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Reign of Terror by Leo Silva is a gripping true crime memoir that takes readers deep inside the brutal world of Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel. Follow a rollercoaster of suspense, intrigue, and unrelenting action as you delve into this heart-pounding thriller.


Reign of Terror

by Leo Silva

Genre: True Crime Memoir, Thriller


“One of the best DEA narco books I have ever read” – Dave Gaddis, DEA Chief, Global Enforcement Operations


Reign of Terror by Leo Silva is a gripping true crime memoir that takes readers deep inside the brutal world of Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel. Former DEA Special Agent Silva brings unparalleled insight, recounting his years on the front lines in the relentless fight against one of the world’s most violent criminal organizations. This powerful narrative unveils the hidden realities of the drug war, from the complex relationships between the cartels and law enforcement to the personal sacrifices made by those who risk everything to protect others. With raw detail and authenticity, Silva sheds light on the lives of those entangled in a web of corruption, power, and violence. Reign of Terror is more than a recount of battles won and lost—it’s a story of courage, resilience, and the cost of justice. A must-read for fans of true crime and international intrigue.

“In Reign of Terror, Leo Silva masterfully recounts the rise and fall of the notorious and ultra-violent Los Zetas cartel. But more than just retelling the story, Leo’s work is filled with inside information and insights that bring the reader into the world of those tasked with dismantling Los Zetas. Compelling, Leo brings profound humanity to the fight against the Zetas, a fight that brought both victories and tragedies, all of which are deeply felt by the reader.”
–  Jack Luellen, Author of Someone Had to Die Podcast Host: “Cartels, Conspiracies and Camarena”


**Get it for Only $3.99 on Kindle!**

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It was a scorching hot day on July 14, 2007, not unlike most summer days in deep south Texas. The kids were out of school and were eager to take a dip in the pool. I decided I would barbecue some burgers for the kids, and some ribs for some friends and family who would visit later in the afternoon. Because of all the pressure we had been under during the investigation, I had not celebrated my birthday. But today I was going to forget about work and celebrate my birthday the way any self-respecting Texan would celebrate, with beer and barbecue, surrounded by friends and family. I had the ribs marinating in my special marinade of pineapple juice, lime juice, soy sauce and a tinge of ginger and I had just lit the charcoal in my old pit when my wife came out to tell me she was going to make a quick run to the store because I had forgotten to buy her favorite side dish, corn, when I bought the meat earlier. I’m not sure what compelled me to assure her it was alright and that I would fetch the corn, while she stayed at home and supervised the kids in the pool. I have often thought about that specific moment and wonder what would have happened if I had not gone.

I took my wife’s gray 2002 Ford Focus with a “Hello Kitty” sticker in the rear windshield and hauled ass to the grocery store. The layout of the store was as familiar to me as the back of my hand. I knew it so well I could probably run through the entire store blindfolded and still find whatever I needed. I got my shopping cart, went straight to the produce section, and parked my shopping cart in front of the corn section. Carefully shucking the hulls and inspecting each ear, I started in on the corn to make sure there were no defects on the kernels, intent on getting home to cook the ribs and burgers.

As I was inspecting one ear of corn, three men turned the corner from the meat section into the produce section. I locked eyes briefly with a stocky built older man with grayish hair. The two men with him were much younger and walked behind the older man, in deference to his authority. They all passed by me on my right-hand side. I noticed that one of the younger men put his hand on the older man’s back, in a somewhat protective posture. I had seen the old man somewhere. The old computer in my brain started a file search in the most cavernous, obscure, and remote depths of my intellect. It transported me back to my office, to my desk, where I had posted a picture of Carlos Landin Martinez on the wall next to my door. Every day, for two years, the picture stared at me callously, devoid of feeling, almost mockingly.

I immediately went into high gear. Before taking any further action, I had to confirm for a fact that it was Landin, without a doubt. I watched them as they made their way in the produce section to the watermelon section. Landin himself picked out a large watermelon and gave it to one of the younger guys to inspect. I pushed my shopping cart closer to them so I could get a better look and confirm that it was Landin. I passed within 8 feet of him and got a good look at his face and confirmed that it was him. He glanced up as I passed them by, and we locked eyes again. The adrenalin was surging through every artery in my body, pumping out charges of electricity through my bloodstream. I could feel my carotid artery pulsating as the adrenaline flooded my blood stream. They placed their watermelon into their shopping cart and went to the checkout. While I was standing in line about four aisles away, I watched them through my peripheral vision, careful not to spook them or lose sight of them. I went through the checkout and paid for the corn, trying to fit in with the rest of the customers, despite wearing a shirt with the official DEA logo over the left side of my chest. I would not get close enough for him to notice that minor detail. They finished paying for the watermelon and they walked out of the north side exit of the store. I had parked on the south side, which could pose a problem for me, and I prayed they had not parked on the north side of the store—if they had, I might not get to see their vehicle.

Luckily, they were relaxed, taking their time to walk through the parking lot. I got the bag of corn, ran to the south side of the store, and quickly got into my wife’s “Hello Kitty” car just as they opened the door to a white Chevrolet pickup truck and got in.

We were in business!

They maneuvered their truck through the parking lot exiting on the south side, where I happened to be waiting. They left the store parking lot and approached 10th street, the principal thoroughfare in McAllen, Texas. I was behind them with two cars between us. It occurred to me then that if they made me, they would turn my wife’s Hello kitty car into Swiss cheese, with me in it. They turned south on 10th and then immediately turned into a car wash. I nearly panicked as they got out of the truck, as I didn’t want to lose them. But I remained calm and drove past the car wash and pulled into a furniture store parking lot that gave me a perfect view of them.

