Posts Tagged ‘vampires’

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This is an exciting day!

Starfire by Michele N. Zugnoni is now available.

Happy Release Day.

Feast your eyes on the stunning cover art, read the blurb to know more about Starfire, and join in the festivities.

Chronicles of Shadow Mist

Book One

Michele N. Zugnoni



Genre: new adult paranormal romance

Publisher: Forbidden Press

Date of Publication: July 30

ISBN 978-0-9895690-0-2

ASIN: Not assigned yet

Number of pages: 400

Word Count: 110,000

Cover Artist: Michele N. Zugnoni

Book Description:

From an ancient battle comes a forbidden love … and the chance to hope again.

Destined to destroy vampires, or refuse and be executed, seventeen-year-old Julia Kirkwood finds herself drawn to two things: a life of partying and rebelling against the law, and Clay Blackwell. The trouble is, Clay happens to be the son of the Lumince high priestess, the leader of a race of peace-loving vampires, and Julia’s father’s unspoken enemy. For Julia isn’t just a Reaver, she’s the daughter of the Reaver Chief. And Julia’s father is furious to discover she’s secretly dating and falling in love with a Lumince, particularly after an attempt at peace crumbles in bloodshed.

When her father intensifies his attack against the Luminces, endangering the lives of Clay’s people, Julia’s forced to take a stand. She must choose to accept her destiny as a Reaver, or claim her heart and find the inward strength to declare war against her own flesh and blood. Interwoven with her fate are the ramifications of a love story as forbidden and passionate as her own: the ancient romance that sparked the creation of Reavers and Luminces, igniting this centuries-old feud. Will Julia’s feelings for Clay be enough to transcend centuries of love-turned-hate? Or will their final hope for peace be incinerated in a fiery war?




An excerpt from chapter 2, Clay’s POV…

“D’you ever wonder,” Julia’s fingers glided along her cat’s back, blazing a path into its fur, “if there’s a place so far away, it just has to be perfect? That –” she sighed, “that maybe if we traveled far enough, we could – I don’t know, we could maybe cut around the bull shit and the lies and just live the life we’re supposed to live? Free of everything but the truth and ourselves?”

Clay tilted his face toward the stars. “Maybe. If there’s a place far enough away.”

“Sometimes I feel like there has to be.” She pulled her gown around her legs, letting the material drift against her skin. “Otherwise, what the hell else is there?”

“Mrow,” agreed the cat, nuzzling its cheek against Clay’s hand.

“Nice cat.” Falling onto the deck, Clay scratched behind the creature’s ears. “What’s its name?”

“Pandora.” Julia pushed herself to her elbows, causing the feline to fall onto her lap with a startled mrow. She smoothed her apologies against its fur. “Named her after a story my mom told me once. When I was a little girl.”

His heart sprinted as he stared into her eyes: stained with starlight and sparking with secrets, they grabbed hold and wouldn’t let go. “A story?”

“Hmm.” She nodded. “About a girl who just couldn’t take no for an answer. She opened this box she wasn’t even supposed to touch, and let out all the dark, evil things of the world. Anger. Jealousy. Spite. Malevolence. Everything bad. Until she got smart and slammed the lid shut, trapping just one thing inside. You know what that was?”

“Tell me.”

Julia tilted her face to the heavens. “Hope,” she murmured, her answer mingling with Clay’s whispered: “Hope.”

A crease formed between her brows, and she lowered her gaze to skewer Clay with her fiery stare. “Thought you hadn’t heard the story, Lumince?”

Clay shrugged. “I’ve heard it. I just wanted to hear you tell it.”

The starlight faded from Julia’s eyes and she reached for her bottle of champagne. “Aren’t you breaking the rules? Coming out here to talk to me?”

Clay smothered a grimace. “Rules?”

“Yeah, you know.” Curling her hand around the bottle’s neck, she lifted it to her mouth in a fluid yank. Her throat spasmed around the rush of alcohol; plunking the bottle onto the deck, she moistened her lips and leveled him with her stare. “Should any vampire be caught keeping company with a human,” she air-quoted the law with her fingertips, “that creature will suffer no less than two years in a Reaver-run penitentiary and –”

“And no less than thirty lashes of a pinewood whip.” Clay tugged his fingers through his curls, swallowing a sigh as Pandora curled onto his lap. “I know the law.”

“Then why are you out here talking to me?”

There was a dare in her eyes, in the way she pushed her fingertips against his hand; capturing one between his fingers, he held it in his grasp. “Last I checked, Reavers didn’t exactly qualify as human. Or have the laws changed again?”

Julia arched a brow. “Nice,” she drawled, twisting her fingertip from his hand. It fell against his arm, where it burned her touch into his skin. “Do you talk like this to all the girls, or am I just special?”

Clay met her gaze and took a breath. “I’m still trying to figure that one out.”

She blinked. “Well, let me know when you do. ‘Cause I’m just dyin’ to find out.”

She tilted her head for another drink, and Clay watched as the neckline of her dress fell open, revealing the Reaver mark etched into the skin below her collarbone. Unbidden, his fingers drifted to the design: a jagged “R” seared within a circle, smooth against his touch. “Did that hurt?”

He thought he heard her breath catch; he knew he saw her eyes widen as her gaze drifted to his hand. “Enjoying the feel?”

“Sorry.” Clay yanked his hand away, his cheeks burning against the warm September breeze. “I just…I’ve never seen one this close before.”

