Posts Tagged ‘review’

Isle of Savages by T. Briar

Isle of Savages

by T. Briar


Publisher:  MuseItUp Publishing (June 15, 2017)
Category: Thriller/Suspense, New Adult, Sub-Human Cannibals
Tour dates: Mar-Apr, 2019
ISBN: 978-1771279277
Available in Print and ebook, 220 pages

Isle of Savages

My Review

I admit, the great cover art was the first thing that peaked my interest in reading Isle Of Savages. I had fun trying to spot all of the jungle creatures and the skull was creepy. The title was a close second. And anything to do with being stranded on an island also pings my radar.

A ruthless captain and his nasty henchman terrorizes a group of students on a chartered sailing trip. A savage storm causes the ship to crash and it might be the groups chance to escape a dangerous outcome. But they might not be the only ones on the island they look to as their safe harbor until they are rescued.

So, the plot might not be that original. And I really couldn’t like any of the characters. But, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the book. I did have fun. Especially over some intense scenes with a great white shark. And once the survivors came face to face with the island’s inhabitants, things got nasty and suspenseful. I imagined the ending would be one of two things and one of those was right. For this reading experience, it worked just fine.

Isle Of Savages was fun and I’d recommend it if you aren’t looking for something too serious or in depth. And I would like to read more by the author.




Eleven souls are shipwrecked on an island teeming with sub-human cannibals. Who will survive to tell the tale?

On July 20, 20— a charter school’s sponsored sail from San Diego to Hawaii hits a reef during a violent storm. Sixteen souls abandon ship. Nine students, along with the hated captain and first mate, wash up on what they believe is a deserted island.

Separated into three groups by circumstance and mutual distrust, treachery and death lurk for all. Over the course of a single day, one student betrays all the others. Another drowns. Two others get ambushed by a great white shark. And, like falling dominoes, the captain, first mate, and six students fall prey to a tribe of bloodthirsty cannibals.

In the face of almost certain death, who will escape the isle of savages to tell the tale?

Praise for Isle Of Savages

“Freaking Amazing! This books was such a wild ride from page one. So many twists and turns that you just can’t figure out what the hell is going to happen next! It was so hard to put down and very, very well written.  I am very picky with the books I read, I know I say that a lot, but it’s true. This book met every single one of my expectations and then some.

With the characters, you either really felt for them, or you held seething hatred for them. It was like the main characters couldn’t seem to catch a break and the villains of the story kept getting a leg up. It was driving me crazy! I was found yelling at my kindle, cursing, clenching my fists, all because this story was so easy to get into! In fact, it was hard NOT to!

This is not a happy story, by any means. There is so much death and destruction and it’s written in great detail. So if you get wigged out easily, this might not be the book for you. Me, I love this kind of stuff. The blood, the gore, the chaos, this book had it all! Definitely 5 out of 5 stars for me!”- Amanda, Rabid Readers Book Blog


About Author T. Briar

Briar spent his formative years in the treacherous worlds of The Savage Sword of Conan, The Warlord, and Jonah Hex comics. So he’s been fascinated with action adventure stories for most of his life. From there, he eventually discovered Jack London, Louis L’amour and Jack Higgins. These days he’s devouring thriller novels by James Rollins, Clive Cussler and a host of other adventure writers.

This led him to start writing at an early age and he didn’t stop until he saw his name in print. Although, it wasn’t in the thriller genre. Not at first. But it was always a given that he’d eventually write and publish a thriller. It just took him a few extra years to get around to it.

He lives in South Georgia with his wonderful wife of 25 years.

Purchase links:


Isle Of Savages on Netgalley

For those who can’t join the tour but would like to review the book, the ebook is  available to download on Net Galley.  It is available from February 11-May 11th. Click HERE to request your copy.


This giveaway is for 3 winners choice of one print or ebook copy of the book. Print is open to the U.S. only and ebook is available worldwide. This giveaway ends May 10, 2019, midnight pacific time. Entries are accepted via Rafflecopter onlly.

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Teddy Rose Book Reviews Plus Mar 22 Kickoff & Interview

Jody Amazon Mar 25 Review

Shannon Muir – Infinite House of Books  Mar 27 Guest Review & Excerpt

Victoria ILoveReadingUK Apr 1 Excerpt

Nancy The Avid Reader Apr 5 Review

Lisa’s Writopia Apr 8 Review & Guest Post

Jennifer Book Junkiez Apr 9 Excerpt

Laura FUONLYKNEW Apr 11 Review

Susan Dab of Darkness Book Reviews Apr 15 Interview

Amber Imaginative Mama’s Dragonfly Reads Apr 17 Review & Flash Fiction

Carole Rae’s Random Ramblings Apr 19 Review

Dee Amazon May 1 Review

Kathleen Celticlady’s Reviews May 3 Guest Review

Amber Rose Reviews May 6 Review, Guest Post, & Excerpt

Jessica JBronder Book Reviews May 8 Review

Nicole Willow’s Thoughts & Book Obsessions May 10 Review & Flash Fiction

Aparna Amazon  May 10 Review


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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing another spooky tale from Nancy Gray’s Spine Chillers!


