I love a good Fantasy Romance and love it even more when they are a series.
Join me and welcome author Melissa Pearl for her fun Blast and Giveaway organized by AToMR Tours.
Read on to learn about The Elements Series, get a glimpse inside Unknown, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!
Title(s): The Elements Series: Unknown, Unseen, and Unleashed
Author: Melissa Pearl
Release date: Unknown – June 2013, Unseen – July 2013, Unleashed – August 2013
Age Group: Young Adult
Genre: Fantasy Romance
Tour organized by: AToMR Tours

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Darkness is covering the land. As the city of Mezrah grows with power and greed, the rest of the world can only stand by and wait for their inevitable destruction. The only hope against this growing power is an ancient prophecy that people have stopped believing in.
Then a star begins to fall.
Princess Kyla of Taramon stopped believing in the power of light the day her father died. Trapped in a city she does not care for, under the watchful glare of her mother, the queen, she struggles to accept her fate.
Then a star begins to fall.
Jethro has loved Kyla for as long as he can remember. Learning that she was to marry his cousin drove a wedge between him and the feisty princess. Watching her from a distance is a torture he is unable to free himself from.
Then a star begins to fall, sparking an ember of hope and sending two seekers on a treacherous journey into the unknown.
A peek inside Unknown!
Athra approached the two guards and gave them a kind smile as they made way for him to get past. He paused and studied the back of his future bride, trying to decide how best to approach this conversation.
It had been nearly an hour since she had left the throne room with her usual flair, and she still had not changed. He glanced at the trail of torn fabric at her feet and then let his gaze travel up her lithe body. Fire lit his cheeks and he looked to the sky. Unlike him, she was oblivious to her beauty.
Queen Elaina had announced the betrothal a year ago. Athra had known they must wait until Kyla’s seventeenth birthday before they were to wed, but some days the wedding night could not come fast enough.
He cleared his throat and Kyla turned at the sound. She gave him a glum smile before leaning back against the turret wall. She always came up here to escape and he understood why. Stepping up beside her, he studied the vast land below them. From here he could see all the way across the forest to the northern mountains. The jagged peaks were covered with powdery white snow, gifting beauty and elegance to something so strong and foreboding. The crystal clear sky was devoid of clouds. Today, nothing could hide the righteous alps that kept whatever lay north of them at bay.
He breathed in the fresh air and rested his arm next to Kyla’s, so they were just touching.
“What really happened with the guard?” He kept his voice easy and light.
Kyla sighed. “I heard a noise near the edge of the forest. When I went to investigate, I saw the guard was…well, I don’t know if he was actually going to attack her, but he was scaring this poor girl. She looked younger than I. How could I just walk away? What if he had…?”
“So you attacked him?”
She gave him an incredulous look. “I’ve not lost my mind completely.”
“Then what did you do?”
Pushing herself off the ledge, she let out a sigh and turned away from him.“I simply provided the distraction that poor girl needed to get away.”
“Look, he was so intent on this girl he didn’t even notice me.”
“Do what?”
“I simply—” She licked her lips and gave him a sidelong look. “I sliced the back of his trousers open.”
“He was so horrified, he let the girl go. She ran and I ran…” Giggles started to hinder her speech. “And when he tried to chase me, his trousers fell to the ground and he tripped into the mud. It was the funniest thing I’ve seen in months.”
“Kyla.” Athra closed his eyes and dropped his head.
“I understand it was wrong, but…” She squeezed his arm. “It was so triumphant too.” Her laughter subsided and she leaned back against the wall. He glanced up at her and watched her smile diminish. “I hate that she signed that treaty.”
“We all do, but she was trying to stop them from attacking us. Taramon’s army was devastated after your father—”
“I know. And I know she was afraid and alone and she didn’t know what else to do, but placing Taramon at the mercy of King Ashan? It is folly. He is an evil man, if you can even call him a man.”
“I’ve never seen him.”
“No one has, but the rumours are rife and I believe Safeer’s descriptions to be false.”
Athra’s jaw clenched. He never thought himself capable of actually hating another human being, but Ashan’s ambassador, Safeer, was the exception. Having to be pleasant to him during his visits was the purest form of torture.
Forcing his dark thoughts aside, he took Kyla’s hand and gently rubbed his thumb over her soft skin as she spoke.
“I can’t help thinking that any day he will break this treaty and attack us. We have no army to defend ourselves, just a few royal guards. I do not trust him.”
“No one does, but so far, the treaty has kept us safe.”
“I wish my father was still here.”
Athra pulled Kyla into his arms and kissed the top of her head. It had been eight years since King Heron led his powerful army out of the city. The day Taramon’s broken army had straggled home from attacking Ashan would be permanently burned into his mind. A mere few survived. He was lucky enough to see his father limp through the gateway, but all four of Kyla’s brothers had been slain, along with her father. The city had been devastated. Safeer arrived with the treaty only a month later. With the queen still in a complete state of shock, she signed it and they had been “protected” by Ashan ever since. Of course this protection included the fact Taramon was not allowed to build up another army; they had to supply Ashan’s troops with whatever they demanded, and the taxes seemed to be rising yearly without one penny falling into the city’s coffers. Taramon was slowly dying and there seemed to be no way to stop it.
“What’s that?” Kyla lifted her head from his shoulder and pointed to the sky.
Athra squinted and noticed a burning light in the distance. It was being chased by trail of thick smoke and heading for earth at a startling speed. He let go of Kyla and leaned against the turret wall. “I don’t know.”
She came up beside him, her face bunched with confusion. Whatever it was looked to be heading for a crash landing between the northern forest and the foot of the alps. The impact was inevitable and Athra instinctively braced himself.
They both watched with open mouths as it plummeted. Moments later a burst of light lit the sky and a distant boom resounded. Athra shaded his eyes as he watched a mammoth cloud of ash and smoke billow from the landing point. A low vibration rumbled towards them, followed by a shock wave that blew them from their feet.
Athra covered Kyla with his body as the air whipped past them, and then it was over. Rising from the ground, he helped Kyla up and checked if the guards were okay. They stood on shaky feet, looking petrified.
“What was that?” Kyla’s brown eyes were wide with curiosity.
“I’m not sure, but I’m going to find out.”

