Posts Tagged ‘scifi’



Power comes with a price.




The Price of Talent Book 4

by AK Nevermore

Genre: Spicy Dystopian SciFi Romance



On an alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of
the population. Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical
mutations, giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining
genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent upon the
exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting them…

Chaos rules the city of Glynfyls.

And all Flynn Scot can do is watch. With the hill frozen in
the shadow of the coming Incursion, and the commons giving into a bacchanal
madness, the city’s chances of survival are dire. His hands tied by mandates,
in order to do what he knows is right and give them a fighting chance, Flynn
will have to risk everything by doing wrong.

Meanwhile, Kara can’t hide her declining health.

The Triam’s location remains elusive, and the window to get
the treatment she needs is closing. Unwilling to give in, or idly await her
fate, she hatches a daring plan to help save the city, even if it ends up
destroying her politically.

Because Titus’s army is marching closer to Glynfyls, and
they’re not alone.

With them comes a monster that threatens not only the city,
but the entire Breaker hierarchy. As the world watches on tenterhooks, Flynn
and Kara race against the clock to save their people, but there’s no guarantee
they can save themselves.




Flynn’s bedroom door slammed open and the lights flicked on.

“Get up.”

The hell? He blinked, lifting his aching head to glare at Rogan. Man looked even more beat to shit now that the bruising from their fight had set in. One side of his jaw was twice the size it should be, and he didn’t look any happier to be standing there than Flynn was to see him.

“Fuck off,” he growled, his arms tightening around Kara. She murmured in her sleep, a “V” pinching between her brows as she snuggled against his chest.

Rogan laughed. “Wish I could, kid, but Titus’s troops are crossing the border, the city’s burning down again, cattle are running riot through the streets—” He swiped up a pair of pants from the floor and chucked them at Flynn. “—and we’re on fire brigade.”

Goddamn it.

“Are you serious?” he hissed, catching them as he pushed up to sit.

Kara huffed and curled into a little ball, out cold despite the asshole’s bullshit. Flynn frowned, but wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t slept at all the night after succumbing, and he damned well knew the toll of unmaking the damage Otto had done to her bitch mother was more than Kara was letting on.

Rogan’s gaze dropped to her bared shoulder and slid down her back to the blankets pooling around her hips. His tongue flicked over his lip. “Think I’d be in here otherwise?”

Flynn growled, ripping a blanket up to cover her. If that motherfucker even thought about—goddamn it. Man had just handed Flynn his own ass in front of the entire Breaker line. If Rogan, the Alpha fucking Prime, wanted to challenge for her, he’d win, and they both knew it.

So did the thing growling in the recesses of Flynn’s psyche, its hackles raised. Wasn’t conducive to him being in a particularly cooperative mood.

He slung his legs over the side of the mattress, talent crackling around his fingers. Goddamn it. That didn’t help either. He snuffed the sparks in his fists and pulled on his pants. Fabric was still sticky with gore. What time was it? His eyes found the clock as he zipped up. A little after two in the morning. Didn’t this fucking city sleep? “When did Titus cross the border?”

“Vanguard’s a couple hundred miles in and moving fast,” Rogan said as he reached down to scritch behind Hiss’s ears. Stupid cat let him. “Stonefist called Quorum. I was on my way to wake your ass up for that when the fire broke out. Shit’s officially hit the fan.”

“Fine. Let’s go.” Flynn grabbed a shirt and kicked into his boots, still glowering at Rogan. Asshole shot another look at Kara before he flashed that goddamned grin and backed from the room. Flynn killed the lights and just stopped himself from slamming the door shut. God, he hated that prick.

“What the hell are they rioting about now?” he asked, smacking the button for the lift.

Rogan shrugged and stepped in. “They’re throwing one hell of a party on the lower rungs, but this ain’t that, far as I can tell. Heard somebody say a cow kicked over a lantern, and it’s Chicago all over again.”

“Chicago?” Flynn asked, hitting the button for the main floor.

The Breaker rolled his eyes. “You know, big fire, O’Leary’s—never mind. All you need to worry about is it putting it out.” He pushed past him as the lift door opened and stalked toward the gate.

Flynn’s temper spiked and his talent sparked with it. “Me? How am I supposed to—” He stopped to scuff out a patch of smoldering carpet. Christ, that was getting old.

“Right there all the time, isn’t it?”

Flynn scowled. “Yeah. Weren’t you gonna do something about that?” Talent flared around his fingers again, and he swore.

Rogan sighed, glancing at the gate. “Right. How do you control your Shade ability?”

Was he an idiot? “Control my—I don’t. It’s not like—I gotta pull it to use it. They call it cloaking for a reason. It’s like gathering—whatever, it doesn’t matter. I asked about this Breaker shit.”

“Everything matters. Nothing’s important.”

“Did you just quote Nietzsche?”

Breaker cocked an eyebrow. “Did you just call me out for quoting Nietzsche?”

“Christ, you’re a dick.”

“You should talk. Look, in case you haven’t figured it out, Breaker talent isn’t static. It’s tied to your emotions, just like bloodlust. The fact that you’re as moody as a teenaged girl doesn’t help.”

Flynn glared at the man, his teeth gritting together at another flare of talent. “Then what do you suggest?”

“You know anything about physics?” Flynn’s eyes narrowed, and Rogan sighed. “Look, I’m not any more thrilled about this arrangement than you are, so let’s do it and have done. Easiest way for me to explain it is to equate Breaker talent to Ohm’s law—”

“Ionic flow. Got it. Energy is dissipated as heat. Then what?”

Rogan’s brow raised. “Then you reach equilibrium by dissipating it, maintaining the state by breathing the potential out, and letting talent cycle through you,” the Breaker said. “You don’t let it build until you need it.”

“How the hell do I do that?”

Rogan made a come hither motion. “Watch and learn.”

They stepped through the gate and into hell. Flynn wiped his brow, his skin abruptly too tight. Smoke seared down his throat and hung thick in the air, stinging his eyes and occluding the morass of standing water and hard baked sludge coating the street. The haze softened the edges of the blaze as a line of Fixers fought to keep it in stasis, while every Fetch able to shift an oxygen molecule battled to snuff the flames. Their crimson blue flicker and the silver and bronze glow of talent warred, filling the streets with an unearthly glow. Within the thin shell of talent, booms shook the ground. A rain of smoldering debris peppered the street, and a fucking cow ran by.

Rogan held out a hand to him, and Flynn scowled. “Thanks, Gramps, but I promise I’m big enough not to get lost.”

“Asshole. I want you to feel how I channel the fire’s potential.”

“I gotta hold your hand to do it?”

“I can put my foot up your ass if you’d prefer.”

Flynn eyed the man’s outstretched hand. Something big exploded, accompanied by a whomp of flame

“Take your time. Not like there’s any reason to hurry.”

Flynn glared at him and slapped his palm across Rogan’s. The Breaker’s halos flared and talent welled, crackling between them. Instead of something blowing up, it was a steady draw. The raging flames shuddered in response, dying back, and the ground beneath them hummed with a weird vibration. What the hell?

“Feel that?”

“Yeah, what’re you doing?”

Whatever it was, wasn’t easy. Sweat poured from the Breaker, and it wasn’t from the ungodly temperature. His halos bathed everything within a fifty-foot radius a gruesome scarlet. “Acting as a ground,” he said through gritted teeth.

“Like it’s electricity?”

“Yeah. Same principle, and you keep shorting.” He snorted at Flynn’s scowl. “Instead of letting the energy flow to heat, I’m converting the fire’s potential and acting as a conduit, redirecting it out and away. Try reaching for it. If you can call it, you can snuff it, and I could use the help. There’s some kind of accelerant in there—” The ground shook with another series of explosions and hot concrete rained down around them.

Fuck that. Flynn threw up a shield. He pushed it out and away, reinforcing the Fixer’s line. They slumped against one another as he took up the burden, the power of the battering flames sending him back a step. Christ. Yeah, there sure as hell was some kind of accelerant in there. Shit was burning like it was jet fuel. He wiped a hand across his brow, dizzy with the heat.

“Wrong talent, asshole,” Rogan gritted out.

Flynn scowled at him, trying to focus. Reach for the fire…how the fuck was he supposed to…he eased his shield and the sense of it hit him square in the chest. Flynn grunted, stumbling back again.

“Yeah, no shit. Now let it flow through you and ground it out.”

Flynn took a shaky breath; the intensity of that potential Rogan had been talking about was crushing. How the fuck was he handling all that? Man should be a blackened smear—

“Anytime now, kid.” Rogan grimaced.

Shit. Flynn’s jaw tensed, trying to take a hold—he eased his shield again and the flames surged forward. He slammed it back up and the fire’s potential bypassed him, arcing from his grip. Christ, he couldn’t—

“Kara still make that little noise when she comes?”

Flynn’s shield disintegrated as the blaze’s potential flooded into him with his rage. It built, his hair standing on end. He was gonna kill—

“Ground it!”

—that motherfucker. Flynn bellowed, channeling the fire’s potential into the ground along with what Rogan was converting. The street buckled and the surrounding buildings listed. The two men fell to their knees, the inferno sucking down like someone had pulled its string, guttering.

