Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

I ‘ve got the next zombie tale in The Book Of Riley Series to share today.


The Book Of Riley #3

by Mark Tufo



My Review

Riley, an American Bulldog, and her pack, consisting of Ben Ben, the Yorkie, Patches, the cat, and the two humans, Jessie and her baby brother, struggle to find safe haven from the zombies.

A huge surprise in the last book provided the pack with a secret weapon. I was skeptical about it at first, then rolled with the idea.  But even that might not be enough as Icely is dogging their trail. He’s such a sick twist. Made me hate like the Governor did in The Walking Dead. I longed for him to die, horribly. So the race is on and there’s no guarantees who will still be standing once the dust settles.

Things are really getting dicey in this third book and I’m worried about the pack. I’ve become quite fond of these character’s and that attachment sure kept things edgy.

This is the most intense yet in the series and I can hardly wait to see how events unfold in the next book.

4 Stars


Read by Sean Runnette

Sean continues to rise to the challenge of being the voice for all of these characters. Nice to hear him again.


Thanks so much to Tantor Audio and the author for the complimentary copy.

My review is voluntarily given.



During the highly improbable zombie uprising of 2013, the fearless American bulldog Riley quickly discovered that it was up to her to keep the pack safe. Together with Yorkshire terrier Ben-Ben and former archenemy Patches the cat, Riley struggles to keep the zombies at bay while helping her favorite human, Jessie, as they travel cross-country, dodging pepper paint balls and taser blasts from the evil, misogynistic Icely and his band of thugs.

Now this motley mishmash of mammals are running for their lives. The wicked Icely has picked up their scent and is now chasing them across the badlands of Colorado in hopes of seeking revenge—a painful one at that—on the dog that tried to kill him, as well as on the “bitches” who got away.

Seen through the eyes of a random narrator and Riley, we have to wonder: will Icely and his men chase them down and zap them into oblivion, or will the zombies finally win and get the brains they desperately crave?

Amazon / Tantor


This counts towards my They Call It Puppy Love Challenge.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

Today I’m back with zombies and quite a different viewpoint about the apocalypse. I’ll be reviewing several books in this fun series. And great news! The first book is free on Amazon. Click HERE or on the cover to grab your eBook copy!

The Book Of Riley #2

by Mark Tufo


My Review

Book Two starts up immediately where it left off in the first book. The character’s are in a tight spot, needing gas for the vehicle but zombies surround the gas pumps. They need out, the zombies want in. It gets messy.

It’s not just zombies the pack has to worry about. Society breaks down and so does humanity, bringing out the dark in many. I am an animal lover and feel I should warn you about a scene where Riley is forced to fight another dog. Eben animals have to do unspeakable things to survive. Given how the story is told from her point of view, it was scary and heart wrenching.

But the story also has some lighter moments. Especially with Ben Ben, the little ankle biter, and his frequent bowel releases and Patches, the cat, with her superior snarkiness.

Plus there are a couple of surprises that have me so curious about the next installment in the series. Moving on to it now.

The Book Of Riley is a unique view on a zombie apocalypse and I’m still having fun with it.

  4  Stars

 Read by Sean Runnette

Sean continues to make this a horrific yet fun listen. I’ve come to recognize his different voices for the character’s human or animal and I’m glad he’s still narrating these.


Thanks so much to Tantor Audio and the author for the complimentary copy.

My review is voluntarily given.



When the zombie apocalypse struck, intrepid American bulldog Riley quickly discovered it was up to her to keep the pack safe. Together with Yorkshire terrier Ben-Ben and former archenemy Patches the cat, Riley helped to keep the zombies at bay while favorite human Jessie traveled cross-country to find safety for herself and her baby brother, Zachary.

But after a long journey, Riley and the gang arrive in Las Vegas—one of the few remaining inhabited cities—only to find that it has been taken over by a group of thugs who rule through fear and brutality. Making matters worse, ruler Icely and his gang have taken to staging dog fights as popular entertainment, and Riley catches their eye. With Riley forced to fight for her life and Jessie locked up in the home of Icely himself, the future is uncertain. Will Riley save the day once more and help her pack escape to safety?

Amazon / Tantor


This counts towards my They Call It Puppy Love Challenge.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

A Tag Team Event egyptian heart

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry.

 It’s always a pleasure to share more books by Kathryn Meyer Griffith. I’ve read many of her books and plan to read everything she writes.

For today, I’m sharing my review of Egyptian Heart.

After reading my review, head on over to Sherry’s blog at fundinmental to check out her review and enter another giveaway!


Egyptian Heart

by Kathryn Meyer Griffith




Genre: Time Travel / Romance

My Review

Having read so many books by this author, most of them horror and thrillers, I was wondering how she’d do with a romance novel. She did beautifully.

Kathryn swept me back in time right along with Maggie Owen, an Egyptologist. The unearthing of Ramose Nakh-Min’s tomb is a significant find and she never could have imagined the mysterious event that catapulted her back to 1340 A.D. Egypt, right in the middle of an escaped slave round up. Her knowledge of this period saved her from death and since she didn’t know when or if she’d ever return to her time, she did her best to blend in and soak up the culture. She never planned to fall in love. And never suspected it could cost her everything.

Kathryn writes a compelling story. She knows her stuff. I could see everything. Ever wondered what Egypt was like way back when? You’ll know after reading Egyptian Heart. I was quickly wrapped up in Maggie’s adventure, wondering whether she would ever get back home and if she would even want to. How would it work if she stayed? What was waiting for her if she made it back to present day?

So many possibilities and the author weaves her spell so well.

