Archive for the ‘reviews’ Category


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the BIZARD THE BEAR WIZARD by Chrissie Krebs Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



Author: Chrissie Krebs



Pub. Date: June 20, 2023

Publisher: Margaret Ferguson Books/Holiday House

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 160

Find it: Goodreads


An ordinary bear gains extraordinary
magical powers in this hilarious early graphic novel reader.

Bear was just an average bear, until the day a tornado lodged an out-of-control
wizard’s wand in his head. Now he looks a bit like a cross between a bear and a
unicorn. He is none too pleased, but it seems he might be stuck with the wand
for the foreseeable future.

Even worse, he now has the ability to grant wishes—something he wants no part
of. He’d much rather spend his days dozing away. His friends give him a new
name—Bizard the Bear Wizard—and he reluctantly accepts his new magical powers
and starts granting wishes to everyone in the forest.

But when the evil wolf and his bad guys threaten them all, Bizard knows it’s
time to embrace his magical destiny. Only he and his newly wanded head can save
the day now. Along the way, Bizard’s friends, Fox, Owl, and Squirrel, all bring
their own brand of kooky support to his antics as he uses . . . and accidently
misuses, his powers.

From the talented author-illustrator Chrissie Krebs comes the first of two
hilarious younger graphic novels about Bizard and his friends.

A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection




Bizard The Bear was minding his own business when a gust of wind lodges a wand on his head. It’s a magic wand that grants wishes. The neighborhood creatures line up for wishes and soon the magic  isn’t so fun and it becomes tedious. This is when Bizard makes the most terrible mistake and is tricked into granting a wish that has dire consequences for everyone in the forest.

I very much enjoyed this story, along with the cute illustrations. I especially liked how the animals were a community and, when push came to shove, they banded together. It’s sure to delight children and elicit many a giggle.



About Chrissie Krebs:



Chrissie Krebs has illustrated several picture books, including Pig
in a Wig
A Dinosaur Ate Dad’s Hair, and There’s
Something Weird in Santa’s Beard
. She also illustrated Rodney Loses
by Gerard Bauer, which was named a CBCA Children’s Book of the Year
for Early Childhood. She lives in Australia. Visit her at 

Website | Instagram | Goodreads | BookBub





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a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


The Chirpy Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post

Week Two:


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


IG Review


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post





Two Points of Interest




IG Review






IG Review



IG Review


Red Reads

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Fateful Connections follows a group of four CEO’s as they gather for an executive conference in Seattle on September 11, 2001, attempting to reach home following the day’s catastrophic events, besieged by terrorists of a different kind…




Title: Fateful Connections

Author: Karen Charles

Publisher: BookBaby

Pages: 91

Genre: Thriller


Fateful Connections tells the story of four people brought together by the tragic events of 9/11 in the United States. These four individuals were attending a conference in Seattle, Washington, and found it nearly impossible to make it back to their homes, which were scattered across the country. They decide to rent a car and drive together, as they cannot get any flights home. As rental cars are also impossible to come upon, they find a friend who has access to a repossessed car, which he is willing to rent out. Unbeknownst to the friends, the rightful owner of the car wants his car back, and as they find out, hidden inside the car are drugs and guns. What ensues is a dangerous journey which impacts the four friends’ lives forever. The story follows them on their harrowing journey home, then one and two years later as they meet up for an annual reunion.

The strengths of this story are the easy-to-read narrative and compelling plot. The author introduces four intriguing main characters, as well as a number of antagonists, who hunt down the friends and engage in dangerous and illegal plans to not only recapture their guns and drugs, but also kill the friends so there are no witnesses to their illegal activities. The reader is instantly drawn into the storyline, and moves along with the characters as they experience fear, joy, love, and relief. The plot is compelling, and the reader cannot help but become invested in the lives of these four main characters.




This wasn’t a very long book so it was a quick read.  The thrilling plot made it even faster. Four ordinary businessmen, on a day that shocked everyone around the world, get tangled up with some nefarious criminals through no fault of their own. When they finally arrive home they think it’s all over. But, not so fast. They were followed.

I enjoyed Fateful Connections. I found myself connecting with the characters. Even connecting a bit with the big, bad wolf. Though I wasn’t pulling for him to succeed. This was indeed a thriller. There was a whirlwind of action. And what a crazy ending.



Book Excerpt  

President Bush was making another announcement. The Federal Aviation Administration had issued the first national ground stop in US history, prohibiting departures for all civilian aircraft. After the third hijacked plane struck the Pentagon, all aircraft were ordered to land at the nearest airport. Three and a half hours after the first plane hit, all US airspace was clear.

Suddenly, Ethan, who had been unusually quiet, jumped to his feet. “Our flights!” he yelled. “We don’t have any way to get home!”

The room was silent. “Maybe we could rent a car,” Harper suggested.

Henry sprang into action, calling every car rental agency in Seattle. Nothing was available. Dismayed, he sank into his chair. “What are we going to do now?”

After thoughtful silence, Owen spoke up. “I have a friend over on Yesler Way who repossesses cars. Maybe he might have an idea what we could do.”

Everyone agreed, hoping for a solution to their transportation dilemma. Ethan had to get home to San Jose, California; Owen to Santa Clarita, California; Harper to Phoenix, Arizona; and Henry to Austin, Texas. All of them, industry-leading CEOs of No. 1 ranked companies, had flown in to attend this elite executive conference.

Owen interrupted a conversation about the ramifications of air travel being halted. “My friend Jimmy says he has a car we can use. They don’t usually rent them, but in these unusual circumstances, he doesn’t see any problem. It was repossessed a while ago, so the guy has had lots of time to make up his payments. Jimmy said we can pick it up anytime.”

“Wait a minute,” objected Ethan. “Are you sure it’s legal?”

“We don’t have any other options,” confirmed Owen.

