Archive for the ‘fiction’ Category

I had the honor of receiving this book for an early review. Hope’s Betrayal is a historical romance in every sense of the word. It takes you back to the first romance book you read and evokes those feelings of wonder and anticipation. I can still feel the sun baking my skin as I lay on the pier, enthralled by the story of Hope and George.

Sometimes I like to comment on the cover art. This cover is seductive and the woman is now firmly implanted in my mind as Hope. I love it when the cover compliments the story inside.

Excerpt borrowed from Goodreads

One wild, winter’s night two worlds collide.

Known for his ruthless efficiency, Captain George Huntley is sent to stamp out smuggling on the south coast of England. On a night raid, the Captain captures a lanky lad, but finds his troubles are just beginning when the lad turns out to be a lass, Hope Tyler.

With Hope as bait, the Captain sets a trap to catch the rest of the gang. But in a battle of wills, with his reputation at stake, George Huntley starts to respect feisty, independent Hope. Challenged by her sea-green eyes and stubborn loyalty; Huntley now faces a new threat – his growing attraction to a sworn enemy. And a love where either Hope betrays her own kind, or Captain Huntley is court-marshalled, is not an easy destiny to follow.

I truly enjoyed Hope’s Betrayal. A sweet tale of falling in love despite their different places in society,  the risks of a damaged reputation and the loss of a dream profession.

Hope is forced to join the free traders to feed her family. Smuggling is not her first choice, but what else can she do. To protect herself, she wears a disguise.

Captain Huntley is hell-bent on furthering his career and will not stop until the smugglers gang are all rounded up. He manages to catch one of them, but the lad is injured and he is forced to take him to his estate lest the boy dies.

At first the captain thinks he is going crazy.Upon cleaning up the unconscious lad, he gazes upon his face and feels stirred by him. He leans closer and laughs in relief when he recognizes the lad is a lass. And a beautiful one at that.

The physical attraction might be quick, as it can be in real life, but the emotional attraction is developed slowly. There are many obstacles to overcome for Hope and George if they are to be together and the way will not be easy.


Grace Elliot‘s writing is like a wave, building to a crest as it approaches shore, then crashing down.  As you read the undertow pulls you deeper into the story, tossing you about and then gently depositing you safely on land.

There are a few places in the story where I felt it could have been explained in more detail, but maybe that is because I felt the need for more.

Historical romance has not been my first genre of choice since I was younger, but recently I have discovered some wonderful stories and I am left wondering, when did I wander away from reading them and what took me so long to come back?

Hope’s Betrayal is romance with a touch of innocence and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys falling in love, with all its angst and fervor.


I do not usually read the second book in a series first, so I am going to quickly get reading Eulogy’s Secret (The Huntley Trilogy – Book 1) so that I can tell you all about it.

More exciting news! Grace has graciously(grins) given me a working blurb of the third book in this trilogy, Verity’s Lie. Want to read it? Okay!

Lord Charles Huntley, notorious rogue…and government agent. His latest assignment is to protect a politicians daughter, Verity Verrinder, while her father negotiates an alliance against Napoleon. Huntley embarks on a campaign of seduction to keep Verity under his watchful eye, but hasn’t anticipated falling in love with his charge. When Lord Huntley turns his bone-melting charms on her, Verity suspects she’s exchanging an overbearing parent for a domineering rogue. Denying her attraction to the handsome Huntley, Verity goes in search of freedom, only to run into the clutches of French kidnappers. This leaves Lord Huntley with a stark choice between trying to save Britain’s peace negotiations or the life of the only woman he has ever loved.

I can’t wait to read more. I am hopelessly entangled in the Huntley family saga and these three brothers. What is really great is that each novel is written so that they can stand alone but why would you not want to read them in order. It is so much more fun! 

About Grace Elliot

Grace Elliot leads a double life as a veterinarian by day and an author of historical romance by night. Grace is an avid reader and believes intelligent people need to read romance – as an antidote to the modern world. She works in a companion animal practice near London and is housekeeping staff to five demanding felines.

She has now written three historical romance novels.


To purchase any of these books, just click on the cover images.

You can find out more about Grace Elliot and her books here:

WOO HOO! I am having a spectacular giveaway!
This giveaway is  a little bit different. It is still an easy one, I’ll always keep them easy to enter.

I started a give of M.L. Woolley’s Dark Passage before I went on vacation and I feel I need to do more promotion and extend the deadline.

So here is the deal. I am giving away three paper back books in Rebecca York‘s Moon Series. If you love werewolves and intrigue, you’ll want these. I loved them. More about the books at end of post.

To enter just go to my giveaway page at and follow the easy instructions. You will then have a chance at 4 books! The first place winner will receive the 3 Moon Series books and 1 Dark Passage paperback. Second place and so on will win 1 Dark Passage book.

Note: If you have already entered the Dark Passage giveaway, you will automatically be entered in the Moon Series giveaway.