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Danger surrounds the Seekers. Having already faced overwhelming odds, Kyla and Jethro discover it is only the beginning. Now they must face the power of nature itself.
Each day is a test of faith.
Two elements remain undiscovered. The light is yet to be resurrected. Dark forces prepare to descend upon the heroes of prophecy and they have one more power they must over come…their forbidden love for each other.
Each moment is a test of loyalty and courage.
In Taramon, Athra faces his own demons as he frets over the safety of his fiancée while trying to counter a dark evil that is brought to his doorstep. Treachery lurks in the shadows, forcing the future king into an action that could destroy his beloved city.
Through it all, they must cling to the truths hidden in the unseen.

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The prophecy has failed. As Athra lies in the dungeons of Taramon with his defeated army, this is all he can believe. His city has been torn apart. He has failed his people and all that awaits him is an agonising death.
But the light has been found.
Ashan and his dark army proceed in gloating triumph. Safeer heads to Mezrah with Taramon’s women and children, while the rest of his men remain in the northern city, forcing their prisoners to tear it down stone by stone.
But two sparks have been ignited.
Kyla and Jethro learn of Taramon’s demise and, with the children, formulate a plan to rescue their people and bring an end to the overpowering darkness. It will take all their strength and every ounce of faith they possess…
But a furious light is about to be unleashed.

About the Author
Melissa Pearl was born in Auckland, New Zealand, but has spent much of her life abroad, living in countries such as Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan… not to mention a nine month road trip around North America with her husband. “Best. Year. Ever!!” She now lives in China with her husband and two sons. She is a trained elementary teacher, but writing is her passion. Since becoming a full time mother she has had the opportunity to pursue this dream and her debut novel hit the internet in November 2011. Since then she has produced four more books and has a YA fantasy trilogy coming out this year. Unknown and Unseen (The Elements Trilogy) out now!
“I am passionate about writing. It stirs a fire in my soul that I never knew I had. I want to be the best writer I can possibly be and transport my readers into another world where they can laugh, cry and fall in love.”
Author Social Media Links:
Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/melissapearlauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MelissaPearlG
Blogs: http://melissapearl.blogspot.com/ and http://yalicious.blogspot.com/
Amazon Author Page:. amazon.com/author/melissapearl
Goodreads Author Page: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5314516.Melissa_Pearl
Smashwords Author Page: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/melissapearl
Newsletter subscription: http://blogspot.us5.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=ab5a6cb228dc9203d6c179eaa&id=481344857f
Website: http://www.melissapearlauthor.com
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/melissapearlg/

Tour Giveaway:
(3) eBook sets of the complete series – Smashwords coupon code (International)
Click on the rafflecopter link below to enter.
To join the fun and see other stops on the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpts click here or the tour button below.

Thanks for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For all of my giveaways go HERE.