Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Cabinet Jack

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #16

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



Closets. I’ve always been afraid of them. In daylight, not so scary. You don’t have to reach in and turn on the light to see what’s inside. At night. Super scary. You reach into the dark, feeling for the light switch. Hoping and praying something doesn’t grab you. I think it started when I was a young girl. I was lying in bed. In the dark. Heard something. Looked at my closet…and saw someone standing in there. It turned out to be my brother playing a prank. I wanted to destroy him. LOL

Welcome to Timbermill, Georgia. New life is being breathed into it. And old life too. Cabinet Jack. Whispered about. Feared. Is he real? One family believes he is. And they need Elle and Stacey to rid them of the mysterious figure.

Cabinet Jack. The name is super creepy. The idea of something coming out of your closet or cupboard at night is super creepy. This whole book turned out to be super creepy. But, there were some lighter moments. I was introduced to a nice, normal family. And, as always, there’s Elle and Stacey. Their back and forth always makes me grin.

This series keeps on giving. Giving me smiles. And giving me the creeps!




Close your doors and cabinets tight, or Jack will climb out to see you tonight.

The former railroad stop of Timbermill, Georgia has grown ever more quiet and empty since its boom era faded decades ago. Reduced to little more than a ghost town, it is suddenly revitalized by suburban sprawl from the city of Savannah, its long-vacant downtown storefronts gradually reopening as boutiques for weekend shoppers.

But Timbermill has a dark legend unknown to the newcomers. Stories whispered from one generation of children to the next warn of a supernatural figure who emerges from the doors of closets and cabinets left carelessly open at night. As the children grew up and moved away, the town shrank, windows were boarded over, and the old stories were almost lost.

One recently relocated couple is restoring an antique house for themselves and their children rather than buying into one of the new neighborhoods, but an unsettling figure from the local legend appears to be stalking them. They turn to Ellie and Stacey for help against an old evil that, while nearly forgotten, was never fully buried.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 In The Cold, Cold Ground

Edited by Ed Kurtz


Genre: Horror



I have a fondness for horror collections . I get to read new stories by authors I’ve enjoyed before or find some new ones. There are six novellas in this collection and they knocked my socks off.

First up is All The Strangers Came Today by Ed Kurtz. Eun and Jim move into their new apartment. It’s a strange place, built in the 1880s.  Right off the bat Eun has trouble settling in and is creeped out by the attic. It’s stifling hot and the window won’t stay shut. She starts seeing things and her husband thinks her schizoaffective disorder has returned, causing the horrific hallucinations she’s having. I wondered too. You never know where the author is taking you. Until you do. A haunting story superbly written.

Next up is The Art Of Devastation by Morgan Sylva.  Right from the opening scene I knew I was going to love this one too. I never knew the main character’s name. She’s interviewing an older woman, Elle Sanders, that was once famous and also infamous. Elle knows what she wants to talk about and gets right to it. Back when she was a young woman, she steals her mother’s yacht and, along with five friends, goes island hopping. Months later, Elle is found on an island, covered in blood with something unmentionable in her stomach.

I really got sucked in by these characters. Both had something horrific happen to them in their past. It still haunted them. And once I heard what happened on that island. The one that wouldn’t let them leave. I was haunted too.

The third story is After Everything by Errick Nunally.  Oh yeah. After reading the first three sentences I couldn’t stop reading.

“When it comes to creeps there is one thing you can count on. Every time. When all is said and done, they do not behave like humans.”

Eddie and Jeff are doing what they usually do at the end of each day. Hanging out at the playground and smoking some good weed. Then a shambler comes along. It’s not so much what it looks like, it’s the creepy moaning that causes a panic in Jeff. When the aliens, the bugs came, it was thought they brought the virus that turned humans into creeps. Whatever caused it, the world they knew is gone. The new one is a drag.

There was a crazy scene were Eddie and Jeff are fighting off a creep and having a tough go of it.  It was once a soldier and was wearing a helmet and flak jacket. Pretty hard to kill. I feared for one of them. Or both. Authors often kill off the main characters. That’s what made this so suspenseful. I was hoping they would survive but fearing they wouldn’t.

And the fourth story is Mine by Kyle Rader. For Timmy and Hunter it was always about the fort in the woods. They never knew who built it. It was used by one generation after another. And over the years it grew and morphed into quite the clubhouse.

