Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Savage Jungle

Lair Of The Orang Pendek

by Hunter Shea


Genre:  Horror


My Review

The author warned me this story was crazy. He was so right. And I loved that.

I didn’t realize at first that this was a sequel to Loch Ness Revenge. The twins, Natalie and Austin, got their revenge on the creature that killed their parents with the help of Henrik Kooper, a mysterious wealthy benefactor. Now, the tables are turned, and it’s time to return the favor. So when he asks for their help to destroy the creatures that ripped his father apart before his very eyes, they hop on the plane and head to the Sumatra jungle.

So, going by the cover image and the name Orang Pendek, I thought this was going to be about some killer mutant apes. That would be cool. What I got was even better though. And really terrifying. Hunter showed me what they looked like,  described how they smelled, and then let loose that creative brain of his and dropped me into a story that was every which way and wild.

I liked all of the characters. Which was bad in a way. I know the author doesn’t hesitate to feed his characters to his monsters. While I like that a lot as it adds to the suspense, I didn’t want any of these to die. Even the minor ones were likeable and Hunter made them come to life for me. Be prepared to hold your breath, read as fast as you can to see what happens, and……I’ll leave that for you to find out.

It was easy for me to relate to the conditions the characters had to contend with as I live on the Gulf Coast and sweating off your make-up before you get to your car in the morning is a common thing. But, I know the jungle is much worse and I don’t have to worry about being eaten when I step out my door. After reading about the first encounter they had with these things, then the second, the third, and so on, I was so immersed in the story I could feel the heat, the desperation and fear. The Orang Pendek weren’t the only thing they had to worry about either. It wouldn’t be a Shea book without some other monsters showing up.

I was promised insane fun and I got it. If you like a story filled with ominous creatures and all of the action you can handle, then I recommend you grab Savage Jungle. The title says it all.




They are called the Orang Pendek, masters of the steamy Sumatran rain forest.

Henrik Kooper watched his father die at the brutal hands of the orange-haired ape men. Having barely survived helping twins Natalie and Austin McQueen discover and destroy the beasts lurking in Loch Ness, it’s now his turn for vengeance. Within the treacherous jungles of Sumatra lies the fabled lost city of Gadang Ur. Its secrets are guarded by a savage band of Orang Pendek who lord over the strange and deadly creatures of the hidden land. Utter madness is the lifeblood of Gadang Ur. Henrik’s journey into darkness will take them to the ragged edge of hell on Earth.

Some places were never meant to be discovered.

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Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and I love making decorations
for this time of year. I looked around at the materials I had rolling around my
craft room and raided the displays at the dollar store to come up with some
Halloween luminaries to perch in my windows.
For this project, I used:
Two wide-mouth jars
A plastic witch
A plastic ghost
Black sand
Glue gun and glue sticks
Plastic spider rings
Two LED light strings – I used pumpkins and bats
I already had the jars, glue, spiders, and ribbon, but found the LED
lights, sand, witch, and ghost at my local dollar store. So I’ve invested about
five bucks in this project. I won’t too feel
bad if it doesn’t turn out!
First thing I did was stuff the witch in
a jar and the ghost in jars. I had originally intended to use mason jars, but I
didn’t have any with mouths wide enough to squeeze the plastic sculptures
through. So I used some plastic jars I had handy. I settled the witch and ghost
in their new homes, then poured some black sand around their feet to simulate
ground. You could also use glitter or black salt or fine pebbles.
Then I put some batteries in my lights and tested them out. I think
that I could use fairy lights for this step, too, but I liked the bats and
I arranged the light strings in the jars. I used a pencil to push them
around so that they showed most clearly from the front. I made sure that the
tail of the light string, with the battery pack, extended outside of the jars. I
wanted to be able to turn my luminaries on and off and change batteries without
digging the whole string out of the jar, though you could leave it in the jar,
too. Here’s what they looked like:


Then, I screwed on the lids. Since my lids were plastic, they didn’t
damage the thin wire. I made sure that the wire fed out the back side of the
jar. If I needed more room, I would have cut out part of the lid or put the
pack behind the figure inside the jar, but this seemed to work fine with these


I cut two lengths of ribbon and fished out a couple of spider rings
from the bag of spiders. I cut the ring part off the spiders so that they would
lie flat.
I made a bow with each ribbon and glued one to the top of each jar. In
the center of the bow, I glued a spider.
And I was done! Here’s what my finished luminaries look like:
I can’t wait to put these in my window on Halloween!

by Laura Bickle 
Genre: YA Horror/Paranormal/Fantasy
My Review

Charlie isn’t afraid of the dead. It’s her tenth grade classmates that can send her screaming. Halloween is rolling around again and she isn’t expecting much excitement. Especially after the fiasco from last year. Her parents didn’t appreciate her throwing a party at their funeral home.

