Archive for the ‘reviews’ Category


Book Details:
Book Title:  The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel (Between Two Worlds, Book 6) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction 18+, 340 pages
Genre: Women’s Literary Fiction
Publisher:  Evy Journey
Release date:  April 2, 2023
Content Rating:  PG: Some kissing, no bad language, no sex scenes


Book Description:

Clarissa, an Asian/Caucasian young woman has lived in seven different countries and has no lasting connection to any place. She thinks it’s time to settle somewhere she could eventually call home. But where?

She decides to live in the city of her birth. There, she joins a quest for the provenance of stolen illuminated manuscripts—a medieval art form that languished with the fifteenth-century invention of the printing press—hoping it would give her the sense of belonging she craves. But will it be enough?

For her, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.

The trail of the manuscripts leads to an American soldier who served in World War II. Clarissa is anxious to know what motivated him to steal and keep the artwork for fifty years. But instead of easy answers, she finds bigger questions.

Immersed in art, but naïve about life, she’s disheartened and disillusioned by the machinations the quest reveals of an esoteric, sometimes unscrupulous art world. What compels individuals to steal artworks, and conquerors to plunder them from the vanquished? Why do collectors buy artworks for hundreds of millions of dollars? Who decides the value of an art piece and how?

The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel is inspired by the actual theft of medieval manuscript illuminations during the second world war.

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Clarissa has lived in many places and now she’s trying to put down roots. This takes her back to the US, where she was born. Looking for a subject for her MA theses, she comes across an article in a art newspaper. It’s about illuminated manuscripts that were supposedly stolen during WWII and disappeared. Their reappearance raises many questions.

I’d not heard of illuminated manuscripts so I did a search to understand what they were. I got lost down the rabbit hole and quickly realized how this would be a great subject for Clarissa’s thesis. And how daunting the task would be to prove their authenticity and ownership. Of course, she’d need help and someone from her past is called upon to help. As Clarissa and Nathan dig deeper into the mystery of the manuscripts, their attraction to each other grows.

As much a mystery as a romance and a woman seeking a place to call home, The Golden Manuscripts was a fascinating and hopeful read.




Book Details:
Book Title:  The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel (Between Two Worlds, Book 6) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction 18+, 340 pages
Genre: Women’s Literary Fiction
Publisher:  Evy Journey
Release date:  April 2, 2023
Content Rating:  PG: Some kissing, no bad language, no sex scenes


Book Description:

Clarissa, an Asian/Caucasian young woman has lived in seven different countries and has no lasting connection to any place. She thinks it’s time to settle somewhere she could eventually call home. But where?

She decides to live in the city of her birth. There, she joins a quest for the provenance of stolen illuminated manuscripts—a medieval art form that languished with the fifteenth-century invention of the printing press—hoping it would give her the sense of belonging she craves. But will it be enough?

For her, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.

The trail of the manuscripts leads to an American soldier who served in World War II. Clarissa is anxious to know what motivated him to steal and keep the artwork for fifty years. But instead of easy answers, she finds bigger questions.

Immersed in art, but naïve about life, she’s disheartened and disillusioned by the machinations the quest reveals of an esoteric, sometimes unscrupulous art world. What compels individuals to steal artworks, and conquerors to plunder them from the vanquished? Why do collectors buy artworks for hundreds of millions of dollars? Who decides the value of an art piece and how?

The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel is inspired by the actual theft of medieval manuscript illuminations during the second world war.

Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N 
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the BETWEEN MONSTERS AND MARVELS by Alysa Wishingrad Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my Review and make sure to enter the giveaway!




by Alysa Wishingrad



Pub. Date: September 12, 2023

Publisher: HarperCollins

Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 400


Find it: Goodreads 


A standalone high-stakes middle grade fantasy by Alysa Wishingrad, author of the Junior
Library Guild Gold Standard selection The Verdigris Pawn.

Monsters are still lurking on Barrow’s Bay.

Dare Coates is sure of it. No drifter or ruffian could have killed her father, the Captain
of the Guard, while he was on patrol. But everyone insists that monsters have
been gone for years now. Dare’s mother. Her classmates. Even the governor, who
swiftly marries her mother just months after her father’s death.

Dare’s suspicions grow even stronger when the governor suddenly ships her off to the
mainland, away from any hope of uncovering the truth about her father’s death.

Or so she thinks. Soon Dare finds solid proof that monsters still exist and she starts to
question everything she’s always known. Was her father who she thought he was?
Who can she trust? Where is the line between good and evil?