  4  Stars



Maggie Owen is a beautiful, spirited Egyptologist…but lonely. Even being in Egypt on a grant from the college she teaches at to search for an undiscovered necropolis she’s certain lies below the sands beyond the pyramids of Gizah doesn’t give her the happiness she’d hoped it would. There has always been and is something missing. Love.
Then her workmen uncover Ramose Nakh-Min’s ancient tomb and an amulet from his sarcophagus hurls her back to 1340 B.C–where she falls hopelessly in love with the man she was destined to be with, noble Ramose, who faithfully serves the heretic Pharaoh Akhenaton and his queen Nefertiti.
She’s fallen into perilous times with civil war threatening Egypt. She’s been mistaken for one of Ramose’s runaway slaves and with her blond hair, jinn green eyes and fair skin she doesn’t fit in. Some say she’s magical and evil. Ramose’s favorite, Makere, attempts to kill her.
The people, angry the pharaoh Akhenaton has set his queen Nefertiti aside and he’s forced them to worship his god, Aton (instead of their many Egyptian gods), are rising up against him.
Maggie’s caught in the middle of it in a dangerous land and time she doesn’t belong in.
In the end, desperately in love with Ramose, will she find a way to stay alive and with him in ancient Egypt–and to make a difference in his world and history?
Because Maggie has finally found love.

Purchase on Amazon


In exchange for an honest review on Amazon and Goodreads, Kathryn will send a free eBook copy of any of her other 26 books. You can find the complete list of her books in her author bio below. Just send your request to this link HERE.



About the Author
Kathryn Meyer Griffith

Since childhood I’ve been an artist and worked as a graphic designer in the corporate world and for newspapers for twenty-three years before I quit to write full time. But I’d already begun writing novels at 21, over forty-five years ago now, and have had twenty-six (six romantic horror, four thrillers, three horror novels, two romantic SF horror, one romantic suspense, one romantic time travel, one historical romance and eight murder mysteries) previous novels, two novellas and twelve short stories published from many traditional publishers since 1984. But since 2012 I’ve gone into self-publishing in a big way; and upon getting some of my older books’ full rights back for the first time in 33 years, have self-published all of them along with my newer novels. My four Dinosaur Lake novels and four Spookie Town Mysteries (Scraps of Paper, All Things Slip Away, Ghosts Beneath Us and Witches Among Us) are my best-sellers. Once branded a horror writer, these days I consider myself a storyteller.

I’ve been married to Russell for thirty-nine years; have a son and two grandchildren and I live in a small quaint town in Illinois. We have a quirky cat, Sasha, and the three of us live happily in an old house in the heart of town. Though I’ve been an artist, and a folk/classic rock singer in my youth with my brother Jim, writing has always been my greatest passion, my butterfly stage, and I’ll probably write stories until the day I die…or until my memory goes.

2012 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS *Finalist* for her horror novel The Last Vampire ~ 2014 EPIC EBOOK AWARDS * Finalist * for her thriller novel Dinosaur Lake.

*All Kathryn Meyer Griffith’s books can be found HERE.

*All her audio books HERE.

Novels and short stories from Kathryn Meyer Griffith:

Evil Stalks the Night, The Heart of the Rose, Blood Forged, Vampire Blood, The Last Vampire (2012 EPIC EBOOK AWARDSFinalist in their Horror category), Witches, Witches II: Apocalypse, Witches plus bonus Witches II: Apocalypse, The Nameless One erotic horror short story, The Calling, Scraps of Paper (The First Spookie Town Murder Mystery), All Things Slip Away (The Second Spookie Town Murder Mystery), Ghosts Beneath Us (The Third Spookie Town Murder Mystery), Witches Among Us (The Fourth Spookie Town Murder Mystery), Egyptian Heart, Winter’s Journey, The Ice Bridge, Don’t Look Back, Agnes, A Time of Demons and Angels, The Woman in Crimson, Human No Longer, Four Spooky Short Stories Collection, Forever and Always Romantic Novella, Night Carnival Short Story, Dinosaur Lake (2014 EPIC EBOOK AWARDSFinalist in their Thriller/Adventure category), Dinosaur Lake II: Dinosaurs Arising and Dinosaur Lake III: Infestation, Dinosaur Lake IV: Dinosaur Wars, Memories of My Childhood (short story collection) and Christmas Magic 1959 short story.

Author Links

Twitter / Blog  / Author’s Den / Facebook / Goodreads / Amazon

Smashword / Pinterest


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Five winners!
Up for grabs:
Five winners will receive an eBook copy in mobi, ePub, or PDF format. Or Audible codes.
(Winner’s choice)

To enter, please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win and answer this question:

“Where would you choose to go if you were able to go back in time?”

Giveaway ends March 7th.

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry at fundinmental.

Now hop on over and check out Sherry’s review, and enter for another chance to win  HERE.

tag you're it photo: You're awesome tag-game-awesome-friends_zpscce89964.jpg


Other books I’ve read by the author.

Click on the covers for my reviews.

Full length novels.

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Short stories.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Today I’m sharing my review of Necessities by Boyd Taylor. The fourth book in his Donnie Ray Cuinn Series.

Click on the titles to read my reviews for his previous three books Hero, The Antelope Play and The Monkey House.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


The Donnie Ray Cuinn Series #4

by Boyd Taylor


Category:  Adult Fiction,  225 pages
Genre:   Suspense Crime Fiction
Publisher:  Katherine Brown Press
Release date:  December 5, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (There is a murder and elusions to sex. Some mild cursing.)

My Review

This is the most convoluted of the books in the series. You don’t even get to Donnie until about halfway through the book. He’s requested to defend a war hero in a murder case. David lost his legs in Iraq and has overcome a lot. He boxes and runs marathons and winds up marrying into a very rich family. But he might not get his happy ever after.

He can’t outrun the murder charge and remembers Donnie from another case. Donnie’s reluctant to take it on as he doesn’t do criminal cases but he can’t refuse after hearing David’s story. An innocent man must be kept out of jail.

While different from the previous books because it’s actually David’s story you read first, Donnie rises to the occasion in the second half. And he’s still dealing with some smaller cases. How he handles them is always a hoot. I like the way the man thinks.

And I got tricked this time. I thought I knew what really happened. Then I didn’t. Then I did. Kept me on my toes throughout and I’m still liking this author’s style. I hope there will be more.

