Posts Tagged ‘reviews’

Wendigo Rising Banner 851 x 315

I was beyond happy dancing when I got my hands on Wendigo Rising.

snoopy dancing photo: dancing snoopy dancingsnoopy.jpg


I love Yancy Lazarus.

For today, I’m sharing reviews for all three books in the series.

Come on in and stay for a while.

Wendigo Rising:

A Yancy Lazarus Novel

Episode Three

James A. Hunter


Genre: Urban Fantasy

Publisher: Shadow Alley Press

Date of Publication: November 3rd, 2015


Number of pages: 400

Word Count: 110,000

Cover Artist: Dane


My Review

A Sasquatch! Yancy Lazarus meets Big Foot. How could I not love this book.

Yancy has charmed me from the very beginning. Not by his looks, he’s okay. Not by his smoking and drinking, does way too much of that. And definitely not because of his behavior. But, in spite of it.

Now, he’s teamed up with a sasquatch who needs his help. Seems one of his kind has gone off the rails, munching on flesh, cannibalizing his own species, and liking it too much.

Now, these beings like their privacy. They’ve managed to stay secluded, with everyone believing they don’t exist. One rogue sasquatch could put them on the front page and here comes the hunters. Not good at all.

In comes the big bad Wendigo. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another, and the state of Montana may be one big ghost town if Yancy doesn’t take care of it.

If that isn’t enough, Yancy’s still trying to stop the supernatural beings and their plans for armageddon.

When I wasn’t snortin with laughter, I was talking out loud. Cheering Yancy on. The poor guy just wants a break. Some time off to smoke, drink, and jam some blues. Not today, Yancy

As with the first two books, I ate this up. The author kept the suspense ramped up, threw in some new supernatural beings, put Yancy through the wringer, and continued to make me laugh.

I’ve been thinking about who should play the part of Yancy if there were a movie. I’m going with Russell Crow or Gerard Butler. Picture them in Gladiator and The 300.

Still lovin Yancy Lazarus, and still wanting more.

5 Stars



Bigfoot is real. Yancy Lazarus—mage, bluesman, and rambler—knows because there happens to be a nine-foot-tall, walking myth standing in the road, flagging him down.

Yancy just can’t escape his reputation as a supernatural Fix-it man even when cruising through the forgotten backwoods of Montana. Turns out Bigfoot has a serious problem on his hands: one of his own has gone rogue, developing a taste for the flesh of humans and Sasquatch alike. A greater Wendigo has risen for the first time in thousands of years and if Yancy can’t stop the creature it could be a slaughter for the residents of a rural Montana town.

But even with the monstrous threat looming on the horizon, Yancy has bigger fish to fry. He’s working as an agent of Fate, attempting to put the kibosh on a nefarious scheme, aimed at upsetting the tenuous balance between the supernatural nations. When your boss is Lady Luck, however, nothing is ever left to chance, and his two cases may have more in common than it appears. If he can’t figure out the missing link it could usher in a new world order: an age of inhuman creatures and walking nightmares … one where Yancy Lazarus doesn’t exist.

Available at Amazon

Enjoy The Excerpt:

Bigfoot is real. I know the existence of this nigh-mythical figure is pretty controversial in a lot of circles; tons of drunken bar brawls and fistfights have started over this very topic. Money, religion, politics, and Bigfoot: these are the things best avoided in polite conversation. Unless, of course, you want someone to punch you in the nose or call the men in white jackets. Don’t believe me? Next Thanksgiving, ask your assorted family members their thoughts on Bigfoot and see where the conversation goes. It’ll be entertaining, that much I can promise.

Me, though? I’ve never been one for polite conversation, and I’d love to see the crazy-police try to haul my ass in.

Plus, this isn’t some delusional, government-conspiracy, paranoia thing. I know Bigfoot is real. There was one standing in the road, flagging me down.

Jeez, my life.

I’d glimpsed one years ago and at a distance. A rare encounter. The creatures—Chiye-tanka, for those in the know—are elusive as hell and covet their privacy like paparazzi-weary celebs, evidenced by the fact that no one has ever managed to get much on ’em despite what basically amounts to a nationwide ape hunt. They’re monstrously big and about as inconspicuous as a pro wrestler sporting a neon pink tutu, but they’re also faster than the Road Runner high on speed, uncannily quiet, and boast some crazy-impressive skills with illusion and glamour constructs.

