Posts Tagged ‘non-fiction’


I am so excited that FUNGI ARE…
MORE THAN MUSHROOMS by Alisha Gabriel & Vivien Sárkány is available now and
that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this
wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.


This blitz also includes a giveaway
for  finished copies FUNGI ARE… MORE
THAN MUSHROOMS courtesy of Tielmour Press &
Rockstar Book Tours. So if
you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.



Author: Alisha Gabriel (Author) & Vivien Sárkány (Illustrator)



Pub. Date: March 15, 2025

Publisher: Tielmour Press

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook

Pages: 36


Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, B&N, BAM, Indigo, Powell’s, Bookshop, Blackwell’s, Tielmour Press 


Learn about the hidden world of fungi in this beautifully
earthy non-fiction picture book!


 From single-celled, microscopic yeasts to massive mushrooms,
fungi are essential to life on our planet yet often overlooked.

Discover how spores disperse, fungi grow, animals find food,
bees heal themselves, and trees communicate, all thanks to this fascinating
kingdom. With straightforward, lyrical explanations, readers will gain insight
into how fungi impact our planet and the interconnectedness of nature.








About Author Alisha Gabriel:


Alisha Gabriel is an award-winning children’s book author who
loves speaking at schools and libraries! Her middle grade book Funky Fungi: 30
Activities for Exploring Molds, Mushrooms, Lichens, and More won the 2023
AAAS/Subaru SB&F Book Prize for Excellence in Science Books. When she’s not
teaching, you might find Alisha curled up on the couch with a book, fiddling
around in her craft room, or chasing ideas down rabbit holes.

Sign up for
Alisha’s newsletter!
(scroll down)

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About Vivien

Sárkány, an animation graduate from Moholy-Nagy University in Budapest, studied
cultural studies on scholarship in Java at the Indonesian Institute of the
Arts, Surakarta. She spent eight years in Indonesia exploring her passion for
visual arts before returning to Hungary. Now focused on illustration, Vivien
brings stories to life, crafting worlds and characters. Inspired by all living
things, she tries to capture the beautiful little moments of life in her art.

Website | Instagram



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Welcome to my stop on thye  virtual book tour for The Art Of Online Dating organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Fleur Lamot will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Art Of Online Dating

By Fleur Lamot



Genre: Non-fiction


A step-by-step guide to navigating dating and finding love on the World Wide Web, written by someone with firsthand experience on the topic, and who has also tested the theory on a number of case studies and through research. Authored from a female perspective, directed to a female audience, although potentially an eye opening and helpful read for a male reader too.

This book is not about making you a better person, nor is it a self help book. It is about changing your mindset when embarking on singledom and internet dating to not fear it, by equipping you with the understanding of people’s actions and motives.

Throughout the book you will be guided in setting up your online profile, picking your match, the all important art and the do’s and don’ts through every step of courting someone, all the way to going forward with your ultimate love match!

Reading this book will bring you confidence and or at least clarity. It will make you think about your past experiences and open your eyes to see where they may have gone wrong, and more importantly to ensure the same mistakes don’t happen to you on future experiences.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Long gone are the days of meeting a potential partner in a bar or at a music festival or at parties. You might be lucky enough to do so, but as time goes on and you get older, or as you and your potentials rely more on technology to meet someone, or as you lose the skills to do so by becoming accustomed to technology, the chances are getting thinner. There will be fewer parties with fewer single people, or there will be more awkward interactions at these parties, or your friends will grow old and become tired of attending music festivals and going to bars. Also, let’s face it: as we get older, the music at venues become too loud and we simply just want to have a good conversation, good food, and good wine which brings on more occasions like dinner events and dinner parties. These are the least likely type of events to meet someone, unless you are lucky enough to be set up by a mutual friend.

So, you might find yourself single and at a loss. Maybe it simply might be that all your friends are in relationships and you have no one to go out with. This is where online dating comes into play. Online dating has such a bad stigma, but if you look at it at another way, whilst your friends are becoming old and boring or are in relationships and/or just don’t want to go out anymore for whatever reason, you have an infinite number of potential new people to meet and play with who are in the exact same boat as you.


About Author Fleur Lamot:

I successfully found love online using historical principles, understanding people’s motives and actions, listening to the right people, as well as trusting my own instincts. I am now married and a mother. I am a business woman with a very successful business, built from extensive networking and relationship management experience. I have received professional mentoring and coaching, which has helped me achieve all of this.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.




Picture A Garden by Linda Hornberg
CategoryMiddle-Grade Non-Fiction (Ages 8-12), 160 pages
GenreChildren’s Non-Fiction.
Publisher: Peanut Butter Publishing
Publication Date: January 28, 2025.
Content Rating: G: Topics only include gardening and being outdoors. ​

Book Description:

What springs to mind when you hear the word GARDEN? Would it surprise you to learn that the world just outside your door is overflowing with art, science, humor, drama, intrigue, and colorful personalities? Nature has you surrounded. It’s time to come out with your hands gloved and your feet galoshed, ready to sow some spinach, pick a peony, mulch a maple, root a rose, graft a grape, stake a spruce, water a walnut, and hug a hemlock.

Set down your screens and take up your trowel.

Adventure awaits!

