Posts Tagged ‘otherworldly’

This just in from Troy Aaron Ratliff!

Looking for some quick beach reads to fill up your Kindles and Kindle Fires this summer?  Some short fiction with a thrill?  Well, if you’re looking to increase your summer reading list, have I got news for you! This weekend you can snag all of my work for free for my Hello Summer Giveaway from this Saturday thru Monday!

Over the weekend, I’ll be using the hashtag #HelloSummerGiveaway on Twitter, G+, and now, apparently Facebook (haha!), to see what’s on everyone else’s summer reading list this year to build mine and everyone else’s reading lists. I’ve added a few to my Goodreads page in the past few weeks, but I’m always looking for more. I’m currently reading Joe Hill’s N0S4A2 which is a creepy thrill ride of horror. I’m only about a third of the way through, but I can say with confidence this is easily his best work yet.

What are you reading, Trojans?

And in the meantime, don’t forget to snag some free short stories!  And if you have already read my work, please let your friends know of this great deal!  Here is a pre-written tweet/post to use, if you’re so inclined.

#Free beach reads? @TARatliff has a #HelloSummerGiveaway for all his work! What’s on your summer reading list?…

Thank you so much, friends.

Love and Light,

Troy Aaron Ratliff


Thanks so much Troy!

I’ve read several of Troy’s short stories and enjoyed them immensely.

So, I’ve added in my previous reviews so you can learn what I thought of them!

Don’t forget to get Just Past the Trees free here!

Just Past the Trees

I liked this one. It’s got a couple of writers in it.

I’m a young guy, still live at home. Yeah, I know, get a life. But I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do.

I know I want to be a writer, have for as long as I can remember.

I’ve always felt writing is my strongest suit. I hope you agree. Story ideas can walk into my head like strangers at Thanksgiving, and before I know it, I’m fleshing out characters, plotting some pretty evil schemes for them to fall into, and hearing lines of prose…

But until I become famous, got to earn a living. I work for a company that repairs big rigs. I’m the runner. If they need a part of a tool, it’s my job to get it. Not glamorous, but it’s a living.

One of my jobs is keeping the property mowed.

During a Florida summer breathing makes you sweat.

You’d think I was certifiable, cutting the grass with an old push mower in the blazing afternoon heat. It’s a huge piece of property and takes all week. By the time I’m done, it’s time to start all over again.

“Job security” is what my dad calls it. “Perpetual motion through redundancy” is what I call it..

Anyway, that’s how I discovered the body, or what was left of it.

sasquatch photo: Sasquatch sasquatch.jpg

Like I said , it has two writers in the story. The other one is Doug Robbins. He’s a crypto-zoologist traveling through Florida on the trail of the Skunk-Ape. Ever heard of it? It’s the southern version of Bigfoot.

After hearing about the dead body, Doug suspects the skunk-ape may be involved. He’s here to finally get proof it exists and hopes to write a book about it.

The two young men hatch a plan to get said evidence of its existence and that’s when it gets hairy! Pardon the pun.

Troy can condense a story and make it have such an impact. I felt like I knew these guys. And a story about writers, the struggles they go through and how far they’ll go to write that story is interesting and fun. You get two different views from two writers.

Visually written. You’ll feel like you’re there, looking into the woods, and wondering what may be looking back at you.

Nothing less than Five Stars will do!


Here is my review of Little Bernie’s Map.

Get your free copy here.

Little Bernie's Map

This was just supposed to be a nice, relaxing family trip. A way to escape the daily grind and forget, for a while, the problems and worries at home.

Daniel and Gina, along with their son Bernie, are heading home after a trip to Disney World.  Daniel just lost his job, but they decide to go on this vacation anyway. It may be the last one they can take for a long time.

Bernie and his father have a game they play. Bernie loves map, he collects them. At random points in their trip, Daniel would ask Bernie how much farther they had to go and he would look on the map to track their progress.

Bernie had one map that was special. A map given to him by an old woman when they stopped for a break at the Florida Welcome Center. She told him to be careful with it and Bernie tried to be.

But when weird and frightening things start to happen, the map is not first on any of their minds. All they can think about is what just happened.

What came down from the sky that day would be discussed for years to come. Each person would draw their own conclusions. One thing most agreed on was what they saw, what it looked like.

My Thoughts

It has been a long time since I have been this surprised by a story. I had to reread several scenes just to wrap my mind around what was happening. I wanted to try to form an image in my head. I sure wish this had been a movie. You’ll know what I mean when” The Flashpoint” happens.

Troy has a wonderful way of leading you into the story. There is much about this family that you can relate to. The characters are genuine and very likeable. I felt their anguish and their perseverance and really wanted things to be alright for them.

When the event happens I am stunned. I can’t wait for you to read it. It is so wild and kind of funny. It definitely makes you think. Think and say, yeah, I hear ya.

If you like Twilight Zone and Tales From the Darkside, you will love this. I also got a flash of that dread you feel in the scene from the movie The Mist by Stephen King. The one where they are driving into the mist and you just know something inexplicable is going to occur. The feeling lasts long after you finish reading.

Another 5 Star story from Troy


And last, but certainly not least, The Uninvited Guest.

Get your free copy here.

The Uninvited Guest

Looks can be deceiving as is the cover for The Uninvited Guest.

It was supposed to be a celebration. Good times for all. A wedding and new beginnings.

Harlan is crashing the party, kind of.  Jose’s mother insisted he go to the wedding and when he asks Harlan to go, he figures why not. There’ll be free food and booze and maybe some babes to dance with.

It seems like it takes forever to get there. The wedding is being held in a lodge surrounded by dense woods.

Finally, they arrive. The wedding goes off without a hitch. Now it’s time to eat, drink, and be merry. Except it’s taking forever to get to the dancing.

Finally the music starts and the happy couple do the traditional bride and groom shuffle. Everyone is oohing and aahing, taking copious pictures and video.

Harlan, standing at the back of the gathering, happens to glance out one of the windows. Everyone else is watching the happy couple, but something made him look.