  In the woods, a killer waits, surrounded by the graves of his victims, anticipating his next kill. In the woods, a wolf stalks its prey, surrendering only to the laws of nature, not of man…

His power grows with every sacrifice. Now he has chosen his final victim. And soon, they will meet in a dream world of ecstasy and agony – from which there is no escape…

 The swamp is their sanctuary. Its nights echo with the beat of their moonlit revels, feeding their dark hunger for power – and for revenge…


If I get 40 entries, the First Place Winner will also receive a paperback copy of Blood Trinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Diana Love.

 Atlanta has become the battlefield between human and demon. All her life Evalle Kincaid has walked the line between the two. Her origins unknown, she’s on a quest to learn more about her past…and her future.

The contest ends on June 23rd at 12:00 A.M. Winners will be randomly chosen and notified by email, so don’t forget to leave your email for your entry.

So, hop on over and enter at a chance to win 5 books!

 Dark Passage

Dark Passage by M.L. Woolley
Dark Passage (Chosen, #1)
by M.L. Woolley(Goodreads Author)

5 of 5 stars false
To all that have already entered this contest, you are now also entered in a giveaway that includes the first 3 paperback copies of Rebecca York’s Moon Series. A werewolf series. And if I get 40 entries, the First Place  Winner will also receive a paperback copy of Blood Trinity by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love. The contest has been extended until June 23rd at 12:00 A.M.
I have some goodies to giveaway today along with an interview that the author graciously agreed to do. The giveaway includes 30 ebooks, 2 paperbacks/US and 1 paperback/International. That’s right!  This little blog is rockin today! To enter the contest just follow the directions provided below the interview. This contest runs from June 10 – June23 so lets get started!
L.      Thanks for being my guest today Michele. Would you like to start by telling us a little about yourself and how you started writing? 
M.  Thank you so much for having me as a guest today Laura! Well, I am 43 years old and a mother of two adult girls, one of whom is my model for the book covers. My husband and I live on a small horse farm in Western Washington and operate a riding program for special needs children. My life passion has been helping people recover from trauma and go on to live fulfilled lives. As you might guess, I am a social worker/counselor and I work for a government agency with special needs people and do free counseling on the side. In my spare time I love to write and fit some of the people I have worked with over the years into my books. Once you work with someone who has suffered immense tragedy, or worked with people who have struggled with life, they become a part of you. Their voices will always be in my head and their faces etched on the hidden corners of my mind. Their personalities live on and their memory is never forgotten. Writing is healing in many ways and I can give good endings to the ones who didn’t survive the brutality of life.
L.  Do you have a secret weapon that helps with writer’s block?
M.  Hmm – When I write I am very disciplined and will sit at my desk all night and force myself to write a minimum number of words. I enjoy going out on the deck and looking at the stars and then think of people I have known. There is always a story to be told and creativity comes when you least expect it. It’s also good to go for a drive and go someplace relaxing. Sometimes I sit on the patio at Barnes and Nobel and just watch people. I try to imagine them in situations and take mental snapshots of how they would react. Sometimes, nothing comes and it takes days for my mind to clear. When I write, I spend many, many hours researching various things that I write about. It’s all quite a daunting task to take a book from start to finish but I never give up on a goal and push on until I finish.
L.  What was your inspiration for writing Dark Passages?
M.  The past couple of years I have had experiences with the supernatural. I was never a believer in ghosts but after my mom died I learned there was more to come after death. We would hear footsteps upstairs when we were in bed at night, pictures were moved(of her and I) from their places and strange things would happen. I think in her own way she was telling me she was going to be okay and not to worry about her.
There is a very old Victorian not far from where we live. It’s set on a hill and underneath it are tunnels from an army base that used to exist in the 1920″s. They were used to hide supplies and missiles were stored there. The house belonged to a sea-captain and his family. The wife was said to have been friends with the infamous “Dr. Hazzard” who murdered dozens of people in her sanitarium a block from the house. I enjoy history and the paranormal so I explored the house one day when they were having an estate sale. In the attic were various books on witchcraft and dark arts. There were also some crazy paintings hanging all in a row. They were crudely made and I imagined that the faces somehow were the avatars for the souls murdered in the valley. The house has been said to be very haunted and photos have been taken where faces(not living) were seen peering out. We have some photos and blew them up to see what was really there. They were misty appearing and had no substance to them. I have always had a wild imagination (I suppose that was my saving grace out of my own tragedy and on to a better life) and the stories came to me.
L.  Can you tell us something about the next book, maybe give us a peek?
M.  The next book takes up where the last one ended but is very different. It takes the characters into the underworld, as Lisa realizes the evil she has done and decides to go into the veil to find David. I would say it is a Dystopian and has as many twists and turns as part 1. The characters are further developed and new ones are added into the mix. My imagination was working overtime for this one lol.
Here is an excerpt from the book:
Lisa made her way quietly down the dank tunnel, the sound of wet moss squishing down under her converse shoes. The flickering light of her flashlight made shadows on the earthen walls and the drip of water could be heard further down. Her eyes burned but she refused to cry. Crying wouldn’t change the past and it wouldn’t do David any good.
She came to know David at a party. His winsome smile and the way he nodded to her as she glanced over at him. There was an aspect of him that had an undercurrent of danger, recklessness even, that aroused her senses. He was strikingly handsome and his blue eyes smoldered seductively. He was a man who knew precisely what he wanted and he made it clear that he wanted Lisa.
Lisa paused for a moment, as though to turn around and forget the madness. Her body betrayed her and buckled beneath her grief. She crumpled to the damp ground and pulled her knees to her chest, as though to shut out the pain. Finding the old book today had rocked her world. When Ivy started reading it out loud the words spun around in Lisa’s head.
There is a great veil that will be opened when the events are put into motion. Those who are living can cross over and find the tree of life. With the precious sap the tree produces, the living can renew the dead and bring them back across the veil. To complete the transformation the ancient alchemist must be found and then prophesy can be fulfilled. Beware that there is risk of never leaving the way of the dead should you die on that side. Take with you one from the other world to shield you from the evil. You will find what you need within the book.
She wanted to run back to the others in the cavern but a battle raged in her mind.and heart . Lisa put her hands over her ears but her thoughts cut into her mind like arrows. Images of David flashed across her mind like a movie. She remembered the night he grabbed her and pressed her hard against the wall. She had stiffened, clenched and protested, but he held her tightly as though to never let go. The weight of his body crushed her and she felt suddenly awakened. Passion was ignited and it was as though they became one. He possessed her, almost savagely, and tore down all the barriers in her mind. She was vulnerable to him. He had seen deep into her being and accepted her for what she was. To be loved when there is nothing in it for the other person but hope, that maybe someday they could be loved.
The hot tears she had been holding back rolled down her face and there was a terrible pain in the pit of her stomach. She felt as though she couldn’t catch her breath as the sobs came hard. Lisa hated herself for what she had done to David. When he needed her most, she walked away and left him to sacrifice his life for her own. She realized after he was gone that she had thrown away the most precious thing in her life. The one that she had least expected to fall in love with, became the man of her dreams.
Now it was time to take some chances and risk losing her very life. It meant closing her eyes and leaping into the void and facing the horror on the other side. Nightmares had plagued her and she had heard screams of dying people in immense pain. Their eyes were pleading for someone to help them as flesh fell from their bones. Smoke surged around the charred remains of bodies. The hungry flames glowed red-hot in the darkness of the night. In the shadow of the ghoulish light she saw David. He was looking at her with brooding eyes and she could feel what he was feeling. Nothing terrified Lisa more than losing the only one who made her life worth living. He was the first thought in her head when she got up in the morning and the last thing she thought of when she went to bed at night.
Lisa shivered as she pushed her body up from the cold ground. She knew what she must do, and was prepared to die if need be to make right the wrong she had done.
L. Is there anything else you would like to add?
M.  To those of you out there struggling with life or not sure where you are going. Keep pushing forward and never give up on yourself because there is light at the end of the tunnel. Dreams do come true.
Fun shorts
butterflies or dragonflies:
Hmm – tough one. Dragonflies have always seemed mystical to me and held promise of some land far away, while butterflies make me think of the struggle of each person and how they emerge from the problems a beautiful butterfly. Butterflies-definitely.
dogs or cats:
Cats have always been a part of my life. When I was alone as a child they were my friends, dolls to dress up, comforters and constant companions. I have an  old cat my mom gave me many years ago. He knows when I am sad or ill and curls up by me and purrs for hours. Cats are a treasure. I love all animals but cats are #1.
ebooks or print books:
I love to have shelves full of books, however, ebooks allow me to read on the go. I would have to say ebooks:)
elevators or stairs:
Haha! If I am trying to lose weight then the stairs, but if not I take the elevator.
Sweet or salty snacks:
I would say salty. I like to eat green apples with table salt:)
A huge thank you to Michele for such an insightful interview and a peek into her next book.
And now for the giveaway. There are 30 ebooks, 2 paperbacks/US and 1 paperback/International to be given away!  All that is required is to leave me your email in the comment box so that I have a way to contact the winners. It would be nice if  you were to follow my blog and follow Michele and I on twitter but it is not a requirement to be entered. You can follow me from my side bar and you can follow Michele here:
You can find her on Goodreads:
http://www.goodreads .com/author/show/5767871.M_L_Woolley
For updates about Underworld – Book 2 of the Dark Passage Series:
For my review of Dark Passage – Book 1

If you would like to purchase Dark Passage – Chosen just click on the image:)

Good Luck!


I recently had the pleasure of reading The Emerald Quest: A Noah Winter YA Adventure Series by Renee Pawlish. I enjoyed her writing so much that I went on and read some more of her books.

My review today is a double-feature from her Reed Ferguson Mystery Series.


I really like the cover art for this book. Once you read it you will see that it compliments the story and her writing style.