“Let’s pack, get some sleep, and leave in the morning,” instructed Henry, always the leader.

Jimmy had the car ready for them early the next day.

“What happens if that guy gets the money and comes back for his car?” asked Ethan, still worried about this being a smart idea.

“He’s probably got another set of wheels by now,” answered Jimmy. “Don’t think we’ll ever see his ugly face again!”







About the Author





Karen Charles is a children’s book author and educator. She lives with her husband on a beautiful bay in Washington State. Her latest book is the thriller, Fateful Connections.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Dark Fiction

by Jon Richter


Jon Richter returns to horror with a new collection of short, chilling tales, splicing together his best previously published works with a batch of nerve-shredding new fiction. Encompassing science fiction and fantasy as well as gothic horror and outright weirdness, the anthology is brought twitching and wriggling to life by the brilliant illustrations of David T Wilby.


Dark Fiction will slake the thirst of anyone who craves original, fiendishly crafted stories with twist endings that cling to you long after you’ve finished reading…



It was a dark and stormy night. Seriously. I started reading these stories around 11 P.M. and suddenly I spied lightning outside my house. Then there were the rumbles and booms of thunder and the whistling of blustery wind. Perfect atmosphere for some chilling tales. And let’s not forget the creepy cool cover art. A spooky house that looks like an evil octopus…… and tentacles! I love covers with those wavy, grippy things!

There’s plenty of madness and mayhem to taste in these short stories and Author Jon Richter does an excellent job of making me squirm. For example, one story was very short. And it made me glad my imagination couldn’t see the full picture. Also, there are illustrations scattered throughout the collection. Some left me feeling fortunate they were in black and white. It sure added to the dark atmosphere.

I’ve not read this author before but I’m willing to be brave and venture once again into more of his work. Yep, it’s right up my alley.



About Author Jon Richter

Jon Richter writes dark fiction, and is the author of four crime thrillers (Chains, Rabbit Hole, Never Rest and Deadly Burial) as well as three collections of short horror fiction (Jon Richter’s Disturbing Works: Volumes One and Two, and his latest release DARK FICTION), cyberpunk thriller Auxiliary, and psychological techno-thriller The Warden.

Jon lives in London and loves immersing himself in all things dark and sinister, whether they’re books, films, video games or even board games – any way to tell a great story!

If you want to chat to him about this, or about anything at all, you can find him on Twitter @RichterWrites or Instagram @jonrichterwrites; he’d also love it if you would check out his website at

Jon also co-hosts two podcasts: the dark fiction podcast, Dark Natter, and the cyberpunk podcast, Hosts In The Shell, which you can find wherever you get your podcast fix.

Follow Jon at: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Website


Book Links: Goodreads / Amazon



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

The Measure Of Sorrow

by J. Ashley Smith


Shirley Jackson Award-winning author J. Ashley-Smith’s first collection, The Measure of Sorrow, draws together ten new and previously acclaimed stories of dark speculative fiction. In these pages a black reef holds the secret to an interminable coastal limbo; a father struggles to relate to his estranged children in a post-bushfire wilderness; an artist records her last days in conversation with her unborn child; a brother and sister are abandoned to the manifestations of their uncle’s insanity; a suburban neighborhood succumbs to an indescribable malaise; teenage ravers fall in with an eldritch crowd; a sensitive New Age guy commits a terminal act of passive-aggression; a plane crash opens the door to the Garden of Eden; the new boy in the village falls victim to a fatal ruse; and a husband’s unexpressed grief is embodied in the shadows of a crumbling country barn. Intelligent and emotionally complex, the stories in The Measure of Sorrow elude easy classification, lifting the veil on the wonder and horror of a world just out of true.

BUY LINKS: Meerkat Press | Amazon |



I do enjoy short stories and collections. Especially those with lots to ponder.

Many of these still linger. I have questions, yet. Some felt surreal. Like I’d been somewhere strange, viewed something from another time or place. I read some slowly, making sure I felt what the author intended. And some had me racing to see how they ended. I couldn’t help myself. So many ways to feel. The title gives you a hint of what’s in store when you read these stories. And the description mentions, “a world out of true.” Very apropos.

If you like obvious endings, sorry, you won’t find them here. You’ll need to use your imagination, draw your own conclusions. The writing is powerful. When I can be ‘shown’ such unimaginable things. When I can visual them. That’s when I know I’ve read something from a talented storyteller.



Enjoy this peek inside:

From “The Further Shore”

Renault was out beyond the littoral when the fear bloomed.

Drifting with the currents, he bobbed above the reef. The sun warmed his back, cast a spangled net of iridescent white on the ocean floor. The only sound was the rasp of his breath in the snorkel, the faint pop pop of unseen creatures in the labyrinth of black coral below.

The black reef, with its oil-slick glimmer, stretched as far as he could see. Crooked spires. Towers that jutted and curled like obsidian fingers. Was it a trick of distance or movements of the water that made the coral writhe and sway? It was profoundly hypnotic, drew him out over ever-deeper waters, farther from the shore.

Renault had noticed the pattern two days before. It was madness to think there should be order out here, among these chaotic accretions; yet there it was. The deep grooves of shadow that drew together, converging like vast, curved spokes around a distant axis. It had been too late to explore that first afternoon, and yesterday had been overcast, the light too diffuse to make out any detail in the reef. This morning he had woken early, determined to swim out to the point where those dark channels met.

His excitement mounted as each stroke brought him closer to the center. The crevasse he was following narrowed, its arc tightening around smooth plates that resembled the petals of an obscene black flower. These segments overlapped uniformly, interlocking at the hub around something that glinted, that refracted light in soft, shimmering rainbows. It looked very much like a pearl. A pearl the size of a boulder.

Renault strained to make it out, unable to believe what he was seeing. But his mask had fogged and his sight was confined to a blurred rectangle. Just outside this frame of vision, he caught a movement.