The truth hides behind danger and deception. But with the help of an unlikely crew of
cohorts and a stray beastie, nothing can stop Dare from finding out what
happened to her father and exposing who the real monsters are.

Perfect for fans of Ellen Oh’s Spirit Hunters and Lauren Oliver’s The
Magnificent Monsters of Cedar Street.  




I loved, loved, loved this books. I loved Dare. She had so much to overcome. The mystery surrounding her father’s death. The mystery of the monsters. Are they responsible for his murder? Her mother remarries quickly and then she’s shipped off of the island. The only home she’s ever known. The mainland is now her home. It’s cold and dirty. And those monsters. She’ll have to be wary of the human ones too.

Dare was so brave and quick thinking. She didn’t always have all the answers but she didn’t act rashly. She also had some stalwart friends. I loved them too. And I don’t want to forget Beastie. I’ll leave that one for you to meet.

And I loved the monsters.  If you could imagine it, it was in this book. Deadly when riled. And they were armed with some formidable weapons and the fights were thrilling.

I don’t think I’ve ever read such a suspenseful story aimed at middle grade readers. I found myself leaning forward as I was reading some scenes. Just like I would if I was watching it on the TV.

Alysa Wishingrad is a new author for me and I can’t wait to go see what else she’s written.

I did mention that I loved this book, didn’t I?!





Enjoy this peek inside:

Dare Coates was an awful girl.

Everyone on Barrow’s Bay said so. The adults, hiding behind satin-gloved hands, whispered it through tight-lipped sneers. But the children said it out loud, every chance they got. On the streets, in class, and they were saying it now as Dare stalked out of the schoolhouse.


She didn’t even want to be in that pathetic Founder’s Day pageant, let alone play the monster. But then she’d be condemned to repeating the entire year’s lessons under the schoolmarm’s tutelage. There was awful, and then there was the unbearable.


Dare tried to lose Francis Cooper and the rest of the class as they trailed after her, slinging taunts and teases all the way through the center of town. She wound past the shops, around the gazebo on the village green, and even into the middle of the street, hoping to ditch them amid the passing carriages and wagons. And still she made no effort to conceal that her stockings were torn, her hair a tangle of knots, and the left sleeve of her favorite dress was ripped wide open. Instead, she kept her gaze pegged dead ahead and her upper lip fixed in a snarl, a warning to passersby to steer clear.

It’d always been easy enough to ignore them when they teased her that her hair wasn’t done in the latest style, for rescuing a spider from certain death at the hands of one of the boys, or for having no shame about speaking her mind. In fact, she went out of her way to be a walking affront to everything the GOOD people of Barrow’s Bay valued—beauty, conformity, and the sparkle of wealth. She was happy to be a thornbush among the lilies, for even the sharpest thorns serve a purpose. They’re a warning, protection. A defense.

And Dare was more than content to shine every one of her points and angles until they gleamed.


About Alysa Wishingrad:



fantastical stories for young readers, tales that ask; is the truth really
true? Her favorite stories are those that meld the historical with the
fantastic, and that find ways to shine a light on both the things that divide
and unite us all. The Verdigris Pawn, a Junior Library Guild Gold
Standard Selection, is her debut novel. Alysa lives in the Hudson Valley with
her family and two demanding rescue dogs. You can find her at www. or on Twitter at @awishingrad or Instagram at @alysawishingradwrites.

Sign up for Alysa’s newsletter! Scroll
to the bottom of the page.

Website | Twitter | Instagram | TikTok | Goodreads | Amazon



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2 winners will receive a finished copy of BETWEEN MONSTERS AND MARVELS Bookmarks and
stickers, US Only.

Ends October

3rd, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Interview/IG Post

Week Two:


Demigod’s Book Blog

Guest Post or Excerpt/IG Post


Two Chicks on

Guest Post or Excerpt/IG Post


#BRVL Book
Review Virginia Lee Blog

Guest Post or Excerpt/IG Post



TikTok Spotlight


Rajiv’s Reviews

Review/IG Post

Week Three:


Review Thick
And Thin

Review/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post


Lifestyle of



Country Mamas
With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Review

Week Four:



IG Review


Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post


for Insatiable Readers

Review/IG Post


One More

Review/IG Post



IG Review

Week Five:





The Momma Spot

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review


Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Litter organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Kevin R. Doyle will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Litter

by Kevin R. Doyle



Genre: Horror


They kept to the shadows so no one would know they existed, and preyed on the nameless who no one would miss. Where did they come from, and who was protecting them? In a city that had seen every kind of savagery, they were something new, something more than murderous. And one woman, who had thought she had lost everything there was to lose in life, would soon find that nothing could possibly prepare her for what would come when she entered their world.



