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She Who Rides Horses: A Saga of the Ancient Steppe (Book One)

by Sarah V. Barnes

Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  267 pages
Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher:  Lilith House Press
Release date:  March 2022
Content RatingPG.  It contains two kissing scenes and the death of an animal.

Book Description:

Set more than 6,000 years ago, She Who Rides Horses: A Saga of the Ancient Steppe (Book One) begins the story of Naya, the first person to ride a horse.

Daughter of a clan chief, bolder than other girls but shunned by the boys because of her unusual appearance, Naya wanders alone through the vast grasslands where her people herd cattle and hunt wild horses for their meat. But Naya dreams of creating a different kind of relationship with the magnificent creatures.

One day, she discovers a filly with a chestnut coat as uncommon as her own head of red hair. With time running out before she is called to assume the responsibilities of adulthood, Naya embarks on a quest to gallop with the red filly across the boundless steppe.

​Unwittingly, she sets in motion forces and events that will change forever the future of humans and horses alike.



Long, long ago there lived a girl. Naya, the  daughter of a chief in her clan. Despite her role, she has dreams which she struggles to make her clan understand. Horses can be more than just food. Her dream is to tame a wild horse and ride it. What an advantage it would be.

I was pulled into this historical adventure from the synopsis. I was one of those young girls who dreamed of owning my own horse. How could I not enjoy a story about a young girl who is the first to ride a horse. What I quickly discovered as I got further into the book was the fascinating journey of Naya and her clan. How they lived a nomadic life much as Native Americans used to. The social dynamics and Naya’s place in the clan. And her spiritual journey. The author showed me her world and I was transported to another time, met members of other clans and was enthralled by Naya’s enchantment with the wild horses.

I have to read the next book. This one ends on a cliffhanger. That can sometimes annoy me. I like some kind of conclusion. But this time, I was just anxious to continue with a young girl’s journey. To be transported back to her world, which is so fascinating, and see what her future brings.


Guest Post

 Getting to Know Your Characters

When asked how I came up with the characters in my novel, She Who Rides Horses, I’m never quite sure how to answer. Rather than being made up, I feel as though they showed up. As the story started to unfold, I gradually got to know them. Take the main character – Naya – for example. When I began writing, I didn’t know her name – she was simply ‘the girl’. As the story moved along, I tried out various names derived from the language her people might have spoken, finally settling on one that seemed to fit. But then I happened to read a book of ancient myths from the land where Naya’s mother was from and realized Naya and her mother Sata could both be named for the same mythological character – Satanaya. It all seemed to fit – but I had to get to know both Naya and her mother first. As for Naya’s appearance – without any conscious intention on my part, she showed up in the first couple of paragraphs with red hair and blue eyes. Later, when I researched the origins of the genes for red hair and blue eyes, sure enough, I was able to verify that, although rare, those traits did exist among the people living in the steppes of what is now southern Russia around 4,000 BCE, where and when the story is set. Similarly, some characteristics of her personality were present from the beginning, like her tom-boyishness and her bravery and determination, but other aspects only emerged as I got to know her better, like her insecurities around not being the son she is certain her father would have preferred.

Besides Naya, I’ve enjoyed getting to know her grandmother, Awija, as well as her mother, Sata. Having three generations of women in the same family allows me to explore relationships and perspectives at three different life stages. Awija is Sata’s mother-in-law, so that adds an interesting dynamic. As a mother of daughters, I relate to Sata, although she also faces challenges that are not part of my personal experience. Writing about her longings and regrets has allowed me to come to understand her better. Awija plays a more limited role in the first book but she is one of my favorite characters. She’s full of wisdom. I’m enjoying getting to spend more time with her and learn from her as I work on book two.

And then, of course, there are the horses. They are very much characters in their own right, with individual personalities which I’ve also had to get to know. For Naya and the red filly, whose interactions drive the story, I’ve tried to portray their emerging relationship as authentically as possible, which can be a challenge when all the communication between them is non-verbal.

Each day when I sit down to write, it’s as though I’m entering into an ongoing conversation with friends, wondering what they will do and say next. It’s what keeps me coming back to my desk.

Enjoy this excerpt from Chapter One:

It was long after noon the next day before Naya was at last able to slip away. This time she was better prepared. In a deer skin bag slung over one shoulder she carried flint tools and kindling for making fire, a flint knife and enough food to last a day, as well as a full water skin. Over the other shoulder was coiled a long length of braided rawhide, strong enough, she hoped, to restrain the filly…

  She found the little band at dusk, when the sun’s afterglow cast blackening shadows across the landscape. She had just gained the top of a small rise and could see for some distance, despite the gathering darkness. There they were – blurred shapes silhouetted against the next range of hills. Succeeding ridges gained in height, verdant meadows giving way to forested slopes, behind which the sun had disappeared. The horses had led her to the edge of the grasslands…

  Naya shivered in the rapidly cooling air. The horses appeared to have stopped for the evening. The mares’ heads hung low, muzzles almost touching the ground in deep relaxation and she could make out several darker shapes that must be the foals, lying in the grass at their feet. Only the stallion stood alert, scenting the air for danger before dropping his head to grab a few mouthfuls of grass. Moments later, his head lifted again, keen eyes scanning the landscape.

Naya settled herself in the deep grass and rested her folded arms atop her knees. From her vantage on the rise downwind from the small band, she could sit and keep watch without arousing suspicion… Eventually, cheek resting on her forearms, she closed her eyes, and slept…

  At some point later in the night, she thought she awoke. Lifting her head from her folded arms, she checked the herd. They were as they’d been before, dozing in the lee of the hillside across from the rise where she sat. Even the stallion had relaxed his vigilance and stood with his head lowered. The full moon now rode high in the sky, bright enough to cast faint shadows. As Naya’s eyes adjusted to the night, the moon’s light illuminated a faint track leading down the rise at an angle from where the horses rested. She hadn’t noticed it before.

Rising, Naya moved as silently as she could, following the path in the moonlight. Soon, she found herself ascending another small rise, then descending, then rising again, until at last she stood at the edge of a ravine. Below, she could see a stream, shining in the moonlight, gurgling quietly as it flowed over its stony bed… Slipping and sliding, Naya made her way down the steep slope, scratching her skin against sharp rocks and thorny underbrush. At last she reached the bottom and looked around her. Along the ravine’s floor, smooth white stones marked the water course… Drawn onward, Naya followed the path upstream into a grove of trees.

  There, a wondrous sight met her eyes. Oaks and birches encircled a small pool of water, fed by an underground spring. Reflected in the pool’s clear, still surface was the round orb of the moon, casting its light from high above the rocky cliffs which formed the pool’s backdrop. Beside the pool stood the red filly, burnished coat softly aglow. Naya froze, rooted as if she were one of the trees, and stared. The filly, startled by the girl’s approach, stared back. Neither moved. Eventually, Naya remembered to breathe. In the next moment, she realized that she had left her rope, along with everything else she’d brought with her, back on the rise. Still, she and the filly stood motionless, looking at one another.

In that moment, Naya’s senses underwent an almost imperceptible shift; the moonlight became just a little brighter, the stream’s murmur became just a little louder, the slight breeze rustling the leaves in the trees became just a little fresher against her skin. In the next moment, she seemed to feel the filly’s thoughts.

  I will grant your heart’s desire, but only if you are able to grant mine. The musical voice resonated within the core of Naya’s being, even though no sound other than the splash of flowing water and whisper of the wind in the trees disturbed the silence of the grove. What is your heart’s desire?

  Awestruck, Naya could only gaze back at the young horse, who now regarded her with luminous dark eyes in which fear had given way to curiosity. Finally, she found her own voice. “I wish to be with you,” she said simply. “I wish to touch your coat.” Then, from deep inside, another longing welled up, a yearning so audacious she almost couldn’t bring herself to speak. Hesitatingly, she uttered the words. “I wish,” she said, “to ride upon your back.”

  Ah, the red filly seemed to reply, if this is indeed your deepest desire, then you must see with the eyes of your heart and create ties without the use of a rope. And when you have succeeded in granting my heart’s desire, then shall yours be granted also.

  Before Naya could begin to ponder the meaning of the words, the filly brushed past her in a chestnut blur and was gone, disappearing through the trees toward the mouth of the ravine. Gazing after her, Naya shook her head, as if to clear her senses. Water still flowed in the creek and a breeze still rustled among the leaves. The moon still cast its dim glow – but the moment of utter clarity had vanished, just as suddenly as the young horse. Shaking herself again, as if awakening from a dream, Naya retraced her steps to the mouth of the ravine. There was no sign of the red filly…


Meet the Author:

Sarah V. Barnes, Ph.D. is both an historian and a horsewoman. When Sarah is not writing stories, she practices and teaches riding as a meditative art. She also offers equine-facilitated coaching and wellness workshops.

Sarah holds a Ph.D. in history from Northwestern University and spent many years as a college professor before turning full-time to riding and writing. She has two grown daughters and lives with her husband, her dogs and her horses near Boulder, CO.

connect with the author: website facebook ~  goodreads

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Book Details:

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  372 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements


Book Description:

Have you ever felt the call of the wild, beckoning you to a place where the beauty of nature takes your breath away?