Other boys used the fort too and it was first come first serve. Whoever occupied the fort defended it. It was a safe place for Timmy and Hunter. And then it wasn’t. A battle between the groups of boys began and ended. When the battle was over, the boys expected to see the others. But something else was standing there. And not just their world would change. The evil would ooze into town. No one was safe.

Man this one got dark.  I had no idea what in the world was going to happen. Prepared myself though. It wasn’t going to be pretty.

And the fifth story is Click Clack by William D. Carl. The title is so scary good. I couldn’t wait to see what it was all about.

The noise awoke Jonas from a sound sleep. Click Clack. He looked around the room, seeing nothing that would cause that sound. Knowing he was all alone, far from the city, he wouldn’t be going back to sleep until he figured out it’s cause. He found nothing in the house or garage and threw on some clothes to go check outside. Nothing he could see but he sensed he was being watched. Shrugging it off, he turned to go back inside. There it was again. Click. Clack. But when he spun around. Nothing.

The next night the sounds were back. What could be making them? The neighbors shared the same experience so he wasn’t imagining it.  I probably should have figured out where this was going sooner. But I didn’t. And that’s okay. It made the ending even better.

And the sixth and final story is The Red Hike by Kristin Dearborn. Natalie wanted to be an outdoors influencer. Then she met Charlie and it got put on the back burner. When her friend, Elena, heard that Charlie hit Natalie, she wanted to protect her. That’s how she ended up rolling out of bed at the crack of dawn to go hiking. A producer noticed Natalie’s popularity and asked her to do a hike in Vermont for Halloween.

I’m telling you, if someone told me that someone had gone missing there, and her body mysteriously turned up later, right where they’d been searching for her, no way would I step foot on that trail. But these three did and I knew nothing good would come of it.

Can rocks eat people? It’s rumored that they did on the trail they were hiking. And that thing did happen. Natalie touched that cairn and Poof. Gone. Where was she? How do they get her back? And what else should they be worried about?

Well this story went in an unexpected direction. And so did the ending. The author got really creative.

Many of these got a 5 star rating on their own so I’m going to use that for the entire collection. There’s so much for fans of horror and dark fiction to enjoy.






Join William D. Carl, Kristin Dearborn, Ed Kurtz, Errick Nunnally, Kyle Rader, and Morgan Sylvia for six novellas—one for each state in New England—that explore the region from its haunted past to a horrifying vision of its future. Hidden doorways into bleak spirit realms and impossible pockets of time, ancient specters that inhabit the dark woods, unwanted visitors from unknown worlds and a cruel siren call from the waves crashing against the rocks…a hexad of horror from deep in the cold, cold ground.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Exploring Dark Short Fiction

Edited by Eric J. Guignard


Genre: Horror / Short Stories



There are six short stories in this collection. The Primer is authored by Steve Rasnic Tem and then analyzed by Michael Arzen. There’s also an interview that explores why he wrote these and how.

I’m huge on group dynamics and strong character drive stories and all of these were great for very different reasons. The wicked cover art and excellent illustrations for each story are the icing on the cake for what waits between these pages. I’m not one to name favorites and it would be hard for me to do that when they’re all so good.

I have the next Primer to read and I’m excited to dig into more quality writing of horror and the bizarre that Steve has cooked up.




For over four decades, Steve Rasnic Tem has been an acclaimed author of horror, weird, and sentimental fiction. Steve Rasnic Tem has been read and cherished the world over for his affecting, genre-crossing tales.

Dark Moon Books and editor Eric J. Guignard bring you this introduction to his work, the first in a series of primers exploring modern masters of literary dark short fiction. Herein is a chance to discover—or learn more of—the rich voice of Steve Rasnic Tem, as beautifully illustrated by artist Michelle Prebich.

Included within these pages are:

• Six short stories, one written exclusively for this book
• Author interview
• Complete bibliography
• Academic commentary by Michael Arnzen, PhD (former humanities chair and professor of the year, Seton Hill University)
• … and more!

Enter this doorway to the vast and fantastic: Get to know Steve Rasnic Tem.



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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a  review spot on the THE BIGFOOT QUEEN by Jennifer Weiner Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!