Whoa. I’m a huge fan of horror. Been reading it and watching it since I was a youngster. I don’t expect the characters to always be well fleshed out as the author’s often kill them off quickly. And the plot doesn’t always have to be well written. I often read a scary book for easy, fast entertainment. Probably why I enjoy those B Movies so much.

What Kevin Doyle did with The Litter was immerse me in his story to where I had to remind myself it was just a book. Nothing bad was happening to me. It was that well written.

The title and cover promised that horror waited in the pages, and it did. As did the synopsis. Gruesome attacks, suspense around every corner and all the horror you could hope for. Whatever prowls the streets is hazardous to your health.

This was a straight through read for me and I read it at night. In the dark. The only light came from my eReader. What was that? Was there something creeping up behind me? The hairs stood up on my arms. Talk about a bad case of the heebie jeebies.



Enjoy this peek inside:

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Pam said.

“Still think it was a dog?” her partner asked.

“What else could it have been? It doesn’t take the ME over there to know that this guy’s been all chewed up.”

“What I’m getting at is it may not have been a single animal.”

“Come again? Are you thinking of a pack or something?”

“Well,” Gonzales said, “just looking at it . . .” He waved his arm in the direction of the mess on the pavement.

“That’s insane, Enrico. Who the hell ever heard of a pack of dogs attacking people in the middle of a city?”

“You ever hear of one dog doing anything that even remotely looks like that?”

“What about rats?” she asked the older cop, fearful he would laugh in her face.

“I actually thought of that myself for a moment there. It’s not the most far-fetched of possibilities.”


“Not at all. Once, I saw what was left of an old wino eaten by rats, back when I’d been on the force not much longer than you have. But that was a guy who’d crawled under the porch of a house, probably trying to escape the weather. Besides, long ago as it’s been, from what I remember, that body didn’t look anything like this.”

“No, huh?”

“Not really, no.  It looked more like he’d been nibbled on till he was worn down to practically nothing.”

Pam pointed towards the corpse.

“That’s not a bunch of nibbles,” she said.


About Author Kevin R. Doyle:


A retired high-school teacher and former college instructor, Kevin R. Doyle is the author of numerous short horror stories. He’s also written four crime thrillers including The Group and The Anchor, and one horror novel, The Litter. In the last few years, he’s begun working on the Sam Quinton private eye series, published by Camel Press. The first Quinton book, Squatter’s Rights, was nominated for the 2021 Shamus award for Best First PI Novel.  The fourth Sam Quinton book, Clean Win, was released in March of 2023.


Author Links: Website / Facebook / Goodreads


BUY LINKS: Amazon / B&N / Smashwords


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Reading, Read, Peaceful, Woman, Dusk, Outside, Outdoors

This is my own version of a weekly book haul and all things new on fuonlyknew.

Sunday Post

I’m also linking up with The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


Some chit chat.

I swear I just blinked and here it is almost October. Before you know it Christmas will be here. This whole year flew by for me. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time to stop ad smell the roses. Heck, they’re probably dead since I forgot to water them. LOL

The epidemic was traumatic and Covid hit me like a freight train. Took months to regain my strength and even longer to get my brain back in gear. I missed 2 years of doing my Chills And Thrills feature for October. But I’m back at it and have some scary good stuff to share. Get ready October. Here I come!!!!

I have some exciting reviews and giveaways to share. And some free books! Check it out below.

Looking forward to chatting with you and have a great new week!


Book News.

What I just finished. I’ll be sharing my reviews soon.


What I’m reading now.


What I’ll be reading next.



This week’s reviews.


Dead West by Linda L Richards  Things That Go Jack In The Night by TG Wolff  RECKONING by Baron Birtcher



Here are some FREEBIES for ya.

Click on the covers to get your copies. Remember to make sure they’re still free before you hit that buy button.

Too Many Crooks Spoil the Plot (A Ditie Brown Mystery Book 1)   

    Brick (The Inspector Braddick Series Book 1)

Snowed In at the Cottage: A Grumpy/Sunshine Christmas Romance (Santa's Radio Romance Book 1)  Peaks of Color: A Small Town Forced Proximity Romance (The Riggs Family Romance Series) 



Other posts on my blog this week.

