Archive for the ‘Memoir’ Category



Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Life In Rotations organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Farid Yaghini will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Life In Rotations

by Farid Yaghini


Genre: Memoir


Farid Yaghini’s unforgettable memoir takes you on a journey from escaping persecution in Iran to rebuilding a life in Canada and serving on the frontlines with the Canadian military. Filled with humour, heart, and unflinching honesty, his story of resilience, redemption, and the founding of Camp Aftermath will inspire you to believe in the power of hope and human connection.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Sitting on the floor of my two-bedroom apartment, surrounded by half-assembled IKEA furniture and that damn Allen key, I wondered, What the hell have I done?

Callie, my three-year-old daughter, sat happily among the chaos, blissfully unaware of the weight of the decisions that had led us here. Cindy and I had split, and although it was amicable, I knew that simply clocking in for a nine-to-five job and coasting through life wasn’t going to cut it—not for me, not for her. I needed to be better. I needed to be someone she could look up to. But how?

As I wrestled with my own demons, I kept seeing news about veterans taking their own lives—men and women who had faced the same wars, same losses, same struggles as me. What if I could do something? What if I could take all my lessons, my pain, and turn it into something meaningful?

That idea turned into an obsession. My bedroom became an ops room, plastered with notes, ideas connected by strings like a tactical plan. Then it hit me—Camp Aftermath. A way to help veterans and first responders heal through volunteerism, to find purpose, to rewrite their stories.

I had no funding. No roadmap. Just a promise to my daughter that I would become the kind of man she could be proud of.

And once I made that promise, failure wasn’t an option.

About Author Farid Yaghini:

Farid Yaghini was born in Iran and fled to Pakistan with his family to escape religious persecution following the Islamic Revolution of 1979. At the age of nine, he immigrated to Canada as a refugee, navigating the confusion and frustration of adapting to a new way of life. Through it all, he carried a deep sense of resilience, hope, and an irrepressible knack for finding humour, even in the most challenging moments.

Author Links: Facebook / Website

Purchase Link: Amazon


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Bad Order organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Mike Elliot will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Bad Order

By Mike Elliott



Genre: Memoir

This is the incredible true story of railroad worker and union official Mike Elliott, targeted by his railroad employer, BNSF Railway Company, for his safety-related activities. As the union’s state legislative board chair, Elliott was the top safety official in the state, and the voice for over 900 rank & file locomotive engineers operating trains around the clock, every day of the year.

When his members reported a plethora of trackside signal malfunctions on the BNSF Seattle subdivision, Elliott went to the railroad first, asking that they fix the problems. When the BNSF failed to act, he contacted the government’s regulatory authority, the Federal Railroad Administration. That led to an FRA inspection of over 130 miles of the railroad’s track and signal systems turning up hundreds of federal defects – all with potential to put workers and the public at risk.

What followed was a retaliation plot reminiscent of the Nineteenth Century Robber Barons: A management-staged conflict at work, police called in, arrest, jail, criminal charges, and termination from his job – not once but twice.

The wrath, influence and power of North America’s largest freight railroad is unleased in full force and in an all-out attack on a whistleblower’s life, liberties, and career. An amazing journey of one man’s righteous battle against impossible odds and the nearly unlimited resources of a multi-billion-dollar corporation.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Jim Vucinovich called me to the stand. He addressed background facts concerning my education, current employment, ongoing work for the BLET, and my past work history, including my USMC service and law enforcement experience. He asked most specifically about the “instruction and training in self-defense” I received at the police academy in California and if that training came into play during the Kautzmann parking lot incident.

“It had,” I answered.

We left this subject for the moment and went into more of my work experience, including the history of my railroad career. This gave us an opportunity to explain something about the labor structure in railroading while establishing my experience and expertise as a conductor and an engineer. We eventually zeroed-in on my knowledge of signals and safety, the nature of the signal complaints I received from my Union Pacific BLET members, and, most significantly, processes associated with tri-annual engineer recertification.

I testified to being through it several times previously, describing the “Net-Sim” (network simulator), its role in the process and how Net-Sim scheduling was accomplished through the company payroll computer. Jim also asked questions about the driver’s license abstract, the requirement it be submitted along with other documents to BNSF’s Overland Park, Kansas certification department and how Washington State only allows the licensee to obtain a copy of their own driving abstract. This was important information establishing that Dennis Kautzmann had no legitimate reason for contacting me on March 3rd, 2011, as the Net-Sim scheduling notifications were done through the payroll computer.

The testimony also laid the foundation for countering BNSF’s false assertion I had failed to submit my tri-annual recertification paperwork in a timely manner, or had submitted paperwork from the previous tri-annual recertification in 2005, by identifying the keeper of those records: BNSF certification manager Kathy Conkling.

From here, Jim led me through testimony about my safety work for BLET. I explained that I got into safety because I saw a disconnect between what workers learned in classroom training and what they experienced in the field.

About Author Mike Elliott:

Mike Elliott was born and raised in Washington State. He enjoys the great outdoors of the Pacific Northwest, classic rock & roll music, vintage stereo gear, home cooked meals, and Seattle Mariners baseball. He lives in Tacoma, Washington.

Goodreads / Amazon


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Reign of Terror by Leo Silva is a gripping true crime memoir that takes readers deep inside the brutal world of Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel. Follow a rollercoaster of suspense, intrigue, and unrelenting action as you delve into this heart-pounding thriller.


Reign of Terror

by Leo Silva

Genre: True Crime Memoir, Thriller


“One of the best DEA narco books I have ever read” – Dave Gaddis, DEA Chief, Global Enforcement Operations


Reign of Terror by Leo Silva is a gripping true crime memoir that takes readers deep inside the brutal world of Mexico’s Los Zetas cartel. Former DEA Special Agent Silva brings unparalleled insight, recounting his years on the front lines in the relentless fight against one of the world’s most violent criminal organizations. This powerful narrative unveils the hidden realities of the drug war, from the complex relationships between the cartels and law enforcement to the personal sacrifices made by those who risk everything to protect others. With raw detail and authenticity, Silva sheds light on the lives of those entangled in a web of corruption, power, and violence. Reign of Terror is more than a recount of battles won and lost—it’s a story of courage, resilience, and the cost of justice. A must-read for fans of true crime and international intrigue.