Something outside, maybe a shadow, slid along the windowsill.  No, not a shadow, it had bulk. It seemed to take a long time to pass.

The windows are spaced about 5 to 6 feet apart. In the time it took to glance to the next window, it was sliding past that one too!

Everyone is still watching the couple. Harlan feels frozen in time. A look at the doors shows they’re still standing wide open.

An overwhelming feeling of dread passes over him. Something is coming. It’s almost to the doors.

The author wrote this story from Harlan’s point of view. It worked really good. I experienced everything with Harlan, felt his confusion, dread, and disbelief. And then his terror.

Have you ever had that feeling like something really bad is going to happen? That’s how I felt, right along with Harlan.

Harlan may have been an uninvited guest, but he’s not the only one.

This gets a Five from me!


And now from Troy

If you are looking for a story behind the story, I can’t honestly recall what sparked the idea for Little Bernie’s Map all those years ago when I originally wrote it. Although I can say that after hearing about the disheartening news about the debt crisis, along with the various problems many people in the Rust Belt were experiencing – a personal hit for me since I’m from southwestern Ohio – a terrifying thought started eating at the back of my mind: What if I was in one of those situations? What if I had a family to feed and I was out of work? It’;s scary, and my heart truly does go out to those families. Of course, this was around the time that I found Little Bernie’s Map(originally conceived as Little Ian’s Map for those who care) in my writing desk. Naturally, the cogs and gears started turning like they do when I start thinking about the serious issues in the world and how I would express my feelings toward them. In other words, when guys like me consider the money problems of the world, we consider how we would react to a giant mutant….(left blank by me so as not to avoid spoiler). Then again, maybe that’s just me and why I’m not running the show.

Image of Troy Aaron Ratliff

About Troy Aaron Ratliff

Troy Aaron Ratliff was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio and self-educated in writing, art and voice impersonations. When he’s not reading, writing and cooking up his next monstrosity, you can generally find him defending the galaxy from the forces of evil, feeding hippopotamuses, dining with foreign dignitaries and Zen masters, waking up to his supermodel wife, altering the space-time inter-dimensional warp or, more than likely, stuck in traffic somewhere in Southern California.




Freakin Fridays!

Freakin Fridays is my own little meme. I’ll be posting about books, movies, and all things scary.

Feel free to join in and do your own Freakin Fridays posts!

Tune in every Friday. Get your scare on!

Let’s have some fun!

First, I fell in love with the cover art for RUSH. Then I was completely hooked by the book trailer. I’m now waiting to add this book in my Kindle. Release date June 11th!


Check out more about RUSH!

Rush (The Game, #1)


So what’s the game now? This, or the life I used to know?

When Miki Jones is pulled from her life, pulled through time and space into some kind of game—her carefully controlled life spirals into chaos. In the game, she and a team of other teens are sent on missions to eliminate the Drau, terrifying and beautiful alien creatures. There are no practice runs, no training, and no way out. Miki has only the guidance of secretive but maddeningly attractive team leader Jackson Tate, who says the game isn’t really a game, that what Miki and her new teammates do now determines their survival, and the survival of every other person on this planet. She laughs. He doesn’t. And then the game takes a deadly and terrifying turn.

Let the games begin!

For more about the author and her books go here.

trail of bones tour
I seriously want to read this book!
I know it’s not the first time I’ve told you that.
Check it out, read the exciting excerpt, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

trail of bones

Ready for a new adventure? Are you a fan of fantasy, young adult, science fiction and action stories?
“No mercy, No rules – Welcome to the Trail of Bones!”
Run with Purpose – battle cry of the Shade Wolves

Magnus, the runt of a litter of Shade Wolves, wants nothing more than to be a loyal, strong member of the pack. But when an ancient enemy threatens his friends and family, he faces a choice that could tear him from all he’s known and loved.

Born in captivity, the giant panther Kelor knows nothing but suffering and loss. He struggles to find his place in this world of terror, and he battles to protect his family without succumbing to the darkness lurking inside him.

Falling captive to the evil Warden, the two are forced to fight in the battle of the beasts known as ‘The Trail of Bones’. How will Kelor and Magnus learn to work together? How will they escape a fate of despair and death? How will their choices affect their comrades? Their enemies? And the forgotten magic that could doom all life of their world?

Let the adventures begin!

A fun, exciting, clean read for teens, young adults, adults and readers of all ages. Pick up your copy of this fantasy adventure today!
Are you a fan of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Robert Jordan, Orson Scott Card, Jim Butcher and other fantasy and science fiction authors? You’ll feel right at home with Trail of Bones. This fantasy story offers a strong moral message, suspense, action, and mystery, in a world full of magic, unlikely heroes, and devious villains.


Book Trailer



Enjoy this thrilling excerpt.

“You’ve seen a Shade Wolf? While the sun was overhead?” Chief Draghone asked. The boy nodded. “Then you were too close to their dens. I thought we talked about this Adolphus? You could endanger the entire village with your foolish desires.”

            “But you said the Shade Wolves are our friends. That they protect Thornmount and the forest just as we do,” the boy said.

            “True, but neither man nor beast likes it when an intruder comes to his home uninvited. And with a new litter coming, you’re lucky they didn’t tear you apart and feed you to the cubs for their first meal.”

            Surprisingly the boy did not back down. Mildly irritated, the chief still admired his son’s conviction and passion. “I did no harm, father, I swear it. He even spoke to me. He warned me to go away,” Adolphus said with the excitement only a boy could display.

            “And what did this Shade Wolf say?”

            “He said run with purpose.”

            “And did you?” the father asked.

            “Of course. I’ve never run so fast. When I made it back to the village, the wolf was gone,” Adolphus said excitedly.

            Thayne Draghone bellowed with laughter, and put his massive arm around his son. They all fear what they do not understand, he thought. That is why you are chief.

            “You still have much to learn, young one. Listen closely, son, for this is truth,” he said as he knelt next to his boy so they could see eye to eye. “Run with purpose is not a warning, it is an ancient wolf saying.”