Something Borrowed, Something 90% Dark ~ A Bean To Bar Mystery by Amber Royer

Killer Hooks ~ A Crochet Mystery by Betty Hechtman

Murder At The Elms ~ A Gilded Newport Mystery by Alyssa Maxwell

Voices of Cancer by Lynda Wolters ~ Excerpt And Giveaway

10 Dogs by Emily Gravett ~ Review And Giveaway

Reckoning by Baron Birtcher ~ Review And Giveaway

Midnight Quakes by C. S. Patra ~ Spotlight And Giveaway

What I See Is Love by Gabriella Fiorletta ~ Review And Giveaway

Books From The Back Log #86 ~ Dachshund Through The Snow

Root Of All Evil by Liz Milliron ~ Peek Inside And Giveaway

Sugar And Spice And All Those Lies by Evy Journey ~ Review And Giveaway

The Spirit Chaser ~ The Final Haunt by Kat Mayor

Reading, Writing, And Murder ~ A Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery by Brenda Whiteside And Joyce Proell

Secrets And Scallywags ~ The Magical Mystery Book Club by Elizabeth Pantley


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Book Details:
Book Title:  The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel (Between Two Worlds, Book 6) by Evy Journey
Category:  Adult Fiction 18+, 340 pages
Genre: Women’s Literary Fiction
Publisher:  Evy Journey
Release date:  April 2, 2023
Content Rating:  PG: Some kissing, no bad language, no sex scenes


Book Description:

Clarissa, an Asian/Caucasian young woman has lived in seven different countries and has no lasting connection to any place. She thinks it’s time to settle somewhere she could eventually call home. But where?

She decides to live in the city of her birth. There, she joins a quest for the provenance of stolen illuminated manuscripts—a medieval art form that languished with the fifteenth-century invention of the printing press—hoping it would give her the sense of belonging she craves. But will it be enough?

For her, these ancient manuscripts elicit cherished memories of children’s picture books her mother read to her, nourishing a passion for art.

The trail of the manuscripts leads to an American soldier who served in World War II. Clarissa is anxious to know what motivated him to steal and keep the artwork for fifty years. But instead of easy answers, she finds bigger questions.

Immersed in art, but naïve about life, she’s disheartened and disillusioned by the machinations the quest reveals of an esoteric, sometimes unscrupulous art world. What compels individuals to steal artworks, and conquerors to plunder them from the vanquished? Why do collectors buy artworks for hundreds of millions of dollars? Who decides the value of an art piece and how?

The Golden Manuscripts: A Novel is inspired by the actual theft of medieval manuscript illuminations during the second world war.

Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N 
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Book Details:

Book Title:  What I See is Love by Gabriella Fiorletta
Category:  Children’s Fiction (ages 3 to 7), 38 pages
Genre:  Children’s Book
Publisher:  Mascot Books
Release date:  August 8, 2023
Content Rating:  G.  This children’s book is for everyone.

Book Description:

In the daily rush to get to school and work, check the alerts on our phones, worry about scary monsters (AAAHHHH!), and keep up with our favorite shows, it can be easy to lose sight of the most important thing in life―love.

But from kindly crossing guards to thoughtful neighbors to our closest friends and family, love is everywhere. It’s in the smell of Mom’s freshly baked croissants. It’s in the wag of a dog’s tail. It’s in a teacher’s warm greeting at the schoolhouse. And it’s in a goodbye kiss from Dad as he makes his way to work.

​When the world sometimes feels uncertain and the sky feels gray, just look around and notice how love can melt your worries away.

Buy the Book:
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The title, What I See Is Love, is exactly what you’ll see in this precious children’s book.  A young girl starts each day with a delicious breakfast and a good morning kiss before being sent off to school. Her day is filled with acts of kindness and love from people she encounters up to and including bedtime. The illustrations are colorful and fun and show the many ways the little things can mean so much.

I came away from this feeling so good. So hopeful. And it made me think I should stop and smell the roses more often. Notice those small, everyday things that meant much more than I realized.

A treasure for kids and adults, this would be a perfect family read to enjoy over and over again.



