Archive for the ‘reviews’ Category



See the excitement behind the scenes of how Lucifer became the Adversary and the part he has played in the affairs of man since the creation of Adam and Eve, including the creation of the Nephilim causing the implementation of the worldwide flood, his influence on the construction of the Tower of Babel, his involvement in the curse of king Jehoiachin, and even how he interferes in modern times in our day-to-day activities…



Title: The Adversary Chronicles
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Genre: Christian / Scifi

He has many names: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Adversary. Through the eyes of
Mikael, the Captain of the Lord’s hosts, understand the conflict that
starts in Heaven and how it extends to Earth. Get a different
perspective on earthly events that will help you rediscover the awe of
age-old Bible stories and give you a new perspective for you to ponder.

Read how Lucifer prepares for his rise to power on Earth through his deceit
causing the fall of Adam and Eve, his engineering the Nephilim which God
ended with the worldwide flood, how he attempted to use the Tower of
Babel to prepare a superhuman off world using a time dilation field to
speed up his work for world dominance, how he utilizes a curse the
prophet Jeremiah gives to king Jehoiachin to try and change mankind’s
history by preventing the prophecy of the coming Messiah, to how he
attempts to hijack new technology today to create a plague that will
target those of Jewish descent and thereby change biblical prophecy and
attempt to turn it into a mere fairytale.

Title of Series: The Adversary Chronicles

Book 1: Rebellion in the Stones of Fire

Book 2: The Holy Grail of Babylon

Book 3: The Defining Curse   

Book 4: The Luciferian Plague 

Publication Date:

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 01-Feb-2022    

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 06-Jul-2022     

The Defining Curse: 04-Oct-2022    

The Luciferian Plague: 01-Feb-2003

# of Pages: 

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 320   

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 300   

The Defining Curse: 300    

The Luciferian Plague: 368


The Holy Grail Of Babylon


I sometimes find it difficult when writing a review for the next book in a series. It’s important not to put spoilers from the previous book in the review while giving a little detail leading into the next book. Rebellion In The Stones Of Fire was a fascinating read and I was excited to continue in the science fiction/christian series.

In The Holy Grail Of Babylon, Lucifer’s head has always been too big for his shoulders and he’s got a crazy idea to create an alternate world mimicking Earth, thus God, and make his own master human to conquer all. Mikael and several angels, along with some new characters are challenged to stop him at all costs.  That’s going to be difficult as they’re up against three groups, with two of the groups wanting them dead. And doppelgangers appearing all over the place.

I had high hopes for this second book and it delivered. There’s a great cast of characters. Zane quickly became one of my favorites. An intriguing look at Lucifer possessing humans. And a lot happening all at the same time in the past, present and future. You’d think it would be hard to keep the tense jumping straight, but I had no problem and found it fun. While intense reading at times, needing me to focus, the author also lightened it up, even making me laugh at times. I’m now on to the third book, The Defining Curse, and curious about what comes next.



Purchase On Amazon:

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire

The Holy Grail of Babylon

The Defining Curse

The Luciferian Plague

Also available for sale HERE



Book Excerpt  




Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: Chapter 1: Disturbance in the Force

Mikael approached two of his fellow warriors who were engaged in animated conversation. His left hand rested on the bejeweled hilt of his sword to keep the weapon from impeding his quick gait. He nodded to both as he came to an abrupt halt. Both stopped their conversation in mid-sentence and looked at Mikael expectantly.

“Raphael, have you or Uriel seen Ruach today?”

Raphael gave a wry smile as he brushed his golden[1]colored hair over his shoulder. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “Seen? Is that a trick question?”

Uriel chuckled but then stopped when he saw Mikael’s extremely serious expression. Mikael didn’t crack a smile.

“Mikael,” Raphael said. “What’s wrong?”

Mikael shook his head slightly. “I’m not sure.” He too brushed his long blond hair, which was somewhat darker than Raphael’s, over his shoulder. “Last time I saw him, he looked . . . different.”

Raphael and Uriel looked at each other. Both gave a slight shrug.

Raphael turned back to Mikael. “I’m not trying to be anything but serious. But how can you say he looks different? We can barely see him as it is. He’s Ruach HaKodesh, Elohim’s Spirit. He has a form, but he is transparent for the most part.”

Mikael sighed. They were taking him too literally. “Yes, Raphael. But he produces a feeling, a presence, an aura . . . that is powerful yet calming.”

Raphael nodded. “Yes, that’s true.”

“His aura, as we sometimes say, felt different . . . troubled. Unlike any time before.”

“Well,” Uriel said, “he does have a great deal of stress to unite both the love and justice of our Creator so they can both exist within him.” He shook his head. “Such stress likely takes its toll on him now and again. That’s a lot of tension to keep harmonious.”

Mikael rubbed his chin. “Maybe. This . . . this felt different, though.”

Uriel shrugged and patted Mikael on his shoulder. “We’ll keep our eyes out for him and let you know if we find out anything or hear anything.”

Mikael nodded to his friends. “Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find as well.”

Mikael walked on, wondering where to look, when he suddenly got the idea to head to the throne room. Ruach.

Ruach HaKodesh often sent telepathic messages to these warriors to let them know the will of their Creator. Going to the throne room sounded serious— definitely not a place to approach lightly. There were only a few select cherubim and seraphim, special angels, who had access to the Creator in his throne room. Mikael wondered: Why does Ruach want me there?

The throne room was not hard to miss. Since the place contained the Shekinah glory of the Creator, his brilliance was so bright the light would penetrate any crevice existing in a structure. In addition, with the throne room composed of various types of colored crystals, the place gave off a magnificent glow that could be seen from extremely far away. Not only was the throne room colorful, the area also sat on the highest place in the middle of the kingdom, a dimension in and unto itself. Mikael looked up and followed the path upward toward the glow—a glow he had always considered comforting knowing his Creator’s presence was always with him. Now he would enter his Creator’s dimension. That, he thought, was not as comforting.

As Mikael neared the throne room, he paused. Am I supposed to enter? There would be grave consequences if he entered uninvited. He looked around. His eyes caught a slight blur of something against the glow of the throne room. He approached.

“Ruach. I received your message. What is wrong?”

Only a vague outline of a Person could be observed. Although transparent, he appeared like heat waves between an observer and an object. “Thank you for coming. I didn’t want to alarm the others. You’re the archangel, the leader of our Creator’s heavenly host.”

Mikael often wondered why he was the leader of an army. Shouldn’t an army have an enemy? They certainly trained as if there was one. But everything here was so perfect. What was the need for such a force? Unless . . . Ruach was about to now tell him.

Mikael took a step closer to Ruach. He lowered his voice. He was unsure why he did, but doing so seemed the appropriate thing to do. “Ruach, tell me what’s going on.”

Ruach shook his head. “Mikael, I can’t yet reveal what is going on. All I can say is, I have felt a change, and it’s not a good change. There is a disturbance brewing. I can’t tell you what it is or who it is, but . . . ” His voice trailed off.

Mikael cocked his head. “But what? You can at least tell me where this disturbance is originating from, can you not?”

Ruach nodded.

“Okay. So, where?”

“That’s why I called you here.” Ruach’s form turned toward the throne room.

Mikael looked from Ruach to the throne room and back, realization slowly dawning. In almost a whisper he said, “What? Here? But . . . why? How?”

Ruach turned back to Mikael. “That is why I need your help.”

Mikael put his hand to his chest. “My help? But you’re the one who can sense all. What do you need with my help?”

Ruach put his hand on Mikael’s shoulder. Mikael could not see his hand, but he could feel it, as well as the warmth now radiating from his shoulder down through his very being. “That’s the point, Mikael. The time of choices is approaching. I need you to question the cherubim to see what they know. If a rebellion is brewing, I don’t want them to think I know.”

Mikael’s eyes widened. “Rebellion? Here? How—” He paused, his mind trying to catch up to such a thought. “How is such a thing even possible?”

Ruach shook his head. “It is a mystery. But a mystery you need to get to the bottom of.”

Mikael nodded slowly, then stopped. His heart sank. “Wait. You said ‘them.’ Why did you make this plural?”

Ruach seemed to look down and then back to Mikael. “It is plural, I’m afraid. The feeling I’ve received has gotten stronger over the last several days.”

Mikael took a step back in shock. “I can’t comprehend even one of us rebelling, much less several. Are you sure?”

Ruach slowly nodded. “Yes. I am certain.”

Mikael glanced back at the throne room. “And you think the rebellion is from one of the cherubim?” He shook his head. “They are the closest to our Creator. They reflect his glory back to him. How could rebellion be in one of them?”

“It is either one of them, or one of them knows something. You must find out what they know.”

“But how do I do that? They are in the throne room almost constantly. They come out only rarely, and for short periods of time.”

Ruach nodded. “Yes, that is true. And that is why you have my permission.”

Mikael cocked his head slightly. “Permission? For what?”

“To enter.”

Mikael’s mouth fell open. “The throne room!?” His voice was one of disbelief. “But won’t they know something is amiss if they see me in the throne room? Only the cherubim and seraphim are allowed.”