Now, about the book.

Book blurb from Goodreads

A wannabe private eye with a love of film noir and detective fiction.

A rich, attractive femme fatale.

A missing husband.

A rollicking ride to a dark and daring ending.

This description says it all, but I would like to talk more about this book.

It starts off with a bang!

“I want you to find my dead husband.:

“Excuse me?” That was my first reaction.

“I want you to find my husband. He’s dead, and I need to know where he is.” She spoke in a voice one sexy note below middle C.

“Uh-huh.” That was my second reaction. Really slick.

Renee’s writing style reads like a noir film. Like a Bogie movie. It is no surprise that Reed Ferguson, main character and a P.I. in this story, is a fan of Bogie. He prefers old movies, especially detective film noir, and dark women.

When Amanda first walked in to his office and blurted out her request his first thought was “Trouble”. She was a flirt and he tried not to mix business with pleasure, never a good idea and always complicated things.

The cast of characters is diverse and compliment the story well. Honorable mentions for brothers Ace and Deuce. Funny and endearing, their back and forth banter adds a lighter note to the tale. Cal. Get a picture of Sherlock Holmes in your head. Got it? That is Cal. He’s Reed’s friend and sidekick , helping unravel the dirty little secrets in his investigations.

Like all good mysteries, there are plots within plots and lots of twists and turns. Reed does not escape this without being battered and bloody. Despite all of the warnings to drop the investigation, Reed persists and ends up in a world of hurt.

My body was screaming at me, sore in too many places to count. “I feel light-headed.” I blinked hard at Forbes.

“Hey, buddy, you’re bleeding.”

I began examining myself, but didn’t see anything.

“No, back there.”

I craned my neck around, exploring my backside with my hands. “Oh, man? She shot me in the ass?” I couldn’t believe it, but it was true. My rear end suddenly hurt like nobody’s business.

Agent Forbes tried to hide a smile. And then I fainted.

Witty sarcasm and sexual tension ooze from the pages. This looks and smells like the  Alfred Hitchcock and Sherlock Holmes movies.

I ate it up and immediately moved on to the second Ferguson Mystery

Another great cover right? They are perfect for these stories.

Goodreads description

Lights! Camera! Read!

That’s right – Reed Ferguson, the intrepid hero of This Doesn’t Happen In The Movies, is back.

A mysterious death.

A brother searching for the truth.

A devious ex-wife.

Real estate shenanigans.

More danger for Reed than a film noir plot.


Reed was all ready to start his weekend. Gonna hang with his buddies and relax.

His plans change when Jack Healy introduces himself. He wants to hire Reed to find his brothers killer or killers.

After listening to the request from Jack, Reed’s response is “I’ll take it.”

There are the usual questions.

Why would anyone want to kill his brother?

Did he have any enemies?

What about the ex-wife?

Any trouble with the law?

I was led through the investigation, step by step, and my interest never wavered.

Ace and Deuce, the Goofball brothers are back to play their role of comic relief. Of course Cal is busy helping Reed dig up the dirt,  sparring words with him. They add seasoning to this well written mystery.

Aah, there is maybe a love interest for Reed. The new neighbor, the sultry voiced Willie, has caught Reed’s eye and he is crushing on her in a big way. His advances are gently rebuffed, she keeps it friendship only. Her reasoning is understandable and hard to argue.”

Reed, I like you. A lot. Even before I broke up with Alan, I was tempted to go out with you. But you want to know why I won’t?”

“Because you need time to get over Alan?”

She shook her head. “That’s only part of the reason. I don’t want to get involved with you and then find out that you’ve been hurt or killed.”

“C’mon. I got shot in the rear as I was diving to the floor.”

“But it could’ve been any number of things,” Willie pointed out. “I’ve seen it happen before. You were lucky it was only your ass.”

He may have to work a little harder on this.

Reed is a man’s man. His enthusiasm and sarcastic humor is contagious, it reaches out and grabs you. There is a lighter side to him also. He is still a little boy in his mother’s eyes.

His mother is a real card:

“Hello, dear.” My mother’s high-pitched voice carried over the phone lines like a parrot on cocaine. “You sound groggy. Why is it every time I call, you’re asleep? Does this have something to do with that detective work? Are you on drugs? Paul.” she yelled away from the phone. “your son’s on drugs, I just know it.”

Sound like anyone you know?

The investigation gets serious. Events start steam-rolling. The s-curves of the case keep it interesting and exciting. Jump on the speeding train and hang on tight.

Thanks, Renee, for a well written and thought out story.

Great ending. Everything is gift-wrapped with a bow on top.  It is a pleasure all the way and I am left sated, with a smile on my face.

I do wonder what will happen with Reed and Willie though.

5 STARS for both books. Each can stand alone, but it is so great to be able to keep reading about my new friends.


Other books Renee has written

Nehpilim Trilogy


Books 2 and 3 soon to be released. I will be posting my review of this book next week.