            The boy was perplexed; this was not at all what he thought happened during his brief encounter with the wolf. “I don’t understand. What does that mean?”

            “Run with purpose. It means do not waste energy, life, seasons. When you hunt, hunt until your prey is in your jaws. If you fight, fight with all your strength until you win your enemy’s throat. If you love, love until your heart stops beating.  And if you must run, go swiftly until you run with your pack once more. This is the way of the wolf. This is the way of the warrior. And I pray to the gods it will be your way too,” the chief explained.

            Adolphus looked back in the direction of the wolves with a new understanding and appreciation. His fear vanished, replaced with admiration and a sense of wonder. I want to see a Shade Wolf again. I’ll be brave, he thought.

            “Come boy, the night grows darker still. Your mother will whip your hide… and mine if we don’t return to the cooking fires soon,” said Thayne.

            “Can’t we stay a while longer? I want to listen. I wonder what they’re saying now, Father,” said the boy.

            “When the sun rises I’ll travel to their den and pay my respects. I will offer gifts of meat and dugan entrails in celebration of new life. I was hoping my son could accompany me, but I fear if he doesn’t find his bed soon, he’ll be too weary,” said the chief.

He barely finished his sentence before the boy scrambled down the watchtower and scurried toward home. The father chuckled as he watched his son dash away. Run with purpose, young one. Now you’re getting it, he thought.

Editorial Reviews

Salisbury is a rising star in genre fiction. This book makes a unique and exciting contribution in the fantasy realm. The first of great things to come. –Jake Black, “The Authorized Ender Companion” “Smallville” “Ender’s Game: Recruiting Valentine”

Amazon Reviews

A fantasy adventure that features lots of action and intrigue that is geared to a YA audience.
There are moments in this tale that are especially well done… story telling at a level that I’d be interested to see what this author would do with an adult orientated fantasy work.
As a dedicated YA work… 5 Stars.
~ Ray Nicholson

The beginning of a great adventure!
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the first book of the Trail of Bones series. It is an unpredictable adventure, with heartwrenching acts of love and friendship. The story ended before I was prepared to put my Kindle down, and now I will wait anxiously for the second book to be published. In the meantime, I think I’ll read it again with my eleven-year-old son; I’m sure he’ll love it as much as I do. Give it a read!

Enthralling story line that really pulls you in
…The characters were some that I will not easily forget because he explains their background in a way that makes the reader really connect and believe they are real. He creates a world that I long to see. I really grew to both love and hate different characters. I think that is a sign of a really great author when they can make us feel so much emotion towards a character.
~ Janason

About Chris Salisbury
Chris Salisbury has been writing fantasy, science fiction, suspense, and action thrillers for years in independent films. Now he’s expanded his love of good movies, such as Gladiator, Counte of Monte Cristo, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, Star Trek, to the world of books. Trail of Bones is the first book in a planned four part fantasy, young adult series targeted at readers of all ages.
The father of four enjoys a wide range of interests from scuba diving to softball, coaching basketball to playing Battlefield 3 on his Xbox 360 or NCAA Football with his sons. He is also a big advocate for literacy and reading for young boys. There seem to be few titles that appeal to young boys and young men to hold their attention, trigger their imaginations and create a love of reading. Chris is out to change that.
In addition to the Trail of Bones series, he also has a number of other titles in development including historical fiction, action, suspense thrillers, and several science fiction properties. There’s a lot more on the horizon, so enjoy Trail of Bones but be sure to look for more captivating titles from Chris Salisbury in the near future.
Blog Tour Giveaway
$25 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash
Ends 5/31/13

a Rafflecopter giveaway


trail of bones tour

Make sure you visit the other stops on the tour and see other exciting posts!

Tour Schedule

WWW Wednesday

looking out a window photo: girl looking out the window girl-looking-out-the-window.jpg

Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

Night Realm (Night Realm, #1)


Night Realm is a Paranormal Detective novel set on Australia‘s Gold Coast. It is the story of private detective, Ryan Fox. When he meets the beautiful Selena Thorne, Ryan’s life takes a detour into a dark world he thought only existed in folklore and in the minds of movie producers. Selena hires Ryan to acquire the unusual research of scientist, Doctor Marlon Becker. Becker is a hematologist and an expert in blood disorders. When Ryan discovers what the focus of Becker’s research is, it puts a whole new spin on things.

Chelsea, Ryan’s teenage sister, meets Travis and she soon realizes there is something very different about this attractive and mysterious new boy in town. A relationship quickly develops .No sooner has Chelsea fallen for Travis when she learns he’s not actually what he seems.

Meanwhile, Homicide Detective David Marks investigates a spate of strange murders, where victims appear to have had every drop of blood drained from their bodies, with the only apparent injuries being two puncture wounds on the throat. With no solid leads on a suspect and more people dying every few days, Marks is getting nowhere fast in his quest to apprehend the killer.

As the story unfolds the lives of the characters – both human and vampire – come together in a gripping climax where not everyone comes out alive, and not everything goes as planned.

Great beginning. Let you know more when I’m done!


What did you recently finish reading?

The Dead of Winter


College student Christy Brewer lives in a personal hell at home with an increasingly unreasonable and violent father while balancing school and a love life. Meanwhile, over a hundred miles away, in a small ski resort town, Police Chief Wayne Marski is suddenly dealing with a serial killer who is dispatching people in a particularly grisly manner. Worse, the few clues indicate that he is dealing with a human adversary.
Or is he?

Their stories coincide in a suspenseful and action-filled climax as a centuries-old curse comes home.

I’ll be doing my review next week!


What do you think you’ll read next?

The Dazzling Darkness


A secret lies buried beneath the haunting statuary in Old Willow Cemetery. In Concord, Massachusetts, the surrounding woods are alive with the spirits of transcendentalists Emerson, Thoreau, and Alcott. Elias Hatch, the cemetery keeper, is the last of modern-day transcendentalists. Does he know the secret power buried in Old Willow Cemetery? Would he ever reveal it?