Rogan collapsed to sit, swiping a hand over his brow. “Not bad—”

Flynn’s fist took him in the jaw, knocking him back. “Anything about that ever comes out of your mouth again, I’ll fucking kill you.”

“No promises.” Asshole chuckled, wiping the corner of his mouth as he sat up. “And don’t expect it to go any better than your last attempt…but you’re welcome to keep trying.”

God, he hated him. Flynn’s brows furrowed, taking in the smoking ruins. At the far end of the block, Markham spoke to a group of Fetches. He patted one of them on the shoulder, and they staggered off, too exhausted to shift away.

Flynn knew how they felt. His insides were hollow with what’d just gone through him. His glower deepened as his eyes flicked to Rogan. Shithead had baited him, again, and he’d played right into his hands, again. Goddamn his fucking temper. That thing inside him…it was too fucking close. Flynn frowned, staring at his palms, the memory of blood staining them. No. Not here. He was safe in the city.

“When you call it, where does the fire come from?” he asked, wiping this hands on his pants and trying to distract himself. “Doesn’t the potential need a catalyst?”

“Look at you all brainy when you’re not taking potshots,” Rogan muttered, rocking his mangled jaw. “That’s a little more complicated, and I’m spent. It’ll wait.”

Flynn’s brows bunched, glaring at the man who’d claimed to be his great-grandfather. Attitude was on point, but any physical resemblance…to him, to Lot. Complexion was all wrong, but maybe something around the eyes…

The man flashed his teeth. “Yes?”

Christ, that was it. That goddamned grin. Flynn looked away. Markham was headed in their direction, albeit at a snail’s pace. “You the one that figured out how it works? The whole electricity thing?”

“A Breaker’s talent? No. Not controlling it, at least. I was pretty hell-bent on everything but. When I was ready to listen, most of the hard work had been done.”

Flynn flicked a bit of rubble away. Asphalt had caved in around them like a giant fist’d smashed into the street. “Did you want it?”

Rogan’s face went stoney. “When the Surge blasted us back to the Dark Ages, people lost their shit, turned on each other. Nobody understood it. Thought the world was coming to an end, God was punishing us…first to espouse the Sons’ ideology were Talents. Turned into a goddamned cult of suicide bombers. You could hear them imploding. See them flare up at night, taking out everything around them until the Corporation showed up with their promise of a cure. So, no. None of us wanted it, but it’s what we got. Didn’t that asshole teach you anything?”

Flynn chewed his lip. “Cal wasn’t around all that much.” Not even when he was.

“What about Lot?”

A surge of temper sent talent flickering around Flynn’s fingers. “What about him?”

“Never mind.” Rogan swore under his breath. “You’re clamping down and getting all pent up again. Breathe it through you.”

Flynn let out a slow exhale. Damn, he wanted a cigar. Thinking about his father, his Shade talent coming in… Jesus, that’d been a miserable fucking experience, but at least the only person that’d gotten hurt had been him. Accident or not, he’d killed people when Kara had been abducted. Guilt tamped down his anger, self-loathing rising up to snuff what was left of it. He needed to get a handle on this before he lost his shit again and took out any more of the city. Another incident like that, and the Pinch would be prime real estate.

Rogan’s mouth screwed up like he wanted to ask something and knew he wasn’t gonna like the answer. Goddamn it.

“Look, the less Lot and I see of each other, the better,” Flynn said, beating him to it. “Ascending to head was supposed to be the end of it. Come up here, assume the fucking position, and spend the rest of my life voting on granite curbing.” Shit, that almost sounded good. He kicked away some debris, the warmth of the ruined pavement cozy in comparison to the arctic air battering down the radiant heat.

“Funny. You don’t strike me as a white picket fence, two kids and a dog kind of guy.”

A gust of wind sent a squall thick with ash at them. Flynn put a hand up, keeping it from his eyes and spat the grit from his mouth. He’d take the fence and kids in a heartbeat right about now. The dog could go fuck itself, but the rest of it sounded like a dream come true. “Kara would’ve been happy. Safe.”

Rogan cocked an eyebrow. “Would she?”

A defeated numbness stole over Flynn. Probably not on either count. She wasn’t like anyone he’d ever met. Didn’t want the same things. Christ, what did she want? It pissed him off that figuring it out was taking a backseat to everything else, and there wasn’t a fucking thing he could do to change that.

He grimaced as he met Rogan’s eye. “Probably not. I just—It feels like I’m being steamrolled towards something, and no matter what I—” Flynn flushed. What the hell had possessed him to drop that nugget? He mussed ash from his hair, the reality of his goddamned existence weighing him down. The remaining flickers of talent around his fingers drained away. Damn. This shit really was tied to his emotions.

“That’s it. Low and slow. Breathe it out. You get worked up, ground what pulses through you.” Rogan leaned back on his elbows. “The universe usually pushes you for a reason. Why fight it?”

“Because I don’t trust it.”

“No, you don’t trust yourself.” Flynn scowled, and the asshole’s grin was back. “You should. That was good work just now, but it would’ve been better if you’d get over that goddamned reluctance and stop second-guessing yourself. You’re Breaker, kid. Acting on instinct is what we do. Leave the overthinking to the Binders.”

Markham huffed over, and Rogan stood. Flynn rose with him. The only thing his instincts were screaming at him to do was to bury the prick.

Except he’d tried that and failed miserably. Motherfucker. “So, what’s next?”

“Combat nap. Phyllis’s already filed the paperwork to officially step down. Between assuming First, and everything else making up this shit show, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna have to drink breakfast if I wanna get through the rest of the day.” Rogan frowned, scratching his stubble. “Should probably shave.”

Flynn rolled his eyes. “No, I meant talent-wise.”

“Try to not blow anything up until the Source gets here. If there’s an after…” Rogan shrugged. “We’ll work on your control. Start with little shit. Light some candles, break frozen peas.” A smile ghosted over his lips, then he pushed past Flynn with a growl. “Get a handle on your equilibrium first.”

Man stalked to the gate and was gone. What the hell had that been about?



Get a free bonus novella, Conspirator at the back of the book!



**Don’t miss the other books in the series!**




The Price of Talent Book 1

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The Price of Talent Book 2

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The Price of Talent Book 3




**Get the Prequel Breeder FREE!!**


AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases
coffee, and gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a
certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when she’s not
reading voraciously or running down the dream in her beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to
become medicated, she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen
and writing a column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a
chapter treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare
occasion, sleeps.

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Step into a world where the Pumpkin King reigns supreme, and other tales haunt your every thought.

Or step out of this world into the sheer terror of the unknowable and incomprehensible deep space.


The Pumpkin King and Other Tales of Terror

by R. David Fulcher

Genre: Horror Short Stories

Gravelight is pleased to present the first volume in a two-book series collecting the horror fiction of R. David Fulcher!
THE PUMPKIN KING AND OTHER TALES OF TERROR offers up 20 works by Fulcher, each updated and revised by the author. Each tale has been fully revised by the author, making these the definitive versions of the stories.
The collection Includes

*Eulogy to E.A. Poe

*Marienburg Castle

*The Pumpkin King

*Heavenly Strains

*A Matter of Taste

*My Days With Mahalia

*A Night Out With Mr. Bones

*Merry Are We of the Lake

*The Night Flyer

*Pumpkin Seed Spit

*A Night for Animals

*The Man Next Door

*Extra! Extra!

*The Flight Dummy

*For the Children

*The Watcher’s Web

*Dreaming, The Copper City

*The Huntress

*The Faerie Lights

*The October Man

Features a wrap-around cover and contemporary design. Perfect for Halloween or dark, rainy nights.


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Asteroid 6 and Other Tales of Cosmic Horror

by R. David Fulcher

Genre: Science Fiction Horror Short Stories

Fulcher’s 2023 indie horror hit, THE PUMPKIN KING AND OTHER TALES OF TERROR!
In this newest collection, Fulcher explores concepts of the insignificance of
human existence, terror of the unknowable and incomprehensible, and more motifs
found in edlritch horror. Fulcher draws his influence from a wide assortment of
authors ranging from Poe and Fritz Leiber to Stephen King and Dean Koontz.
The title story features an astronaut named Jones who, while on
asteroid-clearing duty, crash lands onto a massive asteroid where he is drawn
to an alien monolith and discovering an ancient race trapped in stasis. Does he
dare set it free?
Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind collection!


R. DAVID FULCHER is an author of horror, science fiction, fantasy, and poetry. Major literary influences include H.P. Lovecraft, Dean Koontz, Edgar Allen Poe, Fritz Lieber, and Stephen King. Fulcher’s first novel, a historical drama set in World War II, Trains to Nowhere, and his second novel, a collection of fantasy and science fiction short stories, Blood Spiders and Dark Moon, are both available from and Amazon.

FULCHER’S work has appeared in numerous small press publications including Lovecraft’s Mystery Magazine, Black Satellite, The Martian Wave, Burning Sky, Shadowlands, Twilight Showcase, Heliocentric Net, Gateways, Weird Times, Freaky Frights and the anthologies Dimensions and Silken Ropes. Fulcher’s work can also be found in the DPP collection Halloween Party 2019, available at Amazon and at the DPP online store. A passion for the written word has also inspired Fulcher to edit and publish the literary magazine, Samsara (, which has showcased writers and poets for over a decade. Fulcher resides in Ashburn, Virginia, with his wife Lisa, and their rambunctious cats.