The Noah Winter Adventure Series

You can find my review here:

Take Five: A short story collection.

The Sallie House: Exposing the Beast Within

Non-fiction account of a haunted house investigation in Kansas.

I am thrilled to know that there are two more additions to the Reed Ferguson Mystery Series

I will be grabbing these right away!

For more about Renee and her books:


Yes, a giveaway. My first! I am giving away two hardcover books this Memorial Day weekend.  One winner will get both books!

UPDATE SUNDAY MAY 27. My internet is down until Wednesday, so I will be checking in infrequently. Please keep entering. I am extending this contest through Friday, June 1st because of the holiday weekend also. Note: This contest is open internationally also:)

We have a WINNER! Wulfie76. Congratulations. Will be notifying you!

First up is Swoon by Nina Malkin

From the book flap:

Sin is coming … Prepare to swoon.

Torn from her native New York City and dumped in the land of cookie-cutter preps, Candice is resigned to accept her posh, dull fate. Nothing ever happens in Swoon, Connecticut … until Dice’s perfect, privileged cousin Penelope nearly  dies in a fall from an old tree and her spirit intertwines with that of a ghost. His name? Sinclair Youngblood Powers. His mission? Revenge. And while Pen is oblivious to the possession, Dice is all too aware of Sin. She’s intensely drawn to him – but not at all crazy about the havoc he’s wreaking.

Determined to exorcise the demon, Dice accidentally sets Sin loose, gives him flesh, makes him formidable. Now she must destroy an even more potent – and irresistible – adversary before the whole town succumbs to Sin’s will. Only trouble is, she is in love with him.

What do you do when the boy of your dreams is too bad to be true?

And the next book:

From the book flap:

When we first meet Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven.  As she looks down from this strange new place, she tells us, in the fresh and spirited voice of a fourteen-year-old girl, a tale that is both haunting and full of hope.

In the weeks following her death, Susie watches life continuing without her – her school friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her family holding out hope that she’ll be found, her killer trying to cover his tracks. As months pass without leads, Susie sees her parents’ marriage being contorted by loss, her sister hardening herself in an effort to stay strong, and her little brother trying to grasp the meaning of the word  gone.

And she explores the place called heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counselors to help newcomers adjust and friends to room with. Everything she ever wanted appears as soon as she thinks of it – except that thing she wants most: to be back with the people she loved on Earth.

With compassion, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie sees her loved ones pass through grief and begin to mend. Her father embarks on a risky quest to ensnare her killer. Her sister undertakes a feat of remarkable daring. And the boy Susie cared for moves on, only to find himself at the center of a miraculous event.


How to win these amazing books:

Leave me your email address in the comment box below. That’s it! You don’t have to follow my blog, but it would be lovely if you did. I told you it was easy. Good luck!

Click Away!!

Posted: May 22, 2012 in fiction
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 The World Clicks

The World Clicks by K.M. Breakey
The World Clicks
by K.M. Breakey (Goodreads Author)

5 of 5 stars false
I wish I had thought of this idea. Pure genius!
Lane, a computer software developer, comes up with an idea that is one of the biggest things to ever hit the internet. Along with some friends of his, he sets off to launch the most amazing program. As his “baby” grows as fast as greased lightning, he also is romancing Cat, a woman who I found to be witty, smart and fun.
K. M. Breakey’s story makes me wonder. Could it be made to work in real life? Shouldn’t someone be doing it? The concept makes me think of Zuckerberg and Facebook only much better.
The dialogue between Lane and his buddies is funny and true to life. I had many a laugh over the back and forth between them. I really liked the conversations between Lane and Cat. They seemed to almost feed off of each other. I was smiling a lot. Cat is my favorite character and someone I would wish to be like.
A few places were a bit slow. You get a crash course in computers, but it wasn’t hard to follow and did not hurt my enjoyment of the book.
The World Clicks was such a great surprise. So much to this story and a very engaging read. The author has written a winner and I would read anything else he writes.
I urge you to read the book and see for yourself.
Almost forgot. I would love to be a fly on the wall when you read the last sentence!
All I have to say is “When is the movie?”
This book earned every one of my 5 STARS and then some!
K. M. Breakey is an entrepeneur, writer and dreamer. The World Clicks is his first novel.
To learn more, visit
A treasure map

A treasure map (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Title: The Emerald Quest