The stories inside this book are nearly all true. I have never actually seen a chorus line of worms decked out in feather boas, but I can guarantee that there are plenty of real-life larvae out there merrily chewing up the scenery. You can turn orange from eating too many carrots, and there really is a tiny plant island called a liverwart–although there probably are no tiny castaways living on it. Welcome to gardening for smarties. Never stop thinking, wondering, and digging, and you’ll never be bored. Have fun.​

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I don’t read near as many non-fiction books as I do fiction. When I do, it’s usually memoirs or such. That said, I was wowed by Picture A Garden.

I have a green thumb. I love feeling the soil between my fingers. The smell and feel of the plants and trees I tenderly care for. I’m always doing my due diligence. Learning what makes my flora grow. What they need to thrive or how to help them when they aren’t. This book not only taught me a lot, it also charmed me.

Linda used her own handwriting, filling the pages with fun details. And every page was filled colorful drawings. I loved that. She also made me laugh with the little stories she shared.

 I read some of this with my son. His middle grade years are well behind him. And this is targeted for that age group. He mentioned how much he enjoyed reading it with me but probably wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much when he was younger. There is a lot of detail and we agreed. It would have been better read as a family or by someone a bit older. That’s the only hitch with this wonderful book.

Picture A Garden has a permanent place on my book shelf. I want it in easy reach. Spring is coming and the time to get my hands dirty is almost here.



Meet Author Linda Robin Hornberg:

Linda Robin Hornberg grew up in New York, drawing endless paper dolls and adventure comics with her sisters, Brenda and Heidi. She also enjoyed collecting shiny mimosa seeds in little bottles, nibbling parsley from Mom’s tomato patch, sword fighting with Iris leaves and flipping cicadas back onto their feet. Her incessant doodling landed her at the Hartford Art School. She received her BFA in Printmaking from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Further formal studies led to classes in children’s illustration and certification in landscape horticulture.

Linda is a permanent transplant to Seattle, where she remains an enthusiastic gardener, insatiable reader, unapologetic punster, and incurable cat lady. Please do not offer her your strays.

connect with the author:  website ~ facebook instagram goodreads

Tour Schedule:
Feb 10 – Locks, Hooks and Books – book review / giveaway
Feb 10 – @acourtofspinesnpages * – book review / giveaway
Feb 10 – @bearyintobooks * – book review / giveaway
Feb 10 – @thebookishren * – book review / giveaway
Feb 10 – @my_fair_fiction * – book review / giveaway
Feb 10 – @bookarlo * – book review / giveaway
Feb 11 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – book review / giveaway
Feb 11 – @this.human.reads * – book review / giveaway
Feb 12 – @Myfictionalmusings – book review
Feb 12 – Sandra’s Book Club – book review
Feb 12 – @jilljemmett * – book review / giveaway
Feb 13 – Deborah-Zenha Adams – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 13 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 14 – Paws.Read.Repeat – book review / giveaway
Feb 14 – @bookwale_sharmaji * – book review / giveaway
Feb 14 – @onceuponafrida * – book review / giveaway
Feb 14 – @bookscape__ * – book review / giveaway
Feb 17 – @onceuponamaltesereader * – book review / giveaway
Feb 17 – Liese’s Blog – book spotlight
Feb 18 – Books With a Chance – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 18 – Country Mamas With Kids * – book review / giveaway
Feb 19 – @michellegodardricher * – book review / giveaway
Feb 19 – @regallywritten – book review / giveaway
Feb 20 – icefairy’s Treasure Chest – book review / giveaway
Feb 20 – @thebookishdreamers * – book review / giveaway
Feb 20 – FUONLYKNEW – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 21 – Books R Us – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Feb 21 – @speedreadstagram * – book review / giveaway
Feb 24 – @junebug_reads – book review
Feb 24 – @sparetimer866/ – book review / giveaway
Feb 25 – China Sorrows – book review / giveaway
Feb 25 – @onemorechap * – book review / giveaway
Feb 26 – Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s – book review / guest post / giveaway
Feb 26 – @kiv_coffeeandpages * – book review / giveaway
Feb 27 – @Leannebookstagram – book review
Feb 27 – Happily Managing a Household of Boys – book review 
Feb 28 – Library Lady’s Kid Lit – book review / author interview / giveaway
Mar 1 – @nissa_the.bookworm * – book review / giveaway
Mar 2 – The Bibliophilic World – book review / giveaway
Mar 3 – Frugal Freelancer – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Mar 4 – Cover Lover Book Review – book review / giveaway
Mar 5 – @readsandmusic * – book review
Mar 6 – @lizzies.reading.recs * – book review / giveaway
Mar 7 – @bookishengineerblog – book review
Mar 7 – @adeela_books * – book review
Mar 7 – Faith and Books – book review / giveaway
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PICTURE A GARDEN by Linda Hornberg Book Tour Giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Our Global Crisis organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Brian D. McLean will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Our Global Crisis

by Brian McLean


Genre: Non-Fiction / Climate Change


Modern society has reached a critical juncture in its existence. Like past civilizations ours has reached a point where its future is far from certain, with its decline, or even collapse, being distinct possibilities.

The Incas, the Mayans, the Romans, the Rapanui, and many others, had seemingly successful societies, yet collapsed when faced with challenges that threatened their continued existence.

Are we to suffer the same fate? What could possibly cause our downfall?

Climate change and environmental issues? Perhaps. It is now almost a certainty that these events are destined to inflict catastrophic damage to our global society. Our coastal cities and island nations, as well as our global economy and agricultural output, will be irreparably damaged. Many of Earth’s species, as well as the lives of many millions of people, will be displaced or lost forever.