“Others are allowed with permission.”

Mikael swallowed hard. As far as he knew, no one— at least as yet—had ever entered the throne room except for select cherubim and seraphim.

“The glow of one has faded,” Ruach said. “Likely almost imperceptible, but perhaps you can notice so you will know where to direct your questioning. Don’t approach directly. Not yet at least. Let’s talk after your visit. Don’t engage. Just observe.”

Ruach stretched out his transparent arm and directed Mikael’s attention toward the entrance of the throne room.

Mikael’s eyebrows raised. “You mean, now?”

“Is there any better time?”

Mikael knew the answer was no, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for this step without further preparation. He started to ask if the Creator was expecting him but caught himself as he realized Ruach HaKodesh was one component of the Creator-Trinity. Ruach giving permission was the same as the Creator giving permission.

Mikael slowly walked toward the entrance of the throne room. Two large angels with broad shoulders and a muscular build stood next to the doorway. Each had blondish-colored hair and blue eyes that highlighted their tanned appearance. Both wore a sky[1]blue robe that contrasted with the golden sash around their waist and the other across their chest that was in place to hold a large, sheathed sword along their back.

“Hello, Azel,” Mikael said.

Azel nodded. “Ruach has already informed me to allow your entrance.”

Mikael nodded. “Thank you.” He paused briefly at the entrance. Would the portal to this dimension open?

He briefly glanced at Azel, who merely smiled.

The entrance seemed to simply fade, revealing a myriad of colors within. Mikael swallowed hard and stepped through the opening and into a dimension few—if any—had ever been invited into.



About the Author





Dr. Randy C. Dockens
has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees
in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of
creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without
being enemies of each other. 

After completing his
bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to
graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in
Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic
reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading
pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist
who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been
administered (i.e., absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted). 

Through the years, he
has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas,
including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to see and develop
new and novel medicines in these therapy areas. 

He has also had his
attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second
doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after
receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible
Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon. 

Randy has recently
retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on
his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian,
end-time prophecy, science fiction, and uniquely told Bible stories. All
his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to
give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and
allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have
thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format
that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for his readers. 

Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads / Instagram




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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



See the excitement behind the scenes of how Lucifer became the Adversary and the part he has played in the affairs of man since the creation of Adam and Eve, including the creation of the Nephilim causing the implementation of the worldwide flood, his influence on the construction of the Tower of Babel, his involvement in the curse of king Jehoiachin, and even how he interferes in modern times in our day-to-day activities…



Title: The Adversary Chronicles
Author: Randy C. Dockens
Publisher: Carpenter’s Son Publishing
Genre: Christian / Scifi

He has many names: Lucifer, Satan, Devil, Adversary. Through the eyes of
Mikael, the Captain of the Lord’s hosts, understand the conflict that
starts in Heaven and how it extends to Earth. Get a different
perspective on earthly events that will help you rediscover the awe of
age-old Bible stories and give you a new perspective for you to ponder.

Read how Lucifer prepares for his rise to power on Earth through his deceit
causing the fall of Adam and Eve, his engineering the Nephilim which God
ended with the worldwide flood, how he attempted to use the Tower of
Babel to prepare a superhuman off world using a time dilation field to
speed up his work for world dominance, how he utilizes a curse the
prophet Jeremiah gives to king Jehoiachin to try and change mankind’s
history by preventing the prophecy of the coming Messiah, to how he
attempts to hijack new technology today to create a plague that will
target those of Jewish descent and thereby change biblical prophecy and
attempt to turn it into a mere fairytale.

Title of Series: The Adversary Chronicles

Book 1: Rebellion in the Stones of Fire

Book 2: The Holy Grail of Babylon

Book 3: The Defining Curse   

Book 4: The Luciferian Plague 

Publication Date:

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 01-Feb-2022    

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 06-Jul-2022     

The Defining Curse: 04-Oct-2022    

The Luciferian Plague: 01-Feb-2003

# of Pages: 

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: 320   

The Holy Grail of Babylon: 300   

The Defining Curse: 300    

The Luciferian Plague: 368

Purchase On Amazon:

Rebellion in the Stones of Fire

The Holy Grail of Babylon

The Defining Curse

The Luciferian Plague

Also available for sale HERE


The Stones Of Rebellion


I started reading knowing I would need to keep an open mind. Religion and science fiction. The fall of Lucifer and the end of days. The creation of humans and free will. Adam And Eve and the Serpent in the Garden Of Eden. The creation of Heaven and it’s purpose. That’s a lot to explain.

The author dropped me right into a conversation between Mikael and another angel. Thus begins a series of events felt by all in the realm of angels. The realm of angels. That intrigued me. Weren’t angels and God in Heaven? Not at this time. Right now Lucifer is amassing an army. Being told he’s not unique, special but not unique, is unacceptable. I was equally intrigued that Lucifer was created to be influential. That was his trait. But his desire to be unique, to be as beloved as God, caused him to use his trait for his own purposes. And many listened. Gathered. Plotted. War was coming.

Much of what was told to me by the author I recognized from the Bible. Then the author introduced dimensions and teleportation and the science fiction came into play. His visual writing showed me his story.

It was riveting to read how Earth was created. Then day and night were finished and time began. The angels struggled to understand this. They experienced time as one event and then another and another as they’re eternal. And the author’s description of the creation of Heaven. So visual. Such atmosphere. I let my imagination flow and had a fascinating read. I was hooked.





Book Excerpt  




Rebellion in the Stones of Fire: Chapter 1: Disturbance in the Force

Mikael approached two of his fellow warriors who were engaged in animated conversation. His left hand rested on the bejeweled hilt of his sword to keep the weapon from impeding his quick gait. He nodded to both as he came to an abrupt halt. Both stopped their conversation in mid-sentence and looked at Mikael expectantly.

“Raphael, have you or Uriel seen Ruach today?”

Raphael gave a wry smile as he brushed his golden[1]colored hair over his shoulder. His blue eyes twinkled with amusement. “Seen? Is that a trick question?”

Uriel chuckled but then stopped when he saw Mikael’s extremely serious expression. Mikael didn’t crack a smile.

“Mikael,” Raphael said. “What’s wrong?”

Mikael shook his head slightly. “I’m not sure.” He too brushed his long blond hair, which was somewhat darker than Raphael’s, over his shoulder. “Last time I saw him, he looked . . . different.”

Raphael and Uriel looked at each other. Both gave a slight shrug.

Raphael turned back to Mikael. “I’m not trying to be anything but serious. But how can you say he looks different? We can barely see him as it is. He’s Ruach HaKodesh, Elohim’s Spirit. He has a form, but he is transparent for the most part.”

Mikael sighed. They were taking him too literally. “Yes, Raphael. But he produces a feeling, a presence, an aura . . . that is powerful yet calming.”

Raphael nodded. “Yes, that’s true.”

“His aura, as we sometimes say, felt different . . . troubled. Unlike any time before.”

“Well,” Uriel said, “he does have a great deal of stress to unite both the love and justice of our Creator so they can both exist within him.” He shook his head. “Such stress likely takes its toll on him now and again. That’s a lot of tension to keep harmonious.”

Mikael rubbed his chin. “Maybe. This . . . this felt different, though.”

Uriel shrugged and patted Mikael on his shoulder. “We’ll keep our eyes out for him and let you know if we find out anything or hear anything.”

Mikael nodded to his friends. “Thanks. I’ll let you know what I find as well.”

Mikael walked on, wondering where to look, when he suddenly got the idea to head to the throne room. Ruach.

Ruach HaKodesh often sent telepathic messages to these warriors to let them know the will of their Creator. Going to the throne room sounded serious— definitely not a place to approach lightly. There were only a few select cherubim and seraphim, special angels, who had access to the Creator in his throne room. Mikael wondered: Why does Ruach want me there?

The throne room was not hard to miss. Since the place contained the Shekinah glory of the Creator, his brilliance was so bright the light would penetrate any crevice existing in a structure. In addition, with the throne room composed of various types of colored crystals, the place gave off a magnificent glow that could be seen from extremely far away. Not only was the throne room colorful, the area also sat on the highest place in the middle of the kingdom, a dimension in and unto itself. Mikael looked up and followed the path upward toward the glow—a glow he had always considered comforting knowing his Creator’s presence was always with him. Now he would enter his Creator’s dimension. That, he thought, was not as comforting.

As Mikael neared the throne room, he paused. Am I supposed to enter? There would be grave consequences if he entered uninvited. He looked around. His eyes caught a slight blur of something against the glow of the throne room. He approached.

“Ruach. I received your message. What is wrong?”

Only a vague outline of a Person could be observed. Although transparent, he appeared like heat waves between an observer and an object. “Thank you for coming. I didn’t want to alarm the others. You’re the archangel, the leader of our Creator’s heavenly host.”

Mikael often wondered why he was the leader of an army. Shouldn’t an army have an enemy? They certainly trained as if there was one. But everything here was so perfect. What was the need for such a force? Unless . . . Ruach was about to now tell him.