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 ATOMICA – BETWEEN SEA AND SKY, is a compelling saga of love, duty,
and sacrifice set against the stunning backdrop of a lush tropical
island— where the line between hero and villain blurs in the
shadows of a forgotten world.



Atomica – Between Sea and Sky


Atomica Book 1


by Heather McKenzie


Genre: YA SciFi Fantasy Romance




 “Never judge based on appearances. Sometimes the most unassuming
can be the deadliest.”



A compelling saga
of love, duty, and sacrifice set against the stunning backdrop of a
lush tropical island—where the line between hero and villain blurs
in the shadows of a forgotten world…


In a land
ravaged by ancient vendettas, nineteen-year-old Eva has vowed to
protect Zoleya, a petite, blue-eyed girl with a powerful gift. But
when a catastrophic shipwreck strands her on a mysterious tropical
island and Zoleya disappears, Eva is forced to abandon her duty and
form alliances with a group of castaways to survive. While facing the
island’s perils and a corrupt band of Raiders intent on her
capture, Eva fights to reclaim her title as Zoleya’s


Kade Thorn, a hunter programmed to seek and
destroy all remnants of forbidden technology, battles his opposing
impulses. Bound by ancient markings etched into his skin that incite
violence, he finds himself torn between blindly obeying his directive
or pursuing a powerful attraction to Eva, knowing either choice will
get him killed.


Forced to rely on each other, Eva and Kade
seek refuge deep within the island’s jungle and become conflicted
about where their loyalties lie. Will they find their way back to
their predetermined paths or forge a new destiny together? The fate
of Zoleya—the catalyst to either save the world or destroy it—hangs
in the balance.


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I had no idea how many days had passed when the ship began losing battle with a raging storm. All of us being held captive by the Raiders had gone through hell and back already, so this was an additional layer of torture. We were all hurting and scared to bits, yet the sea couldn’t care less—it was going to drown us one way or another.

And maybe that was a blessing.

As I watched Zoleya from across the cage, water began dripping down from the oily planks overhead and between the unbreakable iron bars. We were in the belly of the ship, the women cowering in the corner either praying or crying, and the men moaning in agony and fear. I was helpless to do anything, only able to watch dried blood turn to tiny red rivers on Zoleya’s skin as she became soaked to the bone. Our journey across Aldira had been hellacious, to say the least, but being responsible for the state she was in felt worse than a million knives slicing up my heart. I was supposed to protect her, and I had failed.

“We’ll be okay,” said a doe-eyed woman with arms and legs thin as toothpicks. All her front teeth were broken, making her hard to understand. “The storm will pass soon.”

Normally I’d respect someone who was just trying to be comforting, but that was a bald-faced lie.

One of the men chained up across from me snorted in disgust. “Delusional,” he said and spat, adding to the slimy water lapping at our toes.

We could all hear the Raiders up on deck losing battle with the violent weather and churning seas, panic thick in their voices as they yelled “Secure the lashings” and “Man overboard.”

As water inched past our ankles and up our calves, Zoleya’s gaze met mine. The light from the quivering lanterns danced in her irises. She was so pale. The sky-blue sundress she favored torn and splattered with filth. Her long white hair hung loose down to her hips, clinging to her petite frame—I hadn’t had a chance to braid it for the day before we’d been captured.

“Calla is correct,” she said, agreeing simply to provide an extra ray of hope. But Zo was bad at lying. Her lip always quivered. “Things will be just fine. Our journey will come to an end soon,” she added.

Well, that was at least true. Soon we’d all be dead.

“If you mean that we’re going to drown, then so be it,” a giant of a man with sores all over his face practically growled at her. “I’d rather die at sea than on Cal de Mac. Drowning would be better than what the Raiders will put us through if we make it to their homeland.”

He was right. The women would be sold as slaves, and the men and I, with our wrists chained over our heads and ankles shackled together, would be forced to fight in the arenas until our last breath. Being captured by these thieves of the land and pirates of the sea was a certain death sentence, and I saw no way out.

The wind howled like a million wounded Black-Blooded, shrill and curling up tight to my eardrums. As the ship seemed to break apart, I thought of Mom, of Delia, and of Father, their graves dug deep in the toxic Aldiran dirt. Then I prayed to a god who never had a moment to spare for me, begging her to magically transport me back to the cabin with the little woodstove and bury my body next to theirs.

Those who were not chained up in the cage toppled into each other as the ship crested a wave before dipping sharply downward and then leveling out. Lightning crackled through the sky. Someone let out a heart-wrenching wail… I couldn’t just hang here like a carcass waiting to be gutted, I had to try to do something. Anything.

Tugging on my restraints caused the shackles to dig deep into my wrists. A sickly warmth trickled down my arms. I nearly passed out from the pain, but I kept tugging; at least I would die with honor trying to save Zoleya.  

“They can’t be barbaric enough to leave us down here to drown,” said a woman with a small child clinging to her legs.

A man across from me with black greasy curls let out a pained laugh. “Oh, but they are.” His voice was raw with hatred and his face was bruised, one eye nearly swollen shut. “Raiders are no better than the maggots swimming in your dinner.”

Crates full of stolen food, weapons, silks, and spices slammed into each other, releasing a plume of crushed cloves into the dank air. Someone up on deck shrieked and the wind shrieked back. I wondered if we had minutes. Seconds even. If I had to rip my hands off I would.

“Eva. Stop that, please,” Zoleya pleaded.

If I could only break some bones then maybe—

“Aye, stop for heaven’s sake!” said a massive man directly across from me with hair as red as the blood leaking from his broken nose. His skin was black with filth. His clothes were rags. “It’s bad enough we be trapped in here together. Watching ye torture yourself is making it worse. Besides, even if ye git free, there ain’t nothing a wee missy such as yourself can do. You be just a girl.”

My pulse throbbed at my temples; how many times had I heard that before? “Don’t you think there’s a reason I’m chained up like the rest of you?”

The redhead had some sort of answer perched on the tip of his tongue, but the sea spoke first. With another shriek, it dragged its salty claws along the sides of the ship, grabbed hold, and wrenched it to the left. A barrel tipped over, mixing brine and writhing squid into the rising water. More clearly than ever, we could hear the frantic voices of the crew dancing with death above while we waited for it below.



 I am Canadian, born and raised in Alberta on a lovely acreage just
outside of Edmonton to musical parents. I began my arts career as a
musician, leaving home at the age of fifteen to play in a rock band,
then went on to become a singer/songwriter. I wrote songs and told
stories with melodies, lucky enough to tour Canada and record four
studio albums, as well as work as a studio musician. I spent years
singing my heart out. However, when I discovered the limitless
creativity of novel writing, I shifted my focus to a literary career.
My extraordinary experiences as a musician continue to fuel my
writing. I am deeply inspired by art and profoundly humbled by the
creativity of others. Creating is a fundamental part of my life, and
expressing myself through storytelling is incredibly important to me.
I strive to transport readers to different places or provide them
with a companion for three hundred pages, impacting them as my
favorite writers and artists have impacted me.


I like to write
about deeply flawed characters with relatable struggles and how they
react in extraordinary circumstances. The Rocky Mountains and the
wonders of nature greatly inspire me, and I love to explore the
juxtaposition of these settings with urban landscapes. My novels are
characterized by action, adventure, lots of romance, and unexpected
twists. I like to put my characters in unique settings and fully
explore their motivations while drawing heavily on my personal


I am honored to be
represented by Elizabeth Winick Rubinstein of McIntosh and Otis, one
of the USA’s longest-running literary agencies, representing
remarkable authors such as the late John Steinbeck and Harper Lee. As
a ‘hybrid’ author, Elizabeth represents my adult works, while I
represent my young adult works. I am determined not to limit myself
to one specific genre and hope to follow in the footsteps of authors
who have achieved success this way, as I value the artistic freedom
it affords.


At present, I have
four published novels; Serenade, Nocturne and Rhapsody, all which
have achieved bestseller status in digital sales. My newest novel,
Atomica: Between Sea and Sky, was just released on August 27, 2024,
and is the first book in a new young adult fantasy series.


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 Beware the Coming Storm…





The Price of Talent Book 1


by AK Nevermore


Genre: Spicy Dystopian SciFi Romance


On an
alternate earth, a cataclysm has altered a subset of the population.
Talents are persecuted for their psychic and physical mutations,
giving rise to two conflicting societies based upon maintaining
genetic purity. And the Source, a shadowy corporate entity dependent
upon the exploitation of captive Talents, is hunting

Self-exiled to the Outside, Flynn Scot is
oath-bound to a life of strict penance.

Cursed with a vicious temper
and haunted by the blood-stained debauchery of his past, Flynn’s
sworn off women, whiskey, and violence, and doesn’t give a damn
about whispers of the coming war. He sure as hell isn’t in the mood
to make good on a debt when it’s called in, especially when playing
white knight outs him as a Talent, and the damsel in distress as his

On the run from her future
as a broodmare for the Source, escaped Talent Kara Jester is no
distressed damsel.

And the last thing she wants is
to be trapped in a blizzard with a surly—and frustratingly
captivating—thug. Without the suppression meds holding her libido
in check, her biology’s primed to procreate, and Flynn’s growled
assurances that he won’t touch her doesn’t match the hunger in
his eyes.