“You mean my cattle brand?” She skimmed the mark with her hand. Her forehead creased and her mouth puckered as she stared at the fingers he’d touched her with seconds before. “It’s okay, I guess. It’s just – I’ve never had anyone touch it before. It’s . . . kinda weird.” Her hand brushed against his arm, causing his breath to catch. “But it didn’t hurt. Or, it did for a minute, when I first got the flash.”

“The flash?”

“Yeah.” She nodded. “It’s like…a moment, when you know you were chosen. A searing pain, and then you get the mark. It happened when I was thirteen. A full year before any of my other friends were chosen, which really kinda sucked.” A sip from the bottle, washed down with a tuck of her mouth. She smacked her lips together. “But it’s okay. I’ve gotten over it.”

“Wow.” Clay raised his brows.

“Yeah. I guess.” Shivering, Julia swigged another long drink. He took the opportunity to caress her hand with his thumb, sliding it beneath his palm.

She shifted until she was sitting, her gaze drifting to his mouth. “I wonder…”

“What do you wonder, Jewels?”

Her eyelids fluttered at the endearment, a spark of surprise sizzling through her gaze. “I – I wonder if …” Julia’s free hand glided into the air, and she skimmed her fingertips against his lips. “Do you mind?”

Clay swallowed and leaned forward as her touch seared itself into his skin. “D-do I – Oh.” He blinked. “Oh, yeah. Um, okay. Sure.” He slid open his mouth to reveal a pair of gleaming white fangs.

She smoothed her fingers over their tips, wincing as they pricked her skin. “They’re sharp.”

“It’s okay.” Flipping his hand, he captured her fingers between his own. “I don’t bite, and I never hurt.”

He was caught within her stare, pulled within the molten fire flashing through her eyes. His heart dipped as she yanked her hand from his touch, a guarded mask slipping over her features. A second later, and the bottle was at her lips, the rush of liquid flooding her throat. He caught the bottom with his hand, causing her to lower it until it hovered between them both. “Why do you drink so much?”

“Why do you care?”

“Actually,” he lowered his hand and she plunked the bottle onto the deck, “I guess I’m trying to figure out why you pretend so hard like you don’t.”

“Maybe it’s easier that way.”

“Yeah, maybe.” Clay scratched behind Pandora’s ears, making the creature purr. “Or maybe you’re just too scared to try it any other.” Her eyes flashed fire, but he caught her hand before she could flail him with her words, flipping it to run his fingertips along the lines of her palm. “I told you. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I don’t hurt, and I never bite.”

“No.” She ripped her hand away. “You only touch.”


Play the drinking game.

Shaken or stirred?

Lumince Drinking Game

Looks like mine is some good old Jim Beam and Weasel’s blood ~ Sly’s Swallow!


Starfire Playlist

Punching in a Dream, The Naked and Famous

Girl on Fire, Alicia Keys

Try, Pink

Want U Back, Cher Lloyd

Eyes on Fire, Blue Foundation

Part of Me, Katy Perry

Die Young, Ke$ha

Silent Lucidity, Queensryche

I Think We’re Alone Now, Tiffany

We’re Not Gonna Take It, Twisted Sister

The Promise, When in Rome

We are Young, Fun

Theme Song: Young Blood, The Naked and Famous


About the Author:

Michele N. Zugnoni

Michele is a recovering demon (AKA attorney) who left the legal field to follow her dreams of writing and teaching college-level English. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling as far as her credit card will take her, reading an assortment of fantasy and paranormal, and playing with her frisky animals (two black cats and two loud-mouthed cockatiels).

She’s loved vampires since she was four, when her BFF confided that her older sister was a vamp who enjoyed drinking blood. Like any four-year old, Michele thought this was the most awesome thing ever. Michele currently lives in Modesto, California, but will move to Santa Barbara to begin a Ph.D. program in education and literacy this fall.


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Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.



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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go HERE.

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Are you ready for the launch of Carlie’s newest book, Heart Search: Book Two, Found?

It’s that time and I have some goodies for you.

This is going to be such a fun tour. So much more is coming!

For today I’ll be reviewing Heart Search: Found!

First, feast your eyes on her cover art. I believe she has a signature for her covers now. Further down in my post you can see the cover art for Book One, Heart Search:Lost and you’ll see what I mean.


One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.


As this is the second book in the series I just wanted to say, I’ll do my best to not put spoilers in my review.

My Review

Remy hasn’t given up on finding Joshua. It’s just that she has a whole new set of complications to handle. You could say, double the trouble.

She still dreams of Joshua and misses him and will not stop until she finds him.

A mysterious peeping tom with piercing green eyes lurks outside Remy’s home. Remy, her twin, Becky, and her best friend, Jakki, all are scared. They wonder what or who he is after.

The vampire coven has problems of its own. One tries to kill another in a fit of rage and jealousy.

And a nemesis from the past has come back, and he’s brought friends. His resentment continues and now he plots to end them all.

5 Stars

I’ve been waiting for this book and I got so much more than I expected!

There are some really sweet and funny episodes with Remy and her double trouble.

The story has some surprising turns that I didn’t foresee. That’s always exciting.

I got to know more about the coven members and how they think. I had to keep reminding myself these are not nice vampires. Once they are turned, they have no compunction or guilt about taking lives.

I read a scene where the vampires were stalking their dinner and the people were just ordinary people, not evil, minding their own business, and bam. They were dead and dumped miles away in moments. The vampires were just doing what they do, but it felt so profound. And, somehow, I still liked them..

Writing like this will keep me coming back for more. The characters are genuine and distinct. The story line flashes back and forth from one set of characters to the next easily. The anticipation builds along with your hopes.