“In Reign of Terror, Leo Silva masterfully recounts the rise and fall of the notorious and ultra-violent Los Zetas cartel. But more than just retelling the story, Leo’s work is filled with inside information and insights that bring the reader into the world of those tasked with dismantling Los Zetas. Compelling, Leo brings profound humanity to the fight against the Zetas, a fight that brought both victories and tragedies, all of which are deeply felt by the reader.”
–  Jack Luellen, Author of Someone Had to Die Podcast Host: “Cartels, Conspiracies and Camarena”


**Get it for Only $3.99 on Kindle!**

Amazon * Bookbub * Goodreads



It was a scorching hot day on July 14, 2007, not unlike most summer days in deep south Texas. The kids were out of school and were eager to take a dip in the pool. I decided I would barbecue some burgers for the kids, and some ribs for some friends and family who would visit later in the afternoon. Because of all the pressure we had been under during the investigation, I had not celebrated my birthday. But today I was going to forget about work and celebrate my birthday the way any self-respecting Texan would celebrate, with beer and barbecue, surrounded by friends and family. I had the ribs marinating in my special marinade of pineapple juice, lime juice, soy sauce and a tinge of ginger and I had just lit the charcoal in my old pit when my wife came out to tell me she was going to make a quick run to the store because I had forgotten to buy her favorite side dish, corn, when I bought the meat earlier. I’m not sure what compelled me to assure her it was alright and that I would fetch the corn, while she stayed at home and supervised the kids in the pool. I have often thought about that specific moment and wonder what would have happened if I had not gone.

I took my wife’s gray 2002 Ford Focus with a “Hello Kitty” sticker in the rear windshield and hauled ass to the grocery store. The layout of the store was as familiar to me as the back of my hand. I knew it so well I could probably run through the entire store blindfolded and still find whatever I needed. I got my shopping cart, went straight to the produce section, and parked my shopping cart in front of the corn section. Carefully shucking the hulls and inspecting each ear, I started in on the corn to make sure there were no defects on the kernels, intent on getting home to cook the ribs and burgers.

As I was inspecting one ear of corn, three men turned the corner from the meat section into the produce section. I locked eyes briefly with a stocky built older man with grayish hair. The two men with him were much younger and walked behind the older man, in deference to his authority. They all passed by me on my right-hand side. I noticed that one of the younger men put his hand on the older man’s back, in a somewhat protective posture. I had seen the old man somewhere. The old computer in my brain started a file search in the most cavernous, obscure, and remote depths of my intellect. It transported me back to my office, to my desk, where I had posted a picture of Carlos Landin Martinez on the wall next to my door. Every day, for two years, the picture stared at me callously, devoid of feeling, almost mockingly.

I immediately went into high gear. Before taking any further action, I had to confirm for a fact that it was Landin, without a doubt. I watched them as they made their way in the produce section to the watermelon section. Landin himself picked out a large watermelon and gave it to one of the younger guys to inspect. I pushed my shopping cart closer to them so I could get a better look and confirm that it was Landin. I passed within 8 feet of him and got a good look at his face and confirmed that it was him. He glanced up as I passed them by, and we locked eyes again. The adrenalin was surging through every artery in my body, pumping out charges of electricity through my bloodstream. I could feel my carotid artery pulsating as the adrenaline flooded my blood stream. They placed their watermelon into their shopping cart and went to the checkout. While I was standing in line about four aisles away, I watched them through my peripheral vision, careful not to spook them or lose sight of them. I went through the checkout and paid for the corn, trying to fit in with the rest of the customers, despite wearing a shirt with the official DEA logo over the left side of my chest. I would not get close enough for him to notice that minor detail. They finished paying for the watermelon and they walked out of the north side exit of the store. I had parked on the south side, which could pose a problem for me, and I prayed they had not parked on the north side of the store—if they had, I might not get to see their vehicle.

Luckily, they were relaxed, taking their time to walk through the parking lot. I got the bag of corn, ran to the south side of the store, and quickly got into my wife’s “Hello Kitty” car just as they opened the door to a white Chevrolet pickup truck and got in.

We were in business!

They maneuvered their truck through the parking lot exiting on the south side, where I happened to be waiting. They left the store parking lot and approached 10th street, the principal thoroughfare in McAllen, Texas. I was behind them with two cars between us. It occurred to me then that if they made me, they would turn my wife’s Hello kitty car into Swiss cheese, with me in it. They turned south on 10th and then immediately turned into a car wash. I nearly panicked as they got out of the truck, as I didn’t want to lose them. But I remained calm and drove past the car wash and pulled into a furniture store parking lot that gave me a perfect view of them.

Landin and one individual got into a four-door sedan parked near the exit of the car wash and waited as the other individual took care of business with the car wash. I watched patiently as the other guy emerged from the car wash and entered the sedan on the passenger side, with Landin seated in the back. It was at this point that I pulled out my Nextel and called my McAllen PD task force officer, Erik Torres, gave him the description of the suspect vehicle, and my wife’s hello Kitty vehicle and told him to send me a unit immediately for a possible traffic stop. I could barely control my breathing as I spoke to Erik. I told him to keep it low profile because I wanted to make sure it was, in fact, Carlos Landin before letting anyone else know, especially the bosses in Houston.

When they left, the car was moving within the flow of traffic, going south on 10th street. I followed them cautiously for what seemed like an eternity. Erik called me and informed me that he had notified a unit in the area. Right after he said this, a McAllen PD unit pulled up alongside me and the officer gestured to me, as if asking which car. I pointed to the white four-door sedan, and he gave me a thumbs up and proceeded south on 10th behind the vehicle. Erik was in communication with the officer and gave me a play-by-play as the events developed. I dropped back and let the officer do his job. At the intersection of 10th and La Vista, the driver of the vehicle runs a red light, and the officer immediately pulls up behind him and flashes his emergency lights. The car with the three men pulled over, and I passed them up and pulled into an adjacent parking lot to watch the action.

The officer approached the vehicle, interacted with the occupants of the vehicle, and asked for their respective identification. My heart was pounding as I considered the magnitude of what was about to happen. The officer returns to his vehicle and calls Erik, who then calls me and says, “Leo, it’s him. It’s Carlos Landin Martinez! What do you want to do with him?”

“Get some more units to back up this officer and let’s lock him up!”

Within minutes, the place was swarming with McAllen PD units, and I watched as they handcuffed Landin and put him in the back of a patrol unit. His life would never be the same. My next call was to Jimmy Bird. He genuinely thought I was fucking with him.

I told him, “Jimmy, call Erik and get all the details, then call the AUSA assigned to the case and let her know what just happened. We have a lot of work to do before Monday and no, I am not fucking with you. Now get off the phone so I can call the boss and let him know.”

He let out a whooping victory cry before hanging up the phone.