He spun, scanning the water around, below.

There was nothing. He could see nothing. But his back tingled, his chest tightened. Something was there. Something.

Renault became suddenly aware of the depth of water beneath him, the distance to dry land, the darkening sky. The shadows within the black landscape were spreading, swallowing the reef. And within them—

Fear propelled him. He turned shoreward, beating at the waves with his arms, with his fins, battling the currents of the outward tide.

Though every muscle screamed, he did not stop thrashing until he felt the sand beneath him.


The reef obsessed Renault. For days now he had been coming here, following the water’s edge to where the salt-and-pepper sand turned gritty black. To where he had first found the shells.

He thought of them as shells only because he had no better word to describe them—organic forms that twisted and coiled without order, without repetition, conforming to some other geometry. Some ribbed, some spurred, some perfectly smooth, the shells were all black when dry, but iridesced when submerged in water, revealing shifting patterns of color. All alluded to the familiar, yet all eluded classification. No two were alike.

He was quick to intuit the connection between the shells and the black sand, but the existence of the reef was a hypothesis he was unable to test without proper equipment. A search of the shack had revealed a mismatched pair of flippers left by a past occupant, but it took hours of scavenging along the coastline before he found a mask, and weeks before a snorkel washed onto the shore.

To stave off the madness of impatience, Renault killed time collecting shells. He studied them, took them back to his room in secret, always careful to hide his discoveries from the others. From Benson. And from Webb.

After weeks of frustrated speculation, he finally swam out beyond the breakers. When he dipped his head beneath the waves, caught sight of that landscape of black sculptures, it was the closest to pure joy Renault had felt since he first awoke in the shack.


The wind had picked up, blew the tang of saltwater and rotting kelp in from the sea. Renault’s stomach growled.

He knew he did not need food, yet the old triggers persisted. Mealtimes were the worst.

He walked north with the sun low behind the mountain, with shadows reaching seaward across the wasteland of scrub and salt grass. The ocean was marbling blue and golden red, a web of light that danced toward the horizon and the chain of hulking black ships. His feet made impressions in the moist sand, a trail of prints that faded beneath the lapping tide. He had stayed out too long, left barely enough time to make it to the shack before dark.

Renault quickened his pace, muttering, cursing. He was raging at his irrational fear, elated at the discovery of the black flower and the pearl. And his excitement made him rage all over again, impatient to be back out over the reef.

Among the tangles of driftwood and seaweed that littered the shore, a framed picture was caught in the foam, a monochrome of a woman and child in shades of silvery gray. It was drawn back with each inhalation of the tide, rotated gently, washed forward again with each exhalation. The photograph was buckled and warped, but Renault could see it clearly, felt deeply the ache it gave him.

Those people. He—

But he did not know them. Knew nothing of his life before the shack. Whatever memories the picture suggested were gone—if they had ever existed.

Renault kicked the picture as he passed, back into the surf, where it tumbled and rolled beneath the curling waves.


Renault’s first morning in the shack, he woke with no memory of falling asleep. When he thought back there was . . . nothing. He had no idea where he was. No idea who he was.

There was only this moment. The muffled swell of the ocean. The rusting tin ceiling. The gritty, unwashed feel of the sheets.

Benson had loomed in what passed for a kitchen. Another man, Stacks, was seated at the table. His head was completely bald, with a face that sagged above its ridiculous handlebar mustache. They stared as Renault lurched into the room, slumped on a tea-chest. The table wobbled when he leaned on it. Benson brought him coffee.

Both men stared. Their look was neither kind nor unkind, neither surprised nor interested. Renault sipped his coffee, avoided their eyes, struggled to remember.

That morning he had taken his first walk out along the shore. He had first seen Benson’s armchair sunk in the wet sand, seen Benson staring out toward the dark ships that girded the horizon. That morning he had claimed his first piece of flotsam.

Stacks hadn’t lasted long. Just a few days after Renault’s appearance he announced that he was going to scale the mountain. He set off at dawn and never returned. In the morning, his bedroom door had opened and out stepped a stranger with a confused look on his face.

Since then, Renault had seen them come and go.

They were like devotees of some terrible god, one that nobody quite believed in. They stumbled up and down the beach gathering their combings from the surf, eyes alight with the promise of revelation, hoarding their half-eroded trinkets like sacred totems. Mostly they made it to the shack before night fell. Sometimes they did not.

All wore the same blank expression: a mask of vacancy, ecstasy, melancholy. All believed they would be first to discover the hidden meaning, to reassemble from those worthless treasures the puzzle pieces of who they had once been. All feared they would never remember.

No one dared speculate that there was no meaning.


About Author J. Ashley Smith

Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) leader Viliame Gavoka at a press conference at the party head office in Suva, Fij, Thursday, December 29, 2022. Mr Gavoka is currently in negotiations with both major parties as to who forms government. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING


J. Ashley Smith is a British–Australian author of dark fiction and co-host of the Let The Cat In podcast. His first book, The Attic Tragedy, won the Shirley Jackson Award. Other stories have won the Ditmar Award, Australian Shadows Award and Aurealis Award. He lives with his wife and two sons beneath an ominous mountain in the suburbs of North Canberra, gathering moth dust, tormented by the desolation of telegraph wires. You can find him at, performing amazing experiments in electronic communication with the dead.


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the CHUPACARTER AND THE HAUNTED PIÑATA by George Lopez & Ryan Calejo Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!




Author: George Lopez, Ryan Calejo, & Santy Gutiérrez (Illustrations)



Pub. Date: May 30, 2023

Publisher: Viking Books for Young Readers

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 320


Find it: Goodreads


In this hilarious follow-up to ChupaCarter,
world-famous entertainer George Lopez delivers a spooky tale of mystery,
revenge, and friendship starring 12-year-old Jorge and Carter, the fearsome but
friendly Chupacabra!