Apparently, the creature standing in the road was the slow kid in the class, the one sitting in the corner with the dunce cap, because this big, hairy roadblock was taking approximately zero percent of the usual Bigfoot evasive precautions. Might as well have been wearing a road guard vest and waving a friggin’ hand flare.

He was colossal, nine feet easy, all mud-colored hair and muscle. Lots and lots of muscle—heck, his muscles had muscles with their own gym membership. He was built on the same scale as a gorilla, only bigger. Much bigger. His face was leathery black and flat, surrounded by flecks of silvered hair. He had deep recessed eyes of brilliant green, which regarded me with a strangely thoughtful expression.

He didn’t look particularly pissed off, which was good since I was sure he could throw me into orbit with those big ol’ monkey arms. Either that or put an asteroid-sized dent in the hood of my ’86 El Camino—part car, part mobile home, and one hundred percent badass—the worse of the two options in my book. I braked since there was no point in trying to run the walking carpet over. With my luck, a collision would level my car without putting so much as a dent in Kong. I slowed to a crawl, the engine rumbling beneath me as I tried to decide what in the hell to do. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel.



Strange Magic

A Yancy Lazarus Novel

Episode One



My Review

Yancy’s having one of those days, weeks…. Starts out innocently enough and then goes to s!#t.

It all started with a simple phone call from a friend in need. Now Yancy’s in a world of hurt and it ain’t gonna be getting better any time soon..

“I’d been pumped full of tranquilizers,busted a hole in the back wall of The Full House, got shot in the ass, and had, eventually, passed out in a dog pee under a car. Right?”

“So, how’d I end up Saran-wrapped to a table in white-picker suburbia?”

Yancy Lazarus (AKA The Fixer) He drinks too much. Smokes too much. And gambles too much. Or so they say. He just likes to live large.

He can do magic, using the VIS – Latin word meaning force or energy. Yancy’s neat trick is he can manipulate energy, using things like water and fire.  But a big gun comes in handy too when he comes face to face with the Rakshasa,  their face kind of like a hyena, with a mouth full of shark teeth, beady eyes, over long arms and gray flesh. Nasty things.

He’s 65 and looks 45 due to the longevity the Vis gives him. The FBI has his mug on a Most Wanted poster for domestic terrorism and murder, among other things. Sure, he’s killed, but most were of the non-human type.

Ya gotta love Yancy. He’s a shit-kickin, blues lovin, rambler and gambler, playing piano for drinks, gambling to feed himself, and living out of the back of his precious El Camino. A true nomad and bad ass.

From the first paragraph –

“The piano keys bobbed and danced under the pressure of my fingers. Music – low, slow, and soulful – drifted through the club, merging and twirling with wandering clouds of blue-gray smoke. So many places have no-smoking laws these days, it seems like there’s nowhere in the country where a guy can take a drag from a cigarette in peace. Everyone is so worries about their health, they make damn sure you stay healthy by proxy.”

to the last I had a rip snortin time and can’t wait to see what kind of Hell Yancy winds up in next.

Strange Magic is Author James A. Hunter’s debut novel. They say a writer gets better with each books he writes. If this is true, I can’t imagine what he has in store for this series.

5 Stars



Yancy Lazarus is having a bad day: there’s a bullet lodged in his butt cheek, his face looks like the site of a demolition derby, and he’s been saran-wrapped to a banquet table. He never should have answered the phone. Stupid bleeding heart—helping others in his circles is a good way to get dead.

Just ask the gang members ripped to pieces by some kind of demonic nightmare in LA. As a favor to a friend, Yancy agrees to take a little looksee into the massacre and boom, he’s stuck in a turf war between two rival gangs, which both think he’s pinch-hitting for the other side. Oh, and there’s also a secretive ass-hat with some mean ol’ magical chops and a small army of hyena-faced, body- snatching baddies. It might be time to seriously reconsider some of his life choices.

Yancy is a bluesman, a rambler, a gambler, but not much more. Sure, he can do a little magic—maybe even more than just a little magic—but he knows enough to keep his head down and stay clear of freaky-deaky hoodoo like this business in LA. Somehow though, he’s been set up to take a real bad fall—the kind of very permanent fall that leaves a guy with a toe tag. Unless, of course, he can find out who is responsible for the gangland murders, make peace in the midst of the gang feud, and take out said magical ass-hat before he hexes Yancy into an early retirement. Easy right? Stupid. Bleeding. Heart.