Author: Renee Pawlish

Book description borrowed from Goodreads.
A long-lost emerald, a missing treasure map, and a wealthy villain combine for an action-packed adventure!
Thirteen-year-old Noah Winter, the son of sea-exploring treasure hunters, dives the San Isabel shipwreck with his parents in search of a mysterious treasure map lost in the murky depths off the Florida Keys over a century ago. The map reveals the hiding place of the priceless De La Rosa emerald. But before the Winters can find the map, a wealthy treasure-hunting rival kidnaps Noah’s parents. Now Noah must match wits with a dangerous adversary, not only to discover the treasure map first, but to rescue his mom and dad before it is too late.
My Review
It starts simply enough. Noah and his parents go diving on a shipwreck, trying to locate a treasure map.  Somebody else wants the map and kidnaps Noah’s parents in order to exchange them for the map.  It is up to Noah to rescue his parents.  
Of course, I simplified the story line. There is no end to the action in this adventure. Rescuing his parents is just the beginning for Noah. Now they set off to find the treasure with the ever-present bad guys hot on their trail.
Renee takes you on a treasure hunt across the globe. Her characters are fun and realistic and you find yourself holding your breath in the hope that they will succeed. I loved everything about this book, the action, the vivid descriptions and the thrill of the hunt. There is much more to be told in this series.
The Emerald Quest is a good read for all ages and I highly recommend you join the hunt!
About Renee Pawlish
From the time she was ten and tried to write her own detective series in the fashion of the Hardy Boys, Renee Pawlish has been developing her craft. Along with creative writing classes, Renee studied great writers like Dashiell Hammett, Rex Stout, Stephen King, Sue Grafton and many more. Once Renee graduated from college, she began her first novel. Now, all these years later, she has penned numerous books in a variety of genres.
Renee was born in California, but has lived most of her life in Colorado. When she’s not hiking, cycling, or chasing ball players for autographs, she is writing mysteries and thrillers. She has some middle grade novels waiting to be published.
Renee loves to travel and has visited numerous countries around the world. She has also spent many summer days at her parents’ cabin in the hills outside of Boulder, which was the inspiration for the setting of Taylor Crossing in her novel Nephilim: Genesis of Evil.
Other books by Renee Pawlish
The Reed Ferguson Mystery Series
This Doesn’t Happen in the Movies
Real Estate Rip-off
The Nephilim Series
Nephilim: Genesis of Evil
Books 2 and 3 soon to be released
The Noah Winter YA Adventure Series
The Emerald Quest
Take Five
A short story collection that includes a Reed Ferguson tale.
The Sallie House: Exposing the Beast Within
A non-fiction book about one of the most haunted houses in America.
To learn more you can follow her on Facebook:
on her blog:
on twitter:
A short review
Title: Return to Underland
Author: Alan nayes
My review
Spinner and Reglan are best friends. Spinner collects fossils and Regan wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Finally, when he turns eleven, Spinner is allowed to venture beyond the meadow, but only if Reglan and his dog Otter goes with him.  They discover the tracks of a weird creature and follow them to a stream where they notice the tracks have changed. They are almost human.
I just love the heck out of this book. The author creates such a believable world, filling it with amazing creatures. Once the action starts, it never slows down.  With Spinner and Reglan, the author perfectly captured the preciousness of young friendship and trust. This is a quick read that leaves you smiling. Recommended for all ages.



Title: The Dark Horde

Author: Brewin’

The Dark Horde

Book Description from Goodreads

Part thriller, part crime-fiction, all supernatural horror, The Dark Horde tells of the return of an ancient evil that is neither stoppable nor comprehensible…

My Review

From the opening page to the horror driven end, this story had me riveted.

Howqua Hills is under siege by something. Monster, demon, alien, or creature from another dimension, who knows? They have been waiting, but no more. Out of the shadows they come, the Dark Horde.  Hungry for flesh, they thrill to feel our terror and revel in our pain. Want a taste?

“The beast had an acute sense of smell, enabling it to smell the raw terror in the sweat of its quarry. The smell of this human was strong, indulging its senses with delectable wafts. Hungry for the kill, it gripped the wooden handle of the trap door and slowly teased it open. The shrieking cry of its hinges rang out, enhancing the fear of the cornered prey…It entered, scraping its clawed feet across each wooden step with calculated intent to terrify… Two down, one to go.”

The action is intense and relentless and the creatures are absolutely terrifying. Want a bit more?

“It glared at them with red, hate-filled eyes the shape of swollen slits as its bloodied snout curled to reveal a chaotic array of sharpened teeth. It grinned.”

Able to manipulate our minds, they invade our dreams with heart-stopping nightmares. I was worried they would invade my dreams. I read this book in one sitting and finished in the wee hours. Maybe it was because I was sleep deprived, but I didn’t remember dreaming. However, there are many more nights to come.

Brewin’ is a master at making you afraid of the dark. I suggest you sleep with a flashlight!

Here is the Unpublished Prologue

I was once an avid believer in many things… I believed in love, in compassion, in hope. I even believed in a God watching lovingly over us and that somewhere within the mystery of it all, there was a special place for us. This inclination towards a blind faith was strong in me, stamped upon my DNA and cultivated through my upbringing. I was sheltered from the brutal reality of this world, hidden from the horrible truths of our existence.

It is your choice to hear these words, but be warned, once you understand what they mean you will never be able to hide in the warm comfort of ignorance again.

Unless you’re prepared for this, it’s best you stop now. Time is short now, I sense them drawing close. Whilst blood flows through these shaking hands, I will tell you of them, in the hope that someone hears these words and know of what is inevitably to come.