Landin and one individual got into a four-door sedan parked near the exit of the car wash and waited as the other individual took care of business with the car wash. I watched patiently as the other guy emerged from the car wash and entered the sedan on the passenger side, with Landin seated in the back. It was at this point that I pulled out my Nextel and called my McAllen PD task force officer, Erik Torres, gave him the description of the suspect vehicle, and my wife’s hello Kitty vehicle and told him to send me a unit immediately for a possible traffic stop. I could barely control my breathing as I spoke to Erik. I told him to keep it low profile because I wanted to make sure it was, in fact, Carlos Landin before letting anyone else know, especially the bosses in Houston.

When they left, the car was moving within the flow of traffic, going south on 10th street. I followed them cautiously for what seemed like an eternity. Erik called me and informed me that he had notified a unit in the area. Right after he said this, a McAllen PD unit pulled up alongside me and the officer gestured to me, as if asking which car. I pointed to the white four-door sedan, and he gave me a thumbs up and proceeded south on 10th behind the vehicle. Erik was in communication with the officer and gave me a play-by-play as the events developed. I dropped back and let the officer do his job. At the intersection of 10th and La Vista, the driver of the vehicle runs a red light, and the officer immediately pulls up behind him and flashes his emergency lights. The car with the three men pulled over, and I passed them up and pulled into an adjacent parking lot to watch the action.

The officer approached the vehicle, interacted with the occupants of the vehicle, and asked for their respective identification. My heart was pounding as I considered the magnitude of what was about to happen. The officer returns to his vehicle and calls Erik, who then calls me and says, “Leo, it’s him. It’s Carlos Landin Martinez! What do you want to do with him?”

“Get some more units to back up this officer and let’s lock him up!”

Within minutes, the place was swarming with McAllen PD units, and I watched as they handcuffed Landin and put him in the back of a patrol unit. His life would never be the same. My next call was to Jimmy Bird. He genuinely thought I was fucking with him.

I told him, “Jimmy, call Erik and get all the details, then call the AUSA assigned to the case and let her know what just happened. We have a lot of work to do before Monday and no, I am not fucking with you. Now get off the phone so I can call the boss and let him know.”

He let out a whooping victory cry before hanging up the phone.

So, I called my boss. He called his boss. And they called Washington, DC. Before dusk, the Administrator of the DEA was aware of what had transpired that Saturday afternoon in McAllen, Texas. I called our office in Monterrey to let them know. The rush of excitement swept through the whole agency like wildfire. I was taking and making calls all over the place, but there was one call I forgot to make in all the excitement. I forgot to call my wife and let her know I had gotten busy. She called me and when I saw the name on the incoming call list, my heart sank.

She had been worried sick, but I explained what happened and assured her I would be home soon. She understood. They always do.

Landin went to trial and on January of 2008, a jury of his peers found him guilty on 29 counts of charges ranging from Conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute over 150 kilograms of cocaine, laundering over $1.5million in drug proceeds and possession with intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana. For these crimes, he received a sentenced of life in prison, where he died in December 2021.


So I revert to the question. Was it destiny or circumstance that brought us together?

All I know is that I did not wake up on the morning of July 14, intending or expecting to capture one of the most notorious members of the Gulf Cartel. I woke up expecting I would have a fun filled day with my family.

I truly believe destiny brought us together on that summer afternoon in July, and I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t gone to the store for corn at that specific time on that specific day. Why had I taken my wife’s place? There is no logic or order to be found in it like so much in this world. Hell, his wife probably sent him out for a watermelon for a family gathering as well. Our paths crossed because of our love for and commitment to our families. Isn’t that ironic?

I have always been curious what leads a man to a life of crime. In my research, I interviewed an old classmate of Landin’s from Primaria Articulo 1, an elementary school in Reynosa Tamaulipas. The classmate told me that even as a kid, Landin had always been a bully, picking on weaker or smaller kids. The classmate recalled a time when, for no reason, Landin brutally beat on a much younger classmate in the playground, leaving him on the ground, bloodied and practically unconscious. Landin just laughed it off as if it were a big joke. As they got older, the classmate withdrew from Landin and the company he kept, stating that Landin never seemed to have any parental supervision and was always on his own, doing whatever he wanted to do, He drank alcohol at fourteen, and avoided school altogether. So, from an early age, Landin lived a life of crime and violence, causing harm to others and had no remorse for it. He had to know that his life of crime would end someday—and it did, on that scorching hot summer day in July.

I did what I had to do, what I was trained to do, and what I love to do. I certainly don’t have any regrets and never will.



What is something unique/quirky about you?


My passion and love for writing goes hand in hand in hand with my passion for music. In my family, I represent the fourth generation of musicians, with a love for music that is deeply embedded in my soul. I am both a singer and piano player and a huge fan of all musical genres with a special affinity for jazz and traditional Mexican boleros. My writing is interspersed with references to music and songs as I believe music plays a huge role in our daily lives and emotions.


Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?


I am a native of Brownsville, Texas, a coastal city in deep south Texas. My love for reading books and writing stories was nurtured by my mother, who is an avid reader herself. In college, I majored in English with a concentration in American Literature and honed my writing skills under the tutelage of a highly talented professor. After college, I joined the US Drug Enforcement Administration as a Special Agent where I served in various assignments along the Southwest border and in Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico for a total of 28 years of service. My experiences as a DEA agent provide the backdrop for my writing. My first book Reign of Terror depicts my experience in Monterrey Mexico and the DEA’s struggle to assist in the apprehension of some of their most violent members.


Who is your hero and why?


Without question, my heroes are my parents, who taught me valuable life lessons at a young age. Lessons which have helped shape my character and lessons that I have passed onto my own children. My writing makes several references to the advice and lessons my parents have given me over the course of my life.

What inspired you to write Reign of Terror?