5 Stars



Donnie Ray Cuinn returns to Austin to defend a war hero accused of murder. David Lewis lost both legs in Iraq, but he has overcome his nightmares and his disabilities by sheer willpower. He has learned to run and to box and is a successful newspaperman with a beautiful wife and son. Now the nightmares have returned and he must stand trial for murder. With twists that never seem to end, this gripping legal thriller is filled with suspense and indelibly drawn characters dealing with love and betrayal.


Watch the book trailer for Necessities (Book #4 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn Series)


Meet the Author:

BOYD TAYLOR lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and their Havanese dog Toby. Necessities is the fourth novel in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series. In a former life, Boyd was a lawyer and a corporate officer. A native of Temple, Texas, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in government and an LL.B. from the law school.

Boyd’s first novel “Hero” was prescient in its story about fake news. His second novel, “The Antelope Play,” dealt with drug trafficking in the Texas Panhandle, an unfortunately accurate forecast. The third, “The Monkey House”, involved commercial development of a large green space in the center of Austin, all too familiar to Austin residents. Whether his upcoming novel “Necessities” predicts future events with the accuracy of the earlier books remains to be seen.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook


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Enter the Giveaway!
Ends March 7, 2018

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To read reviews, please visit Boyd Taylor’s page on iRead Book Tours.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to my stop on the tour for Boyd Taylor’s Donnie Ray Cuinn Series. Today I’m sharing my review for his third book, The Monkey House.

Click on the titles for my reviews of the previous two books Hero and The Antelope Play and stop back by tomorrow for my review of the fourth book, Necessities.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

The Monkey House

The Donnie Ray Cuinn Series #3

by Boyd Taylor


Category:  Adult Fiction,  212 pages
Genre:   Political Suspense
Publisher:  Katherine Brown Press
Release date:  May 29, 2015
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (Some adult language and elusion to sex.)

My Review

Nothing like some madcap monkey escapes to start the story. Donnie’s Papa used the escaping monkeys to help in his endeavors to shut down a research lab. Now he wants the property turned into a park for children and a nice green sanctuary for people to enjoy. But a low down dirty dog throws a wrench in those plans and Donnie is up to his eyeballs in dirty deals trying to fix everything.

It was good to get back to this series. There were more big changes for Donnie, personally and career wise. along with his struggling love life. I really do like Donnie, but I find him too forgiving sometimes. What his long time best friend does is beyond forgivable to me.

It’s never dull in Donnie’s life either. So much scheming and back door deals, the corruption and action is alive and well, keeping his practice afloat. Some of these character’s are so maddening and some so delightful, it’s always fun to read what they are up to.

Still enjoying the heck out of this series and the ending has this super surprise. I had been wondering what happened to a certain something, and it was crazy fun when I found out.

  5 Stars



This, the third Donnie Ray Cuinn book, pits Donnie against the old friends and new enemies guilty of land fraud and corporate greed. Donnie returns to Austin from his law practice in the Texas Panhandle to confront All-American football player Wesley Bird, his former best friend. In the company of beautiful, athletic Anna Kaye Nordstrom, Donnie experiences the “new” Austin of glitzy condos, trendy restaurants and social media. He also revisits the “old” Austin of barbecue, power politics and greens versus developers. Donnie finds that not much has changed.

Amazon / B&N

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Watch the book trailer for Necessities (Book #4 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn Series)


Meet the Author:

BOYD TAYLOR lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and their Havanese dog Toby. Necessities is the fourth novel in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series. In a former life, Boyd was a lawyer and a corporate officer. A native of Temple, Texas, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in government and an LL.B. from the law school.

Boyd’s first novel “Hero” was prescient in its story about fake news. His second novel, “The Antelope Play,” dealt with drug trafficking in the Texas Panhandle, an unfortunately accurate forecast. The third, “The Monkey House”, involved commercial development of a large green space in the center of Austin, all too familiar to Austin residents. Whether his upcoming novel “Necessities” predicts future events with the accuracy of the earlier books remains to be seen.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook


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Enter the Giveaway!
Ends March 7, 2018

a Rafflecopter giveaway


To read reviews, please visit Boyd Taylor’s page on iRead Book Tours.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I’m thrilled to be sharing a review for The Antelope Play, Boyd Taylor’s second book in his Donnie Ray Cuinn Series.

You can read my review of the first book HERE.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow for my review of the third book, The Monkey House and on Thursday for the fourth book, Necessities.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


The Antelope Play

The Donnie Ray Cuinn Series #2

by Boyd Taylor


Category:  Adult Fiction,  260 pages
Genre:   Political Suspense
Publisher:  Katherine Brown Press
Release date:  July 25, 2015
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (Some minor cursing.)

My Review

It’s some time later and so much has happened to Donnie. After leaving Texas and pursuing a possible career in historical studies, he’s back in Texas, a damaged man. His wife and her family were gunned down by a drug cartel and his guilt weighs heavy on him.

Now a lawyer and associate in a Texas law firm, he marks the passing of time, hating the small town of Velda and losing all sense of direction. Fed up with his job he quits and sets up shop in his own office in an even smaller town, Antelope City, population: 1004. Things change quickly when a seemingly trivial case lands him in the middle of a water right’s case.

I’m not really sure how much time passed between the first book and where we are now. A lot has happened and the author provided the information in just the right places. My curiosity grew as I learned why Donnie left Mexico and what occurred to send him, tail tucked, back to Texas. He’s different. More mature, yes. But bitter, disillusioned. I missed his easy ways and humor. As he digs into the new case, he starts to come out of his miasma. I caught glimpses of the character I was so fond of.

This book isn’t fast paced. More like steady until you get near the end. It’s not packed with action. What makes it so hard to put down is the author’s writing. The descriptions of the towns, the diverse character’s and their antics,  it all reads so easy. It’s fun reading even when not much is happening.

It was like coming back home as I read this. Not sure quite what it was, but something had me loving this even more than the first book. There’s more intrigue, more scheming, sadness and humor. But, I’m thinking it’s Donnie. He’s the something extra. And what might happen to him is why I can’t stop reading this series.