Title: THE BIGFOOT QUEEN (The Littlest Bigfoot #3)

by Author: Jennifer Weiner



Pub. Date: October 24, 2023

Publisher: Aladdin

Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 352


Find it: Goodreads 


From #1 New York Times bestselling
author Jennifer Weiner comes the third and final book in the “cheerful” (The
New York Times Book Review
) and “charming” (People) trilogy about
friendship, adventure, and celebrating your true self.

Alice Mayfair, Millie Maximus, Jessica Jarvis, and Jeremy Bigelow face their
biggest challenge yet when exposure of the sacred, secret world is threatened
by a determined foe, someone with a very personal reason to want revenge
against the creatures who call themselves the Yare.

The fate of the tribe and its members’ right to live out peacefully in the open
is at stake. Impossible decisions are made, friendships are threatened, secrets
are revealed, and tremendous courage is required. Alice, her friends, and her
frenemies will have to work together and be stronger, smarter, and more
accepting than they’ve ever been.

But can some betrayals ever be forgiven?

Weiner will be celebrating the book’s publication with an in-person event via Children’s Book World on October 24, 2023 at 7:30pm ET. A hardcover boxed set collection of all three books in The Littlest Bigfoot series will be published on November 13, 2023—just in time for the holidays!



Grab all 3
books now from




I confess, the title for the book was what first caught my attention. I then went over and learned about the author. Jennifer has written plenty of books and I wanted to try one. While this is the third in the series, I easily jumped in and had fun. As it’s also the end of the series, I now want to go and read the other books too.

Alice and her three companions have a big pickle to tackle. The hidden Bigfoot community, or Yare’s, are about to be exposed. They need help and Alice and her friends are just the ticket.

What a delightful and thoughtful story. I think young ones, and adults, will benefit by reading this story about strength of character, love and acceptance. With plenty of adventure and excitement to make for a super fun read.




About Jennifer Weiner:



Jennifer Weiner is the #1 New York Times bestselling
author of twenty-one books, including The Summer Place, That SummerBig
, Mrs. Everything, In Her Shoes, Good
in Bed
, and a memoir in essays, Hungry Heart. She has
appeared on many national television programs, including Today and Good
Morning America
, and her work has been published in The Wall
Street Journal
 and The New York Times, among
other newspapers and magazines. Jennifer lives with her family in Philadelphia.
Visit her online at

Subscribe to Jennifer’s newsletter!

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1 winner will receive a finished copy of THE BIGFOOT QUEEN, US Only.

Ends October 24th, midnight EST.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:


Week One:


YA Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post/TikTok Post



IG Post


Review Thick And Thin

Review/IG Post


Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post

Week Two:






IG Review



IG Review



IG Review



Review/IG Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post



IG Review


The Momma Spot




IG Review



Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Jurassic Resort 3

The Trillion Dollar War

by Brent Reilly


Genre: Horror / Science Fiction



Whoa. Nonstop action again. This is a wild series. And this time it’s personal. Two boys are being used as bait in a deadly game of vice. They’ll have to outsmart the dinosaurs and turn the tables on the bad guys if they’re to stay alive until rescue comes.

So many chilling scenes. Some crazy dinosaur action. Great bad guys that I wanted to become dinosaur chum. And a favorite character of mine. Raptor Ray! They shouldn’t have messed with his grandson. He’s out for blood. And delivers his own kind of justice.

I can’t wait to read more about Raptor Ray. The author gave him his own series and that’s what I’ll be reading next. I imagine it will be just as bloody fun as this series was.




100 million people have crossed a portal to dinosaur times to build a self-sustaining society before aliens destroy humanity. But, in South America, a different war is being waged, using two boys as bait. Greed, vengeance, and hatred are back as those kids use their knowledge of dinosaurs to fight the gunmen hunting them. Raptor Ray flies to rescue his grandson from an army of mercenaries before he is 67 million years too late.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Lodge

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #15

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



Just when I think this series can’t get any crazier, I read the next book. And, wow.

Ellie and Stacy are called in to figure out what is causing so much havoc on an island. A walled in island. With mansions and cottages for the help. It was once a grand place. The rich, important people came to play. Now, it’s gone to ruin. And they don’t even know who hired them. It was a pone call with a plea for help.

Told you it was crazy. And the danger was extreme. Some really bad stuff happened and is happening again. If Ellie and Stacy get through this in one piece, they deserve a vacation. Just not on an island!