The Krampus (Spine Chillers)
by Nancy Gray

The Krampus

Genre: Horror
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: December 12, 2018

My Review

Nick was a good kid. He stayed out of trouble. But then he gave into the urging of his friends and got caught skipping school. He got way more punishment than it called for and now Krampus has him in his sights. And he isn’t the only thing Nick has to worry about. He’ll need help to survive Christmas.

I could feel Nick’s confusion. He hangs out with the bullies so he won’t be bullied. He doesn’t do anything bad except for skip classes and refuses to have anything to do with what they’re cooking up next. But something has been watching him. Now he’s in a big pickle. Krampus is a scary creature and he’s hungry. I was pulling for Nick. Hoping he would see the right path and not get eaten.

There’s a part in this book that made me wonder if their was more than one fairy tale going on. A strange girl that was much more bad than Nick. It felt connected to another dark tale, and the more I read, the more sure I became. Though the author gave it her own spin.

One of the best things about this series is that the kids can’t rely on the adults to save them. They would brush off their claims of monsters as too much imagination. So, the kids have to think and solve on their own. And they do get creative!

Another scary good story in this series.




Christmas is a time of peace and good dreams, but for Nick it would soon become a nightmare. When he starts skipping classes to hang with the bullies at school, strange things begin to happen.

A horrifying apparition haunts his dreams and tears his Christmas stocking into shreds! Finally, the beast crashes through Nick’s bedroom window, throws him in a sack, and spirits him away to its lair.

Nick finds himself in a world of perpetual twilight where he will have to find his way home before becoming trapped forever, or worse. THE KRAMPUS is hungry, and the oven awaits a fresh meat pie!

You can find The Krampus on Goodreads

You can buy The Krampus on Amazon

Nancy GrayAbout the Author:
Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her young adult fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.
Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Other Works by Nancy Gray:
Blood Rain
Blood Moon
Blood God
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf
Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
Spine Chillers: Empty Eyes
Spine Chillers: The Firefly

You can find and contact Nancy Gray here:

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Magnus Blackwell 0.5

by Alexandrea Weis & Lucas Astor

Historical Mystery with Supernatural Elements
Published by: Vesuvian Books
Publication Date: January 17th 2017
Number of Pages: 295
ISBN: 1944109242 (ISBN13: 9781944109240)
Series: A Magnus Blackwell Novel 0.5
Purchase Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads


My Review

I knew I had to read this after my eyes settled on the magnificent cover art and I read the blurb. I’ve also read other books by this writing team and enjoyed them.

How would I classify this? Historical thriller with a twist of naughty. It goes beyond the bedroom door a bit and I read those parts really fast. LOL They were necessary to really get to know Magnus.

Magnus? I wanted to like him in the beginning. Didn’t take long for that to change. He wouldn’t let me. Wouldn’t let anyone care for him. His own worst enemy. While in New Orleans, he meets the wild and somewhat depraved Oscar Wilde and thus begins his undoing. A warning to change his ways from a woman who practices voodoo doesn’t slow him down and his path is set.

Who I did like? Jacob. He was from the other side of the tracks. Not wealthy or privileged. His friendship with Magnus was a challenge. They couldn’t be more different and I hoped some of the goodness of Jacob would rub off on him. But, something came between their friendship and it was not to be.

As I drew closer to the end of the story, the tension grew, my dread of what might happen built. I wanted to slow things down, urge the two men to think first. They teetered on the brink of no return.

An explosive ending to a highly entertaining reading experience. Will I be continuing with this series? Surely.



“… an intriguing, dark tale complete with vividly drawn characters, and a uniquely compelling character in Magnus … seamlessly blends mystery, magic and matters of the heart to create an enthralling read. Readers will be engaged from the start of the story to its climactic ending.” ~Melanie Bates, RT Book Reviews

“A dark story of passion and revenge … A guilty-pleasure read that kept me captivated knowing something sinister is looming in the plot and over the characters.” ~New Orleans Magazine

In the late 1800s, handsome, wealthy New Englander, Magnus Blackwell, is the envy of all.

When Magnus meets Jacob O’Connor–a Harvard student from the working class–an unlikely friendship is forged. But their close bond is soon challenged by a captivating woman; a woman Magnus wants, but Jacob gets.