Mikael took a step closer to Ruach. He lowered his voice. He was unsure why he did, but doing so seemed the appropriate thing to do. “Ruach, tell me what’s going on.”

Ruach shook his head. “Mikael, I can’t yet reveal what is going on. All I can say is, I have felt a change, and it’s not a good change. There is a disturbance brewing. I can’t tell you what it is or who it is, but . . . ” His voice trailed off.

Mikael cocked his head. “But what? You can at least tell me where this disturbance is originating from, can you not?”

Ruach nodded.

“Okay. So, where?”

“That’s why I called you here.” Ruach’s form turned toward the throne room.

Mikael looked from Ruach to the throne room and back, realization slowly dawning. In almost a whisper he said, “What? Here? But . . . why? How?”

Ruach turned back to Mikael. “That is why I need your help.”

Mikael put his hand to his chest. “My help? But you’re the one who can sense all. What do you need with my help?”

Ruach put his hand on Mikael’s shoulder. Mikael could not see his hand, but he could feel it, as well as the warmth now radiating from his shoulder down through his very being. “That’s the point, Mikael. The time of choices is approaching. I need you to question the cherubim to see what they know. If a rebellion is brewing, I don’t want them to think I know.”

Mikael’s eyes widened. “Rebellion? Here? How—” He paused, his mind trying to catch up to such a thought. “How is such a thing even possible?”

Ruach shook his head. “It is a mystery. But a mystery you need to get to the bottom of.”

Mikael nodded slowly, then stopped. His heart sank. “Wait. You said ‘them.’ Why did you make this plural?”

Ruach seemed to look down and then back to Mikael. “It is plural, I’m afraid. The feeling I’ve received has gotten stronger over the last several days.”

Mikael took a step back in shock. “I can’t comprehend even one of us rebelling, much less several. Are you sure?”

Ruach slowly nodded. “Yes. I am certain.”

Mikael glanced back at the throne room. “And you think the rebellion is from one of the cherubim?” He shook his head. “They are the closest to our Creator. They reflect his glory back to him. How could rebellion be in one of them?”

“It is either one of them, or one of them knows something. You must find out what they know.”

“But how do I do that? They are in the throne room almost constantly. They come out only rarely, and for short periods of time.”

Ruach nodded. “Yes, that is true. And that is why you have my permission.”

Mikael cocked his head slightly. “Permission? For what?”

“To enter.”

Mikael’s mouth fell open. “The throne room!?” His voice was one of disbelief. “But won’t they know something is amiss if they see me in the throne room? Only the cherubim and seraphim are allowed.”

“Others are allowed with permission.”

Mikael swallowed hard. As far as he knew, no one— at least as yet—had ever entered the throne room except for select cherubim and seraphim.

“The glow of one has faded,” Ruach said. “Likely almost imperceptible, but perhaps you can notice so you will know where to direct your questioning. Don’t approach directly. Not yet at least. Let’s talk after your visit. Don’t engage. Just observe.”

Ruach stretched out his transparent arm and directed Mikael’s attention toward the entrance of the throne room.

Mikael’s eyebrows raised. “You mean, now?”

“Is there any better time?”

Mikael knew the answer was no, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for this step without further preparation. He started to ask if the Creator was expecting him but caught himself as he realized Ruach HaKodesh was one component of the Creator-Trinity. Ruach giving permission was the same as the Creator giving permission.

Mikael slowly walked toward the entrance of the throne room. Two large angels with broad shoulders and a muscular build stood next to the doorway. Each had blondish-colored hair and blue eyes that highlighted their tanned appearance. Both wore a sky[1]blue robe that contrasted with the golden sash around their waist and the other across their chest that was in place to hold a large, sheathed sword along their back.

“Hello, Azel,” Mikael said.

Azel nodded. “Ruach has already informed me to allow your entrance.”

Mikael nodded. “Thank you.” He paused briefly at the entrance. Would the portal to this dimension open?

He briefly glanced at Azel, who merely smiled.

The entrance seemed to simply fade, revealing a myriad of colors within. Mikael swallowed hard and stepped through the opening and into a dimension few—if any—had ever been invited into.



About the Author





Dr. Randy C. Dockens
has a fascination with science and with the Bible, holds Ph.D. degrees
in both areas, and is a man not only of faith and science, but also of
creativity. He believes that faith and science go hand in hand without
being enemies of each other. 

After completing his
bachelor’s degree in pharmacy from Auburn University he went on to
graduate school at Auburn and completed his first doctorate degree in
Pharmaceutics. He began his scientific career as a pharmacokinetic
reviewer for the Food and Drug Administration and later joined a leading
pharmaceutical company as a pharmacokineticist, which is a scientist
who analyzes how the human body affects drugs after they have been
administered (i.e., absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted). 

Through the years, he
has worked on potential medicines within several disease areas,
including cardiovascular, fibrosis, and immunoscience to see and develop
new and novel medicines in these therapy areas. 

He has also had his
attention on the academic study of the Bible. He earned a second
doctorate in Biblical Prophecy from Louisiana Baptist University after
receiving a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from the Internet Bible
Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Robert Congdon. 

Randy has recently
retired from his pharmaceutical career and is spending even more time on
his writing efforts. He has written several books that span dystopian,
end-time prophecy, science fiction, and uniquely told Bible stories. All
his books, while fun to read, are futuristic, filled with science to
give them an authentic feel, have a science fiction feel to them, and
allows one to learn some aspect of Biblical truth one may not have
thought about before. This is all done in a fast-paced action format
that is both entertaining and provides a fun read for his readers. 

Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads / Instagram




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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Reading, Read, Peaceful, Woman, Dusk, Outside, Outdoors

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Sunday Post

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

I spy with my little eye….. Christmas decorations. Yep. Can you believe it. They don’t even have Halloween or Thanksgiving out yet and there’s the holly jolly stuff. The mad dash has begun. Sure doesn’t feel Christmas like here. 100+ and so humid it’s hard to breathe. Many people think September is the end of summer on the Gulf Coast. Hold those horses peeps. It gets even hotter and then the hurricane season ramps up. Crossing my fingers, toes and eyes we don’t get hit by one this year.

I have some exciting reviews and giveaways to share. And some free books! Check it all below.

Looking forward to chatting with you and have a great new week!


Book News.

What I just finished. I’ll be sharing my reviews soon.


What I’m reading now.


What I’ll be reading next.



Newly added to my pile of books.



This week’s reviews.


Here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

Cyclone: A Protective Hero Romantic Suspense (Linear Tactical Book 1) by [Janie Crouch]  The Darkness We Keep Close: A Novel by [Reyna Starlette]  The Hangman Box Set by [WL Knightly]

Cheeky Royal (Winston Isles Royals Book 1) by [Nana Malone]  Bride for the Innkeeper (Mail Order Brides of Christmas Mountain Book 1) by [Jovie Grace]  Daring the Duke (The Debutante Dares Book 1) by [Charlie Lane]

You Can Lead a Horse to Murder (Secrets of Sanctuary Cozy Mysteries Book 1) by [Tara Meyers]  Cold Case No. 99-5219 (A Samantha Church Mystery Book 4) by [Betta Ferrendelli]  Girl Without a Chance (A Tara Strong Mystery—Book 1) by [Rylie Dark]

THE FLOWER ARRANGER AT ALL SAINTS a gripping cozy murder mystery full of twists (Suzy Spencer Mysteries Book 1) by [LIS HOWELL]  A Flytrap Fiasco: A witchy cozy mystery (Trouble Down Under) by [P.A. Mason]  The Witch who Couldn't Spell: Felix and Penzi's First Paranormal Mystery (French Country Murders Book 1) by [Katie Penryn]

The Afterlife Series (Books 1-3) by [Willow Rose]  Snow-Kissed Love Complete Box Set: Books 1-5 by [Violet Vaughn, V. Vaughn]


Other posts on my blog this week.

Her Own Revolution ~ The Chateau de Verzat Series by Debra Borchert

Deadly Manor ~ A World War II Mystery by Kate Parker

And Then I Met You by MacKezie Lee ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Cinderella’s Crimes by Kelsey Josund ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ Hungry Is The Night by Robin Jeffrey

Haunted Inns And Hotels Of Virginia by Susan Schwartz ~ Excerpt And Giveaway

Books From The Back Log #84 ~ Suckerville by Chris Sorensen

The IX by Andrew P. Weston ~ Review And Giveaway

The Friday 56 #251 ~ Horror Library

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ Rise Of Dresca by Tim McKay

The Kandesky Vampire Chronicles by Michele Drier ~ Guest Post And Giveaway

A Good Man by P.J. McIlvaine ~ Excerpt And Giveaway

Coming Home To Magnolia Bay by Babette De Jongh ~ Guest Post And Giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.