Inspired by his own childhood and packed with clever illustrations, George
Lopez’s sequel to ChupaCarter sees Jorge finally feeling at
home in his new town, thanks to his awesome friends Liza and Ernie—and
especially Carter, the chupacabra.

New kid Jorge is shocked to learn
that his beastly friend Carter isn’t the only legendary creature in Boca falls.
Every few years, the town is terrorized by a haunted . . . piñata?
Rumor has it that the petrifying party decoration floats around setting eerie
fires to avenge a long-ago betrayal. Jorge can’t help but laugh, until a rash
of green fires forces the townspeople to consider moving away, including the
parents of his pals Ernie and Liza!

With Carter at their side, the three
friends are in a race against time to catch the real culprit before they’re
separated forever . . . or the whole town is set aflame. Which will come first?



It’s great to be back with friends in Boca Falls, New Mexico. Jorge, Carter, Liza and Ernie are in a pickle again. This time it’s a haunted pinata. Or should I say a pinata possessed by the spirit of a dead boy bent on vengeance. There’s an arsonist setting fires and the pinata is suspect numero uno. Creepy fires, haunted paper maches, oh my.

This series just keeps on giving. There are a bunch of fun illustrations all through the book and they are one of my favorite things. I get to see faces and actions instead of just using my imagination. The characters are so real to me now. And the humor is spot on. ChupaCarter has to pose as a dog in order to help solve the case of the haunted pinata and the fires cropping up around town.  Not surprising, the people who see him make remarks on how strange he looks, in some cases they call him ugly. This makes Carter growl. Sure hope he doesn’t take a bite out of someone.

I do love this series and I’m crossing fingers and toes that there will be more.










After Jorge is kicked out of school for his anger issues, his mother sends him to live with his grandparents in New Mexico. While sitting on the roof one night stewing in his anger at being sent away, he meets a Chupacabra. The encounter terrifies him. That changes when the Chupacabra saves his life. Jorge and Carter become close friends and help each other see things in a different light.

The author put me in a young boys shoes. I saw things and felt things as though I was a twelve-year-old boy. Jorge’s anger, his resignation to living away from his mother, his hope when he makes new friends, and his fierceness in defending them. And finally, the lightbulb going on as he begins to understand why things are the way they are.

I’ve always has a fondness for children’s books and especially ones with monsters. My mother used to set aside an entire day so my siblings and I could peruse the shelves at the library. Once I got home, I would run to my room, spread out all of my finds, and dive in. I’m still that way today. When I got my hands on this book, I dove right in. What a fun, crazy adventure. I loved Jorge, Carter, Liza and Ernie. They had such a tight friendship. The crazy antics of Jorge and Carter were such a hoot. And the illustrations added so much fun to the story. I had some giggles and actually laughed out loud when I came across mention of mosquito’s as Carter’s mini-mes. There’s also some scary bits. Like when they come across some slaughtered cows and Jorge learns their are other monsters out there and they’re not the fun, furry kind.

Chupa Carter had everything I would have loved as a young girl, and I’m still a young girl at heart. Great fun and I can’t wait to start reading Chupa Carter And The Haunted Pinata. Sounds like more fun for me.




About George Lopez:



George Lopez is a New York Times bestselling
author, stand-up comedian, actor, and talk show host. He made waves as the
star of the most successful English-language prime-time television series about
Latin Americans in recent history. His successful stand-up comedy showcases his
idiosyncratic point of view and impeccable comedic timing. He lives in Los


Website | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon



About Ryan Calejo:

Ryan Calejo is an award-winning
author born and raised in sunny south Florida. His critically acclaimed Charlie
Hernández series has been featured in half a dozen state reading lists and has
earned starred reviews from Booklist and Kirkus,
was a Texas Bluebonnet Master List Selection, and won an International
Latino Book Award, a Sunshine State Young Readers Award, and a Florida Book
Award (Gold Medal). He lives in Miami.


Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads | Amazon


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1 winner will win a finished copy of CHUPACARTER AND THE HAUNTED PIÑATA, US ONLY.

Ends June 20th, midnight EST.


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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review or Excerpt/IG Post


#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


Excerpt/IG Post


Log Cabin Library




IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream


Week Two:



Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post


Lifestyle of Me




IG Review


Confessions of the Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post


The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post

Week Three:



IG Review


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post


Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post





Carly Sunshine Books

Review/IG Post


The Book Countess

Review/IG Post

Week Four:



IG Review



IG Review



Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


Author Z. Knight’s Guild

Review/IG Post


Books With a Chance

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

New Normal tour banner


Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for New Normal by Michelle Paris. New Normal tells the story of a young widow with hope and humor.

This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours and the tour runs from 30 May till 12 June. You can see the tour schedule here.

New Normal

By Michelle Paris


New Normal by [Michelle Paris]

Genre: Women’s Fiction
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 2 May 2023


After the sudden death of her husband, Emilie Russell just wants to feel normal. But being a middle-aged widow doesn’t come with a how-to manual. Her well-meaning friend, Viv, believes the cure to all that ails is simple: a new man. So, she sets Emilie up with her handsome and charming new neighbor, widower Colin. There’s only one problem with the plan—Colin is gay.

Emilie embarks on a rollicking journey of self-discovery with Colin as her mentor and best friend. From learning to swipe right without cringing while midlife dating in constricting shapeware to cougar moments in Key West, Emilie reenters the dating pool with both humorous and soul-crushing results.

With the encouragement of her friends, including a new furry one, plus a little therapy, Emilie begins forging a new life, one where she exchanges tears for laughter, and one that maybe—just maybe—includes the courage to find love again.




My initial attraction to this book was the main character, Emilie. She’s middle aged, as am I, and it helped me relate to her. The sudden death of her husband leaves her dealing with a devastating loss. How will she adjust to being a widow? Will she ever feel happiness again? Will she ever find love again?