Next door to this cemetery is a lovely gabled house. When the Brooke family moves in, the secret of Old Willow strikes. On a cold afternoon in March, five-year-old Henry Brooke does not arrive home from the school bus stop. Antonia Brooke is frantic her child is missing, or—the unspeakable—stolen. Adam Brooke spends a harrowing night searching the Concord woods, fear gripping him as hours pass with no leads.

Finally, a police dog tracks Henry’s scent inside Old Willow Cemetery. Detective Mike Balducci suspects that Elias Hatch knows the truth about what happened to Henry. Balducci knows Hatch’s metaphysical beliefs. What Balducci discovers buried in the cemetery is beyond the grave, beyond apparitions or shadowy drifts rushing through the pine trees.

There are the dazzled faces in the darkened air … and their secret.

The Dazzling Darkness is a supernatural mystery that parallels science with spirituality by exploring consciousness, death, and the afterlife.

This promises to be very good.


So, whatcha readin?

question mark photo: Question Mark Question-1.jpg

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Megan ThomasonWelcome to the “Second Chances” daynight blog tour! Over the last few day/nights I was really excited to share with you:

Over $300 of daynight-related prizes as a giant THANK YOU to the thousands of daynight early adopters and those who have yet to enter the twisted world of The Second Chance Institute and Thera. Want to prepare for Exile? Or an overday date with Ethan? Have breakfast for dinner? Glam it up in Garden City? There are *12* prize packages to be won! We’ll introduce a new package every day of the tour so you’ll have a second, third & so forth chance to win.
The launch of clean slate complex (a daynight story)… For those who have read daynight you can learn more about what the SCI is up to on Earth (surely nothing good). For those who haven’t read daynight this is a great way to get your feet wet…test the waters so to speak. I warn you though…the SCI’s like Jaws Jr and the giant school of barracuda I encountered on my recent vacation–pretty from a distance, but up close they’ve got a lot of bite ;).
Posters, teasers and guest posts about the themes of daynight and clean slate complex... Plus, I’m fully prepared to sneak in some nuggets about what to expect in the daynight sequel, arbitrate.
Thanks again for joining us on the tour and for your support of daynight. I’m grateful for all of you and humbled by your support.
– Megan Thomason
author of daynight

April   22 – Launch!

My Seryniti – Review

I honestly didn’t know who to trust. 

Little Library Muse – Part I of III

Thankfully I got Brad Darcton, a member of the ruling Ten of the SCI to help me out… no one said that I couldn’t bring a guest to my guest post so I’m going for it. I warn you to take what he says with a grain of salt. The guy’s a walking SCI propaganda poster.

           23 – Tressa’s Wishful Endings – Part II of III

The dystopia category is pretty broad these days. By definition a dystopian world must have:Extremely bad living conditions due to deprivation, oppression, or terrorBy that definition my kids probably think our home qualifies.

– Buckeye Girl ReadsExcerpt:

Marked by Books Review

 I don’t necessarily think that the SCI is evil, even though I may believe that some of the things they do are. They have a reason for doing what they do, and I’m so thankful to Megan for daring to explain those “whys.”

Red Headed Bookworm – Part III of III

Brad: We want only the best for humanity. All you have to do is turn on the news on Earth to know that humanity’s been in a downward spiral. Someone’s got to step up and nip these issues in the bud. And I don’t know any organization better prepared to do just than than The Second Chance Institute.

24 – Coffee Books and Me – Guest Post

The idea for Thera came to me as I was hiking the canyons of San Diego…

Theme 2 photo Thera-Teaser_zps11c0f323.jpgStressed Rach – THERA FACT SHEET

Snuggling on the SofaReview

I have to say how refreshing I found this book when I began to read it.

Christy’s Cozy CornerExcerpt

All Fantasy WordsReview

daynight is a gripping, fast-paced novel that combines the intricacies of science and technology with a sense of magic and surrealism.

26 – My Passion for BooksReview

I was very impressed with this book. I read it in a couple of days, even though I had a lot of work to do for school and other things. I just couldn’t put it down.

Paranormal opinionBlake

The Cozy Reading CornerKira

Theme 3 photo Kira-Excerpt_zps998d7b4b.jpg

Bookaroo-Ju – Teaser


27 – Bookworm Lisa – Guest Post – The Characters

I needed all three characters to fully tell the story… Each perspective adds important pieces to the puzzle and as the characters collide there’s a few fireworks.

Getting Your Read OnReview x2

We get a glimpse of the characters from daynight in this novella and it definitely perked my interest in the next book to see how everything fits back together and intertwines.

                – All Fantasy Worlds – CSC Review

clean slate complex was a fast read and it went very well after reading daynight. You know that feeling when you finish reading a good novel and you know you’re going to miss the characters and the world the author created so much until the next book comes out? Well, this novella is perfect for those who need their daynight fix. 

28 – Fantastical World of WondersReview

All in all, this book was a nice read that’ll leave you wondering what’s going to happen next.

Pause Time – Part I of III:

There’s nothing like starting the morning with a little controversy, so let’s get a couple important things out of the way:
– So what is Cleaving?

A Backwards Story – Part II of III:

Many readers have mistaken all the Cleaving discussion for pushing sex. On the contrary, it is all about who you end up with for life.

daynight excerpt                – Beck Valley Books – Part III of III

Extremes are extreme by nature and intended to shed very bright light on societal parallels and make the reader think, feel uncomfortable even.

29 – I Am a Reader, Not a WriterTeaser

Books MystifyReview

What I expected did not happen, especially what I predicted with the Blake and Kira’s relationship… I like it because it was a twist for me… 

Mel’s ShelvesReview

Wow!! I’m really not sure where to start with this one. This book is full of twists and turns and turns and more turns. There’s LOTS of secrets, deceit, betrayal, friendship, love, lust, power hungry adults, creepy rules, etc. You name it, this has it (aside from swearing and detailed sex–a plus).

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           30 – Letters to the Cosmos – Review

The story starts on page one, the writing is fantastic, the characters are well-drawn, and the narrative is so much… more than a YA dystopian novel.