In my college years, I always dreamt about writing a book one day. After I retired from DEA, I saw it as the perfect opportunity to tell my story in Reign of Terror. I often see the narrative about El Chapo Guzman being played out in the news, movies, books and series but hardly anyone knows about the other Cartels that exist in Mexico, especially the Gulf Cartel, one of the oldest if not the oldest Cartel in Mexico. Reign of Terror gave me the opportunity to show the public that Chapo Guzman was not the only player in town and that there were people far more dangerous and treacherous than El Chapo.


Convince us why you feel your story is a must read.


Reign of Terror gives one the opportunity to immerse oneself into the darkest corners of Mexico’s Narco underworld. It is a collection of true stories, true events, victories and defeats, a rollercoaster of emotions told by someone who lived it firsthand.


What is your advice to new authors?


My advice to young writers is to be persistent and realize that writing is a marathon not a race. There may be days when one doesn’t feel like writing and that is OK.  But keep chipping away at it until you have told your story the way you want. Persist, every day, even if you only write one sentence. It will all be worthwhile when you are finally done.




Leonardo “Leo” Silva is a native of Brownsville, TX, a charming seaside city on the border. He is a 1982 graduate of Homer Hanna High School and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature from the University of Texas-Brownsville in 1985. He served as a Special Agent/ Supervisory Special Agent with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration from 1987 to 2015. During his career, he was assigned to offices along the Southwest border, Guadalajara, Jalisco and Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico.


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Ambition to Savor
by B.B.E. Gwyn


(The Lone Thorn Series)
Publication date: February 7th 2025
Genres: Adult, Adventure, Fantasy

When a quest for magical ingredients takes you from kitchen to adventure, you’d better save your appetite.

Dedicated and cautious restaurant owner Jonathan Tessier dreams of crafting legendary recipes—the fame and fortune that might follow is a pretty nice bonus. But it’s all he can do to keep his restaurant afloat. Stolen ingredients, a surprise visit from a food critic, and a damaged reputation put his business at risk.

Jonathan knows he needs to make a change. A big one. Before he loses it all.

He and his eager head chef, Elenora Kerras, soon set off to find the bizarre ingredients that might save his restaurant. This hunt takes them through towns and wilderness, where they encounter dangerous beasts and sly individuals. They face challenges more thrilling than even their busiest dinner shifts.

Each success brings Jonathan ever closer to his lofty goal—until he stumbles upon his most startling discovery yet.

Will his dreams be worth all their luster, or will the revelation shatter his culinary world?

A standalone fantasy adventure in the Lone Thorn series, Ambition to Savor is a fun and whimsical tale that explores a question you never thought you needed to ask—What if a restaurant owner had magical powers and a dream to find flavors from deep within a world of hidden quirks?

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

Corruption. Mutiny. Absolute villainy was occurring within the walls of his beloved establishment.

Jonathan Tessier had little reason to complain of late. Profit margins were rising, his customer base was expanding, and the recent annual health inspection had wrapped up swimmingly with no findings. After years of fatiguing work and plowing through stress, things were supposed to be looking up for his pride and joy, the Taverne Tessier.

However, walking down the street on this early autumn morning, he was feeling neither proud nor joyous. He could see his restaurant across from him as he stood waiting at the intersection, its pristine exterior of royal blue and beige surrounded by trees of warm hues. When he first renovated the place, he had aimed for a clean and regal appearance inside and out, so even if he could not boast of its size, the feeling of elegance, class, and beauty would still be conveyed.

And now it was filthy. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


About Author B.B.E. Gwyn:

B.B.E. Gwyn is an author who enjoys diving into realms of low fantasy adventure. She draws inspiration from tabletop role-playing games, yokai folklore, and all kinds of media featuring characters with fun, bizarre powers. Her novels focus on intricate plots and rich character development without any romance or spicy elements, using the full breadth of her pages to offer thrilling adventures in a mysterious world.

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Crime and Cat-astrophes (A Purr-fect Relic Cozy Mystery)
by DeAnna Drake


Crime and Cat-astrophes (A Purr-fect Relic Cozy Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – California
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Tule Publishing (February 12, 2025)
Print length ‏ : ‎ 199 pages

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Did the professor get what he deserved, or is murder on the prowl in small-town California?

As a late-summer heat wave scorches the sleepy town of Citrus Grove, the suspicious death of a notoriously unpopular professor puts Rebecca and her talking cat, Aneksi, hot on the trail of another cursed artifact and a killer.

Police Detective Nick Devon, her dashing new flame, is following the rulebook in his investigation, but the Cuthbert Exotic Antiques manager is trusting her instincts as she follows the clues. With her grandfather distracted by an unexpected visitor—who may not be what he seems—and Aneksi rekindling a bond with a long-lost sibling, Rebecca knows she’s on her own to search for the ancient scepter that may hold the key to the dead professor’s medical miracle…and the reason behind his demise.

In this twisty tale of hidden motives, intensifying danger, and a dash of magic, Rebecca must rely on her wits—and, hopefully, Aneksi’s sharp claws—to solve the case before she becomes the cunning murderer’s next victim.

About DeAnna Drake

DeAnna Drake is an award-winning author who writes witty and whimsical cozy mysteries filled with magical animals and feisty heroines who are always striving to balance the scales of justice in an offbeat world.

When she’s not plotting new adventures for her characters, she drinks too much tea, binge-watches crime dramas, and escapes to Disneyland whenever she can.

She lives in Southern California with her family, which includes her two favorite people and one ridiculously pampered border collie.

Author Links: Website / Instagram / Facebook / GoodReads / BookBub

Purchase Link – Amazon 


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February 5 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT  

February 5 – Frugal Freelancer – RECIPE

February 6 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

February 6 – Eskimo Princess Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 7 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 7 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

February 8 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 9 – Sneaky the Library Cat’s Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

February 10 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 10 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 11 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 11 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW

February 12 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 13 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – SPOTLIGHT

February 14 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 14 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – GUEST POST




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Book Details:

 Blood Lasts Forever by Jeff Gunhus
Category: Adult Fiction (18 +), 256 pages
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher:  Seven Guns Press
Release date:   November 2024
Content Rating:  R. Blood Lasts Forever is a psychological thriller with supernatural elements and similar to a Stephen King novel. While not gratuitous, the story centers on an act of violence that could be disturbing to some. Could be PG-13 + M or R.