Get ready to be swept away by the powerful and heartwarming tale of Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains. This story of love, family, and friendship will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.

Follow the journey of siblings Lee and Lyla Meyers as they leave their lives in Germany behind and return to their roots in the Canadian Cowboy Country. Nature sets the tone in this breathtaking setting where freedom requires courage, and the magic of love between untamed hearts can be found around every corner.

As Lyla and Lee rediscover their family and their roots on the Willow Ranch, they are welcomed by the stunning Rocky Mountains and the unforgettable horses that roam freely. The beauty of the wilderness is nothing short of magical, but danger lurks around every corner. The siblings are tested in ways they never could have imagined, and their courage is put to the ultimate test.

New love relationships blossom and the bonds of family are renewed, but a dark family secret threatens to tear everything apart. Lyla and Lee are willing to risk everything to save their beloved ranch and the family they have grown to love.

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains is a breathtaking adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. If you believe in the power of love and the strength of family, this book is a must-read. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of the Canadian wilderness and the wild spirits that call it home.


The story is what I would describe as compelling. The characters are genuine, each carrying their own brand of baggage. The author’s visual writing sets me right down on the ranch in the stunning Rocky Mountains of Canada. The telling of the ancient tradition concerning the shadow horses of the First Nations people is fascinating. And how things all connect and come together is why I couldn’t stop reading this book.

Lee and Lyla are brother and sister. Their mother moved them to Germany many years ago. Memories come flooding back when an urgent summons from their aunt calls them back to Canada. Their father is very ill. I’d say he wasn’t at all thrilled to see his two kids when the arrived on his doorstep. It wasn’t until right near the end of the book that I found out why and it wasn’t what I was expecting. They don’t feel welcome and have no plans to stay on. But that may change as the lure of the ranch takes hold.

Secrets, legends, mystery, romance, danger and a hint of the mystical made this, as I mentioned at the beginning of my review, a very compelling story.


Enjoy the Rest in the Willow Ranch Series:



Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  446 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Do you believe in the power of love and ancient magic to overcome the obstacles of the heart and the wilderness?

Dive into an enchanting journey of love, adventure, and mystery set in the captivating wilderness of Canada.

In The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains, Chuck and Lyla find themselves drawn together by their shared love for the Canadian wilderness. However, while Lyla embraces the strength the mountains provide, Chuck returns to his hometown a bitter man, determined to sell his inherited fur-trapper route, and leave once more.

When a lucrative offer from a cunning businessman and a chance encounter with the enigmatic Wahleeah enter the picture, Chuck’s plans for a swift exit are thrown into disarray. As the possibility of staying in his hometown starts to feel like an adventure rather than a punishment, Chuck finds himself embroiled in a whirlwind of emotion, danger, and intrigue.

Lyla, appointed by her Native American tribe as the protector of wild horses, faces her own challenges. With a tumultuous relationship and her dreams of transforming the wild horse territory into a protected reserve on the line, a mysterious figure named Lonefeather Jones enters her life, igniting a magical spark within her. But will this newfound magic be enough to overcome the setbacks and jealousy that threaten to tear her world apart?

As secrets are uncovered and lives intertwine, the Willow Ranch residents find themselves facing trials that will test their courage, love, and loyalty. With legends of the First Nations woven into the narrative, this tale of ranch life and the untamed beauty of the Canadian wilderness will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Unravel the mysteries of the Rocky Mountains and immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains. 
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I became enthralled with the characters and the author’s visual writing about the Rocky Mountains in the first book, Shadow Horses Of The Rocky Mountains. I was excited to dip back into the series.

Something I forgot to mention in my review of the first book is how the author starts with a short scene around a campfire, with someone telling about a legend of the First Nations people. Each one relates to what unfolds in each book and is quite fascinating.

The story continued a short time after the last book and once again I was eager to turn the pages. Lee is now busy running Willow Ranch and Lyla is in charge of taking care of the brood mares and foals. It works quite well and they even find time for relationships.

While the ranch and the siblings were the main focus in Shadow Horse, Shadow Crow brings minor characters to the fore and learning about them was equally intriguing.

Life in the majestic Rocky Mountains can be beautiful but it can also be risky and it tests the mettle of these characters. Sometimes puts them in danger.  Differences must be put aside for their own survival.

Yes, I enjoyed Shadow Crow as much as Shadow Horses and I’m excited to turn the pages in the next book, Shadow Grizzly, which is waiting for me on my end table. Stay tuned for my next review.




Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Grizzly of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  352 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Can love triumph in the face of adversity and the shadows of the past?

In the shadows of the Canadian Rockies, a gripping tale of love, danger, and destiny awaits.

Discover the enthralling story of rancher Lee, who finally gets permission to lead horseback tours in the wilds of Canada. His dreams of family and shaping the future of Willow Ranch hang in the balance. If he fails, he loses everything.

As Lee embarks on his quest, his sister Lyla returns from the Yukon to take charge of the wildlife station. Destiny reunites her with Lonefeather Jones, a Native American dreamcatcher weaver grappling with demons from his past. As the flames of their long-hidden feelings spark to life, they must confront the shadows that threaten to keep them apart.

Amidst the untamed beauty of the Rocky Mountains, new challenges test the courage and unity of Willow Ranch’s residents and friends. As relationships falter, death looms, and darkness threatens to consume the light, can the power of love prevail?

Join the unforgettable characters of the Willow Ranch series in this heart-stopping third installment. In a breathtaking landscape where mysteries lurk around every corner, you’ll be captivated by tales of love, adventure, and the unbreakable human spirit.

Uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows of the Rockies. Will love conquer the darkness before the last light on the horizon fades? The answer lies within these pages.
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In the first book of the series, Shadow Horses, we meet the siblings Lee and Lyla and share in their struggles o adjust to life on a home they’d not seen for many years.

In the second book, Shadow Crow, the stories focuses more on Lyla and where she fits in on the ranch after secrets were revealed that changed her forever and sent her on a new path.

In the third book, Shadow Grizzly , the story is more focused on Lee and his plans to make Willow Ranch successful and maybe start a family. Lyla returns to take up the reins at the wildlife rescue center and just might find love too.

This series continues to reel me in. There are many characters to keep track of and new ones the author deftly introduces. All of their roles become clear as the story reaches it’s conclusion.

I found myself trying to put faces to names and to visualize the ranch and the majestic scenery of the Rocky Mountains. Made me think this would be a wonderful television series that would keep me coming back for more, just like the books.




Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  484 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

What if the untamed wilderness held the key to unlocking the deepest desires of the heart?

In the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains, whispers of untold stories and hidden destinies come to life. Welcome to the world of The Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains, the fourth installment in the gripping Willow Ranch series. Here, three humans and a she-wolf navigate a treacherous landscape of love, loss, and the unforgiving wilderness.

When fate intertwines the lives of Rosie, the resilient groom, Cody, the enigmatic cowboy, and Woodwind, the mystical Cree Indian, their fragile dreams and deepest fears are unearthed. At the heart of it all is the Willow Ranch, a place where passions ignite, and lives are forever altered. Can they trust the strength of their bond and the power of love to guide them through the storm?

In this haunting tale of self-discovery and the quest for redemption, each character is forced to confront their own demons. As Cody grapples with the crushing weight of his brother’s suicide, Rosie fights for her horses and her home amidst swirling deception. And Woodwind, haunted by self-doubt, must find the courage to save the she-wolf and the woman who has captured his heart.

As careless decisions threaten the future of the Willow Ranch, the rugged beauty of the Rocky Mountains presents a formidable challenge. With time running out, the friends and staff must pull together and believe in the magic of community to save their home and their happiness.

Dare to venture into the wild unknown, where heartache and hope collide, and where the call of the heart is a siren song that cannot be ignored. “Song of the Wild: Call of the Heart” beckons you to the Willow Ranch, where the secrets of the wilderness hold the key to love, courage, and the power of unity.

Embark on this unforgettable journey of love and self-discovery today – answer the call of the heart and unlock the secrets hidden within the wild. 
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Meet the Author:

Natascha Birovljev is a storyteller at heart and author of the “Willow Ranch” book series.

Growing up in Germany, horses were always part of her life. After getting her Master degree in Religious Studies and German Literature, adventure was calling and she traveled to Alberta. She fell in love with the wild beauty of the Rocky Mountains and immigrated from Germany to Canada in 2005.

Here she worked the first years as a guide for horseback vacations, exploring mountain trails and spending the summer months in tent camps in the wilderness.

Inspired by her adventures and connections to ranchers, cowboys and First Nation communities, she started writing her books. Natascha lives on her ranch in Alberta with her horses and dogs.

Her stories show her fascination with the beauty of the Rocky Mountain wilderness and her love for the people she encounters.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram youtube ~ pinterest ~ goodreads

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WILLOW RANCH Book Series Tour Giveaway



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Book Details:

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  372 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements


Book Description:

Have you ever felt the call of the wild, beckoning you to a place where the beauty of nature takes your breath away?

Get ready to be swept away by the powerful and heartwarming tale of Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains. This story of love, family, and friendship will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.