Meet Author Gabriella Fiorletta:

Gabriella Fiorletta studied English literature at the University of South Florida. She is a former teacher, guidance counselor, and stay-at-home mom. When she is not reading a book to her three young children, you can find her enjoying the beaches of sunny Florida, cooking her favorite Italian meals, or planning her family’s next RV adventure. Writing a children’s book has been a dream of hers since she was a little girl. One night when she was tucking her daughter Charlotte into bed, she pointed to her mom’s heirloom necklace and said, “Mom, when I look at you, I see love.” With that, the foundation of Gabriella’s first children’s book was laid.

connect with the author: website ~ instagram goodreads

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What I See is Love Book Tour Giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

RECKONING by Baron Birtcher Banner

by Baron Birtcher
September 4 – 29, 2023 Virtual Book Tour


RECKONING by Baron Birtcher


Ty Dawson is a small-town sheriff with big-city problems, in this riveting crime thriller from the award-winning author of Fistful of Rain.


As lawman, rancher, and Korean War veteran, Ty Dawson has his share of problems in the southern Oregon county he calls home. Despite how rural it is, Meriwether can’t keep modernity at bay. The 1970s have changed the United States—and Meriwether won’t be spared. A standoff looms when the US Fish & Wildlife Service seeks to separate longtime cattleman KC Sheridan from his water supply—ensuring the death of his livestock. If that’s not enough trouble, a Portland detective is found dead in a fly-fishing resort cabin. Though the Portland police, including the victim’s own partner, are eager to write off the tragedy as a suicide, Ty has his own thoughts on the matter—as well as evidence that points to murder. His suspicions soon mire him in a swamp of corruption that threatens nearly everyone around him. Turns out that greed and evil are contagious—and they take down men both great and small . . .


“Combines the mystery and honesty of Craig Johnson’s Longmire with the first-person narration of a fiercely independent Oregon character.” ~ Sheila Deeth, author of John’s Joy “A masterful work of a time gone by . . . Ty Dawson is a cowboy, lawman, father and philosopher like none other.” ~ Neal Griffin, Los Angeles Times–bestselling author of The Burden of Proof “Outstanding… Readers will crave more from Dawson.” ~ Publishers Weekly


Book Details:

Genre: Neo-western crime thriller

Published by: Open Road Integrated Media Publication Date: June 2023 Number of Pages: 300 ISBN: 978-1-5040-8280-8 Series: Sheriff Ty Dawson Series, #3

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | Open Road Media



Corruption, murder and a standoff. Reckoning is just what the title says. And local rancher and sheriff Ty Dawson plans to deliver.

Ty did what I call ‘stand tall” against the powers that be that want to take, take, take. His conviction and honesty stood out among the wicked and he was going to make sure the innocent were protected and the guilty would face their comeuppance.  Every time he “spoke” in the book I perked up and paid attention. His voice was strong and he stood by what he said.

When a book gets me all riled up and I myself want to see justice done, that’s when I can’t recommend it enough.





Enjoy this peek inside:
NO CHILD IS brought into this world with any knowledge of true evil. This they learn over the passage of time. In my experience as a Sheriff, and as a rancher, I have found this precept to be true. Time passes nevertheless, even if it passes slowly. Here in rural southern Oregon, sometimes it seemed as if it hadn’t moved at all, advancing without touching Meriwether County, except with glancing blows. That is, until the day it caught up with us all, and came down like a goddamn hammer.