It doesn’t align with what
fate has in store for them, either.

With elite troops hot on their
heels and the border set to close, it’s a race to the North, away
from Kara’s horrific future and towards the dark past Flynn wants
to keep buried. Clinging to the shreds of his oath, he’s forced to
choose between protecting the woman he’s afraid to love and letting
out the animal he swore he’d never be again. Either may destroy
him, if Kara’s secrets don’t get them killed first.


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Flynn put his book aside and eyed the massive pile of wood Kara had brought in. She stacked the last of the logs against the wall, pensive.

“You good?”

Her smile was forced. “Yeah, it’s just so quiet. I’m not used to it.”

She knelt beside him and unwrapped the compress. It’d long since gone cold. His gaze slid over her inspecting his knee. There was a competence and economy to her motions that gave the impression she was very good at what she was doing. He shivered at her touch, and a muscle in his jaw popped.

She peeked up at him. “Cold hands?”

“Yeah.” They were, but that wasn’t the issue.

“You have to stay off it.” She reached forward like she was going to ruffle his hair, then pulled back when he tensed, biting at her thumb.

Goddamn it. That kicked-dog look was back on her face. Flynn closed his eyes, fighting the urge to pull her into his lap and tell her everything would be okay. Wasn’t his fucking problem.

Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies. Shit was gutting him. Why the hell he felt responsible for her…

He wasn’t. Couldn’t be. Couldn’t handle his own train-wreck. Adding her to that equation would only get her hurt. Last thing he wanted was for her to see what a monster he was. For whatever had been in her eyes before to snuff out.

Screw her not thinking he was a white knight; she’d despise him.

His stomach churned, sick over it.

“Mind if I put on some pants?”

Kara stared at her hands, fingers laced together. “As long as I can get to your knee.”

“Grab me those.” She got his sweats, and he moved the recliner back upright, feeling like an absolute dick. He jerked his head at the cupboard. “Couple cans of soup in there, if you’re hungry.”

She hopped to, like he’d given an order. Flynn’s brow furrowed, pulling on the sweats. What was that about? It was like a part of her had just shut down—

He bit back a groan. That look she had before. The one where he’d sworn she thought she was fucking defective or some shit, and he’d been flat out rejecting her advances. Christ, he wanted to kick his own ass. Having an ugly prick like him say no had to be great for her ego. Motherf—

“How do I…?” She was turning a can over in her hands, frowning.

“Opener’s where you found the forks,” he muttered, watching her push around his meager supply of cutlery. God, he was an asshole, and there wasn’t anything he could say without making it worse.

“This thing?” She held it up for his inspection.

“Yeah, just clip it on and turn the wheel.”

She put her back to him, and it sounded like she was botching the job. Like she needed another blow to her confidence. Flynn sighed, hoisting himself up. So much for staying off his knee.

“You shouldn’t be—”

“I gotta piss.”

Kara turned away, flushing. He limped the six steps to the table and steadied himself with a hand to one side of her, grinning before he could help himself. She was so frickin’ adorable fumbling with the damned thing. How could you be clueless about operating a can opener?

“Here, just—no, not like—come here.” He moved behind her, adjusting her grip, and firmly clipping it onto the side of the can. Damn, she smelled good. As in there-goes-taking-a-piss-right-away good.

“Go on, turn it.” Her fingers were long and slender beneath his. Smooth.

“Like this?” she asked, peeking over her shoulder at him, all innocent and sexy as hell. It twined around him in that heady musk. Flynn’s eyes dropped to her lips—

Fuck, he couldn’t do this.

“Yeah.” He reached past her to grab a stout stick leaning between the cabinet and the wall. Woman was killing him. “Next one’s all you.” He lurched into the bathroom, cursing himself.

Kara’s bra hung limply from the curtain rod, mocking him. He ran the water, splashing the glacial iciness over his head, hard-on throbbing for the umpteenth time today. Pretty soon frostbite wasn’t gonna be a deterrent to jacking off.

And he was supposed to take her north.

Fucking Cal.

Nothing had gone right since he’d answered his call. And now he was stuck with her and a mandate hanging over his head. Keep his dick in his pants. The hell he would, she wanted him, and if she kept offering it up, who was he to say no?

Flynn blew out noisily, scrubbing at his face. No. That wasn’t him. Not anymore, and she deserved better. Emotions running riot, he doused his head in the sink, soaking his shirt in the process.

Whatever. It stank, just like the rest of him. He peeled it off and chucked it onto the pile in the corner, sponging himself down. A Binder. Why the hell did she have to be a Binder? Bred for talent and beauty. They’d done a bang up job with her. Her in that lacy bra flitted across his mind’s eye. Shit, those halos. He’d never seen—Christ, he needed a cold shower. This goddamn knee. He wouldn’t be able to keep his balance in there…though sitting in six inches of freezing water held a certain appeal. He grimaced, grabbed his scissors, and snipped a few errant hairs off his upper lip—

What am I doing?

He threw the scissors back behind the mirror, disgusted with himself. He’d keep his hands off her. Ducking his head, he sighed, staring down at his tented sweats, then at the dirty laundry pile, and finally, the walking stick.

Fuck my life. How the hell was this gonna work? He snorted, trying to remember the last time he’d had to hide an erection.

Oh yeah, about an hour ago.





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AK Nevermore enjoys operating heavy machinery, freebases coffee, and
gives up sarcasm for Lent every year. A Jane-of-all-trades, she’s a
certified chef, restores antiques, and dabbles in beekeeping when
she’s not reading voraciously or running down the dream in her
beat-up camo Chucks.

Unable to ignore the voices in her head, and unwilling to become medicated,
she writes Science Fiction and Fantasy full time.

She pays the bills editing, wielding a wicked hot pink pen and writing a
column on SFF. She also belongs to the Authors Guild, is a chapter
treasurer for the RWA, teaches creative writing, and on the rare
occasion, sleeps.


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Out Of Body organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kimberly Baer will award a $25 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Out Of Body

by Kimberly Baer



Genre: YA / Paranormal / SciFi


Those weird dreams Abby Kendrick has been having? Turns out they aren’t dreams after all. They’re out-of-body experiences, like the ones her cousin Logan is having. At first Abby has fun with her new ability, using it to spy on her neighborhood crush and spook a mean girl. But when Logan gets in trouble on the astral plane, the game changes, and Abby must bend the rules of out-of-body travel as she journeys to a distant realm. Her mission is a perilous one, and success is not guaranteed. Can she save Logan and find her way home again? Or will the cousins be lost forever on the astral plane?



Enjoy this peek inside:

I strode back to the coffee table and pressed the off button on the remote. Instantly the TV went blind and silent, like a lopped-off head. But I didn’t make it to my bedroom. Before I could take another step, I saw it again, that flitting movement near the recliner. This time there was an accompanying noise—the unmistakable rustling of clothing.

I turned in dread, and at long last there was something to see. I felt the briefest flicker of triumph—Ha! Caught you!—before the horror of the situation thumped me in the chest.

My dad’s jacket had come to life. It was floating in the air beside the recliner, puffy and solid as if inhabited by a body. The sleeves were waving: Hey, look at me!

I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move. My vision darkened as if I was going to pass out, but if I did, that would be the end of me, because that thing would come over and strangle me. It was a disembodied jacket. It couldn’t be up to any good.

The jacket’s sleeves reached down. They bent at the elbows. Up went the jacket’s zipper with a z-z-zip sound.

Somehow I managed to draw in a big, rasping breath, and I screamed. I screamed loudly enough to wake the Halloween dead.

Then I ran for the front door.

About Author Kimberly Baer:


Kimberly Baer is an author and professional editor who was born and raised in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a town marginally famous for having endured three major floods. She even lived there during one of them. She enjoys power-walking on days when it’s not too hot, too cold, too rainy, too snowy, or too windy. On indoor days, you’re likely to find her hard at work on her next novel or binge-watching old episodes of Survivor, her favorite guilty pleasure.

Kim has had her nose in a book practically since birth. Her first story, written at age six, was about a baby chick that hatched out of a little girl’s Easter egg after somehow surviving the hard-boiling process. These days she writes in a variety of genres, including adult romantic suspense, young adult, and middle-grade. Her books are published by The Wild Rose Press and have won several awards.

Author Links: Website / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / TikTok / Amazon / Goodreads / BookBub

Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N / Apple / BookBub


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Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.



Changing Tide


by Robert Joncas


Genre: YA SciFi Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Horror


Changing Tide,” 2023 Book Awards:

*Maincrest Media Award, Winner, YA Fiction (2024)

*Outstanding Creator Awards, Best Fiction Book of 2023, 2nd Place

*Outstanding Creator Awards, Fantasy (1st Place), Sci-Fi (1st Place), Romance (2nd Pl.)

*The Global Book Awards, Bronze Medal, Science Fiction – Romance

*The BookFest Awards, Silver Medal, Science Fiction – Romance
*The BookFest Awards, Bronze Medal, Fantasy – Contemporary & YA – Science Fiction

*Royal Dragonfly Awards, Honorable Mention, Best Cover, Sci-Fi, Fantasy & YA Fiction

*American Fiction Awards, Finalist, Romance – Paranormal: Supernatural
*American Writing Awards, Finalist – Science Fiction
*Halloween Book Festival, YA Horror – Honorable Mention
*Literary Titan Book Award – August 2023

A wild adventure that takes you on a journey from the California coast to the depths of the Grand Canyon. Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.