This year Charlie is keeping a low profile. She’s not looking for trouble but trouble finds her when a deceased classmate, Amanda, who’s body should be resting in a morgue drawer, gets up and starts munching on corpses. That’s just the beginning of many bizarre events that start happening. Faster than you can say Ghoul Girl, she’s scrambling to hide Amanda and find out why the dead aren’t staying dead.

This book is tagged as YA Horror and there were some gruesome scenes. Like the one where Amanda starts chowing down on live worms like they’re gummies. And when she chews on a corpses arm like it’s a drum stick. Those scenes made me squirm. But Laura also made them funny. The family dog, Lothar, loves Amanda because she shares her kibble. Yep he’s a man eater, kind of.  He even liked the worms.

Flesh doesn’t have tons of action, but there’s enough to keep the story moving fast. The character’s act genuine. And there’s a legend about Bob the Catfish that adds an interesting twist.

I was torn over how to rate this book. Keeping in mind this was aimed at the younger audience, I went with 4 stars. It didn’t wow me but I had fun and I think it hit the mark for the young adult readers.

Book Description:
The dead are easy to talk to. Live people, not so much.
Charlie Sulliven thinks she knows all the secrets of the dead. Raised in a funeral home, she’s the reluctant “Ghoul Girl,” her reputation tied to a disastrous Halloween party. But navigating her life as a high school sophomore is an anxiety-inducing puzzle to her. She haunts the funeral home with her parents, emo older brother, Garth, their pistol-packing Gramma, and the glass-eyeball-devouring dachshund, Lothar.
Chewed human bodies are appearing in her parents’ morgue…and disappearing in the middle of the night. The bodies seem tied to a local legend, Catfish Bob, who has resurfaced in the muddy Milburn river near Charlie’s small town. When one of Charlie’s classmates, Amanda, awakens in the cooler as a flesh-eating ghoul, Charlie must protect her newfound friend and step up to unravel the mystery…and try to avoid becoming lunch meat for the dead.
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About the Author:
Laura Bickle grew up in rural Ohio, reading entirely too many comic books out loud to her favorite Wonder Woman doll. After graduating with an MA in Sociology-Criminology from Ohio State University and an MLIS in Library Science from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, she patrolled the stacks at the public library and worked with data systems in criminal justice. She now dreams up stories about the monsters under the stairs. Her work has been included in the ALA’s Amelia Bloomer Project 2013 reading list and the State Library of Ohio’s Choose to Read Ohio reading list for 2015-2016.
More information about Laura’s work can be found at 
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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Mansion

by Ezekiel Boone


Genre:  Horror / Thriller


My Review

I really enjoyed the Hatching series and when I saw the author had a haunted house tale, I couldn’t wait to see how he spun it.

The house is haunted. In more ways than one. It’s a smart house like no other. But what do you do when the AI goes rogue?

I can’t begin to review this in the way I’d like. It would have too many spoilers. There are so many side stories that come together in the end to reveal the truth about the haunting. The characters have their own agendas and some secrets they’d do most anything to keep from coming to light. And the techie house just plain scares me.

I was hoping to love this. But, I just didn’t get into it the way I did with the author’s spider series. Not so much because there were none, more because I didn’t like any of the character’s. They were shallow and secretive, with few redeeming qualities. Maybe the author wanted them to come across that way, and that’s okay. I don’t always have to like character’s to enjoy a good story. But, in this case, I needed to care about at least one, And, I didn’t. Though, a certain someone did intrigue me.

In all,  an entertaining read with a haunting of the modern kind. I may not have loved this, but I never didn’t want to finish it. And I’ll be game to read whatever the author brings on next.




In this white-knuckle thriller from the internationally bestselling author of the “apocalyptic extravaganza” (Publishers Weekly) The Hatching series, a family moves into a home equipped with the world’s most intelligent, cutting-edge, and intuitive computer ever—but a buried secret leads to terrifying and catastrophic consequences.