Devastated, Magnus seeks solace in a trip to New Orleans. After a chance meeting with Oscar Wilde, he becomes immersed in a world of depravity and brutality, inevitably becoming the inspiration for Dorian Gray. Armed with the forbidden magic of voodoo, he sets his sights on winning back the woman Jacob stole from him.

Amid the trappings of Victorian society, two men, bent on revenge, will lay the foundation for a curse that will forever alter their destinies.

Enjoy this peek inside:

“Last night, I saw someone or something coming out of that bayou. Madam Simone stopped it from getting close to me. I remember she said something about the creature I saw being a messenger of the dead.”

“When did this happen?”

“When I left the bonfire and went to the water’s edge, I thought I saw a woman. Madam Simone claimed it was a spirit.”

His eyes lit up, and Oscar edged forward to the table. “What do you think you saw, Magnus?”

Magnus tried to picture the woman he had seen, her tattered nightdress and her empty eyes, but the only image he could conjure was that of smoke and dust. “What do you think happens to us when we die, Oscar?”

Oscar tossed up his hands, appearing as if he were at a loss for words. “I wish I knew, my friend.”

Magnus ran his finger around the rim of his coffee cup. “I know where we go, and it isn’t heaven or paradise.”

“What kind of end do you envision?”

Magnus raised his green eyes to Oscar, grinning with a profound certainty. “That’s just it. I don’t see death as an end. For me, it’s turning into a whole new beginning.”

About the Authors

Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis

Alexandrea Weis, RN-CS, CRRN, ONC, PhD, is a multi-award-winning author of over twenty-seven novels, a screenwriter, ICU Nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans. Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective and began writing at the age of eight. Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable. A permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries, Weis rescues orphaned and injured animals. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans. Weis writes mysteries, suspense, thrillers, horror, crime fiction, action, historical, and romance. She is a member of the Horror Writers Association and the International Thriller Writers Association.

Lucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private, virtually reclusive lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight. He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but right next door behind a smiling face.

Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook

Lucas Astor

Lucas Astor

Lucas Astor is from New York, has resided in Central America and the Middle East, and traveled through Europe. He lives a very private, virtually reclusive lifestyle, preferring to spend time with a close-knit group of friends than be in the spotlight.

He is an author and poet with a penchant for telling stories that delve into the dark side of the human psyche. He likes to explore the evil that exists, not just in the world, but right next door behind a smiling face.

Photography, making wine, and helping endangered species are just some of his interests. Lucas is an expert archer and enjoys jazz, blues, and classical music.

One of his favorite quotes is: “It’s better to be silent than be a fool.” ~Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird)



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Chutes and Ladder 

Silicon Valley Mystery by Marc Jedel


Chutes and Ladder: A Silicon Valley Mystery
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
BGM Press (March 12, 2019)
Print Length: 195 pages

Dead friend. Free fall. Girl Scouts. Can Uncle Marty untangle the mystery before things really get out of control?

Juggling a budding relationship, demanding job, and mischievous nieces, Marty Golden struggled to keep his head above water — even before his friend’s death. Trying his best to be a good boyfriend and fun uncle, Marty had his own ideas for the weekend until his cunning sister tricked him again.

Convinced his friend’s death was no accident, Marty tries to summon superhero powers but merely manages to bumble along as an amateur sleuth. When Marty’s cousin shows up, she wreaks havoc with his plans and pulls him into yet another mystery.

As threats blossom, Marty doubles down now that his family’s involved. Besides, it’s poor manners to let your friend’s death go unsolved.

Can Marty figure out what happened before a killer, or his imagination, gets to him?

Chutes and Ladder is the second novel in a refreshingly modern mystery series set in Silicon Valley. If you like clever humor and wacky side characters, you’ll love this twisty mystery.



Uncle And Ants

A Silicon Valley Mystery

by Marc Jedel

Uncle and Ants: A Silicon Valley Mystery
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
BGM Press (October 11, 2018)
Print Length: 287 pages

My Review

I’m always excited when I start a new cozy series and Uncle And Ants tickled my fancy on so many levels. Picture it. A man kind of full of himself and sure he’s the be all of investigations takes it upon himself to solve the mystery of who tried to kill his sister. She’s a widowed mother of two teenage girls and doesn’t seem likely to be on someone’s hit list.

Marty was determined to solve the mystery and protect his family. If only he had the slightest clue what he was doing. Good thing he didn’t take himself too seriously. I can’t count on two hands how many times I laughed out loud at his fun incompetence. And don’t even get me started on him coping with two teenage girls. The horror. LOL

Fun at every turn, a convoluted mystery with quite the list of suspects and characters you can’t get enough of. You can bet I’ll be following this series.




Protect his sister. Solve a murder. Get his eye-rolling, pre-teen nieces to school. And that’s just how Marty Golden’s crazy week begins to unravel.