After her father’s tragic death, eighteen-year-old Skye Conner and her mom visit her Nana on the California coast. There, Skye stumbles across a mystical conch shell in the surf. Suddenly her dull, empty life takes on a thrilling and terrifying turn.

Skye has had to endure a despondent mother drowning in grief, living in a private world of darkness. Nana is a feisty, intelligent, take-no-bull grandmother with a flaming sense of pride and heart of gold. Then comes a handsome, mesmerizing alien on a mission to save the Earth. But are his intentions sincere, or does he have another agenda?

Skye has finally found someone to love, but can he be trusted? Changing Tide is a witty, original page-turning thriller that will make you look at First Contact in a whole new way.


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Chapter I

First Contact


I never thought anyone close to me would die. I know it seems unrealistic because, sooner or later, we all die. But dying is supposed to happen in the future, like getting old. When you’re eighteen, you shouldn’t have to think about death. The idea of death takes you to a dark place where no one young ever wants to be.


It was the second week of June, and the first faint evidence of dawn trickled into the room. I pulled the curtain back, and fog blanketed the beach, darkening my mood. But then, a peculiar light shone from the shoreline in the distance, casting an eerie glow, like a beacon, in the mist.

I pulled a pink tee shirt from the closet and grabbed a pair of shorts from the pine dresser. Finally, I jerked a purple hoodie over my head, slipped on my flip-flops, and ran outside.

The strange light in the distance glowed like a full moon on a cloudy night. I crossed the beach and drifted in that direction. The long lines of white waves that swept across the shore glowed with a warm, radiant light. I kicked off my sandals at the shoreline, treading barefoot in the cold surf. Shivering, I clutched the sweatshirt tight around my neck. The ocean swirled around my ankles. I felt tiny shells and bits of seaweed in the ribbed sand under my feet.

Last week, after my high school graduation, Mom and I had flown from Phoenix to Nana’s house in Crescent Cove, a small tourist town on the California coast. It was a two-hour flight from Phoenix to Sacramento, then another forty-five minutes in a small plane to the nearest airport. It would have been almost ten hours in the car had we driven. Unfortunately, Mom was in no condition to help me drive, so Nana said she would pick us up at the airport.

By the time we picked up our luggage, Nana was waiting outside the terminal in her old VW van. The trip was hard on Mom. Dark circles of exhaustion were under her eyes, and her hair hung in matted strings against her pale cheeks. She collapsed into the front seat while Nana helped me load the baggage into the back of the van.

When we drove up to the house, I knew it right away, even though it had been five years since I’d last been there. The red shutters and gray wood shingle siding looked the same as I remembered. I knew the inside would smell of lemon polish, and everything would be spotless and scrubbed.

Without seeing it, I knew the old back deck would be the same: weathered but sturdy and always covered in sand. I could picture Dad grilling and sipping beer while Mom and I watched the waves crash on the shore. I had hoped coming here would be a distraction, but memories of Dad continued to flood my mind.

My stomach ached as I remembered the heavy black dress I wore to Dad’s funeral on that scorching day in Phoenix. The air was sizzling, too hot. I’d had to take deep breaths to keep from passing out. Although a canopy shaded the gravesite, the temperature was over 100 degrees. I ached with grief that I couldn’t at least see Dad one last time — to make sure it was really him who’d died in that horrible accident. The burning car wreck left his body unidentifiable. The funeral home cremated what was left of his remains.

As I followed the light through the surf, the sea surged with a rolling wave that knocked me over. It was as if something had stirred below the ocean and was rising from the deep. I threw my hands out to break my fall but landed in the shallows on my butt. I sat motionless in the surf, shivering in my wet clothes…


What readers are saying:

“…simply elegant…from the plotline to the characters to the action to the humor… (and) a story for anyone, young adult or adult, who enjoys a good science fiction novel with some romance thrown in. I would recommend the book to everyone.”


“…truly a breath of fresh air! …A sci-fi romance like this was exactly what we needed. …despite dealing with things like loss, coping, and mourning this book is surprisingly fun and lighthearted…reading like a Disney script.”


“Anyone who enjoys sci-fi horror thrillers will find plenty to love about this book.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end.”


“…an enthralling fantasy novel that immerses readers in Skye Conner’s captivating journey…”


“…traverses science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery seamlessly, entertaining you with thrills galore.”


“Nothing is as it seems… a speculative sci-fi page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. …brings in sci-fi and fantasy elements of magic seashells and aliens to create a call to adventure.”


–snippet of a review from–

Robert Joncas has crafted a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is well-balanced, and the author’s ability to evoke a wide range of emotions is commendable. Skye’s character development is particularly noteworthy, as readers witness her transformation from a grieving and vulnerable girl into a brave and determined young woman.

….Changing Tide is a remarkable book that grabs the reader’s attention from the very first page. With its compelling characters, intriguing plot twists, and seamless blending of genres, it is a true page-turner. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end. Without a doubt, I highly recommend picking up Changing Tide by Robert Joncas and awarding it a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars.

–snippet of a Review from Literary Titan–

In “Changing Tide,” Robert Joncas masterfully entwines an evocative narrative of a young girl, Skye, wrestling with her personal turmoil while being swept into a journey far beyond her understanding. Haunted by cryptic dreams and grappling with the tragic loss of her father and her mother’s spiraling depression, Skye’s world is painted with a brush of melancholy. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as she rekindles a connection with Paul, an alluring figure from her past, previously known for his childhood mischief.

Robert Joncas showcases an exceptional ability to portray raw emotions and delicate sentiments. His narrative is an intricate tapestry of romance, familial bonds, suspense, and an unmistakably human touch enveloped in a mantle of science fiction. The characters are vividly constructed, each contributing a unique hue to the narrative palette. Nana, Skye’s vivacious and fearless grandmother, was a particular standout, embodying a captivating blend of loyalty and audacious spirit.

The narrative is particularly successful in illustrating Skye’s internal struggle – her battle against emotional turmoil and her hesitant forays into new friendships. The character development of the alien entity is equally commendable, with its adaptation and backstory revealed in a layered, compelling manner.

Changing Tide” is a warmly recommended read, particularly for young adults who yearn for a slice of relatable, yet enchantingly fantastic, reality. This novel embodies the essence of heartfelt storytelling interlaced with an adventurous spirit, ensuring a riveting reading experience.



Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

I have always read books since I was a kid. I knew that eventually I would write a novel.


What is something unique/quirky about you?

I have always believed in reincarnation. Even as a kid, I could not relate to other children my age. I have always felt like an old soul.


What are some of your pet peeves?

People that need a lot of attention. I am never bored; I always have something to do or somewhere to go.


Where were you born/grew up at? 

I was born in Colchester, England and grew up in Southern California. It was nice to be able to go from the mountains to the beach in one weekend. I also liked the mild weather.


Who is your hero and why?

I don’t really have one person as a hero. I admire people that struggle to succeed. It’s easy to give up.


What kind of world ruler would you be?



What are you passionate about these days?

My work and writing. I am a Real Estate Broker and sell mostly second home mountain resort properties. Lots of people in Phoenix want to get out of the heat in the summer. I sell to a lot of teachers and retired folk. I enjoy what I do.


What do you do to unwind and relax?

I did a lot of skiing and backpacking. Now I’m getting older I enjoy traveling and writing. I spent the last few years during COVID finishing my novel.


Describe yourself in 5 words or less!

Stress free, laid back.


When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I had a short story published a few years ago in an anthology of International Writers. It was about a girl that bought an old muffin pan at a thrift store and the muffins she baked in it killed people.


Do you have a favorite movie?

I would have to say “Silence of the Lambs” is one of my top 10.


Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

Haha! I only have one out. Changing Tide would make a great movie. Also, it wouldn’t break the bank to cast it.


As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

I guess it would have to be an alien. One of the greys, like in my book.


Stuff about the Book: 

What inspired you to write this book?

It started out as a short story I wrote for my granddaughter when she was twelve. Skye was also twelve and it was about 6,000 words long.


What can we expect from you in the future?

A sequel to Changing Tide. I never thought it would take off like it did and get great reviews. I left it open for a sequel just in case.


Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?

I felt sorry for Karly. She didn’t deserve to get hurt the way she did in the book.


Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Changing Tide?

In the beginning Skye has just graduated from high school but has had a tough time dealing with her father’s death and her mother’s depression. Her world has come crashing down on her. When she goes to visit Nana at the beach for the summer everything changes. Skye finds a conch shell that has an alien entity inside it. This sets in motion a series of events that change her life.

Skye’s grandmother (Nana) is a knowledgeable, aging hippy that doesn’t take any bull but has a heart of gold. She’s a loveable character. I don’t want to say too much about Paul. It would give away some of the story.


How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book?

I originally fashioned Skye after my granddaughter, Kaylee. Because I wrote the short story for her. Nana is every gutsy older woman that doesn’t care what they say or do. I rounded her out with a witty gentle side and lots of empathy. You can’t help but love Nana.


Where did you come up with the names in the story?

I liked the name Sky, but added an e. My mom was always called Nana by my son and granddaughter since she was from England. I used Paul because it was a common name but not old fashioned.