So, I called my boss. He called his boss. And they called Washington, DC. Before dusk, the Administrator of the DEA was aware of what had transpired that Saturday afternoon in McAllen, Texas. I called our office in Monterrey to let them know. The rush of excitement swept through the whole agency like wildfire. I was taking and making calls all over the place, but there was one call I forgot to make in all the excitement. I forgot to call my wife and let her know I had gotten busy. She called me and when I saw the name on the incoming call list, my heart sank.

She had been worried sick, but I explained what happened and assured her I would be home soon. She understood. They always do.

Landin went to trial and on January of 2008, a jury of his peers found him guilty on 29 counts of charges ranging from Conspiracy to possess with the intent to distribute over 150 kilograms of cocaine, laundering over $1.5million in drug proceeds and possession with intent to distribute cocaine and marijuana. For these crimes, he received a sentenced of life in prison, where he died in December 2021.


So I revert to the question. Was it destiny or circumstance that brought us together?

All I know is that I did not wake up on the morning of July 14, intending or expecting to capture one of the most notorious members of the Gulf Cartel. I woke up expecting I would have a fun filled day with my family.

I truly believe destiny brought us together on that summer afternoon in July, and I often wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t gone to the store for corn at that specific time on that specific day. Why had I taken my wife’s place? There is no logic or order to be found in it like so much in this world. Hell, his wife probably sent him out for a watermelon for a family gathering as well. Our paths crossed because of our love for and commitment to our families. Isn’t that ironic?

I have always been curious what leads a man to a life of crime. In my research, I interviewed an old classmate of Landin’s from Primaria Articulo 1, an elementary school in Reynosa Tamaulipas. The classmate told me that even as a kid, Landin had always been a bully, picking on weaker or smaller kids. The classmate recalled a time when, for no reason, Landin brutally beat on a much younger classmate in the playground, leaving him on the ground, bloodied and practically unconscious. Landin just laughed it off as if it were a big joke. As they got older, the classmate withdrew from Landin and the company he kept, stating that Landin never seemed to have any parental supervision and was always on his own, doing whatever he wanted to do, He drank alcohol at fourteen, and avoided school altogether. So, from an early age, Landin lived a life of crime and violence, causing harm to others and had no remorse for it. He had to know that his life of crime would end someday—and it did, on that scorching hot summer day in July.

I did what I had to do, what I was trained to do, and what I love to do. I certainly don’t have any regrets and never will.



What is something unique/quirky about you?


My passion and love for writing goes hand in hand in hand with my passion for music. In my family, I represent the fourth generation of musicians, with a love for music that is deeply embedded in my soul. I am both a singer and piano player and a huge fan of all musical genres with a special affinity for jazz and traditional Mexican boleros. My writing is interspersed with references to music and songs as I believe music plays a huge role in our daily lives and emotions.


Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?


I am a native of Brownsville, Texas, a coastal city in deep south Texas. My love for reading books and writing stories was nurtured by my mother, who is an avid reader herself. In college, I majored in English with a concentration in American Literature and honed my writing skills under the tutelage of a highly talented professor. After college, I joined the US Drug Enforcement Administration as a Special Agent where I served in various assignments along the Southwest border and in Guadalajara and Monterrey, Mexico for a total of 28 years of service. My experiences as a DEA agent provide the backdrop for my writing. My first book Reign of Terror depicts my experience in Monterrey Mexico and the DEA’s struggle to assist in the apprehension of some of their most violent members.


Who is your hero and why?


Without question, my heroes are my parents, who taught me valuable life lessons at a young age. Lessons which have helped shape my character and lessons that I have passed onto my own children. My writing makes several references to the advice and lessons my parents have given me over the course of my life.

What inspired you to write Reign of Terror?


In my college years, I always dreamt about writing a book one day. After I retired from DEA, I saw it as the perfect opportunity to tell my story in Reign of Terror. I often see the narrative about El Chapo Guzman being played out in the news, movies, books and series but hardly anyone knows about the other Cartels that exist in Mexico, especially the Gulf Cartel, one of the oldest if not the oldest Cartel in Mexico. Reign of Terror gave me the opportunity to show the public that Chapo Guzman was not the only player in town and that there were people far more dangerous and treacherous than El Chapo.


Convince us why you feel your story is a must read.


Reign of Terror gives one the opportunity to immerse oneself into the darkest corners of Mexico’s Narco underworld. It is a collection of true stories, true events, victories and defeats, a rollercoaster of emotions told by someone who lived it firsthand.


What is your advice to new authors?


My advice to young writers is to be persistent and realize that writing is a marathon not a race. There may be days when one doesn’t feel like writing and that is OK.  But keep chipping away at it until you have told your story the way you want. Persist, every day, even if you only write one sentence. It will all be worthwhile when you are finally done.




Leonardo “Leo” Silva is a native of Brownsville, TX, a charming seaside city on the border. He is a 1982 graduate of Homer Hanna High School and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Literature from the University of Texas-Brownsville in 1985. He served as a Special Agent/ Supervisory Special Agent with the United States Drug Enforcement Administration from 1987 to 2015. During his career, he was assigned to offices along the Southwest border, Guadalajara, Jalisco and Monterrey Nuevo Leon, Mexico.


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Choice of Print or ebook copy of Reign of Terror,

$20 Amazon giftcard

– 1 winner each!


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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to the cover reveal of Book Four of the LESSER KNOWN TRAVEL TRIPS series, How to React When Woken at 3am by Drunk Argentinian Backpackers While Staying in a Youth Hostel and Other Lesser Known Travel Tips.

Author Simon Yeats will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.



Genre: Non-Fiction Humorous Memoir


Book 4 of the hilarious book series that those in the know will want to read when arriving at Paris airport so they laugh so freaking hard that it will intimidate any suspicious characters looking to abduct them and sell them into the human trafficking game.

Life was not meant to be easy, Simon Yeats’ father used to tell him. Well, it sure as hell was not meant to be this bizarre and witty. Australian ex-pat Simon Yeats shares his stories of travel misadventures and dubious personal introspection with comedic insights into the unusual and uproarious elements of living his life abroad. All while having a sense of Wanderlust as pervasive as Mongol hordes in the 12th century.

From how to negotiate getting abused in Los Angeles when you will only drive at 5 miles/hr., to what to do when locked out of your hotel room in your underwear, to the emotions of attempting the world’s second highest bungee when you have a pathological fear of heights, to how to deal with the trials and tribulations of staying in a youth hostel with travelers who have no respect for the other guests.

Simon Yeats has gone into the world and experienced all the out of the ordinary moments for you to sit back and enjoy the experience without the need to empty your bank account, get squeezed sitting in a middle airline seat, or deal with border security at the Ukraine/Russia boundary..