                – Arriane Cruz Part I of II

Escapism: an inclination to retreat from unpleasant realities through diversion or fantasy.

                – Candace’s Book Blog Part II of II

Knowing that escaping won’t make the bad stuff go away, why do we do it? I think that the diversions and fantasies can give our brains enough of a “timeout” to be able to return back to our circumstances with renewed vigor and determination.

May      1 – Life of a YA Girl – Review

You never know who to trust. You honestly don’t even know until the very end. Some of the characters, who will remain nameless, you still don’t know their true intentions! I can’t wait to read Thomason’s next book, once it comes out. I’m just dying to know what happens to these characters, if who we think we can trust is really trustworthy… if the SCI has some other twisted objective.

Theme 5 photo Home-Visit-Excerpt_zps5c3e2cbf.jpgFuonlyknew – Excerpt – What a tour!

2 – A Tiffyfit’s Reading Corner – Review

If you can’t tell just yet, this was a five star read. Many of my notes in my kindle are highlights that say “HOLY CRAP” or “OMG!” or “ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME?!” My poor kindle probably has bruises from me punching the screen with my finger to get to the next page as quickly as I could. 

Lovin’ Los Libros – Review – daynight & CSC:

There is a bit of a love triangle here, as both Adam and Joshua have expressed interest in Alexa. We get a pretty big plot twist and Alexa learns SCI is not at all what it claims to be, and Joshua’s allegiance is wishy washy at best.Alexa, Adam, and  Joshua will all appear in Arbitrate, the second book in the Daynight series.

I can’t wait!

Paulette’s Papers Part I of II

You are thrust into a dystopian society. What do you do? Do you submit to the regime or fight to the death?

Becky’s Barmy Book Blog  Part II of II

Theme 6 photo Exiler-Excerpt_zpsef7dab17.jpgGood news! We’ll likely die before being forced to live in a dystopian society. Our only exposure will be through fiction. And thank goodness. Because realistically, none of us would have much of a chance of making it in a dystopia without meeting an early demise or becoming one of the brain-dead masses.

Backing Books – Excerpt:
4 – Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks – Recipe:

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes

– Living a Goddess Life – Review; Recipe:

Theranberry Bread Pudding

        5 – Sab, The Book Eater – Part I of II

What a weird feeling. I started daynight over 3 years ago. I spent more than 6 months writing, and way more than 6 months doing edits and rewrites.

Mortality Bites – Part II of II

daynight explored the SCI’s iron grip on Thera and the Second Chancers. clean slate complex explores what the SCI is up to on Earth (nothing good).

       – Deco My Heart – Review

There are many sinister things about Thera that are slowly revealed and lots of twists and turns which makes for an interesting read. 

6 – Jack’s Junk Drawer – Review

The opening prologue was hilarious. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard so soon when reading a book

The Reading Diaries – Review

The book is filled
with twists and turns that kept me guessing till the last page I had a hard
time putting it down.

May  7 – Grand Finale Blast!!

Great price on daynight PLUS pick up clean slate complex for FREE! Then enter to win the AWESOME Giveaway!

Introducing…  the new Novella:  FREE for the Tour!On Smashwords!

daynight Second Chances Giveaway:

Choose what you enter to win wisely. Your stay on Thera may be extended indefinitely.

 photo daynight-Second-Chances-Tour-giveaway_zps0237b6a0.jpg

Highlighting a different giveaway every daynight of the Tour… International Winners will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate and US Winners may choose $25 GC in lieu of Prize Package.

US only. International winners will receive $25 Amazon gift certificate. US winners can opt to receive $25 Amazon gift certificate in lieu of any prize package.Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Megan Thomason. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

What a great daynight!

There is so much going on here and on the tour!

Enjoy the post, and make sure you visit the other stops on the tour.

There are many, many giveaways happening!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

It’s time to leave Earth and cross over to the other side… it’s not as far away as you think!!

Theme 5 photo Escapism-Poster_zps341ec470.jpg


by Megan Thomason

Paperback, 324 pages

Published November 26th 2012 by Creatspace

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Earth’s benevolent non-profit by day, Thera’s totalitarian regime by night. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance™. Reality: the SCI subjects Second Chancers to strict controls and politically motivated science experiments like Cleaving—forced lifetime union between two people who have sex. Punishment for disobeying SCI edicts? Immediate Exile or death.

Meet Kira Donovan. Fiercely loyal, overly optimistic, and ensnared by the promise of a full-ride college scholarship, Kira signs the SCI Recruit contract to escape memories of a tragedy that left her boyfriend and friends dead.

Meet Blake Sundry. Bitter about being raised in Exile and his mother’s death, Blake’s been trained to infiltrate and destroy the SCI. Current barrier to success? His Recruit partner—Miss Goody Two Shoes Kira Donovan.

Meet Ethan Darcton. Born with a defective heart and resulting inferiority complex, Ethan’s forced to do his SCI elite family’s bidding. Cleave-worthy Kira Donovan catches his eye, but the presiding powers give defect-free Blake Sundry first dibs.


Available on Amazon

Daynight (Daynight, #1)  Clean Slate Complex (Daynight, #0.5)


Introducing…  the new Novella:  FREE for the Tour!On Smashwords!
clean slate complex
by Megan Thomason
Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Worldwide non-profit and do-gooder organization. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance at Life(TM). Reality: hidden behind every kind act is a dark agenda designed to gain control and force societal and moral extremes. Currently, the SCI’s pushing Project Liberate, a program to woo the poor and downtrodden into their Clean Slate Complexes—where “everything is provided” from jobs to food, shelter, clothing, and education. Unfortunately, as with all things that sound too good to be true, there’s a catch…
Meet Alexa Knight. Feisty, tough and currently homeless in Los Angeles, Alexa agrees to help the SCI in return for medical care for her sick mother. When she starts to suspect there’s more to the SCI than meets the eye will she believe Adam—the boy who saved her life and the SCI’s biggest champion, or Joshua—the attractive enigma who sings about conspiracy theories and pretends to be someone he’s not?
Full of action, humor, romance, twists and turns, clean slate complex is a companion story to the highly-praised dystopian novel, daynight. It can be enjoyed before or after readingdaynight.
Theme 5 photo Home-Visit-Excerpt_zps5c3e2cbf.jpg

Megan Thomason

Megan Thomason lives in paradise aka San Diego, CA with her husband and five children. A former software manager, Megan vastly prefers writing twisted tales to business, product, and marketing plans. When she isn’t typing away on her laptop, she’s reading books on her phone—over 600 in the last year—or attending to the needs of her family. Megan’s fluent in sarcasm, could potentially benefit from a 12-step program for road rage, struggles with a Hot Tamales addiction, loves world travel & fast cars and hates paperwork & being an insomniac. Daynight is Megan’s first published novel, but fourth written one.

