In Emily’s own words!! Her Book Signing in Alabama!
It was a wonderful time!!!
First of all, you all know I abhor having my picture taken.
I just don’t take good pictures ever!

So, I am coming out of my comfort zone…so to speak…with these pictures.
It took 14 hours of straight driving through to arrive in St. Louis, Missouri!
I turned my radar detector on and made it in my Dodge Charger SRT8 with HEMI engine in record time.
By the way…the Charger is what my Hero, Tabbruis drives! Funny how life imitates art???

We visited with my husband’s family and that went very well.
I don’t know if you watched “Everybody Loves Raymond” and or “Martha Stewart”…so if you didn’t, you won’t get this at all…

Matt’s mom is the original “Everybody Loves Raymond/Martha Stewart” Combo Mother-in-Law.
Every meal is to die for. But it’s hard to explain how “Debra” I feel sometimes.
However, his family put up with my editing and working on my book while I was there. His family even came to Birmingham with us.
I have to say, it was very nice of his family to come and give me and Matt their support!

Then we pack everything and go down to Birmingham, Alabama for the Book Expo at the Birmingham Library.
UNFREAKINGBELIEVABLE…I have NEVER seen a library so big!
The Birmingham Library had two buildings, it was beautiful and airy! Just perfect!

We stayed at the Tutwiler Hotel right across from the Library and it was GORGEOUS inside and out!
The room was comfortable and VERY luxurious!
I was blown away at how nice it was! If you ever need to stay in Birmingham…stay at the Tutwiler…it’s MARVELOUS!!!
And no, I’m not getting a commercial endorsement fee…haha!
The night before the Book Expo we dined at the Applebees with my family, another author Daven Anderson of “Vampire Syndrome” and my Publisher PDMI Direct, TC McKinney, his wife Nessa and his two children Wayne and Christian.
By the way, his kids are adorable!

My Publisher TC and Nessa presented me with WONDERFUL news!
PDMI, my publisher took my first three books and put them in a LIMITED EDITION GOLD BOX SET of my first three books,”Charmeine,” “Mactus,” and “Accendo.”
There will be ONLY 250 of them made. SQUEEEEEE!!!
The box set looks awesome and it came with a certificate of authenticity.

Then that wasn’t enough to make my jaw fall on the floor…wait until you hear and see this.
They put all my first three books together in one paperback novel the way I originally intended it!!!
I started to cry.
You have no idea what it’s like to see your ORIGINAL NOVEL put together the way YOU WROTE IT!!
I was so happy and looked at that thick bound book novel and thought about all the work and struggle it was to have that precious book in my hands!
They even had it put together as a “Signature Edition of CHARMEINE” which means it has my signature embossed in the novel on the front cover and in the novel itself!
OH MY GOD! How wonderful!
I’m welling in tears just writing about it.
Because folks…I was just in Heaven and still am to see my “Baby” come to life the way I envisioned it to be!

I am really happy in this picture, I was just recovering from crying and the shock of the GOLD EDITION novels bound together and then my ORIGINAL signature edition novel!

The next day was the Book Expo!
I was very excited and also nervous. My husband took this picture. I didn’t know he took it until I saw the pictures. Before the Expo started I had to say a prayer and THANK GOD for letting this day come.
I am not a righteous or overly religious person…no.
However, I do thank God for all I have been given and the chances I have had which most people don’t ever have.

The Book Expo was great! These are some pics my husband, Matt took.
Yes folks…he is very similar in a lot of ways to Tabbruis…hubba, hubba!
The signing was fun and people in Birmingham have got to be the nicest people to be so welcoming to me and the other authors.

More pictures of signing books!

It was so much fun!

Met PDMI’s other Authors like I said before Daven Anderson of “Vampire Syndrome”!!!

Then this is a picture of all of PDMI’s Authors and Owners!!

Now it was time to visit my family and my mom.
We took Matt’s family to St. Louis and then came to Evansville, Indiana where I was born and raised.
I visited family and mom. She has Alzheimers and didn’t recognize me at all but she talked to me.
However she looked great and is being well-taken care of! She is doing awesome and keeps on being the wonderful lady she is.

The Storm “NEMO” cut our visit short and we left Evansville, Indiana speeding home in my Charger to race the storm back to New Jersey!
I’m not ashamed to tell you that THANK GOD the Charger is a high performance machine because we raced her all the way home!
We made it!
But it is shovel time!!
EVERYTHING is shut down and a lot of people don’t have power or heat!
Again LONG gas lines…just like Sandy!!!
But New Jersey is tough and we didn’t get it as bad as Long Island did!
Well Folks that was my wonderful trip!
It was fun and exciting!
Now, I have a book signing much more closer to home at the County College of Morris on March 4th in Randolph, New Jersey!
I am thanking God for these wonderful opportunities, AND I thank you too!