Follow the journey of siblings Lee and Lyla Meyers as they leave their lives in Germany behind and return to their roots in the Canadian Cowboy Country. Nature sets the tone in this breathtaking setting where freedom requires courage, and the magic of love between untamed hearts can be found around every corner.

As Lyla and Lee rediscover their family and their roots on the Willow Ranch, they are welcomed by the stunning Rocky Mountains and the unforgettable horses that roam freely. The beauty of the wilderness is nothing short of magical, but danger lurks around every corner. The siblings are tested in ways they never could have imagined, and their courage is put to the ultimate test.

New love relationships blossom and the bonds of family are renewed, but a dark family secret threatens to tear everything apart. Lyla and Lee are willing to risk everything to save their beloved ranch and the family they have grown to love.

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains is a breathtaking adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. If you believe in the power of love and the strength of family, this book is a must-read. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of the Canadian wilderness and the wild spirits that call it home.


The story is what I would describe as compelling. The characters are genuine, each carrying their own brand of baggage. The author’s visual writing sets me right down on the ranch in the stunning Rocky Mountains of Canada. The telling of the ancient tradition concerning the shadow horses of the First Nations people is fascinating. And how things all connect and come together is why I couldn’t stop reading this book.

Lee and Lyla are brother and sister. Their mother moved them to Germany many years ago. Memories come flooding back when an urgent summons from their aunt calls them back to Canada. Their father is very ill. I’d say he wasn’t at all thrilled to see his two kids when the arrived on his doorstep. It wasn’t until right near the end of the book that I found out why and it wasn’t what I was expecting. They don’t feel welcome and have no plans to stay on. But that may change as the lure of the ranch takes hold.

Secrets, legends, mystery, romance, danger and a hint of the mystical made this, as I mentioned at the beginning of my review, a very compelling story.


Enjoy the Rest in the Willow Ranch Series:



Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  446 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Do you believe in the power of love and ancient magic to overcome the obstacles of the heart and the wilderness?

Dive into an enchanting journey of love, adventure, and mystery set in the captivating wilderness of Canada.

In The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains, Chuck and Lyla find themselves drawn together by their shared love for the Canadian wilderness. However, while Lyla embraces the strength the mountains provide, Chuck returns to his hometown a bitter man, determined to sell his inherited fur-trapper route, and leave once more.

When a lucrative offer from a cunning businessman and a chance encounter with the enigmatic Wahleeah enter the picture, Chuck’s plans for a swift exit are thrown into disarray. As the possibility of staying in his hometown starts to feel like an adventure rather than a punishment, Chuck finds himself embroiled in a whirlwind of emotion, danger, and intrigue.

Lyla, appointed by her Native American tribe as the protector of wild horses, faces her own challenges. With a tumultuous relationship and her dreams of transforming the wild horse territory into a protected reserve on the line, a mysterious figure named Lonefeather Jones enters her life, igniting a magical spark within her. But will this newfound magic be enough to overcome the setbacks and jealousy that threaten to tear her world apart?

As secrets are uncovered and lives intertwine, the Willow Ranch residents find themselves facing trials that will test their courage, love, and loyalty. With legends of the First Nations woven into the narrative, this tale of ranch life and the untamed beauty of the Canadian wilderness will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Unravel the mysteries of the Rocky Mountains and immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains. 
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I became enthralled with the characters and the author’s visual writing about the Rocky Mountains in the first book, Shadow Horses Of The Rocky Mountains. I was excited to dip back into the series.

Something I forgot to mention in my review of the first book is how the author starts with a short scene around a campfire, with someone telling about a legend of the First Nations people. Each one relates to what unfolds in each book and is quite fascinating.

The story continued a short time after the last book and once again I was eager to turn the pages. Lee is now busy running Willow Ranch and Lyla is in charge of taking care of the brood mares and foals. It works quite well and they even find time for relationships.

While the ranch and the siblings were the main focus in Shadow Horses, Shadow Crow brings minor characters to the fore and learning about them was equally intriguing.

Life in the majestic Rocky Mountains can be beautiful but it can also be risky and it tests the mettle of these characters. Sometimes puts them in danger.  Differences must be put aside for their own survival.

Yes, I enjoyed Shadow Crow as much as Shadow Horses and I’m excited to turn the pages in the next book, Shadow Grizzly, which is waiting for me on my end table. Stay tuned for my next review.




Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Grizzly of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  352 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Can love triumph in the face of adversity and the shadows of the past?

In the shadows of the Canadian Rockies, a gripping tale of love, danger, and destiny awaits.

Discover the enthralling story of rancher Lee, who finally gets permission to lead horseback tours in the wilds of Canada. His dreams of family and shaping the future of Willow Ranch hang in the balance. If he fails, he loses everything.

As Lee embarks on his quest, his sister Lyla returns from the Yukon to take charge of the wildlife station. Destiny reunites her with Lonefeather Jones, a Native American dreamcatcher weaver grappling with demons from his past. As the flames of their long-hidden feelings spark to life, they must confront the shadows that threaten to keep them apart.

Amidst the untamed beauty of the Rocky Mountains, new challenges test the courage and unity of Willow Ranch’s residents and friends. As relationships falter, death looms, and darkness threatens to consume the light, can the power of love prevail?

Join the unforgettable characters of the Willow Ranch series in this heart-stopping third installment. In a breathtaking landscape where mysteries lurk around every corner, you’ll be captivated by tales of love, adventure, and the unbreakable human spirit.

Uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows of the Rockies. Will love conquer the darkness before the last light on the horizon fades? The answer lies within these pages.
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Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  484 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

What if the untamed wilderness held the key to unlocking the deepest desires of the heart?

In the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains, whispers of untold stories and hidden destinies come to life. Welcome to the world of The Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains, the fourth installment in the gripping Willow Ranch series. Here, three humans and a she-wolf navigate a treacherous landscape of love, loss, and the unforgiving wilderness.

When fate intertwines the lives of Rosie, the resilient groom, Cody, the enigmatic cowboy, and Woodwind, the mystical Cree Indian, their fragile dreams and deepest fears are unearthed. At the heart of it all is the Willow Ranch, a place where passions ignite, and lives are forever altered. Can they trust the strength of their bond and the power of love to guide them through the storm?

In this haunting tale of self-discovery and the quest for redemption, each character is forced to confront their own demons. As Cody grapples with the crushing weight of his brother’s suicide, Rosie fights for her horses and her home amidst swirling deception. And Woodwind, haunted by self-doubt, must find the courage to save the she-wolf and the woman who has captured his heart.

As careless decisions threaten the future of the Willow Ranch, the rugged beauty of the Rocky Mountains presents a formidable challenge. With time running out, the friends and staff must pull together and believe in the magic of community to save their home and their happiness.

Dare to venture into the wild unknown, where heartache and hope collide, and where the call of the heart is a siren song that cannot be ignored. “Song of the Wild: Call of the Heart” beckons you to the Willow Ranch, where the secrets of the wilderness hold the key to love, courage, and the power of unity.

Embark on this unforgettable journey of love and self-discovery today – answer the call of the heart and unlock the secrets hidden within the wild. 
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Meet the Author:

Natascha Birovljev is a storyteller at heart and author of the “Willow Ranch” book series.

Growing up in Germany, horses were always part of her life. After getting her Master degree in Religious Studies and German Literature, adventure was calling and she traveled to Alberta. She fell in love with the wild beauty of the Rocky Mountains and immigrated from Germany to Canada in 2005.

Here she worked the first years as a guide for horseback vacations, exploring mountain trails and spending the summer months in tent camps in the wilderness.

Inspired by her adventures and connections to ranchers, cowboys and First Nation communities, she started writing her books. Natascha lives on her ranch in Alberta with her horses and dogs.

Her stories show her fascination with the beauty of the Rocky Mountain wilderness and her love for the people she encounters.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram youtube ~ pinterest ~ goodreads

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WILLOW RANCH Book Series Tour Giveaway



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“Blooming with heartfelt charm and swoon-worthy moments…” 

– Woman’s World Magazine


Title: Mermaid Beach

Author: Sheila Roberts

Publisher: Harlequin Mira


Genre: Women’s Fiction/Romance

Bonnie Brinks and her
all-woman band, The Mermaids, are the pride of Moonlight Harbor. They’re
the house band at The Drunken Sailor, and that’s just the right amount
of fame for Bonnie. A lifetime ago, she went to Nashville to make it
big, but she returned home with a broken heart and broken dreams. Now
she’s got a comfortable life and a brilliant daughter, Avril, who plays
for The Mermaids alongside Bonnie and Bonnie’s mother, Loretta.

Avril has big dreams
of her own. Her life in Moonlight Harbor is good–she loves singing and
playing guitar with The Mermaids, and she has the sweetest, most loyal
boyfriend a girl could ask for–but it all feels so…small. She can’t help
wondering if there’s something more out there for her. And she doesn’t
understand why her mom won’t support her going to Nashville to find out.

Meanwhile, Bonnie
threw in the towel on her love life long ago, but Loretta sure hasn’t.
She’s determined to be swept off her feet, and she wants the same for
her daughter. When the hunky new owner of The Drunken Sailor turns the
tables on the band and Avril announces she’s leaving Moonlight Harbor,
Bonnie’s comfortable life seems to be drifting away. Will these three
generations of Mermaids find their happy endings on the Washington
coast? Or will the change in the winds leave them all shipwrecked?