The IX

The IX Series Book 1

by Andrew P. Weston

Genre: SciFi Fantasy

Soldiers from varying eras and vastly different backgrounds, including the IX Legion of Rome, are snatched away from Earth at the moment of their passing, and transported to the far side of the galaxy. Thinking they have been granted a reprieve, their relief turns to horror when they discover they face a stark ultimatum:

Fight or die.

Against all odds, this group of misfits manages to turn the tide against a relentless foe, only to discover the true cost of victory might exact a price they are unwilling to pay.

How far would you be willing to go to stay alive?

The IX.

Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.

**The IX is Perseid Press’ featured book for August and is on sale for Only $2.99 on Kindle!!**

Amazon * B&N * Perseid Press * Bookbub * Goodreads



Ever wondered what happened to those lost Roman Legionnaires? What about the US cavalry, engaged in a secret mission for President Lincoln? And whatever happened to the Special Forces Unit from a future time who disappeared during their mission to stop a nuclear disaster?

The IX has the answers and they are out of this world. Literally.

I gotta say, this fascinated me. What a great way to explain the disappearance of thousands. And what a world the author built.

At the point of death, these people were whisked away to a distant galaxy by an alien race. The inhabitants of that planet are being killed off and face extinction. They need warriors, now. Told they fight or die, these people must work together, live by the code, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” if they are going to survive.

There’s no going back. There’s only the the Horde, an enemy that doesn’t hesitate to die by the thousands. They must be stopped or all perish. And what’s to stop them from finding Earth and doing to us what they are doing to these beings? And then to another planet, and another.

What a movie this would be! I’d kill, just kidding, to have a part in it. Even as an ugly Kresh!

My description is simplified. There’s so much happening. This book comes in at a whopping 565 pages. But don’t let that deter you. By the time you reach the end, you’ll be wishing it was longer.

Though I stumbled over some of the alien names and terms, laughed at my own attempts to pronounce them, I quickly came to recognize them, along with the numerous human characters. There are a lot, yet it doesn’t take long to recognize the individual voices.

The plot for The IX is mind blowing. The author gives you many sub plots, plenty of history, and an amazing world to explore. He was able to make this all flow easily. You’ll fly through this in to time.

The writing is superb. Ever read a book and see the entire story play out like on the big screen. Except for not being too sure what those nasty Kresh looked like, I could see this in vivid color and detail. Imagination is a wonderful thing, as is this authors talent.




Enjoy this peek inside:


By Strength and Guile


(May 4, 2052)


“Gold command, emergency hatchway has been breached and preliminary seal established. We now have access to pylon three. Repeat, pylon three is secured. Beginning final appraisal.”

“Roger that, Sunray,” a muted, metallic voice acknowledged, “You are go for tactical ingress, on your mark.”

Lieutenant Alan–Mac–McDonald, officer commanding SBS Four Troop, UK Special Forces Anti-Terrorist Wing, remained a shadow in the dark. His night optics brought the scene about him to life in lurid, silver-green detail. As he began his final assessment, he could clearly see the seven other members of his team, bobbing about in the swell beneath the Husker-Trent oil and gas platform. Each of them was silent, alert, and professional. Highly trained killers. But skill and training weren’t the only things on their side tonight. Thanks to their reactive micro-com network and chameleon armor, they were also invisible from prying eyes, eavesdropping and covert surveillance. Scanning their arcs, each specialist waited patiently for their leader to complete his evaluation and give his final affirmation.

From their briefing of only two hours ago, Mac knew this gravity-base derrick, situated nearly a hundred miles out into the North Sea, was the very latest in platform design. A floating, self-sustained city in one of the harshest environments known to man, she was also the apple of the Corroco Corporation’s eye. And the Corroco Oil and Technologies Corporation were not happy at being the latest targets of White Dawn, a group of eco-terrorists who had kept a number of security agencies around the world busy over the past thirteen months.

No one knew who the leaders of this faction were, or indeed how they were funded. The only facts available tended to support the theory that White Dawn operatives were highly trained, incredibly motivated, and skilled in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. Their goal appeared to focus on public embarrassment, rather than financial gain. More worryingly, if cornered and unable to achieve their objectives, they weren’t reticent about making the ultimate gesture for their cause. Suicide!

The group was also very thorough when it came to researching possible targets, and this evening’s venture was no exception. Husker-Trent was fitted with the very latest in AI camera-motion detector recognition technology. If unidentified persons approached, they could either be blown out of the water by .50 rail mounted cannons, or the rig would go into safe mode. Security bulkheads would lower to seal off the strategic centers of operations, emergency valves would cut off oil and gas pressure, and automated distress signals would be sent via com-sat and wireless. Additionally, the platform had been constructed in such a manner that the drilling module was entirely separate from the run off vents, and the combined work-cum-habitat ring. The only way on or off, was via the central helipad, accessed by any one of three retractable gantries. These safety features should have made it very hard for anyone to breach her security measures. The fact that White Dawn had done so, this easily, smacked of exceptional planning and execution, or an inside job. As such, Gold Command were hedging their bets and treading cautiously.

Mac zoomed in on a number of the defensive systems as he made his assessment. The thermal and electronic heads-up display emblazoned across the left side of his visor, showed they were primed, tracking, and ready to deploy.

Difficult to get past, but not impossible. Not for my team…especially with what’s at stake.

He glanced at his radiological detector. The glowing red patches confirmed the presence of the real reason why Special Forces had become involved so quickly.

When it was realized Husker-Trent had been taken by an unknown number of assailants, contact between the derrick and the outside world had been suspended. Negotiators and law enforcement agencies had been put on alert, and, as a precaution, the Special Forces Directorate notified. Standard procedure, especially where oilrigs were involved. However, when an opening dialogue had been offered by trained mediators, they had been resolutely ignored. In fact, each subsequent attempt at communication had been met by a similar wall of silence. No ensuing ransom demands or political statements were made, and neither was a release of hostages offered. That had made the prime minister very worried.

When a high altitude fly-by had been ordered, the drone had quickly picked up the telltale signs of suspicious activity and the unmistakable signatures of a scattered number of nuclear devices. Odd, especially when White Dawn purported to be ecologically sympathetic. Needless to say, the discovery of such ordnance had guaranteed a swift response. One with an aggressive focus.

As the lead team on the duty roster, Four Troop had been deployed to gather intelligence, ascertain the reason for the attack, secure all radiological materials, and bring the standoff to an end. And we’ll do that alright! Mac thought, as he completed his assessment, by strength and guile.

Smiling to himself over his reference to the SBS motto, Mac gave a thumbs-up to his team, and depressed his throat mike to deliver his decision. “Gold command, this is Sunray, do you copy?”

“Go ahead, Sunray.” The reply was almost instantaneous.

“Traffic lights are at green. Repeat, traffic lights are at green. Waiting for final authentication.”

“That’s a go, team four. Use of lethal force authorized. Gold command authentication…Alpha, six, six, six, omega.”

“Alpha, six, six, six, omega, confirmed. From Sunray, we are now going dark. See you when this is all over.”

“Roger that, team four. See you on the other side. Good hunting.”

The radio went dead. Turning to face his section, Mac motioned with his hands for radio silence. As one, each team member moved to adjust their equipment to ensure they were cut off from all forms of outside communication. Once done, they switched to covert internals, before checking back in again.

Facing his second-in-command, Mac said, “Mark, take bravo squad and tag the location of each radiological device. Let me know if they’ll be suitable for tactical removal or deactivation. Secondary protocol, ascertain strength and deployment of the enemy.”

Throughout the entire process, Mac didn’t have to raise his voice once. The covert set enhanced his vocals until the whispers rang loud and clear in his teammate’s ear.

Sergeant Mark Stevens, a nine year veteran of special operations, raised his left index finger and tapped the side of his head twice, replying, “Roger that. I am Bravo-one. Primary objective, locate and tag radiological devices. Secondary, ascertain strength and deployment of the enemy.” Addressing his squad members in particular, he added, “Bravo confirm?”

Specialists Sean Masters, Richard–Fonzy–Cunningham, and Andy Webb all replied in the affirmative, each going through their call-signs and orders in turn, to confirm they fully understood their operating procedures.

Twisting slightly, Mac continued with his own squad, “Alpha, we will be concentrating on the hostages. Preliminary sat-recon shows almost the entire compliment of ninety-seven rig personnel are gathered together within the dining and kitchen areas. At least half a dozen managers have been relocated to the operations and radio rooms. Verification of their wellbeing is our priority. Secondary objective is intelligence, namely, rescue and casualty viability. I am Alpha-one. Alpha confirm?”

Specialists Stu Duggan, Sam Pell and Den–Jumper–Collins sounded off in turn.

Once they had done so, Mac addressed them all again. “During the first stage, we will not engage the enemy unless forced to do so. Only then, in order to save life. If we do go hot before phase two, take them down. No quarter…understood?”

Seven thumbs were raised into the air as confirmation.

Moving his own hand in a circular motion twice, Mac then clenched his fist and opened his fingers wide. Immediately, each of them moved to their designated points for insertion through the lining of the gravity base pylon.

Forming an outward facing fan about the hatchway, each specialist paired off. They then made sure to cover the movement of their teammate as they gained access. Having entered, the respective partner likewise kept on the watch for his buddy.