A mysterious crash hospitalizes Marty’s sister and a nearby murder puts her in deadly danger. Too bad Marty isn’t exactly hero material.

Working in Silicon Valley, Marty’s skills lie more in navigating technology and telling dad jokes than playing an amateur sleuth. Armed with special powers of self-delusion and the inability to leave a coherent voicemail message, Marty bumbles through investigating his sister’s zany HR clients, exposing dangerous secrets and suspects, all while becoming attracted to a suspect.

In the process, Marty stumbles into a drug gang, impersonates an IRS agent, tangles with an assassin, dodges a cantankerous school secretary and is frequently outsmarted by his two sly, yet vulnerable, nieces. This quirky, fashion-backward uncle must save his sister, solve the mystery and get his life back to normal — before it’s too late.

As his eight, or maybe nine, year-old niece would say, “Betcha, you’ll like it.”


Author Marc Jedel



In my family, I was born first — a fact my sister never lets me forget, no matter what milestone age she hits.

For most of my life, I’ve been inventing stories. Some, especially when I was young, involved my sister as the villain. As my sister’s brother for her entire life, I’m highly qualified to tell the tale of the evolving, quirky sibling relationship in Uncle and Ants: A Silicon Valley Mystery.

My writing skills were honed in years of marketing leadership positions in Silicon Valley. While my high-tech marketing roles involved crafting plenty of fiction, we called these marketing collateral, emails, and ads.

My family and friends would tell you that Marty’s character isn’t much of a stretch of the imagination for me, but I proudly resemble that remark.

Author Links :

Website / Facebook / LinkedIn / Goodreads / Bookbub / Email





March 25 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

March 25 – The Journey Back– REVIEW

March 25 – Mallory Heart’s Cozies – REVIEW

March 26 – My Reading Journeys – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 26 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

March 26 – Teresa Watson – REVIEW


March 27 – Jane Reads – GUEST POST

March 27 – Here’s How It Happened – GUEST POST

March 28 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 28 – Carla Loves To Read – REVIEW

March 28 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – REVIEW

March 29 – I’m Into Books – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 29 – Sneaky the Library Cat’s Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

March 30 – 4covert2overt ☼ A Place In The Spotlight ☼ – SPOTLIGHT


March 31 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

April 1 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT, EXCERPT

April 1 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

April 2 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

April 2 – Baroness’ Book Trove – REVIEW

April 3 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

April 3 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

April 4 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

April 4 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW

April 5 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

April 5 – Literary Gold – REVIEW

April 5 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW

April 6 – ❧Defining Ways❧ – GUEST POST

April 7 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

April 7 – Readeropolis – GUEST POST



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Thanks for visiting my stop on the tour for Out Of The Darkness by Darcia Helle, running from March 1st through 31st.

I have an exciting excerpt and my review to share with you today.

Also, there’s a giveaway so don’t forget to enter!


Out Of The Darkness

by Darcia Helle

Genre: Paranormal Suspense
Published by: Indie
Publication Date: February 12, 2019
Number of Pages: 300
Series: Joe Cavelli, Paranormal PI Book 2
Purchase Links: Amazon |Goodreads


My Review

I had a lot of fun reading Out Of The Darkness. I was worried going into it that I hadn’t read the first book but had no problems jumping in here.

There’s some funny situations that had me chuckling out loud. From the blurb, it’s revealed that P.I. Joe Cavelli can hear ghosts. He can’t see them though, so when Gus makes impromptu visits and starts cursing like a drunken sailor, he’s always jumping out of his skin.

Gus is a ghost with amnesia. He doesn’t know what happened to him and he doesn’t know why he keeps getting pulled into a place of pure darkness. He sure doesn’t lack for creative ways to string cuss words into one long sentence. Not a patient guy and he pesters Joe to get to the bottom of things.

The humor really made this work for me. Another thing that did was how the story was presented. You get Joe’s side of things. Then you get Gus’s. It works really well when Joe is investigating what happened to Gus. The two collaborate and start to get a gist of what occurred.

What hinders the investigation’s momentum is when Gus is suddenly pulled back to the dark place at what seems to him to be inappropriate times and without warning. Except, it doesn’t remain dark and Gus once again resorts to stringing his curse words together as he tries to sort through the soup of information revealed to him. I do want to mention that, while Gus can cuss up a storm, you don’t actually read those words. It’s more of an implied thing.

Back to earlier when I mentioned not having read the first book and having no trouble jumping in here. Joe mentioned not knowing why he can hear ghosts so I’m thinking that might be discovered in a future book. And Max was referred to a few times. I gathered that he was the ghost that Joe helped in the first book. While I didn’t feel like I missed anything important by not knowing more about him, I was intrigued and went ahead and added book one to my reading list. I enjoyed this book so much and really grew fond of the character’s and I wanted to read about how it all began.