“Blooming with heartfelt charm and swoon-worthy moments…” Woman’s World Magazine

Release Date: April 25, 2023

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I confess, the title was what had me jumping at the chance to read Mermaid Beach. I love the ladies of the sea. Even though their aren’t any actual mermaids in this story, there are three intriguing ladies. They consisted of a grandmother, mother and daughter and had a band called The Mermaids.

I’m also a fan of small towns and romance and I felt right at home in Moonlight Harbor and while visiting The Drunken Sailor.

These ladies have loads of talent. And they all have their own dreams and paths to follow. Including falling in love. They’re tight knit but something comes to light that threatens to break those bonds. I had to read to the end to see how things turned out.

While this is the seventh book in the series, I had no trouble getting familiar with these characters and would love to read some of the previous books to learn more about them.



Enjoy this peek inside:




It was a pleasant ride to the beach. Once he was off I-5 he was on highways that took him through stands of evergreens and logging towns with small houses, many of them forty years old, many of which were being refurbished.

Then he hit Moonlight Harbor with its crazy stone pillars at the entrance, still standing from when the town was first developed in the sixties. The place was a mixture of funky old and upbeat new, the buildings from both eras catering to visitors with restaurants, moped rentals, shops and a fun plex that offered bumper cars and go-carts for entertainment. A family of deer grazed on the grass in the meridian between the two one-way streets running through the town.

Another ten minutes and he was pulling into the driveway of Lee’s beach digs, a three-bedroom rambler with rock for lawn encased in a white picket fence. Lee and his wife were ready for him with a proper Thanksgiving leftover meal of turkey sandwiches, dressing and gravy, and cranberry sauce. Seeing the way they looked at each other about gave him heartburn. 

His ex had looked at him like that about a million years ago. Stupid, fool him. He was a walking morality tale, an example of what happened when a man wound up married to his job instead of his woman. If only she’d given him a fair chance to right that ship. 

“How’s your sandwich?” Glinda asked.

“Great,” he said. “Thanks. And thanks for inviting me down.”

“Sometimes a man’s gotta get some new scenery,” said Lee.

After they ate Glinda made them clean up the kitchen and left to check on things at the pub for Lee and hang out with some girlfriends. 

“She’s a great woman,” J.J. said. 

“That she is,” agreed Lee. “They’re still out there, dude.”

J.J. gave a cynical chuckle. “Yeah, I’m holding my breath.”

“While you’re holding your breath let’s play some cribbage. Tomorrow I’ll take you out to eat.”

They settled down with whiskey and cards and it was a pleasant evening. It sure beat sitting around the condo wondering if he ought to check out an internet dating site.

Saturday found him out on the beach in boots and a thick jacket with his buddy, working a clam gun to capture the elusive razor clam. A weak sun was out and the sand was damp and muddy and the air was crisp. A perfect day. They weren’t the only ones who thought so. The beach was thick with people, all in search of the same delight. 

“You should move down here,” Lee said, as he tossed a clam in their bucket. He wasn’t much taller than J.J. and was built like a tank. In their college days he’d mowed down his opponents on the football field just like one. He’d gotten his education thanks to a college scholarship. J.J. had waited tables and worked in restaurant kitchens. Glinda had already informed him he would be in charge of making the clam chowder for lunch.

“Yeah? So I can grow moss like you? It’s always wet.”

“Not in the summer.”

“Yeah, well let me know when you figure out how to make it summer all year long,” J.J. said.

“Oh, come on. You know you loved it when we went over to Westhaven and went fishing.”

“Just thinking about that halibut we caught makes my mouth water,” J.J. said.

“Fishing, clamming, kayaking on the canals, golfing – it’s the life.”

J.J. brushed the sand off his hands and studied his friend. “Why do I feel like I’m sitting in on a time share pitch?”

Lee shrugged and chuckled. “Just sayin’ it’s a good life down here.”

“For you. You got a great wife and your daughters live nearby.”

Lee sobered. “It sucks that things went sideways with Eloise.”

“It’s been three years. I’m over it.”

“Yeah? You sure?”

“Sure I’m sure. My life’s good. I like my freedom. Got no woman nagging me, no obligations.”

“That bad, huh?”

J.J. gave a rueful smile and shook his head. “Okay, so it’s not perfect.”

“Maybe you need a change.”

“Okay, what’s the hidden agenda?”

“No hidden agenda,” Lee said and suddenly got busy checking to see if they’d reached their limit of clams.

Yep, there was a hidden agenda.

Glinda proved it when, after lunch she said, “Aren’t you tired of city living yet, J.J.?”

He set down his glass of beer and looked from one to the other. “Spill, you two. What’s up?”

They exchanged guilty looks. “Well,” Lee said, “Just thought you might be interested in a new business opportunity.”

“Oh, no. You got sucked into a pyramid scheme,” J.J. said in horror. 

Lee made a face. “No.”

“The pub’s failing. You need a silent partner. No problem.” It would be the least he could do. He’d helped his buddy get into this mess.

J.J. had come down to Moonlight Harbor ten years earlier when his pal had told him about the little beach town pub he wanted to buy, had looked over the books with Lee and the owner, then given it a thumbs up, although he’d been concerned about Lee getting into the restaurant business. 

“It’s a tough business,” he’d cautioned. “When you buy a restaurant, it owns you.” He knew that from personal experience. 

“I can make a go of it,” Lee had said. “We want out of the city and Glinda’s up for it.”

“Okay, then,” J.J. had said.

He’d shared his expertise with his friend and Lee had done okay. But they hadn’t talked much in the last couple of years. Between getting divorced and getting his feet back under him J.J. had been a little distracted. Obviously, Lee’s investment had gone south.

“The pub’s doing great,” Lee said. 

Well, so much for that conclusion. “Then what’s up?”

“What’s up is that it’s time to sell the business. The girls are grown and one’s had the nerve to move out of state. Glinda wants to start traveling.”

“You want your life back.”

Lee chuckled. “Something like that. I was thinking maybe you might want yours back, too.”

So this was where they were going. J.J. held up a hand. “Oh, no. No more restaurants. Too much work.”

“Yeah, and you’re so busy.”

“I’ll admit I’m kind of at loose ends, but I don’t think I want to work that hard.”

“I’ve already done all the hard work.”

“Yeah, right.” When you owned a business, it owned you. And restaurants …

“Never mind,” said Lee. “Let’s go play some pool. You can check out the house band.”

“You got a house band? What are they, a bunch of grungy kids in their twenties?”

Lee smiled at that. “Not quite. It’s a chick band.”

“A chick band. Interesting. So, three grungy chicks in their twenties.”

“Nope. Mother, daughter and granddaughter. They had another but she’s off to Nashville to try and become a star. They’re still good though, especially the lead singer. That woman sings like an angel, sometimes like a little devil. And she is something fine to look at. They’ve really been packing in the crowds on the weekend.”

“That’s good.”

“The place is doing well,” said Lee. “I know you shouldn’t do business with friends, but since you were in the restaurant business and since you’re the man with the business degree, I thought I’d give you first crack at it.” He suddenly looked wistful. “I kind of hate to let the place go. It’s like losing a part of me.”

J.J. nodded. “I know how you feel. I hated to let go of my places. Did it all for nothing,” he said bitterly.

His words brought on an awkward silence. He should have kept his shit to himself. He shook off the downer moment. “Let’s shoot some pool.”

“Good idea,” said Lee. “And, J.J., I get you not wanting to get sucked into this business again. I’d have liked you to be the one who takes over The Drunken Sailor, but no worries. The right owner will show up.”

Maybe the right owner had showed up, J.J. thought as they drank beer and waited their turn at one of the pool tables. The place was packed. Lots of out of towners, but Lee said he had a ton of regulars who came in during the week as well. Line dancing lessons were offered on Sunday afternoons followed by line dancing. A lot of the old guys came in mid-week to play darts and Lee had recently started a Ladies night, with half-off on drinks on Tuesdays and pool lessons taught by some of the better players, including a guy named Seth Waters, who had been regular before he got married. According to Lee, he still came in to play pool on Sundays while his wife and her girlfriends line danced.

“You’ve done a great job of making this the place to be,” J.J. said as they moved to take their turn at a table that had opened up.

“I like to think so,” said Lee. “Thank God I got lots of good free advice from a pro when I first started.

“What are friends for?” J. J. responded. He selected a cue stick and chalked it up.

“Go ahead and break,” Lee said. 

J.J. took aim at the cue ball, sending it clacking into the others. He sunk one of the striped ones and then proceeded to clean the table.

“Save some for me,” Lee protested.

“Oh, yeah, I can’t let you lose. It would hurt your delicate feelings,” J.J. taunted.

“And then I’d hurt your delicate nose,” Lee shot back.

J.J. did miss the next ball. He stood back and let Lee take his turn.