Enjoy this peek inside:

Big Wednesday was my first day at work as a liftie on the Burgess Creek lift at the Steamboat ski resort as a wide-eyed 20-year-old. I do not remember the exact date, but I am absolutely certain it was a Wednesday because everyone who was present at the resort that day referred to it as ‘big Wednesday.’

Overnight, between ‘ordinary Tuesday’ and ‘big Wednesday,’ the town and resort received a mammoth amount of snowfall. It absolutely dumped. A biblical amount of snow. Even though I do not recall snow being mentioned once in either the old testament or the new testament. But I could have missed the reference.

And Moses went up the mountain at God’s direction and there was fresh dump of powder snow, and he cried out, “ye verily, gonna cut me some wicked turns.”

To get to work on my first day, I take the shortcut straight down the hill to the main road and bus stop. I am decked out in my official Steamboat resort onesie ski suit. The snow level is over my belly button. It is like wading through waist high surf for a half mile.

I scramble onto the bus, and I am on my knees huffing and puffing while dripping with sweat.

An inauspicious start to the day.


About Author Simon Yeats:

Simon Yeats has lived nine lives, and by all estimations, is fast running out of the number he has left. His life of globetrotting the globe was not the one he expected to lead. He grew up a quiet, shy boy teased by other kids on the playgrounds for his red hair. But he developed a keen wit and sense of humor to always see the funnier side of life.

With an overwhelming love of travel, a propensity to find trouble where there was none, and being a passionate advocate of mental health, Simon’s stories will leave a reader either rolling on the floor in tears of laughter, or breathing deeply that the adventures he has led were survived.

No author has laughed longer or cried with less restraint at the travails of life.

Author Links: Amazon / TikTok / Instagram

Pre-order link: Amazon


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Book Details:

Book Title:  And She Was Never the Same Again: A Multigenerational Memoir by Natasha Pryde Trujillo Ph.D.
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction 18 yrs +,  285 pages
Genre:  Multigenerational Memoir
Publisher:  Violet Echoes Press
Release date:  April, 2024
Content RatingPG-13: discusses trauma, near-death experiences, grief


“Dr. Trujillo has done an exceptional job of opening her life of grief and loss for her audience to experience. The intentional nature in which this book is written provides a welcome comfort of hope. Her words encourage her audience to look at those ‘isms’ we humans all own and instead of wanting to avoid seeing them, to look at them and learn how to navigate and accept; especially when it is too late to share those sentiments when you could have.” —Feathered Quill Book Reviews

Book Description:

And She Was Never the Same Again is about you. It is about your family and your friends, everyone you’ve ever met, and all the strangers you have yet to meet.

It takes you on a journey of gains and losses that stretch generations, cultures, identities, and decades of time. It awakens you to the inevitable and makes you look at things most people want to avoid seeing. It explores near-death experiences; medical, individual, and intergenerational trauma; the stigmatized death of a partner; perfectionism; athletics; first loves; and the gaping holes that become permanent fixtures within us when those we love the most die.

​You will feel, you will learn, you will grown, and you will never be the same again.

Amazon ~ Audible
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I wept while reading the author’s words in her multigenerational memoir of life and death. Of grief and still foraging on. The world waits for no one. Having felt grief of my own, her words struck deep. The tears flowed. My eyes cleared and the good memories surfaced.

While I found parts of the book painful, as they brought up memories, I thought how much more painful it was for Natasha Pryde Trujillo. And I’m thankful she shared with me.

I never used to read nonfiction or memoirs. When I dipped my toes in the unfamiliar waters, I was glad I did. And I was glad I read And She Was Never The Same Again.


Guest Post

Can you explain the concept of “grief work” and its significance in the healing process?

To me, grief work simply means the opposite of avoiding or distracting from the pain and suffering of loss that is inevitable in life. It doesn’t need to be intensely structured or scheduled work; instead, it is a process. It is multifaceted and takes place both in isolation and with others. It is the idea of being with the grief, of exploring how it has affected your mind, body, and spirit. It is acknowledging the complexity of emotions and experiencing the rollercoaster that has no clear linear path from start to finish. It suspends the notion of an endpoint altogether because people who really engage in meaningful grief work know that it won’t ever go away, but it is something we learn to live with, grow around, and explore how it takes up different spaces in our lives over time. I am not sure that I love the idea of a “healing process” because, again, with some losses, you never return to a fully healed state. To imply so takes away from the whole premise of grief work, which is that it is part of the human experience that lasts our entire lifetimes. We figure out ways to move forward and adapt, but that doesn’t mean we heal completely, and that is okay.



Meet Author Dr. Trujillo:

Dr. Trujillo is a counseling and sport psychologist, consultant, educator, author, and human. Labels don’t make her better or worse-equipped to deal with inevitable grief throughout life. She’s passionate about the power of storytelling and wanted to illustrate nuanced ways we cope with grief. Like you, she’s had losses and decided risking vulnerability may encourage others to redefine relationships with loss to live more holistic and intentional lives. She hopes this limited collection of stories can build the realization that there’s no “right” way to grieve.

connect with the author: website facebook instagram goodreads

Tour Schedule:

​July 3 – @ashleylynnreads – book shout out
Aug 5 –
 Over Coffee Conversations – book spotlight / guest post / giveaway
Aug 5 – fundinmental – book review / giveaway
Aug 5 – 
Faith And Books  audiobook review / giveaway
Aug 6 – Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s – book review / giveaway
Aug 7 – Cover Lover Book Review – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 7 – Black Coffee, Brown Cow – book review / giveaway
Aug 8 – Novels Alive – book review / giveaway
Aug 9 – Liese’s Blog – book spotlight
Aug 12 – Gina Rae Mitchell – book review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 12 – Diane’s Book Journal – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 13 – Book Corner News and Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug  13 – Splashes of Joy – book review / giveaway
Aug 14 – Locks, Hooks and Books – audiobook review / author interview / giveaway
Aug 14  
I’m A Voracious Reader – book review
Aug 15 – Welcome To MLM Opinion’s Reviews – book review / giveaway
Aug 16 – Paws.Read.Repeat – book review / giveaway
Aug 16 – FUONLYKNEW – book review / guest post / giveaway
Aug 19 – Ilovebooksandstuffblog – book spotlight / giveaway
Aug 20 – Olio by Marilyn – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Aug 20 – Olio by Marilyn – book review / giveaway
Aug 21 – StoreyBook Reviews – book spotlight / author interview / giveaway
Aug 21 – 
Miranda’s Book Scape – audiobook review / author interview 
Aug 22 – My Reading Getaway – book review / giveaway
Aug 23 – @ashleylynnreads – book review / giveaway

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AND SHE WAS NEVER THE SAME AGAIN by Natasha Pryde Trujillo Book Tour Giveaway




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for My Second Life organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Simon Yeats is awarding a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

My Second Life

by Simon Yeats



Genre: Memoir


We all have two lives. We only get to experience living in the second after we realize we only have just one.