Available at Amazon


A Yancy Lazarus Novel

Episode Two



My Review

Once again, Yancy Lazarus is on the job.

He’d like nothing better than to enjoy some good blues music, chain smoke some cigarettes, and throw back some shots, chasing them with a few beers. But nope. Instead he has to rescue some kid who’s been kidnapped and dragged below to the Winter regions.

It’s no pick-nick there. lots of tunnels, bitter cold, and some really nasty Fae that want to eat him for dinner.

Known as the Fix-It man, it’s just another case and with a few bumps and bruises, and spilled blood, Yancy takes care of business. Except, it doesn’t stop there.

Things are hinky. Others are scheming to open the supernatural gates, inviting in all manner of beasts. Can’t be good for mankind, or Yancy. It’s gonna get tricky without his VIS, his powers.

Aah, Yancy. You can’t help but love him. He’s not a good catch. Smokes too much. Drinks too much. And kind of lazy. And he’s a lot older than he looks. But there’s something about him. Once you get past his smart mouth, you find he has a large heart, even though he tries to hide it behind a cavalier attitude. I’m thinking a lot of you men can relate with Yancy.

Like the first book, the action is wild, the beings are out of this world, in more ways than one, and Yancy charms you yet again.

Sorry Mom. I know you warned me about the bad boys. But, I just love Yancy.

And I love this series. I sure you hope you give it a try. It’s all good.

5 Stars



Yancy Lazarus just wants to be left alone. He wants play his blues music, smoke a few cigarettes, and otherwise leave the supernatural world to fend for itself.

He especially wants to be left alone by the Guild of the Staff—the mage ruling body—where he used to work as a Fix-It man. But when a little kid gets nabbed by an ancient Fae creature from the nether regions of Winter and the Guild refuses to set things right, he just can’t seem to heed good sense and leave things be.

Nothing’s ever easy though. Turns out, the kidnapping is just the tip of one big ol’ iceberg of pain and trouble. It seems some nefarious force is working behind the scenes to try and unhinge the tenuous balance between the supernatural nations and usher in a new world order. So now, if Yancy ever hopes to see the bottom of another beer bottle, he’s gonna have to partner up with an FBI agent—an agent who’s been hunting him for years—in order to bring down a nigh-immortal, douchebag mage from a different era. And to top it off, Yancy’s gonna have to pull it off without his magical powers … Boy, some days just aren’t worth getting out of bed for.

Available at Amazon


About the Author:

James A. Hunter


Hey all, my name is James Hunter and I’m a writer, among other things. So just a little about me: I’m a former Marine Corps Sergeant, combat veteran, and pirate hunter (seriously). I’m also a member of The Royal Order of the Shellback—‘cause that’s a real thing. And, a space-ship captain, can’t forget that.

Okay … the last one is only in my imagination.

Currently, I work as a missionary and international aid worker with my wife and young daughter in Bangkok, Thailand. When I’m not working, writing, or spending time with family, I occasionally eat and sleep. Strange Magic is the first novel in the Yancy Lazarus series—the third, full-length novel, Wendigo Rising, just released on November 3rd, 2015.

Website / Twitter / Facebook


Until the next time….

Thanks so much for visiting fuonluknew!

Stay cool!

Hi everybody! It’s Hump Day!

We’re over half way through this last week of October and Halloween is just days away.

These reviews are my trick – or – treats for you.

Have a scary good time!




by Mark R Faulkner



My Review

The man did a really bad thing. It was in the heat of passion, and many would say the victims had it coming, but it was still a bad thing.

Now on the run, he takes to his canoe, revisiting the river one last time. The man doesn’t expect he’ll elude the authorities for long, but at least he’ll find some peace until he’s captured.

Making camp for the night, he lies back and gazes to the stars. So many up there. An ever expanding galaxy.

Then there’s a spectacular display of shooting stars, more than he can count. Must be a meteor shower.

As the man drifted off to sleep, he had no idea it wasn’t an ordinary meteor shower. They didn’t burn up when they entered our atmosphere. They are here.

They came from outer space. Sorry, had to say that. By the cover you’ve guessed what they are.

Spiders. Just normal looking, creepy, crawling spiders. They’re not huge. They look normal. But they are endless. They are hungry. And we are food.

In the beginning, I was hoping the man would get eaten by the spiders. Then, as events transpired, as another side of him emerged, as I discovered the bad thing he did, I started to pull for him. I started to hope for him.