I had a few moments where I sniffled, many where I grinned, and I even laughed out loud at some scenes. Several times a scene evoked disgust or trepidation too.

An all around great sequel with more to come.

Well worth the wait!

I’ll be looking for more of Remy’s story and can already tell the next book is going to be dramatic.


Heart Search: Found is now available to purchase!

Amazon US / Amazon UK


Check out the new trailer!

Carlie has done something incredible!

You’re going to want to run right over and get this book. Just sayin!






Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:


I’ve read Heart Search, Book One: Lost and loved it!

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)


Go here to read my 5 Star Review


Stay tuned for more fun and exciting things to come as the tour continues!

Check out these others wonderful bloggers participating in the tour:

Tour host’s:

Sherry Fundin

Joy Keeney

Donna L Sadd

Michelle Birbeck

We will be revealing more about Carlie’s new release with interviews, reviews and exclusive excerpts

Come join the fun and help spread the word!

BLUE EYES Tour Banner_Button

When I first saw the cover art for The Blue Eyes Series, I was hooked.

Then when I read about blood drinking night humans, I was elated!

Looking at these covers, I wouldn’t really expect something dark is lurking in the pages.

Now, I have to find out more!

What do you think of the cover art?

I like the soft colors with emphasis on blue, as in  her eyes, background and the lovely font.

Read on to learn more about Blue Eyes.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway. It’s awesome!


The Legend of the Blue Eyes (Book One of the Blue Eyes Trilogy)

blue eyes LOTBE Promo Cover

Published: March 7, 2013

Publisher: Lexia Press

*Right now the Kindle version of  The Legend of Blue Eyes is on sale for only $0.99 until 7/13/13

Available Now:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Smashwords

Arianna Grace liked her boring, Midwestern, teenage life where she ignored the many unanswered questions of her childhood. Why were her parents dead? Why did she not have family? Where was she raised until she was five? When someone offers to explain it all, Arianna thinks she’s just getting answers. Instead, she is thrown into a world of night humans who drink blood.

On Arianna’s sixteenth birthday, her world is thrown upside down when she changes into a vampire. Night humans, or demons, as some call them, live in normal society. Learning all of the new rules of a world she didn’t know existed might be hard enough, but it’s further complicated by two former-friends that now want to help her take her role as the successor to her grandfather.

There is a war going on between the night humans. Sides have been taken and lines are not crossed. Four main clans of night humans are struggling for control of the night. Divided into two sides, clans Baku and Tengu have been at war for centuries with the clans Dearg-dul and Lycan. That is, until Arianna Grace finds out the truth; she’s the bridge of peace between the two sides. But not everyone wants peace. With the night humans divided, Arianna is now a pawn in the war between them. She must choose a side—her mother’s family or her father’s—and for once in her life, decide her own fate.

Becoming a Legend (Book 2 in the Blue Eyes Trilogy)

blue eyes becoming_promo

Publication Date: Jun. 7, 2013

Publisher: Lexia Press

Available Now:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes | Smashwords

Arianna Grace is about to turn seventeen, and her life has been very complicated lately. She is the leader of four clans of night humans: dearg-dul, baku, tengu, and lycan. While the four clans seem to get along better with each other, there is internal conflict on both sides of her family, not to mention the three boys vying for her attention. Devin is set on keeping her safe above all else. Turner’s goal is to make her happy. And Andrew wants her for himself. At some point Arianna will have to choose between them, but first she needs to survive the plots against her.

Edward Lucan is making a chase for the power to lead the baku clans and is playing his cards by using his nephew Andrew to lure Arianna into a trap. Unfortunately for Lucan, Andrew has his own plans. He has spent the last year waiting for Arianna to see him as more than a friend, and he now finds it necessary to make a move for her affection, despite his uncle.

In the dearg-dul estate, Arianna discovers that the ambitious Lord Seeger has been laying his own strategies for power and is slowly poisoning her. After getting away with her grandfather’s murder, he is setting his sights on her. Luckily for Arianna, her team is on to all of the plans and is making their own counter strategies. Will it be enough to keep Arianna safe? Several people close to Arianna have been keeping secrets. If Arianna is to take power and control of the night, she will need to know the truth. Will someone finally tell her what it really means to become the legend everyone is waiting for, before it is too late to turn back?

Winning the Legend(Book 3 in the Blue Eyes Trilogy)  Coming August 2013!


blue eyes B. Kristin McMichael

Originally from Wisconsin, B. Kristin McMichael currently resides in Ohio with her husband, two small children, and three cats. When not doing the mom thing of chasing kids, baking cookies, and playing outside, she is using her PhD in Biology working as a scientist. In her free time she is hard at work on multiple novels; as each day passes, she has more ideas for both current and future novels.

Connect with B. Kristin:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


giveaway photo: Giveaway giveaway.gif

GRAND PRIZE:   Autographed paperbacks of  Books One and Two with Necklace.

Panel 0

2ND PLACE:  autographed paperback of any one of B. Kristin’s books (winners choice of book).

RUNNERS-UP:  Two (2) runners-up will each receive an eBook of book 1 “THE LEGEND OF BLUE EYES”.

(If winner already has book 1 then it can substituted for book 2.)

Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.