5 Stars



When Austin native Donnie Cuinn accepts a job as an associate in a Texas Panhandle law firm, his boredom and disdain for Velda, a sleepy Texas town, is forgotten when he gets caught up in a struggle over water rights, possible radioactive contamination of the nation’s largest underground fresh water supply, and the violence of an invading Mexican drug cartel. Along the way, Donnie learns to respect the local rancher, whose brother is at the center of the troubles, and to come to terms with the violent death of his young Mexican wife.

Amazon / B&N

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Watch the book trailer for Necessities (Book #4 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn Series)


Meet the Author:

BOYD TAYLOR lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and their Havanese dog Toby. Necessities is the fourth novel in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series. In a former life, Boyd was a lawyer and a corporate officer. A native of Temple, Texas, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in government and an LL.B. from the law school.

Boyd’s first novel “Hero” was prescient in its story about fake news. His second novel, “The Antelope Play,” dealt with drug trafficking in the Texas Panhandle, an unfortunately accurate forecast. The third, “The Monkey House”, involved commercial development of a large green space in the center of Austin, all too familiar to Austin residents. Whether his upcoming novel “Necessities” predicts future events with the accuracy of the earlier books remains to be seen.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook


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Enter The Giveaway!

Ends March 7, 2018

a Rafflecopter giveaway


To read reviews, please visit Boyd Taylor’s page on iRead Book Tours.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Finally, it’s time for me to share my review for Hero by Boyd Taylor. This is the first in his Donnie Ray Cuinn Series.

Make sure you stop back by tomorrow for my review of the second book, The Antelope Play. On Wednesday I’ll be reviewing the third book, The Monkey House and on Thursday I’ll be reviewing the fourth book, Necessities. Be sure to stop back by.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


The Donnie Ray Cuinn Series #1

by Boyd Taylor


Category: Adult Fiction, 180 pages
Genre: Political Suspense
Publisher: Katherine Brown Press
Release date: November 9, 2015
Tour dates: Jan 3 to Feb 28, 2017
Content Rating: PG-13 + M (Some slight cursing.)

My Review

Donnie Ray Cuinn Is nobody special. Just a humble historian. Until the day he uncovers a startling document and writes about. Then he lands smack dab in the middle of a gubernatorial race in the mighty state of Texas.

You see, Sam Eben Payne V, is one of the candidates and that article Donnie wrote shed a rather ugly light on Sam’s ancestor, creating a bit of a scandal. He claims the document was a fake and brings the full force of his power down on Donnie. Now Donnie must choose, retract the story or stand by what he believes to be true.

This is very much a character driven story. Something I happen to love. And there’s such a fun cast. It makes everything outrageous. And the author writes these scenes that make you wish you were a fly on the wall. Like when Sam Payne, running for governor and with deep roots in the state, demands the story be retracted and just can’t believe it when a nobody like Donnie refuses to obey. He has a hissy it. He huffs and he puffs but Donnie won’t back down.

It took some time for me to warm up to Donnie. In the beginning he’s not got much ambition or focus. But Sam Eben’s threats put a burr under his saddle and he gets fired up. Plus, he’s finally found a girl he can love and shes’ no shrinking violet. There’s a scene in a hotel room where some Republic Militia bust in, catching them naked and unprepared, and Cecilia shows her Texan upbringing. Donnie sums it up eloquently, “My God, you’re wonderful!” LOL

What I thought might be a snooze turned out to be one heck of an entertaining read. My excitement built as Donnie evolved, became someone I liked, and opened his can of whoop ass on those who thought him ignorant and lazy. I have the next three books waiting to be read and I just know it’s going to be more crazy fun.

4 Stars



When budding historian Donnie Ray Cuinn stumbles upon an old letter in the musty bowels of the Texas State Archives, he believes he has uncovered the true story of Sam Payne’s valiant, or perhaps not so valiant, capture of Mexican leader Santa Anna during the Battle of San Jacinto. Cuinn’s findings are published in a local magazine. But the article eventually becomes fodder in the gubernatorial race between Democratic upstart Bob Braeswood and Republican favorite Sam Eben Payne V, the great-great-grandson of the Texas hero. Braeswood is intent on exploiting the past, while Payne will do anything to suppress it. In the ensuing battle, Donnie finds his beliefs, not to mention his relationships, stretched to the limit in the first novel of the Donnie Ray Cuinn series.

Buy the Books:
Watch the book trailer for Necessities (Book #4 in the Donnie Ray Cuinn Series)

Meet the Author:

BOYD TAYLOR lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and their Havanese dog Toby. Necessities is the fourth novel in the Donnie Ray Cuinn series. In a former life, Boyd was a lawyer and a corporate officer. A native of Temple, Texas, he graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a B.A. in government and an LL.B. from the law school.

Boyd’s first novel “Hero” was prescient in its story about fake news. His second novel, “The Antelope Play,” dealt with drug trafficking in the Texas Panhandle, an unfortunately accurate forecast. The third, “The Monkey House”, involved commercial development of a large green space in the center of Austin, all too familiar to Austin residents. Whether his upcoming novel “Necessities” predicts future events with the accuracy of the earlier books remains to be seen.

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Facebook

Enter the Giveaway!
Ends March 7, 2018


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To read reviews, please visit Boyd Taylor’s page on iRead Book Tours.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to Freakin Fridays, where I share my reviews of books that scare you, thrill you, and get those endorphins pumping.

Today’s book has so much going on. Can’t wait to share!


Predatory Animals

by Gabriel Beyers


Genre:  Horror / Paranormal


My Review

After reading the synopsis, I knew I had to read this book. A near death experience and psychic connection to three mysterious dogs. A haunted forest where strange things stir. Disappearing people. And something evil in the mix. Right up my alley.

The mystery and magic behind the three dogs was probably my favorite part. When Casper Brown nearly drowns, he suddenly has a psychic connection to three dogs that mysteriously happen to follow each of his three children home on the same day. How strange! And these dogs are smart. They can do all kinds of things a dog shouldn’t be able to.

