Archive for the ‘Trailer’ Category

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Are you ready for the launch of Carlie’s newest book, Heart Search: Book Two, Found?

It’s that time and I have some goodies for you.

This is going to be such a fun tour. So much more is coming!

First, feast your eyes on her cover art. I believe she has a signature for her covers now. Further down in my post you can see the cover art for Heart Search:Book One,  Lost and you’ll see what I mean.

Heart Search: Found, Book II


One bite started it all . . .

Another mysterious disappearance sparks a frightening chain of events for Remy and her family. Events foretold come to pass, and more strange and alarming occurrences assail her life. Where can she turn?

Coven politics continue to threaten Joshua’s existence, but an even bigger menace looms . . .

And Remy’s life hangs in the balance – can Joshua save her?

Fate still toys with mortals and immortals alike, as hearts torn apart by darkness confront perils which could lead to their doom.


Heart Search: Found is now available to purchase!

Amazon US / Amazon UK


Check out the new trailer!

Carlie has done something incredible!

You’re going to want to run right over and get this book. Just sayin!






Carlie M A Cullen

Carlie M A Cullen was born in London. She grew up in Hertfordshire where she first discovered her love of books and writing. She has been an administrator and marketer all her working life and was also a professional teacher of Ballroom and Latin American dancing until recently.

She has always written in some form or another, but Heart Search: Lost is her first novel. This was launched 8th October 2012 through Myrddin Publishing Group and book two, Heart Search: Found, is due out early July 2013. She writes mainly in the Fantasy/Paranormal Romance genres for YA, New Adult and Adult.

Carlie is also a professional editor.

Carlie also holds the reins of a writing group called Writebulb. Their first anthology, The Other Way Is Essex, was published September 2012 under Myrddin Publishing Group. Their second anthology is in editing.

Carlie currently lives in Essex, UK with her daughter.

You can find Carlie M. A. Cullen at the links below:


I’ve read Heart Search, Book One: Lost and loved it!

Heart Search: Lost (Heart Search, #1)


Go here to read my 5 Star Review


Stay tuned for more fun and exciting things to come as the tour continues!

Check out these others wonderful bloggers participating in the tour.

Tour host’s:

Sherry Fundin

Joy Keeney

Donna L Sadd

Michelle Birbeck

We will be revealing more about Carlie’s new release with inerviews, reviews and exclusive excerpts

Come join the fun and help spread the word!

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png

Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


The Dark Horde


* Indie Excellence Awards 2013 – Finalist (Horror) *

* Indie Excellence Awards 2013 – Finalist (Thriller) *

* Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards 2012 – Honorable Mention (Genre Fiction) *

* Coffin Hop Flash Fiction Contest 2012 – First Place *


1989, rural Victoria, Australia. Something is preying upon the township of Howqua Hills. Brian Derwent, head of the local Police Station, must simultaneously grapple with the investigation, his disintegrating personal life and unseen forces that are not of this world.

Part thriller, part crime-fiction, all supernatural horror, The Dark Horde tells of the return of an ancient evil that is neither stoppable nor comprehensible…


I’ve already reviewed The Dark Horde but am reposting it here for your convenience.

From the opening page to the horror driven end, this story had me riveted.

Howqua Hills is under siege by something. Monster, demon, alien, or creature from another dimension, who knows? They have been waiting, but no more. Out of the shadows they come, the Dark Horde.  Hungry for flesh, they thrill to feel our terror and revel in our pain. Want a taste?

“The beast had an acute sense of smell, enabling it to smell the raw terror in the sweat of its quarry. The smell of this human was strong, indulging its senses with delectable wafts. Hungry for the kill, it gripped the wooden handle of the trap door and slowly teased it open. The shrieking cry of its hinges rang out, enhancing the fear of the cornered prey…It entered, scraping its clawed feet across each wooden step with calculated intent to terrify… Two down, one to go.”

The action is intense and relentless and the creatures are absolutely terrifying. Want a bit more?

“It glared at them with red, hate-filled eyes the shape of swollen slits as its bloodied snout curled to reveal a chaotic array of sharpened teeth. It grinned.”

Able to manipulate our minds, they invade our dreams with heart-stopping nightmares. I was worried they would invade my dreams. I read this book in one sitting and finished in the wee hours. Maybe it was because I was sleep deprived, but I didn’t remember dreaming. However, there are many more nights to come.

Brewin’ is a master at making you afraid of the dark. I suggest you sleep with a flashlight!

5 Stars


For a limited time, you can get The Dark Horde for only 99cents and free for amazon prime members!

I loved this book and this is a steal!

Get yours here.

About Brewin’

Brewin’ knew he wanted to be a writer when he was only seven and that has shaped his life. A gift from his brothers of a Role Playing Game Book was a pivotal moment in his life. Game books(along with role-playing games) made him the writer he is today. The last third of his first published novel, Evermore: An Introduction, is a choose-your-own-adventure and his second novel, The Dark Horde, has one of the characters from Evermore in it. For more about Brewin’ and his work visit:

Do you have your flashlight handy?

sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png

Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


I’ve found a goodie for today!




JEZEBEL—a Thriller Novel

Sleep Lightly Tonight, America…JEZEBEL is on the

In Jezebel: a madman has come to town seeking a diabolical revenge
and large dogs begin attacking their masters for no apparent reason and with
heinous results.