Book Description:

Not every death is a tragedy.

When fifteen-year-old Wyatt Bucks is found dead in the Sagasett River, the small town of Chambers breathes a collective sigh of relief. Wyatt was a troubled youth, feared and despised by many. But his death, deemed an accident by the local sheriff, leaves a chilling legacy that will haunt the town for decades.

Twenty years later, Mitch Ansel, now a middle school teacher, receives a call that resurrects the nightmares of his past. Alongside his old friends, the Fab Five, Mitch is forced to confront the dark secret they’ve buried for years—a secret that ties them to Wyatt’s death.

​As the friends reunite at a remote cabin, they must navigate a web of deceit, fear, and violence. Each carries scars from the past, but none are prepared for the revelations that await them. Mitch’s terrifying visions of Wyatt and the relentless pull of their shared guilt threaten to unravel their lives and sanity.

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Psychological thrillers are one of my favorite blends of genres. And so is isolating a group of people who think they know each other and have a big shared secret. What could be more thrilling.

In this book, something that was thought to be buried in the past is in danger of coming to light. A blood oath is about to be broken. Which of the five friends, known as the Fab Five in their youth, is wanting to spill their guts. And will the others convince him to be quiet or silence him forever.

The synopsis grabbed me right away. Take some close friends. Put them in an isolated place. Then drop a bomb and see who’s still standing when the dust settles. I particularly like that in group dynamics. I try to guess who will stay strong and who will cave. I’m right some of the time. But this is written by Jeff Gunhus and he’s a master at writing unpredictable characters. Outcomes too.

You’re taken from the present to the past to learn what the big secret is and what the main players have been up to. That worked really well. The pace stayed fast and exciting.

Jeff also doesn’t shy away from writing about the dark side of events and actions. It sure makes for an intense experience.

There was never a dull or awkward moment as I powered through this book. I loved every minute of it.


Interview With Author Jeff Gunhus:

How long have you been writing?

I’ve always enjoyed writing—it’s been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I wrote my first ‘book’ at age 12, a 35-page story called The Amulet that actually won an award in Colorado. In college, I wrote a couple of novels too, though those are still hidden away. For me, writing has always been more than just a hobby; it’s an outlet, a way to process ideas and tell the stories that won’t leave me alone.

Do you have another profession?

Yes, I run a national home improvement company called Home Genius Exteriors, which has about 1,000 employees. It’s a big operation, and I love the challenges that come with it. My team thinks my books are crazy, though! I guess running a company and writing thrillers makes for an interesting combination.

There are many books out there about….What makes yours different?

There are a lot of books out there about dark and thrilling stories, but what sets mine apart is the balance I try to strike between edge-of-your-seat suspense and deeper, emotional undercurrents. I love crafting complex, flawed characters who feel real and throwing them into extraordinary situations. My goal is always to give readers a gripping story that keeps them turning pages but also leaves them thinking long after they’ve finished. Whether it’s a supernatural twist or a psychological battle, I always aim to bring something unique to the table.

Do you snack while writing? Favorite snack?

I definitely snack while writing—salty snacks like popcorn or nuts are my go-to. But when I finish a tough scene or hit a big milestone in the book, I celebrate with ice cream. It’s the perfect reward after a long writing session!

What is your favorite travel spot?

My favorite travel spots are places where I can climb around the ruins of ancient civilizations. I’ve climbed Mayan and Egyptian pyramids, explored Greek and Roman ruins, wandered through the incredible historical sites in Istanbul, and visited castles in England and Scotland. There’s something inspiring about standing in places with so much history and imagining the lives of the people who built them.

What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?

The most courageous thing I’ve ever done? Hands down, being the father of five. Forget climbing pyramids or running a company—trying to negotiate bedtime with five kids is where the real bravery comes in. It’s like herding cats, but the cats are hopped up on sugar and bedtime stories!

Meet  Author Jeff Gunhus:

Jeff Gunhus is the USA TODAY bestselling author of thriller and horror novels for adults and the middle grade/YA series, The Templar Chronicles. The first book, Jack Templar Monster Hunter, was written in an effort to get his reluctant reader eleven-year-old son excited about reading. It worked and a new series was born. His books for adults have reached the Top 30 on Amazon, have been recognized as Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Finalists, Kirkus Top 100 Indie Books, and reached the USA TODAY bestseller list. As a father of five, he leads an active life in Maryland with his wife Nicole by trying to keep up with their kids. In rare moments of quiet, he can be found in the back of Old Fox Books in Annapolis, working on his next novel, or on

connect with the author:  website  ~  X/twitter  ~  facebook instagram goodreads bookbub

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BLOOD LASTS FOREVER by Jeff Gunhus Book Tour Giveaway



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Damned Yankees is a gripping tale set during
America’s Revolutionary War, where loyalty is tested, and survival is anything
but certain.


Damned Yankees

by Ray Deptula

Genre: Historical Fiction

Those who fight their nation’s wars are typically
those least able to avoid it.

The world was, is now, and always will be a complicated and
volatile place filled with those whose self-interests supersede more noble

If history has taught us anything, it is that times may
change, but human nature does not.

The competing interests and political tensions of the
formation of our country were no more or less dysfunctional than they are
today, with the best and worst of individual behavior continually on display.

Jack Halliday wants nothing more than to belong
somewhere that provides him with security and values his worth.

In an uncaring world that devours the weak, he is forced to
rely on his strongest attribute, his ability and willingness to fight, which
ironically belies his benevolent nature.