More than a century ago, the Sea Islands of Georgia’s coastline were the playground of the ultra-wealthy. Carnegies, Morgans, Rockefellers and other aristocrats of the Industrial Age built luxurious southern beach retreats on islands like Cumberland and Jekyll to escape the icy winters of New York. In time, though, the grand mansions were abandoned and fell into disrepair, abandoned to the weather and the wilderness.

A secretive client hires Ellie Jordan to investigate one such island, home to a sprawling estate modeled after a royal hunting lodge. Weapons and artifacts from around the world adorn its grand hall. Finely furnished rooms devoted to leisure and games display the original owner’s vast collection of hunting trophies, the preserved bodies of exotic predators from around the world, beasts with bared fangs and unblinking glass eyes.

Someone is trying to bring the neglected island back to life, but the dark shadows of its gilded past remain strong here, stalking the galleries and winding corridors. The mysterious grand lodge is more than it seems, and its restoration has unearthed horrific and unexpected evils. Ellie and Stacey must face the lodge’s dark past and drive its paranormal inhabitants back into the world of the dead, before they can do more harm to the living.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Night Road

by Kevin Lucia


Genre: Horror / Novella



Grace has been trying to run away from everything. From the fact that her sister tried to kill herself. From her life. But she can’t. So she runs towards something instead. Towards the mysterious runner dressed in black. Towards the crows. And maybe she’ll find a reason to stop running.

This was a slow building, atmospheric read. The deeper in I got, the more I wondered what the outcome would be. To say I felt the ending of the story is putting it lightly.




For most of her life, Grace Donaldson’s passion has been running. As a star in Cross Country and Track and Field, Grace ran to win, because losing wasn’t an option. For her, running was freedom, and she was only ever her true self when racing toward the finish line.

Her senior year, that all changed. Afterward, instead of running toward something, Grace started running away. From her pain, her anger, and her guilt. Now, as her younger sister lies on her deathbed from attempted suicide and Grace’s darkness threatens to consume her, she discovers The Night Road, and the chance to run toward something again, instead of away… if she’s willing to pay a terrible price.



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Trailwalker

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #13

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



I used to go camping all the time. Couldn’t wait to rough it and just escape from the rat race for awhile. And I can relate to being scared of what’s out there, lurking in the dark, just beyond the fire’s light. My friend and I were camping and telling scary stories one night. Just enough light from the fire to see each other’s faces. We heard a rustling in the bushes. Getting closer. Closer. And just when we thought about running, out popped her brother.  Remembering that terror. How strong it felt. It made me so excited to read this book.

The series has a different setting for each book and a campground is what we get in these pages. An old one close to some unusual mounds. When Josh and Allison, along with their kids, decide to fix up and reopen the place, they have no idea how dangerous it is. What they will be disturbing.

The author does a great job of scaring me without having bloody mayhem all the time. But this time there’s a high body county. I feared for this family. They were so hopeful and now so helpless. Ellie and Stacy were hired to come help them and I feared for them too.

I loved this book. Even the research Ellie and Stacy did to find out what might be happening at the campground was fascinating. Made it seem so real to me. And the back and forth between the two of them always makes me laugh. Yin to yang, those two. As long as the author keeps writing this series, I’ll be there, waiting for more.




The old campground in the mountains has a shrouded history wrapped in legend. Located by the mysterious mounds of a vanished people, it was once a popular summer destination for children, but closed long ago under tragic circumstances.

Josh and Allison Conner have moved out from the city, inspired to create a retreat for children in need, a place to build skills and character. They’ve brought their own children with them, and now they’re hurrying to rebuild and update the old camp in time for their first opening day.

But something lurks in the wilderness around the old summer camp, something that strikes against the Conners’ best efforts to revitalize it. They feel watched, then threatened, but after sinking their savings and their hopes into the place, they are unwilling to walk away.

Paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan must sort history from legend to determine what haunts the camp and how to fight it, before it inflicts more harm on the well-meaning family attempting to bring life back to the remote abandoned campground.



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.






Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


Free Computer Seeks photo and picture


I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Bigfoot In The Bronx

by Hunter Shea


Genre: Horror



I’m a huge fan of books with cryptids in them. Especially the big hairy guys like werewolves and sasquatch. And Hunter Shea is my go to author for horror stories about crazed beasts and animals running amok.

Shay and Vito. Best friends and avid hunters. It’s deer season and they planned to bag a big one. They sure did. Kind of cheated but they got something. A big hairy something.