But. Yep, the but comes next. This is a horror story. There are no promises made that a character you care about will survive.

Does the man survive? You’ll have to take a ride. A boat ride to where? To what end? Then you’ll know.


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A novella, with spiders.

Knowing it would be his final trip down the river, he wished upon a star to be left alone.
He didn’t realize the stars would answer.


Drayton: The Taker

by Tony Bertauski



My Review

Drayton is ancient. He has no idea how old he is. Who he is. What he is. He’s wandered the earth for centuries, taking. Taking what he needs. What he craves.

For a few folks in this story, he gives. From the others, he takes.

This story hypnotized me. When I finished reading it, the feelings lingered like when you wake up from a dream and aren’t fully awake yet.

I drifted with Drayton, kind of like an out of body experience.  I too struggled to understand what he was. A vampire, a reaper, or Death itself? I still don’t know.

 I know he can be kind, generous. I also know he can be dangerous. He may not be human, but he still needs to feed.

 I don’t know what else I can say to describe my thoughts on this story. The author mesmerized me with his prose.

There are several more stories about Drayton. I understand you can get them as a collection so that’s where I’m headed next.

5 Stars



Drayton once believed he was a vampire. He doesn’t know what he is. Or why he lives. He takes not his victim’s blood but the silky essence of their soul during their last breath. Often mistaken for the Angel of Death, his victims sometimes ask for forgiveness. Sometimes he delivers. After all, he is not without sin.


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Happy Halloween Ya’ll!

bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!


Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

Edging Past Reality: A Collection of Short Stories


Don’t Open the Well was FREE as of time of posting


Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

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Got some good ones!


Got some freebies for ya!

Just click on the covers to get yours. Make sure they are still free. Were at time of posting.

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Books for Review.

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I had to have these!


Books I won.

I didn’t win any books but I did win a $10 Amazon Gift Card from Irrisistible Reads Book Tours for the Silver Moon Complete Sage by Rebecca A. Rogers blog tour.

Thanks so much Irrisitible Reads and Rebecca!


Reviewed this week. Not too many but busy writing more!

Curse of the Chupacabra cover

Read my review and enjoy my interview with Michael Hebler HERE. Then enter the super giveaway!


Scheduled Reviews for this coming week.

The Man in the Fire

You can read my review on my upcoming Monday Minis post.



Read my review and enter both giveaways on Wednesday, September 18th!


And a mystery book for ya.

I’ll be reviewing anther ARC on Friday, September 20th.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Giveaway Blitz for Jump Zone

Do I Bother You At Night ! Book Trailer Reveal

See inside Keeper of Reign

A Cover Reveal `~ The Wicked We Have Done

Curse of the Chupacabra ~ Giveaway, Interview, and Review

Teaser Tuesdays #39 ~ The Line Unseen

WWW Wednesday  #18 ~ The Twins, The Dog, and The Burn!

Trailer Reveal and Giveaway ~ Dead Girls Don’t Lie

Forgotten In Darkness ~ Cover Reveal

Giveaway Blast ~ FOR NICK by Taylor Dean

Thursday Theatre #17 ~ Gravity!

A Bedazzling Cover Reveal ~ D.T. Dyllin’s OPEN GATES

Freakin Friday the Thirteenth ~ This and that Horror

Twisted by N.L. Greene

Giveaway Blast ~ Sisters in Love

Happy Release Day ~ Falling Stars!


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!


Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

Sherry over at Fundinmental turned me on to a new author. Brian Harmon can scare the pants off ya!

Thanks for the scares Sherry!

All of these were FREE at the time of my posting.

From Such Small Things  The Devil's Walk  The Man in the Fire

I’ve read all of these and will be featuring them in my Monday Minis posts each week.

Currently reading

Rushed  and then will start on  The Box (The Temple of the Blind, #1)


Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Sherry at Fundinmental told me about this series. She’s lovin it and let me know this short backstory for the Eden Roots Series is FREE.

The Blight (Eden's Root Trilogy, #0.5)

And some more. Look out, I’m on a horror and dystopian binge!

Hitchers  Darlings of Decay  Turn A Dark Phrase 

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.

Tragically Flawed

Another awesome cover!


And I know I mentioned H.D. Gordon’s upcoming release Falling Stars, A Surah Stormsong Novel #2 but mentioning it again because I have a bit of a cover reveal for you!