Time passes and the pain lessens somewhat and she finds herself ready to get back out there and date. Colin, the first man she’s fixed up with, is perfect, except for one tiny hiccup. He’s gay. His loss of a loved one enables him to guide Emilie and be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on. I loved their friendship.

I felt all the ‘feels’ in New Normal. Grief, fear, courage and happiness. Emilie was a strong character and I was pulling for her all the way. The author was able to touch on a delicate subject and leave me smiling at the ending.



Enjoy this peek inside:

Opening the July fifth Baltimore Sun, Emilie gasped. “Oh, God. No!” The full-page ad she’d taken out for the Nature Channel’s new series on Antarctica—the one she reviewed the copy from several times—had the typo all PR professionals dread. In bold it read, “Penguins: A Cold Reality, premiering on the Nature Channel this fall, for more information contact Emilie Russell, Pubic Relations Manager, American Communications.” There it was, as big as day, her pube exposed for all of Baltimore—maybe even the world—to see. She envisioned herself becoming fodder for late-night television, the internet, oh and the cruel world of social media. Can’t forget that! Pube-gate.

She thought hard about what to do. Maybe she could buy all the newspapers and handwrite an l in all of them. How many papers could there be? A hundred thousand or so? Doing the math not only did she not have forty or fifty thousand dollars to spare, and it would be physically impossible, nor would it solve the problem entirely. What about the deliveries? Her heart sank. She could hear the shrieks of laughter now.

She pounded her fist to her head and said, “Shoot, shoot, shoot!”

Just then, the phone in her office rang.

On the third ring, she answered, “Public Relations, this is Emilie Russell.”

“Hi, Emilie. This is Tina Jenkins from the Inner Harbor


Oh, dear God! Tina saw my pube! Emilie cringed at the thought.

Emilie decided to play it cool. “Yes, hi, Tina. What’s up?” Emilie had been working with Tina on a black-tie event in conjunction with the Nature Channel show. It was an opportunity for the cable company’s largest ad buyers, and members of the media, to preview the series before it aired on the fall schedule.

“Emilie, I think I know the answer to this question, but here goes. Last week, you emailed me that Perry and Penny Penguin needed a hotel room. I’m just checking to make sure they aren’t, well, you know, real penguins.”

“Yes, they’re real birds.” Emilie laughed. “I’m sorry. I thought I told you we were getting penguins on loan from Arctic Land in New York. They’re going to greet people and provide a photo op. I can see where it may not be a request you get every day.”

“Hmm,” Tina said. “Well then, I see. I thought Perry and Penny were costumed characters . . . like Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Since they are real, we have a problem. Our hotel has a strict no-pet policy. None at all.”

“What?” Emilie felt her heart begin to beat faster. “Tina, can you hold on for a second?” She pressed the hold button and opened the “Penguin Event” folder. In the file, she found the contract. Hoping she had written something about live penguins in it, Emilie scaled her finger down the first page. Nothing. The second page. Nothing. Midway down the third page, under the subject “Other Considerations” was typed “none.” She closed her eyes and muttered, “No. No. No.” Then she looked on the last page to see when the contract was signed. February twenty-eighth, three weeks after Rob died. Seeing the red blinking hold light, she put her head in her hands and tried to think quickly. Arctic Land was an eight-hour drive from Baltimore. The owners had insisted the penguins have premium housing before they would lend them to the event. Not really knowing what to do, she decided to wing it. She removed the call from hold and said, “Tina, these aren’t pets, they’re actors—show birds,” she said, trying hard not to let her voice crack.

Tina said nothing.

About Author Michelle Paris:


Michelle Paris author picture

Michelle Paris is a Maryland writer who believes laughter can heal the heart. Her debut novel, New Normal is loosely based on her own experience as a young widow. Her personal story of overcoming grief was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. And her essays about grief and mid-life dating have appeared in multiple editions of the Chicken Soup for the Soul inspirational book series as well as in other media outlets. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Maryland Writer’s Association. Currently, Michelle is enjoying chapter two of her life with her new husband, Kevin, who keeps her from being a cat lady but only on a technicality. For more information, please visit

Author links:


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 Children Who Dance in the Rain by Susan Justice
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-8),  32 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Compassion Project Press
Release date:   May 2023
Format available for review:  print-hardback (USA), PDF
Tour dates: May 15 to Jun 2, 2023
Content Rating:  G for all kids.

Book Description:

Sophie gets bored quickly and won’t even eat her food without looking at her tablet. She’s thrilled to hear of her family’s upcoming trip to a magical place called India, a land she’s only heard of in stories. Once there, she quickly realizes that the underprivileged children living in the mud colony possess a joy and contentment she can’t explain. Sophie sets out on a journey of discovery, but what she finds may change her world forever. This tale about the true meaning of happiness and the power of gratitude is based on true events.

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When an author can deliver an important message in a children’s book and still make it an exciting adventure, they’ve done their job well.

We are introduced to Sophie, a young girl who’s loved and has all the things a girl could want. Growing up this way, she doesn’t understand that this is a privilege, not a given for many others. Her eyes are opened when her parents take her on a trip to India. The village is impoverished and many kids have no parents and must scrounge out a living any way they can. They don’t dwell on the harsh life they’re living. They find beauty and magic in their surroundings. Sophie learns much from these kids and takes some of that joy and magic back home.

Each page is beautifully illustrated, with so much detail. I took my time perusing, not wanting to miss anything.

I thought a lot about this story after I finished it. Many of us take our lives for granted, not seeing the bigger picture. My eyes are now more open.