Find & Follow:

Theme 5 photo Theras-No-Place-Like-Home-Giveaway_zpsac36f717.jpg

daynight Second Chances Giveaway:

Choose what you enter to win wisely. Your stay on Thera may be extended indefinitely.

 photo Second-Chances-Giveaway-Vertical_zps28974f0b.jpg

Highlighting a different giveaway every daynight of the Tour… International Winners will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate and US Winners may choose $25 GC in lieu of Prize Package.

US only. International winners will receive $25 Amazon gift certificate. US winners can opt to receive $25 Amazon gift certificate in lieu of any prize package.Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Megan Thomason. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Become an SCI RecruitThe Second Chance Institute (daynight’s Dystopia)

April   22 – Launch!

– My Seryniti – Review

– Little Library Muse

23 – Tressa’s Wishful Endings

– Buckeye Girl Reads – Teaser

– Marked by Books – Review

– Red Headed Bookworm

Welcome to Thera!Building Thera

24 – Coffee Books and Me

Stressed Rach

Snuggling on the Sofa – Review

25 – Christy’s Cozy Corner – Teaser

– All Fantasy Words – Review

Kira * Blake * EthanCharacter Backgrounds & Posters
           26 – Susie Q-Pons and Giveaways – Review– My Passion for Books – Review; Ethan– Paranormal opinion – Blake– The Cozy Reading Corner – Kira– Book, Books, the Magical Fruit – Teaser– Bookaroo-Ju – Teaser27 – Bookworm Lisa – The Characters– Getting Your Read On – Review

Cleavingdaynight’s Controversy of “Cleaving”

28 – Fantastical World of Wonders – Review

– Pause Time

– A Backwards Story

– Beck Valley Books

29 – I Am a Reader, Not a Writer – Teaser

– Books Mystify – Review

– Mel’s Shelves – Review

Vacation on Earth!Escapism
           30 – The Broke Book Bank – Review
                – Letters to the Cosmos – Review
                – Arriane Cruz
                – Candace’s Book Blog
May      1 – Life of a YA Girl – Review
                – Fuonlyknew – Teaser
                – Jack’s Junk Drawer – Review
Risking ExileDystopian Survival 101

2 – A Tiffyfit’s Reading Corner – Review

– Lovin’ Los Libros – Review

– Paulette’s Papers

– Becky’s Barmy Book Blog 

3 – Backing Books – Teaser

– Book Snob – Review

4 – Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks

– Living a Goddess Life – Review; Recipe

Clean Slate Complex
             5 – Mortality Bites– The Book Eater– Deco My Heart – Review6 – Passion and Life – Teaser- The Reading Diaries – Review7 – Grand Finale Blast!!

Welcome to my stop on the tour for Beyond the Iron Gate

Zara’s Journey by Alicia Michaels

Organized by Girl Who Reads


Chat LIVE with Alicia Michaels
Saturday, April 27 at 2 pm ET
(use for easy access to the party)
Connect with the author: website  *  Twitter  *  Facebook
~Beyond the Iron Gate (A Lost Kingdom of Fallada Novella)
In the year 1845, before the mystical land of Fallada was separated from the realm of men forever, the two worlds coexisted in harmony. Man could mingle freely in the world of the Elves and Faeries at will and peace reigned.
In the hills of Shropshire, England, just miles from the gate separating the village of Ludlow from the world of mystical creatures, farmer’s daughter Zara Wells longs for answers. It is not only the golden hair that trail feet behind her, or the strange hue of her violet eyes that separates her from the other girls in her village. There is something inside of her, something touched by magic that longs to know more about what lies on the other side of the gate.
In Fallada, darkness has begun to spread. As the youngest and most beautiful girls of her village begin to disappear, Zara comes closer to discovering the true circumstances surrounding her birth. Little does she know, that the closer she comes to the answers she so desperately desires, the closer she will come to being ensnared in the dark queen’s web of growing treachery.
Buy the book at Amazon!
Enter below for you chance to win!
$25 Amazon Gift Card
Tote Bag
Rubber bracelets (2)
Handmade beaded necklace and earrings set
Autographed postcard and bookmark
Series trading cards
Panel 0
Click on the link below to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the author

alicia m

Ever since she first read books like Chronicles of Narnia or Goosebumps, Alicia has been a lover of mind-bending fiction. Wherever imagination takes her, she is more than happy to call that place her home. The mother of two and wife to an Army sergeant loves chocolate, coffee, and of course good books. When not writing, you can usually find her with her nose in a book, shopping for shoes and fabulous jewelry, or spending time with her loving family.

Alicia can be found on the web at any of the following links:

Follow her at

A GWR Publicity promotional event paid for by Anchor Group Publishing. Giveaway is sponsored by the author.


To kick off the release of The Fragile Things, V. Shaw is giving away free ebook copies of the dark fiction collection, The Lady of Chains and Other Stories.

This offer is only available via Amazon,

and will run between April 23rd – 27th.