Such a fate may still be averted, but that opportunity has largely passed. Even if we are able to correct the climatic and environmental issues threatening our society, we must still recognize and address the ultimate source of our problems. For if we fail, a far worse fate potentially awaits us.

Our Global Crisis is an eye opening look at the common weakness shared by societies and civilizations both past and present. But analysis of the problem alone will not solve the global crisis we now face. Thus, the final chapter is dedicated to the simple, yet critical solutions, necessary for our very survival.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Humans stand at the pinnacle of evolutionary success. Highly intelligent and curious, with the capacity to reason, it is within our nature to be caring and compassionate. Capable of modifying our environment, we have created an interconnected global society of such magnitude and complexity that it stands apart from all others that have come before it. Yet our society has reached a critical stage in its development. Like past civilizations, ours has reached the point where it is most susceptible to failure.

We face this critical point in our continued existence due to shortcomings in our nature. For although we are the product of countless millennia of evolutionary improvements, we are nevertheless an imperfect species.

Our imperfections have contributed to our setbacks on many occasions. Civilizations and complex societies, including, the Incas, the Mayans, the Romans, the inhabitants of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), and others, all suffered significant setbacks, or collapse, seemingly at the height of their existence. Our global community too, now faces its own challenges.

The question we must ask ourselves is: Do we have the desire and the willingness to change, not only our society, but the very nature of who we are? Changes that will allow us to thrive and adapt to realities we face as we enter the Anthropocene era. The answer?


About Author Brian McLean:

Brian McLean, ART, is a former Medical Laboratory Technologist and Information Systems Specialist. Drawn by his passion for the outdoors, he shifted from a successful career to spend nearly two decades working for a family run orchard business. A passionate conservationist and environmentalist, Brian is also a keen observer of human nature and humanity’s interaction with the biosphere. Based on those observations, he has been meticulously compiling and crafting Our Global Crisis over the last 22 years. Currently, he is working to restore riparian and temperate forest ecosystems affected by clearcut forestry practices, and when he needs to decompress, he spends time under the stars delving into his other passion, astrophotography.

Author Links: Website / Amazon / Facebook / Instagram / Goodreads



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.




Join us for this tour from Mar 11 to Mar 29, 2024!

Book Details:

​Book Title:  The Secrets Of The Hidden Workforce by Lisa Toth
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  142 pages
GenreNonfiction Occupational
Publisher:  Yorkshire Publishing
Release date:  March, 2024
Content Rating:  PG. Suitable for all adults 17+

Book Description:

Radio show host, Lisa Toth shares how she created a staffing agency for the developmentally disabled population. Over the years, Toth has helped thousands of individuals with disabilities find work that Is not only a good fit for their strengths, but also work they find fulfilling. Readers will enjoy this collection of inspiring stories, as well as the honest candor with which Lisa shares the lessons she learned along the way. She and her clients have faced daunting obstacles and challenges that would make many give up. It’s the challenges that make the successes extra sweet for all of them.

Rise Staffing

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Welcome to Laura @ FUONLYKNEW, Lisa Toth!


  • Where did you get the inspiration for your stories? 

The inspiration for my stories came directly from my lived experiences and the lived experiences of the people I work with. They came from the many hats I’ve worn in my career working to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live, work, and become thriving citizens within their communities. What I do, serving this community in this way is my life’s art and passion.



  • In your book you create a small guide-like explanation on how an entity could create a path for someone with a disability to get a job, what inspired you to come up with this idea? 

Not everyone has access to or the opportunity to receive services from a vocational agency like Rise Staffing. This guide can serve as a blueprint for a family to help their loved one who lives with a disability find a job and build positive habits for the workforce, or for someone who has the same life art and passion as I do the steps for them to take in building a career in this field. This also came naturally for me to develop because I share stories behind the steps through different interviews on my Radio show and podcast, The Hidden Workforce. Breaking everything down and explaining how employers can be more inclusive is one of my specialties.


  • Did you have a special place where you would write? 

I did most of my writing in a brown recliner in the living room of my beautiful home. I like to call my home “The Unicorn Resort” because just as a unicorn is a one-of-a-kind creature, my home is one-of-a-kind as well. It was everything my family and I dreamt it would be and more. I have worked hard my whole life in the field of serving people with different abilities— so to be able to sit in the space that came from decades of hard work from me and my family, as I’m putting the stories that shaped me and the people I work with to paper, it was a very special full-circle moment for me.


  • Was there a story in your book that was difficult for you to write about? 

One story that was emotionally difficult for me to revisit and write about was about one of the patients I served early in my career, Violet. I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed tears when writing about her story and experiences. It was also my encounters and working with her that shaped the direct care worker I was then and the leader in this field that I grew to be. I also knew though difficult to share, people needed to read and know her story. Her story and many others like her’s happened and still happen to this day, so I believe it’s important to shed light on that to prevent the same mistakes from happening again in the present. The section about sexuality also comes to mind. This is unfortunately a very taboo topic in the world of people who live with intellectual and developmental disabilities, but it’s very important to discuss. I made sure to write this section respectfully while also maintaining integrity within the truth. I also had a certified professional who specializes in this field of focus, Judy Myers, contribute to this section as well.

  • Do you have a favorite story in your book? 