The sasquatch is none to happy when it comes to in Shay’s shed. The noise and stench of the Bronx is no place for it. The creature just wants to go home.  Unfortunately, people and sasquatch don’t mix well and the confusion and fear drive the creature over the edge.

Shay and Vito are a few slices shy of a loaf. Not the brightest lads. I felt sorry for them though. They needed money to take care of their families and the big guy  would make them rich. Not to be though. Instead, they have to try everything to get the bloody creature out of the city without anyone being the wiser that they brought it there to begin with.

Hunter Shea delivers bloody mayhem in his classic style. You’ll cringe, almost fear what’s going to happen next, and actually feel kind of sorry for the creature causing all the death. I had such a blast reading this book.




The Hunt

It’s hunting season for best friends Shay and Vito. This year, with a bad economy and Shay out of work, it’s more important than ever to bag a deer so they can feed their families. Tucking their truck in their secret spot outside a state park in the Catskills, they settle down, waiting for a deer to come to them.


What they get is a giant creature that outruns a speeding deer and savages it with its bare hands and jagged teeth. Someone hidden in the woods shoots it with a tranquilizer dart. Shay knows what the beast at their feet is, and how its discovery can change their lives forever. They load it into their truck and head home for…

The Bronx

The drugged Bigfoot awakens in a cramped shed in Shay’s backyard. Confused, terrified, angry, it breaks loose in the middle of the night, seeking refuge in a nearby cemetery. When the bagpipes of a morning funeral drive it into a killing rage, the carnage has just begun.


From playgrounds to golf courses, apartment buildings to subway cars, the bigfoot is on the move – and it’s not happy. Can Shay and Vito find and recapture the beast before it burns the Bronx to the ground?



Click on the covers for more Thrills And Chills reviews.





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Death and the Sisters by Heather Redmond Banner

Death and the Sisters
by Heather Redmond
September 25 – October 20, 2023 Virtual Book Tour



The tangled relationships between Frankenstein author Mary Shelley, poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, and Mary’s stepsister Jane Clairmont form the backdrop for an intriguing historical mystery, set in London in 1814, that explores the complex dynamic between sisters and the birth of teenaged Mary’s creative genius.

London, 1814: Mary Godwin and her stepsister Jane Clairmont, both sixteen, possess quick minds bolstered by an unconventional upbringing, and have little regard for the rules that other young ladies follow. Mary, whose mother famously advocated for women’s rights, rejects the two paths that seem open to her—that of an assistant in her father’s bookshop, or an ordinary wife. Though quieter and more reserved than the boisterous Jane, Mary’s imagination is keen, and she longs for real-world adventures. One evening, an opportunity arrives in the form of a dinner guest, Percy Bysshe Shelley. At twenty-one, Shelley is already a renowned poet and radical. Mary finds their visitor handsome and compelling, but it is later that evening, after the party has broken up, that events take a truly intriguing turn. When Mary comes downstairs in search of a book, she finds instead a man face down on the floor—with a knife in his back. The dead man, it seems, was a former classmate of Shelley’s, and had lately become a personal and professional rival. What was he doing in the Godwins’ home? Mary, Jane, and Shelley are all drawn to learn the truth behind the tragedy, especially as each discovery seems to hint at a tangled web that includes many in Shelley’s closest circle. But as the attraction between Mary and the married poet intensifies, it sparks a rivalry between the sisters, even as it kindles the creative fire within . . .

Praise for Death and the Sisters:

Death and the Sisters is a terrific blend of gritty history with a mystery that will keep readers turning pages. Impeccably researched and imaginative, Redmond’s first Mary Shelley Mystery immerses readers in the drama of young Mary Godwin and her family, as well as her budding romance with Percy Shelley, as they work together to solve a wonderfully bookish murder. I thoroughly enjoyed this series kick-off and can’t wait for the next story!” ~ Susanna Craig, author of The Lady Knows BestDeath and the Sisters is a rip-roaring murder mystery with twists and turns that introduces teenaged Mary Godwin, not yet the author of the immortal work Frankenstein, as an amateur detective. Redmond’s foray in the world of rational atheists in early 19th century London is a mesmerizing, forceful delight.” ~ Eilis Flynn, author of The Riddle of Rym “Crafted with vivid historical detail, an artfully twisted plot, and engaging characters, Death and the Sisters is an excellent start to what I hope will be a long-running series.” ~ Dianne Freeman, author of the award-winning Countess of Harleigh Mysteries “It might be the way London comes to life in all of its dark and gritty complexities, or the dynamics between Mary and her step-sister, Jane, as they set out to find the killer of the man who they discover dead in the bookshop. Everyone is a suspect—even Percy Shelley who has caught the eye of the women in the household. Propulsive and immersive, Heather Redmond is at the top of her game until the intense and satisfying end.” ~ Mary Keliikoa, author of Hidden Pieces “An intrepid cast of characters, a stunningly atmospheric 19th-century London, and a riveting murder… Highly recommend.” ~ Melissa Bourbon, bestselling author


