
which is available for pre-order now.

In addition to writing and music, Dave
enjoys reading, travel, cars, and Pugs (and all critters), as well as
frequenting local New England wineries and breweries, with Tree House
Brewing Co in Charlton, MA being his favorite. You can follow him
@AbareDavey on Twitter or look for his Facebook Author Page.

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Bystander: Seven Stories from the New Espionage Collection

by J.R. Pomerantz


(The New Espionage Collection, #1)
Publication date: November 14th 2022
Genres: Adult, Literary Fiction, Thriller

Can you survive the new espionage?

There are no sidelines.

There are no boundaries.

In the new world order, there’s no such thing as an innocent bystander.

Seven shocking stories from the New Espionage Collection by award-winning author JR Pomerantz.

The Terrifying Importance of Mental Health Jesse’s suffering from synthetic broccoli’s surprise side effects. When he gets hospitalized with both its victim and perpetrator, who will pay the ultimate price?

T-Rex The Deputy Administrator of the State Department has a bone to pick with the Secretary of State, and they both might be fossils.

Golden Boy 144: Marigold Baby Jalia helps Harper give birth in the depths of their corporate greenhouse. Will the labor interrupt their labor long enough to get both of them fired?

The Farm When their visit to their older brother’s pot farm turns deadly, Michael and Baxter fight for their lives in the Northern California woods.

Golden Boy 288: Marigold, Baby Only Jalia knows whose image is manifesting in the mysterious marigolds of Fulfillment Center 6. Can she and Harper keep it a secret from the rest of the greenhouse?

Maury Always Makes It After Maury’s son-in-law goes missing at sea, he and Rico take the investigation into their own hands. Can two elderly alcoholics get to the bottom of a deep-sea fishing mystery?

The Sucking Clarity of Mental Health The battle at Hampton Behavioral Health Facility continues. With synthetic broccoli on the menu, justice can’t be served.

Bystander is your first peek at the subversive, satirical, smart-mouthed New Espionage Collection.

Brace yourself to enter the terrifying near-future of synthetic food, mind control experiments, and one man’s battle for justice against a bad broccoli.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

Several of us were gathered in the television room, waiting for the third and final cigarette break — the last activity of the day. We were all watching NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, a preferred television program of the infirm, it seemed. I was reflecting on how bad the astigmatism in my right eye had gotten since my admittance to the Hampton Behavioral Health Facility, and I was thinking about what I would say to Lester Holt in a live television interview as I watched NBC Nightly News with my left eye closed.

Lester Holt: Are you the spokesperson for your generation?

Me: Yes.

Then I reach out.

And I throttle that poor, trustworthy news anchor.

I’ll make a great famous person.

This particular Nightly News segment was a follow-up to a story they had done earlier in the year about the instances of encephalitis in frozen broccoli, the subsequent cover-up by the agricultural conglomerates, and, ultimately, the manufacture of synthetic broccoli. This Nightly News segment included an interview with The Executive Agricultural Secretary of the United States.

The interview illuminated several things, important to me personally:

  1. Synthetic broccoli may cause insanity or induce coma.
  2. Synthetic broccoli may cause genital abscesses.
  3. The Co-Executive Agricultural Secretary, assistant to the Executive Agricultural Secretary, was sitting right next to me, mumbling and wringing his pasty hands. They were showing a picture of him on television. I looked at the television. I looked at him. I looked back at the television.

Slowly, I put one, two, and three together, but I only arrived at a sum total of five. I blamed the medication for this.

Meanwhile, The Man Who Ate the Letter H, my roommate at the Hampton Behavioral Health Facility, had leapt upon The Co-Executive Agricultural Secretary, I mean, like right up onto his knees, screaming and shaking him by the sweater vest. I marveled at his balance and tried to ignore the one-sided fighting.

The Co-Executive Agricultural Secretary was still just babbling and shaking his head. Even now, I was adding things up and I still didn’t know what was happening.

Later on that night, The Man Who Ate The Letter H told me everything.

  • The Terrifying Importance of Mental Health

in Bystander: Seven Stories from the New Espionage Collection

Author JR Pomerantz:

JR Pomerantz was raised in New Jersey, moved sixteen times, from Albuquerque to Kabul, and now resides in Silver Spring, Maryland. Hobbies include using all the forms of transportation in the world, flamenco guitar, and knitting. She hopes to one day own and operate a coffee farm, or at least live on one. Or near one. Just down the road, maybe. She won’t pop in every day to say hello.

Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Instagram

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thrilled to announce the release of Ashley Fontainne & Janelle Taylor’s Operation DFC today! To help celebrate, we are asking our readers if you can
please pretty please pick up a copy at Amazon and come back and tell us how you liked it or leave a review at Amazon? And don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of this page. Good luck! 