Falling Stars (A Surah Stormsong Novel, Book 2)

You can read my review and catch my interview with H.D. on September 6th!

I had to have these!


Books I won.

Elysian Fields (Sentinels of New Orleans, #3)

I won a print copy of Elysian Fields by Suzanne Johnson from a giveaway on My Bookish Ways! Thanks so much!


Reviewed this week. Not too many reviews this week. Too busy reading!

Remember the mystery book I mentioned in last weeks post. Well, now I can reveal the cover and the book!

eyes of love  Book Cover

You can read my review, a guest post by the author, and enter the giveaway  HERE.


Scheduled reviews for this coming week.


Don’t let this innocent cover art fool you. Behind this door lies something truly horrifying!

You can catch my review on my Monday Minis post.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Giveaway Blast ~ MVP by Rhonda Laural

Cover Reveal ~ To Catch A Princess

Cover and Tease for Troy Aaron Ratliff

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Centaur Rivalry

Giveaway Blitz ~ Envisioned ~ The Elemental Prophecy

WWW Wednesday ~  Darkness, Centaurs, and Second Chances

Thursday Theatre #15 ~ Aren’t you glad you didn’t turn on the light?

Giveaway ~ Haven ~ Tranquilli Bloodline

Release Day Blitz ~ Wavecrossed ~ Selkies and turtles!

Starfire Giveaway ends soon!

Winner ~ Getting Back To Normal

Cover Reveal ~ Twisted


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!

Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Streets of Payne  Bay's End  Unicorn Western

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.

Morning Warning  Mai Tais and Mayhem: Murder at Mote Marine (a Sarasota Romance)

I had to have these!


Books I won.

I won a $10 Amazon Gift Card through Insatiable Reads! Thanks so much!


Reviewed this week.

Level 9 Paranoia: Shortish Ramblings of a Self-Diagnosed Schizo

Catch my review on my Monday Minis post HERE.


Blood in the Past (Prelude Novella to the Blood for Blood Series)

You can read my review and interview with Jordanna East HERE.


Heart Search: Found (Heart Search, #2)

You can read my review HERE.

And catch a sneak peak inside HERE.

Stop by Monday for my interview with Carlie!



You can read my review and interview with the author HERE.


Dead Girl: A Romantic Zombie Tale of Revenge

See my review and enter the giveaway HERE.


Scheduled Reviews for this coming week.

Morning Warning

You can read my review on my Monday Minis post.

Reviewing this coming week.

Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Release Day Blitz for Cambria Hebert’s Charmed

Blitz Giveaway for Nomad by JL Bryan

Release Day Blitz for Adela Arthur and the Creators Clock

Spotlight on Guardian Angels

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Morning Warning

Release Day Giveaway for Starfire

WWW Wednesday ~ Ghosts, Great Danes, and the Guy

2 Freebies ~ Cyber Punk and Horror

Cover Reveal for Wolf Dream

Woo Hoo! I’m in the top 1%

Thursday Theatre ~ Movie Trailer for Walking Dead Season Four

Cover Reveal for Torch by Cambria Hebert

Eternal Service Giveaway

Project Eve Spotlight and Giveaway

ARC Giveaway and Cover Reveal for Hated


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

Woo Hoo! I’m in the 1%

Posted: July 28, 2013 in Awards, reviews
Tags: ,

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This week, Goodreads ran a database query to figure out whose reviews received the most likes and attention.  They took that result and emailed the Top 1% to inform them that they are now Lords and Masters of Goodreads. Check out what Cuddlebuggery has to say about it HERE.


I wouldn’t have made it if not for the wonderful books, awesome authors, and friends I have discovered. So I have an award for all of you word lovers: readers, writers, bloggers, tweeters, etc…

happy earth photo: earth happy.jpg

Who Loves Ya?!

On behalf of the Goodreads team, I want to say thank you. You’re in the top 1% of reviewers on Goodreads! Your many thoughtful book reviews help make us a vibrant place for book lovers.

And our community has been growing! We now number more than 20 million members on Goodreads.

Every day readers from all over the world are connecting over a love of books. And our 25 million reviews – including yours – are a big part of that conversation.

Thank you for your support of Goodreads, and keep reading! I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of your next book!

goodreads header

Who woulda thunk it!

happy earth photo: earth earth.jpg

Hop on over to My Goodreads and see what I’ve been up to.