After two years of living on cheap beer and little else in a bitterly cold tiny cabin outside an abandoned, crumbling mansion, young programmers Shawn Eagle and Billy Stafford have created something that could make them rich: a revolutionary computer they name Eagle Logic.

But the hard work and escalating tension have not been kind to their once solid friendship—Shawn’s girlfriend Emily has left him for Billy, and a third partner has disappeared under mysterious circumstances. While Billy walks away with Emily, Shawn takes Eagle Logic, which he uses to build a multi-billion-dollar company that eventually outshines Apple, Google, and Microsoft combined.

Years later, Billy is a failure, beset by poverty and addiction, and Shawn is the most famous man in the world. Unable to let the past be forgotten, Shawn decides to resurrect his and Billy’s biggest failure: a next-generation computer program named Nellie that can control a house’s every function. He decides to set it up in the abandoned mansion they worked near all those years ago. But something about Nellie isn’t right—and the reconstruction of the mansion is plagued by accidental deaths. Shawn is forced to bring Billy back, despite their longstanding mutual hatred, to discover and destroy the evil that lurks in the source code.

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The aove cover is the one I own. Here is the audiobook.


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Evil Stalks The Night

by Kathryn Meyer Griffith


Genre:  Horror / Paranormal


My Review

The title for this book is perfect and so is the cover. Something stalks Sarah and her family. History is repeating itself as evil stirs in the woods and children are once again the victims of it’s wrath. Could the curse be true? And can they stop the evil before it kills again?

Kathryn never fails to keep me totally immersed in her stories. She always gives me genuine characters. And her descriptions of their lives echoes my own childhood memories. Not the scary stuff though.

The evil that stalks these people is terrifying. How the author describes the malevolent entity that can’t be seen raises the hairs on my neck.  The fortitude and bravery of Kathryn’s character’s gave me hope they could vanquish the evil that has stalked their family for generations. But as things go from bad to the worst possible I had my doubts.

The fact that Sarah is a psychic and can see what may have already happened and what might be going to happen doesn’t always help her. She can’t always determine past from present, and even when she can, it doesn’t mean help will arrive in time. This unpredictability really added to the suspense and had me flying though the book.

Kathryn is on my auto read list. And she’s given me another bone chilling read.




Twenty years ago psychic Sarah Summers fled from the evil that lurked in the woods behind her childhood home after it killed most of her family, but a nasty divorce and financial hardships forced her back when nothing else could. With her son, Jeremy, she returns to her grandmother’s dilapidated house and tries to begin a new life. She meets an eligible man, police detective, Ben, who falls for her, and she prays her fresh visions of bloodshed and death deep among the dark trees are not true. Then the murders begin again and Sarah is hurtled back into the same nightmare that has haunted her her whole life. The evil in the woods is awake again…and this time it wants her last remaining brother, her son…and her. With Ben’s and Jim’s help can she defeat it this time…and live?

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Other books I’ve read by the author.

Click on the covers for my reviews.

Full length novels.

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Short stories.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Peter Tremayne


Genre:  Horror


My Review

There’s a mythical beast dwelling in the Scottish mountains. Those not local to the area scoff at the tales of death the creature has caused. Those that know better don’t intrude on its territory. But the beast no longer recognizes boundaries. It goes where it will. Kills what it will. First, animals are found torn to pieces. Then the bodies of people. Something has changed and all should fear what’s coming.

This story had so much promise. I love crytpid tales, especially about the big hairy guys, sasquatch or abominable. Sadly, about halfway in this story got too strange, the thing with the Monk just didn’t work for me. I wanted more rampaging beast and less of the why.

I did like some of the characters and the author did put me in the location. I’m a sucker for stories where the environment plays a large roll in how the characters fight and/or survive.  But again, not enough yeti. At least, not the kind of creature I wanted.

I’ve read a lot of Peter’s books and, even though they didn’t all blow me away, he had plenty of stories that managed to keep me dialed in. And I’ll always check out what he writes next.




No man could have made such prints, even if a man were walking barefoot in the dead of night across an inhospitable mountain slope.

When Ellen MacDonald arrives for a surprise visit to her uncle’s remote lodge on the lower slopes of the snow-swept Cairngorms, Doctor MacDonald is on a most unusual case.

At the time-hallowed monastery of St Bechan, a brother has fallen dangerously ill with a mysterious sickness. The doctor’s diagnosis suggests a baffling fever, but to the monks of St Bechan, steeped in the dark myths of the Black Peak, it is a case of possession.