Much like the fledgling union of the thirteen original
colonies, Jack’s rebirth into autonomy constantly teeters on demise in a world
where his decisions are all he can control.


Ray Deptula is a native of Wells, Maine, and a graduate of
Maine Maritime Academy in Castine, Maine.

He spent 24 years in the U.S. Navy as a helicopter pilot and
a political-military officer.

He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College in Newport,
Rhode Island with a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic

Damned Yankees is the first book Ray has published, having
conceived of it while taking a Revolutionary War elective at the Naval War

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by Jennifer J Chow
January 27 – February 21, 2025 Virtual Book Tour




  Jin Bakery has been asked to cater the Lum-Wu outdoor wedding at Pixie Park. The day of the ceremony, Felicity is finishing the “cake” of tiered egg tarts as the wedding party arrives for the ceremony. When one of the groomsmen, Miles Wu, doesn’t arrive, Felicity’s best friend and local florist Kelvin generously steps in for him and the wedding goes smoothly―until cake cutting time. That’s when Felicity finds Miles’ dead body beneath the table with her egg tarts display, stabbed by Kelvin’s gardening shears. With the detective’s sights on Kelvin, Felicity starts sleuthing away to prove his innocence, revealing dark secrets about all the wedding’s attendants. They each had something to hide―and a reason to quiet Miles forever. To make matters worse, Felicity’s powers of prediction are on the fritz thanks to the emotional turmoil of a surprise visit from her estranged father.

When the groom gets poisoned at the send-off party and winds up in a coma, the stakes are even higher, not to mention Felicity’s feelings for Kelvin are beginning to feel more than friendly. Will Felicity’s magic return in time to catch the true culprit and rescue her budding relationship with Kelvin?

Praise for the Magical Fortune Cookie series and Jennifer J. Chow:

“A spellbinding whodunit unfolds in the first installment of Jennifer J. Chow’s Magical Fortune Cookie series.” ~ Woman’s World

“The story itself is light, sweet, and delectable. The ensemble of interesting characters adds a crispy texture to the narrative, and, true to the cozy mystery genre, a central mystery―the ill-fated fortune―keeps readers engaged from start to finish.” ~ The Big Thrill

“This first in a new series featuring a likable Chinese American heroine will appeal to fans of Jenn McKinlay, Eve Calder, or Joanne Fluke.” ~ Booklist

“Nobody writes cozy mysteries quite like Jennifer J. Chow. No matter what is going wrong in my life, I know that all I need to do for some comfort is turn to one of Chow’s books. Chow has done it again with Ill-Fated Fortune. I did not want to leave Felicity’s side even for a moment, and you won’t want to either.” ~ Jesse Q. Sutanto, Edgar Award-winning author of Vera Wong’s Unsolicited Advice for Murderers

“A magical new culinary cozy mystery series filled with family, friendship, and heart―and a pinch of real magic.” ~ Gigi Pandian, USA Today bestselling author of the Secret Staircase Mysteries on Ill-Fated Fortune

Book Details:

Genre: Cozy Mystery, Amateur Sleuth, Asian American fiction

Published by: Minotaur Publication Date: January 21, 2025 Number of Pages: 352 ISBN: 9781250351623 (ISBN10: 1250351626) Series: The Magical Fortune Cookie series, #2

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Minotaur



I love cozy mysteries. When I was getting ready to write this review I had a thought. How did I get started on reading them. And I remembered. I was at the library, casually browsing shelves when a book cover caught my eye. It was colorful and cute and the clever title made me grin, so I checked it out. After having such fun reading it I went back and checked out the rest of the series. Thus, my love of cozies began.

Star-Crossed Egg Tarts checked all my boxes for a cozy. A fun, colorful cover. A clever title. A murder mystery. And entertaining characters with a sprinkling of romance added to the mix.

Speaking of romance. I wondered whether Kelvin and Felicity would pursue more than being friends. They sure worked well together when trying to solve the murder and I really liked them.

Something I forgot to mention is how many cozies have some kind of theme. It often shows in the title and cover. This one had magical baking. That really made me curious. I was wondering if it would be similar to a movie I’d seen some time ago. The woman’s emotions would become a magical ingredient when she baked and the customers would experience those emotions while eating her creations. That wasn’t the case here but it was still intriguing.

I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who the bad guy was and getting to know the characters. This is the second book in the series and now I want to go back and read the first one. I’ll probably reread this after and plan on following this clever series.



Enjoy this peek inside:

Chapter 1

I put the last egg tart in place on the tiered circular display, stepped back, and admired my handiwork. From a distance, if you squinted and tilted your head just right, you might actually mistake it for a wedding cake made of gold, or Jin. Fitting, since “Jin” was both my surname and the Mandarin word for “gold.” I grinned. Guess I’d been fated for this job.

Happily, I even got to rope in loved ones as other vendors. My best friend, Kelvin Love (who has the most fitting name to cater a wedding), handled the elaborate floral displays. And my godmother, Alma Paz, made the candle arrangements, including the votives for the cake table. She’d even handcrafted bowl-shaped lace holders for each votive candle.