ORDINARILY, AUTUMN IN Meriwether County would come in hard and sudden, like a stone hurled through a window. But this year it snuck in slow and mild, lingered there deceitfully while we waited for the axe to come down. The sky that morning was turquoise, empty of clouds, the altitude strung with elongated V’s of migrating geese and a single contrail that resembled a surgical scar, the narrows between the high valley walls opening onto a broad vista of rangeland some distance below. I had expected ice patches to have formed on the pavement overnight, but the weather had remained stubbornly dry, even as temperatures closed in on the low thirties. I tipped open the wind-wing and let the chill air blow through the cab of my pickup as I stretched, and drank off the last dregs of coffee I had brought for the long southward drive from the town of Meridian. I had received a phone call at home the night before from an unusually distressed KC Sheridan. I had known KC for as long as I can remember, a pragmatic and taciturn cattleman whose family history in the area dated back to the late 1800s, much like that of my own. Three generations of Sheridans had stretched fence wire, planted feed-grass and run rough stock across deeded ranchland that measured its acreage in the tens of thousands, and whose boundaries straddled two separate counties, one of which was my jurisdiction. But the decade of the ’70s thus far had not been any kinder or gentler to cowboys than to anyone else, and KC and his wife, Irene, had found themselves increasingly subject to the fulminations and intimidation of both local and federal government. While the Sheridan ranch had once numbered itself among a dozen privately held agricultural properties in the region, KC now found himself surrounded on three sides by a federally designated wildlife refuge that had swollen to encompass well over three hundred square miles; a bird sanctuary originally conceived under the auspices of President Theodore Roosevelt’s white house. All of which would have been perfectly fine and acceptable to the Sheridan family, given the understanding that the scarce water supply that ultimately fed into the bird sanctuary belonged to the Sheridans by legal covenant, as it had for nearly a century. I turned off the paved two-lane and onto a gravel service road, headed in the direction of the ridgeline where KC sat silhouetted against the bright backdrop of clear sky, mounted astride his chestnut roping horse. KC climbed out of the saddle as I parked a short distance away, switched off the ignition and stepped down from my truck. KC trailed the horse behind him as he moved in my direction, took off his hat and ran a forearm across his brow, then pressed it back onto his head. His hair and his eyes shared a similar shade of gunmetal grey, and the hardscrabble nature of his existence as a rancher had been recorded in the deep lines of his face. “What the hell am I supposed to do about these goings-on, Sheriff?” KC asked, and cocked his brim in the general direction of a reservoir that was the size of a small mountain lake. Two men wearing construction hardhats were surveying a line on the near shore where a third man studied a roll of blueprints he had unfurled across the hood of his work truck. “Is that who I think it is?” I asked. “They aim to fence off my water. My cows won’t last a week in this weather.” “Have you talked to them, KC?” He nodded. “’Bout as useful as standing in a bucket and trying to lift yourself up by the handle. It’s the reason I finally called you, Ty. I didn’t know what else to do.” The vein on KC’s temple palpitated as he cut his eyes toward the foothills and spat. “I’ll have a word with them,” I said. “You wait here.” A wintry wind had begun to blow down from the pass, pushing channels through the dry grass and the sweet scents of juniper and scrub pine. A harrier swept down out of a cluster of black oaks and made a series of low passes across the flats. I averted my eyes as the sun glinted off the US Department of Fish & Wildlife shield affixed to the driver side door of a government-issue Chevy Suburban. The man studying the blueprints didn’t bother to lift his head or look at me as I stepped up beside him. “Care to tell me why you and your men are trespassing on private ranch land?” I asked. The man sighed, scrutinizing me over the frames of a pair of steel-rimmed reading glasses. He had a face that put me in mind of an apple carving, and a physique that resembled a burlap sack filled with claw hammers. “Who the hell are you now?” he asked. “Ty Dawson, Sheriff of Meriwether County. That’s the name of the county you’re standing in.” He took off his reading glasses and slipped them into his shirt pocket, hitched a work boot onto the Suburban’s bumper and offered me an approximation of a smile. “Well, Sheriff, I’m with Fish and Wildlife—that’s an agency of the federal government, as I’m sure you’re aware—and I have a work order that says I’m supposed to put up a fence. And that’s exactly what me and my crew are doing here.” I gestured upslope, where KC Sheridan stood watching us, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “You’re on that man’s private property,” I said. The government man made no move to acknowledge KC. “I don’t split hairs over those types of details, Sheriff. The work order I’ve got lays out the metes and bounds of the line, and me and my crew just install the fence where it says to. It ain’t brain surgery.” “Scoot over and let me have a look at that site map.” “I oughtta radio this in.” “You do whatever you think you need to,” I said. “But do it while I’m looking at your map.” He lifted his chin and looked as though he was conducting a dialogue with himself, then finally stepped to one side. I studied the blueprint for a few moments, looked out across the rock-studded range and got my bearings. “Looks to me like the boundary line for the bird refuge is at least a hundred yards to the other side of this reservoir,” I said. “Your map is mismarked.” “The agency doesn’t mismark maps, Sheriff.” “They sure as hell mismarked this one. You need to stop your work until this gets sorted out.” “That’s not going to happen.” “Care to repeat that? There’s clearly been a mistake.” “No mistake. You need to step away, Sheriff.” “Let me explain something to you,” I said, removing my sunglasses. “It’s the law in the State of Oregon that the water that comes up on Mr. Sheridan’s property belongs to Mr. Sheridan. Period. If you fence off his reservoir—especially this late in the season—you’re not only stealing his water, you’re murdering his herd.” The agency man lifted his foot off the bumper, set his feet wide and faced off with me. He slid both hands into the back pockets of his canvas overalls and rocked back on his heels. “Now it’s my turn to try to explain something to you, Sheriff: I been given a job to do, and I intend to do it. If you don’t walk away right this minute and leave me to it, I will be forced to radio this in. Long and the short of it is, the guys who will come out here after me will have badges, too. And their badges are bigger than yours.” “I won’t allow you to trespass onto private property, steal this man’s water and kill his livestock.” He glanced at his two crewmen staking the line then turned his attention back to me. “You going to arrest us?” he asked. “What is it with you agency people? Why is it that your first inclination is to slam the pedal all the way to the floor?” “When me and the boys come back out here, it won’t just be the three of us no more.” “I’m finished talking about this,” I said. “Pack up your gear and go.” I could feel his eyes boring holes into the back of my head as I picked my way back up the incline where Sheridan stood waiting for me. “I can tell by your stride that you had the same kind of dialogue experience I had with that fella,” KC said. “Bureaucrats with hardhats.” “I ain’t no cupcake, Dawson. But, you know that those sonsabitches have been tweaking my nose for years.” “Those men are part of a federal agency, KC, make no mistake. If you’re not careful, they’ll try to roll right over the top of you.” “What do you call what they’re doing right now? I don’t intend to lay down for it.” “I’m not saying you should.” “What, then?” “Get on the phone and call Judge Yates up in Salem,” I said. “Ask him if he can slap an injunction on these clowns until we get it sorted out.” Sheridan’s horse pinned back his ears and began to shuffle his forelegs, responding to the tone our conversation had taken. KC calmed the animal with a caress of its neck, dipped into the pocket of his wool coat, snapped off a few pieces of carrot and fed it to the gelding from the flat of his palm. “I’ll do it, Ty, but I swear to god—” “KC, you call me before you do anything else, you understand?” *** Excerpt from RECKONING by Baron Birtcher. Copyright 2023 by Baron Birtcher. Reproduced with permission from Baron Birtcher. All rights reserved.