Meet the Author:

Susan, a legal advocate for children’s rights, has long harbored a dream of crafting a tale that would empower young readers to understand and champion the rights of their peers. Drawing upon her own experiences as a young person comprehending privilege, she was inspired to write a book that would not only entertain but also inspire her readers to consider pressing social issues and to actively strive to make the world a better place for all children.

connect with the author: website ~ instagram ~ instagram
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Copper Waters: A New Zealand Cottage Mystery
(Annalisse Series)
by Marlene Bell


Copper Waters: A New Zealand Cottage Mystery (Annalisse Series)
Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – New Zealand – South Island
Ewephoric Publishing (October 7, 2022)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 342 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0999539493
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0999539491
Digital Print Length ‏ : ‎ 280 pages

A rural New Zealand vacation turns poisonous.

Antiquities expert Annalisse Drury and tycoon Alec Zavos are at an impasse in their relationship when Alec refuses to clear up a paternity issue with an ex-lover.

Frustrated with his avoidance when their future is at stake, Annalisse accepts an invitation from an acquaintance to fly to New Zealand—hoping to escape the recent turbulence in her life.

But even Annalisse’s cottage idyll on the family sheep farm isn’t immune to intrigue.

Alec sends a mutual friend and detective, Bill Drake, to follow her, and a local resident who accompanies them from the Christchurch airport dies mysteriously soon after. A second violent death finds Annalisse and Bill at odds with the official investigations.

The local police want to close both cases as quickly as possible—without unearthing the town’s dirty secrets.

As she and Bill pursue their own leads at serious cost, the dual mysteries force Annalisse to question everything she thought she knew about family ties, politics, and the art of small-town betrayal.



I wonder if Analisse and Alec will finally seal the deal and get married. It seems Annalisse is wondering that also. Needing a break from the stress of it all, she heads to New Zealand to visit a family friend at his sheep ranch. Not able to go along, Alec sends his friend Bill Drake to accompany her on the flight. She’s no fan of flying and he’s proved handy when things go sideways. Which they quickly do.

Not one but two deaths occur and Annalise and Bill are right in the thick of it. Not exactly suspects, their help isn’t desired and in now way do the residents or authorities want them digging into things. The way ahead is going to be tricky and dangerous.

It’s been a whole lot of fun getting to know these characters. No many different personalities. And so many secrets and obstacles to overcome. I enjoyed each book as much as the other and would be quite happy if more were to come.



About Marlene M. Bell


Marlene M. Bell is an eclectic mystery writer, artist, photographer, and she raises sheep on a ranch in wooded East Texas with her husband, Gregg.

Marlene’s Annalisse series boasts numerous honors including the Independent Press Award for Best Mystery (Spent Identity,) and FAPA— Florida Author’s President’s Gold Award for two other installments, (Stolen Obsession and Scattered Legacy.) Her mysteries with a touch of romantic suspense are found at her websites or at online retail outlets.

She also offers the first of her children’s picture books, Mia and Nattie: One Great Team! Based on true events from the Bell’s ranch. The simple text and illustrations are a touching tribute of compassion and love between a little girl and her lamb.

Author Links: Website / Twitter / Bookbub / Goodreads / Instagram

Facebook Author Page / Facebook Personal Page

Purchase Links – AmazonBarnes & Noble


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May 22 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT


May 22 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW


May 23 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

May 24 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 24 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

May 25 – I Read What You Write – AUTHOR GUEST POST

May 25 – Indie Author Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 26 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT  

May 26 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW


May 27 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

May 28 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

May 29 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

May 29 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST




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Book Details:

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  372 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements


Book Description:

Have you ever felt the call of the wild, beckoning you to a place where the beauty of nature takes your breath away?

Get ready to be swept away by the powerful and heartwarming tale of Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains. This story of love, family, and friendship will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.

Follow the journey of siblings Lee and Lyla Meyers as they leave their lives in Germany behind and return to their roots in the Canadian Cowboy Country. Nature sets the tone in this breathtaking setting where freedom requires courage, and the magic of love between untamed hearts can be found around every corner.

As Lyla and Lee rediscover their family and their roots on the Willow Ranch, they are welcomed by the stunning Rocky Mountains and the unforgettable horses that roam freely. The beauty of the wilderness is nothing short of magical, but danger lurks around every corner. The siblings are tested in ways they never could have imagined, and their courage is put to the ultimate test.

New love relationships blossom and the bonds of family are renewed, but a dark family secret threatens to tear everything apart. Lyla and Lee are willing to risk everything to save their beloved ranch and the family they have grown to love.

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains is a breathtaking adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. If you believe in the power of love and the strength of family, this book is a must-read. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of the Canadian wilderness and the wild spirits that call it home.


The story is what I would describe as compelling. The characters are genuine, each carrying their own brand of baggage. The author’s visual writing sets me right down on the ranch in the stunning Rocky Mountains of Canada. The telling of the ancient tradition concerning the shadow horses of the First Nations people is fascinating. And how things all connect and come together is why I couldn’t stop reading this book.

Lee and Lyla are brother and sister. Their mother moved them to Germany many years ago. Memories come flooding back when an urgent summons from their aunt calls them back to Canada. Their father is very ill. I’d say he wasn’t at all thrilled to see his two kids when the arrived on his doorstep. It wasn’t until right near the end of the book that I found out why and it wasn’t what I was expecting. They don’t feel welcome and have no plans to stay on. But that may change as the lure of the ranch takes hold.

Secrets, legends, mystery, romance, danger and a hint of the mystical made this, as I mentioned at the beginning of my review, a very compelling story.


Enjoy the Rest in the Willow Ranch Series:



Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  446 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Do you believe in the power of love and ancient magic to overcome the obstacles of the heart and the wilderness?

Dive into an enchanting journey of love, adventure, and mystery set in the captivating wilderness of Canada.

In The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains, Chuck and Lyla find themselves drawn together by their shared love for the Canadian wilderness. However, while Lyla embraces the strength the mountains provide, Chuck returns to his hometown a bitter man, determined to sell his inherited fur-trapper route, and leave once more.