What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Not knowing where I was going with the story. I didn’t have an outline. I’m a pantser (writing by the seat of my pants). I wrote two alternate endings and through them out to my writing class and they chose the ending.


How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

The original short story was called “The Seashell.”  It sounded too bland for a novel. “Changing Tide” addresses the sea and the change that Skye goes through in the book.


Who designed your book cover?

I hired a company in Phoenix, 1106 Design to do the book layout. They sent me cover samples, but I had a different idea for the cover. I wanted something that grabbed the reader when they were searching for a book. I had my Real Estate photographer Barbara Sherman helped me design the cover. Barbara also does photography for the schools in Flagstaff. The background on the cover are some rocks in Buckskin Gultch, up by the Grand Canyon. The crow with the one blue eye is symbolic with the story and the conch shell sits on my desk in my office.


Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?

Since this is my first novel, I learned writing isn’t as easy as I thought. I also learned that I edited too much while I wrote. The next novel I will concentrate more on getting the story down and worry about the editing when it’s completed.


If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?

I hadn’t though about Skye, but I would like to see Kathy Bates play Nana.


Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

Hello everyone!


What is your favorite part of this book and why?

I like the fast pace and adventure of the Grand Canyon. It’s a wild ride and it was fun to write.


If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

I’d like to have lunch with Nana. I would also like to sit down with the alien and talk about life and the universe.


Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

None of my characters are based on one specific person. They are a combination of personalities of people I have known.


Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.

Because of the good reviews and I am an avid reader and each time I had to read through it while it was being edited, I fell in love with it. Another reason, my friends Kathy and Kevin. Kathy read my manuscript and told Kevin about it. Kevin hasn’t read a book in almost 20 years. He couldn’t put it down.


What did you edit out of this book?

I edited out some of the cuss words. Originally Nana was throwing F bombs throughout the book. I realized that I wanted to clean it up so that it would be acceptable for younger people. I left a few cuss words though. When I edited Nana’s mouth, I realized I liked her a whole lot more.


Stuff about Writing/ Reading: 


What book do you think everyone should read?

There are so many but “The Stand” by Stephen King and “Swan Song” by Robert McCammon left a big impression on me. It’s funny because the story lines are similar in both novels.


How long have you been writing?

About ten years.


Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

I had the characters in my mind before I wrote the book. They were in my short story.


What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

In “Changing Tide” I had to research the Hopi’s legend of the Ant People. Also, a lot of research on archeology and astronomy. Even though I have a science degree, it’s been a while since I’ve been in school. I also wrote a lot of the end of the book at the Grand Canyon. It’s not far from where I live.


Do you see writing as a career?

I would like to.


Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

I am a member of the Horror Writer’s Association. I like horror and fantasy. I also like crime and mystery novels. I read a lot. I have also read a lot of YA novels in the last few years as research for this book.


Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

I like to write with music in the background. My favorite is soft rock, like Linda Ronstadt or Stevie Nicks, and to be fair to the guys, I like to listen to Cat Stevens and Paul Simon when I write. I like all kinds of music, but I need mellow to concentrate while writing.


What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

As an avid reader I though, I could do that. Write a novel. So, I did. I just wish I had done it sooner. But I also realize that it’s hard when you have a full time job, family, etc.


Advice they would give new authors?

Start when you are young and be patient. If it takes ten years just plug away at it. If you stick with it you will end up with a novel.


Describe your writing style.

I looked at many novels through the eyes of a writer instead of a reader. What makes them good? What sells them besides the story? I found that James Patterson is so popular because his novels have short chapters. It’s an easy read. You can read him on break at work or while on the bus or airport. So, I made my chapters short. I also made the font larger. I listened to what other readers said. People don’t like to squint when they read a book with tiny font.


Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I feel my story is original. I tried to find something similar but there are not a lot of alien romance books that are similar to mine. I’d have to say it’s sort of like Twilight with aliens instead of vampires.


What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

It was hard to write Skye in the beginning. I had lots of help from the women in my class and coworkers. When I finally got the hang of an eighteen-year-old girl, Skye took off. I also had help from my mentor, the Author Lynn Hightower. She would critic my chapters.



Robert grew up in Southern California and has worked as a Real Estate Broker in Flagstaff, AZ, for many years. He has a BS in Health Science and graduated with Distinction from the prestigious UCLA Writers’ Program, where he studied under Author Lynn Hightower in her Master Novel Classes. He is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and the Horror Writers Association.


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Cerys: Valkyrie Earth

by Merrin Slade



Genre: Science Fiction / Space Opera


In a world where perfection is demanded of its citizens, one imperfect woman may be the only person who can save humanity.

One thousand years in the future, humans have developed the ability to alter their genes to create a perfect version of themselves, but not all are so fortunate. Cerys Skye is a Wild Type, genetically unaltered and forced to live in the Refuge—a place for Wild Types and the unlucky citizens whose genetic modifications society has deemed as imperfect.

All the fiery tempered young woman knows is how to fight. Using her wits and skills, Cerys must compete in brutal prize fights if she is to bring food to the table for her younger sister. But, she is always aware that the next fight could her last—she must find a way out of this life.

Leaving behind all that she knows, the last place the tempestuous Cerys expects to find herself is joining the United Planet’s Space Force Academy, where she battles prejudice and intolerance in a world run by genetically modified humans.

As the new recruit discovers, not all is as it seems at the Academy with a shadowy cyber-evil seeking to threaten humanity. But, when loyalties are tested and the stakes are high, can Cerys rely on newfound allies and her unshakeable courage to stop the impending catastrophe?

Contains mature themes.

Enjoy this peek inside:

She felt light-headed. “I need half an hour. To find my sister, that’s all…” Starla would understand this was for both of them. She would ask Gerry to take Starla in. Of course, she would. Gerry had a big heart.

“If you’re joining the Space Force, you leave now. You must decide,” he said.

Panic seized her. “I have to say goodbye. I must make arrangements.”

“Step into the pick-up zone. Or you are free to stay behind.”

Cerys glanced up at the silver disk darting through the clouds towards them. She looked back at the crowd. Inquisitive tourists gathered in a wide circle around her. Standing on the edge of the pick-up zone, their faces flashed: green, white, green, white.

In that moment, a woman shoved to the front of the crowd, the haft of a sword glinting over her shoulder—a Valkyrie.

“Kara,” Cerys shouted. “Over here.”

“Cerys.” Kara strode towards the checkpoint. GMs shrank away. “What’s going on? Did they take you? I heard about it.”

The secofficer scowled, and the crowd whooped.

“Kara, listen.” Cerys tugged her aside. “I’ve been recruited to the Space Force. Tell Gerry to look after Starla, and tell Starla…I love her. I’m getting her out of here. I’ll send money. Promise me.”

Kara blinked. “Now? You’re going now?”

“Just promise.”

“I promise.” She nodded vigorously. “Of course, I promise. Hey, what’s this…?”

Secnoids grabbed Kara from behind, dragging her away. Even the famous Valkyrie were not permitted to say goodbye.

“Tell Starla I’ll message…” Cerys shouted, but Kara was already lost in the crowd.


About Author Merrin Slade:

Merrin Slade is a science fiction writer who transports readers to alternate futures and faraway universes.

Connect with Merrin Slade: TikTok / Website / Twitter / Instagram


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Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.


The IX

The IX Series Book 1

by Andrew P. Weston

Genre: SciFi Fantasy

Soldiers from varying eras and vastly different backgrounds, including the IX Legion of Rome, are snatched away from Earth at the moment of their passing, and transported to the far side of the galaxy. Thinking they have been granted a reprieve, their relief turns to horror when they discover they face a stark ultimatum:

Fight or die.

Against all odds, this group of misfits manages to turn the tide against a relentless foe, only to discover the true cost of victory might exact a price they are unwilling to pay.

How far would you be willing to go to stay alive?

The IX.

Sometimes, death is only the beginning of the adventure.

**The IX is Perseid Press’ featured book for August and is on sale for Only $2.99 on Kindle!!**

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Ever wondered what happened to those lost Roman Legionnaires? What about the US cavalry, engaged in a secret mission for President Lincoln? And whatever happened to the Special Forces Unit from a future time who disappeared during their mission to stop a nuclear disaster?

The IX has the answers and they are out of this world. Literally.

I gotta say, this fascinated me. What a great way to explain the disappearance of thousands. And what a world the author built.

At the point of death, these people were whisked away to a distant galaxy by an alien race. The inhabitants of that planet are being killed off and face extinction. They need warriors, now. Told they fight or die, these people must work together, live by the code, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” if they are going to survive.

There’s no going back. There’s only the the Horde, an enemy that doesn’t hesitate to die by the thousands. They must be stopped or all perish. And what’s to stop them from finding Earth and doing to us what they are doing to these beings? And then to another planet, and another.

What a movie this would be! I’d kill, just kidding, to have a part in it. Even as an ugly Kresh!

My description is simplified. There’s so much happening. This book comes in at a whopping 565 pages. But don’t let that deter you. By the time you reach the end, you’ll be wishing it was longer.

Though I stumbled over some of the alien names and terms, laughed at my own attempts to pronounce them, I quickly came to recognize them, along with the numerous human characters. There are a lot, yet it doesn’t take long to recognize the individual voices.