I have my first real scare in life when I get attacked by a kangaroo when I am seven. My first brush with the cliff-face edge of death comes when I am 12. My dad drives the family down the dangerous Skipper’s Canyon dirt road in New Zealand in a rented minivan.

Including the occasion I am almost involved in two different plane flight crashes, in the same night, there have been at least a half dozen more occasions when I have been within a moment’s inattention of being killed.

However, none of those frightening incidents compare to what I experience after my son is abducted.

This memoir is the story of how I used the traumatic experiences of my life to give me strength to forge on during a 13 year fight to be a father to my son.

What did it take for me to get to my second life?
It took me to truly understand what fear is.

Enjoy this peek inside:

As I cross the hotel lobby floor towards the elevator, a man approaches me and addresses me by name.

Oh god, not again. I know what this is. Another process server who is going to hand me court documents to tell me I am now being sued for refusing to follow my ex-wife’s demands to buy my son another cell phone.

That would have been far more preferable.

The man leads me over to the couches in the hotel lobby, and we sit. He speaks only Portuguese so that I can only understand some of what he says. So, I use Google translate so I can fully understand what is going on.

His name is Michael.

The man is not from the court.

He is on the direct opposite side of the law, as it turns out.

He is a killer for hire.

My ex-wife has hired his services.

What? Right now, I know I am sitting in bizarro world.

About Author Simon Yeats:


Simon Yeats has lived nine lives, and by all estimations, is fast running out of the number he has left. His life of globetrotting the globe was not the one he expected to lead. He grew up a quiet, shy boy teased by other kids on the playgrounds for his red hair. But he developed a keen wit and sense of humor to always see the funnier side of life.

With an overwhelming love of travel, a propensity to find trouble where there was none, and being a passionate advocate of mental health, Simon’s stories will leave a reader either rolling on the floor in tears of laughter, or breathing deeply that the adventures he has led were survived.

No author has laughed longer or cried with less restraint at the travails of life.

Author Links: Amazon / TikTok / Instagram

Buy Link: Amazon


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for My Gangster Father And Me! organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Marcia Rosen will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

My Gangster Father And Me!

by Marcia Rosen



Genre: Memoir


Happy Fathers Day.
Our history and experiences can define us, inspire our actions and as writers impact our words and stories.  Mine most definitely has. My father was a gangster. Really!

This is my story about my relationship with my father and how his profession affected me and my life, “He called me Sugar Plum. Both a blessing and a burden, I learned interesting lessons from my father: about generosity and determination, taking risks, and certainly finding the willingness to live life as an adventure.”


Enjoy this peek inside:

There were mixed messages and expectations for my generation. My friends, mostly high school sorority sisters, fell in line. They married, had fancy weddings, and wore beautiful white wedding dresses. For me, they were the symbol of years of living an unwanted life. It was expected of them. They had dreamed of being a bride and about their wedding since playing dolls and dress-up as little girls. They lost themselves and who they could be, shoving aside what they were capable of being, to do what was expected.

 One brilliant girl I knew wanted to be a doctor. Instead, she became an accountant. What a waste. Another wanted to be an actress, another a dancer, another a social worker. They found it best to leave those dreams tucked away so they would be approved of by their families. The sadness of not fulfilling their dreams caused them to feel an emptiness much of their lives.   I had many women tell me this when I toured the country with my first book, “The Woman’s Business Therapist.” One woman had told me her whole life she felt as if she could never fill the emptiness. Now a senior, she realizes why. She had abandoned her education for marriage. Why couldn’t she have had both? Men do.

Throughout my life I felt as if I was being strangled by such demands. I did my best to untangle their grasp. The mixed messages for women amounted to being a good wife and mother. The man is the head of the household and breadwinner, meaning his needs and wants are more important than yours.

 Oh, oh. My mistake? I began making more money than my now ex- husband.

 I was to have his dinner on the table when he came home from work. I often begrudgingly did.

 Oh, oh. I hate to cook.

Never refuse to have sex with him. (Honestly, my father’s mother told me this when I first got married.)

Oh. Oh. I failed again.

Really, I tried to do what was expected. All my friends were already married, what was I to do?

First, I married a hippie and had a baby. Oh, oh, the two-year marriage ended in divorce.

So, why not try again. Another marriage, another child. This time the disaster lasted twenty-one years. He was a cheat and a womanizer. No more oh, oh. Only good riddance!

 A couple years later in therapy, I commented, “He was lucky I didn’t kill him.”

The voice of reason calmly asked, “What good would that have done?”

I not so calmly shouted, “I could have hung his head on the wall, same as when someone shoots a deer and hangs it on their wall.”

“You might need more therapy,” the therapist replied.

Me: “No, I feel great about the idea!”

My parents had wanted me to marry a nice Jewish boy and live in a beautiful house in a beautiful neighborhood. At least my mother surely did. I hadn’t met her expectations. Neither did my father.

How is it possible to meet our parents’ expectations when our ambitions and interests are far different than theirs? My mother’s own disappointments created her dreams for what I might become, how I might live my adult life. I never felt my father had those same expectations. He was, however, disappointed with the two men I married. We both were.

The thing is, we women had mixed messages and expectations in our heads, voices shouting at us, holding us back from stepping outside the box women were told they fit into. I often refused to listen to those voices. I didn’t make my life easy.

I wanted to live a life beyond the ordinary. Have I paid a price for my wanting to live differently than what was expected of a woman of my generation? Probably so. Mostly, it’s been worth it to me. It would have been lovely to be married to the right man for me—one who would have been as supportive and proud of me as I would have been of him.

Constantly pushing myself to succeed. I found myself in situations where I was financially responsible for my sons, their education, and my own needs. But I did it. My dad’s voice was in my head. “Never be a quitter.”

I’ve hardly ever told anyone about the time I was asked to run for Congress in NYC—a “no” I have regretted.

 Wow, my dad would have been thrilled.