It’s simple for Casper to be curious about the recent disappearances. His life is already strange and he’s formed a bond with the two men who rescued him, one being a police officer. Not wanting to go into a lot of details, I’ll just say the two guys made this story even more entertaining.

And what’s a good horror story without some villains. This has some character’s you’ll love to hate. The Pummel family is the town’s staunchest benefactors and their large cat sanctuary is very popular, but they have some secrets. When Casper and his two friends threaten their nefarious endeavors,they show their true colors.

I want to talk about the cover art for this story too. The vibrant colors and shadowy figures are spectacular. Once you read this book, you”ll see how much the picture tells the story.

I could go on and on. What’s with the weird stand of pine trees and the strange noises heard there? And just who or what is Uriah? So many questions and so much nerve wracking suspense and action. There are so many things I wish I could share. You are in for some scary and amazing surprises in the town of Shadeland.

4 Stars




After suffering a near-death accident, Casper Brown awakens with a strange new connection to three stray dogs recently adopted by his family. Casper’s nights are filled with dreams of the dogs’ activities; at times he can even see through their eyes. And what he witnesses has him worried for his family’s safety.


The Pummels are the most beloved family in town. Though their wealth, philanthropy, and charisma form a cloud of mystery about them, their work with the town’s exotic cat rescue center has captured the heart of the people. But the Pummels are guarding a secret. One they will kill to keep quiet.


Shadeland is a town of shadows, where hunters hide in plain sight and prey scurry about unaware. But a new predator has been unleashed. One unlike any this world has seen.


Amazon / B&N


This counts towards my They Call It Puppy Love Challenge.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

For a list of free eBooks go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Death Theory by John D. Mimms Tour Banner

Death Theory

by John D. Mimms

On Tour February 1st thru Match 31st.


Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Paranormal
Published by: Draft 2 Digital
Publication Date: January 30th 2018
Number of Pages: 320
ISBN: 9781537849713


My Review

After losing his parents. Jeff Granger is in search of answers. Did they continue to exist after death? He must know. Having no luck after trying several different paranormal investigation groups, he decides to start his own. The applicants are a strange lot, but beggars can’t be choosers. And soon his need for answers has him tempted to push beyond what is moral.

Mysterious and forbidding events shadow Jeff’s investigations. Whether human or something else, he can’t stop. This is something I look for in a paranormal mystery, the sharing of the unknowing with the characters.

The further you read, the darker it gets. Something else I need in a good paranormal thriller and my need for some boo was met. The author slowly built the atmosphere, keeping me on edge.  And while the story didn’t scare me, it did give me some thrills.

I also need believable characters. I don’t have to love them. I don’t mind if I hate them. I just need them to  have all the flaws a real person would have. I sure got some doozies with Death Theory. Shouldn’t be surprised as, with people investigating the paranormal, you get all types. When things started going sideways, I had some good suspects if it turned out the mayhem came from a human source.

The idea of some kind of life after death has always intrigued me. It would be nice to know we don’t just stop being. That’s what first drew me to this book and there were some interesting approaches to getting answers.

I did enjoy Death Theory and will be reading more of what the author has to offer.

4 Stars



Mankind’s greatest fear is also its greatest obsession. What awaits when we shuffle off the mortal coil of this world? We all have our beliefs based on faith or science, but both struggle to provide a tangible answer. Perhaps it is possible to prove the existence of the soul, to prove it goes on after death. Following the violent death of his parents, Jeff Granger seeks reassurance that they have moved on. After recording what he believes to be his mother’s voice at the site of the accident, Jeff’s obsession throws him into paranormal research. Realizing that most people are doing it just for fun, Jeff forms his own group. He is joined by Debbie Gillerson, a school teacher; Aaron Presley, a mortician; and Michael Pacheco, a grocery store manager. Even though they are all investigating the paranormal for very different reasons, they are all trying to fill an emptiness in their lives. The deeper they probe paranormal theory, the darker their results. The only way to truly test the ‘Death Theory’, as theorized by Aaron, is to monitor a person’s energy at the moment of death. Horrified by the immoral and unethical application, the group dismisses the theory. A darkness seems to follow their investigations and the police become involved. A former colleague of Jeff’s, a self-proclaimed demonologist, believes a demonic force is attached to the group. The police are not so sure. Evil comes in many forms as the small group is about to discover.

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Death is the closest thing to omnipotence we will experience in our brief time on this planet. It is an all-encompassing power, binding everything, and providing a cold certainty to an otherwise uncertain existence. The firm grip of this assurance reaches much further than the extinguishment of life; it greedily claims the hope and happiness of those who remain. It is a definite ending, but is it also a provable beginning?


Linda Granger did not see death coming.

Sleep shielded her from the unfolding horror. The looming headlights and the panicked screams of her husband were beyond her conscious state. When her head shattered the windshield, the dream about her son ended, sending her into what’s next. Linda was gone before the car rolled seven times and wrapped around a large oak tree. Her husband, Stephen, was not as fortunate. He died two minutes later. Linda had fallen asleep from emotional exhaustion. She died with regrets.

Chapter 1

Jeff’s sheets were drenched in sweat. He strained to hear because he wanted to continue the conversation he had been having. The bass drum of his pulse throbbed in his ears, making hearing impossible. He sat up and glanced about frantically. Where had she gone?

As sleep gave way to the waking world, dread filled him. He remembered the terrible truth. These muddled conversations with his mother had become nightly occurrences since his parents’ accident. The last words he shared with his mother were over the phone, and they were harsh. The next time he picked up the phone, mere hours later, it was the Missouri State Police asking him to come to the hospital. It has been over a year since the terrible night, yet the pain had not gone away. In some ways, it grew worse.

Jeff rolled on his side as tears streamed down his cheeks. In his dream, he told his mother he loved her. He wondered if she could hear him. Somehow, he believed it might be possible. His grieving heart longed for a way to communicate with his late parents.