Description from Amazon:
“Remember; you have seventy-two hours to do the deed and not a moment longer. Cut her throat and remove her heart. That, my girl, is the only way to destroy the wretched creature.”
Greylock. A city supported by a network of scaffolding, bleeding rust and wheezing steam.
Patrolled by an army of ‘metal men’ – creatures who’re designed for nothing more than to kill and destroy. Nothing grows. Nothing truly lives.
Viola, a young orphan girl, has been thrust into this nightmarish world by the devious Mrs Casket, caretaker of the mysterious tower and maid to the Lady of Chains, a woman imprisoned without a sentence. A woman who almost single-handedly destroyed the world . . .
Viola has been gifted with a task which could either see her demise or be her salvation.
But who is the Lady of Chains? And why does she insist that she is connected to Viola? With the clock ticking and the metal men drawing near, Viola is about to learn that not everything in Greylock is what it seems.
A spellbinding novelette with elements of steampunk.
ALSO INCLUDES THE SHORT STORIES; Hansel and Gretel Rogan and the Gargoyle The Silent World
BONUS MATERIAL: Also contains a preview of the up-coming horror serial, The Fragile Things.

You can read my review here.

The Fragile Things


Two girls on the road to self-destruction.
A village upon the brink of collapse.
A past which refuses to die.
The beginning of an epic four-part horror serial.
At seventeen-years-old, Jennifer should have the world at her feet. Instead, she’s an ex-heroin addict living in a council estate with Tony, her boyfriend and former dealer. Shunned by her family and friends, she dreams of something greater than she’s been given.
Beautiful and strange, Ebony has moved in across the street. She’s just lost the one person in her lonely existence to cancer. She’s also a centuries-old vampire, struggling to cope with murderous outbursts and the desire to be something more.
When these two lost souls meet, an unusual friendship begins.
But with the news of Morris, Tony’s sadistic best friend and drug-dealing partner, being released from prison, Jennifer knows it’s only a matter of time before his path of vengeance leads to her and Ebony, too.
With a cast of memorable characters, a village full of secrets, and a gripping story, The Fragile Things is a layered tale of friendship, hope, survival and what it truly means to be human.
Part I of The Fragile Things is available on Amazon on April 30th, 2013. And will be FREE  April 30th – May 2nd.
Mark your calendar and as soon as links are available, I’ll add them.
For my giveaways go here.
For list of free e-books go here.

The daynight Tour has begun!

This is going to be so awesome!

Check it out.

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

It’s time to leave Earth and cross over to the other side… it’s not as far away as you think!!

Megan Thomason

Megan Thomason lives in paradise aka San Diego, CA with her husband and five children. A former software manager, Megan vastly prefers writing twisted tales to business, product, and marketing plans. When she isn’t typing away on her laptop, she’s reading books on her phone—over 600 in the last year—or attending to the needs of her family. Megan’s fluent in sarcasm, could potentially benefit from a 12-step program for road rage, struggles with a Hot Tamales addiction, loves world travel & fast cars and hates paperwork & being an insomniac. Daynight is Megan’s first published novel, but fourth written one.

Welcome to the “Second Chances” daynight blog tour! Over the next few day/nights I am really excited to share with you:

Over $300 of daynight-related prizes as a giant THANK YOU to the thousands ofdaynight early adopters and those who have yet to enter the twisted world of The Second Chance Institute and Thera. Want to prepare for Exile? Or an overday date with Ethan? Have breakfast for dinner? Glam it up in Garden City? There are *12* prize packages to be won! We’ll introduce a new package every day of the tour so you’ll have a second, third & so forth chance to win.
The launch of clean slate complex (a daynight story)… For those who have read daynight you can learn more about what the SCI is up to on Earth (surely nothing good). For those who haven’t read daynight this is a great way to get your feet wet…test the waters so to speak. I warn you though…the SCI’s like Jaws Jr and the giant school of barracuda I encountered on my recent vacation–pretty from a distance, but up close they’ve got a lot of bite ;).
Posters, teasers and guest posts about the themes of daynight and clean slate complex... Plus, I’m fully prepared to sneak in some nuggets about what to expect in the daynight sequel, arbitrate.
Thanks again for joining us on the tour and for your support of daynight. I’m grateful for all of you and humbled by your support.
– Megan Thomason
author of daynight
* The Tour *
Become an SCI RecruitThe Second Chance Institute (daynight’s Dystopia)

April   22 – Launch!

My Seryniti – Review

Little Library Muse

23 – Tressa’s Wishful Endings

– Buckeye Girl ReadsTeaser

Marked by Books Review

Red Headed Bookworm

Welcome to Thera!Building Thera

24 – Coffee Books and Me

Stressed Rach

Snuggling on the SofaReview

25 – Christy’s Cozy CornerTeaser

All Fantasy WordsReview

Kira * Blake * EthanCharacter Backgrounds & Posters
           26 – Susie Q-Pons and Giveaways – ReviewMy Passion for BooksReview; EthanParanormal opinionBlakeThe Cozy Reading CornerKiraBook, Books, the Magical FruitTeaserBookaroo-Ju – Teaser27 – Bookworm LisaThe CharactersGetting Your Read OnReview

Cleavingdaynight’s Controversy of “Cleaving”

28 – Fantastical World of WondersReview

Pause Time

A Backwards Story

Beck Valley Books

29 – I Am a Reader, Not a WriterTeaser

Books MystifyReview

Mel’s ShelvesReview

Vacation on Earth!Escapism
           30 – The Broke Book Bank – Review
                – Letters to the Cosmos – Review
                – Arriane Cruz
                – Candace’s Book Blog
May      1 – Life of a YA Girl – Review
                – Fuonlyknew – Teaser
                – Jack’s Junk Drawer – Review
Risking ExileDystopian Survival 101

2 – A Tiffyfit’s Reading Corner – Review

Lovin’ Los Libros – Review

Paulette’s Papers

– Becky’s Barmy Book Blog 

3 – Backing Books – Teaser

Book Snob – Review

4 – Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks – Recipe

– Living a Goddess Life – Review; Recipe

Clean Slate Complex
             5 – Mortality BitesSab, The Book EaterDeco My Heart – Review6 – Passion and Life – Teaser- The Reading Diaries – Review7 – Grand Finale Blast!!


by Megan Thomason

Paperback, 324 pages

Published November 26th 2012 by Creatspace

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Earth’s benevolent non-profit by day, Thera’s totalitarian regime by night. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance™. Reality: the SCI subjects Second Chancers to strict controls and politically motivated science experiments like Cleaving—forced lifetime union between two people who have sex. Punishment for disobeying SCI edicts? Immediate Exile or death.