About Author Marcia Rosen:


Marcia Rosen is an award-winning author of twelve books including nine mysteries, the most recent is An Agatha, Raymond, Sherlock, and Me Mystery: Murder at the Zoo. She is also the author of The Senior Sleuths, the Dying to Be Beautiful Mystery Series, and The Gourmet Gangster: Mysteries and Menus (Menus by her son Jory Rosen). She wrote The Woman’s Business Therapist and My Memoir Workbook and has given Memoir Writing presentations and classes for close to twenty years. Her Memoir Blog can be found on her website. For twenty-five years she was owner of a successful national marketing and public relations agency.


Marcia has frequently been a featured speaker at organization meetings, bookstores, libraries, and Zoom Programs presenting talks on Encouraging the Writer Within You, Marketing for Authors, Writing Mysteries…Not A Mystery and A Memoir Detective…Writing Your Life Story. She has also helped numerous writers develop and market their books.


She is a member of Sisters in Crime, Southwest Writers, New Mexico Book Association, Public Safety Writer’s Association, International Memoir Writer’s Association, Women’s National book Association and National Association of Independent Writers and Editors—for which she is also a board member.



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The true story of how one married couple made an impulse purchase blind off the internet: a 24.5-tonne


vintage army truck. Their plan: to convert into a unique off-grid tiny home on wheels ready for an


expedition to Mongolia.



Building the Beast:


How (Not) To Build An Overland Camper


The Wayward Truck Book 1

by Jacqueline Lambert

Genre: Comedic Travel Memoir, Nonfiction


Featuring ‘The Beast’, an expedition truck, as seen on TV*


A Vintage Truck: An Amateur Team: An Immovable Deadline
The Comic Memoir of a Crazy Idea

In this captivating true story, join an intrepid married couple as they take another wild leap into the world of nomadic living.
Four years previously, Jackie and Mark gave up work to embark on a permanent road trip with four dogs. However, one Friday the 13th, forces beyond their control cause them to throw caution to the wind and buy a 30-year-old army truck sight unseen from the internet.
Their goal: to create an expedition truck fit to drive overland to Mongolia.
Follow them as they dive headfirst into the daunting but thrilling task of converting this rugged vehicle into a perfect off-grid tiny house on wheels.
Yet their first ever DIY van conversion proves to be a rollercoaster ride, when they sell their house to fund the build, and Friday the 13th comes back to haunt them.
Is their confidence that, ‘there’s always a solution,’ misplaced?
With their relationship, sanity, and finances on the line, can they navigate the pitfalls of their first-ever build and avoid becoming homeless?
Filled with quirky van life friends and unexpected twists, this is an inspiring tale of perseverance, friendship, and finding the courage to conquer the challenges that face those who dare to chase their dreams.

* The Beast made a guest appearance on Ben Fogle’s New Lives In The Wild

ARC Reviews:

“An honest and often funny account of the realities of when people actually begin to live their dream.” Anna Rashbrook, Author

“A page-turner!…You never know what will happen next!” Carrie Riseley, Author

“The trials and tribulations of building a home on six wheels, told with laughter and insight… a must read – even if it’s just to stop you making the same mistakes!” Maximilian Sam, Award-Winning Author

“This book is a fantastic look at designing a unique project and going for it with humor and perseverance. If one is tired of another ‘chucking it all and renovating an old house’ story, this is a quixotic twist that will keep you entertained.” Kari Iverson Lane

“Hugely inspirational, because I think many would have just given up trying, with all the things they had to put in place to get their dream of owning and converting The Beast off the ground. What a story – and a fabulously entertaining book/read.” Julie Haigh, Goodreads Librarian and Top 1,000 Amazon reviewer.

**Get it for Only .99 cents!**


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Grand Designs


Word Count 693

This is the first chapter, and gives a humorous idea of what caused us to embark on our vehicular Grand Design. Grand Designs features in the narrative of the book, with a few guest appearances from virtual Kevin McCloud at strategic stages in the build!


Grand Designs


I have an admission to make. Property renovation programmes are my guilty pleasure – and an inspiration.

First and foremost, I’m a Hammer Head.

For years, Homes Under the Hammer was my weekday daytime paramour. ‘Hammer,’ as it’s known to aficionados, features unsuspecting buyers purchasing property at auction. They aspire to find rubies in the rough and profit from the plain, but frequently end up with dry rot, subsidence, and a blown budget.

This happens most often when they ignore Hammer’s golden rules.

  1. ALWAYS view before bidding.
  2. Read the legal pack.
  3. Set a budget and stick to it.

I love the variety of projects they feature: from old sewage works to pieces of industrial wasteland, with every type of residential dwelling in between. But, a highlight for me is the literal soundtrack. The music is truly inspiring. They might pair the ‘Before’ montage of a ramshackle wreck with This Ole House by Shakin’ Stevens. Dodgy circuitry? Cue Eddy Grant’s Electric Avenue. My all-time favourite was the outstanding appropriation of Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell for a many-bedroomed residence whose only toilet was outside. I’m certain that in the midnight hour, the young lady who cried for more, more, more was not lodging an impassioned request additional indoor privies.

From the beginning, George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces has been grist to the mill of my tiny home aspirations. Here, subjects create bonkers but bijou living quarters from sheds, tree houses, or an odd assortment of base vehicles such as a derelict boat, a retired London bus, or a decommissioned Sea King helicopter fuselage strapped to a flatbed truck.

But if it’s wild ambition meeting unfettered eccentricity you’re after, there’s always the granddaddy of them all, Grand Designs.

Since 1999, architect Kevin McCloud, MBE, clad in a blazer with his trademark woolly scarf rippling behind in a breeze of creativity, follows the visionaries of this world. The ones who drive humanity forward with their crazy thinking, experimental ideas, and unwavering optimism. People prepared to sacrifice their sanity – along with their relationships and their grandchildren’s inheritance – on the altar of their bold, unconventional, and sometimes hopelessly insane, home-building dreams.

Who can forget the “heroic” Eco Arch house, whose domed roof was a confection of ceramic tiles and plaster of Paris last seen in 14th century Spain? It partially collapsed when one of the crew leaned on it. Or the monumental challenge of Yorkshire’s Hellifield Peel Tower? A stately seven-bedroom family castle raised from an 800-year-old pile of Grade-1-listed rubble, despite the central wall disintegrating and the costs exploding. Or the builds based on the shape of an ammonite fossil or a hamster wheel?

At key milestones, McCloud pops in to survey the subject’s progress, proffer wise counsel, and gently allude to flaws in design and logic. Then, he presents his signature soliloquy to camera like a wandering, windblown poet.

“This collapsing beam is no mere structural support. It is the spine of Rufus’ aspirations. The backbone of Camilla’s dream.”

When he returns to find the unfortunate couple/kids/newborns spending another unexpected winter in a caravan surrounded by freezing mud and construction chaos, McCloud may discuss the pros and cons of their approach to Project Management.