The plot for The IX is mind blowing. The author gives you many sub plots, plenty of history, and an amazing world to explore. He was able to make this all flow easily. You’ll fly through this in to time.

The writing is superb. Ever read a book and see the entire story play out like on the big screen. Except for not being too sure what those nasty Kresh looked like, I could see this in vivid color and detail. Imagination is a wonderful thing, as is this authors talent.




Enjoy this peek inside:


By Strength and Guile


(May 4, 2052)


“Gold command, emergency hatchway has been breached and preliminary seal established. We now have access to pylon three. Repeat, pylon three is secured. Beginning final appraisal.”

“Roger that, Sunray,” a muted, metallic voice acknowledged, “You are go for tactical ingress, on your mark.”

Lieutenant Alan–Mac–McDonald, officer commanding SBS Four Troop, UK Special Forces Anti-Terrorist Wing, remained a shadow in the dark. His night optics brought the scene about him to life in lurid, silver-green detail. As he began his final assessment, he could clearly see the seven other members of his team, bobbing about in the swell beneath the Husker-Trent oil and gas platform. Each of them was silent, alert, and professional. Highly trained killers. But skill and training weren’t the only things on their side tonight. Thanks to their reactive micro-com network and chameleon armor, they were also invisible from prying eyes, eavesdropping and covert surveillance. Scanning their arcs, each specialist waited patiently for their leader to complete his evaluation and give his final affirmation.

From their briefing of only two hours ago, Mac knew this gravity-base derrick, situated nearly a hundred miles out into the North Sea, was the very latest in platform design. A floating, self-sustained city in one of the harshest environments known to man, she was also the apple of the Corroco Corporation’s eye. And the Corroco Oil and Technologies Corporation were not happy at being the latest targets of White Dawn, a group of eco-terrorists who had kept a number of security agencies around the world busy over the past thirteen months.

No one knew who the leaders of this faction were, or indeed how they were funded. The only facts available tended to support the theory that White Dawn operatives were highly trained, incredibly motivated, and skilled in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. Their goal appeared to focus on public embarrassment, rather than financial gain. More worryingly, if cornered and unable to achieve their objectives, they weren’t reticent about making the ultimate gesture for their cause. Suicide!

The group was also very thorough when it came to researching possible targets, and this evening’s venture was no exception. Husker-Trent was fitted with the very latest in AI camera-motion detector recognition technology. If unidentified persons approached, they could either be blown out of the water by .50 rail mounted cannons, or the rig would go into safe mode. Security bulkheads would lower to seal off the strategic centers of operations, emergency valves would cut off oil and gas pressure, and automated distress signals would be sent via com-sat and wireless. Additionally, the platform had been constructed in such a manner that the drilling module was entirely separate from the run off vents, and the combined work-cum-habitat ring. The only way on or off, was via the central helipad, accessed by any one of three retractable gantries. These safety features should have made it very hard for anyone to breach her security measures. The fact that White Dawn had done so, this easily, smacked of exceptional planning and execution, or an inside job. As such, Gold Command were hedging their bets and treading cautiously.

Mac zoomed in on a number of the defensive systems as he made his assessment. The thermal and electronic heads-up display emblazoned across the left side of his visor, showed they were primed, tracking, and ready to deploy.

Difficult to get past, but not impossible. Not for my team…especially with what’s at stake.

He glanced at his radiological detector. The glowing red patches confirmed the presence of the real reason why Special Forces had become involved so quickly.

When it was realized Husker-Trent had been taken by an unknown number of assailants, contact between the derrick and the outside world had been suspended. Negotiators and law enforcement agencies had been put on alert, and, as a precaution, the Special Forces Directorate notified. Standard procedure, especially where oilrigs were involved. However, when an opening dialogue had been offered by trained mediators, they had been resolutely ignored. In fact, each subsequent attempt at communication had been met by a similar wall of silence. No ensuing ransom demands or political statements were made, and neither was a release of hostages offered. That had made the prime minister very worried.

When a high altitude fly-by had been ordered, the drone had quickly picked up the telltale signs of suspicious activity and the unmistakable signatures of a scattered number of nuclear devices. Odd, especially when White Dawn purported to be ecologically sympathetic. Needless to say, the discovery of such ordnance had guaranteed a swift response. One with an aggressive focus.

As the lead team on the duty roster, Four Troop had been deployed to gather intelligence, ascertain the reason for the attack, secure all radiological materials, and bring the standoff to an end. And we’ll do that alright! Mac thought, as he completed his assessment, by strength and guile.

Smiling to himself over his reference to the SBS motto, Mac gave a thumbs-up to his team, and depressed his throat mike to deliver his decision. “Gold command, this is Sunray, do you copy?”

“Go ahead, Sunray.” The reply was almost instantaneous.

“Traffic lights are at green. Repeat, traffic lights are at green. Waiting for final authentication.”

“That’s a go, team four. Use of lethal force authorized. Gold command authentication…Alpha, six, six, six, omega.”

“Alpha, six, six, six, omega, confirmed. From Sunray, we are now going dark. See you when this is all over.”

“Roger that, team four. See you on the other side. Good hunting.”

The radio went dead. Turning to face his section, Mac motioned with his hands for radio silence. As one, each team member moved to adjust their equipment to ensure they were cut off from all forms of outside communication. Once done, they switched to covert internals, before checking back in again.

Facing his second-in-command, Mac said, “Mark, take bravo squad and tag the location of each radiological device. Let me know if they’ll be suitable for tactical removal or deactivation. Secondary protocol, ascertain strength and deployment of the enemy.”

Throughout the entire process, Mac didn’t have to raise his voice once. The covert set enhanced his vocals until the whispers rang loud and clear in his teammate’s ear.

Sergeant Mark Stevens, a nine year veteran of special operations, raised his left index finger and tapped the side of his head twice, replying, “Roger that. I am Bravo-one. Primary objective, locate and tag radiological devices. Secondary, ascertain strength and deployment of the enemy.” Addressing his squad members in particular, he added, “Bravo confirm?”

Specialists Sean Masters, Richard–Fonzy–Cunningham, and Andy Webb all replied in the affirmative, each going through their call-signs and orders in turn, to confirm they fully understood their operating procedures.

Twisting slightly, Mac continued with his own squad, “Alpha, we will be concentrating on the hostages. Preliminary sat-recon shows almost the entire compliment of ninety-seven rig personnel are gathered together within the dining and kitchen areas. At least half a dozen managers have been relocated to the operations and radio rooms. Verification of their wellbeing is our priority. Secondary objective is intelligence, namely, rescue and casualty viability. I am Alpha-one. Alpha confirm?”

Specialists Stu Duggan, Sam Pell and Den–Jumper–Collins sounded off in turn.

Once they had done so, Mac addressed them all again. “During the first stage, we will not engage the enemy unless forced to do so. Only then, in order to save life. If we do go hot before phase two, take them down. No quarter…understood?”

Seven thumbs were raised into the air as confirmation.

Moving his own hand in a circular motion twice, Mac then clenched his fist and opened his fingers wide. Immediately, each of them moved to their designated points for insertion through the lining of the gravity base pylon.

Forming an outward facing fan about the hatchway, each specialist paired off. They then made sure to cover the movement of their teammate as they gained access. Having entered, the respective partner likewise kept on the watch for his buddy.

Mac was quietly complimentary of his men. Moving covertly was a time consuming process. However, they were so well rehearsed that the maneuver was over in less than two minutes. Fast going, considering the change in conditions.

As last man in, Mac had remained in the water the longest. When they had started to breech, the area was relatively calm, exhibiting a mild chop that had them bobbing up and down through six or seven foot swells. Nothing unusual. However, in the time that had elapsed since then, the sea had begun to heave alarmingly, as if suddenly agitated by a leviathan stirring in the depths beneath them. Mac was also sure he could hear the distant roll of thunder.

That’s odd? He thought. How did it move in so quickly? It wasn’t on satellite.

Adjusting his optics to get a better look, Mac let out a gasp of astonishment. A solid wall of cloud and rain was moving toward them. Darker than the surrounding star filled night, it was still a few miles out. But even so, he could see it seethed with a powering menace that gave him Goosebumps. Mac couldn’t shake the impression that the approaching tempest was a missile, with the rig as the bulls-eye on its target.

“Alpha-one? What is it boss?” Being the first in, Mark was higher up inside the platform’s structure and had totally missed the change in weather.

Mac paused to check he was seeing things right.

A seething maelstrom of midnight black, punctuated by bursts of lurid brightness charged toward them. Where it touched the sea, the water churned and frothed as if being distressed by a thousand propellers. Even at this distance, Mac was sure he could see the entire storm front rotating, both above and below the surface.

“Oh for Christ’s sake!”

“Alpha-one? What is it?” Mark repeated.

“Trouble.” Mac replied bluntly. “I think we’d better crack on, gentlemen. Our evening might get complicated…real soon.”



Andrew P. Weston is Royal Marine and Police veteran from the UK who now lives on the beautiful Greek island of Kos with his wife, Annette, and their growing family of rescue cats.

An astronomy and law graduate, he is the creator of the international number one bestseller, The IX, and also has the privilege of being a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, as well as the British Science Fiction Association, and British Fantasy Society.

When not writing, Andrew devotes some of his spare time to assisting NASA with one of their remote research projects, and writes educational articles for and Amazing Stories.

