Posts Tagged ‘Quote it Saturday’

I just discovered this fun meme hosted by Freda’s Voice

Create your post and add the graphic above.
Add as many quotes as you wish, from whomever you wish. It can even be lyrics to a song.
Just tell us who it is. Anonymous welcome too.

Use your interpretation of the word. It can vary in form and does not have to be exact.

Each week is a different theme. This weeks theme is YOUNG


“The young feel tired at the end of an action, the old at the beginning.”

T.S. Elliot


“Let’s tell young people the best books are yet to be written; the best painting, the best government, the best of everything is yet yo be done by them.”

John Erskine


young at heart photo: young at heart shadow_dancers.jpg

Remember you were young once and keep a song in your heart.