I am always looking for new friends:)

Browse my pages for fun memes, free books, and giveaways. Links are at the top of my blog!

bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!

Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

The Horror Suicide Show  Djesus Undead

Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Paradise Denied 

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.

The Witch Hunter (Witch Hunter Saga #1)  Nomad  Blood is Power (Hunter Series, book 2)

I had to have these!


Books I won.

I won The Troop through the First Reads Giveaway on Goodreads! Thanks so much!


Reviewed this week.

harvesters trailer mock up 4

Catch my review on my Monday Minis post HERE.


Shudder (Stitch Trilogy #2)

Read my review and enter the giveaway HERE!


Life After Dane

For my review and the awesome giveaway go HERE.


Scheduled reviews for this coming week.

Heart Search: Found (Heart Search, #2)

You can read my review Monday. July 22nd.



You can read my review and interview with the author on Wednesday, July 24th.


Dead Girl: A Romantic Zombie Tale of Revenge

My review and the giveaway will be on Friday, July 26th.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Giveaway Blitz for Defective

Trailer Reveal for The Harvesters by Ashley Hill

Cover Reveals for Charity Piniero

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Written All Over Her

Blast for Shifty Magic

Cover Reveal for The Shadow’s Son!

WWW Wednesday ~ Killer…Killer…Killer…

2 Freebies/2 Days ~ Lada Ray

Giveaway and Spotlight on Blue Eyes!

Thursday Theatre ~ Two official movie trailers for The Conjurer

Freebie Alert ~ Dastardly Bastard!

New Release Announcement ~ Blood is Power by Ella Medler


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

bookshelves photo: Bookshelf bookshelves.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!

Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

The Novellas  Swan Song

Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Jessica  Progeny  The Harbinger Collection: Hard-Boiled Mysteries Not for the Faint of Heart

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.

Heart Search: Found (Heart Search, #2)

Carlie’s just released Heart Search : Found

Read all about it here.


Leashed (Going to the Dogs, #1)

Going to be on a tour for this one.


Family Matters  Cats & Dogs  Written All Over Her

Got these from Mia! Thanks so much. I just reviewed the first three books in the Adelheid Series here.


The Photo Traveler

I had to have these!


Books I won.

I did win something this week but haven’t confirmed everything so will tell you all about the great prizes next week!


Reviewed this week.

The Rain Wouldn't Take Away the Pain

Catch my review on my Monday Minis post here.


On a Wing and a Dare (Flying Horse Books, #1)  In the Winds of Danger (Flying Horse Books, #2)

My reviews for both books can be found here.


Welcome to Adelheid (Adelheid #1-3)

Cameron's Law (Adelheid, #1)  When Forever Died (Adelheid, #2)  Voracious (Adelheid, #3)

Review of all three books in one and giveaway on Thursday, July 11th. Go here to check it out and enter!


Scheduled reviews for this upcoming week.

Shudder (Stitch Trilogy #2)

My review and the giveaway will be on Wednesday, July 17th. Check back!


Life After Dane

My review and the giveaway will be on Thursday, July 18th.


Dead Girl: A Romantic Zombie Tale of Revenge

My review and the giveaway will be on Friday, July 19th.


Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Giveaway Tour ~ Box of Infernos

Spotlight Tour ~ Unraveling Lady Fury

Giveaway Tour ~ Reconnaissance

Teaser Tuesdays ~ Creatures of Appetite

Giveaway Blast ~ Over The Rainbow

Giveaway Tour ~ Legacy Reborn

WWW Wednesday

Giveaway Tour ~ Cassie Scott, Paranormal Detective

Giveaway ~ Blood Destiny

Thursday Theatre ~ Remember Dory?

Blitz Giveaway ~ Lost

Freakin Fridays ~ Dogs and Cats and Mermaids

Win The Sydney Rye Series!

Complete Series Cover Reveal ~ The Forces of Nature

Release Day Giveaway ~ Aftermath, Hurricane Book #2


Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

mailbox photo: MAILBOX MAILBOX.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!

Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)


Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Wild Wolf's Twisted Tails 

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.


I had to have this!

Also have a couple more but can’t let you have a peek yet.


Books I won.

The Thieves of Legend: A Thriller

I won The Thieves of Legend from a giveaway on the escape with dollycas blog. Thanks so much to Lori and the author for this wonderful book!

Shadows of Penumbra (Apocalypse Exalted, #1)

I won Shadows of Penumbra from the AToMR Tours giveaway. Thanks so much!