Once the late afternoon dissolved into evening, the small candles would be lit, and the cake made of egg tarts would turn into an enchanting display. Quite literally, because my mom had used her magic to bake joy into every last bite. After all, that’s what we Jins do—pour joy into our signature recipe treats to flow out to others. Except my own brand of magic came with an extra bonus: I made special fortune cookies that provided happiness and accurately predicted future happenings. I added a stash of business cards to the table. I’d been made official co-owner of Jin Bakery with my mom, and I now had business cards to attest to that exciting fact. Besides, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have my contact info out there. If people were in the area for the wedding, maybe they’d decide to check out our local bakery, too. Plus, many of the guests were from nearby Fresno, the bride’s hometown, though a fair share hailed from up north, where the groom’s relatives lived. It wasn’t too much of a trek from NorCal to visit Pixie, right? Not for delicious egg tarts, pineapple buns, and fortune cookies, all coated with magic. “It’s beautiful,” someone whispered from near my shoulder. I would have startled at the interruption, but the voice was so gentle, it didn’t scare me in the least. A bridesmaid must have snuck into the main tent without my noticing. Maybe the soft grass surrounding the tent had masked her footsteps. Or she’d minced along in those stiletto sandals. She was a wisp of a young woman, just a few years past twenty. Even though I was twenty-eight, I couldn’t imagine having ever been so bright-eyed and hopeful as the girl before me. The twin honey-colored braids wrapped around her head only added to her youthfulness. “Haley, was it?” I asked. She nodded, almost bouncing on her heels. “You remembered my name.” “It’s distinctive. Very pretty.” She flushed a sweet shade of pink. “I like your name, too. Felicity is lovely.” “Is that a rose tucked behind your ear?” I asked, pointing to the blossom, the full pink petals brushing up against a tiny golden ear cuff lined with diamonds. She widened her green eyes at me. “Uh, is that okay? I mean, do you mind? Are you and Kelvin together—” “It’s fine,” I said, waving away her concern. “Kelvin and I are just friends.” Best friends, technically. “I take it he’s still working on the flower arch outside?” “Said he was ‘securing the petals.’” Kelvin was a stickler for floral quality. Guess that’s what made us good entrepreneurs in our little town of Pixie. I glanced at Haley’s T-shirt and jeans. “What time is it? Do you need to change?” “Four forty-five,” she said. “I better get ready.” The wedding guests would show up at six. Right now, only us hired help and the wedding party, plus the parents of the bride and groom, were roaming the surrounding green space. “Jada’s in our tent doing makeup, and she said she’d help me,” Haley said. “I should get going, too.” I’d promised the bride, Leanne, that I’d check on the tea ceremony. Not that I’d be super helpful. I’m third-gen Chinese American and had had to google what the traditional tea ritual entailed. I followed Haley’s bouncing steps out of the larger main tent into the lush green of Pixie Park. Our town’s biggest park definitely had enough space for the Lum-Wu ceremony. The bride and groom had asked to pitch four tents for the event: a reception tent for food, his and her tents for wedding prep, and a tent for the traditional tea serving ritual. Pixie Park also boasted a large hill, and it was sure to look magnificent with its aerial view for the actual wedding ceremony and exchanging of vows. Kelvin was on the hill now, fussing over the flowers on the custom arch he’d made. I waved at him. He bobbed his head at me, his fingers still patting petals into place. Kelvin looked good fancied up, in a dress shirt and pressed slacks. His usual go-to was a casual Henley and jeans. There was a rainbow of beautiful blossoms decorating the immense arch he’d constructed. I didn’t know why Kelvin was so worried. There wasn’t a breeze to be found. It was perfect, and the flowers should stay put. If anything, the temperature was slightly too warm today. Thankfully, it was dry heat, typical of the San Joaquin Valley. Whoever thought tea was a great idea in July had not factored in the weather. Then again, traditions were important. I headed over to the tea tent, and as soon as I put my head through the flap, Leanne squealed. “You came to help. Thank goodness,” she said. The bride-to-be wore a red qipao with a golden phoenix trailing down the front. Her hair was pinned up, and pearls were scattered across the hairdo as decoration, matching the dangling pearl earrings she wore. “How can I assist?” I asked. “With the hot plate. You’re good in the kitchen. Er, bakery. Can you get it started?” “I can try.” I mean, I was hired to cater the cake, not the tea. But I’d done the bare minimum online research. Maybe I could fake my way through. *** Excerpt from Star-Crossed Egg Tarts by Jennifer J Chow. Copyright 2025 by Jennifer J Chow. Reproduced with permission from St. Martin’s Publishing Group. All rights reserved.



About Author Jennifer J Chow:


Jennifer J Chow

Agatha, Anthony, Lefty, and Lilian Jackson Braun Award-nominated author. Jennifer J. Chow writes cozy mysteries filled with hope and heritage.

Catch Up With Jennifer J Chow: Amazon Author Profile Goodreads BookBub – @jenniferjchow Instagram – @jenjchow Threads – @jenjchow Facebook – @JenJChow


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In the world of internet legends, time traveler John Titor
is the ultimate prize.


I Am John Titor

by Niamh Arthur & Sean Platt

Genre: Science Fiction, Time Travel

In the world of internet legends, time traveler John
Titor is the ultimate prize.

Idealistic filmmaker Ramon Jimenez is stuck shooting mundane
reality shows when he longs to create documentaries that change the world. But
needing to keep food on the table has put his ambitions on hold…

Until Ramon spots a broken-down car linked to John Titor, an
infamous internet legend who, at the turn of the century, claimed to be a time
traveler from 2036. This could be the break he’s waiting for – if he can find a
fresh angle.

RJ tracks down six different witnesses – each claiming to
know “the real” John Titor.

But their stories don’t add up.

One says Titor was sent from the future to stop a
world-ending war.

Another insists he was nothing more than a bored college kid
creating an internet hoax to impress his frat brothers.

A third claims to have been set up to take the fall in an
elaborate heist orchestrated by Titor in 1970s New York.

As RJ dives deeper, the lines between fact and fiction blur.
Who was John Titor? Was he really from the future, or just a cleverly spun
hoax? The closer RJ gets to the truth, the higher the stakes become.

I Am John Titor is a time-traveling epic that
jumps between decades, genres, and timelines as RJ tries to solve the mystery
of the true legend of John Titor.