Meet Kira Donovan. Fiercely loyal, overly optimistic, and ensnared by the promise of a full-ride college scholarship, Kira signs the SCI Recruit contract to escape memories of a tragedy that left her boyfriend and friends dead.

Meet Blake Sundry. Bitter about being raised in Exile and his mother’s death, Blake’s been trained to infiltrate and destroy the SCI. Current barrier to success? His Recruit partner—Miss Goody Two Shoes Kira Donovan.

Meet Ethan Darcton. Born with a defective heart and resulting inferiority complex, Ethan’s forced to do his SCI elite family’s bidding. Cleave-worthy Kira Donovan catches his eye, but the presiding powers give defect-free Blake Sundry first dibs.



clean slate complex (a daynight novella)

Introducing…  the new Novella:  FREE for the Tour!On Smashwords!

clean slate complex

by Megan Thomason

Meet The Second Chance Institute (SCI): Worldwide non-profit and do-gooder organization. Their motto: Because Everyone Deserves a Second Chance at Life(TM). Reality: hidden behind every kind act is a dark agenda designed to gain control and force societal and moral extremes. Currently, the SCI’s pushing Project Liberate, a program to woo the poor and downtrodden into their Clean Slate Complexes—where “everything is provided” from jobs to food, shelter, clothing, and education. Unfortunately, as with all things that sound too good to be true, there’s a catch…
Meet Alexa Knight. Feisty, tough and currently homeless in Los Angeles, Alexa agrees to help the SCI in return for medical care for her sick mother. When she starts to suspect there’s more to the SCI than meets the eye will she believe Adam—the boy who saved her life and the SCI’s biggest champion, or Joshua—the attractive enigma who sings about conspiracy theories and pretends to be someone he’s not?
Full of action, humor, romance, twists and turns, clean slate complex is a companion story to the highly-praised dystopian novel, daynight. It can be enjoyed before or after readingdaynight.
Theme 1 photo Spuds-a-Dud-Giveaway_zps2aeaabb5.jpg

daynight Second Chances Giveaway:

Choose what you enter to win wisely. Your stay on Thera may be extended indefinitely.


Highlighting a different giveaway every daynight of the Tour… International Winners will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Certificate and US Winners may choose $25 GC in lieu of Prize Package.

US only. International winners will receive $25 Amazon gift certificate. US winners can opt to receive $25 Amazon gift certificate in lieu of any prize package.Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Megan Thomason. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew.

Enjoy the tour and Good Luck!

pegasus photo: Pegasus Pegasus_05.jpg

I have exciting news.

 Linda Ulleseit’s winged horses are free to download on Amazon now through Saturday, April 20th.

Thanks so much Linda!

You can get both books!

I love the titles for Linda’s books and can’t wait to enter her world of winged horses!

On a Wing and a Dare


Go here to get yours!

In Tremeirchson, a barn leader’s children are expected to follow their parents into the sky, becoming riders of the magnificent winged horses that are the medieval Welsh village’s legacy. Neither Emma nor Davyd, however, want to follow that tradition.

Sixteen-year-old Emma risks losing her family by following her heart. Eager to take her place in the air, she longs to ride a forbidden winged colt born in barn of her father’s biggest rival. She also dreams of the rival’s sons, not sure which she truly loves. Bold and exciting, Evan will someday lead his father’s barn. Davyd is quieter, more dependable, with an ability to get things done. Her father disapproves of both boys and pushes her toward an ambitious newcomer. He also insists she ride the colt he’s picked for her.

Davyd, also sixteen, is plagued with a secret—he is afraid of heights. Refusing to become a rider means public humiliation, his parents’ disappointment, and lifelong ridicule from his brother, Evan. He reluctantly prepares to join his family aloft in the Aerial Games that provide the entire village with its livelihood and tries desperately to think of an alternative.

As Tremeirchson’s barns prepare for the Rider Ceremony, winged horses suddenly start dying. Shocked, the adults hesitate, mired in tradition and politics. Is it a disease or poison? Accidental or purposeful? Someone must discover the answer and act before all the winged horses in the world are gone forever.

And check out book two!

In the Winds of Danger (Flying Horse Books #2)


Get your copy here.

This is a sequel to ON A WING AND A DARE, but it’s not necessary to read them in order.

Nineteen year old Nia is shocked when she is secretly offered the leadership of Third Barn. This new barn full of flying horses will need someone confident, experienced, and innovative, so why are both warring factions pursuing an untried girl? Suspicious that both sides want a puppet instead of a leader, Nia races to discover their secrets before making the biggest decision of her life.

Some of those secrets are unknowingly buried in the disconnected memories of a young groom named Owain. Terror and guilt haunt Owain’s dreams – and then a face from his nightmare arrives in High Meadow. Owain looks for answers in his past and uncovers a dangerous plot that could doom High Meadow’s future. How can he foil the plot and save his people as well as the winged horses?

So what do you think? Want to ride a winged horse? I do!!

For all of my Giveaways –

For list of free e-books –

About the author

Linda Ulleseit

Linda Ulleseit was born and raised in Saratoga, California, and has taught elementary school in San Jose since 1996. She enjoys cooking, cross-stitching, reading, and spending time with her family.  Her favorite subject is writing, and her students get a lot of practice scribbling stories, essays, and reports.  Someday Linda hopes to see books written by former students alongside hers in bookstores.

Her first novel, ON A WING AND A DARE (2012) is a Young Adult fantasy set in medieval Wales, complete with flying horses, a love triangle, and treachery. The sequel, IN THE WINDS OF DANGER (2013) follows another set of characters as they discover past secrets that determine their future.

Here are links to learn more about Linda and all of her books.



Linda’s Reading/Writing Blog