Mac was quietly complimentary of his men. Moving covertly was a time consuming process. However, they were so well rehearsed that the maneuver was over in less than two minutes. Fast going, considering the change in conditions.

As last man in, Mac had remained in the water the longest. When they had started to breech, the area was relatively calm, exhibiting a mild chop that had them bobbing up and down through six or seven foot swells. Nothing unusual. However, in the time that had elapsed since then, the sea had begun to heave alarmingly, as if suddenly agitated by a leviathan stirring in the depths beneath them. Mac was also sure he could hear the distant roll of thunder.

That’s odd? He thought. How did it move in so quickly? It wasn’t on satellite.

Adjusting his optics to get a better look, Mac let out a gasp of astonishment. A solid wall of cloud and rain was moving toward them. Darker than the surrounding star filled night, it was still a few miles out. But even so, he could see it seethed with a powering menace that gave him Goosebumps. Mac couldn’t shake the impression that the approaching tempest was a missile, with the rig as the bulls-eye on its target.

“Alpha-one? What is it boss?” Being the first in, Mark was higher up inside the platform’s structure and had totally missed the change in weather.

Mac paused to check he was seeing things right.

A seething maelstrom of midnight black, punctuated by bursts of lurid brightness charged toward them. Where it touched the sea, the water churned and frothed as if being distressed by a thousand propellers. Even at this distance, Mac was sure he could see the entire storm front rotating, both above and below the surface.

“Oh for Christ’s sake!”

“Alpha-one? What is it?” Mark repeated.

“Trouble.” Mac replied bluntly. “I think we’d better crack on, gentlemen. Our evening might get complicated…real soon.”



Andrew P. Weston is Royal Marine and Police veteran from the UK who now lives on the beautiful Greek island of Kos with his wife, Annette, and their growing family of rescue cats.

An astronomy and law graduate, he is the creator of the international number one bestseller, The IX, and also has the privilege of being a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, as well as the British Science Fiction Association, and British Fantasy Society.

When not writing, Andrew devotes some of his spare time to assisting NASA with one of their remote research projects, and writes educational articles for and Amazing Stories.

Website * Facebook * Twitter * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads


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Reading, Read, Peaceful, Woman, Dusk, Outside, Outdoors

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Sunday Post

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

All I did was blink and another week just flew by. No time to stop and smell the roses. Just work, work, work. Sigh….. But it’s all going to be worth it. I have a count down on my phone and in a little over two years I’ll be retiring. My friend and I have been saving for several years and are going to fly across the pond. First we’ll visit Paris. Then London. And wrap up the month long trip in Dublin. Until then, I’ll keep on keeping on!

I have some exciting reviews and giveaways to share. And some free books! Check it all below.

Looking forward to chatting with you and have a great new week!


Book News.

What I just finished. I’ll be sharing my reviews soon..

  The Litter by [Kevin Doyle]   

What I’m reading now.


What I’ll be reading next.



Newly added to my pile of books.



This week’s reviews.



Here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

The Ghost Files 5 by [Apryl Baker]  Witch Myth Super Boxset: A Yew Hollow Cozy Mystery by [Alexandria Clarke]  The Van Helsing Paradox (The Clara Grey Adventures Book 1) by [Evelyn Chartres]

The Squeaky Clean Skeleton (The Haunted Housekeeping Series Book 1) by [R. A. Muth]  Brutally Kaled: A Breezy Spoon Diner Cozy Mystery (The Breezy Spoon Diner Mysteries Book 2) by [Tracey Quinn]  A One Course Open Slay: A Breezy Spoon Diner Cozy Murder Mystery (The Breezy Spoon Diner Mysteries Book 5) by [Tracey Quinn]


Other posts on my blog this week.

Murder A La Mode ~ A Coffee And Cream Cafe Mystery by Lena Gregory

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ War Of The Sea by Dana Claire

Slightest In The House by Barbara Casey ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Weeding Out Lies ~ A Texas Flower Farmer Cozy Mystery by Jackie Layton

A Long Dark Road by Joan Hall Hovey ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ The Devil Within by James L’Etoile

Cocktails & Casualties by Carly Wayne ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Death In Trastevere ~ A Roman Holiday Mystery by Jen Collins

The Island Of Zoe by Dino Hajiyorgi & Christos Sourligas ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Books From The Back Log #83 ~ Stolen Roads by Randy

Stilettos & Sniper Rifles by Gail Koger ~ Spotlight And Giveaway

My Review ~ Zipline by P. Anthony Michael

The Friday 56 #250 ~ The Shade Under The Mango Tree by Evy Journey

SWEETBITTER by Reginald Gibbons

The Body In The Back Garden ~ A Crescent Cove Mystery by Mark Waddell

Her Own Revolution ~ The Chateau de Verzat Series by Debra Borchert


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Welcome to the book tour for Zipline by P. Anthony Michael. Read on for my review!




Publication Date: June 2022

Genre: Thriller/ Suspense

If Gail knew Uncle Perkins’ stories were true, she wouldn’t have taken her friends up that mountain.

The plan was simple. Hike, camp, and ride the zipline back down the mountain. But Uncle Perkins’ stories are true, and the horrors are real. Now the simple plan is the only plan they have to get off that mountain or disappear, remaining there forever.

Zipline is an immediately gripping, fast-paced, unique story that will keep you entertained until the last sent

Available on Amazon



I have a bucket list and taking a ride on a zipline is on the list. After reading this book, I’m sure I’ll be imaging what scary things I’m rushing past as I zip along above the tree canopy.

Coming in at just 82 pages in my paperback copy, Zipline packs an eerie punch. The author managed to flesh out his characters too, and that’s no mean feat with so few pages.

There’s something strange happening at Finch Mountain. Nicknamed BEASTLY, that tag and an old man’s warning should have been enough to deter Gail and her friends. That old saying, “Curiosity Killed The Cat” turns out to be oh so true as they venture into the dark forest. And the second part of that saying, “Satisfaction Brought Them Back” proves not so true.

The action begins almost immediately and the story “zips” along. Will they get off the mountain? Who survives? Anyone? My curiosity was answered and what fun it was finding out.



About the Author

Michael received a creative writing certificate from the University of West Virginia in the late 90s. He’s been running a successful writer’s group called For The Love Of Words for almost two decades. When he has time, he teaches in the local library Story 101 – How to create a story. He has won in every category over a five-year period in a state-funded wordsmith competition in Poetry, Essay, Short Story, and One-Act Play.

P. Anthony Michael

Book Tour Organized By:

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R&R Book Tours


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Reading, Read, Peaceful, Woman, Dusk, Outside, Outdoors

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Sunday Post

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

I don’t now about you but I’m ready for fall. It’s so hot and humid here and I want hurricane season to be over. Nothing yet but late August and September are when things start to ramp up. Plus, fall means Halloween! One of my favorite holidays. And this year I’m bring back my 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills feature that was sidelined due to Covid. A spooky review every day in October and some other scary good fun stuff.

I have some exciting reviews and giveaways to share. And some free books! Check it all below.

Looking forward to chatting with you and have a great new week!


Book News.

What I just finished. I’ll be sharing my reviews soon..

    ZIPLINE by [P. Michael]

What I’m reading now.


What I’ll be reading next.



Newly added to my pile of books.



This week’s reviews.

Deadly Depths by [John F. Dobbyn]  Hidden Pieces: A Misty Pines Mystery by [Mary Keliikoa]  Door to Door, Night by Night Vol. 1 by [Cullen Bunn, Sally Cantirino]


Here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

Cocoa Beach Cottage (Sweeney House Book 1) by [Cecelia Scott]  If You Love Me: A small town romance by [Ciara Knight]  Claiming Victory: A Romantic Comedy (The Dartmouth Diaries Book 1) by [Beverley Watts]

Between Mountain and Sea: Paradisi Chronicles (Caelestis Series Book 1) by [Louisa Locke]  Legacy Of Ashes (The Homo Vampirous Chronicles Book 1) by [Sean Deville]  Echoes: A Dark Supernatural Thriller (Echoes Trilogy Book 1) by [A.M. Caplan]


Other posts on my blog this week.