Jeff rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. It was impossible. He eventually got up and opened the blinds. It rained last night and a steamy mist shielded the street from view. This was the perfect morning to stay in bed and he almost did if not for two things. His sheets were soaked and he was excited about today. Even though he needed extra sleep, since he would be staying up all night, he just couldn’t hold back the excitement of investigating with his fourth paranormal group in as many months. Missouri Spirit Seekers claim to do purely scientific investigations, but the three previous groups he joined did as well. He hoped this time would be different.

They would be investigating Pythian Castle tonight, the most ‘haunted’ location in Springfield, not too far from Jeff’s alma mater, Missouri State. The castle was a very cool historical site, but to Jeff, it was another opportunity to find answers for life’s greatest mystery -death.

Although the investigation was still twelve hours away, nervous anticipation consumed him. He hoped this was not another séance based, sage burning, ghost hunt like most of the others. His previous groups were as far away from science as one could get.

Jeff brewed a pot of coffee and microwaved a bowl of instant oatmeal, before sitting down to watch his recording of the show which started him on the path to paranormal investigation. He viewed it often, but it had become a ritual to watch on the day of an investigation. If Jeff were counting, this would be his eighty-third time to watch.

The show starred two men, who were electricians by trade, investigating haunted places using the scientific method. They gathered measurable scientific evidence in their investigations. In this particular episode, they were investigating the catacombs underneath an old church in Baltimore.

What peaked Jeff’s interest were the Electronic Voice Phenomenon the men captured on their digital recorders. He wondered if EVP’s are actually the voices of the dead. The guys on the show didn’t commit one way or the other, they just presented the recordings.

“You up above,” a disembodied voice said.

“The way through,” another one whispered.

The most eerie utterance of them all said, “Come down here among us.”

Jeff’s reaction was the same every time he watched; chills intermingled with hope and fear ran up his spine.

Jeff reached into a box under the coffee table and retrieved his digital recorder. He held it in his hands as if it were an object of holy veneration. Jeff recorded his own EVP one night several months earlier at the scene of his parent’s accident. Short, incredible, and heart-breaking; his mother seemed to call his name from beyond. The EVP was still on his recorder, even though he had backed it up to a dozen sources. He would never delete it from any device. Never.

A loud thud rattled the blinds on the front door. Jeff jumped, almost dropping the recorder. His alarm lasted only a moment when he recognized the sound of the newspaper carrier’s rattle-trap station wagon puttering up the street. He peeled back the blinds in time to see the tail lights disappear into the mist. Jeff was still in his underwear with a gaping fly, but he figured his rural setting, coupled with the fog, would spare him any indecent exposure charges.

Jeff scooped up the paper, almost losing his balance on the wet concrete, and then backed through the door. He plopped down on the sofa and began to unfold the massive log of news. He was heading straight for the sports section when an article caught his eye. The title read:

Springfield … the Most Haunted City in Missouri?

The Kansas City Royals box scores could wait. Jeff dove right into the article. The ghosts of Phelps Grove Park, Bass Country Inn, Drury University, Landers Theater, Springfield National Cemetery, University Plaza Hotel, and Pythian Castle were all mentioned prominently by the author. Jeff had investigated Phelps Grove Park with one of his previous groups. One of the members claimed he saw the infamous spectral bride near the bridge, but Jeff had no such luck. He never had success when it came to firsthand experiences. Either everyone else is lying or perhaps Jeff is walking ghost repellent. He didn’t think they were lying, at least not everyone who made a paranormal claim. His recording of his mother was enough to keep faith in the paranormal.

He read the claims of Drury University with great interest. There were allegedly several ghosts, in a few buildings, which had taken residence there since the school’s founding in 1873. The saddest one was a little girl who died in a fire. Her phantom laughter could be heard from time to time in one of the women’s dorms.

Jeff enjoyed a good ghost story since he was a kid, but these were more than merely a
spectral yarn. Each story offered a small glimmer of hope.

He didn’t read about Pythian Castle; there was no need. He had spent so much time researching it the last couple of weeks, he could recite the history word for word. The shadow spirits who allegedly resided in the basement intrigued him the most. They had been reported so often over the years, there was little doubt that something unusual was occurring in the depths of the castle.

Jeff finally checked the box scores, lamenting another loss by his favorite team. He scanned the comics before tossing the paper on the floor. He trudged to the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. Afterward, he put on a fresh pair of boxers and a T-shirt before stretching out on the couch. He fell asleep watching Netflix. If he dreamed of his parents again, he did not remember.

Jeff arrived at Pythian Castle an hour before dusk. The rainy morning had given way to a perfectly clear early evening. The ghostly apparition of the full moon glowed in the eastern sky as the sun began to dip. The large tower on front of the castle cast a long shadow over his truck as he pulled in and parked. He ascended the stone steps onto an expansive porch where a very large woman with a mystical fashion sense met him at the front door.

“Hello … Jack?” she said.

“Jeff,” he corrected. “You must be Swoosie.”

Swoosie half-nodded and half-bowed. She reminded him of a fortune teller he visited one time, just for kicks.

“Would you like a charm for protection tonight?” Swoosie asked, reaching into a velvet bag and retrieving what appeared to be a tiny silk pillow.

“No, thanks … I’m good,” Jeff said. He couldn’t help smirking a little.

Swoosie noticed.

“Suit yourself,” she huffed. “Spirits can pick up on those less experienced in this field. They tend to prey more on them.”

“Good,” Jeff said. “Maybe I will get some good evidence.”

Swoosie narrowed her pudgy eyelids and motioned for a man who was milling about awkwardly, studying old pictures on the wall.
“Preston,” she called with a snap of her fingers.

He was a middle-aged man with a greasy ring of dark hair circling a large bald spot. His clothing was a mish mash of suit pants and a Molly Hatchett T-shirt. The shirt and pin stripe pants were riddled with stains.

“How are you?” Preston asked breathlessly. It seemed his pot belly was a strain for him to carry.

“Fine, Preston,” Jeff said. “Nice to meet you.”