That is always such a tough question. Every story is so special and important to me for different reasons and in different ways. My story isn’t a novel that explores someone else’s experiences and truths— they explore my experiences and truths as well as the world of people who live with disabilities’ experiences and truths, which although can be scary/vulnerable to bring forth, was also very liberating to share.

A part of my book, not so much a story but it means a lot to me, is the forward my dear friend and mentor for over three decades, John Depaula wrote for me. What he wrote highlights the dedication and passion we have for our work and a friendship that has lasted since the late 1980s. From the beginning of my journey to what my career is today has entailed tremendous amounts of hard work and relentless advocacy. John’s forward represents a special sentiment to me, and I’m honored he wrote it.


  • What are the secrets of the hidden workforce? 

You’ll have to read it all to capture the whole truth of this answer. But the secrets unveil themselves as readers encounter people within the hidden workforce— to be clear, people who live with disabilities— and witness the stereotypes they break and the glass ceilings they shatter as they accomplish achievements some of us could only dream of accomplishing. They do it overcoming obstacles and barriers we could only imagine having to face on a daily basis which makes them even more remarkable than they already innately are.

If you don’t have the chance to meet people in this community in person, you are introduced to many in my book, which is a great place to start. This also further emphasizes that it’s ok to be different and do things differently than others. Sometimes, the way things are done differently is the better way. There are many secrets within the hidden workforce— the most important being our workforce of ready workers who live with different abilities— but there are many truths that come to the surface as we explore these secrets as well. We learn lessons like we don’t have to be afraid to interact with someone who lives with a different ability, we simply need respect and patience as we learn to communicate with each other. You don’t need a special tool or degree to help a person who lives with a disability at work or in the community, you just need to be willing to step up to the plate and advocate. It’s ok to ask questions when you don’t understand because it’s better to ask questions than to act on assumptions. The hidden workforce surrounds and affects all of us. My book discusses all of it and activates a greater conversation on how we can all be more inclusive.


  • Do you have a next project in mind? 

Many exciting projects are in the works! My Staffing agency, Rise Staffing, is joining forces with my Radio Show and Podcast, The Hidden Workforce, to develop a not-for-profit vocational training program for our customers interested in the field of radio and reporting. We understand that many have technical and creative skills they would like to use to work in the field of radio and broadcasting or to start their own show or podcast, and we want to help provide training opportunities for them to accomplish this. We are also expanding our show and podcast to YouTube as well as employing more remote reporters who live with different abilities to share their stories, voices, and capabilities.

  • What advice would you give someone new to the field you have served in for over three decades? 

First and foremost, you have to be in this field for the right reasons.

This is a job that happens in people’s homes, work, and personal spaces so it can become routine, familiar, and familial. Remember, in everything you are doing to stay professional and that you are there to provide a therapeutic training service that will help your client succeed throughout their life. You can’t be in this field for any self-indulging, self-serving ulterior motive— if this isn’t your passion or calling it will be a very difficult career to maintain. Sometimes, people choose a career in this field to feel good about themselves or to enjoy feeling appreciated, but a majority of the time you will be challenged in all you do to go above and beyond after you have already gone the extra mile for your client without any sort of acknowledgment or outcome. Pace yourself and set boundaries. There will be times you go the extra mile and then some for your client who won’t respond with appreciation for those extra efforts. It is very often that these experiences change the dynamic of this work for the vocational staff, and they leave the field with a bad experience. Do the work to teach the person how to do what they can, don’t do it for them, teach them and watch them grow and flourish. As much as I advise on boundaries and precautions to protect yourself— I also want to emphasize that when you’ve been in this field as long as I have, you will have your share of tribulations, but you will have just as many if not more wonderful experiences and victories. This is a field unlike any other. It’s special, and when you see what these incredible people can do and when their dream comes true, it is truly a feeling unlike any other! Don’t give up, you can do it.

Meet the Author:

Lisa Toth, CEO Owner at Rise Staffing is passionate about employment. Her favorite thing is matching people with great employers! In addition to this workToth is the host of the successful radio show “The Hidden Workforce,” a show about the positive impact people with different abilities bring to the workforce. 

connect with the author: website facebook 
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The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce Book Tour Giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Book Details:

Undomesticated Women, Anecdotal Evidence from the Road by Anna Blake
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  325 pages
Genre: Travel Memoir
Publisher:  Prairie Moon Press
Release date:  Oct  2023
Content Rating:  PG. oblique mention of dysfunctional family, no sex, drugs, etc

Book Description:

Welcome to our year of living compactly. My dog, Mister, and I took to the road pulling our A-frame trailer, the Rollin’ Rancho. I’m a traveling horse trainer/clinician, who became a non-essential worker during the COVID-19 lockdown. Then, in 2022, we bounced back. We were nomads looking for horse training adventure and liver treats. Work paid for the trip; it was part clinic tour, part travelogue, part squirrel hunt. But mostly an unapologetic celebration of sunsets, horses, RV parks, roadkill, diverse landscapes, and undomesticated women.

It’s a book made of made of adjectives and nouns, blue skies and tornado watches, resorts and reservations, open roads to the horizon, and one-lane dead-ends. We emerge from the truck in a cloud of dog hair and sunflower shells, like disoriented and scruffy rock stars in a GPS haze, not entirely lost or found.

This book isn’t about training, although there are horses in it. It’s a follow-up of Stable Relation, my first book, but my life changed in ways I would never have guessed, so don’t expect the usual sequel. Undomesticated Women is a travel memoir, a peek behind the curtains of what my job is like. I wanted to see this beautiful country, do some time travel, and explore thoughts and memories now that I’ve become a gray mare.

