The Case Of The Llama Raising Librarian ~ A Buttercup Bend Mystery by Debbie De Louise

Posted: August 1, 2023 in Cozy Mystery, giveaways
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The Case of the Llama Raising Librarian (A Buttercup Bend Mystery)
by Debbie De Louise


The Case of the Llama Raising Librarian (A Buttercup Bend Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Setting – New York
Next Chapter
Number of Pages TBD (The Word copy has 68,403 Words)
More to Come
After solving two murders in the “peaceful” town of Buttercup Bend, Cathy Carter needs a rest. She also needs time to consider the marriage proposals she received over the holidays from her two boyfriends. But when the town’s librarian asks her to go undercover as her daughter to solve a murder at a llama farm, Cathy leaves her kittens with her grandmother and her friends without an explanation.

At Oaks Landing, she meets the members of the family as well as the gardener, veterinarian, and farm hand who were at the dinner where the murder occurred. The only person who knows the true reason Cathy and Mildred have come to the farm is the daughter of the murder victim who is having trouble convincing relatives and the police that her mother was killed and didn’t suffer the heart attack that was termed her cause of death.

When the truth comes out and a reenactment of the dinner is staged, Cathy must unravel the clues to learn who murdered the retired librarian. Her only clues are references to the tin man and his oil can in the Wizard of Oz that was made by the daughter of the victim who suffers dementia.


Enjoy this peek inside:

As Cathy heard voices from the living room, her heart beat faster as she tried to figure out who was visiting. Michael, Steve, and Nancy hadn’t tried to call or come by for a few days. And, while she was relieved for the peace, she felt guilt and regret at how she was treating them. The voices grew louder as they approached. Her grandmother was speaking with a woman. It wasn’t Nancy or her sister-in-law, Becky. The voice was older. She recognized it as Gran led Mildred Hastings, the librarian, into the kitchen.

“Look who’s here, Catherine? Mildred wants to ask you something. I’ll go put on some tea and be right back.”

Cathy turned to face the librarian. Was she here on Michael, Steve, or, more likely, Nancy’s behalf to find out what was going on with her? She took a breath as the woman smiled and glanced at her through her bi-focals and brushed some flakes of snow from her gray, curly hair. Her brown eyes behind the thick lenses of her glasses held friendliness but a hint of sadness. “Hello, Cathy. I’m sorry I didn’t call, but I wanted to speak with you in person. I need your help.”

Cathy thought the librarian was asking for help with her studies. Like Cathy, she’d gone back to college in the fall. “Sure, Mildred. Are you working on something for school?”

“Oh, no.” Mildred stepped closer and the kittens, wary of strangers, jumped off the window and skittered away. “So sorry to frighten your cats. Hobo is used to me, so when I visit Nancy, he doesn’t run away.”

Hobo was the marmalade tabby her friend adopted from Rainbow Rescues last spring. He lived in Nancy’s downstairs apartment in the house that Mildred owned.

Cathy had hoped that the help Mildred needed was academic, so she was disappointed. “That’s okay, Mildred. They’ll find another window to watch the snow. What do you need? Nancy didn’t send you, did she?”

Mildred shook her head. “No. To be honest, she knew I was coming and asked me to see how you were doing, but that’s not the reason I’m here.”

Before Mildred could explain the purpose of her visit, Florence returned with a tray of tea and cookies. She placed them on the table. “Mildred, please have a seat. I’ll leave you two to talk. If you need anything else, let me know.”

“I’d like you to stay. I think you should hear what I have to ask Cathy.”

Florence raised a gray eyebrow. “Hmm. That sounds mysterious.” As Mildred took a seat at the table, Florence slipped into a chair next to her. Cathy got off the window seat and joined them.

“It is actually mysterious,” Mildred began, as Florence passed her and Cathy mugs. “I don’t know if either of you remember Doris Grady who used to work at the library with me. She retired five years ago when Cathy and Doug first moved in here with you, Florence.”

Cathy had a vague recollection of another librarian who once read to her and Doug in the library’s children’s corner when they visited Gran as kids. Florence nodded. “I remember Doris. She moved to a town near Hyde Park. I attended her retirement party.”

“I forgot that you were there.” Mildred blew on her mug and then took a sip of tea. She turned to Cathy. “I didn’t say anything to Nancy about what I’m about to ask you. She thinks I’m visiting to find out why you’re avoiding her. I know you’re going through something, but this may be just what you need to take your mind off it.”

Cathy gripped her teacup as the librarian continued. She had no idea what was coming. Was she suggesting therapy? Did she want to stage an intervention? Was this Gran’s idea, even though her face held puzzlement?

“I’ll cut to the chase, dear.” Mildred took another sip of tea and then placed her cup back on the coaster Gran had provided. Her next words were a shock. “Doris is dead. Her daughter thinks she was murdered. I’m hoping you’ll help me find her killer.”


About Debbie De Louise

Debbie De Louise is an award-winning author and a retired reference librarian. She is a member of Sisters-in-Crime, International Thriller Writers, and the Cat Writers’ Association. She writes two cozy mystery series, the Cobble Cove Mysteries and Buttercup Bend Mysteries. She’s also written a paranormal romance, three standalone mysteries, a time-travel novel, and a collection of cat poems. Her stories and poetry appear in over a dozen anthologies. Debbie also writes articles for cat magazines. She lives on Long Island with her husband, daughter, and two cats. Learn more about Debbie and her books by visiting her website at

Author Links: Website/Blog/Newsletter Sign-Up / Facebook / Twitter / Goodreads

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Debbie’s Character’s Chat Group / Sneaky the Library Cat’s blog

Purchase Links:


Purchase Links for BUTTERCUP BEND MYSTERIES – Books 1-3


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July 31 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST  

July 31 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

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  1. Debbie says:

    Thanks so much for hosting a spot on my blog tour.

  2. Nancy P says:

    Sounds fun

  3. Sherry says:

    This definitely looks like a fun series.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. Debbi Wellenstein says:

    I enjoyed the excerpt. Thank you for the giveaway!

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