It was the end of the game for him because he caught sight of a woman with long, red hair, a face that would launch a thousand ships, and legs that wouldn’t quit walking into the place. She wore a short black leather jacket, hanging open to reveal a lowcut green top cover a very nice rack. Those fine legs were encased in tight jeans. She wore black boots that made him think of pirates and was carrying a guitar case. Holy Moly! Was that a member of the band Lee had told him about?

Lee caught him staring. “That’s Bonnie Brinks, one of The Mermaids.”

“I wouldn’t mind hooking her on my line.”

“Fat chance. She’s a smiling ice maiden. Been single for years.”

“Maybe she’s tired of being single,” J.J. mused.

“Don’t hold your breath. But hey, she sure dresses up the place.”

“That was probably about all she did. Lee had a tin ear. He’d probably hired the woman for her looks.

Behind her came a younger woman, tall like Bonnie but with darker coloring. Also a looker. And next to her walked a woman who’d never gotten the memo that she was a senior citizen, also wearing tight jeans and heels high enough to trip Tina Turner. She sported spiky white hair and the tips of the spikes were colored green. The mother. His mother sure didn’t look like that. This woman probably had every old geezer in the place ready to take her out. With all three women being so striking maybe nobody cared what they sounded like.

“Had enough pool?” asked Lee.

“I think I’ll go over to the bar and get another drink,” J.J. said.

He snagged the last seat at the bar, one near the end next to a scruffy old dude in faded jeans and a peacoat, ordered another beer, and watched as the women tuned up. They couldn’t sound as good as they looked.

“The band’s good,” the old guy said. “They sing good, too,” he said and chortled over his crack.

“You know them?” J.J. asked.

“Of course. Everybody knows everybody here,” the old guy informed him.

“Looks like this is a popular place,” J.J. observed.

“Best burgers in town. Plus they have a senior menu.”

Lee came up behind J.J., hovering like a salesman in a used car lot. “Hey there, Pete. I see you’ve met my pal J.J. This is Pete,” Lee said to J.J. “He’s one of our regulars. He won our last darts tournament.”

“Beat out all the young pups,” Pete bragged. “You play darts?” he asked J.J.

“Don’t take the bait,” said Lee. “He’ll just sucker you into a friendly wager and take your shirt.”

“Aw, there you go, spoilin’ my fun,” Pete complained.

A full house and steady patrons. It would be kind of cool to own this pub. A lot of work and time consuming, but it wasn’t like he had much going on in his life anyway other than some day trading, hitting the gym and reading. In the last year he’d bought enough books to stock a small library. He needed something more to do. Lately, he felt like he was drifting with no purpose, no adventure on the horizon. What kind of adventures could he have here in Moonlight Harbor?

At nine on the dot the hot redhead stepped up to the mike and said, “Hey everyone, let’s get this party started.” She looked back at the granny on the drums, who began to bang her drumsticks together, counting off the beat, then the young girl hit the bass and the redhead began to bend those guitar strings all to hell. People rushed to the dance floor as she started to sing. “Get off your chair and get out here and shake your booty. You gotta start this party, so get out there and do your duty.”

J.J.’s heart went into overdrive. This place was a goldmine and Bonnie Brinks was the gold. What a voice! The woman was a super star. He wondered what she was doing buried in the sand of a small beach town.

“So whaddya think? The place is a good investment, right?”

“I’d say so,” said J.J. “Looks like the band is bringing in a lot of customers.”

“We had a lot of customers even before the band,” Lee said. “People want to eat at a casual place with lots of atmosphere when they’re at the beach.”

“You definitely got the atmosphere,” J.J. said. The goofy carved pirate statues were an obvious hit. He’d seen several people taking pictures with them. The pool tables had been in constant use since they’d walked in and the beer was flowing. Lee did have a going concern. The band and dance floor were a bonus. And what a bonus it was.

The women finally went on break, the older one stopping at a table to say hello to some people. The younger one went to plop down next to a super -sized young buck at a table near the band stand where a glass of pop was already waiting. A boyfriend, of course. The guitar queen headed for the bar, stopping for a quick word here and there, deflecting a fat lounge lizard, nodding and smiling at something another patron said.

She came up to the end of the bar next to J. J. and Lee. “Great job as always, Bonnie,” Lee said.

“Thanks,” she said. Then to the bartender, “Got my Diet Coke, Madison?”

“On its way,” the woman said and got busy getting her drink.

“You’ve got a great band,” J. J. said to Bonnie.

“Thanks, we try,” she said. Her smile was stop sign. Not Interested so don’t even try.

What did he look like? Some middle-aged, desperate horn toad? He was just being friendly. There was no need to give him the ice treatment. 

He decided to turn the charm up a notch. “I always wanted to meet a mermaid.”

“Now you have,” she told him, still with the stop sign smile. The bartender set down her glass and Bonnie thanked her, the ice melting from her smile. But it was back again for J.J. “Try the garlic fries here,” she said to him. “They’re great.” Then she left before he could get in another word.

Mermaids were not so easy to catch. 

“Don’t put her on the welcoming committee,” J.J. muttered.

“Told ya,” said Lee.

Slick and charming and no ring on his finger, which, considering his age which she figured to be somewhere around hers, probably had to mean he’d ditched a wife somewhere along the way, Bonnie decided as she walked to the band table. With those blue eyes and that red hair and matching, neatly trimmed beard, he looked like some kind of troubadour from the Elizabethan era. Add broad shoulders and a well sculpted chest and he was a regular pheromone factory. 

And that stupid line about catching a mermaid. Oh, yes, he was a charmer.

Who did that remind her of? Rance Jackson, of course. 

Let’s get to know him, urged her sex-starved hormones.

Not happening, she informed them. This was the kind of man who broke hearts – trouble in Levis. There would be no getting to know him.

Put a Mr. Yuck sticker on him and stay far away.






About the Author





USA Today and
Publishers Weekly best-selling author Sheila Roberts has written over
fifty books under various names, ranging from romance to
self-improvement. Over three million books have been sold to date. Her
humor and heart have won her a legion of fans and her novels have been
turned into movies for both the Lifetime and Hallmark channels. When
she’s not out dancing with her husband or hanging out with her
girlfriends, she can be found writing about those things near and dear
to women’s hearts: family, friends and chocolate.

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Book Details:

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  372 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements


Book Description:

Have you ever felt the call of the wild, beckoning you to a place where the beauty of nature takes your breath away?

Get ready to be swept away by the powerful and heartwarming tale of Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains. This story of love, family, and friendship will leave you feeling uplifted and inspired.

Follow the journey of siblings Lee and Lyla Meyers as they leave their lives in Germany behind and return to their roots in the Canadian Cowboy Country. Nature sets the tone in this breathtaking setting where freedom requires courage, and the magic of love between untamed hearts can be found around every corner.

As Lyla and Lee rediscover their family and their roots on the Willow Ranch, they are welcomed by the stunning Rocky Mountains and the unforgettable horses that roam freely. The beauty of the wilderness is nothing short of magical, but danger lurks around every corner. The siblings are tested in ways they never could have imagined, and their courage is put to the ultimate test.

New love relationships blossom and the bonds of family are renewed, but a dark family secret threatens to tear everything apart. Lyla and Lee are willing to risk everything to save their beloved ranch and the family they have grown to love.

Shadow Horses of the Rocky Mountains is a breathtaking adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page. If you believe in the power of love and the strength of family, this book is a must-read. Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of the Canadian wilderness and the wild spirits that call it home.


The story is what I would describe as compelling. The characters are genuine, each carrying their own brand of baggage. The author’s visual writing sets me right down on the ranch in the stunning Rocky Mountains of Canada. The telling of the ancient tradition concerning the shadow horses of the First Nations people is fascinating. And how things all connect and come together is why I couldn’t stop reading this book.

Lee and Lyla are brother and sister. Their mother moved them to Germany many years ago. Memories come flooding back when an urgent summons from their aunt calls them back to Canada. Their father is very ill. I’d say he wasn’t at all thrilled to see his two kids when the arrived on his doorstep. It wasn’t until right near the end of the book that I found out why and it wasn’t what I was expecting. They don’t feel welcome and have no plans to stay on. But that may change as the lure of the ranch takes hold.

Secrets, legends, mystery, romance, danger and a hint of the mystical made this, as I mentioned at the beginning of my review, a very compelling story.


Enjoy the Rest in the Willow Ranch Series:



Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  446 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Do you believe in the power of love and ancient magic to overcome the obstacles of the heart and the wilderness?

Dive into an enchanting journey of love, adventure, and mystery set in the captivating wilderness of Canada.

In The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains, Chuck and Lyla find themselves drawn together by their shared love for the Canadian wilderness. However, while Lyla embraces the strength the mountains provide, Chuck returns to his hometown a bitter man, determined to sell his inherited fur-trapper route, and leave once more.

When a lucrative offer from a cunning businessman and a chance encounter with the enigmatic Wahleeah enter the picture, Chuck’s plans for a swift exit are thrown into disarray. As the possibility of staying in his hometown starts to feel like an adventure rather than a punishment, Chuck finds himself embroiled in a whirlwind of emotion, danger, and intrigue.

Lyla, appointed by her Native American tribe as the protector of wild horses, faces her own challenges. With a tumultuous relationship and her dreams of transforming the wild horse territory into a protected reserve on the line, a mysterious figure named Lonefeather Jones enters her life, igniting a magical spark within her. But will this newfound magic be enough to overcome the setbacks and jealousy that threaten to tear her world apart?