​Mister would tell you it’s his memoir about being tasked with the unreasonable job of guarding me against a wild range of dangers. Like eating dinner late.

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I’ve recently read some memoirs and enjoyed them and was curious about Undomesticated Women. The title intrigued me and the idea of a woman of my age traveling the country with only her dog as a companion sure had me curious how it went. And a horse whisperer to boot. I’m sure she probably doesn’t tag herself as one, but that’s what came to mind when I read about some of her experiences with the noble animals.

I was hooked right off the bat. From how the germ of an idea blossomed into a possibility and then to reality, right down to what kind of travel camper to choose, I didn’t want to miss a thing. The details of doing some practice camping on different places on her farm to see how Mister, her canine companion, would deal with the cramped quarters and being separated from the other dogs and The Dude Rancher, her husband, to how she’d cram everything she need for the long trip into the nooks and crannies, all of it was interesting… and entertaining.

I’m a horse lover. Was one of those young girls that had the statues on all my shelves, along with all those great books like The Black Stallion, Black Beauty and Little Black, A Pony, and posters hung in every available place. The author had me laughing and crying as she related her journey of cross country clinics with owners and trainers and their horses. Kind of reminded me of the show Heartland, which I love.

Anna Blake is such a great storyteller. Yes, a storyteller. This may not be a work of fiction, but all great storytellers leave you hanging on each sentence, wanting more and more. And that’s how it was with her book. If she can entertain me this much with her memoir, it makes me wonder where her imagination could take me in a work of fiction. I’d read it!


Guest Post

My Dog, The Author

After the COVID lockdown was over, I was eager to get back on the road and do my job live again. I’m a horse trainer who’d been sitting in an office chair, giving lessons in Zoom meetings. Now I wanted to see the country again. My dog, Mister, and I took to the road pulling our A-frame trailer, the Rollin’ Rancho. We were nomads traveling 14,000 miles, across 30 states, and seeing both oceans.

Driving days were long and to stay awake, I listened to audiobooks, nibbled sunflower seeds, and took my dog’s advice on when to stop for a walk. Mister was my self-care specialist. He walked me to keep my hips loose. He called me to dinner after a long workday. And he was an emotional anchor for me because no matter what other people think about me, Mister always thinks my only job is to be with him. He makes things that simple.

Writing is part of every day for me. I’ve been blogging since 2010, along with publishing books, writing poetry, and even screenplays. It’s my habit to use words to sort out my thoughts. At home, I usually write early in the morning before the chaos begins. When traveling, I’m oddly comfortable writing in an airport bar.

When I was training locally, I always kept a notebook with me to scribble down thoughts as I drove from farm to farm. In preparing for this long-distance road trip, I added some technology to keep us safer, including a cell phone holder on the dash and a voice-to-text app. At first, it was just for notes and ideas that I wanted to remember. One day, I dictated part of an essay and then felt guilty. I had already betrayed my paper tablet. Was I betraying my laptop now?

The app didn’t work that well, not speaking horse like I do. It would have to become bilingual. Once I downloaded the file, the number of corrections was bewildering. If I hadn’t edited it that night, I wouldn’t be able to recognize what I was talking about a day later. But with technology changing so fast, I’m always afraid if I don’t keep up, I’ll have to hire somebody’s kid to do my banking.

The next day, I tried again. It was a quiet afternoon on the back roads in North Carolina. I wanted to write about the last stop, so I thought out my sentences and slowly enunciated every word. Mister was in the passenger seat, strapped into his safety bed. Like most dogs, he sees me at my worst and keeps my secrets.

I paused in my dictation and thought for a long moment. The microphone was waiting. Mister sat up and let out one bark. The screen added the word “what.” Our eyes met, and he didn’t look away. Was Mister going to write a tell-all book of his own?


Meet Author Anna Blake:


I’m an animal advocate, award-winning author, solo RV traveler, old-school feminist, dog companion, unabashed lover of sunsets, and professional horse trainer/clinician. I’m sixty-nine years old. I’ve done just about everything and done it well. No longer auditioning.

My books include:
Stable Relation, A memoir of one woman’s spirited journey home.
Relaxed & Forward: Relationship advice from your horse.
Barn Dance, Nickers, brays, bleats, howls, and quacks: Tales from the herd.
Horse Prayers, Poems from the prairie.
Going Steady, More relationship advice from your horse.
Horse. Woman. Poems from our lives.
Undomesticated Women: Anecdotal Evidence from the Road

I was born in Cavalier County, North Dakota, in 1954, the youngest daughter in a farm family. Now I live at Infinity Farm, on the flat, windy, treeless prairie of Colorado with a herd of reprobates, raconteurs, and our moral compass, Edgar Rice Burro. Previously, I was a self-employed goldsmith, showing one-of-a-kind artwork in galleries from coast to coast. My Denver studio and gallery was shared with generations of good dogs.

Early writing included a few screenplays, one of which was produced independently, and articles for several periodicals. Every Friday since 2010, I have posted an unconventional and popular blog about life on the farm and horse training. My unique perspective combines Calming Signals and Affirmative Training for a special method of understanding, training, and respecting animals.