Book Details:

Genre: Historical mystery

Published by: Kensington Publication Date: September 2023 Number of Pages: 320 ISBN: 9781496737991 (ISBN10: 1496737997) Series: Mary Shelley Mystery, 1

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Kensington




Little did Mary know, her late night search for reading material in the family bookstore would land her and her step-sister, Jane, in the middle of a murder investigation.  The girls were relieved to find it was a stranger’s body they stumbled upon and not the dashing and loquacious Mr. Percy Shelley. They both found him to be quite polished and easy on the eyes.

What a fascinating look into 19th Century England. The richness of detail put me there. Experiencing the less fortunate side of trying to keep a roof over ones head. Not the glam and glitz of higher society.

I enjoyed the dual points of view between the two sisters. It helped me understand what motivated them. What made them tick. They were both very intelligent but differed greatly in personality. Things got more intriguing when Percy also joined them in their search for answers.

Death And The Sisters is a perfect title for this story. The cover is stunning. And the writing is strong and persuasive.  A solid plot and I’d be happy to read more if this is to be a series.





Read an excerpt:
“Come, Mary.” Jane flopped onto her bed. “Tell us a story about the prisoner ghosts wailing.” “I’ll have to think it up,” Mary said and then began to quote. “‘This relation is Matter of Fact, and attended with such Circumstances as may induce any Reasonable Man to believe it.’” “What’s that?” Jane asked. The floor creaked as she kicked off her slippers and knocked them to the floor. “Defoe, I think,” Mary said, already considering the form of her story. If only Mother had written such fanciful tales, to give her ideas on how to construct them. “I’ll consult his works in the bookshop for further inspiration. It seems like quite a good start to a ghost story.” Mary placed her slippers next to Jane’s and walked down in her stocking feet, hugging the wall so as not to set off the worst of the creaking stairs. If Mamma heard her, she’d be set to mending something. Her stepmother never thought about the cost of candles when she could make her daughters work themselves into exhaustion after dark. The bookshop’s interior door hung open. Very odd, as Mamma was particular about making sure that the smells of domestic life, particularly cooking odors, did not damage the books. Mary shrugged, glad she had come downstairs, because if Mamma had been the first to notice, she’d have no doubt blamed Mary. She lit the lantern kept in readiness for customers who wanted to browse in the dark corners. While she knew exactly where Defoe was kept, she first went to a back corner of the shop and dropped to her knees, then pulled out a much-loved volume that Mamma kept in stock because she knew that it sold, even though it was anything but highbrow or philosophical. Ann Radcliffe’s The Romance of the Forest. Feeling a little breathless, like a Gothic heroine about to swoon, she opened the book to her favorite page. With the lantern held over the engraving, she examined the bare legs of the man removing a blindfolded girl from a house. She bit her lip as she looked over the engraved musculature, feeling a familiar shiver dance up through her body. Did Shelley have legs so magnificent? He certainly possessed the broad shoulders and narrow waist of the figure on the page. She set down the lantern when it shook in her hand. “Oh, to see a form like that,” she whispered to herself. None of her Scottish suitors had possessed a body she wanted to caress. As such, none of them had enticed so much as a kiss from her. After a last heated glance, she closed the book and tucked it away again. The next shelves were in front of the bow windows. The Juvenile Library was shelved there, at the perfect height for children. Works of historical merit were on the other side. Mary rose. Her foot twisted as she took the first step. She grabbed for the edge of the bookcase with one hand, the other gripping the lantern tightly. Her fingers were trembling by the time she righted herself. She reached down and swiped at her foot. Something sticky coated her fingers. What was on the floor? “Honestly,” she muttered to herself. More cleaning. She set the lantern on the bookcase and walked past the windows. Slatted lines from the shutters were illuminated by the oil lamp that burned all night at the corner of the road. Distracted