As secrets are uncovered and lives intertwine, the Willow Ranch residents find themselves facing trials that will test their courage, love, and loyalty. With legends of the First Nations woven into the narrative, this tale of ranch life and the untamed beauty of the Canadian wilderness will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

Unravel the mysteries of the Rocky Mountains and immerse yourself in the spellbinding world of The Shadow Crow of the Rocky Mountains. 
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Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Grizzly of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  352 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

Can love triumph in the face of adversity and the shadows of the past?

In the shadows of the Canadian Rockies, a gripping tale of love, danger, and destiny awaits.

Discover the enthralling story of rancher Lee, who finally gets permission to lead horseback tours in the wilds of Canada. His dreams of family and shaping the future of Willow Ranch hang in the balance. If he fails, he loses everything.

As Lee embarks on his quest, his sister Lyla returns from the Yukon to take charge of the wildlife station. Destiny reunites her with Lonefeather Jones, a Native American dreamcatcher weaver grappling with demons from his past. As the flames of their long-hidden feelings spark to life, they must confront the shadows that threaten to keep them apart.

Amidst the untamed beauty of the Rocky Mountains, new challenges test the courage and unity of Willow Ranch’s residents and friends. As relationships falter, death looms, and darkness threatens to consume the light, can the power of love prevail?

Join the unforgettable characters of the Willow Ranch series in this heart-stopping third installment. In a breathtaking landscape where mysteries lurk around every corner, you’ll be captivated by tales of love, adventure, and the unbreakable human spirit.

Uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows of the Rockies. Will love conquer the darkness before the last light on the horizon fades? The answer lies within these pages.
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Book Details:

​Book Title:  Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains by Natascha Birovljev
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  484 pages
Genre: Adventure 
Publisher:  North Raven Books 
Release date:  March 27, 2023
Content Rating: PG for romantic elements
Book Description:

What if the untamed wilderness held the key to unlocking the deepest desires of the heart?

In the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains, whispers of untold stories and hidden destinies come to life. Welcome to the world of The Shadow Wolf of the Rocky Mountains, the fourth installment in the gripping Willow Ranch series. Here, three humans and a she-wolf navigate a treacherous landscape of love, loss, and the unforgiving wilderness.

When fate intertwines the lives of Rosie, the resilient groom, Cody, the enigmatic cowboy, and Woodwind, the mystical Cree Indian, their fragile dreams and deepest fears are unearthed. At the heart of it all is the Willow Ranch, a place where passions ignite, and lives are forever altered. Can they trust the strength of their bond and the power of love to guide them through the storm?

In this haunting tale of self-discovery and the quest for redemption, each character is forced to confront their own demons. As Cody grapples with the crushing weight of his brother’s suicide, Rosie fights for her horses and her home amidst swirling deception. And Woodwind, haunted by self-doubt, must find the courage to save the she-wolf and the woman who has captured his heart.

As careless decisions threaten the future of the Willow Ranch, the rugged beauty of the Rocky Mountains presents a formidable challenge. With time running out, the friends and staff must pull together and believe in the magic of community to save their home and their happiness.

Dare to venture into the wild unknown, where heartache and hope collide, and where the call of the heart is a siren song that cannot be ignored. “Song of the Wild: Call of the Heart” beckons you to the Willow Ranch, where the secrets of the wilderness hold the key to love, courage, and the power of unity.

Embark on this unforgettable journey of love and self-discovery today – answer the call of the heart and unlock the secrets hidden within the wild. 
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Author Guest Post

Where my inspiration for my books came from is a story by itself

My name is Natascha, and I am a storyteller. I have always loved to tell stories, but it wasn’t until I moved to Canada that I discovered the inspiration for my tales. You see, I visited Canada for the first time after achieving my Master degree in Germany. Just one more adventure on horseback before continuing my education and starting my PHD. But then I fell in love with the people and beautiful wilderness and immigrated to Alberta, Canada in 2005.

I was a thirty year old university graduate jumping into the cowboy way of life and spending my first canadian summers as a mountain trailriding guide, leading groups of tourists through the breathtaking wilderness of the Rockies. I spent my first five summers living in tent camps, surrounded by the majesty of the mountains and the beauty of nature. Those summers were some of the happiest times of my life, and they sparked my love for adventure and exploration.

But it wasn’t just the mountains that captured my heart. I was also fascinated by the culture of the First Nations people who lived in the area. I spent hours listening to their stories and learning about their traditions, and their deep connection to the land and the animals that inhabited it.

All of these experiences have shaped my storytelling, and I am grateful for each and every one of them. Whether I am weaving tales of adventure and excitement, or sharing the stories of the people and animals that have touched my heart, I know that my love for the land and gratefulness of the life I am living, speaks to my readers in a very unique way. And as I live on a ranch surrounded by the beauty of nature, I am constantly reminded of the inspiration that lies all around me.



Meet the Author:

Natascha Birovljev is a storyteller at heart and author of the “Willow Ranch” book series.

Growing up in Germany, horses were always part of her life. After getting her Master degree in Religious Studies and German Literature, adventure was calling and she traveled to Alberta. She fell in love with the wild beauty of the Rocky Mountains and immigrated from Germany to Canada in 2005.

Here she worked the first years as a guide for horseback vacations, exploring mountain trails and spending the summer months in tent camps in the wilderness.

Inspired by her adventures and connections to ranchers, cowboys and First Nation communities, she started writing her books. Natascha lives on her ranch in Alberta with her horses and dogs.

Her stories show her fascination with the beauty of the Rocky Mountain wilderness and her love for the people she encounters.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram youtube ~ pinterest ~ goodreads

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Book TitleDeep Blue Murder (A Fiona Quinn Mystery)
by C.S. McDonald
Category:  Adult Fiction, 268 pages
Genre:  Cozy Mystery
Publisher:  McWriter Books
Release date:  Nov 2022
Content Rating:  G. C.S. McDonald’s books are appropriate for YA readers as well as adults–no bad language or sexual content.

Book Description:

Fiona is delighted when her new mother-in-law, Rita Landry invites her and Nathan to a private island in the Bahamas owned by a US ambassador. Sun, sandy beaches, and romantic tangerine sunsets await the newlyweds, but for Rita and her executive assistant, Hal Underwood the trip to Deep Blue Isle is a working vacation. Ambassador Taslow has summoned them to the island to discuss a scandal he has fallen victim to. However, when the Landry’s and Hal arrive, they find less than welcoming circumstances: no internet or Wi-Fi, mischievous monkeys, a dangerous tenant, and then there’s that pesky dead body.

​A storm is brewing on Deep Blue Isle, and it has nothing to do with wind and rain.

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I’m known to jump into a series anywhere and I’ve been wanting to try this one for a while. I did struggle a bit to get each character straight on who they were and how they related to each other as I’d not read any of the other books. Once I got that, it was an exciting mystery upon mystery right up to the end.

You know that saying, “If it sounds too good to be true…it is?”  That holds up here. Rita and Nathan are tagging along with her mother-in-law, Rita and her assistant, Hal, for a short vacation on a private, tropical island. Sounds great, right? But, there’s the less than welcoming staff, monkeys bombarding you with coconuts ad stealing your lobster and……. murder.

With several mysteries and a bunch of suspects, I was hard pressed to sort things out. And that’s how the author sprung her surprise on me. I really didn’t see some things coming. And thinking back on all I’d read, I couldn’t recall any missed clues. She sold me on this one and now I want to go back and read all of the previous books and get to know the characters better. I bet there’s more twisty mysteries to solve too.





​Book Title Doctoroo and the Case of the Picnic Pirates
by ​Rachel B. Wellner
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 43 pages
Genre: Children’s Picture Book
PublisherWellner Media
Release Date: January 9, 2023
Content Rating:  G – No profanity, sex or violence

Book Description:

Doctoroo (also known as Dr. Marsha Roo) and her team Kirby Koala, Louie Llama and Terence Toad may live in Australia, but they travel the world solving medical mysteries. In Doctoroo & the Case of the Picnic Pirates, they fly to the United States to find out why bear cubs in the Tumbling Potomac Pirates won’t practice their somersaults, cartwheels, or handsprings. Will Doctoroo discover what is wrong? Will she have the answer in time for the cubs to perform on the Fourth of July, America’s Independence Day?
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Oh no. Dr. Marsha Roo gets an urgent call from Mayor Bernie Bear. The Potomac Pirates Fourth Of July picnic might have to be cancelled. The cubs who are supposed to perform are very sick. Can Doctoroo come and investigate? Assembling her team, off they go to try and save the day.

So, what was Doctoroo’s diagnosis about the bear cubs woes? I had a sneaking suspicion, and I was right! Tickled my funny bone as I’d been there, done that. I’m sure many will agree when they enjoy this fun adventure.

Learning about proper nutrition was entertaining and the colorful illustrations had so much to see. I kept peering at the pages, taking everything in. There were so many delightful characters and it looked like they might start moving and speaking at any moment.

I sure hope this is a series as I’m eager for more adventures.