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Behind Her Smile: The Adventures of a Tall Girl from WVA and Her Life as a Stewardess by Beverly Golden Cuevas
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  392 pages
Genre: Non-Fiction, Memoir
Publisher:  Urlink Print & Media, LLC
Release date:  August  2023
Content Rating:  PG. Suitable for adult audiences.

Book Description:

Being raised in Parkersburg,WVA, Janie didn’t have big aspirations for her life. Tired of her dead-end job at the phone company her best friend suggested she interview to become a Stewardess. Fearful she would be rejected because of her height; she was shocked when she was accepted. A whole new world opened up to her. Seeing places she had only read about, spending time with politicians, movie stars and professional athletes. One special athlete, a professional basketball player named Wendell Ladner stole her heart with his southern charm. An extraordinary ‘connection’ with Elvis Presley allowed her the unique experience to spend ‘one on one’ time with him and remain in touch until his passing. You’ll share with her the challenges of marrying someone so different from her upbringing and coping with attempts to try and fit in. Behind Her Smile reveals a devastating event that deeply affected Beverly and made her reexamine her life and what she truly wanted out of it.

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I don’t read many memoirs. I prefer watching them on TV. That said, I’m glad I read this book.  A career as a stewardess was something I found fascinating when I was young. It seemed so glamorous. Jetting off to so many places. The beautiful hairstyles and the outfits they wore. I loved the high boots and short dresses. They reminded me of go-go girls. And the pilots looked so handsome in their uniforms.

Beverly tells her life story with honesty and grace. She doesn’t sugar coat events to make herself look better. She faces her decisions head on. And what a life she had. What I found most fascinating was the people who played pivotal roles in the growth of her character. She loved fiercely and grieved deeply. And it was interesting to learn how the industry changed with the years. She mentions how they used to dress meticulously for work back in the day and how much it’s changed now. How flights and boarding are handled. Had me take a trip down memory and examine these things myself. And she sure met some interesting people on her travels. The books is full of photos and I’m glad she shared them.

I mentioned I don’t read a lot of memoirs. That will change now. And I’m waiting for her next book. This is what she calls her BC book. The next one is AC and I’m curious how her life changed.


Author Guest Post
Que Sera, Sera… (Whatever Will Be, Will Be!)

I guess I should say I owe my desire to become a Stewardess to Doris Day. The title of the movie was “Julie.”  And I do believe Doris was the first non-trained pilot to land an airplane.

I was about sixteen and my mom knew I loved Doris Day. I had a doctor’s appointment this particular day, and afterwards I went to where my mom was working at The Darling Shop in Columbus, Ohio. She told me Doris Day was appearing at the RKO Palace Theater to promote her movie. My eyes lit up. She told me I could have her permission to stay out of school and go see the movie and her. I was so excited! After watching the movie, I thought it sounded like a fascinating profession to do. But being so tall I imagined that an airline might not consider me. And I was correct but didn’t know that until I was nearly 21 years old.

My best friend wanted to interview to be a Stewardess and asked me to go with her. I reluctantly went with her to DELTA. Too tall. Next was a disastrous TWA interview where the interviewer found so many faults in me, I felt like I was crazy to even consider being a Stewardess as a career.  My friend Karen asked me to go to the last airline, AMERICAN AIRLINES with her. I reluctantly agreed. To my complete and utter surprise, the interviewer, Mr. Kiestler, took a shine to me and I got asked to report for Stewardess School in two weeks! Needless to say, I was shocked!

This began the most wonderful career I could have ever imagined having. Indirectly I feel I should thank my mom first for letting me go to see the movie. Secondly, thanks to Doris Day, who made her performance as a Stewardess so captivating and intriguing. That career was a blessing to me for 35 years, as you can read about in my book BEHIND HER SMILE.



Meet the Author:

Beverly Golden Cuevas was born Beverly Jane Golden in Ironton, Ohio in 1945. She spent the first 10 years of her life in Parkersburg, West Virginia with her family. Her father had a job opportunity in Columbus, Ohio in 1955 so away they went. Beverly started working at the age of 14 to contribute to her family finances. She graduated Columbus North High School in 1963. She moved on to work at the Ohio Bell Telephone Company after graduation. In 1965, on the dare of her best friend she went to an interview to be a Stewardess for American Airlines. American hired her and she started her flying career in New York, then commuting from Tulsa, Oklahoma to her Dallas base. She flew both domestic and international. During her career, she never received a bad passenger letter. In 1977, she was 1 of 12 Flight Attendants selected out of 16,000 to participate in a highly coveted special assignment to work at the prestigious American Airlines Golf Classic. Her flying career ended on December 1, 2001 after 35 years. Beverly now lives in Dallas, Texas. She has been married to her wonderful husband Randy for 43 years. She has two sons, Joshua and Kaleb. She is a loving wife and mother, never missing a baseball game or school talent show, in spite of her flying schedule! Mimi is blessed to pass on her knowledge and love of life to her grandchildren Eden, Elijah, Ellie, Logan and Holly.

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Canada’s Geography And History In ABC’s organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Marena Woodsit will be awarding a a $15 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Canada’s Kiddie Geography And History In ABC’s…

by Marena Woodsit



Genre: Middle Grade / Non-Fiction


Who said geography and history can’t be fun? Marena Woodsit’s new book, Canada’s Kiddie History and Geography in ABC’s, points out various interesting facts and places in an easy-to-read style (H for history, G for geography) that will captivate children of all ages. A map and legend of the great country of Canada can help pinpoint where much of the facts take place along with fun and real life characters.