Rafflecopter Giveaway



July 8 – July 21

7/09- You Gotta Read Reviews

7/10- Auggie Talk

7/11- Reading Between the Wines

7/12- Paranormal Book Club

7/13- Sassy Book Lovers

7/13- Literal Hotties Naught Book Reviews

7/14- Book Monster Reviews

7/15- Cocktails and Books

7/15- Moonlight Gleam’s Bookshelf

7/16- Buffy’s Ramblings

7/17- Page Flipperz


7/19- Night Owl Reviews

7/20- Froggarita’s Bookcase

7/21- Penny For Them


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go HERE.

Adelheid Banner 450 x 169

What can I say. I loved this series.

How great is it that you can get all three stories in one book, never having to wait for the next release.

When you start reading Welcome to Adelheid and meet all of the exciting characters, you’ll see how great this is.



Welcome to Adelheid

Books One -Three
Mia Darien

Genre: Paranormal Suspense

ISBN: 9781476224244

Number of pages: Approx 375

Word Count: Approx 160K

Cover Artist: Mia Darien

Smashwords  Amazon Kindle  Amazon Print   BN

Kobo     iTunes   Audible

Book Description:

Welcome to Adelheid, CT. Freak central. Unofficial capital of legal preternatural creatures in the Northeast. Focal point for anti-preternatural sentiments in the United States.

Who would ever guess that this otherwise sleepy New England town houses many of the most powerful beings known to exist?

* * *

Cameron's Law (Adelheid, #1)

In “Cameron’s Law,” meet Sadie Stanton, vampire poster girl for preternatural rights. She’s just trying to start a business to help the community, but when vampires and werewolves start attacking each other, she gets thrust in the middle.

My Review

Right from the start you are thrust into the action.

Her name is Sadie Stanton and she owns the Stanton Agency, where she serves all things preternatural.

When Cameron’s Law was passed, making all supernatural beings citizens, Sadie saw the opportunity and offered her services for paranormal investigations.

She’s perfect for the job, after all, she’s a vampire.

While helping a client in the graveyard, a crazed woman runs up and stakes Sadie. As quickly as she appeared, she ran away. Lucky for Sadie, the woman didn’t know her anatomy. It hurt like hell, but healed quickly. And the night is still young.

Following proper procedures, she files a complaint and has the bad luck to have her complaint taken by Detective Johnston, a shifter. There is no love lost between these species and he is being a jerk, or is she just reading him wrong. He definitely gets under her skin, and as her receptionist, Madison, said, “He was tugging on her pigtails.”

Soon enough, Sadie has to deal with Johnston again. It appears that young vampires are attacking werewolves and this could have an adverse affect on the new law. Sadie wants to avoid that at all costs and begins to work closely with Detective Johnston. They need to see who or what is behind this before there is an all out war between the vampires and the werewolves.

There are so many awesome characters in this book. Each one, even the ones with only small roles, stand out as individuals and their voices are strongly written.

My favorites are Sadie and Dakota. Can’t wait for you to meet Dakota. If you think Sadie is tough, wait until to see Dakota in action. She is a hunter and even Sadie isn’t sure of just what she is, maybe something shifty or fae.

The author left me wondering about that in this first book.

I also really liked the view of Sadie’s everyday life while being a vampire, her normalness.

“It was a standard evening. I showered and dressed, had breakfast and checked to see if I had any messages. After that, I ran a few errands, which were ultimately very banal. Just like all the other myths, being a vampire did not automatically make your life exciting or glamorous, and you didn’t come equipped with servants. Vampires still had to do things like go to the bank, buy food and do their laundry.”

Of course, her breakfast must have been some type of blood and her day started after dark. I wonder what the grocery stores are like, having to stock edibles for all types of supernatural beings.

There are more attacks and the race is on to solve this case before all hell breaks loose.

You’ll meet some very interesting characters, good and bad.

You’ll get to see how Sadie interviews  demon summoners, and lawyers for her agency, which was a fun way for the author to introduce new characters.

And you get to meet Dakota, the bounty hunter from hell. Still not sure what she is.

I had a really fun time getting to know the characters of Adelheid, the largest supernatural community in all of New England.

For a not so long book, this one is packed full of back story mysteries,  budding romance, lethal investigations, and a look at the politics of a preternatural town.

A great beginning to this series which the author wraps up nicely, but hints at answers to some lingering questions, which leads you to the next book.

5 Stars


When Forever Died (Adelheid, #2)

In “When Forever Died,” Dakota is a rare shifter and hunter who has lived a long, hard life. But the past never sleeps and two simultaneous cases are going to test the personal defenses she’s built over the centuries.

My Review

I love it. This book features Dakota, bounty hunter extraordinaire. She is one of my favorite characters.

Dakota hunts the NHF, or Non-Human Form creatures. She’s the one police call when they can’t handle a particular supernatural being. Cameron’s Law may have made all preternaturals citizens, but just like humans, you get your bad seeds and that’s when they call Dakota.

Dakota now kind of works for Stanton at her agency. She has a long way to go to be a team player and she’s kind of scary.

She’s working a case for Myles Bail- Bonds. A fight ends in death and the vampire, wanted for manslaughter, has bolted.

Then she gets a phone call to come down to the police station. The Captain has a case he needs help with.

It seems he needs an ancient, a vampire over 1000 years old, found and brought in.

Dakota doesn’t usually work more than one case at a time, but she’s intrigued. She’s never hunted an ancient before.

And Detective Moore, the visiting detective, has caught her eye. When she learns the detective is looking for a mysterious being, the name slaps her in the face. She’ll need to stay close to Moore in order to monitor her hunt for this being, which happens to be Dakota’s sister.

Someone is following Dakota, things are heating up, people are being torn apart, and bodies are disappearing.

