Have I got a fun story for you.
The 400 lb Gorilla is hilarious and way out there. Good clean fun!
Check out my review.
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The book description alone made me want to read this book.
In the beginning, there were a lot of clichés and I was thinking, “Uh oh.” I was worried they would become annoying and slow down my reading. I was worried I wouldn’t like this book. But, I kept going. And kept going…..And before I knew it, I couldn’t put it down.
I tried explaining my confusion to my sister. How I thought I might not like the book, was worried because the author was from Wales and the wording was different. How I didn’t get all of the expressions, even taking them in context.
Then it hit me. It didn’t matter. I was hooked and having a great time.
Matt believes he’s unlucky. Accept for surviving the car crash and subsequent severe head injury.
Going from a med school student to a porter at the hospital isn’t lucky. Nor is being the verbal punching bag for a malicious doctor.
Matt’s psychologist says working will help. Help him accept there was no girlfriend in the car with him when it crashed. She didn’t exist.
So Matt goes to work, suffering the mental assault of the doc, and slowly beginning to think maybe he did make up his girlfriend. It wasn’t all bad. Sure, he’d become a clutz, but he was alive.
Then, one night at work, she walked up to him and planted a big kiss on his mouth. Silvy, his missing girlfriend. The one who didn’t exist.
If he didn’t make her up, maybe other things he’s been remembering are real too. And it’s not long before he finds out they are and things go from unbelievable to out-and-out weird.
Since I’ve never read anything like this before, there’s nothing to compare it to. I’ve been very lucky and found something unique, something different.
With everything that was happening to Matt, I was reminded of a four-way traffic stop. You all get there at the same time and nobody moves. So you decide to go and as soon as you hit the gas, so does someone else. Now you both stop and wave at each other to go. Again, you hesitate, until finally you think the heck with this and hit the gas pedal and go.
Matt handled things pretty much the same way. He kept moving forward, hoping his luck wouldn’t run out.
At one point I found myself chuckling and I had to go back a few sentences to find out why. Things like this little excerpt are dropped like little bombs all through the story, catching you unawares.
” Matt thought for a moment.It only hurt a little.”
Those ten words were just dropped in the paragraph and my subconscious caught on before I did.
It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, world in The 400 lb Gorilla.
To use a cliché, “A diamond in the rough!”
Oh yeah. The author has a part in the story. Not as a character though. It’ll cost you ‘Two and a half scruples from Wellworths.’

Matt Danmor thinks he’s lucky. Not many people survive a near death accident with nothing more than a bout of amnesia, a touch of clumsiness and the conviction that the technician who did the MRI had grey skin and hooves. Still, it takes time to recover from trauma like that, especially when the girl who was in the accident with you disappears into thin air. Especially when the shrinks keep telling you she’s just a figment of your imagination. So when the girl turns up months later looking ravishing, and wanting to carry on where they left off, Matt’s troubled life starts looking up. But he hasn’t bargained for the baggage that comes with Silvy, like the fact she isn’t really an English language student, or even a girl. Underneath her traffic stopping exterior is something else altogether, something involving raving fanatics bent on human sacrifice, dimensionally challenged baked bean tins, a vulture with a penchant for profanity, and a security agent for the Dept of Fimmigration (that’s Fae immigration for those of you not in the know) called Kylah with the most amazing gold-flecked eyes The 400 Lb Gorilla is caustic, (vampire-free) introduction to the Hipposync Archives: Contemporary fantasy at its sparkling best.

Author DC Farmer

Once a successful doctor of medicine, DC Farmer now works two days a week for the NHS and, thanks to the wonders of Krudian physics, the other nine days a 011-Dyl-011week for Hipposync Enterprises, as a scribe.
Hipposync was established in the early fourteenth century as a purveyor and publisher of rare books, the sort of stuff you are not able to get elsewhere and which contains information as varied as how to guard your castle against the Hordes of Maltasub using Harpie blood and tar, and how to change a beetle into a useful toothpick.
Of course, you will have gathered from all of this that Hipposync is, in fact, just a cover. What lurks beneath that thin veneer of respectability (yeah, right) is much, much more interesting. Hiding behind an office on the banks of the canal in Jericho, Oxford is the Department of Fimmigration (as in Fae immigration). Hey, there has to be one, otherwise just anyone could walk in, right?
DC’s role in documenting the work of the Fimmigration Service has, over the years, led to the realization that the world needs to know. Moreover, if he doesn’t tell someone soon he is going to burst. So, within these pages you will find actual accounts of the splendid work of the Fimmigration Service, beginning with The 400 Lb Gorilla–a sample of which is also on this site, and which will soon be published in its totality by Spence City once appropriate clearance from the ‘authorities’ has been obtained.
Some people say that this is contemporary fantasy fiction. Believe me, it’s real enough on planet hipposync.
DC Farmer is alive and well in darkest West Wales.

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