Enjoy this exclusive peek inside:



G= Geography


H= History


G&H- O: represents both the province Ontario, and Canada’s capital city Ottawa. Ottawa is our country’s capital city where our government rules the country. Ontario has many lakes, forests, farmland and big cities like Toronto where people enjoy shopping, theatre and going up to the world’s tallest structure, the CN Tower. Toronto is Ontario’s capital city.


About Author Marena Woodsit


Ms. Woodsit, a retired teacher, has been writing for fun for years and is now publishing children’s books. During her time as a teacher she felt students needed more basic facts about their country, such as learning we had a queen, that the capital of our provinces and territories weren’t known and what some of our natural resources and wonders were. She has also helped with composing lyrics to a number of songs with her songwriting and performing friends. She loves travelling, swimming and taking care of her animals.

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How I disproved the 2020 “proof” of election fraud and won $5 million.

Some say I saved democracy in America.


Election Hacks


Lindell v. Zeidman: Exposing the $5 million election myth


by Bob Zeidman


Genre: Nonfiction, Politics, Current Affairs


Mike Lindell, the MyPillow magnate, has been inciting crowds by publicly declaring he has proof of voting machine tampering that threw the 2020 election from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Bob Zeidman, who invented the field of software forensics, was invited by Lindell in 2021 to examine and verify the alleged proof. What he found was bogus data, manipulated results, and dangerous conspiracy theories. This is the story of Bob’s successful $5 million lawsuit against Lindell and his uncovering of a scandal leading to some of the top political leaders and advisors in America. Was the election stolen? Maybe. Maybe not. But Lindell’s bogus claims have prevented legitimate investigations into voter fraud.


Election Hacks is not just an important book about the cries of a stolen 2020 presidential election, it’s also a warning for the 2024 election and all future elections. It’s a personal story of a man who found the truth and pursued it by going up against a rich, powerful, influential businessman. It’s a technological mystery, a courtroom drama, and a character study of extremists and their enablers. It’s about human nature and how people can so easily be led astray. And it’s about standing up for the truth, even when that truth may turn out to belie your beliefs and alienate your friends.


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Bob Zeidman is an inventor, author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and high-stakes poker player. He created the field of software forensics and founded Software Analysis and Forensic Engineering Corporation to develop and sell software forensics tools. He is the founder of Zeidman Consulting, an engineering consulting company that has worked on over 260 major litigations involving billions of dollars of disputed intellectual property. His cases have included ConnectU v. Facebook, on which the Oscar-winning movie The Social Network is based, and Oracle v. Google that went up to the U.S. Supreme Court. He is the inventor of the famous Silicon Valley Napkin on display at the Computer History Museum. He is also a high-stakes poker player, and his latest tech venture is Good Beat Poker, a new way to play and watch poker online.


Bob writes about politics, society, and business for national magazines. His latest book is Election Hacks, the true story of how he challenged his own beliefs about voting machine hacking in the 2020 presidential election and made international news and $5 million.

Bob has a master’s degree from Stanford University and two bachelor’s degrees from Cornell University.


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Book Details:

Delaware from Railways to Freeways / First State, Second Phase
 by Dave Tabler
Category: Adult Non-Fiction, 110 pages
Genre: American History, Colonial
Publisher: Dave Tabler
Publication Date: Nov 1, 2023
Content Rating: G. None needed. Works for all audiences.

Delaware from Railroads to Freeways by Dave Tabler is a visually stunning book that takes readers on a captivating journey through Delaware’s 19th-century history. With engaging narrative and stunning graphics that seem to leap off the page, this book provides an immersive and enthralling reading experience as Tabler chronicles the rich history of Delaware. This is his second installment of a three-part series on the history of Delaware – the First State…. For Delaware natives and enthusiasts, this is probably one of the best-illustrated background books of Delaware’s 19th-century history as you can find about the First State. It is truly a captivating book.  AuthorsReading

“Dave Tabler’s Delaware from Railways to Freeways is a fascinating history text covering important sites and artifacts from the first state. The book includes a wealth of historical and social insights into the production techniques and ultimate significance behind the early Delaware artifacts and events it covers. It makes note of the geographical importance of certain buildings and landscapes as well. Detailed images appear on each page of the book alongside brief, evocative descriptions of their meaning and significance. The result is an involving pictorial history of the evolution of Delaware, complemented by distinguishing coverage of the development of the state’s transportation infrastructure.” — Foreword Reviews

“Tabler’s second entry in a trilogy covering the history of Delaware rides the rails into the First State’s storied past, covering the tumultuous yet prosperous 19th century and the dawn of the 20th, that era of iron, steam, Civil War, suffragettes, technical marvels, and surprises both fun—like the history of scrapple, or the suspender-and-pants rig known as a “breeches buoy” used to rescue mariners—to the morbid, like public whipping posts or the jolting tale of a child’s corpse being sent through the mail. The stories of trends, people, and material goods that Tabler highlights, in short and inviting bursts of text, are interesting and well buttressed by the copious illustrations.” — Booklife

The contents are entertaining and varied, offering glimpses of little-known aspects of American history, from Colonial-era enmity between Whigs and Tories to inventions such as the Manby mortar, a cannon-like device used in rescuing people from sinking ships, to a bartending goose.” – Kirkus Reviews