What I really enjoyed about this second book, is Dakota finally opens up, as much as she can, and tells what she is, or thinks she is. She starts to let others in, to trust a few people, to get this ‘friend’ thing.

The authors flashes you back into time so you can see Dakota’s origins and why she is like she is. You also meet her deadly sister. Not someone you are going to like at all.

The writing is so fluid. The characters and situations feel normal, not fictional. You forget they can’t really exist and just go with it.

All I’ll say about the ending is it left me grinning.

And, of course, wanting more.

5 Stars


Voracious (Adelheid, #3)

In “Voracious,” the life D wants isn’t what it seems. He certainly never planned on the fangs, but he’s going to need a lot more than the pointy teeth to survive the first weeks of his new existence.

My Review

 D is a reluctant vampire. He is lured by a mysterious and beautiful woman to a vampire bar. He really should have known better.

I guess a few too many drinks left him with his guard down. He hates fangs, his name for vampires, and certainly wouldn’t have let this female turn him into one.

Their night of passion ends with a quick snap of his neck and now he’s that thing, a fang.

D is haunted by a dark hunger, has been for a long time, and now he has a hunger even greater, a hunger for blood.

As he gets the hang of it, of being a fang, he feels the need to find out why Ceille did this to him, why she thought he could help her. So he returns to the scene, to the vamp bar 5, and asks the owner, Quintus, what Ceille’s story  is.

What Quintus tells him leaves him hanging. Ceille was beheaded by another vampire. She is now truly dead.

When he turns Cassandra, a young woman dying after being attacked, he has a new bunch of problems. She can’t be left on her own, like he was, and he is her sire, he is responsible for helping her adjust.

There is something special about Cassandra, something that draws vampires to her. D takes her to the vampire coven lead by Jade. They will help her adjust and learn to control her abilities.

Now, a vampire is after him and her and he has no idea why. Too bad Ceille is dead for good, but maybe, just maybe, she can still tell him what he needs to know.

What I liked best about D is how at first, he came off as callous, as a drunk wandering aimlessly through life.

Then, when he’s turned into the thing he despises, only then does his humanness come out. That’s when I started to like him, to pull for him.

Dakota makes a boisterous appearance, as does Sadie, Johnston, and several other characters from the first two books.

I like that you could read these as stand-alones, but why would you want to. You can get all three books individually at a very affordable price, or you can get all three stories in one book!

I read one book each night and had a fun time doing it. I never had to wait for the next release and all of my favorite characters made appearances, like old friends stopping by to visit.

I caught myself wishing there was a town like Adelheid, a town of supernaturals and humans living side by side. I think I’d like it there. Who knows, maybe there is.

5 Stars


I gave each of these books 5 Stars because I just couldn’t get enough of the characters. I was really sad to reach the end, but had such fun getting there.

As I can’t give Welcome to Adelheid 15 Stars I give it 5 Stars


Quotes I liked:

“You can’t learn stupid like that. It’s got to be genetic.”


He stared openly. “Is there some way I can get rid of you?”

“Not really, no. Except by telling me what I want to know and not lying to me. Believe me, you will not like me when I’m angry.”


“I’ve been known to go to church from time to time, and the walls never came falling down.”


Somehow, I heard her grin.


The place was filled with shift work shifters. Say that three times fast.


About the Author:


Mia Darien is an indie author of speculative fiction, and a New England Yankee transplanted into Alabama clay. No matter her geography, she continues to stubbornly and rebelliously live the life of her choosing along with her family and pets. She doesn’t miss the snow.


Adelheid Button 300 x 225


4 paperback copies of Welcome to Adelheid -open to US Shipping only

12 ebook copies of Welcome to Adelheid

To enter, click on the rafflecopter link below.

Rafflecopter Giveaway

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go here.

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Are you ready for the launch of Carlie’s newest book, Heart Search: Book Two, Found?

It’s that time and I have some goodies for you.

This is going to be such a fun tour. So much more is coming!

First, feast your eyes on her cover art. I believe she has a signature for her covers now. Further down in my post you can see the cover art for Heart Search:Book One,  Lost and you’ll see what I mean.

Heart Search: Found, Book II


One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.


Heart Search: Found is now available to purchase!

Amazon US / Amazon UK


Check out the new trailer!

Carlie has done something incredible!

You’re going to want to run right over and get this book. Just sayin!






Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:


I’ve read Heart Search, Book One: Lost and loved it!

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)


Go here to read my 5 Star Review


Stay tuned for more fun and exciting things to come as the tour continues!

Check out these others wonderful bloggers participating in the tour.

Tour host’s:

Sherry Fundin

Joy Keeney

Donna L Sadd

Michelle Birbeck

We will be revealing more about Carlie’s new release with inerviews, reviews and exclusive excerpts

Come join the fun and help spread the word!

fourth of july photo: Happy Fourth of July happy-fourth-of-july.gif

Happy Fourth of July from Castle Charmeine!

I’m back to tell you about the third book in The Light Bearer Series, Accendo.

After my review, enter the giveaway for some awesome prizes!

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by me and Sherry at fundinmental. You can also enter on her blog for another chance to win and read her thoughts about Accendo!

Accendo (The Light-Bearer, #3)


Spoiler Alert! This is Book III in The Light Bearer Series

You are probably safe to read this, as I didn’t giveaway anything about the events in this book.

My Review

It’s always difficult to review the next book in a series, and even harder by the third one.

Accendo takes you further into the struggles of this family.

Charmeine must choose wisely when she comes face to face with the Elder Council. The wrong choice could destroy her family and all those she loves.