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Time was disappearing on him, so he had no other choice. He had to turn on the machine, and that meant flicking on the Variable Gravity Lock system, then entering a code.
Once done, he heard a loud chirp from an angry alarm, then a small light to trigger the short countdown as he secured himself in his seat and energy began to crackle around the car, a bright blue bubble of electricity as he stared out his windshield. Then the Mustang squealed to a stop several feet in front of him. The driver’s face — one the traveler had known forever — looked stricken.
But that was all according to plan.
I’m sorry, the man mouthed.
The Chevy shimmered, streaks of rainbow light radiating out from the metal frame.
The air grew heavy with the scent of burning rubber and ozone as a high-pitched whine echoed throughout the garage, like a vacuum cleaner on the fritz.
And then the world disappeared.



Niamh Arthur (pronounced Neeve) is the CEO and
Genre Trends Specialist at Sterling & Stone. She moved to Ireland at 18 to
attend the renowned Drama and Theatre Studies program at Trinity College
Dublin, where she focused on film studies and wrote a senior dissertation on
how cultural ideologies are expressed in modern Hollywood film. She went on to
study marketing with a focus on audience response, psychology, and brand

After more than fifteen years running a successful business
teaching entrepreneurs how to use story to connect with an audience Niamh
realized that she was missing her favorite part of storytelling: fiction. She
leapt at the chance to join Sterling & Stone as CEO and as Sean’s writing
partner. She uses her deep understanding of emotional triggers, audience
response, genre, and commercial trends to ensure stories hit the mark and
create long lasting impact on the audience.

After 20 years in Ireland she now lives in Colorado with her
husband and two children.

Website * Amazon
* Goodreads


Sean Platt has always been an entrepreneur but knew
he’d rather tell stories. When his wife bought him a laptop for his birthday in
2007, he dropped everything to start writing fiction.

Since making the leap, Sean has written hundreds of novels
(including the international best-sellers Yesterday’s Gone and Invasion),
penned dozens of scripts, and founded the IP Incubator Sterling & Stone,
where more than thirty storytellers work together to create world-changing IP.
Sterling & Stone’s stable of writers come to Sean for ideas, mentorship,
and “better words.”

Originally from Long Beach, California, Sean now lives in
Austin, Texas with his wife and dog, Fisher.

Website * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads

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Today Mallory McCartney, Anuci Press, and Rockstar Book Tours are
revealing the cover for THE EXCHANGE & OTHER CALAMITIES, her Horror
Anthology book which releases July 22nd! Check out the awesome cover and enter
the giveaway!



On to the reveal! 




Author: Mallory McCartney

Pub. Date: July 22, 2025

Publisher: Anuci Press

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Find it: Goodreads 


Evil lurks in the darkness, clawing its way towards unsuspecting


A woman living with fibromyalgia finds an artifact that unleashes a
reality she never thought possible… at a steep price.

Two high school seniors take part in a tradition that brings them face to
face with the monstrous truth behind a haunting dark urban legend. 

The face behind a popular Youtube ghost hunting show travels to the scene
of a horrific event to find fresh horrors await there. 

Fate takes a bite out of a young woman who ventures into the wilderness
to grieve her mother.

Best-selling author, Theo Anderson, takes part in a sleep study that
turns her into the very thing she fears.


Hold your breath as you immerse yourself in five harrowing stories
written by best-selling author, Mallory McCartney. Fans of her gripping Black
Dawn Series
will be kept on the edge of their seat by this horror
collection inspired by real life events!

“Mrs. McCartney has boldly taken her first foray into
horror, and I’m proud to say it’s ridiculously fun. I’ve read my fair share of
horror, but McCartney writes in a way that made even my stomach turn at points.
It takes a lot of skill to successfully create an atmosphere suitable for the
horrific things happening throughout this book, but she does it here and then
some, making you feel like you’re smackdab in the middle of it all. By the time
I turned the last page I felt like I’d been put through the wringer, and I
can’t wait to see what she comes up with next.”
Patrick Delaney author of Witch
13, The House that Fell from the Sky


Enjoy this peek inside:


“I shut the mirror with a click and froze. Fear dripped
through me, starting at the crown of my head and dousing my body so completely,
my mind went blank. A scream lodged firmly in my throat—I couldn’t utter a
sound. Fire and ice raced through my veins, churning my stomach, and bile rose
in my throat.


Fingers had appeared from thin air, and they grew and morphed
into inky claws. They curled over my shoulder and gripped it hard. Then, with
pallid skin, the rest of the intruder appeared.”


“The creature’s grip only hardened.

My eyes rolled back. My lungs screamed for oxygen, for
release. In our reflection, which I caught in blurred moments, my face was
purple, my mouth hanging open in a silent scream. The creature pulled me
closer. Its other arm wrapped around my waist. Where before it had no defined
eye sockets, there now sat two massive orbs.

And they burned red.”


“Something moved to my left. My steps faltered, and my
response faded. It was the middle of the day, but in the hallway, the shadows
deepened. On the wall in front of me, the painting was of a man wearing a
collared shirt and a serious expression. His gaunt cheekbones made his eyes
look more sunken. The bland yellow background with nothing in it drew the
viewer in, but cast a greenish hue to the whole picture. He looked sick. The
whole painting did.


My bottom lip trembled and I bit it so hard, the metallic
taste of blood filled my mouth.


Stepping closer to the painting, I watched as blood—real
blood—poured from this man’s eyes, words appearing to write themselves along
his chest:

You are mine now.”



About Author Mallory McCartney:



Mallory McCartney currently lives in Sarnia, Ontario with her
husband, their dachshunds Link, and Leonard and their sphynx cats Luna,
Legolas, Ivy and Lily. When she isn’t working on her next novel or reading, she
can be found day dreaming about fantasy worlds or bingeing her favorite horror

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The Mystery in the Margins: A Cozy Mystery

(Havenwood Paranormal Cozy Mysteries)

by L.L. Gray


The Mystery in the Margins: A Cozy Mystery (Havenwood Paranormal Cozy Mysteries)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
Setting – Connecticut
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Heroic Rose Publishing (August 25, 2024)
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 258 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 195887339X
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1958873397
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 258 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1958873217
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1958873212
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CR81NTNC

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A quaint bookshop, a sprinkle of magic, and a dash of mystery.