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Cover Reveal Banner


Check out the cover for upcoming release by Debbie Iancu-Haddad, The Goodbye Kids!


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The Goodbye Kids: A YA SF space adventure (The Children of the Stars #1)

Expected Publication Date: September 6, 2023

Genre: YA Sci-Fi

A million stars, but no friends.

Plus-size teen Haley grew up friendless on a space station thinking she’d never fall in love. She spends her time with her robot dog Nano, dreaming of the day she’ll leave the remote station and become an intergalactic pilot.

Haley’s plan shatters when Jorden, a boy on a suicide mission, drags her into his lethal scheme.

Jorden Lund isn’t the chosen one, he’s the guy who volunteered.

Raised by his controlling father in an eco-terrorist cell on Earth, Jorden volunteers for a mission to save the planet. He has four months to travel to the space station, build a bomb, and blow up a spaceship.

Falling in love is definitely not part of the plan.

When Jorden arrives on the space station, disguised as a traveler, Haley’s access to the station’s restricted areas makes her an asset.

But Haley has a strict rule: ‘No new friends’, because traveler friends always leave, taking pieces of her heart with them.

As the two grow closer, strange events wreak havoc on the station.

Amidst the growing danger can Haley stop Jorden before he breaks her heart and destroys her home?

This book is perfect for readers who enjoy soft, character-based, Sci-Fi, first-person dual POV, clean teen romance, space stories, talking robot dogs, and plus-sized heroines just living their life with no mention of weight loss.

Pre-order Here!

About the Author


Debbie Iancu-Haddad is a Jewish Israeli author living in Meitar in the Negev Desert.

She spends her time taking part in Anthologies (seven to date with two more on the way), writing VSS on Twitter, and buying way too much stuff online. Her goal is to promote body positive characters and include characters dealing with physical challenges. #ownvoices

For her day job, she gives lectures on humor, laughter yoga workshops and chocolate workshops, and sees how often she can make her two teenagers roll their eyes.

Debbie Iancu-Haddad | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram

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The lighter side of the other side!

From sly humour to laugh out loud funny, Drunk Slutty Elf is a hilarious collection of stories in the styles of masters such as Terry Pratchett, Frederick Brown and David Barry.


Drunk Slutty Elf and Other Stories

Drunk Elves and More Book 1

by D.G. Valdron

Genre: Funny Fantasy, Wacky SciFi, Horror Comedy


The lighter side of the other side! Drunk Slutty Elf and Other Stories is a collection of humorous short stories of fantasy, horror and science fiction. In Drunk Slutty Elf, a drunken elf thief hooks up with a gray space alien searching for pieces of his spaceship; Djewel and Djinn features the Elf and Alien in the realm of Arabian nights. In Romance of the Undead; a vampire is pursued by his over-enthusiastic fans. Somewhere in The Monkey Sea, an infinite number of monkeys at typewriters plots rebellion. Lovecraft is parodied in Furry Tentacles of Menace ghost hunters confront hamsters from beyond time and space.; The Princess So Sweet and Fair gives us fairy tales gone horribly wrong, a wicked witch taking an unwanted job seriously and a kingdom overrun by frogs. Stone Blockage; ancient astronauts arrive and want us to build pyramids the old fashioned way. Silver Giant Sexy reveals the truth about Kaiju and the alien giants that fight them. Armageddon When, the antichrist shows up for armageddon and nobody cares. Hard Days Blight gives us a devil that cares too much, and damned souls that don’t care at all. There is Simulaw about the future of litigation, and Courtesy Call about the future of telemarketing, plus many more stories, wicked, subversive and funny. From sly humour to laugh out loud funny, Drunk Slutty Elf is a hilarious collection of stories in the styles of masters such as Terry Pratchett, Frederick Brown and David Barry.

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Salvra, half-Elf, three-fifth’s-Halfling, foursixteenth’s Dwarf, exiled Princess and sixth level thief sidled up to the bar, where she tried to catch the eye of the one-third Orc, but otherwise pretty human bartender, Logo Longlegs.

The bartender gave her a baleful glare, his eyebrow furrowing in disgust.

“Here to clear up your tab?”

“I’m good for it,” Salvra replied nonchalantly.

Longlegs grunted.

“Give me a mug of your best Aelvish Ale,” she said confidently. “I’m a bit hung over, and I need a pick-me-up. On the tab.”


“Dwarf Mead then,” she said, “the good stuff!”


“Regular Dwarf Mead,” she said.




She sighed and gave him a cold look. Something that tried to convey ‘If I weren’t so hung over, I’d pick this place clean.’

It didn’t work.

She sighed and felt through her purse. She thought she’d had more in there. Someone must have picked her pocket while she’d been drunk. She found a lone bent coin. She looked at it in disgust and slapped it on the bar. Longlegs eyed it doubtfully.

“What will this buy me?” she asked.

“A flagon of drunken Orc’s piss,” he said.

She wasn’t sure if he was being sarcastic, but she decided to give it a try.

“I’ll take it.”

Longlegs grunted once. Using tongs, he tossed the coin into a small register, then he grabbed a mug and turned his back to her, fiddling with his trousers.

“Is this going to take long?” she said.

“No more than a minute,” he called back to her. Then he sighed deeply, and she heard the hissing sound of the mug being filled. A second later, he turned back to her slapped the mug on the bar in front of her, careful not to spill any of the thick green liquid in it.

She eyed the mug critically. There was a good head of foam on it, which meant it was fresh. And there were things swimming in it. That was a good sign. She grabbed the handle, threw her head back, and quaffed a deep draught, gasping as the foul liquid slid down her throat. There was a moment when the rest of her stomach contents, appalled at this new visitor, tried to escape. But she’d been down this road before, and held her nostrils closed and lips sealed until everything, including her liver, had resigned itself to fate.

“I’m starting to like the taste,” she said conversationally.

Longlegs gave her a long baleful look.

“There’s work for you,” he said.

She made a face.

“I’m a ninth level thief,” she said, “and an exiled princess. I don’t clean outhouses.”

“Not what I meant.”

“Not that either!” she said indignantly.

“No,” Longlegs said. “That guy.”

He pointed.

She looked. In a corner of the bar, a figure was hunched over a table.

“Nah .. .” she said, after a long look. “I don’t hook up with mysterious strangers in a bar, unless they’re paying up front.”

She hesitated.

“That didn’t come out how I meant,” she said apologetically.

He stared blankly at her.

“Oh all right.” She swallowed the rest of her mug with one deep draught, and when she could breathe again, she ignored his horrified expression, and staggered over, plopping herself into the chair.

“I hear you’re looking for a thief–” but her announcement trailed off as she got a good look at the stranger.

The being in front of her was gray. All gray. Its skin was rubbery. Its head was immense with two huge black almond shaped eyes. The rest of its facial features were tiny, the mouth a mere lipless slit, two tiny notches for nostrils. The rest of it was also incongruously off proportion with its head, the chest narrow, the limbs mere sticks, ending in hands with incredibly long spidery fingers. The sight of those fingers gave Salvra shivers. She wondered if other parts of him were as long and spidery.

“What the hell are you?” she asked breathlessly.


Drunk Slutty Elf and Zombies

Drunk Elves and More Book 2


The Drunk Slutty Elf returns, in a new misadventure with zombies. Along the way, there are more funny science fiction and fantasy stories, the foibles of satanic goat hunters, apocalyptic teddy bears, barbarians behaving badly, King Kong’s adventure with Dracula, aliens without a clue, the future of telemarketing, crunchy kaiju goodness and a helpful guide to neighborhood monsters. If you liked the previous collection, you’ll love this.

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Excerpt – Dracula meets King Kong



DRACULA – I am afraid, Mister Driscoll, your adventure ends here. This is as far as you go.

DRISCOLL – What are you talking about, Doctor? Anne is still out there.

DRACULA – My name is Dracula, Mister Driscoll. And Anne is no longer your concern. I have business to take care of. I cannot permit you to go further.

DRISCOLL – You were working with the savages! I knew from the start there was something wrong with you. We should never have trusted you. You were probably making us sick.

DRACULA (laughs) – Wisdom comes too late, Mister Driscoll.


DRISCOLL – We’re coming over. And you can’t stop us, Doctor Carfax, or Dracula, whatever your name is. You’re just one man, and we have the guns.


DRACULA – I am not a man, Mister Driscoll, and your guns are nothing to me.




DRACULA – You are persistent, Mister Driscoll, but it will not help you.




D.G. Valdron is a shy and reclusive Canadian writer, living in the wilderness of the Canadian Prairie. Like other shy woodland creatures, deer, bunnies, grizzly bears, he is probably more afraid of you, than you are of him. Probably. A longtime nerd who grew up working at a Drive-In Theatre, he loves exploring interesting and obscure corners of pop culture. A longtime writer of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror, his published works include a fantasy/murder mystery novel called The Mermaid’s Tale, the alternate history novel, Axis of Andes, several collections of short stories including Dawn of Cthulhu, Giant Monsters Sing Sad Songs, What Devours Always Hungers and There Are No Doors in Dark Places. He’s also a recognized expert on such obscure subjects as the worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs, obscure science fiction television series and fan films. Drunk Slutty Elf and its follow up are his foray into the lighter side of the other side.

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