Sudden, savage deaths follow – animals, and then men. In the shadow of the jagged peaks towering against the grey skies of Scotland an immemorial legend has come to light – a legend reaching across hundreds of years and thousands of miles. In the chill mountains a low, fretful wail rises and falls with the driving wind – the cry of the SNOWBEAST!



I own the above eBook cover. This is the paperback cover from 1083. I don’t think its available now. Which do you like more?



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Moor

by Sam Haysom


Genre:  Horror


My Review

I started reading this at night. It felt fitting as the story began with a camping trip and scary stories being told around the campfire. I could see the ghoulish faces cause by the light from the wavering flames. Hear the boys breathes quickening as the story gained momentum. Feel their hearts starting to race. Or was it mine?

The moment I read the blurb I was hooked. What could be scarier than being in the wilderness, knowing that disappearances and strange mutilations have occurred there, but still thinking it won’t happen to me. So, when someone disappears, knowing you have no business being out their in the first place flies out the window. It’s now a fight for survival against something terrible and unknown.

The author set this up well. After you learn the ins and out of the characters places in the group, the true nature of the story begins. There’s a good mystery in these pages. The feeling of isolation and desperation are on target. There’s something truly evil that I didn’t expect. And the ending. Well…’ll just have to read it.

A good one for a dark and stormy night.




It begins with a ghost story around a campfire. Teenagers out on a walking trip, trying to act brave in front of each other.

But as the walk gets underway and the boys begin to fall out, odd things start to happen.

Noises in the night. A severed rabbit’s foot outside someone’s tent.

Soon, the boys begin to disappear.

As panic sets in and a storm approaches, the remaining boys must band together to face a darkness not even the local ghost stories could help them predict.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Sea Was A Fair Master

by Calvin Demmer


Genre:  Horror / Short Stories Collection


My Review

There’s a slew of short stories in this collection. Some are only a couple of pages long. But don’t let that fool you. Each of these has a beginning and end, with some very nasty surprises for you.

With so many stories, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy them all, but I did. They left me wrung out emotionally, had me leaning towards my Kindle, apprehensive but unable to stop reading, and even had me leaning away, seriously creeped out.

The words atmospheric, malevolent, evil and ominous are just a few words that could describe this experience. There’s also poignant and romantic. Whether you enjoy straight out horror or something a little more, a little strange, I’m sure you’ll find something in here you’ll like.

I can appreciate the author who tackles short stories. To get you to connect to the characters and story with a slim amount of words can’t be easy. Calvin Demmer “mastered” this art and I’m glad I got to read these.




The world’s fate lies with a comatose young girl; an android wants to remember a human she once knew under Martian skies; men at sea learn that the ocean is a realm far different from land, where an unforgiving god rules; a school security guard discovers extreme English class; and a man understands what the behemoth beneath the sea commands of him.

The Sea Was a Fair Master is a collection of 23 stories, riding the currents of fantasy, science fiction, crime, and horror. There are tales of murder, death, loss, revenge, greed, and hate. There are also tales of hope, survival, and love.

For the sea was a fair master.

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I own the eBook with the cover shown above. Here is the copy for the paperback.

Which do you like more?


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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Haunted Tales

Stories from Beyond the Grave

An Anthology Compiled by Samie Sands


Genre:  Horror / Anthology


My Review

I do like short stories and collections. There are a bunch in here, along with some poems. It also includes authors I’ve enjoyed before and some new ones I’ll be checking out further.

While many of these were really good, some weren’t my cuppa tea. That often happens when there are this many to read in one book.  Way to many to review individually, and I don’t want to play favorites.  I’ll just say the ones that grabbed me were creeptastic.

Plenty to keep you entertained and the right time of year to enjoy some spooky. I’m glad I read these.




Find out what’s going bump in the night with stories and poetry from the most terrifying horror writers; Kevin S. Hall, Cecilia H. Doldan, Nicholas Boving, Stephen Downes, Kody Dibble, June Lundgren, Amy S. Pacini, June Rachelson-Ospa, Justin R. Beeman, Martha Jette, Debbie Johnson, Giselda Woldenga, Anthony V. Pugliese, Matt Mesnard, Rick Eddy, Michele Jones, Linda H. Gerald, Linda Jenkinson, Jake Elliot, Kally Jo Surbeck, Ekta Rawat, Mathias Jansson, Will Zeilinger, Delaina M. Waldron, Kimberly Klemm, Trisha Sugarek, Rae Desmond Jones, Jon Ospa and Samie Sands.