Author Guest Post

Teaching Your Children to Make Healthy Food Choices

By Dr. Rachel Wellner

It is important to teach your children how to make healthy food choices. Developing this lifelong habit will help them stay physically and mentally healthy. Eating a balanced diet can help prevent chronic illnesses such as heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

Parents should strive to maintain an open dialogue about what foods are beneficial, as well as what types of food should be eaten in moderation or even avoided. They can also set a positive example by modeling responsible dietary habits themselves, preparing meals with nutritious ingredients, and avoiding processed snacks or unhealthy treats. Additionally, parents should get their children involved in grocery shopping so they learn how to read food labels. By teaching children the importance of making healthy food choices early on, parents can ensure that their kids have the information they need to lead happy and healthy lives.

A balanced diet should include carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, as well as vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Carbohydrates provide energy for your body and can be found in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Proteins are necessary for growth and repair of tissues and muscles; they can be found in lean meats, poultry, fish, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Fats are also needed by the body for energy and to help absorb certain vitamins; they can be found in dairy products such as milk or yogurt and plant-based sources such as oils or nuts. In addition to including all these food groups in your diet, it is important to add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber and phytochemicals that help protect against disease.

By using these tips, parents can provide their children with the knowledge and foundation needed to make healthy food choices in the long term.



Meet the Author:

Dr. Rachel Wellner is a board-certified general surgeon, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and a Society of Surgical Oncology-trained breast oncology surgeon.

Connect with the Author: Website Facebook Instagram ~ Goodreads
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Doctoroo & the Case of the Picnic Pirates Book Tour Giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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By Millie Ravensworth, ACF Bookens, Geraldine Byrne, Rachel McLean, Diane Kelly, Nikki Knight, London Lovett, Lise McClendon, Flora McGowan, Kathryn Mykel,  J. New,  Eryn Scott, Debbie Young, Victoria Tait, Carlene O’Connor



The Little Shop of Murders (Collected Cozy Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery Anthology
Pigeon Park Press (April 1, 2023)
Number of Pages – 260
GoodReads is down – Link Coming Soon 
Book shops, boutiques and small businesses are the lifeblood of small towns but what secrets lie behind those pretty display windows and in the alleyways behind these charming streets?


Step inside for a personal retail experience like no other!


‘The Little Shop of Murders’ collects together fifteen superb cozy mysteries written by some of the finest authors in the genre.


All author and publisher profits from the sale of this book go to children’s charities, helping those most in need.



I love book bundles. I get to read more from authors I’ve enjoyed before and find some new ones to follow.

The Little Shop Of Murders was such fun. I adore cozies and there were so many here. I’d only tried a couple of the authors before and was thrilled to enjoy many new ones and now I have more to follow.

Not one to play favorites, there were a couple stories here that particularly tickled my fancy, though I enjoyed all of them. So many quirky, original characters, so many ways for the culprits to kill and try to get away with it and lots of amateur sleuths to stumble through the clues with. And plenty of laughs and snorts and some fun romance.

With so many books in this bundle I managed to read all of them in three days. They were that fun.



Stories include:

Don’t Toy with Me by Diane Kelly
A Man With No Imagination by Millie Ravensworth
The Forget-Me-Not Antiques Mystery by Victoria Tait
It Was Our Song by Nikki Knight
Always and Furever by Eryn Scott
Wild Irish Dreams by Lise McClendon
Architect of a Murder by Carlene O’Connor
Blooms and Blackmail by London Lovett
Secondhand Murder by J. New
The Lady of the House by Flora McGowan
Requiem for a Violin by Geraldine Byrne
Nightly Nuisance by Kathryn Mykel
The Gift of Dragons by ACF Bookens
Nowhere to Hide by Debbie Young
Murder in the Bookshop by Rachel McLean

About the Authors

Victoria Tait

Victoria Tait was born and raised in Yorkshire, UK, and never expected to travel the world.  She’s drawn on her experiences following her military husband to write cozy murder mystery books with vivid and evocative settings.  Her determined female sleuths are joined by colourful but realistic teams of helpers, and you’ll experience surprises, humour and sometimes, a tug on your heartstrings.

Link to My Dotty Sayers series:

Carlene O’Connor

Carlene O’Connor is the USA Today bestselling author of The Irish Village Mysteries, Home to Ireland Mysteries, and the new County Kerry Mystery series. Her mysteries have been translated into German, Estonia, and UK markets thus far and the Irish Village Mysteries have been optioned for television. Readers are encouraged to get in touch via Facebook, Goodreads, Book Bub, or through the contact form on An admitted wanderer, Carlene spends as much time in Ireland as possible while currently residing in California and Chicago. She is always up for joining events via Zoom or in person.

Eryn Scott

Eryn Scott is the author of heartwarming cozy mysteries. Her Whiskers and Words cozy mystery series features deep friendships, strong families, a tight-knit small town, twisty mysteries, and a whole lot of adorable cats. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest with a handful of beloved animals. She enjoys knitting, hiking, skiing, horseback riding, and reading.

Link to my series:

Flora McGowan

Flora McGowan is the author of the Carrie and Keith Mysteries, novels and short stories. Her stories combine a mix of mystery with the mystical and supernatural, often with an historical element as well as a touch of humour and a dash of romance. Flora was born in Dorset and has spent most, but not all, of her life there, and many of her stories are based in this locale. Flora enjoys travelling, taking inspiration from the places she visits.  You can catch up with Flora via Goodreads, her blog, Facebook, Instagram or BookBub.

Flora McGowan on Amazon

Nikki Knight

Nikki Knight describes herself as an Author/Anchor/Mom…not in that order. An award-winning weekend anchor at New York City’s top all-news radio station, 1010 WINS, she writes mysteries including LIVE, LOCAL, AND DEAD, a Vermont Radio Mystery from Crooked Lane, and as Kathleen Marple Kalb, the Ella Shane and Old Stuff series. Her short stories appear online and in anthologies, and have been short-listed for Black Orchid Novella and Derringer Awards. She, her husband and son live in a Connecticut house owned by their cat.

Book link:  Live, Local, and Dead (A Vermont Radio Mystery): Knight, Nikki: 9781643859453: Books

Diane Kelly

Diane Kelly writes funny stories that feature feisty female lead characters and their furry, four-footed friends. Diane is the author of over three dozen novels and novellas, including the Death & Taxes white-collar crime series, the Paw Enforcement K-9 series, the House Flipper cozy mystery series, the Busted female motorcycle cop series, the Southern Homebrew moonshine series, and the Mountain Lodge Mysteries series. Find Diane online at, on Twitter and Instagram @DianeKellyBooks, and on Facebook at her Author Diane Kelly page.

Link to the first book in my House Flipper series – Dead as a Door Knocker:

J. New

J. New is the author of The Yellow Cottage Vintage Mysteries. Immerse yourself in country house murders, dastardly deeds at English Church fetes, daring escapades in the French Riviera and the secret tunnels under London, in the award-winning series readers call, ‘Miss Marple’ meets ‘The Ghost Whisperer.’ She also writes two contemporary mystery series: Tea & Sympathy featuring Lilly Tweed, former Agony Aunt now purveyor of fine teas and Finch & Fischer with mobile librarian Penny Finch and her rescue dog Fischer at the helm. Jacquie lives in the North of England with her partner and an assortment of rescue animals.

London Lovett

London Lovett is a cozy mystery author and connoisseur of delicious baked goods.

Many readers have called her Port Danby Cozy Mystery series a ‘new favorite’. Port Danby features a small town florist with a powerful sense of smell. Lacey ‘Pink’ Pinkerton uses her impressive nose to help solve crimes as an amateur sleuth alongside her detective boyfriend, James Briggs. Blooms and Blackmail is a Port Danby short story.

You can keep up with London’s books and access some delicious recipes on her website:

Link to Marigolds and Murder:

Debbie Young

Debbie Young writes two popular cozy mystery series featuring Sophie Sayers, set in a Cotswold village, and Gemma Lamb, set at a girls’ boarding school. One book in each series was shortlisted for the Bookbrunch Selfies Awards for the best independently-published fiction in the UK. She is founder of the Hawkesbury Upton Literature Festival, UK Ambassador for the Alliance of Independent Authors, and a course tutor for Jericho Writers. She writes in the Plotting Shed at the bottom of her cottage garden. Her novels are now published by Boldwood Books and she is represented by the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency.

Here’s the Amazon UK link for the whole series (the 8th book is up for preorder and will be published on 15th March):

Here are the links for my website and social media:

Facebook: @AuthorDebbieYoung

Twitter: @DebbieYoungBN

Instagram: @debbieyoungauthor

ACF Bookens

ACF Bookens lives in Virginia’s Southwestern Mountains with two hound dogs and a very energetic preschooler. When she’s not writing, she enjoys watching shows with teenagers who are way cooler than she ever was and cross-stitch.  You can find her books at

Link to my first book on Amazon –

Kathryn Mykel

Kathryn Mykel is the author of the Award-Winning Sewing Suspicion – A Quilting Cozy Mystery. Kathryn is inspired by the laugh-out-loud and fanciful aspects of cozies. Kathryn Mykel aims to write lighthearted, humorous cozies surrounding her passion for the craft of quilting. Born and raised in a small New England town—Kathryn is an avid quilter.