“Oh … I think Mr. Leach is preferable,” Preston said. “I could be your daddy.”

“Not likely,” Jeff thought.

“I’m putting the two of you together tonight since you are both new to this,” Swoosie said. “You know … strength in numbers.”

Both men’s puzzled expressions testified their bewilderment of Swoosie’s logic as if to point out that it would make more sense to put them with an experienced investigator.

“I’m a fairly experienced investigator,” Jeff said. “Tonight, makes my twentieth investigation.”

Swoosie’s condescending smile let him know she still considered him a novice. She turned and then waddled over to a sofa in the foyer where her daughter and a couple of other men waited. Their familiar banter showed them to be a clique.

“Okay, Mr. Leach,” Jeff said. “Where should we start?”

This group didn’t set up night vision cameras or environmental equipment as he hoped. Each member was only armed with a flashlight, digital recorder, and maybe a camera. Jeff was sure most of them carried a silk charm pillow in their pocket.

“I think they want us to go the basement,” Mr. Leach said impatiently. “Didn’t you hear what Swoosie said?”

Swoosie was much larger than Mr. Leach, yet she seemed a bit more agile as he watched his partner shuffle down the corridor.

“Okay,” Jeff mumbled before following him down the stone stairs to the basement.

They picked a far corner in the dark, dingy basement, and then set their digital recorders on a wooden table. The musty smell of old buildings had become synonymous with ghosts in Jeff’s mind. Even though he knew better, he sometimes entertained the idea of it being a ‘ghost

The sun was beginning to set through one of the basement windows, so they agreed to wait until full dark before beginning their session.

“Hey … you know this used to hold POWs during World War Two?” Jeff said, nodding at the old cells across the room. The iron doors had been removed many years ago on all but one.

“It was an orphanage at one time, built by the Knights of Pythias,” Mr. Leach countered.

“Really?” Jeff said, a little confused at why an orphanage would be more interesting than a POW prison.

“Yeah, can you imagine how many kids died here?” Mr. Leach mused.

Jeff’s stomach twisted. His partner seemed a little too gleeful about dead children.

“Yeah,” Jeff said distantly. He watched the last rays of the sun disappear behind the shrubbery outside. When it was completely dark, he said, “Well, shall we get started?”

Jeff jumped when a flashlight beam flared in his eyes.

“Can I ask you something, Jeff?” Mr. Leach asked, lowering his flashlight.


“How did you get into paranormal stuff?” Mr. Leach asked.

“Curiosity,” Jeff began and then anger began to simmer. He didn’t know why the question upset him so, it was benign and practical. Perhaps it was his partner’s tone. “It’s really nobody’s business,” Jeff snapped.

“Fair enough,” Mr. Leach said. “What did your fiancée say about it?”

Jeff glared at Mr. Leach in the darkness. How did he know he had a fiancée?

“What makes you think I had a fiancée?” Jeff asked, pointedly.

“I know things,” Mr. Leach replied. His coy response echoing from the darkness sounded like the prelude to a horror movie.

Jeff was angry. Mr. Leach seemed to have no boundaries. Jeff’s fiancée was a sore spot. She had been a former fiancée for almost a year.

“Why don’t you tell me her name?” Jeff said, a little too loud. Shushes hissed from deep in the darkness as his voice echoed off the stone walls. It seemed the whole building heard his question.

There was a very long pause. Jeff almost thought he was alone until the answer startled him.

“I can’t see that,” Mr. Leach answered. “Only events and feelings.”

“What are you … some kinda Jedi Master?” Jeff asked.

“I’m psychic,” Mr. Leach wheezed. His last word echoed about the basement, bringing more shushes from around the building.

“Oh,” Jeff whispered. He had encountered these people before; every paranormal group seemed to have them. Out of the dozen or so self-proclaimed psychics Jeff had known in his life, there was only one he believed legitimate. An old shut-in, who he delivered prescriptions to while in college, told him some interesting things about his life that came to pass a short time later.

“So, where is my fiancée?” Jeff asked.

There was a long silence before Mr. Leach replied flatly. “With another man, I’m afraid.”

Jeff didn’t say anything. He knew she was with another man now. Lurid images filled his head as to what they may be doing right now. Acid boiled in his guts and his heart began to pound. He didn’t expect this answer; he was looking for more of a geographical location. She had been with this schmuck for six months, two weeks, and three days, but he wasn’t counting.

“Does that shock you?” Mr. Leach whispered.

“You’re the psychic … you tell me,” Jeff barked. “Look, I just want to focus on the investigation, can we do that now?”

More shushes ensued followed by a booming female voice asking them to be quiet. Swoosie had some lungs.

They were so engrossed in their argument, neither man noticed the single cell door slowly swing open and a black shadow dart down the passageway. The air grew thick and uncomfortable, but both men thought it was from their awkward conversation.

Mr. Leach didn’t answer. A moment later, Jeff heard the beep of a digital recorder turning on. The small red recording light resembled a one-eyed demon in the complete darkness. Jeff knew he hurt the guy’s feelings, but he didn’t care. Mr. Leach had trodden on areas of Jeff’s life where he wasn’t welcome. In fact, no one was welcome. His fiancée had been the last living member of anything resembling family for Jeff. She had tried to get him to see a shrink to cope with his parent’s death, but he refused. Thus, the wedge between them was forged.

On the surface, Jeff seemed to recover. He tried to move on with his life. His preacher once told him that time is a river, washing away all pains and transgressions. Yet, for those who grieve, time is often an ocean. It ebbs and flows, sometimes exposing the pain lurking beneath the surface of our consciousness with each experience.

“Truth,” Jeff thought.

He finally turned on his digital recorder and began to alternate questions with Mr. Leach.

Is anyone with us?”

“Are you angry?”

“What is your name?”

“How old are you?”

“Why are you here?”

“When did you die?”

They repeated this process several times in different areas of the building. They never heard anything. Hopefully, there would be some evidence on the recording.