My heart almost broke when the falling out between Charmeine and Tabbruis occurred. I could only read on, my heart aching, as their love and trust fell apart. I had to have faith they would be able to rekindle what they had lost.

“I love your father, you , and everyone else in the family…when everyone did not trust my instinct, and he didn’t back me up…Well, something inside me started to die.”

The Light Bearer Series is about love, faith, trust and hope. The characters strive for a peaceful, happy existence while battling evil minions and overcoming the uncertainties, worrys, and needs of everyday life.

The further I read into this series, the more I hope. I hope for their survival, for their faith, for their triumph.

As ever, Emily’s love for her characters is breathed into every word, every action and tragedy that occurs.  You forget these are fictional, supernatural beings, and become so emotionally attached, you can only….only wish.

I was given a copy as a gift from the author. No review was requested, but it was honestly and gladly given.

aEmily's Angel

5 Halos for Accendo


Book Trailer for Charmeine – Mactus – Accendo in The Light Bearer Series



I have some exciting news to share with you!

Seditious, the fourth book in The Light Bearer Series will be releasing any day now!

Seditious banner

I’ve already started reading this and can’t wait to tell you what’s happening next with this amazing family!

Go here to read an interview with the sexy men from Castle Charmeine.

While you’re there, browse Emily’s site. So many stunningly beautiful posts and so much to entertain!

Keep an eye out for Seditious!


light bearer banner


Emily is giving away one signed copy of Charmeine (US,Can,UK)

And three e-books (International)

When entering, please specify if entering for signed copy or ebook and answer this question:

“Just how far would you go to save your family?”

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry at fundinmental. You can visit Sherry’s blog for another chance to win and see what she thinks about Accendo here.

Giveaway ends July 18th.




“The Light-Bearer Series”

Can romance develop between a Heavenly Light-Bearer and a Hellish Vampire Blood-Hunter?

“Charmeine” the First Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series,” was released January 2012.

Charmeine: Book One

Charmeine (The Light-Bearer, #1)

Go here for my review.

Tabbruis is a Blood-Hunter, he drinks blood to survive. Over millennia Tabbruis has wandered the Earth alone aimlessly living through many historical events.

Charmeine just came to the Earth in 1997, unable to remember anything.

When Tabbruis meets Charmeine the attraction is immediate and passionate. They are polar opposites and clash together in a strongly romantic and dramatic way. When she meets Tabbruis, Charmeine’s powers as a Light-Bearer, one who throws lightning, is triggered and grows exponentially.

Will Charmeine and Tabbruis fulfill their destinies?   Will they realize their importance in both the Blood-Hunter and Light-Bearer world? 


Mactus (The Light-Bearer Series, Book 2)

Go here for my review.

“Mactus” is the Second Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.”  The romance and action develop and deepens between our two ill-fated lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine.

“Mactus” means well-done in Latin, and as our Tabbruis and Charmeine proclaim their love for one another, they are reminded of the daunting task before them.  However, their union is joyous and very romantic. 

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s love deepens and grows stronger.  However, they are both thrown when Charmeine is revealed to be the Queen of Light and Tabbruis is the King of Darkness!

Their son, Shane, brings an addition to the family, his fiancée, Sandra Gomez!  She bonds with Charmeine and Tabbruis instantly.  Can Charmeine and Sandra work together to defend themselves from the powerful Elder Council Blood-Hunter Pascal’s attack?

“Mactus” is a romantic and exciting book and a page turner from the beginning to end!


Accendo (The Light-Bearer Series Book 3)“Accendo” is the Third Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.”  Reality knocks our two star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine into the now when they have to plan to battle the Evil Blood-Hunter Elder Council.

Charmeine is cut to the core because of Tabbruis’ lack of faith in her ability to lead.  Will their love survive?  Will their faith in each other be tested as they begin their new life together? 

Tabbruis and Charmeine find their close relationship is challenged with unbelief and lack of trust.  The battle to freedom from the Dark and Evil forces which Lucifer has let loose on the Earth is harder than Tabbruis and Charmeine ever imagined.

Their family also suffers a serious loss.  Can they recover and pick up the pieces?   “Accendo” is a romantic and exciting book is a page turner from the beginning to end!


SeditiousThe Fourth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” is “Seditious.”  This book is the continuation of Tabbruis and Charmeine’s romantic and turbulent love story and mission on Earth to battle Lucifer’s minions!

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s life at the ‘Castle Charmeine’ is blissful until reality of the ruling the Elder Council Blood-Hunters hits them in the face.

In “Seditious” Tabbruis and Charmeine find that their love is tested in the most heinous way possible. 

Then, as a one-two punch, Lord Cromwell, one of the most deadly and powerful Blood-Hunter ever has escaped the Elder Council Prison.  Lord Cromwell sends his beautiful agent to cause trouble for Tabbruis and Charmeine and wants something that they have!

Charmeine runs away from the ‘Castle Charmeine’ to forget the betrayal of her most beloved husband Tabbruis. 

Can Tabbruis win Charmeine back?  How can he make her understand?

Exciting all the way to the end!  ”Seditious” will have you turning page after page in this story of passion, betrayal and seduction.

“Seditious” the fourth novel, will have you riveted from the beginning.


5Ransom new cover“Ransom” is the Fifth Novel in “The Light-Bearer Series” Can Tabbruis convince Charmeine, his love and soul-mate to take him back?  Will Charmeine be able to forget the pain of the past?

Tabbruis and Charmeine take their new family on a much needed and impromptu vacation; however, there is always a twist and turn for them to recover from.