My internet was down all week so my post is going to be slim.

Books I’ve reviewed this week. Don’t forget to enter the giveaways!

Embers (Anya Kalinczyk, #1)    Sparks (Anya Kalinczyk, #2)

You can read my reviews for Embers and Sparks here!

The Harvesting (The Harvesting, #1)

With my internet down, I couldn’t get this ready in time! You can read my review this coming week.

Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Tour Giveaway for Hidden by M. Lathan

Epiphany Sneak Peek

Blitz & Giveaway for The Temporary Detective

Freebie Alert for Taken by Adam Light

Freebie Alert for Joshua’s Folly by Taylor Dean

Return to Zire Book Tour

Winners of Tag Team Giveaway for Precipice by Kevin J. Howard

Winners of Tag Team Giveaway for What Matters Most by Bette Lee Crosby

Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.

mailbox photo: MAILBOX MAILBOX.jpg

This is my own version of a weekly bookhaul post where  I’ll be telling you about all of the books I got this week, whether print or e-book plus all things new on fuonlyknew.

I got a few books this week, some free, some for review, and some I purchased just for my reading pleasure.

I also post reviews on another blog aknifeandaquill . It’s all about horror. If someone doesn’t die, we don’t do it here!

Here’s some I picked up to review on both blogs. Double exposure for the author:)

Apocalypse: An Anthology by Authors and Readers  Night Chill

Here are some I picked up to review on fuonlyknew.

Paranormal Anthology with a TWIST  Snowbound

Got some good ones!


Books for Review.

  Dead Girl: A Romantic Zombie Tale of Revenge

I had to have these!


Books I won.

After a two-week dry spell, I cannot believe all of these wonderful books I have won!

I won all of these from Lada Ray’s Giveaway! Thank you so much Lada. My summer is booked!!

The Earth Shifter  Gold Train (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure)  Stepford USA (Accidental Spy Smalltown Adventure)

Green Desert (Accidental Spy Prequel)  Catharsis (Legend of the Lemurians, Earth Keepers Chronicle 1)

And her two upcoming new releases. Is that not awesome!

Lumarian Crystals and Atlantis.

I also won this giveaway hosted at Modern Goodreads.

Many thanks to these awesome authors. Now I have more to follow and what a great way to discover ya’ll!


The Loved, The Lost, The Dreaming  Ancient Blood: A Novel of the Hegemony  Blue Coyote Motel  The Battle for Princess Madeline  The Nightlife: Paris (The Nightlife, #3)


Books I’ve reviewed this week. Don’t forget to enter the giveaways!

This cover art is temporary. I'll find something better from a willing artist and post it as soon as possible.

Reviewed for my Monday Minis Meme here.



Catch the Moonlit tour for my review and giveaway here.


KissingFire amazon GR Smashwords

You can read my tour review of Kissing Fire and enter the giveaway here.


Stitch (Stitch Trilogy #1)

My review for Stitch and everyone can get their own copy free Friday, June 7th thru 11th here.

Also enter the  giveaway!


Jaded (Rock Star, #1) 

Read my Reviews for Jaded and Faded and enter the giveaway here.


Scheduled Reviews for next week

Embers (Anya Kalinczyk, #1)    Sparks (Anya Kalinczyk, #2)

You can read my reviews for Embers and Sparks Monday!

The Harvesting (The Harvesting, #1)

You can read my review Thursday, June 13th.

Several more reviews and awesome giveaways coming this next week. Be sure to stop by!


Other posts this week. Just click on the links to see the posts.

Jeff Gunhus ~ Night Chill ~ Giveaway

Cover Reveal ~ Hounded

Teaser Tuesday ~ Jezebel

Innovera Yakov ~ $50 Giftcard Giveaway Blast

Cover Reveal and Giveaway ~ Skin Deep

WWW Wednesday

Shadow of Danger ~ Promo and Giveaway

Giveaway Promo ~ Dark Musicals ~ Phantom & Demon

Vampire Elite ~ Giveaway Promo

Thursday Theatre ~ Bad Doggie ~ Jezebel

Freakin Fridays #13 ~ RUSH

Go here to find all of my giveaways. Enter one or enter all of them!!

Go here for a list of free e-books.

Busy, busy, busy. So many delicious reads! Some I’ve read and will be posting my reviews soon.

So what did you get this week? See something you like? Do you have any of these? Leave a comment and let me know.