Hidden Pieces by Mary KeliiKoa ~ Review And Giveaway

A World Full Of Monsters…… Door To Door, Night By Night ~ Review And Giveaway

Murder At The Zoo by Marcia Rosen ~ Exclusive Peek Inside And Giveaway

Deadly Depths by John F. Dobbyn ~ Review And Giveaway

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ Mr. Right Is A Myth by Melina

Shoebox Baby by Sharon Bruce ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Books From The Back Log #82 ~ A Terror Triptych by Kasey Fallon

Mama Dida: My Road To Canada by Leonida Teohari ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Peek Inside And Giveaway ~ Castles And Cauldrons by Tammy Tyree

Honey Drop Dead ~ A Tea Shop Mystery by Laura Childs


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Deadly Depths by John F Dobbyn Banner

Deadly Depths

by John F Dobbyn

July 24 – August 18, 2023 Virtual Book Tour




The death by bizarre means of his mentor, Professor Barrington Holmes, draws Mathew Shane into the quest of five archeologists, known to each other as “The Monkey’s Paws”, for an obscure object of unprecedented historic and financial value. The suspected murders of others of the Monkey’s Paws follow their pursuit of five clues found in a packet of five ancient parchments. Shane’s commitment to disprove the police theory of suicide by Professor Holmes carries him to the steamy bayous of New Orleans, the backstreets of Montreal, the sunken wreck of a pirate vessel off Barbados, and the city of Maroon descendants of escaped slaves in Jamaica. By weaving a thread from the sacrificial rites of the Aztec kingdom before the Spanish conquest of Mexico through the African beliefs of Jamaican Maroons and finally to the ventures of Captain Henry Morgan during the Golden Era of Piracy in his conquest and sacking of Spanish cities on the Spanish Main, Shane reaches a conclusion he could never have anticipated.

Praise for Deadly Depths:

Deadly Depths gives readers characters they care about and gets hearts pumping as the mystery and adventure unfold!” ~ Janet Hutchings, Editor, Ellery Queen Mystery MagazineDeadly Depths is an exciting mystery novel that asks who has the right to seek and exploit lost treasures.” ~ Foreword Reviews



I do so enjoy a good sleuthing tale to hone my investigating skills. Not that I’m all that good at it since my guesses about the who, what and why are often wrong. The synopsis for Deadly Depths had me curious to dust off those skills. And the intriguing title and thrilling cover added to the desire.

Law professor Matthew Shane is drawn into a deadly game of cat and mouse when his beloved mentor, Professor Holmes, is found dead in his office. A closer look at his apparent suicide points to murder. As he digs into who could have done it and why, he comes across a group of archaeologists tagged The Monkey’s Paw who’d been searching for a mysterious artifact. Could that myth be real? Maybe, as members begin to die.

What a tangled web was woven as I followed Matthew on his quest to get to the bottom of things. He had no time to waste as the killer, or killers were getting creative and the bodies were piling up. Is the gris gris that the members are found carrying a connection?  Why are the victims being killed in bizarre ways? Ways that look like suicide or accidents but with closer inspection are revealed to be murders.

Matthew was such a fun character. He was methodical, clever and quirky. Able to assess situations quickly and keep a cool head. I kept thinking modern day Sherlock Holmes. And Robert Downey Jr. was the face I saw as Matthew.

A few chapters in, I was thinking this would be a good thriller. The further I read, the more intrigued I became. The characters came to life. Their faces formed in my imagination. The plot thickened. And I couldn’t wait to see how it ended.





Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Crime Thriller

Published by: Oceanview Publishing Publication Date: August 2023 Number of Pages: 320 ISBN: 9781608095483 (ISBN10: 1608095487)

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Oceanview Publishing

Enjoy this peek inside:
We arrived at an area of private docks in a town called Oistins. The driver stopped at the base of a wharf that anchored power boats of every size, speed, and description. One power yacht stood out as the choice of the fleet. The Sun Catcher. My guide hustled us both directly to the carpeted gangplank that led on board a vessel that could pass for a floating Ritz Carlton. The engines were already revving. I was escorted to a padded deck-lounge with maximum view on the foredeck. I had scarcely settled in, when we were slicing through late-afternoon sea-swells that barely caused a rise and fall. My guide, still in suit and tie, brought me, without either of us asking, a tall, cool, planter’s punch with an ample kick of Mount Gay Rum. For the first moment since Mick O’Flynn told me that someone was asking for me, I made a fully-considered decision. This entire fantasy could easily turn into a disaster that could outstrip New Orleans and Montreal together, but to hell with it. It was just too elating not to accept it at face value – at least for the moment. My mind was just settling into a comfortable neutral, when I heard footsteps from behind that had more heft than I imagined my guide could produce. I made a move to swing out of the padded deck-chair, when I felt the touch of a hand with authoritative strength on my shoulder. The voice that went with it had the same commanding undertone. “Stay where you are, Michael. I’ll join you.” A matching deck-chair was set beside me. I found myself looking up at a shadow against the setting sun that appeared double my bulk and yet compact as an Olympic hammer-thrower. The voice came again. “You’re an interesting study, Michael. I may call you ‘Michael’, right? I should. I probably know more about you than anyone you know. You might have guessed that by now.” An open hand reached down out of the shadow. I took it. The handshake fit the shaker. It took some seconds for the feeling to come back into mine. Before I could answer, the voice was coming from the deck-lounge beside me. “No need for coy name games. You know that I’m Wayne Barnes. And you know that I’m one of the, shall we say, associates in that little clique we call the Monkey’s Paws. In fact, your escort here, Emile, tells me it was the mention of my name that swung your decision to get on that plane.” He nodded to my nearly empty Planter’s Punch. “Another?” Before I could answer, he gave a slight nod to someone behind us. Before I could say “Yes”, or possibly, but less likely, “No”, a native Bajan in a server’s uniform was at my left taking my empty and handing me a full glass. I was three good sips into the second glass before I said my first word since coming aboard. I looked over at Wayne. I seemed to have his full focus. His engaging smile seemed to carry a full message of relaxed hospitality, and none of the threatening undercurrents I was scanning for. “You have an interesting way of delivering an invitation, Mr. Barnes” He raised a hand. “Wayne.” “’Wayne’ it is. You must have an interesting social life.” “I do. Do you find it offensive?” I looked over the bow, past the deepening blue crystal water to the reddening horizon. I felt the soothing caress of the slightly salted ocean breeze. I took one more sip of the most perfectly balanced planters punch of a lifetime, and looked back at Wayne. “Not in the slightest. Yet.” “Ah yes, ‘yet’.” “Right. I’m sure this won’t impress you, Wayne, and it’s not a complaint, but I’ve had a week full of enough tragedy to fill a lifetime. Hence the ‘yet’.” His smile and focused attention remained. “I know more about your week, perhaps, than even you do. But go on.” The second planter’s punch was having a definitely mollifying effect. “I have no idea what you mean by that last statement, Wayne, so I’ll just pass on. Given that week, and the abrupt transport from hell on earth to . . . paradise on earth, I’d have to be Mrs. Shane’s backward child not to listen for a second shoe to drop.” The smile expanded. Still no alarms. “Or perhaps you’ve come into a sea-change of good luck, Michael. Why not go with that?” “Why not indeed? For the moment. Just one question. ” “Alright. One question. For now. Make it a good one.” “Oh it is. It’s a beaut. Ecstatic as I am with all this, why the hell am I here?” That brought a bursting laugh. “I think I’m going to enjoy having you around for a couple of days, Michael. You have an instinct for the jugular. No chipping around the edges. We won’t waste each other’s time.” “Thank you. But that’s not an answer.” “No it isn’t.” He looked out to the diminishing sunset. “The only answer I can give you at the moment that would do justice to the question is this. And you’ll just have to live with it for now. You’re here for a quick but depthful education. I think you’ll find it well worth two days of your life. Are you in?” “Do I have a choice?” We both looked back at the rapidly diminishing shore-line behind us. “None that comes to mind. Now are you in?” That brought a smile from me, another healthy sip of the planter’s punch, and a deep breath of the ocean-fresh breeze. “I’m in.” We chatted through the sunset on far-ranging subjects that had no association whatever with Monkeys Paws, Maroons, murder-suicides – in fact nothing that gave a clue as to why my gracious host had chosen my company over the undoubtedly vast range of his acquaintances. By then, the moon had risen. At some point, I was aware that the engines had stopped. The splash of two anchors could be heard on either side. The sun had set. The shift from twilight to a darkness, penetrated only by a quarter moon went unnoticed. I was slowly sipping away at my third or possibly fourth Planter’s Punch, when I became aware of a bobbing light approaching from the port side. Without interrupting the flow of conversation, I noticed that Wayne was following its approach with more than the occasional glance until it reached the side of the yacht. Within a few minutes, my original guide, still in suit and tie, approached Wayne’s side with an inaudible whisper. I sensed that a bit of steel crept into Wayne’s otherwise conversational tone. “I’ll see him.” I began to get up to provide privacy. Wayne held my arm in position. “Stay, Michael. Let your education begin.” My guide nodded to someone behind us and lit his path with a small flashlight. I settled back, as a fiftyish man with narrow, cautious eyes and thinning grey hair that might have last been combed by his mother came up along Wayne’s right side. The loose wrinkles in his ageless cotton suit indicated that he might have been close to six feet, but for a constant stoop as if to pass under an unseen beam. The stoop caused his head to bob and gave him the look of one asking for royal permission to approach. Wayne’s eyes turned to him. I noticed the stoop of the back became more noticeable. Wayne’s voice was calm and soft, but it commanded his visitor’s full attention. “Do you have it? I assume you wouldn’t be here without it, yes, Yusuf?” The thin mouth cracked into a smile that conveyed no humor. “Of course. Of course. But perhaps our business . . .” Wayne nodded toward me. “No fear. Mr. Shayne is here for an education. We shouldn’t deprive him of that, should we?” The smile on the man’s lips did not match the apprehension in the tiny eyes, but he nodded. “As you say.” “Then what are you waiting for?” The man gave a slight glance to either side as if it were the habit of a lifetime. He reached into some deep pocket inside his suitcoat. I noticed a slight but tell-tale hesitation before he slipped out what appeared to be a hard, flat, roundish object, about seven inches across. It was wrapped in several layers of ragged cloth. He held it until Wayne extended a hand and took it onto his lap. He laid it on the small tray on his stomach. He looked back at the man, who simply forced a smile . “I assume it all went well?” “Oh yes, Mr. Barnes. No problems,” Wayne smiled back. “How I do love to hear those words.” My eyes were glued to Wayne’s hands as he carefully peeled back one layer of cloth after another. When he turned over the last layer, the object in the shape of a disc sent out instant glints of reflections of the rising moonlight. I could see Wayne running the tips of his fingers over the entire jagged surface of the disc. He took a flip cigarette lighter out of his pocket, opened it, and lit the flame. When he held it close to the object, I could make out the resemblance of a human face, coarsely pieced together from chips of green stone. Wayne held it up toward me and ran the flame in front of it. “Do you recognize it Michael?” “I’m afraid not.” He nodded. “Most wouldn’t. Your friend, Professor Holmes, would spot it immediately. The Mayans made death masks to protect their important rulers in their journey to the afterlife. They go back to around 700 A.D.” “What stones are these? They look like jade.” “Good spotting. The eyes were made of rare seashells.” “And I assume valuable?” He laughed again. “Right to the crux of the issue. Right, Michael.” He turned the object over and ran his fingers over the back side of it. “One that apparently goes back as far as this, and belonged to the ruler we have in mind, the right collector will pay half a million. Isn’t that right, Yusuf?” Yusuf’s grin was beginning to become genuine. “Oh yes. Oh yes. And more, as you would know, Mr. Barnes.” Wayne swung his legs over the deck-lounge toward me. He sat up and very carefully replaced the wrapping that had covered the mask. He stood up and walked toward the man. “And the key to its value is that it is absolutely authentic.” Wayne looked down at the grinning eyes of Yusuf for several seconds. I think I let out a yell that came from the pit of my stomach when Wayne hurled the wrapped object over side of the yacht, into the pitch blackness that absorbed it with barely a splash. I thought that the man would crumble to the deck. He barely held his balance. In the blackness of the night, I couldn’t make out his features, but I know to a certainty that every drop of blood left his face. Wayne called a uniformed attendant. Before the man moved, Wayne took hold of his arm. I was almost as frozen to the spot as the man. I think we were both certain that he would be following the object into the blackness below. Wayne held him close enough to speak directly into his ear, but spoke loudly enough, I’m sure, so that I could hear. “It’s a fake, Yusuf. I’m sure you know that. But you’ll live to do me a service. You’re a delivery boy. Nothing more. I want you to take a message back to Istanbul. I want you to say just this. ‘You had my trust. I give it sparingly, and not twice. Rest assured, we’ll speak of this again.’ Do you have that Yusuf?” The man had all he could do to nod. Wayne signaled his attendant. “Take him back.” The man was escorted, practically carried toward the back of the vessel. In a few minutes, I could see running lights heading away from the yacht. Wayne sat back down. “What do you think, Michael? One more Planter’s Punch before dinner?” I could only smile at the abrupt change of tone and subject. “No? Then shall we go in to dinner. The chef should be prepared by now.” When he stood up, I saw that he took something from under his deck-lounge. My mouth sprung open when a glint of light from an opening door of the yacht cabin lit up the death mask. I could see amusement in the smile of my host. “What on earth did you throw overboard?” “Oh that. I substituted my lap tray in the wrapping for the desk mask. I’ll keep the mask.” “But if it’s a fake.” “It is, but a fake by a well-respected forger of these antiquities. It has enough value for that reason alone to pay the expenses I’ve already incurred in acquiring it. Shall we go to dinner?” *** Excerpt from Deadly Depths by John F Dobbyn. Copyright 2023 by John F Dobbyn. Reproduced with permission from John F Dobbyn. All rights reserved.