When a lucrative offer from a cunning businessman and a chance encounter with the enigmatic Wahleeah enter the picture, Chuck’s plans for a swift exit are thrown into disarray. As the possibility of staying in his hometown starts to feel like an adventure rather than a punishment, Chuck finds himself embroiled in a whirlwind of emotion, danger, and intrigue.

Lyla, appointed by her Native American tribe as the protector of wild horses, faces her own challenges. With a tumultuous relationship and her dreams of transforming the wild horse territory into a protected reserve on the line, a mysterious figure named Lonefeather Jones enters her life, igniting a magical spark within her. But will this newfound magic be enough to overcome the setbacks and jealousy that threaten to tear her world apart?

As secrets are uncovered and lives intertwine, the Willow Ranch residents find themselves facing trials that will test their courage, love, and loyalty. With legends of the First Nations woven into the narrative, this tale of ranch life and the untamed beauty of the Canadian wilderness will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Unravel the mysteries of the Rocky Mountains and immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains. 
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I became enthralled with the characters and the author’s visual writing about the Rocky Mountains in the first book, Shadow Horses Of The Rocky Mountains. I was excited to dip back into the series.

Something I forgot to mention in my review of the first book is how the author starts with a short scene around a campfire, with someone telling about a legend of the First Nations people. Each one relates to what unfolds in each book and is quite fascinating.

The story continued a short time after the last book and once again I was eager to turn the pages. Lee is now busy running Willow Ranch and Lyla is in charge of taking care of the brood mares and foals. It works quite well and they even find time for relationships.

While the ranch and the siblings were the main focus in Shadow Horses, Shadow Crow brings minor characters to the fore and learning about them was equally intriguing.

Life in the majestic Rocky Mountains can be beautiful but it can also be risky and it tests the mettle of these characters. Sometimes puts them in danger.  Differences must be put aside for their own survival.

Yes, I enjoyed Shadow Crow as much as Shadow Horses and I’m excited to turn the pages in the next book, Shadow Grizzly, which is waiting for me on my end table. Stay tuned for my next review.




Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Grizzly of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  352 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Can love triumph in the face of adversity and the shadows of the past?

In the shadows of the Canadian Rockies, a gripping tale of love, danger, and destiny awaits.

Discover the enthralling story of rancher Lee, who finally gets permission to lead horseback tours in the wilds of Canada. His dreams of family and shaping the future of Willow Ranch hang in the balance. If he fails, he loses everything.

As Lee embarks on his quest, his sister Lyla returns from the Yukon to take charge of the wildlife station. Destiny reunites her with Lonefeather Jones, a Native American dreamcatcher weaver grappling with demons from his past. As the flames of their long-hidden feelings spark to life, they must confront the shadows that threaten to keep them apart.

Amidst the untamed beauty of the Rocky Mountains, new challenges test the courage and unity of Willow Ranch’s residents and friends. As relationships falter, death looms, and darkness threatens to consume the light, can the power of love prevail?

Join the unforgettable characters of the Willow Ranch series in this heart-stopping third installment. In a breathtaking landscape where mysteries lurk around every corner, you’ll be captivated by tales of love, adventure, and the unbreakable human spirit.

Uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows of the Rockies. Will love conquer the darkness before the last light on the horizon fades? The answer lies within these pages.
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In the first book of the series, Shadow Horses, we meet the siblings Lee and Lyla and share in their struggles o adjust to life on a home they’d not seen for many years.

In the second book, Shadow Crow, the stories focuses more on Lyla and where she fits in on the ranch after secrets were revealed that changed her forever and sent her on a new path.

In the third book, Shadow Grizzly , the story is more focused on Lee and his plans to make Willow Ranch successful and maybe start a family. Lyla returns to take up the reins at the wildlife rescue center and just might find love too.

This series continues to reel me in. There are many characters to keep track of and new ones the author deftly introduces. All of their roles become clear as the story reaches it’s conclusion.

I found myself trying to put faces to names and to visualize the ranch and the majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountains. Made me think this would be a wonderful television series that would keep me coming back for more, just like the books.




Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  484 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books
Release date:March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

What if the untamed wilderness held the key to unlocking the deepest desires of the heart?

In the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains, whispers of untold stories and hidden destinies come to life. Welcome to the world of The Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains, the fourth installment in the gripping Willow Ranch series. Here, three humans and a she-wolf navigate a treacherous landscape of love, loss, and the unforgiving wilderness.

When fate intertwines the lives of Rosie, the resilient groom, Cody, the enigmatic cowboy, and Woodwind, the mystical Cree Indian, their fragile dreams and deepest fears are unearthed. At the heart of it all is the Willow Ranch, a place where passions ignite, and lives are forever altered. Can they trust the strength of their bond and the power of love to guide them through the storm?

In this haunting tale of self-discovery and the quest for redemption, each character is forced to confront their own demons. As Cody grapples with the crushing weight of his brother’s suicide, Rosie fights for her horses and her home amidst swirling deception. And Woodwind, haunted by self-doubt, must find the courage to save the she-wolf and the woman who has captured his heart.

As careless decisions threaten the future of the Willow Ranch, the rugged beauty of the Rocky Mountains presents a formidable challenge. With time running out, the friends and staff must pull together and believe in the magic of community to save their home and their happiness.

Dare to venture into the wild unknown, where heartache and hope collide, and where the call of the heart is a siren song that cannot be ignored. “Song of the Wild: Call of the Heart” beckons you to the Willow Ranch, where the secrets of the wilderness hold the key to love, courage, and the power of unity.

Embark on this unforgettable journey of love and self-discovery today – answer the call of the heart and unlock the secrets hidden within the wild. 
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So I’ve reached the fourth and possibly final book in a series I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. Author Natascha Birovljev has written a modern Western saga with genuine characters who struggle through many of life’s challenges. Sometimes losing and sometimes winning. The panoramic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains is written breathtakingly. The animals featured are characters in their own right, whether mystic or flesh and blood. And the journey has been a lesson as much as an adventure as I revisited Willow Ranch in each book.

