Posts Tagged ‘The Titan’

Cinema, Theater, Popcorn, 3D Glasses, Filmklappe, Flap

Welcome to my Saturday Screams where I share books and movies that, well, make you scream! Here’s a movie I watched this week. Might not be horror but it had some eerie scenes.

The Titan

I liked Sam Worthington in Avatar so I gave this a go. Earth is dying and humanity faces extinction. In a desperate attempt to survive, a project begins to make a superhuman race that can survive on Titan, the only planet that we might be able to colonize.

This movie was eerie. I didn’t expect to get so wrapped up in it. Once the soldiers started to change, I knew it wasn’t going to be pretty. I got quite mad at some parts, and cried at one toughing scene. My son came out to get something from the fridge and ended up standing in the living room to watch the last half.

The Titan might not be a blockbuster, but I’m glad I watched it. The one niggle I had, there were a few times when the action scenes jumped forward. You didn’t see how the situations were resolved, just the aftermath, and were filled in by the dialogue.

Okay, one more niggle. In the end it almost seemed pointless. If we alter human DNA too much so we can survive on Titan, are we still technically human?

Many people might find this movie sucks. Some plot holes and areas that don’t make sense. It’s science fiction don’t ya know. Just let it all go, try not to over think it, and you might enjoy this.

Had to give it three stars. It made me cry. I’m such a light weight about sad scenes. LOL

Star Yellow Christmas Star Christmas X-MasStar Yellow Christmas Star Christmas X-MasStar Yellow Christmas Star Christmas X-Mas

Have you seen this? What did you think?


And I hope to go see this one over the weekend. I’ve heard all kinds of good things about it.

Have you seen it yet? What did you think?


Frog, Cinema, Popcorn, Funny, Cute, Sweet, Figure

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