The children of Dmitri are growing up fast and there is an addition to the ‘Castle Charmeine’.

Lord Cromwell, plans a deadly attack on the ‘Castle Charmeine’ and he takes something precious to Charmeine.  However, he wants something in exchange.

Can Charmeine and her family battle this deadly adversary?

Tabbruis and Charmeine’s family bond together to fight Lord Cromwell and more surprises are in store for the star-crossed lovers, Tabbruis and Charmeine!

A must read for all who have read “Charmeine,” “Mactus,” “Accendo,” and “Seditious” in “The Light-Bearer Series.” However, “Ransom” can be a stand-alone novel in its own right!


“Conundrum,” soon to be released in early 2013 will undoubtedly have more of Charmeine and Tabbruis’ adventures along with their family!


About Emily Guido

Image of Emily Guido

Emily Guido is a very New Paranormal Romance Author.  She was inspired to start writing “The Light-Bearer Series” because one day she got an idea of two characters of light and dark who needed to have their epic romance story told.  Not ever dreaming a week later she would have over a 100,000 words written.  When Emily writes, it is similar to you or I watching a movie.  She pictures the characters in her head going through vivid descriptions of each scene.  There are so many nuances going through her mind that she cannot type fast enough. She has written five  novels, “Charmeine” “Mactus” “Accendo” “Seditious” and “Ransom”  The sixth novel in “The Light-Bearer Series.” is entitled “Conundrum” and will be released early 2013.

Where to find/follow Emily:





WWW Wednesday

looking out a window photo: girl looking out the window girl-looking-out-the-window.jpg

Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

The Infernal Detective by Kirsten Weiss

The Infernal Detective (Riga Hayworth, #4)


When Riga Hayworth finds a dead body in her bedroom a week before her wedding, it’s par for the course. When the corpse drives off with her fiancée… That’s a problem.

Riga knows dead. More intimately than she’d like. So when a murdered photographer gets up and walks away, she’s believes there’s necromancy afoot. And when she discovers that several of her wedding guests are under the influence of dark magic, she’s certain. But how can she catch a killer and stop a necromancer when even her nearest and dearest are lying to her?

Murder. The undead. Irritating relatives. The Infernal Detective is a fast-paced, paranormal mystery, where nothing is quite as it seems, and magic lies just beyond the veil.


What did you recently finish reading?

Promise you won’t tell? by John Locke

Promise You won't Tell?


“I think something might have happened to me Saturday night. Something bad.”

Private Investigator Dani Ripper’s client list is nuttier than the Looney Tunes conga line, but she diligently solves one crazy case after another, waiting for a game-changer.

Enter Riley Freeman, 17-year-old honor student.

Saturday afternoon Riley quietly placed a little strawberry sticker on her private area and pretended it was a tattoo. She didn’t tell anyone about it. That night she went to a slumber party that featured drinking and boys. Riley fell asleep, woke up the next day with no reason to think anything happened…

…Until Monday, at school, when a classmate called her Strawberry.

Coincidence or crime? Dani agrees to investigate. And the roller coaster ride begins.


What do you think you’ll read next?

Heart Search

book two: found

by Carlie M.A. Cullen

Heart Search: Found, Book II

One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.

I’ve been waiting a while for this book.

So excited to dive back in and see what everyone’s been up to.


So, whatcha readin?

question mark photo: Question Mark Question-1.jpg

EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it!  The cover for Carlie M. A. Cullen’s Heartsearch, Book II: Found has arrived.

Thanks to Sherry at fundinmental for sharing.

 I love it!

She has kept a similar design and I would recognize her books by her signature covers.

Carlie tells you more with her exclusive excerpt below.

Heart Search: Found, Book II


One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.



“NO!” we yelled in unison then Jakki continued, “Becky, trust me. It’s not safe – you mustn’t go out there.” Anxiety was etched into her features, overflowing into her tone. Becky raised one eyebrow, hesitating. She knew Jakki was particularly sensitive to elements around her and with her psychic abilities was virtually never wrong when she made comments with such conviction in her voice.

“So what do we do then?” Becky asked.

Jakki didn’t hesitate. “First, make sure all the doors and windows are locked, especially in the twin’s room, then we’ll go from there.” Without waiting for another comment, Jakki strode to the back door and checked it. I ran upstairs to the nursery while Becky checked the front door and lounge windows.

We were all seated again within minutes. Becky was the first to pierce the silence.

“So now what?”

Jakki raised her eyes. “There’s something not quite right. I sense danger, but not . . . evil. It’s weird. My spirit guides are saying that whoever is out there is tenacious and he’s not going to give up until he gets what he wants. The big question is what exactly does he want?” There was an edge to her voice we had never heard before and it made us anxious.

“So do we phone the police or what?” I asked, a frown crinkling my forehead and my lips tightening into a thin line.

Jakki stared at me as if searching for something in my face; a couple of minutes passed before she spoke.

“The police can’t really help you,” she replied sadly.

What? Why not?” My voice rose an octave as I blurted out my questions.

“To be honest, I don’t think they can help with this, unless they’re willing to sit outside your house every night for the foreseeable future . . .” Pity clouded Jakki’s features as she stared at me from below her lashes.

“Jaks, please stop talking in riddles. What do you mean?” I was exasperated that she wasn’t giving me a straight answer and my tone was sharp.

Jakki glanced at Becky before turning her attention back to me. She stared directly into my eyes, her voice so quiet I had to strain to hear it.

“What I mean is . . . he’s not exactly . . . human.”




Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:


I’ve read Heart Search, Book One: Lost and loved it!

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)


Go here to read my 5 Star Review


Check out these ladies blogs for more exclusive excerpts:

Donn Sadd

Maria V A Johnson

Joy Keeney

Deborah Jay

WWW Wednesday

looking out a window photo: girl looking out the window girl-looking-out-the-window.jpg

Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

Obsession by Sharon Buchbinder



A year after a barbaric childbirth, complete with a near-death experience and an encounter with her guardian angel, Angie Edmonds is just happy she and her son, Jake, are alive. She’s finally in a good place: clean, sober, and employed as a defense attorney. But at the end of a long work day, she finds herself in a parent’s worst nightmare: Jake has been kidnapped and taken across the Mexican border by a cult leader who believes the child is the “Chosen One.”

Stymied by the US and Mexican legal systems, Angie is forced to ask the head of a Mexican crime syndicate for help. Much to her chagrin, she must work with Alejandro Torres, a dangerously attractive criminal and the drug lord’s right-hand man. Little does she know Alejandro is an undercover federal agent, equally terrified of blowing his cover–and falling in love with her.

The blurb just touches the surface. I can’t wait to tell you about this!


What did you recently finish reading?

Dark Whiskey by Emma Meade



Jesse senses something off about the nightclub. She wants to leave, but  her best friend, Tasha, is determined to have a night to remember.  There’s no way Tasha’s turning down an invite to the VIP section.
Against Jesse’s better judgement, she follows Tasha up the ivory staircase to  the mysterious room above. The whiskey and champagne are flowing, and  pretty soon the blood will be too.

You can read my review here!


What do you think you’ll read next?

Draculas by  multiple authors


A DYING MAN’S GREATEST TREASURE…Mortimer Moorecook, retired Wall Street raider, avid collector, is losing his fight against cancer. With weeks to live, a package arrives at the door of his hillside mansion—an artifact he paid millions for…a hominoid skull with elongated teeth, discovered in a farmer’s field in the Romanian countryside. With Shanna, his beautiful research assistant looking on, he sinks the skull’s razor sharp fangs into his neck, and immediately goes into convulsions.OPENS THE DOOR TO AN ANCIENT EVIL…A rural hospital. A slow night in the ER. Until Moorecook arrives strapped to a gurney, where he promptly codes and dies.


Four well-known horror authors pool their penchants for scares and thrills, and tackle one of the greatest of all legends, with each writer creating a unique character and following them through a vampire outbreak in a secluded hospital.

The goal was simple: write the most intense novel they possibly could.

Which they did.

A Word of Warning:

Within these pages, you will find no black capes, no satin-lined coffins, no brooding heartthrobs who want to talk about your feelings. Forget sunlight and stakes. Throw out your garlic and your crosses. This is the Anti-TWILIGHT.

Going to have fun with this!

So, whatcha readin?

question mark photo: Question Mark Question-1.jpg

I’m so excited.

Emma Meade has a brand new release!

The minute I got this in my Kindle, I opened it and started reading.

It’s a short story, so it didn’t take long.

Check out Dark Whiskey.




Jesse senses something off about the nightclub. She wants to leave, but  her best friend, Tasha, is determined to have a night to remember.  There’s no way Tasha’s turning down an invite to the VIP section.
Against Jesse’s better judgement, she follows Tasha up the ivory staircase to  the mysterious room above. The whiskey and champagne are flowing, and  pretty soon the blood will be too.
(A Short Story, approx 7,100 words)

My Review

Jesse’s best friend Tasha has just been dumped and her motto is, to get over it, get under someone else.

That’s just what she plans on doing when she drags Jesse into the nightclub.

It’s a bit out-of-the-way, but better to do the nasty where no one finds out.

Jesse immediately senses something isn’t right. Goosebumps stand up on her body. She wants to high-tail it out of there, but Tasha is having none of it and merrily trips up the stairs to the VIP room.

It’s going to be a night to remember, or not.

My Thoughts

I’ve had a friend like Tasha. Very emotional and sometimes a bit selfish, but usually pretty loyal. I expect that’s why Jesse stayed and watched out for her.

Being the more level-headed of the two, Jesse stays sober. Maybe that’s why she recognizes that somethings off.

I almost liked Eli. Almost. He’s a tall drink of water on a hot night, charming and darkly dangerous. But, nope. He says and does some things that turns me off. Gives off a bad vibe. Pretty much how Jesse feels too.

The best thing about Emma’s writing is I felt the bad vibes, the warning hairs standing up on the back of my neck.

I’ve been in a situation where that happened and luckily I was able to leave. Who knows what might have happened.

Dark Whiskey is like its name. Subtly alluring, with hints of sexual tension, and icy dread.

I would love for Emma to write more about Jesse, especially now that I know what she’s going to be like.

She may be figuring it out and they may think it’s going to be easy, but they messed with the wrong chick!

5 Stars


I’ve read all of Emma’s stories and am so excited whenever I get my hands on a new one.

Click on the titles below to read more of my reviews of Emma’s books.

End of the Line

End of the Line

Under the Desert Moon

Under the Desert Moon

Night Sighs

Night Sighs

The Awakening & Other Stories

Awakening and Other Stories

The Dead Beats

The Old Vampire (Short Story)

Dead Beats and The Old Vampire

About the Author
Emma Meade
Emma Meade lives in rainy Ireland. She loves reading and writing supernatural fiction.
Links to purchase Dark Whiskey
Emma’s Ramblings on Supernatural Ficion blog: