Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


by Kevin Bachar

Genre: Horror / Short Stories



You recognize a true storyteller when they can write short fiction that gives so much in so few words. Kevin is one of those. He’s taken his experiences with the natural world and written some unnatural horror stories.

Among my favorites is the telling of his first hand encounter with a sasquatch. I love that big, hairy cryptid. The author truly creeped me out and I’ll think about his encounter before setting foot in the woods again. Heck, I’ll never take nature for granted after some of these stories.

Whether super short or a bit longer, all of these had something going for them. I enjoyed the diversity and the lingering affect this collection had on me. I say to the author, bring me more. For you fans of horror, I suspect you’ll enjoy these as much as I did.




A child died in an avalanche, and she won’t leave me alone.

A woman plagued by blood-draining mosquitoes on the Alaskan tundra figures out a horrific way to scratch her unending itching.

There’s something outside my tent…and I think it’s hungry.

A collector of rare tropical fish, receives a new species that is both fascinating and terrifying.

DREAD – Thousands of people have gone missing out in the wild and here is a collection of tales that offer up some horrifying reasons why. Emmy-award-winning National Geographic cinematographer Kevin Bachar has swum with sharks, climbed the peaks of mountains, and explored the darkest of forests. In DREAD, he weaves together terrifying true stories from his real-life adventures with twisted fiction from the depths of his frightening imagination. Flip open the pages to indulge in the dark side of nature— haunted forests, tree demons, monstrous snakes, and a search-and-rescue team terrorized by the ghosts of those they couldn’t save.

Read… if you dare.



About Author Kevin Bachar

Kevin Bachar

Kevin Bachar is a national EMMY award-winning natural history documentary filmmaker and WGA writer. The elevated horror film he wrote – The Inhabitant –… – was released through Lionsgate and is available on most streaming services.

If you’ve watched National Geographic, PBS, or The Discovery Channel over the years you’ve seen his work. He’s the idiot in the water filming sharks or crawling into caves to photograph vampire bats. You can see Kevin at work filming sharks here –

The natural world has always captured his imagination and the supernatural world inspires his stories. Through his journeys, he’s interviewed scientists who’ve enlightened him, heard folk tales that have frightened him, and seen quite a few things that have challenged his skeptical mind.

His collection of short stories that weaves together the natural world and the supernatural world entitled, DREAD, is available on Amazon. He’s currently working on his second collection entitled – CREEP.

Complimenting his writing, Kevin has lectured and given presentations at prestigious institutions such as Rutgers University, American University, and the Rubin Museum of Art.
To keep up to date with Kevin’s movies, documentaries, and books –…


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Swarm

by Frank Schatzing

Genre: Science Fiction / Horror



Our oceans have been called the last great frontier. Depths no man can enter. Could there be intelligent life? I can’t help but wonder. And what if that life resents us? Have had enough of our plundering and damage to an ecosystem they also depend on to survive? Could you blame them if they used the very thing we all need to defend themselves?

This is a huge book. I can’t remember if it was gifted to me or I bought it. The synopsis was intriguing and I love books where nature plays a vital role in humanities survival. The cast of characters is large. It couldn’t be otherwise with so many sciences needing to be included in order to explain what’s attacking and why. As each new species of marine life turns on us, those who specialize in that field of study are introduced. From Orca who attack and kill us, to whales who sink our ships and crustaceans that poison us, it’s a race to find answers. Man can’t live without the oceans.

When a mission is planned to try to communicate with the intelligence in the depths, many rose to the occasion. Sadly, some died. Some also chose to remain with their families and try to ride it out. Those who went out to meet the unknown had no guarantees they would ever come home. But, someone had to go.

I mentioned this was a large book. That said, I never lost interest or felt tempted to skip ahead. Even in the scientific bits. They were explained in ways a layman like me could understand. The scenes where marine life that we trusted turned on and attacked us were vicious. It made me angry at their betrayal. Then I was saddened when I learned what was behind it. And when the group goes down there. Where the enemy is. Those scenes were so suspenseful. I couldn’t get enough. Had to know what was down there. Whether it could be reasoned with. Wondered what the fate of mankind would be.

I loved this book and thought what a great movie it would make. They went one better. There is now a television series and I’m watching it now. Just a couple of episodes into it but I’m hooked already and can’t wait to see how closely the film follows the book.




For more than two years, one book has taken over Germany’s hardcover and paperback bestseller lists, reaching number one in Der Spiegel and setting off a frenzy in bookstores: The Swarm.

Whales begin sinking ships. Toxic, eyeless crabs poison Long Island’s water supply. The North Sea shelf collapses, killing thousands in Europe. Around the world, countries are beginning to feel the effects of the ocean’s revenge as the seas and their inhabi-tants begin a violent revolution against mankind. In this riveting novel, full of twists, turns, and cliffhangers, a team of scientists discovers a strange, intelligent life force called the Yrr that takes form in marine animals, using them to wreak havoc on humanity for our ecological abuses. Soon a struggle between good and evil is in full swing, with both human and suboceanic forces battling for control of the waters. At stake is the survival of the Earth’s fragile ecology — and ultimately, the survival of the human race itself.

The apocalyptic catastrophes of The Day After Tomorrow meet the watery menace of The Abyss in this gripping, scientifically realistic, and utterly imaginative thriller. With 1.5 million copies sold in Germany — where it has been on the bestseller list without fail since its debut — and the author’s skillfully executed blend of compelling story, vivid characters, and eerie locales, Frank Schatzing’s The Swarm will keep you in tense anticipation until the last suspenseful page is turned.




The above cover is the one I own in hardback.

Here’s an alternative cover.

The Swarm: A Novel

Which do you like the most?


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Last Haunt

by Max Booth III

Genre: Horror



I’m always the first one to suggest going to some haunted house attractions during the spooky season. My friends look at me like I’m nuts. I seem to forget that each time I make it through one I say I’ll never do that again. Some have been truly scary and some I think I scared myself worrying about what would happen more than what actually did.

McKinley Manor was supposed to be the scariest haunted house. And that proved to be true for one unlucky person. She ended up dead. A year later, we learn what happened through interviews with other people who entered the house that night. And some about what was involved in making the house and who was behind it. If you read the first paragraph of my review again,  you’ll know why reading this book might make me skip haunted houses this year.

Scary is as scary does. And this book did.




On the one-year anniversary of a young woman’s tragic death, an extreme haunted house attraction reopened its doors to the public. What happened next would forever traumatize a small Texas town. The Last Haunt is an attempt to make sense of the mysterious brutality that occurred on that fateful Halloween night. Constructed from interviews with the survivors, this oral history is the closest anyone has ever come to documenting the truth behind the McKinley Manor massacre.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Year Of The Storm

by John Mantooth



Genre: Horror



Living in rural Alabama myself, I’m always looking for horror stories set in my neck of the woods. We have bayous, alligators, giant roaches and more venomous critters than you can shake a stick at. The most violent thunder storms, some water spouts and, of course, hurricanes too.

Right from the get go, I was welcomed by some great descriptive writing. And as the story progressed, I just new I was going to enjoy this book.

Danny’s mother and sister disappeared during one of Alabama’s violent storms. A scruffy looking man shows up on his doorstep claiming he knows where they are. Some readers will be thinking, been there, read that. I say, no you haven’t. The premise might be familiar. But, wait for it. Things aren’t what they seem.

I loved the inclusion of the invasive Kudzu. That vine was really brought into Alabama to help with erosion because of our tropical climate and all that rain. Right down the road, they’re putting in a new subdivision. They tore out the Kudzu, but when I drive by I see it creeping back. You can’t get rid of it. Always thought it would something cool to use in a horror story.

Told in more than one time line, I want to reassure you, it’s easy to tell which time the characters are in. It made me pause and think. What if it was true. Maybe that explains the deja vu I feel sometimes.

There’s so much I want to tell you about the characters and what all is going on in these pages. Not going to be one of those that spoils it for you. Grab the book. Give it a go. It lingers a while after you finish it. Scary good stuff.




In this haunting, suspenseful debut novel, John Mantooth takes readers to a town in rural Alabama where secrets are buried deep, reality is relative, and salvation requires a desperate act of faith.

When Danny was fourteen, his mother and sister disappeared during a violent storm. The police were baffled. There were no clues, and most people figured they were dead.  Only Danny still holds out hope that they’ll return.

Months later, a disheveled Vietnam vet named Walter Pike shows up at Danny’s front door, claiming to know their whereabouts. The story he tells is so incredible that Danny knows he shouldn’t believe him. Others warn him about Walter Pike’s dark past, his shameful flight from town years ago, and the suspicious timing of his return.

But he’s Danny’s last hope, and Danny needs to believe…



The above cover is the one I have. Here is another cover.

Which do you like best?


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Dear Diary: Run Like Hell

by James A. Moore



Genre: Horror



This is one of those times when I wanted to read the book after seeing the cover. Come on. Just look at it. How could I resist.

I went into this without reading the synopsis and the first thing it had going for it was how it was told. It’s presented as diary entries. I’ve read other books told that way and really enjoyed the idea. And the entries were written by a hitman. Talk about getting inside the characters head. Speaking of that. He didn’t sugar coat anything. He was brutally honest. And wait til you learn what his day job was.