About Author Baron R. Birtcher:
Baron Birtcher

Baron R Birtcher is the LA TIMES and IMBA BESTSELLING author of the hardboiled Mike Travis series (Roadhouse Blues, Ruby Tuesday, Angels Fall, and Hard Latitudes), the award-winning Ty Dawson series (South California Purples, Fistful Of Rain, and Reckoning), as well as the critically-lauded stand-alone, RAIN DOGS. Baron is a five-time winner of the SILVER FALCHION AWARD, and the WINNER of 2018’s Killer Nashville READERS CHOICE AWARD, as well as 2019’s BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR for Fistful Of Rain. He has also had the honor of having been named a finalist for the NERO AWARD, the LEFTY AWARD, the FOREWORD INDIE AWARD, the 2016 BEST BOOK AWARD, the Pacific Northwest’s regional SPOTTED OWL AWARD, and the CLAYMORE AWARD. Baron’s writing has been hailed as “The real deal” by Publishers Weekly; “Fast Paced and Engaging” by Booklist; and “Solid, Fluent and Thrilling” by Kirkus. “YOU WANT TO READ BIRTCHER’S BOOKS, THEN YOU WANT TO LIVE IN THEM” — Don Winslow, NYT Bestselling author “BIRTCHER IS PART POET, PART PHILOSOPHER, AND A CONSUMMATE WRITER” — Reed Farrel Coleman, NYT Bestselling author “REMINISCENT OF THE LATE, GREAT ELMORE LEONARD” — Shots Magazine (UK)

Catch Up With Baron Birtcher: Instagram – @baronrbirtcherauthor Facebook



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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the 10 DOGS by Emily Gravett Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.

Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:

Title: 10 DOGS

 by Emily Gravett



Pub. Date: September 19, 2023

Publisher: Boxer Books

Formats: Hardcover, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 32

Find it: Goodreads 


Award-winning, bestselling author and
illustrator Emily Gravett delivers a hilarious tale of mishap and mayhem as ten
dogs pursue a chain of sausage links in this early-learning picture book,
perfect for anyone looking for books for 3-year-olds and up.  

From dachshund to dalmation, every dog wants a piece of the prize. Follow this
high-stakes adventure as the scales tip from one dog with all the sausages and
nine dogs with none to nine dogs with all the sausages and one dog with none.
Will ten hungry dogs ever find a way to share ten tasty treats?