About Author John F. Dobbyn:
John F Dobbyn

Following graduation from Boston Latin School and Harvard College with a major in Latin and Linguistics, three years on active duty as fighter intercept director in the United States Air Force, graduation from Boston College Law School, three years of practice in civil and criminal trial work, and graduation from Harvard Law School with a Master of Laws degree, I began a career as a Professor of Law at Villanova Law School. Twenty-five years ago I began writing mystery/thriller fiction. I have so far had twenty-five short stories published in Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery magazine, and six mystery thriller novels, the Michael Knight/Lex Devlin series, published by Oceanview Publishing. The second novel, Frame Up, was selected as Foreword Review’s Book of the Year.

Catch Up With John F Dobbyn: Goodreads BookBub – @JohnFDobbyn Instagram – #JohnFDobbyn Twitter – @JohnDobbyn Facebook – @JohnFDobbynAuthor



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This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for John F Dobbyn. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.



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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the DOOR to DOOR, NIGHT by NIGHT Vol. 1 by Cullen Bunn & Sally Cantirino Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my Review and make sure to enter the giveaway!


: A World Full Of Monsters

By Cullen Bunn
& Sally Cantirino (Illustrations)



Pub. Date: July 25, 2023

Publisher: Vault Comics

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 128


Find it: Goodreads


A supernatural horror thriller
splattered with dark humor in the vein of Grady Hendrix (My Best Friend’s
), Stranger Things, Welcome to Night Vale, Supernatural, and
the Midnight, Texas series (Charlaine Harris), DOOR TO
DOOR, NIGHT BY NIGHT Vol. 1: A World Full of Monsters 
tells the tale
of a traveling sales team who find that once certain doors open, they are
impossible to close.


It’s 1987, and the Heritage Mills sales team travels from town to town,
knocking on doors. They’re the best at what they do… which also means they’re
the worst. They’re broken, each and every one of them, haunted by closets so
full of skeletons, they’re bursting. When they discover a terrible secret
behind one fateful door, it opens their eyes to a world full of real monsters
hidden in every small town.

Knock, knock. What’s there? Open the door if you dare…

From all-star creators, writer Cullen Bunn (Harrow County, The Last Book
You’ll Ever Read
) and artist Sally Cantirino (I Walk With Monsters,
Human Remains
) comes the story of a motley crew going to battle against
supernatural evil throughout the American South.

For fans of the devilishly delicious blend of nostalgic horror and dark humor,
small town secrets, moonlight fright, Stranger Things, Welcome to Night
 My Best Friend’s Exorcism, IT, Summer of Night, The
Pallbearer’s Club, The Autumnal, Proctor Valley Road, Gideon Falls, The Boys,
 and Something Is Killing the Children.

Volume 1 collects issues #1-4 of the smash 12-issue series!

“It’s all kinds of demon-hunting, low-life fun!” — Cavan Scott
(Comic writer, screenwriter & New York Times bestselling

“Bunn and Cantirino, as a collaborative team, create a unique, beautiful, and
terrifying world filled with monsters we could not imagine.” – Gatecrashers

“…this kind of horror storytelling … delivers across the board.” – The Fandom

“A beautiful example of the merging of humor and horror.” – Gatecrashers

“…delivers on its promise …This is absolutely worth picking up.” –

“…supernatural horror at its best.” – Capes and Tights




Supernatural horror. I’m in for that. And there’s plenty of it in this book. Along with a cast of nice and not so nice characters. And it’s filled with action displayed in colorful, awesome graphics.

A group of door to door sales people find so much more than just some customers who slam doors in their face. They discover that monsters are real. And this is where the story takes off. You know that scene where there’s a creepy house and you know they shouldn’t go near it? Well, this group of individuals don’t take the missing person’s posters plastered all over it seriously and they enter. Normally this would have me screaming, “Don’t you watch horror movies, guys?” But nope, I was all for finding out what was inside myself. And boy did they, and me. From then on it’s bloody good fun.

Do I want to read about these characters again? Yes. And the good news is there is more coming. Can’t wait.






About Cullen Bunn:


Cullen Bunn is a New
York Times
 bestselling author and prolific writer of
horror/supernatural comics series and graphic novels including THE
, and many other titles including The
Last Book You’ll Ever Read 
for Vault Comics. He has fought for his
life against mountain lions and performed on stage as the World’s Youngest Hypnotist.


Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads |
Amazon  | BookBub






About Sally Cantirino:

Sally Cantirino is
a comic artist and illustrator currently based in New Jersey. She has been
self-publishing comics and zines since she was a teenager. Her recent
comics work includes I Walk With Monsters and Human
 for Vault Comics,  “The Final Girls”, “Last Song”,
and “We Have To Go Back”. She has also done artwork for World Champ Game Co and
bands like La Dispute and Murder By Death.