One of my favorite things the author has done is start each book with people gathered around a campfire as a legend of the Cherokee legend is narrated. Each one ties into the book to come and captivates my curiosity to learn how.

I’m a bit saddened to have reached the end of this series but quite happy with it too. If more is to come, I’d be thrilled to continue.




Meet the Author:

Natascha Birovljev is a storyteller at heart and author of the “Willow Ranch” book series.

Growing up in Germany, horses were always part of her life. After getting her Master degree in Religious Studies and German Literature, adventure was calling and she traveled to Alberta. She fell in love with the wild beauty of the Rocky Mountains and immigrated from Germany to Canada in 2005.

Here she worked the first years as a guide for horseback vacations, exploring mountain trails and spending the summer months in tent camps in the wilderness.

Inspired by her adventures and connections to ranchers, cowboys and First Nation communities, she started writing her books. Natascha lives on her ranch in Alberta with her horses and dogs.

Her stories show her fascination with the beauty of the Rocky Mountain wilderness and her love for the people she encounters.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram youtube ~ pinterest ~ goodreads

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WILLOW RANCH Book Series Tour Giveaway



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Welcome to my post during the blog tour for The Word of the Muse by Bridgette Dutta Portman.

The Word of the Muse, the thrilling conclusion to the Coseema Saga trilogy, is perfect for fans of space opera, portal fantasy, art-based magic, coming-of-age adventures, and novels about mental health, confidence, and finding the hero in ourselves.

This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours and the tour runs from 8 till 21 May. You can see the tour schedule here.

The Word of the Muse book cover

The Word of the Muse (The Coseema Saga #3)
By Bridgette Dutta Portman
Genre: Science Fiction/ Fantasy
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 25 April 2023

A daring rescue. A villain in pursuit. A battle for the suns themselves.

With Coseema off planet, Olive has bought herself some time—but the clock is ticking. After a risky rescue mission, she and her friends make their way to the center of the rebellion against Emperor Burnash, who is desperate to capture Olive and claim her power for his own. Without her journal, Olive must rely on her newfound courage to elude Burnash and help her friends. But that courage is put to the test as she and Coseema clash in a final showdown—one that will decide the fate of a star system.

The Word of the Muse, the thrilling conclusion to the Coseema Saga trilogy, is perfect for fans of space opera, portal fantasy, art-based magic, coming-of-age adventures, and novels about mental health, confidence, and finding the hero in ourselves.




The pace of the story really picked up between the first and second book in the series. In The Word Of The Muse it’s fast and furious. Will Olive retrieve the pen she so desperately needs to save the universe she’s created? Will those she cares about survive? Will she remain in the universe she created or will she return home? Or will it all implode?

I can’t tell you the answers as that will spoil things. I can tell you this was my favorite of the three books. Not just because I got my ending and my answers.  But also, because these characters became genuine and I very much enjoyed watching them grow and step up in some dangerous and suspenseful situations.

Now that the series is finished I’m curious what the author pens next. Could it be a new series with some of the old characters and worlds? Or something else just as intriguing as this sci-fi/fantasy portal adventure. I’ll be watching to find out.



Earlier books in the series:

The Twin Stars book coverThe Silver Sail book cover

The Twin Stars (The Coseema Saga #1)
The Silver Sail (The Coseema Saga #2)



Just imagine boarding an airplane, passing through a portal and entering a universe you’d created with your own imagination. That’s what happened to Olive. She’d given up ever finishing the story after the passing of her grandmother. Looks like the story is writing itself now.

Wow, what a universe it was. The world building was incredible and it was easy to visual much of it. Thanks to all of the shows and movies I’ve watched in the sci-fi/fantasy genre, my own imagination showed me a lot.

The plot was very intriguing. Especially as I’d not read much about portals. I do remember when I was a young girl, creating a magical world in my mind that I could enter through an old tree stump in my backyard. Since this began on an airplane, I wonder if I’ll think of this series the next time I get on one.

There was a diverse cast of characters in this story too. They were fleshed out and well represented. Some I liked more than others. And some I didn’t care for at all. But yeah, I don’t think I was supposed to like those.

While the story wasn’t fast paced, I didn’t mind. The author was creating a universe, showing it to me. And introducing lots of different personalities of all ages and sexes. I imagine the next two books may read more swiftly as this has all been done in The Twin Stars and things will be more familiar. Looking forward to more soon.




I was left with many questions and loads of curiosity about where the series was headed after finishing The Twin Stars. The Silver Sail picks up pretty much where the first book left off. I quickly and easily fell through the portal again and was shown so much more about the universe and the consequences Olive and other’s face after a damaging loss.

The first book wasn’t fast paced. That’s to be expected when building a new world. This one zipped along at a much faster clip, with so many more challenges and dangers and some planet hopping too. Many of these characters are growing on me and I’m developing a strong dislike for a certain villain. Which makes me invested in the lives of these character’s as they grow and face so many new things. I’m really excited to read The Word Of The Muse and see how it all ends. What a great title for the conclusion to an exciting series.

4 Stars



Bridgette Dutta Portman author picture

About the Author:
Bridgette Dutta Portman is an author, playwright, and teaching artist. Dozens of her plays have been produced across the United States and overseas. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Spalding University, as well as a PhD in political science from the University of California, Irvine. She is past president of the Playwrights’ Center of San Francisco and is currently a member of Same Boat Theater Collective, the Pear Playwrights’ Guild, and the Dramatists’ Guild. She recently joined the board of the Pear Theatre in Mountain View, CA. The Twin Stars is her debut novel, and the first of a planned trilogy. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Deepanshu and their two young children.

Author links:


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There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of Word of the Muse. One winner wins a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card (winner’s choice).

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