Regardless of my decades long televisual apprenticeship, I never understood the purpose of Project Management.

Even as an absolute novice, who had disregarded Hammer’s principal golden rule and bought unseen.

If you have discussed your plans with a knowledgeable contractor who is working for you, what’s the point of a Project Manager? Won’t the builder simply handle it for you?

And if you’re a reasonably intelligent individual, capable of navigating the treacherous waters of budget overruns and construction calamities, can’t you just oversee a project yourself?

Even in absentia, because coronavirus travel restrictions mean you can’t return to the UK to supervise your project in person?

After all, email and international mobile telecommunications have featured on the communication landscape for decades.

I could almost see McCloud’s quizzical eyebrows arch higher than the dome of the 14th century Spanish villa.

With our own Grand Design, my husband Mark and I were about to discover the merits of hands-on project management.

The hard way.




10 Things I’ve Learned from Life on the Road

My husband, Mark and I, packed up our life in 2016 to embark on a 3-year trip in our caravan (RV trailer.)

Eight years into that 3-year trip, it seems we underestimated how addictive travel could be.

So here we are, still touring, but in The Beast, a rather more rugged vehicle we converted to take us even further off the beaten path.

When we set out, we were complete newbies, but in the intervening time, we’ve picked up a few tips. Here, I want to share with you some of the lessons we’ve learned from life on the road.

  • Never Miss An Opportunity To Pee: From 25-years as a field sales representative to my days as a permanent nomad, I’ve learned the importance of seizing bathroom opportunities whenever possible. Failure to accept this truth invites a three-hour traffic jam and a rock-solid guarantee that when you get there, the next convenience will be out of order.
  • Value Experience Over Stuff: In 1994, a rafting trip down the Zambezi taught me a valuable lesson: that happiness comes from enjoying life, not owning things. I spent a week sleeping under the stars on riverside beaches with only two sets of clothing – wet and dry – yet I’ve never felt so happy or fulfilled. These days, nearly everything I own is in the truck. I don’t feel weighed down by possessions I don’t need or use. There’s nothing I want, and nothing I could own that would make me any happier than I am. Having enough, and being satisfied with it, is rather a fine way to exist.
  • Pack Light – But Don’t Skimp on Underwear: You never need as much as you think. I considered it a huge fail to return from a trip with unworn clothing in my suitcase. On our honeymoon to Costa Rica, however, I discovered my new husband didn’t share this belief. “I backpacked for four months around Australasia with two t-shirts and two pairs of shorts!” I mocked as I chucked things out of his rucksack. Unfortunately, in Costa Rica it was too humid to dry laundry, so we both ran out of clothes… Nevertheless, it is a truth universally acknowledged that you can never have too many undies – which probably saved my nascent marriage from me and my minimal packing. Whatever life throws at you, it will never seem so bad if you’ve got a clean pair of undies!
  • Embrace the Unexpected: Some of our best adventures have come from saying “yes” to random things. Once, we set off for Spain, but turned left and went to Romania – one of our best ever trips.
  • People Not Places: I have visited over 50 countries and six of the seven continents. However, when I’m asked which country was my favourite, it’s curious that what I remember most vividly is not spectacular landscapes, architecture, or wildlife, although this is clearly a big part of it. It’s almost always the people. The kindness of strangers and connections with fellow travellers is what makes our journeys memorable.
  • Decide For Yourself: Make decisions based on your own experiences and research. The horror stories we’ve been told about countries we plan to visit almost always come from folk who’ve never been there. Almost always, the hearsay and speculation are entirely wrong.
  • Never Trust A GPS: After towing a caravan across two cornfields and along a footpath in Romania, I can say this with great conviction. It’s why we renamed our satnav ‘Naffsat’… Although our paper map also claimed the footpath was a road.
  • Hope For The Best: Plan For The Worst: When things go wrong on the road – and they definitely will – preparation is key. Carry spares of anything that is critical to your trip, be it a camera, phone, satnav, recovery equipment, or mechanical components for your vehicle. A spare phone that is ready to go with all your contacts, apps, passwords, and photos of key documents loaded could be a lifesaver. Remember the explorer’s adage: ‘Two is one and one is none.’
  • Lose Your Temper: Lose The Argument: This was one of my dad’s empirical truths. He was a mathematician, and his sanguine logic used to drive Mum mad. Obviously, Dad never lost an argument… However, during stressful situations on the road, keeping calm and problem-solving together is far more productive than yelling and finger pointing. When things go wrong, even if it is your companion’s fault, blaming and arguing won’t solve the problem. It simply delays the solution.
  1. Home Is Where You Park It: I’ve always been a restless soul. Although I lived in the house where I was born until I left for university, aged 17, I’ve never felt a strong connection to a particular place. I met Mark when I was 35, and had moved house 22 times! A fellow traveller once asked me, “What does home mean to you?” My answer, “It’s wherever Mark and The Fab Four, my four fur babies, are.” So, I really mean that Home is Where The Heart Is.

So, next time you hit the road with your loved ones, remember these wisdoms, and embrace the adventure that awaits.

And don’t forget to pack extra undies.

Trust me, you’ll thank me later!

Find Jackie’s books on Amazon:

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Jacqueline (Jackie) Lambert is an award-winning travel writer, adventure traveller, and dogmother, who loves history and curious facts.

BC (Before Canines) she rafted, rock-climbed, and backpacked around six of the seven continents. A passionate windsurfer and skier, she can fly a plane, has been bitten by a lion, and appeared on Japanese TV as a fire-eater.

AD (After Dog), she quit work in 2016 to hit the road permanently with her husband and four pooches. Initially, they were Adventure Caravanners, who aimed To Boldly Go Where No Van Has Gone Before.

Now, they’re at large in a self-converted six-wheel army lorry, with Mongolia in their sights.

All her books and the anthologies that include her travel stories are available on Amazon:



Photo: Mark, Jackie & The Fab Four with The Beast. Photo courtesy of @Liveration, who made a short film about the crew and their lifestyle on YouTube.


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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Happy Harry organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Barbara Lampert will award a $30 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to Enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Happy Harry

A Magical Golden

by Barbara Lampert



Genre: Dog Memoir


In her dog memoir Happy Harry: A Magical Golden, psychotherapist Barbara Lampert, a lifelong dog lover, tells the story of her beloved Golden Retriever, Harry. Like her first dog memoir, Harry’s story comes from her mostly uncensored daily journal and takes place in Malibu, California.