Website | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads




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2 winners will receive a finished copy of DOOR to DOOR, NIGHT by NIGHT Vol. 1, US Only.

Ends August 15th, midnight EST.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Character Madness and Musings



The Book Countess

Review/IG Post



IG Review/LFL Drop Pic


Tara’s Book Addiction

IG Post

Week Two:





A Dream Within A Dream



Writer of Wrongs



Locks, Hooks and Books



Brandi Danielle Davis

Review/IG Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review

Week Three:


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


Bookish In Bed

Review/IG Post


Books With a Chance

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post

Week Four:



IG Review



Review/IG Post






IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Two Points of Interest




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Hidden Pieces by Mary Keliikoa Banner

Hidden Pieces
by Mary Keliikoa
July 17 – August 11, 2023 Virtual Book Tour




Sheriff Jax Turner is staring down the barrel of his broken past. On the brink of ending it all, he feels like a failure following his daughter’s tragic passing and his subsequent divorce. But when a schoolgirl vanishes and her backpack is found in a sex offender’s backseat, the weary lawman drags himself into action and vows to nail one last sociopath. Shocked to discover the teen’s aunt had lost her life in an abduction years prior, the devastating outcome that he’s taken personally, Jax believes the killer has returned with a vengeance. But as the desperate cop frantically hunts down a mysterious relative in search of a suspect, the girl’s time keeps ticking away… Can the jaded sheriff take down the culprit in time to bring the young girl home alive?

Praise for Hidden Pieces:

“A multilayered psychological thriller…that is both poignant and engrossing.” ~ Kirkus ReviewsHidden Pieces is an intense novel offering hair-raising twists and turns and differing plots making it difficult for the reader to discern the culprit. Surprises arise to give the story more power and excitement. A page-turner up to the conclusion this is an exhilarating and spine-tingling read.” ~ New York Journal of Books “Moody, evocative, yet propulsive.” ~ Matt Coyle, Bestselling Author of the Rick Cahill crime series “Wow! What a novel. It crackles with realism, a page turner that sucks you in and won’t let you go till the last page… Domestic thriller and mystery fans will get their money’s worth.” ~ David Putnam, Bestselling Author of the Bruno Johnson seies


Book Details:

Genre: Police Procedural + Mystery & Psychological Suspense

Published by:Level Best Books Publication Date: October 2022 Number of Pages: 282 ISBN: 9781685121563 (ISBN10: 168512156X) Series: Misty Pines Mystery, #1

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads



Take a close look at the cover. The story that unfolds is very much like a jigsaw puzzle. As is the main character, Sheriff Jax Turner. A man with a lot of baggage. He’s teetering on the brink of giving up. He can’t find a path to handle the loss of his daughter and the end of his marriage. A peculiar case comes to his attention. A young girl is abducted and years earlier he worked a case where her aunt was abducted and murdered. He has to dust off his investigating skills and get back in the game before there’s another deadly outcome. And time is running out.

I’m big into documentaries and shows about missing persons and solving crimes. It’s the ins and outs of following clues, false leads and finally solving the cases that grips me. Hidden Pieces is very much a procedural. You follow Sheriff Turner as he follows those clues. And that’s not all he does. He also has to train his deputies to assist him as he works the case as his usual partner is on vacation.

I felt a strong connection to Jax Turner. He’s had so much tragedy and he struggled to find a way out of his despair. I was pulling for his salvation every bit as much as I wanted him to save the girl. It’s a winding road to the conclusion with many a sharp turn along the way. I was captivated from the first sentence to the last word.




Enjoy this peek inside:
Sheriff Jax Turner swerved his patrol car off Highway 101 and took a sharp right onto an unmarked dirt road leading to the beach. Tourists didn’t come to Misty Pines for the summer to swim in the ocean or the lakes. Too much mist; too much murkiness. The few outdoorsmen drawn to the area for fishing off the ragged ocean jetties had long gone for the season. His Glock 22 rested on the seat next to him, along with a miniature wooden chair. He’d finished carving it during another sleepless night for a dollhouse he’d never complete, for a tea party that would never happen. Jax followed the smooth road as it transitioned into rock, his upper body swaying and bouncing with the uneven terrain. When it leveled, he floored it, the tires spinning before they found their footing on the sandy flat. Aimed toward the sea, he parked on a stretch of solid pack a few yards from the surf. The foamy fingers of the ocean reached for his cruiser, coming up short. The weather report called for ninety degrees in the city located eighty miles east, which meant an inversion for everyone on the coastline. His future, or lack of one, floated in the horizon, where gray ocean met gray clouds, both soon to be indiscernible in the impending fog. Damn, he was tired of being tired. The window down, he sucked in the brackish scent of the seaweed-littered shores. Seagulls swarmed overhead. Their plaintive cries sent a wave of grief through him. Misty Pines should have been a fresh start, a place to heal the wounds of the past. Instead, the salty air had entrenched itself in the ten years since he’d arrived. The torture would never end on its own. An hour spent unloading his ammunition at the shooting range into a silhouette target hadn’t helped this time. Except he hadn’t unloaded all of it. He leaned over the passenger seat to retrieve two sealed envelopes from the glovebox. A dragonfly drawing done with blue-green Crayola and glitter slid out. He fumbled and then caught it before it floated to the floor. His finger trembled as he traced the wings, remembering Lulu’s soft pink cheeks. He laid his daughter’s gift on his lap and propped the envelopes on the dash right before picturing them splattered in his blood. They’d accuse him of many things when they discovered his body. He wouldn’t let heartless be one of them. He placed the items back, securing the latch. At least when they were found, the people who’d cared about him once would know why. One letter was for his former partner, Detective Jameson. He would understand if no one else did. The other to Abby. Ten years married, and their only child lost to cancer. Lulu’s brave smile flashed in his mind, making the lump in his throat swell. Abby said she didn’t blame him, but he blamed himself enough for them both. And despite what she said, the light had dimmed in Abby’s eyes the night their little girl passed. Their marriage died that day too. They just hadn’t properly buried it until last year. He balanced the gun on his lap and held the miniature chair in his hand, letting the gulls’ cries and the roaring surf fill his mind one last time. The rearview mirror reflected his weary eyes and the bags that had taken up residence under them. He ran his broad hand over his graying sandy hair and back around to the stubble on his chin. Time to get to it. He lifted the gun, holding the barrel in his mouth. The cold, metallic weight pushed against his bottom teeth. His throat closed, and he forced a swallow. Quit stalling. Eyes squeezed shut, sadness flooded his chest. Regret shoved him. Don’t think. He drew in the cool air through his nostrils one more time. Held it. Waited. Was this what he really wanted? “Jax,” his radio crackled to life. “Sheriff…please….” His eyes flew open, and he withdrew the gun from his mouth. Trudy. Had he heard something in her tone? Hard to tell with her voice coming in and out. He wouldn’t miss the shoddy technology in this godforsaken place. No. He was imagining it. He shook his head. Raised the gun. “Sheriff Turner, we have a Code Ten-Fifty-Four. Urgent. Response needed.” Lost child or runaway. Could be either. He’d been equally useless in both instances in the past. “Sherriff Turner. Answer your damn radio.” Trudy’s voice blared that time. He bristled and lifted the receiver off the hook. “What’re you talking about, Trudy?” “There you are. It’s Emily Krueger’s kid. She didn’t get on the school bus.” Allison. The little girl with the gap-toothed smile who used to wave when he walked past the bookstore. Not so little now, right? A teenager? “Emily check with her friends?” “No one’s seen her, hon.” “Have Chapman handle it. I’m a little—” “Gone this week,” Trudy said. “Alaska fishing trip. Remember?” Right. He scrubbed the exhaustion from his eyes. “On my way.” He dropped the mic into its holder and secured his gun. Hopefully, this wouldn’t take long, and he’d be back in an hour to contemplate finishing the job. *** Excerpt from Hidden Pieces by Mary Keliikoa. Copyright 2023 by Mary Keliikoa. Reproduced with permission from Mary Keliikoa. All rights reserved.



About Author Mary Keliikoa:


Mary Keliikoa

Mary Keliikoa is the author of Hidden Pieces and the upcoming Deadly Tides in the Misty Pines mystery series, the PI Kelly Pruett mystery series which includes the Shamus, Lefty, Agatha and Anthony nominated Derailed for best debut, and the upcoming Don’t Ask, Don’t Follow out Summer of 2024. Her short stories have appeared in Woman’s World and in the anthology Peace, Love and Crime. A Pacific NW native, she admits to being that person who gets excited when called for jury duty. When not in Washington, you can find Mary with toes in the sand on a Hawaiian beach. But even under the palm trees and blazing sun, she’s plotting her next murder—novel that is.

Catch Up With Mary Keliikoa: Goodreads BookBub – @Mary_Keliikoa Instagram – Twitter – @mary_keliikoa Facebook – @Mary.Keliikoa.Author



Tour Participants:

Visit these other great hosts on this tour for more great reviews, interviews, guest posts, and opportunities to WIN in the giveaway!  



This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for Mary Keliikoa. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.



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