To wrap up my review I’ll chat about my rating. I knew this was at least a four star experience for me. What earned it five was the writing. Throughout the book there were these small sentences that seemed to be just dropped in. They made me pause and think how authentic they felt. How I wished I’d thought of them. Things like that are something I look for and the author made them appear so casual yet they made the story feel very real. Kudos to Darcia for sealing the deal with me.




Gus wakes up in a dark void with no memory and no body. Screaming and cursing does him no good. He’s trapped, until he learns about one man who can help.

Joe Cavelli is a PI who hears ghosts, solves their murders, and sometimes fixes their personal problems. Now he finds himself pestered by an invisible, impatient, and brash amnesiac.

Solving cases for ghosts comes with a unique set of circumstances. This time, Joe can’t even claim to be investigating a murder, since Gus’s body is nowhere to be found. Together, Joe and Gus delve into Gus’s past, uncovering clues that lead to a startling conclusion.


Read an excerpt:

Joe put the few dishes in the dishwasher, made himself another cup of strong coffee, and said, “Okay, Gus. Let’s see if we can figure this out.”

He walked out of the kitchen, Gus’s voice trailing after him. “Where are we going?”

“My office.”

Joe stepped into the room that was the smaller of the two spare bedrooms. He crossed over to his desk, opened his laptop, and switched it on.

“This is your office?”

Joe sat in his padded leather chair. “My home office. I have another, professional place, with an assistant. No need to go there, though, particularly since she doesn’t know about—” He waved his hand in Gus’s general direction. “—you. This.”

“She doesn’t know you talk to ghosts, is what you’re saying?”


“Afraid she’d think you’re crazy?”

“No. It’s just not something I feel like sharing.”

“You banging her?”

“Jesus. No.”

“Huh. I thought all guys banged their secretaries.”

Joe heard the dry humor in Gus’s tone, though the statement still irritated him. “No, all guys don’t. And I said assistant, not secretary.”

“Same thing, isn’t it?”

“No. But it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m a one-woman man.”

Joe opened a browser page, then the Tampa Bay Times website. He typed ‘Angus Smith’ into the search bar and clicked the Enter key.

“What are you doing?”

Gus had a gruff way of asking a question that made it sound more like an accusation. One minute Joe felt bad for Gus, and the next he wanted to punch Gus in the face. If he could see Gus’s face.

If Gus even had a face. Did ghosts have faces, or were they just invisible blobs of energy? Joe was too tired to deal with this.

“I’m trying to find out how you died,” Joe said.


“I don’t know, Gus. Because it’s a place to start? Figure out how you died and maybe I’ll figure out why you’re stuck in the dark? Unless you have a better idea?”

A huff, then, “No. I got nothing.”

Gus kept silent while Joe scrolled down and clicked a link. Gus’s photo stared back at him from the screen. Seeing the person for the first time was always an odd experience. He couldn’t help but form a picture of each ghost in his mind, based solely on the voice and the little he knew about who he or she had been. Sometimes he was way off. Other times, like now, he was pretty close.

“That’s a crapass picture of me,” Gus said.

Joe studied the grainy image accompanying the article. Buzzcut. Deep brown eyes. Tattoo snaking down the side of his neck, disappearing into his shirt. He seemed to be snarling at the camera. The article put him at 6’3”, 230 pounds, and Joe could see it was all muscle.

He didn’t address the quality of the photo, ignoring Gus while he read through the article. He double-checked the date on the article, then said, “You’re missing.”

“What d’you mean, I’m missing? I’m right here.”

“I mean, you were reported missing. Last Friday, so three days ago.”

“Missing? That makes no sense, since I’m dead.”

“No one appears to know you’re dead.”


“Do you remember where you were when you died?”


“Were you sick? In an accident? Traveling somewhere?”

“I don’t know!”

Joe leaned back and closed his eyes. He forced himself not to react to Gus’s abrupt tone. The guy had every reason to be upset, though this mess sure as hell wasn’t Joe’s fault.

“Who reported me missing?”

Joe opened his eyes and scanned the article. “Cat Loring.”

Silence. Joe waited a moment before adding, “Says she’s your live-in girlfriend.”


“Do you remember the last time you saw her?” Joe felt a cool wall of air pressing around him.

“Are you leaning on me?”

“I’m trying to read the article.”

Joe suppressed a shudder—barely. “It doesn’t say much. You left the house at your usual time on Thursday morning. You’re not answering your cell phone, and no one has seen you since.”

“I don’t remember.”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”



“The very last thing? Hell, I don’t know. I might’ve been at a bar with some buddies. I might’ve been driving my truck. Or having sex. It’s all a jumble.”

“Did you and Cat fight the last time you saw her?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so. Maybe.”

“Could she have killed you?”