An unstoppable foe, supernatural monsters, lots of bad guys and my own love of the different or macabre in horror made this a whole lot of fun to read.




Confessions of a Desperate Killer

Sooner or later even the best prepared hitman is going to run out of bullets. Buddy Fisk has two new jobs, bring back a few stolen books of sorcery, and then stop the unkillable man who wants to see him dead. There are problems even the deadliest assassins can’t be prepared for, like supernatural entities looking for the same prizes he seeks, and mob bosses that refuse to die. The collateral damage adds up quickly and Fisk is looking to solve mysteries that border on the edge of madness…



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Fallen Wishes

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #17

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror



I’ve always thought southern settings are perfect for paranormal horror stories. It could be because I live in the south myself. The author made me feel right at home. We have a lot of old plantation houses and I could easily see Canterbury Gardens, the setting for this next book in the Ellie Jordan series. The huge house, the beautiful gardens with fountains and meandering paths. And I would have loved to be able to attend one of the fancy balls. The glitz. The glamour. Southern style.

Once again a family comes under attack by something unexplained. When they decided to purchase the old plantation and restore it to it’s earlier grandeur, they didn’t know they would be disturbing something from the past. Ghostly apparitions roam the gardens. And when they start entering the house, things turn deadly. Time to call Ellie before someone gets killed.

I’ve loved this series from the very first book. Seventeen books in and I’m still as intrigued and excited. The author has so many different scenarios and settings for his series and that keeps each story feeling new. And I love reading about how Ellie does her research. She’s methodical and thorough. Now Stacey, her partner, is the opposite. She wants to get right to it. Start setting up the cameras and traps and catching some ghosts. It all works to make me a captive audience to the mystery as it unravels. And there’s also some pretty terrifying moments to feed my horror habit. I ending this feeling sated and happy. Bring on the next!




Canterbury Gardens is a centuries-old plantation outside Charleston, South Carolina. Its aristocratic founders once hosted lavish banquets and balls among fanciful pleasure gardens, canals, and large-scale follies resembling ancient and medieval ruins.

Over generations of neglect, the winding paths of the gardens have become overgrown, its marble statues and columned buildings abandoned to the wild.

Now a family recovering from tragedy have devoted themselves to restoring the estate, but the ghosts of the past remain strong. Shadowy figures walk the labyrinth of overgrown gardens. A strange wishing well steeped in local legend attracts trespassers who climb walls and gates in their eagerness to throw in a coin and make a wish.

Paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan travels there to study and confront the dark entities who stalk the house and grounds by night, terrifying the family who now live there. The secret history of the plantation proves as shadowy and labyrinthine as its maze of gardens. Enchanting on the surface, Canterbury Gardens was founded on the darkest of wishes, and every wish that comes true has its price.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 What Doesn’t Kill You

by Ken Brosky



Genre: Horror



Seven Sisters is a small town in need of help.  The new highway bypassed the town and it’s hurting. Siblings Valerie and Danny grew up there. Along with the rest of the residents, they should move on. Head for greener pastures. Something keeps them there. When Emma comes to town, it might be a blessing to all. Or maybe not. She could be the worst thing that could happen.

I’ve always loved stories where the main protagonists captured my heart. Which Valerie and Danny did. And where secondary characters had their time to shine. Perhaps to steal the show. My fondness for the characters kept the suspense tuned to a high level. The mystery that surrounded Emma escalated the deeper I got into the story. When the elements, such as the blizzard, compound the character’s chances of survival, it’s always a big draw for me. And the ending set me back on my heels. There were some pretty gruesome events and they grew uglier the closer I got to the conclusion.

The snow storm blew in and the creatures began to do their thing. Then it was wanton mayhem. And I relished every messy bit of it.




Valerie Miller and her younger brother have spent their entire lives in the dreary town of Seven Sisters, where most people are resigned to a bleak future of debt and despair. But when a mysterious woman with a dark past arrives, she brings with her a gift that could transform the town’s fortunes – and the lives of Val and Danny.

This extraordinary woman’s power is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, capable of unleashing a force that will shake Seven Sisters to its core. The stakes are high, and danger is omnipresent. Can Val and Danny rise to the challenge and seize the opportunity to finally break free from the suffocating grip of their hometown? Or will they fall victim to the terrors unleashed by this enigmatic figure? One thing is certain–when the sun rises on Seven Sisters, nothing will ever be the same again.

Part creature-feature, part survival story, What Doesn’t Kill You will keep you on the edge of your seat as Val and Danny fight for their lives and all of Seven Sisters.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Michaelbrent Collings


Genre: Horror / Psychological Thriller



What appeared to be a hostile takeover at a prestigious boarding school was anything but. And Teacher, the leader of the nefarious group, wasted no time in clarifying that.