Congratulations, Ashley & Janelle, on your espionage military thriller new release, Operation DFC!





Arriving in Thailand for my first black-op, Operation DFC, as
part of an elite team ready to act on recent intel that over a thousand
men and/or their remains are still behind enemy lines, Bangkok is our
last stopping point before slipping into Vietnam and extracting as many
American prisoners as possible.

For me,
this is personal. From 1971 to 1973, I was a POW; and now, ten years
later, I work for the CIA under the fake identity of John Sims, Field
Expert for Crop World, an international firm run by the agency.


While in my
hotel room, the unthinkable happens. Bangkok may end up being my
greatest challenge as my courage, patriotism, and honor are on the line,
and I find myself in the toughest physical and mental battle of my
life, wondering if Operation DFC will be my first, and last, covert mission.


Release Date: December 10, 2022


Publisher: Georgia Girl Press


Paperback: ‎ 979-8366909396; 360 pages; $15.99; Kindle $5.99


Amazon / Books2Read

Book Excerpt:

Rescuing American soldiers out of grimy pits in Vietnam is my life’s mission, yet I’m fully aware it is also a sensitive issue for both governments. Bartering for their return costs money, and the source of the rescue funds and the intent of the mission are both unknown to the American public. They will remain a secret until someone with a higher paygrade releases the information.

No one wants to endanger this crucial operation with loose talk or create an uprising against the VC that could lead to another invasion. If anyone outside the circle of trusted players learns what we are attempting, it will create a stink bigger than Watergate or the Pentagon Papers. Worse, leaked knowledge of our covert op could blast the whole deal to smithereens, and those brave, broken men might never taste freedom again. They would vanish permanently, just as I could have a decade ago if someone hadn’t risked his life to liberate me.

I will not let that happen.

The soldiers, and their loved ones, deserve better.

Pulling out the next piece of paper, irritation rushes over me as I read the typewritten words:

When WM meets with RL and supplies the code, RL will then give LAT/LONG coordinates to the exchange location near Paracel Islands to WM, who will return to BK and page team leader, RD, at 202-555-1717, and send LAT/LONG intel. Ocean transport of the rescued cargo will begin the journey, and the cargo ship, Triumph, which contains the physical funds, will head to location. Exchange of cargo and funds will take place on board.

“What the hell? Now we’re giving these monsters cash? Why did they tattoo the banking code on me? Why did the plan suddenly change this late in the game? I’m bypassing Carter and giving info straight to RedDog? I don’t like this. Not at all.”

On instinct, I re-read it twice, imprinting RedDog’s pager number before flicking the lighter. The ashes flutter to the floor. Rubbing the remains out with my foot, irritation morphs into anger at this last-minute shift of important details.

Reaching inside the bag again, my fingers touch a familiar object—the grip of a pistol. Before I can make sense of why a firearm was provided and how I can sneak it on the plane without getting arrested, burning pain shoots up from my palm and straight to my brain. Dropping the gun, I look at my hand, noticing several tiny needle pricks in the palm milliseconds before my vision blurs.

The room spins as my throat locks up.

Collapsing to my knees, I gasp for air, wondering what kind of poison courses through my veins as a vortex of dizziness overtakes my mind, followed by ebony darkness.



About the Authors




Award-winning and International bestselling author, Ashley Fontainne, has written over 25 books, including the short thriller, Number Seventy-Five,
which took home the BRONZE medal in fiction/suspense at the 2013
Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards. The paranormal thriller
entitled The Lie won the GOLD medal in the 2013 Illumination Book Awards for fiction/suspense. An indie film based on this book, entitled Foreseen, is currently available on video-on-demand. Ruined Wings is
about a young woman’s descent into drug addiction and is currently a
short film. The movie is free to watch and share with others in hopes of
starting a positive dialogue regarding addiction.

Fatal Agreements won the 2019 Independent Audio Awards for best female narrator, Andrea Emmes.


Connect with Ashley to learn more about all her works:


Website / Facebook



Janelle Taylor has 9 NY Times
Bestsellers and many awards along with over 65 million copies in print
worldwide, plus ebooks. She is known as one of the “pioneers of the
romance industry,” and one of the “legends of romance.” She is also
listed on the Top 100 most famous Georgians. She has won many awards for
her books.

Follow Janelle on Twitter @TaylorJanelle6 and Facebook.


Check her out on Amazon Author Pages:


Make sure to visit her official website to learn more about all her amazing titles!


Ashley Fontainne and Janelle Taylor are giving away two Kindle copies of Operation DFC!

Terms & Conditions:

  • By entering the giveaway, you are confirming you are at least 18 years old.
  • Two winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter to receive one copy of Operation DFC.
  • This giveaway ends midnight December 15.
  • Winner will be contacted via email on December 16.
  • Winner has 48 hours to reply.

Good luck everyone!








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