Harper Sullivan yearns for a place to call home, preferably with a delightful bakery nearby. When news arrives that she’s inherited her great-grandmother’s bookshop in the charming town of Havenwood, Harper eagerly seizes the chance. Unbeknownst to her, the quaint bookshop carries more than just shelves of stories—it harbors inherited mysteries and a touch of magical mayhem.

But instead of the cozy haven she envisioned, Harper finds herself entangled in inheritance drama, a surprising cousin rivalry, and a daring book thief on the loose. Can she use her wits and witchy powers to untangle the mystery and safeguard her dreams from unraveling before they even begin?

Crack the case today! Grab your copy and solve the mystery!

About L.L. Gray 

L.L. Gray writes warm, witty, and whimsical cozy mysteries filled with magic, mystery, and a dash of humor. Her books transport readers to charming worlds where lovable characters navigate twists and turns with a touch of magic. A lifelong lover of fantasy and myths, L.L. Gray blends humor and heart, crafting stories that feel like coming home. When she’s not writing, she’s often battling gnomes and other magical mischief-makers with her kids or connecting with readers online.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads / BookBub

Purchase Link – Amazon 


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February 3 – Jody’s Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT

February 4 – Baroness Book Trove – REVIEW

February 4 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 5 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

February 6 – Angel’s Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT


February 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

February 9 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW  

February 10 – Storybook Lady – REVIEW

February 11 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 12 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST, INDIVIDUAL GIVEAWAY

February 13 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

February 14 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 15 – Elizabeth McKenna – Author – SPOTLIGHT

February 16 – Cozy Up WIth Kathy – REVIEW- AUTHOR INTERVIEW




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Sins of the Fire
by Phoenix Ward


(Sins of the Fire, #1)
Publication date: September 13th 2024
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Young Adult

No one knows dragons coexisted with humans.

Ancient times long past, we shared magic, weapons and even our very souls with these creatures. Society’s connection between them spanned the test of time, through art, stories, and spoken word. Yet though depictions remain, they no longer exist.

Christian armies, believing these creatures to be devils, laid siege to end their species in a wild pursuit of their Promised Land. Bloodshed for nearly two centuries suddenly came to an end. Concurrently, those winged beasts, admired and feared, were extinguished without a trace.

It’s 2028, and the Crusades are talked about in my college classes. One dragon was able to escape it all by sealing itself in a blade. If such a blade existed, and anyone were to lift it today, they’d reignite the war long dormant—An affront on God himself.

I’m Kane, by the way. Kane Wynde. And this is Mysherra, the affront to God.

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Enjoy this peek inside:

“You shall be tied to the blade, for as long as your mind and spirit remain. Is this acceptable?”

The earth shook, and the rumble of fire howled from outside of the cave. An ultimatum laid before me. To bind myself within the blade would mean giving up my freedom for eternity. To fight a war that threatened to burn the earth to its core would mean my death. The Gods have brought upon us a calamity no mortal could ever hope to quell. Humans who were once close to us rallied for our demise. Our kind torched them, their lands, and their ilk in sport. Whichever side won, there would be no true victor. Only ash.

Would it be acceptable to live the rest of my life as a weapon? Would it be better if I died fighting a lost cause?

Imprisonment or death; my options were narrow.

Looking down at the human, dressed in burns, I pondered what he thought. He bore no hatred. He held no contempt for my kind after what happened. He agreed to fight alongside me with eyes ablaze with passion. I wondered why. What would make someone turn a blind eye to the wounds inflicted by a beast of my caliber? What allowed him to grace my hand, still slick with the residue of death, and find camaraderie in the midst of devastation?

The silence of the cave was beginning to draw on my senses, my own thoughts starting to cloud the noise of the carnage.

We agreed to fight together, but fear was a wise and stringent guide. Regardless of it, I had to make a choice.

“This is acceptable.”

“In doing this, you will relinquish your body. Your essence shall be ripped completely from within. Your magic, your strength and your flames will be in the hands of your wielder. Is this acceptable?”

My heart shuddered. It would hurt. I would die, yet I would live. What would happen to my body? Would my heart sit in silence, left to rot in its empty temple? Would my flesh be torn away with my spirit? Again, I looked towards the human. His gaze held mine. Though twisted and bloated, he held me in their comfort. He smiled. He did not need to reassure me with words nor tender touch.

“This is acceptable.”

“The process shall span the turn of the moon. With the dawn, you shall awaken in your new form. Do you accept the terms  of the pact?”

“I accept.”

The dragon’ s eyes flashed. “The terms have been set, and the pact is complete. May fortune favor you, Mysherra.”

As the sword began to gleam, I closed my eyes.

Tingling spread across my body as the sensation of my insides were pulled from within me. And thus, through a pain that transcended anything inflicted upon my hide of scales, I accepted my fate.



About Author Phoenix Ward:

Phoenix Ward is an indie black writer, and educator from Philadelphia. He has worked in the field of education for over five years, teaching all grades Mathematics and English. When he’s not writing, he is composing music using Logic Pro X, or tutoring children on subjects they struggle in. Currently, he lives in Philadelphia with his dog and cat.

An avid world-builder, Phoenix has created many stories from youth to adulthood, but none have captivated him as much as his latest work Sins of the Fire, which combines his passion for storytelling with his deep understanding of human nature. He draws inspiration from the vibrant city life of Philadelphia and his own experiences as an educator, infusing his narratives with authenticity and depth.

In addition to his work as a writer and educator, Phoenix is committed to supporting young creatives in their journeys. He actively encourages students and adults alike to seek a way to create their own stories. Everyone has a message to share, and doing so in story is the best way to do so.

Website / Goodreads


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