by the sudden reflected light, she tripped again. “Blast,” she cried. When she tried to take another step forward, her way was blocked by something solid. Confused, she prodded it with her foot. It felt warm, dry, and slightly yielding. She backed up to take the lantern in her hand again, then cupped the side of it with her hand to keep the illumination from the road. When she reached the mass again, she held the lantern out over the floor. Her mouth dropped open when she saw what lay in front of her. A man, like something out of a painting of the French Revolution, was sprawled on the floor. Facedown. She swept the lantern over his body. Her hand shook as she saw first one knife, then another. The first was impaled in his back. The other, in the mysterious recesses between his legs. “Faith!” Wobbly, Mary blinked hard, then forced herself to kneel down beside the sprawled figure, to touch the man’s hand. Still warm. She squeezed it, feeling that strange sensation of callused male flesh under hers, then dropped the hand. What was she doing? Molesting a corpse? She scooted back, her eyes closed, then opened them again, feeling her lips tremble at the sight of the dark blue velvet coat, the dark stain around the knife gleaming wetly in the light. She knew that coat. Shelley! That fine figure of a man, ended so cruelly. They had just seen him leave not twenty minutes earlier. Had he been accosted in the street and dumped here? “I could have loved such a being.” Tears sprang to her eyes, and she let them fall, keenly feeling her sensibility. Hadn’t he said he was a new father? And his poor young wife, not even twenty yet, a widow. “Mary?” Drat that Jane. Could she not offer up a moment’s solitude to anyone? Her stepsister’s footsteps came closer, along with the bobbing of a candle flame. “Don’t come any closer,” Mary warned. She set the lantern down. Ignoring her, Jane came down the space between the bookshelves and turned in the nook in front of the windows. “What are you doing?” she asked. Mary scrambled to her feet, hoping to block her sister’s view. The candle wavered as Jane took in the scene. She gasped loudly. “What,” Jane asked, “is that?” “Knives,” Mary said. “Murder has been done here.” “What?” Jane repeated, some frantic power coming into her voice. “Papa?” “No,” Mary said, grabbing the candleholder before the candle dropped. “Shelley.” She saw what was going to happen and held up her other hand, hoping to forestall it. But she failed, and Jane, coming closer, screamed. Mary bent under the onslaught and grabbed her sister’s hand. “Hush,” she begged, pulling her away. “We have to tell Papa before the watch comes.” Though Jane resisted, Mary pulled her through the bookshop, then forced her to sit on the steps and hold the candle while she went back for the lantern. She set it on the table in the hall. “Stay here,” she commanded. “But,” Jane whispered. “But the body.” “Papa will know what to do.” “But the watch.” “Papa should call them, not us. Do you want him surprised?” “The bookshop,” Jane said next. “Yes, it’s very bad,” Mary agreed. “It isn’t S-Shelley,” Jane stuttered. “He just left.” Mary pulled the handkerchief from her sleeve and tucked it into Jane’s unresisting hand. “It must be,” she said. “Who else? Cry quietly, please.” Hoping her sister obeyed, she picked up her skirts and ran up the steps to her father’s library. *** Excerpt from Death and the Sisters by Heather Redmond. Copyright 2023 by Heather Redmond. Reproduced with permission from Heather Redmond. All rights reserved.



About Author Heather Redmond:


Heather Redmond

Heather Redmond is an author of commercial fiction and also writes as Heather Hiestand. First published in mystery, she took a long detour through romance before returning. Though her last British ancestor departed London in the 1920s, she is a committed anglophile, Dickens devotee, and lover of all things nineteenth century. She has lived in Illinois, California, and Texas, and now resides in a small town in Washington State with her husband and son. The author of many novels, novellas, and short stories, she has achieved best-seller status at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers. Her 2018 Heather Redmond debut, A Tale of Two Murders, has received a coveted starred review from Kirkus Reviews.

Catch Up With Heather Redmond: Goodreads BookBub – @heatherredmond1 Instagram – @hiestandheather Twitter – @heatheraredmond Heather Hiestand Redmond’s Reader Group on Facebook



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