As I began reading, my first thought was this reminded me of James Patterson’s Along Came A Spider. It did, kind of. Then it got progressively darker and crazier.

I’ve read several of Michael’s books. I know his stories can wander to the dark side. To say this was dark was putting it mildly. And I was riveted. Held hostage right along with the characters in the book.

Teacher is the ultimate evil doer. And so many scenes made me wince. I kept telling myself it couldn’t get any uglier, right? Wrong. Malignant’s not for the faint of heart. What scared me the most was thinking, this could really happen. Yep….. it could.




“I want your whole group to come closer, Detective. So you can see.”
“And if we don’t?”
“Then I execute the first ten students, and one every minute after that. I bet you run out of resolve before I run out of hostages.”

When armed commandos storm an elite boarding school, the police think it’s a plot for ransom, or an attempt to extort favors from the teens’ powerful parents.

“Collings skillfully manipulates language to prolong the suspense and terror” – Publishers Weekly

But the men, led by a killer who calls himself ‘‘Teacher,” have much darker plans in mind.

“Disturbing horror… intense writing that keeps you reading…” – Horror Drive-in

Teacher intends to give a lesson unlike any taught before.

“ One of the best books I have read this year if not ever.” – The Avid Reader

A lesson written on flesh.

A lesson inked in blood.

“Plenty of twists and turns…” – Horror World

A lesson about monsters.

“A brutal, no holds barred story… highly recommended…” – Char’s Horror Corner

The bell has been rung, the lesson begun.

And the lesson is

“From the moment I began reading, I was hooked…” – Totally Addicted to Reading

The monsters are real, and to them… you are just a plaything

Worldwide bestseller and multiple Bram Stoker Award and Dragon Award finalist Michaelbrent Collings brings you a horror that is all-too real… and truly MALIGNANT.



The cover above is the one I own. Here’s another cover.

Which do you like the most?


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Coffin Shadows

by Glen Krisch & Mark Steensland


Genre: Horror / Novella



Janet keeps seeing a mysterious boy. Not believing in ghosts, she consults her psychologist, who recommends she return to the place where tragedy struck twelve years ago. To when she lost her son.

I tell you, once the plot was laid out, I thought I new what to expect. Not! The story took off like it was tied to a rocket. Janet ripped the door off the closets, revealing some disturbing family secrets. It isn’t always the ghosts you have to worry about.

While being a novella, don’t let that fool you. This story packs a big punch of suspense, mystery and hair-raising scenes.





Janet Martlee’s infant son died under mysterious circumstances.
Consumed with grief and anger, she ran away to start again…


A 12-year old boy with dead eyes appeared in her classroom,
begging for help. But Janet doesn’t believe in ghosts…


Her psychiatrist tells her she must return home to confront
her past and uncover the mystery of what happened…

Only some questions don’t want to be answered.

And some answers hide in the shadows…

In the




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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Last Case At A Baggage Auction

by Eric J. Guignard

Genre: Horror



Gramophones have been used in plenty of horror movies. They are a creepy prop. So I was curious how Eric would use it in his story.

It’s Detroit in 1963. Charlie and Joey were always looking for the next cash cow. Their weekly visit to the baggage auction paid off. Or did it? I didn’t think so. And I was right. The case contained a gramophone. And it played music that haunted. That addicted you. That could drive you insane. Or worse.

I usually like my horror to slap me in the face right from the beginning. That wasn’t the case here. It was a slow build. But when things started happening, they happened fast. To me, it was a bonus how well fleshed out the characters were. The book wasn’t that long but I formed connections with several of them.

I’ve read some of Eric’s other books. One thing I always know going in is how well he can write. His character’s stay in character. His descriptions of the settings put you there. And he can truly pour on the eerie atmosphere.  This one grew on me. And what an ending.




1963 Detroit is a hotbed of gambling, and the weekly baggage auctions keep a busy trade. Charlie Stewart and Joey Third are skilled in the art of successful bidding, but when Joey lands a mysterious suitcase, the thrill of winning turns to terror once they realize they’ve opened something sinister.

Inside the suitcase is an antique gramophone, and the music it plays is unlike anything they’ve heard before. A chanting voice speaks to them in strange words, evoking visions of a dark, frozen land. It’s a voice that makes them sick with addiction, and it continues chanting in their heads even when the record stops playing.

Charlie sets out to solve the mystery of the unholy music and how to turn it off forever. But the urge to listen grows stronger, and the more it plays, the more the aural virus spreads, until people begin to vanish . . . feeding an apparition that seeks immortality.



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