I know not how to stop the Dark Horde, or how to stop the events I have set into motion. But I doubt it makes any difference, as mankind is doomed anyway.

It wasn’t always like this. Once I enjoyed a happy life too. Once I had  a life. my early childhood to the outsider seemed like any other. A child full of energy and confidence, and the world around me was of wonder. Then, when I was seven, came the visions. They were infrequent at first, like intermittent thunder before the storm, but by the time I was eight they were coming to me not only every night, but every hour of every waking day. Every child fears the dark, but who’s to believe that a child’s nightmares could possibly be real?

I was trapped alone in a world of nightmares, under constant assault from a force no one could see or believe. With time the cancerous visions only grew stronger and my parents grew ever more frantic in their attempts to find a cure. After numerous doctors and counselors, my parents finally found a psychiatrist to their liking. I was not yet ten when he gave his damning assessment; “Your son is suffering from temporary psychosis of a type that is treatable and not uncommon in boys his age. Nightmares and the fear of the dark occur in most children and have been known to be so intense that it results in delusions and even hallucinations. it is merely a product of the hormonal imbalance of puberty, of an over-active imagination…But he will be cured and in years to come he’ll look back at these days with humor and think how silly he’d been! Fear not, this psychosis will come to pass.”

I was to receive therapy and medication, and for a few mostly happy years, the treatment seemed successful. but always below the surface, dark forces gathered, revealing themselves in occasional “fits of madness”. My doctor was intrigued by this and sought to uncover what was best left alone. He put me under hypnosis, an event that was to forever alter my life. I was only thirteen. The hypnosis swept aside the clouds of consciousness, revealing my past in all its horror. I saw my previous life and the terrible deeds I had done. I realised then that the visions keep returning to haunt me because they are my past. In some archaic time I had brought them into this world, though what they were, I did not know. I only knew that they were alien to this world and meant only to destroy it…And I. in some “fit of madness”, had let them in.

I became resigned to the power of the visions, recognising my place in the scheme of things and realising the futility of it all. With time, I learned to hide the visions effects and ceased to even tell others of their existence. By the age of sixteen, I was deemed cured and ready to join the “real world”…But I had merely learned to wear the mask of sanity. Sometimes, however, the mask slipped…And deeds of darkness came to light.

I would wake alone in a dark forest, shivering. Then I’d realize…I dreamt this. Somehow I had sleepwalked into the forest at night, the black shapes of swaying trees crowded around me and the wind taunted in strange voices. Then I’d notice the candle-lit inscriptions in the dirt before me…If what I just dreamt was real, then I knew we were in great danger. Screaming, I’d run through moonless undergrowth until I found a road I could follow home, or someone found me, bruised and feverish, the next day.

My fate was inevitable. I was doomed to repeat history.

Neither drugs nor therapy would stop my sleepwalking and before long I was sleeping in restraints. At seventeen I left school and moved with my parents from Howqua Hills to far away Melbourne. With the move, my sleepwalking tendencies ended and I was able to begin a new life among strangers who did not know my past, nor care. They teased me for my country background, but accepted me as normal, as someone who was dependable. But never did the visions relent on my tortured mind, ever reminding me of who I was and who I was destined to be.

It is now five years later and things are no different. destiny is cruel when you are its slave. There is no privilege in this, no fortune in being chosen, there is only eternal damnation. but I cannot be held responsible for something that started and was predetermined before i was even born. And if I wasn’t their channel, it inevitably would have been another, if it wasn’t my past life, it inevitably would have been someone elses.

it is utterly useless to try to stop them. Their age is limitless, as is their knowledge and power. We are to them as ants on the Earth. An organized society that adapts and multiplies, but does not know of the world around it. We are not the most advanced creature in the universe, even on our own planet. Nor are we blessed in any way. Just as many other species of life succumbed to our dominance, so shall we succumb to others.

And now as I sit here making this recording of my final words; i know that i can restrain them no longer. Consciousness is fading, the lights grow dim and my voice faint. they are close now.


“…..Come Dark Horde, remember, and once more be!

We are as one, as many are we,

Become one, once more be.

We are as one, as many are we,

Become one, once more be…”

After many hours of semiconscious chanting, I was startled awake by a sharp crack in front of me. Before me stretched a black void with depths beyond comprehension. A nauseating stench fell over me and I saw that within the nebulous darkness was a pair of eyes: red convex slits. They were a short distance away and staring directly at me, my mind naked before their gaze…

My God, what had I done?

About Brewin’

Brewin’ knew he wanted to be a writer when he was only seven and that has shaped his life. A gift from his brothers of a Role Playing Game Book was a pivotal moment in his life. Game books(along with role-playing games) made him the writer he is today. The last third of his first published novel, Evermore: An Introduction, is a choose-your-own-adventure and his second novel, The Dark Horde, has one of the characters from Evermore in it. For more about Brewin’ and his work visit:

Title: Dark Passage “Chosen” 

Author: M.L. Woolley 

Every now and then I read a book that catches me by surprise. Expecting a haunted house story, I instead discovered a tale about the human struggle to find our place in this world. This story is told from multiple points of view which made it fun and easy to understand.