Gus snorted a laugh. “Cat? Kill me? That’s funny, Mr. Detective.”

“Yeah? Why is it so funny?”

“She just wouldn’t.”

Joe rubbed at his burning eyes. “Tell me about your relationship.”


“Maybe it’ll trigger a memory. Help me figure out where your body might be.”

“Well, shit.”


Excerpt from Out of the Darkness by Darcia Helle. Copyright © 2019 by Darcia Helle. Reproduced with permission from Darcia Helle. All rights reserved.



Author Darcia Helle

out of author

Darcia Helle is a Massachusetts native, who escaped the New England winters to write in the Florida sunshine. She lives with her husband in a home full of spoiled rescue animals and an occasional stray lizard. She writes because the characters trespassing through her mind leave her no alternative.

Author Links: Website / Goodreads / Twitter / Facebook




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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing another spooky fun children’s book by Author Terri Bertha!


Spooky Twisties III

13 Tales Of Terror

by Terri Bertha


Genre: Middle Grade / YA / Supernatural


My Review

Having read and enjoyed the first two books in the series, I was expecting more spooky fun as I ventured once more into a town of supernatural occurrences with a group of stalwart friends.

Terri had a great idea when she interconnected the stories in her books. The tales are all different, but the outcome and events leading up to them are intertwined throughout.

I prowled the library when I was young, looking for books like this. I still do as an adult and get just as much hair raising enjoyment out of them.

Terri brings on the eerie without being too scary and surprises you around every corner. These tales are spooky twistie indeed and a whole lot of fun.




Spooky Spine-Chilling Tales for Children/Teenagers

Spooky Twisties III is the third book in the series offering 13 interconnected short stories for middle grade readers (9 and above). These short, scary, spine-chilling, yet humorous tales, are recommended for children/teenagers and all young readers who enjoy R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps. The quick, fun reads find a group of friends encountering the creepy and supernatural in their hometown which has become a magnet for the strange and paranormal.

House of Puzzles: Will Chris and Nick be able to solve the puzzles to save their lives?

The Best Book Ever: Can a school book report prove to uncover a little too much for one student?

Pretty Voodoo Doll: What will one of the girls resort to in order to make the cheerleading squad?

A Needed Friend: Why does the mysterious boy seem to be drawn to the girl who visits the graveyard?

Ghost Catcher: Lindsay meets a woman with some amazing abilities at the old-age home. Can you catch a ghost?

Saving Cardinals: Does Amy’s love of birds and animals prove to be a life-saver?

Two Bloke Boys: Will Nick and Chris find gold at the end of the rainbow?

Candle Sense: A thoughtful gift provides a haunting experience.

Would You Believe?: The science fair and a revolution. Seriously, that’s why I didn’t turn in my homework.

Dronepocalypse: Buuuzzzz… did you hear that?

The Promenade: A trip to the historical museum and an old photo help solve the question of how to ask a girl to the spring dance.

Dire-Rama: WOW! That model looks so real!

Hello Me, It’s Me Again: Will an unexpected family reunion finally put things to rest?

The hidden references in these short ‘horror’ stories foreshadow future encounters and/or connect back to events of previous stories, and the twists in the story endings make reading the tales even more fun for ages 9 and above.

Amazon / B&N


Click on the covers for my reviews of Spooky Twisties I & II

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Author Terra Bertha

Terri Bertha


Terri Bertha is author of the Spooky Twisties Series for Middle Grade/YA. Each book consists of thirteen interconnected stories which follow a group of friends as they navigate their way through supernatural events in an idyllic community during the course of a ‘normal’ day. A mix of horror, humor and ‘twisted endings’ make for fun and entertaining reading.

Terri has lived her entire life in the rolling hills and three rivers of western Pennsylvania and the majority of her working years as a Systems Engineer for a large corporation. When her sons were born, she took a hiatus from work, and tutored math and reading while being a substitute teacher in local schools. She returned to the workforce and retired a few years ago.

Besides writing, Terri enjoys watercolor painting, sketching, puzzles, exercising, and golf.

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Murder Between The Pages

A Nina Foster Mystery

by Linda Hope Lee


Murder Between the Pages (The Nina Foster Mystery Series)
Cozy Mystery
1st in Series
The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (Crimson Rose) (December 19, 2018)
Paperback: 264 pages
ISBN-10: 1509223673
ISBN-13: 978-1509223671
Digital Print Length: 190 pages

My Review

I sure do enjoy a fun cozy mystery. And one about writers and bookstores makes it double the fun. The life of a librarian may not seem dangerous to most people. But when Nina discovers her friend dead in her bookstore, it’s wrongful death.  Nina hadn’t planned on getting involved in the investigation. Or of becoming a target. But her friend Zelma is the prime suspect and begs her to help clear her name. A sleuthing she will go.