Sewing Suspicion –

Lise McCLendon

Lise McClendon is the author of numerous novels of crime and suspense. Her bestselling Bennett Sisters Mysteries continue to charm readers worldwide. Her first mystery series was set in Jackson, Wyoming, featuring art dealer, Alix Thorssen. When not writing about foreign lands and dastardly criminals, Lise lives in Montana with her husband and has recently become a fan of sunny winters in the desert. She enjoys fly fishing, hiking, picking raspberries in the summer, and cross-country skiing in the winter. She has served on the national boards of directors of Mystery Writers of America and the International Association of Crime Writers/North America, as well as the faculty of the Jackson Hole Writers Conference.

Books: Bennett Sisters Mysteries: Alix Thorssen series:

Geraldine Byrne

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne is an Irish mystery writer, poet and educator. She lives with her family in Dublin where many of her stories are set, especially The Caroline Jordan series. When not dreaming up modern murder mysteries, she knits, crochets and teaches classes on Irish folk traditions. Until 2021 she owned Ireland’s oldest family owned music shop, the basis for “Requiem for a Violin.” Mrs. O’Brien and friends will return in their own series in 2023, The Music Shop Mysteries.

She also writes a magical cosy mystery series, The Old Bat Chronicles under the pen name Nina Hayes.

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne

Millie Ravensworth

Millie Ravensworth has been writing (and sewing!) for years, and it seemed like a natural step to combine the two things in a series of cozy mysteries. She lives in England and has an adorable dog who likes to be at her side when she is sewing / writing, but he’d much rather she played fetch with his favourite toy!

Izzy King and Penny Slipper who appear in the story in this collection can also be found in the Cozy Craft Mystery books that are available to read now.

Rachel McLean

Rachel McLean is an award-winning crime author who writes UK-based police procedurals. She is best known for the Dorset Crime series and the DI Zoe Finch series set in her home city of Birmingham. Book 1 in the Dorset Crime series, The Corfe Castle Murders, won the Kindle Storyteller Award 2021. Her new McBride and Tanner series is set around Loch Lomond in Scotland. Link to Zoe books:

A full bibliography and reading order can be found at

Purchase Link – Amazon – The Little Shop of Murder


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a Rafflecopter giveaway



April 3 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

April 3 – Reading Is My SuperPower – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 4 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST  

April 4 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

April 5 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

April 5 – Nadaness In Motion – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 6 – I’m Into Books – SPOTLIGHT

April 6 – Socrates Book Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 7 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 7 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW

April 8 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

April 8 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 9 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

April 9 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW

April 10 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

April 10 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 11 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 11 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

April 12 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

April 12 – Novels Alive – REVIEW


April 13 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT

April 14 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

April 15 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

April 15 – Rebecca Douglass, Author – REVIEW, AUTHOR GUEST POST

April 16 – The Mystery Section – SPOTLIGHT





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Aqua Paws

 by Patricia Allieri

Category:  Children’s Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 39 pages
Genre:  Children’s Book
Publisher:  Aqua Kids Books
Release date:  Apr 4, 2023
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:

Splish! Splash! MEOW! Most cats hate water, but not Aqua Paws. He loves it! There’s just one problem: he’s terrified of crabs!

​Then Aqua Paws finds himself in a sticky situation, and the only one around to help is a crab. Can Aqua Paws push his feelings aside before it’s too late? Full of whimsical sea creatures beautifully illustrated by Stella Maris, Aqua Paws also warns of the dangers of ocean pollution. A story that your child will fall in love with, that helps teach a valuable lesson at the same time.

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Aqua Paws is an adventurous cat who loves to swim and discover all the exciting creatures and plants in the ocean. There’s only one hitch. He’s terrified of crabs and there are a lot of them beneath the surface. This is where the story starts and where I became enamored by the adventure and characters in the book.

Each turn of the page is a new adventure or creature and there’s the suspense of when the cat will meet a crab. You know it’s coming. When the two finally cross paths, it’s momentous.

One thing I noticed after a couple of pages was that there was a small red crab that appeared throughout the book. It’s not mentioned and the cat seems unaware. I found myself searching for it on each new page. It was a fun addition to the adventure.

Aqua Paws is an adorable children’s picture book filled with fun adventure and beautiful, colorful illustrations. I had such fun reading it and imagine parents reading it to their kids will have fun too. As will the children who can read it themselves.



Author Guest Post:


By: Patricia Allieri

As I look back many years ago, my educational experiences started as a child.  They are

still developing now.  In my education community, I have learned to become a lifelong learner.

Life offers so many opportunities to be successful at any age.  This process will make me grow

stronger every day.  My determination and lessons I have learned over the years will help me

to be a great teacher.  As you read on, you will know what I am talking about.

My past, present, and future triumphs will mold me into a well-rounded educated person.

My experiences were positive. These experiences reflect how I do as a college student.  There

are many lessons over the years that I learned about myself.  I remember when I was in

elementary school that my teacher used to complement me often.  Almost every day.  This

impact was positive then and now.  My elementary school teacher made me feel good about

myself.  I learned that I could be successful in school.  When I was in middle school, I was a

 cheerleader.  We went to competition and came in second place.  I felt so proud that we did that

well.  It was all because of my coach Mary, who gave us the courage to do great!  My good

attitude and beliefs helped us win.  The most important lesson that I learned is that success in

some areas made me believe in myself and to try even harder.  With a positive attitude, I know I

can do anything. My goal is for a better life, to graduate, and to become a great teacher, and

after I graduate, that I can find a teaching job.  Sometimes this worries me because of my age.

However, with my life experiences and knowledge, I can make this happen.

Now with a diverse population in the educational community, it makes it more

challenging to be successful in any career. “What is the biggest challenge in education today?”

Schools need to focus and try to provide for today’s students the skills, attitudes, and

knowledge they need to be successful in our world.  We need diversity of all children.  I believe

that each student will have the ability to be successful. We will learn from our students and they

will learn from us.  Every student in the classroom is such an individual.  Every time you plan an

activity, you need to plan in a way that the task can be done by everyone in the room.  That is

where it gets challenging.  This can be modified so each student can take it always and do it at

their level.  This is planned based on the student’s strengths and weaknesses.

My life experiences have reflected that teaching is my calling.  I feel more certain that I

am on the right career paths.  I am excited to become a certified elementary school teacher and

focus my energy and enthusiasm on educating my future students.


Meet the Author:

Patricia writes stories about the ocean, cats, and friendship. With beautiful illustrations and heartfelt characters, she aims to entertain and inspire readers to feel brave, adventurous, and appreciate the environment. Patricia’s memorable characters include Aqua Paws and Purple Beak with many more on the horizon. Her fiction picture book, AQUA PAWS, has subtle hints of pollution in our oceans and children can help by collecting the harmful trash. Patricia lives in Texas with her husband. She treasures time with her two grown daughters and her grand babies Tate (Tater-Tot) and Pierce. Her love of animals, the beach and the environment is undeniable.

connect with the authors: website twitter ~ facebook instagram 


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AQUA PAWS Book Tour Giveaway



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Book Details:

Book Title:  The Adventures of Lefty & Righty: The Windy City by Lori Orlinsky
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7),  38 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:   Mar 7, 2023
Content Rating:  G for everyone.

Book Description:

Do you ever wonder what happens to socks that get lost in the dryer? Join Lefty and Righty for the adventure of a lifetime as they sneak out of the laundry room with a destination in mind: a White Sox game! But with so much to do in The Windy City, will they make it to the game in time? Through their fun-filled day, they’ll discover the sights, sounds—and even the tastes—of Chicago, all while encountering a few surprises along the way!



I’m sure many of you have put pairs of socks in the washer or dryer and when you took them out, one or more were missing.  Have you ever wondered where they went? I have. And I loved how the missing socks in this charming children’s book raced to get back home before their absence was noticed.

Lefty and Righty escape from the dryer and head off to see the amazing city of Chicago, with the ultimate goal being to see the White Sox play. Along the way they visit many famous sites and taste some yummy hotdogs. I had as much fun as these socks learning about Chicago.

Imagine their surprise when they get to the ballgame and discover it’s not socks playing but humans. They still enjoyed the game and enjoyed many of the usual traditions while there.

Then it’s the race back home. Will they be caught out?

What a fun, clever story to educate children about Chicago. The illustrations are delightful and the adventure super fun. I can’t wait to see where these socks go next time.




Meet the Author:

Award-winning children’s book author Lori Orlinsky lives in. . . you guessed it . . . Chicago! Lori is the mother of three little ladies, who are small but mighty. At 5’1”, she wishes her children’s picture book, Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All), was around when she was growing up. Lori also wrote The Tooth Fairy’s Tummy Ache and Balloons for Tiger. Her latest book, The Adventures of Lefty and Righty: The Windy City, was inspired by her daily struggle to find matching socks when they come out of the dryer.

connect with the author: website ~ instagram ~ facebook ~ youtube ~ goodreads
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Lori Orlinsky’s ADVENTURES OF LEFTY AND RIGHTY Book Tour Giveaway



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