Delaware from Railways to Freeways is the second book in a series that began with Delaware Before the Railroads and whose planned conclusion is Delaware from Freeways to e-Ways. In his preface, author Dave Tabler touts the advent of the railroad, saying that it “ushered in a prosperous era for the First State” due to Delaware’s “strategic location” on the Delaware Bay. The book is mostly photographs, all of which are vibrant and compelling and include objects that would not be present in most histories of the state, such as John Jones’s adjustable peach sorter: an 1874 invention that revolutionized peach sorting. Or the crawlspace in the home of Quaker couple Daniel and Mary Corbit, in which they hid a fugitive slave in 1845. Tabler’s captions are bite-sized yet satisfying, offering readers a plethora of history without making them feel overworked. …More a coffee-table book than a proper history, Dave Tabler’s Delaware from Railways to Freeways is a worthy read for any devotee of Delaware’s past. — Indie Reader

Delaware from Railways to Freeways offers readers a captivating journey through Delaware’s lesser-known history. It is an excellent choice for those who relish reading about unusual facts and harbor a passion for history, even if it occasionally leans toward trivia. This book provides a valuable contribution to understanding Delaware’s rich heritage. — Literary Titan

Book Description:

Delaware from Railways to Freeways covers eye-opening information about the region and its residents from 1800 to 1907. Laying out a captivating journey through pictures and offering up little-known anecdotes, entertainingly educational stories, and a comprehensive deep dive, Tabler gives insightful commentary on inventions, contributors to society, and transformative technology. History lovers of all ages will immensely enjoy this trove of 19th-century lore.

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Guest Post From Author David Tabler

How to speak in public.

When I first entered the workforce, an older colleague mentioned that he was a member of Toastmasters International, a group that trains professionals from different fields how to present a polished speech. He invited me to a meeting, and suggested getting training from the group would help my career tremendously.

He was correct. Learning to organize myself, learning to be comfortable in front of a large group, have indeed proven invaluable.

Speaking before a gathering is a terrifying experience for a large portion of the population. What if I forget my place in my speech? What if people fall asleep while I’m talking? What if they hate what I have to say? There are lots of stressors. But as in so many other areas of life, the more you prepare, the smoother things go.

I’ve been doing the rounds this year presenting a short spiel titled “10 Things You Might Not Know About Delaware.” Each setting, each group brings different energies. I presented before 100 people at the Delaware Agricultural Museum last spring. Very formal, part of a speaker lineup for a traveling Smithsonian Institution exhibit. Little time for Q&A, as there were other speakers on the roster. For that event I was expected to clip right along, make my points and wrap it up.

By contrast, I spoke at a library local to me more recently. Small, intimate group in a conference room, as opposed to a large hall. For that setting I did not use a microphone. I came out from behind the podium and sat in a chair almost as part of the group. There were plenty of pauses in the script as audience members asked questions. Much more conversational.

Toastmasters trains speakers to think on their feet. Glitches often happen, especially in the tech area. Microphones crackle or don’t work at all, presentation clickers do odd things if you stray too far from their range. It’s easy to get flustered, and inexperienced speakers often get thrown off stride.

This is where the preparation idea is crucial. If you know your topic inside and out, and don’t rely on verbatim reading from a script, you simply make a quick joke to the effect of “well, technology is our friend….until it’s not,” and find a workaround. Most audiences are on the side of the speaker and accept that things can go wrong. They soon forget about the hiccup if the speaker is able to gracefully move past it.

In every audience there seems to be that person who wants to show how much they know. Sometimes they are in fact an expert, sometimes they just enjoy tripping the speaker. The first time I encountered this situation I was caught like a deer in the headlights. The audience was going to think I was an idiot for not knowing this factoid brought up by the expert/skeptic. As I’ve spoken over the years I’ve learned not to get into an argument with such people. It’s best to simply stay humble and acknowledge that it’s amazing how much there is to learn still. I’ll often say something to the effect of “that’s a fascinating point you bring up. I’m looking forward to doing some digging on that. It might be a great thing to work into my next presentation!” That flatters both the expert and the skeptic, and allows the speaker to get back to their main focus.


Meet Author Dave Tabler:

Ten year old Dave Tabler decided he was going to read the ‘R’ volume from the family’s World Book Encyclopedia set over summer vacation. He never made it from beginning to end. He did, however, become interested in Norman Rockwell, rare-earth elements, and Run for the Roses.

Tabler’s father encouraged him to try his hand at taking pictures with the family camera. With visions of Rockwell dancing in his head, Tabler press-ganged his younger brother into wearing a straw hat and sitting next to a stream barefoot with a homemade fishing pole in his hand. The resulting image was terrible.

Dave Tabler went on to earn degrees in art history and photojournalism despite being told he needed a ‘Plan B.’

Fresh out of college, Tabler contributed the photography for The Illustrated History of American Civil War Relics, which taught him how to work with museum curators, collectors, and white cotton gloves. He met a man in the Shenandoah Valley who played the musical saw, a Knoxville fellow who specialized in collecting barbed wire, and Tom Dickey, brother of the man who wrote ‘Deliverance.’

In 2006 Tabler circled back to these earlier encounters with Appalachian culture as an idea for a blog. today reaches 375,000 readers a year.

Dave Tabler moved to Delaware in 2010 and became smitten with its rich past. He no longer copies Norman Rockwell, but his experience working with curators and collectors came in handy when he got the urge to photograph a love letter to Delaware’s early heritage. This may be the start of something.

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