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The above cover is the one I own. Here is an alternative cover.


Which do you like more?


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Big Bad Wolf banner


Welcome to my stop on the tour for Nancy Gray’s Spine Chillers: Nig Bad Wolf, brought to you by Pump Up Your Book. The tour runs from September 17 – October 19th.

Spine Chillers Big Bad Wolf

Author: Nancy Gray
Publisher: Independent
Pages: 112
Genre: Middle Grade Horror

My Review

Big Bad Wolf was just what the doctor ordered for my Halloween reading list. Not that it has to be the spooky month for me to like creepy stories.

Little did Jane suspect that when she got the coveted role of Red Riding Hood in her school play she’d have to face off against a real big bad wolf. Well, it’s actually a moth eaten stuffed one used as a prop. Or is it.

It didn’t take long for this story to give me goose bumps. Jane had good reason to want to avoid the wolf. It seemed to become more menacing every time she faced it. When I was a young girl, I was given a stuffed mink. It seriously creeped me out and wound up spending it’s days hidden in the back of my closet.

  Jane’s nightmares gave me the willies and after strange things started happening I really felt for her. Who would believe that old stuffed wolf was out to get her? Where did it get it’s power? And why her? All of these questions were answered in some exciting and chilling events leading up to the big finish.

No matter your age, this will be one spooky read.




Jane is ecstatic when she gets the role of Red Riding Hood in her school play, but she didn’t realize that they’d be using the stuffed wolf prop as the Big Bad Wolf. That tattered old prop has always scared her and, lately, she has been having strange dreams about it that make it seem like it’s something more.

Jane will have to get help to save herself from the hungry spirit that has haunted her people and her nightmares before it consumes her, or worse, escapes the prison of the last creature it took to sate its horrible appetite.

Purchase on: Amazon

About Author Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her middle grade series Spine Chillers. She also published her YA fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.

Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Her latest book is the mid-grade horror, Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf.


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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
by Nancy Gray

The Beast of Black Pond


Genre: Horror
Age category: Middle Grade
Release Date: October 2018

My Review

Duane has an assignment for his creative writing class. Write about an urban legend. He chooses to write about something local, the legend of Black Pond. Several children have died in the pond and a legend has grown that something lives there and pulls kids under to their doom. Little did he know, he’d meet the legend up close and personal and he’d be in the fight of his life.

The author’s writing was spot on. The character’s read and acted their age and it took me back to when I was young. You might find yourself thinking I’d never do that when reading some of the events in these pages. Don’t be so sure. Kid’s do the darndest things and don’t stop to overthink or rationalize them.

Duane, his sister, and his best friend joined forces and faced off against something that shouldn’t be real. It got pretty hairy, and felt genuine. No adult was going to believe them so they’d deal with it their own way. I tell ya, what dwelt in the pond was very scary. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet it as an adult, let alone as a kid.

There was lots of action to keep the story moving at a fast clip. And some harrowing encounters to get those endorphins pumping. I would have ate this up as a kid and I did as an adult.


Stop back by tomorrow. I’ll be reviewing another Spine Chillers story, Big Bad Wolf.



“Mrs. Snider,” Duane asked. “Do you know anything about Black Pond?”
“There isn’t some monster drowning children. It’s a dangerous, polluted pond,” she said.

But there is a monster that lurks silently in the water, watching and waiting; hungry for its next meal. Duane has seen THE BEAST OF BLACK POND, and the beast has his scent. The beast hunts him from the pond, to the lake by the dam, even to his own swimming pool. Duane will need all his wits, and the help of his friends if he wants to avoid being pulled under to a watery grave.



About the Author:

Nancy Gray

Nancy Gray has published a number of works including her young adult fantasy series Blood Rain. Her short story “Chosen” appeared in Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Author Quest: a Penguin Special from Grosset & Dunlap. Her work also appears in various anthologies.
Nancy Gray has been writing for over ten years. Gray lives in South Carolina with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys books, video games, anime, manga, and horror.

Other Works by Nancy Gray:
Blood Rain
Blood Moon
Blood God
Spine Chillers: The Scarecrow
Spine Chillers: Big Bad Wolf
Spine Chillers: The Beast of Black Pond
Spine Chillers: Empty Eyes
Spine Chillers: The Firefly

You can find and contact Nancy Gray here:

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