It’s  a tangled web of truths, half truths and out and out lies as Nina pokes around, trying to find out who killed her good friend Wildeen. The fact that she stumbled around, accidentally overhearing significant information, angering acquaintances when she questioned them, and really had no clue what she was doing made her a believable, genuine character.

The author introduces Stephen, the handsome newcomer who just acquired the newspaper, to the story, which causes a hiccup in Nina’s sleuthing and plans for her future. She has no time for him, but he’s persistent. I enjoyed the back and forth dialogue and the hot and cold emotions between them.

A mystery not easily solved with a slew of suspects and a saucy, fun romance made this a fast and delightful read. I’m curious to see what kind of pickle Nina finds herself in the next time and where the romance goes from here.




It’s a sad day for librarian Nina Foster when she discovers her good friend, bookstore owner Wildeen Bergman, dead on her office floor. Worse yet, another friend, romance writer Zelma Duke, becomes the police’s prime suspect. Nina knows Wildeen had something on Zelma. Was it enough to warrant murder? Handsome Stephen Kraslow, owner of the local newspaper, joins forces with Nina to find out the truth. The quest takes them on a dangerous journey of twists and turns before they reach the final outcome.

About Author Linda Hope Lee

Linda Hope Lee had written contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and mysteries. Other pursuits include watercolor painting, photography, collecting children’s books and anything to do with wire-haired fox terriers. She makes her home in the Pacific Northwest.

Author Links

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March 11 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 11 – Books Direct – GUEST POST


March 13 – The Ninja Librarian – REVIEW

March 13 – Valerie’s Musings – REVIEW

March 14 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

March 15 – Book Club Librarian – REVIEW

March 15 – Teresa Trent Author Blog – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 16 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW

March 17 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

March 17 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

March 18 – That’s What She’s Reading – REVIEW

March 18 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR INTERVIEW




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I was invited to share a review over on Anne’s blog ,Books Of My Heart, as part of her Friends On Friday feature. I was thrilled to be asked and jumped right on it!

We’ve been having some fun conversations since we met on Kimberly’s Sunday Post feature. Anne shares some fun discussions and books. Be sure to give her a follow.

I chose to review Dead Eye, a Tiger’s Eye Mystery by Alyssa Day.

Dead Eye by Alyssa Day @Alyssa_Day ‏@laurathomas61 ‏#FriendsOnFriday

Genre: Urban Fantasy /  Mystery


For Jack Shepherd, tiger shape-shifter and former soldier, life is heading for a dead end. Dead End, Florida, to be exact. When he learns that he inherited a combination pawn shop/private investigation agency from his favorite uncle, Jack’s first job is to solve his uncle’s murder. Because sometimes it takes a tiger’s eye to see the truth.

Amazon / B&N

This book was free at time of posting. Click the link to grab your copy. Just be sure to check the price before you click!

Hop on over to Anne’s post and check out my 5 Star review HERE.


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Phoenix Falling

A Wildlands Novel

Book Five

Laura Bickle

Paperback: 384 pages

Publisher: Harper Voyager

ISBN-10: 0062567357 / ISBN-13: 978-0062567352

Release Date: February 26, 2019

Genre: Urban Fantasy, Horror, Dark Fantasy, PNR, Paranormal Fantasy

My Review

I’ve been loving these characters since the very beginning of the series and this one is particularly bittersweet as it is the last book. I’ve went through so much with them and I expect I’ll be going through some tough times as I get the wrap up.

Petra struggles with what she is or isn’t. What makes her human? Nine has been separated from her pack. Will she rejoin them? Gabe is the last of the Hangmen. What will he be now? Owen is still haunted by a little girl from his past. Will he finally help her find peace? And what is causing the wildfires burning throughout Temperance and will Lascaris rise again to claim their souls?

While the book has a bit of a slow start, I was still held captive. As I mentioned at the start of my review, I’ve loved these characters from the beginning, even that scamp, Sig, Petra’s coyote sidekick. I got all of the answers to questions I’ve had from the start of this series. Some were harrowing. Some were sweet sorrow. And some were happy happy.

And I got a great ending. It was like a hug goodbye.



phoenix falling teaser


Laura Bickle, the critically acclaimed author of Nine of Stars and Witch Creek, returns with a fiery new chapter in her celebrated Wildlands series.

In the Yellowstone backcountry, a merciless source of evil carries a torch for the past…

Petra Dee and her immortal husband, Gabe, have been trying to gain a toehold in what passes for ordinary life in Temperance, Wyoming—

a wickedly enchanted land founded generations ago by the alchemist, Lascaris. Petra may be adept when it comes to the uncanny, but as a reasoned geologist, Petra still can’t fathom the wildfires suddenly engulfing Yellowstone National Park, or why Gabe claims to have seen the sky explode in flames. The answers could lie in the past.