Jeff found it difficult to focus. Of course, he was tired, yet it was much more than fatigue. Mr. Leach had upset him, there was no denying it. The thing bothering him the most was the image running through his head; His fiancée and some faceless man with a Chippendale’s body were in bed together. He tried to push it aside and focus on the reason he was here. When he turned his thoughts to his parents, it did not help. He kept seeing the make-shift white cross memorial at the site of his parents’ crash. The same cross where he had recorded his mother’s voice. It wasn’t only the mental image distracting him. His mother’s one-word response echoed in his head after every EVP question – “Jeff”. A few times he thought he heard her voice coming from the darkness – “Jeff”.

Jeff knew it was fatigue, it had to be. If not, Mr. Leach would have heard something.

Jeff left Sunday morning frustrated. He sat in his truck and watched the last act unfold in what had been an all-night circus. Swoosie, her daughter, Mr. Leach, and a few other men sat in folding chairs arranged in a circle on the front lawn. They had asked Jeff to join them, but he respectfully declined. They burned sage while performing a cleansing ritual.

“We can’t have any spirits following us home,” Swoosie’s daughter proclaimed. “This’ll keep ‘em put.”

The obese Swoosie sat with her back to him. Her butt dangled on either side of the stressed chair as the legs sank into the soft and dewy sod. She swung a burning leaf around her head, making her resemble an elephant trying to douse the flames of a burning tree.

Jeff realized the only way he would get anywhere is starting his own team. He turned the ignition, causing his lights to fall on the group. They turned and glowered as if he farted and belched in church. He smiled and waved as he shifted the truck into gear.

Missouri Spirit Seekers,” Jeff muttered as he left the gate, “seems more like shit seekers.”


Excerpt from Death Theory by John D. Mimms. Copyright © 2017 by John D. Mimms. Reproduced with permission from John D. Mimms. All rights reserved.


Author John D. Mimms

John D. Mimms

John D. Mimms is a business owner, paranormal researcher and author. John served as the Technical Director for a TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) family paranormal research group in Central Arkansas. During his four-year tenure with the organization, he helped supervise over 100 investigations and wrote more than sixteen technical articles. Paul Bradford, of Ghost Hunters International fame, read one of John’s articles titled A Christmas Carol Debunked live on the air of the Parazona Radio program on Christmas Day 2009. John also wrote a definitive technical/training manual, which is a comprehensive guide on equipment usage, investigation protocol and scientific theory for paranormal research.

In 2009 John decided to couple his knowledge of paranormal phenomena with his lifelong love of literary fiction. John’s first published work, The Tesla Gate, is the first installment of a
three-part, heart-wrenching, sci-fi/paranormal drama.

Book 1 of this unique, ground-breaking story released July 2014 through Open Road Media. In January 2016, Open Road Media released The Tesla Gate Book 2: The Myriad Resistance. Book 3: The Eye of Madness is slated for release September 27, 2016. Though fictional, the trilogy is based on scientific, paranormal theory.

Publishers Weekly declared about The Tesla Gate in the March 3, 2014 issue “…touching sci-fi story that takes the reader on an unlikely road-trip adventure…a fast read with some entertaining ideas and a real emotional core in the relationship between father and son.”

The Examiner proclaimed in June 2014: “Entertaining as well as poignant, this book is extremely imaginative in its basic premise as well as the many colorful and emotionally compelling events that take place.”

John resides and writes on a mountaintop in central Arkansas with his wife and two sons.


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Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books that, well, make you scream!

Today I’m back with zombies and quite a different viewpoint about the apocalypse. I’ll be reviewing several books in this fun series. And great news! The first book is free on Amazon. Click HERE or on the cover to grab your eBook copy!


My Review

It was a dark and stormy night. Well, actually it was a quiet night. Riley was grousing about Ben-Ben’s piddle on the floor and the Yorkie’s constant whining about something outside. The quiet night soon turns violent when the dogs realize the humans pounding on the door wanting in are zombies.

Riley is a female American Bulldog . Solid in build and loyal to the family. Once she figures out what’s going down she dons her defense mode and goes to work. The pack, human and four-legged, must be protected.

But the zombies won’t be denied their meal and soon bust into the house. The man and Riley put up a valiant fight but the zombies have the numbers and those left of the pack that make it out of the house alive soon realize that they may have won the fight but its only the beginning.

Ben-Ben is just what you’d expect a Yorkie to be like. All nervous energy. He has these spontaneous bowel releases whenever he’s overexcited or scared. Which is often and hilarious.

The cat, Patches, is all cat. A superior attitude and thinks about herself first. She looks down her whiskers at the dogs and humans but knows as a group they stand a better chance of surviving. Zombies don’t discriminate in their munching. Animals go down just as easy as humans.

Two dogs, a cat, a young girl and an infant. All that’s left of the pack. Will they learn to work together? What does the future hold for them? I couldn’t wait to read further.

There’s plenty of zombie action. Bloody bits flying everywhere. As much as it was gory, it was also funny at times. The story is mostly meat, very little fluff, so the action is fast and furious. This works really well as you’re getting this story from Riley’s point of view. And there’s an ending, of a sort. This is one of four stories about Riley and her pack. I’m already listening to the second one and its proving to be every bit as fun.

  4  Stars

 Read by Sean Runnette

Sean did a bang up job of telling Riley’s story. His inflection was good and I enjoyed listening to him switch from dog, to sarcastic cat, and back again. Glad he’s continuing to read this series.


Thanks so much to Tantor Audio and the author for the complimentary copy.

My review is voluntarily given.



When the zombie apocalypse strikes without warning one dog will hold the fate of her pack in her paws. This is the story of Riley, an American bulldog. Follow along as she tries to keep her pack safe from a zombie apocalypse. Traveling with her are Ben-Ben the high strung Yorkie, her favorite two-legger Jessie, Jessie’s younger brother Zachary, and Riley’s arch enemy Patches the cat. They are a rag-tag group of survivors, who, when pushed to the limit, realize that they are all each other has.

Amazon / Tantor


This counts towards my They Call It Puppy Love Challenge.


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