Gravett’s playful art and clever plot twists create page-turning suspense,
making this dog book perfect for repeat read-aloud fun.

This charming counting book is perfect for helping young readers learn about
sharing as well as how to countn to ten. Emily Gravett’s adorable dog art
makes 10 Dogs just as appealing to those looking for funny dog
books as it is for anyone searching for kids books for ages 3—5.




Oh, what a fun book about counting!  I love dogs and sausages and the book is filled with fun, cute illustrations of dogs and what they do with the sausages. Ten sausages sitting on the kitchen table, unsupervised. Ten hungry dogs, drooling. As you can imagine, they cause a mess.

It’s all about counting and is such a delightful way to learn as your child finds which dogs have sausages, how many and which have none. Warning: some sausages are hidden by sneaky dogs. And so many different dogs too.

Picture you and your family huddled together as you count along. I was grinning ear to ear while turning each page and very much recommend this book to all families.





About Author Emily Gravett:



Emily Gravett is the two-time winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal
for Wolves and Little Mouse’s Big Book of Fears.
Her internationally award-winning picture books include Meerkat MailTidy, and Old
. She has illustrated bestselling fiction, including Matt Haig’s Evie
and the Animals
 and a recent full-color edition of Quidditch
Through the Ages

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1 winner will receive a finished copy of 10 DOGS, US Only.

Ends September 26th, midnight EST.


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Things That Go Jack In The Night
by TG Wolff
September 11-15, 2023 Virtual Book Tour


Things That Go Jack In The Night by TG Wolff


Mysteries To Die For: Season 6

In the English language, there are a few, very special words that can function as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. One word goes further, creating new words from old. That word is JACK. The brandy distilled from hard cider was the first applejack, the word now synonymous with a children’s cereal. There is the nefarious one-eyed jack of playing card fame. Animals from the jackdaw to the jackrabbit to the elusive jackalope roam all the ranges. There are the ever growing number of people named Jack, birth named or nicknamed, heroes to villains. The way the word “jack” is used in the English language is truly unique, inventive, and too numerous for us to count. For your puzzle solving pleasure, Mysteries to Die For presents: Things That Go Jack in the Night. Pepper jack cheese. Lumberjack. Wolfman Jack. Jack be Nimble. One-eyed Jack. Jackass. Jacking Off. Jackalope. Jack-in-the-box. Jackknife. Jackpot. Audio jack. Twelve stories arranged for you to deduce the truth. Twelve “jacks” that should definitely not be taken at face value. It’s a race between you and the detective to find the killer amid the jack in the night.



I love a good mystery and there were many good ones in Things That Go Jack In The Night. And collections are a fun way to discover new authors, as are short stories. The author’s are challenged to develop their characters and plot in a limited amount of words.

I zipped through these. What I found most fun was the opportunity to try the solve each case myself. There’s a recap provided giving you the list of suspects and why they might have come under suspicion. Most of the time I chuckled and shook my head. I was wrong the majority of the time. I did manage to guess one right and came close a couple more.

If you like to test your brain pan and try to solve a mystery, there’s plenty to go around in this collection. You can read a few and take a break, or read them all in one sitting, which is what I did. Was having such fun trying to guess the villains that I didn’t want to stop.





Book Details:

Genre: Mystery, Short Story

Published by: Mysteries To Die For Publication Date: September 2023 Number of Pages: 288

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | Mysteries to Die For


About Our Authors:

TG Wolff and Jack Wolff co-host the podcast Mysteries to Die For. This storytelling podcast combines with original music to put you in the heart of a mystery. All stories are structured to challenge you to beat the detective to the solution. Each season, authors craft whodunnit mysteries around a theme. Season 6: Things that Go Jack in the Night features: KM Rockwood, Chuck Brownman, Nikki Knight, Ed Teja, Erica Obey, Kyra Jacobs, Ken Harris, Susan Wingate, TG Wolff, and Jack Wolff.

Get More Mysteries to Die For: Mysteries to Die For Goodreads BookBub – @TG_Wolff Instagram – @tg_wolff Twitter – @tg_wolff Facebook – M2D4Podcast



Tour Participants:

Visit these other great hosts on this tour for more great reviews and opportunities to WIN in the giveaway!  



This is a giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Tours for TG Wolff & the Mysteries to Die For crew. See the widget for entry terms and conditions. Void where prohibited.




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