It was a dreadful night in 1862 when Lascaris went harvesting for souls, only to be set upon by townsfolk determined to eliminate the root of all evil in a trial by fire. Petra can’t help fearing that Lascaris has crawled out of the ashes of history to wreak vengeance—and to complete his mission by claiming every vulnerable soul in Temperance.

With the help of Gabe and her coyote sidekick, Sig, Petra must now venture into Lascaris’s shadow before he turns her world into an inferno burning out of control.

“Bickle is well on her way to establishing her work as a cornerstone of her genre.”

—Publishers Weekly

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About Author Laura Bickle

Laura Bickle grew up in rural Ohio, reading entirely too many comic books out loud to her favorite Wonder Woman doll. After graduating with an MA in Sociology – Criminology from Ohio State University and an MLIS in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, she patrolled the stacks at the public library and worked with data systems in criminal justice. She now dreams up stories about the monsters under the stairs, also writing contemporary fantasy novels under the name Alayna Williams.

Her work has been included in the ALA’s Amelia Bloomer Project 2013 reading list and the State Library of Ohio’s Choose to Read Ohio reading list for 2015-2016.

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Restaurant Weeks Are Murder

A Poppy McAllister Murder

by Libby Klein


Restaurant Weeks Are Murder (A Poppy McAllister Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Kensington (February 26, 2019)
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-10: 1496713079
ISBN-13: 978-1496713070

My Review

While the idea of working with Gigi, her ex-finance’s partner, dims her enthusiasm a little, Poppy is thrilled to be a part of his team for the Restaurant Week Challenge. There will be lots of televised exposure and it’s been her dream to show off her abilities with desserts and appetizers. Before the event even starts, she gets a taste of how tough the competition is, and once it’s under way, all kinds of trouble spills over like water from a boiling pot. Then, a judge dies after eating one of her tasty desserts and she becomes the main suspect. Time to put on her other hat, amateur sleuth, and get to work.

This was my first time reading a book in the series and it was so much fun. The foods shared throughout the book had my mouth watering. The mayhem that ensued from the stiff competition was crazy. The dilemma over which man Poppy’s heart really wanted was fun without being a drawn out love triangle. Getting to know all of the talent in the story and choosing which one was the guilty party kept me entertained and on the alert for little clues. And the ending was a well deserved treat.

Poppy is such a delight and I wish her all the best with her new B&B. She’s a woman with many talents. And some of the other characters are still on my mind. Aunt Ginny with her peppered comments. Gia, Poppy’s delicious male love interest. And a cat that weaves a sparkly trail throughout the book, popping up in the most unusual places. It was good clean fun and I had no trouble reading this and following along even though I’d not read the previous books in the series.




Cape May, New Jersey, is the site of a big culinary competition—and the knives are out . . .

Poppy McAllister is happy about opening a Jersey Shore B&B—but working in a professional kitchen has always been her real dream. Now it’s coming true, at least briefly, as she teams up with her former fiancée, Tim—and his condescending partner, Gigi—during the high-profile Restaurant Week challenge. Poppy’s specialty is pastries, despite her devotion to a Paleo diet. But if anyone can make glorious gluten-free goodies, it’s Poppy.

Things get heated quickly—especially when some ingredients get switched and Tim’s accused of sabotage. Relatively harmless pranks soon escalate into real hazards, including an exploding deep fryer. And now one of the judges has died after taking a bite of Poppy’s cannoli—making her the chef suspect . . .

Includes Seven Recipes from Poppy’s Kitchen!

About Author Libby Klein

Libby Klein dabbles in the position of Vice President of a technology company which mostly involves bossing other people around, making spreadsheets, and taking out the trash. She writes culinary cozy mysteries from her Northern Virginia office while trying to keep her cat Figaro off her keyboard.
Author Links

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February 25 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

February 25 – Here’s How It Happened – SPOTLIGHT

February 26 – The Montana Bookaholic – REVIEW

February 26 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 27 – Mythical Books – GUEST POST

February 27 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW

February 28 – MJB Reviewers – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 28 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

March 1 – I’m All About Books – SPOTLIGHT  

March 1 – Baroness’ Book Trove – REVIEW

March 2 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT

March 2 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

March 3 – That’s What She’s Reading – CHARACTER GUEST POST

March 3 – Cozy Up With Kathy – GUEST POST

March 4 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – AUTHOR INTERVIEW


March 5 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT

March 6 – Laura`s Interests – REVIEW

March 6 – Sapphyria’s Books – SPOTLIGHT

March 7 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW

March 7 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 8 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, RECIPE

March 8 – Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

March 9 – My Reading Journeys – REVIEW

March 9 – A Blue Million Books – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

March 10 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

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