Harry was a genuinely free spirit – wild, and very wolf-like. Did all this contribute to his being exceptionally happy? Perhaps.

Harry was not only the happiest being Barbara’s ever known, happy to the very core of him, but also the bravest. More than once in his life, Harry had to face true adversity, and each time, Barbara would look at him in wonder, not fully understanding how a being could be so brave and at the same time continue to be so happy.

Harry literally pranced through life, with a joyous attitude that made being around him like magic. Barbara fell in love with Harry. And as you immerse yourself in Harry’s story, it’s likely you will too! Happy Harry is unforgettable!

Enjoy this peek inside:

Harry had a girlfriend for a while when he was about four or five years old. Probably for a couple of years. Oh he didn’t see her every day, but for that two year-or-so stretch maybe once or twice a week. …

Roxie, a one-year-old Yellow Lab – the taller, leaner hunting type – was beautiful, energetic, and happy. Just like Harry. Roxie lived a few miles from our house, on the Point in Malibu. …

When Harry knew he was going to see Roxie, he would get so excited. He would pant, start running around, tail up, and on the ride over he would stand or pace in the back seat the whole time. So eager, such joy. And when we got there, he would literally go flying out of the car, with David at the other end of the leash. Tail up, full steam ahead. And Roxie, being just a year old and still quite a playful puppy, would go equally berserk when she saw Harry. They would sniff and kiss each other through the openings in the fence. …

Sometimes they would chase each other or run together, with the fence between them. David would run with them, since he had Harry on the leash. A few times Roxie’s owner came out and opened the gate to let Harry and Roxie be together. More kissing, chasing, tails up, sniffing. Both not believing their good luck. Both always bursting with joy the whole time they were together. Such a sight. …

Barney didn’t get nearly as excited as Harry about Roxie and didn’t interfere in their relationship. This was Harry’s territory. And it appeared Roxie only had eyes for Harry. …

It was always difficult to leave, because the whole time we were there Harry and Roxie were inseparable. Whenever Roxie’s owner would come out, we’d talk and laugh about the two lovebirds. It was wonderful seeing Harry and Roxie so happy. How he loved her…

About the Author Barbara Lampert:


My passion is dogs! I’ve had dogs most of my life and hope to have at least one by my side always. Dog energy is the best!

I’m the author of two dog memoirs: Happy Harry: A Magical Golden and before that Charlie: A Love Story. Each about one of my Golden Retrievers. (I told you dogs are my passion!)

I’m a psychotherapist, licensed for over thirty years, specializing in relationships.

I was a flight attendant for nine years. And taught sociology at several universities. I have two master’s degrees and a doctorate.

Gardening is another love – not as much as dogs, but right up there! I see my garden as a work of art and garden as much as possible in my free time. I love being in nature.

I live in Malibu, California with my husband David and, you guessed it, our two wonderful Golden Retrievers, Oliver and Henry.

Author Links: Website / Amazon / Facebook 

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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Secrets Of A Gay Man Growing Up In The 1950s organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Jonathan Feinn will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Secrets Of A Gay Man Growing Up In The 1950s

By Jonathan Feinn



Genre: Memoir


The Blessing of Self -Acceptance


I decided to write my memoir when I reached my mid-eighties. Given the gift of longevity, I felt a strong need to review my life openly and to recall both the joyful moments as well as the days and nights of feeling anguish and hopelessness. Highlighting events and experiences in my life has given me the opportunity to better understand the emotional and physical cost over the years of denying the person I am and the pain of self-rejection.


Enjoy this peek inside:

My parents grew up in very different families. My paternal grandparents immigrated to America from the Ukraine when my father was only a year old. Grandma Sonia had been a victim during a pogrom and through the efforts of a cousin living in the United States, the family was able to come to America and settle in Chicago.


Neither of my grandparents spoke English but were fluent in Russian and Yiddish. They parented five sons one of whom had a very serious dysfluency and was thought to be retarded.  Given the lack of understanding and resources during his early childhood, he never received any specific help and suffered throughout his life from emotional problems. I don’t remember having much connection to him, but I was aware that Uncle Joe felt rejection from my father who was a lawyer and the youngest brother who was a doctor. I remember feeling, frightened as a young child when my father would yell at him. The oldest son was married and already had a son when I was born.


Three of the uncles lived in an apartment with my grandparents above ours in a two flat building. There was much tension between the brothers and throughout my childhood I have memories of yelling and screaming fights between the brothers. I felt somewhat closer to my uncle Jack who I remember sitting me on his lap when I was a young child and singing to me; ’Thai Thai tiddly tum’ I remember feeling safe with him.


Looking back, I realize my paternal grandparents were depressed. I never saw them affectionate with one another. Grandma Sonia had been raised in a family in Moscow with some financial means and had opportunities to be educated in the arts and dancing. My grandfather came from a religious but impoverished family in Odessa. Neither grandparent ever shared anything with me about their lives in Europe which saddens me. I realize how difficult and painful it would have been for them and of course, there was the language problem. From time to time when my parents were out for the evening my grandfather would be my ‘babysitter’. I was told when I grew older that one night when Grandpa Zelig was the sitter, my parents returned and found him fast asleep and snoring while I was up playing with my toys.


My parents spoke to my grandparents in Yiddish and as a child I wanted to understand what they were saying. Over time I began to develop a beginning understanding of Yiddish and knew a few expressions which I tried to speak to my grandfather.  He would always say ‘You American boy. NO speak Yiddish.’  In my adult years, I regret a missed opportunity to become a competent Yiddish speaker.


How difficult it must have been for my grandfather to support the family on a fish peddler’s income though the war years were hard financially for most people including my parents; my father did provide financial help to my grandparents in addition to supporting the four of us. Meanwhile grandmother Sonia Sarah had to adjust mealtimes to each of her son’s different schedules and preferences. She was very protective of her disabled son and on her death-bed begged family members to promise to care for him, Despite my uncle’s disability, he was able to work and live an independent life eventually getting married.


About Author Jonathan

Jonathan holds a Ph.D. from the University of Illinois and was trained to serve both as a teacher and administrator providing guidance to staff and to children and adolescents with identified emotional disturbance and behavior disorders. He has served as a consultant to differing programs in both public and private school settings and was the director of a high school off-campus learning center serving students who required part-time placement outside the main building.


He has held faculty positions at National College in Evanston, Illinois and Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania where he taught students studying for both Master’s degrees and state certification. Prior to his retirement, he taught gifted elementary students in a ‘pull-out’ program. He is currently retired and continues his love of travel. To date he has visited 22 countries where he developed meaningful and lasting friendships with people in differing settings throughout the world.




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