The story centers around an old Victorian house in Olalla, on the Dark Passage of the Puget Sound.

Bill has come to Olalla looking for inspiration about a book. He is drawn to an estate sale at an old house and for reasons unknown to him he feels compelled to buy it. It has a sense of familiarity to him. Before he can complete renovations he has an accident which puts him in a coma.  While unconcious, he sees a woman in a tunnel beckoning him.

Desperate  to escape the frequent, violent attacks of her abusive husband, Jen accepts an offer from her friend Peter to rent an old house. The strange man from her dreams, the one she loves in this other reality, has given her the confidence to leave her abusive relationship and take her life back. She senses something special about the house, something otherwordly, but is unsure if it is evil or good. There is something or someone watching her.

Strange forces have drawn Bill and Jen together through their dreams. They will need each other as they slowly come to understand what the house is and where their place is in the coming events.

There are many characters that have important roles in this story of darkness and light.

Bill’s cousin Lisa has been corrupted by something evil and commits unspeakable acts in her hunger for fortune. You will loathe her.

David is ensnared by Lisa’s manipulations and blindly follows her wishes, ignoring an inner voice that warns him not to.

Jen’s best friend Ivy gets drawn into the mystery of the house and discovers she has a very important part to play in the times ahead. She really endeared herself to me. the guilt she has carried around for years over the death of her brother and sister has led her to pick all the wrong men.

Peter has been friends with Bill since childhood and is his guardian in more ways than one while he lies in a coma. He begins to receive messages from Bill, but that is impossible. Bill is still in a coma.

John’s life spins out of control after Jen leaves him and, in his madness, dark forces control him for their own purposes.

I could write so much more about this book but then I would be telling too much. Now that the stage has been set and I have come to know the characters, I am ready to dive into the Guardians, the second book. Due to be released soon, you can read a little bit about it at the end of Dark Passages.

I am now hooked and the author has reeled me in.

A resounding 5 Stars for Dark Passages.

Title: Wanted: Dead or Undead (The Zombie West Series, Book 1)

Author: Angela Scott

Published by: Evolved Publishing

WANTED: Dead or Undead (The Zombie West Series, #1)


I received this ARC from the author in exchange for my review.

Wanted: Dead or Undead. I have to admit I started reading this expecting a zombie western with lots of eating and being eaten along with some humor. What I got was so much more.

The story starts with a nail-biting scene that leaves you with no choice but to continue reading.

Trace is an opportunist, a card shark, and a bit of a trickster. All he wants is to stroll through life with no complications. That wasn’t hard until the zombies started moving westward.

Red is a no-nonsense woman on a mission.  Traveling west towards California, she is hoping to find her brother. He joined the cavalry to fight the zombies and she hasn’t heard from him since.

The zombie plague has consumed the larger cities on either coast and is rapidly extending to the midwest.

Thrown together by a chance encounter, Trace and Red slowly begin to trust each other. They will have to in order to survive. As they travel westward their group of two slowly grows along with their attraction for each other. They both have secrets kept to themselves for fear they will shatter the tenuous bond growing between them.

Angela Scott takes her time developing the characters and establishing her story, weaving in new characters along with their stories and building genuine relationships. The scenes were so well written I could swear I was there. I shuddered in horror, feared the worst, and sighed in delight.

The cliff-hanger ending left my jaw dropping in surprise, already anticipating more. This ending is very satisfying and one of the best I have read.

I gave this book 5 stars and recommend it to anyone looking for a great read and a new series.

I will be watching for Survivor Roundup (The Zombie West Series, Book 2)


Angela Scott

deadplains angela scott

I hear voices. Tiny fictional people sit on my shoulders and whisper their stories in my ear. Instead of medicating myself, I decided to pick up a pen, write down everything those voices tell me, and turn it into a book. I’m not crazy. I’m an author. For the most part, I write contemporary Young Adult novels. However, through a writing exercise that spiraled out of control, I found myself writing about zombies terrorizing the Wild Wild West—and loving it. My zombies don’t sparkle, and they definitely don’t cuddle. At least, I wouldn’t suggest it. I live on the benches of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains with two lovely children, one teenager, and a very patient husband. I graduated from Utah State University with a B.A. degree in English, not because of my love for the written word, but because it was the only major that didn’t require math. I can’t spell, and grammar is my arch nemesis. But they gave me the degree, and there are no take backs. As a child, I never sucked on a pacifier; I chewed on a pencil. I’ve been writing that long. It has only been the past few years that I’ve pursued it professionally, forged relationships with other like-minded individuals, and determined to make a career out of it. You can subscribe and follow me on my website, where I blog obsessively about my writing process and post updates on my current works. I’m also on Twitter and Facebook, but be forewarned, I tweet and post more than a normal person.