Animal Control Director Tony Parker must find out why
and stop the murderous attacks. Meanwhile, Jezebel, a huge black Great Dane has
killed her master and is loose, terrorizing the city and stalking Parker and his
family. Parker and Sarah Hill, his beautiful and seductive young assistant,
attempt to unravel the mystery and stop the terrible carnage while dealing with
their own demons and lusty desires.

The attacks must be stopped. Jezebel
must be found-and soon, you see—there is one other complication. Parker seems to
have come down with an annoying little virus. No, it’s not one of those
irritating summer colds. It’s certain death.

She’s a murderess, huge and
black as a hell-bound night.

Beware, Jezebel is on the loose!


Makes you look at your dog a little bit differently!

sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png

Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


It looks like I’ll be waiting a little bit longer for the second book in the Wormwood Series.

So, I thought I’d revisit Book One and share with you how much I loved it!



If you’ve read my review and interview, you know how much I loved this book.

You can  go here  to read my review and interview with D.H. Nevins.

Please enjoy this special treat!


I try not to use the book blurbs in my reviews. I prefer to tell you about the synopsis in my own words and emotions. I am going to post it here, because I want you to see how well the trailer represents the story.

Book Blurb

Against a devastated landscape, a legion of one hundred fierce half-angels is hell-bent on purging the Earth of all humans. But one of them, the tormented Tiamat, struggles against his mission, and when he rescues a beautiful woman named Kali, he finds the attraction as troubling as it is miraculous. Can Kali trust the one creature who could be responsible for her ultimate demise?

Beautifully written and excitingly told, Wormwood creates a world that is as strange as it is compelling.  Filled with brilliantly executed twists and turns on every page that are guaranteed to keep you guessing, Wormwood is one of the most exciting debuts of the year.

Great blurb, eh? Well, the book is filled with so much more. If you want to experience this adventure for yourself, you can get your own copy here for only 99 cents! You are in for an absorbing, tumultuous story.

Even better, there will be two more books in this series. Book Two takes place exactly where Wormwood left off.

D. H. Nevins is writing as fast as she can! I am happy to wait, as I know from her writing, it will be worth the wait.

My rating for Wormwood: Beyond 5 STARS I am still feeling the story.

D.H. Nevins is part of an awesome event.


Modern Good Reads Presents:

Membership Drive and Official Giveaway

May 29th thru June 2nd.

Amazon Freebies. Signed Copies. Books given away daily!

And Wormwood is one of them!

Check it out and enter to win some fantastic books on her blog here!


For more about D.H. Nevins and her writing:





sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png


Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies and fun stuff.


What if mermaids were real?

Wouldn’t that be awesome.

Here’s a trailer from The Discovery Channel.


And here is one of my favorite scenes!


Go here to watch more amazing video footage


Coming May 26th to The Discovery Channel..

I have a secret. I come from a long line of mermaids.

That’s why I live within spitting distance of the ocean!

The next time you take a dip, look behind you:)


sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png


Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies.

There just aren’t many movies about Gargoyles out there.

Sure, you can catch some on the SyFy Channel. But. I’m always disappointed in the cheesy CG creatures.

My favorite gargoyle movie is from 1972.

I know, you can tell it’s a costume, but the same could be said for The Creature From The Black Lagoon, and I loved that movie too.






Do you have a favorite Gargoyle film or book?

Let me know. I’m always looking for something new.

sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png


Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies.

Today’s trailer is the 100 greatest horror movie quotes of all time!

Have you seen it yet?

Test your memory. See if you recognize the quotes.

Can you name the movies?




Right off I recognized Bruce!!

I loved this. I was able to name all but two of the movies.

How did you do?

sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

theatre stage photo: Theatre Stage TheatreStage.png


Welcome to Thursday Theatre

Here is where I’ll be posting video clips about books and movies.

Today’s trailer is from the movie THE PURGE!

Have you seen it yet?

This is one you’ll want to go see on the big screen.

What a rush!




I could see this happening in the future.

Don’t laugh.

There are a lot of things we see all time, that years ago we wouldn’t have imagined.

Just sayin!

sign the end photo: The End the_end_sign_webpic.jpg

I like this idea by Netflix. Everyone else is doing a series, why not them.

Hemlock Grove is intriguing and keeps you wondering. Is he this or not? What is this guy? And I wonder what she is.

Check out the trailer.

If you have Netflix, you can now catch the complete series.


Looks mysterious doesn’t it?

I’m over two-thirds of the way thru this series and I’m still unsure about what a character or two is.

While it seems to be lagging a bit now, I think it may be because I watched too many episodes without a break.

I plan on finishing this series tonight and really looking forward to it.

One thing I wanted to mention. The werewolf transformation was amazing. One of the best. And an interesting scene after the person was completely transformed. Never seen that before!

Let me know what you think when you’re finished watching it.

Jack Templar and the Monster Hunter Academy (Book 2)

After barely surviving the onslaught of monsters that tried to kill him the day before his fourteenth birthday, Jack Templar leaves his hometown on a quest to rescue his father and discover the truth about his past. Joined by his friends Will and T-Rex, and led by Eva, the mysterious one-handed monster hunter, Jack sets out for the Monster Hunter Academy where he hopes to find answers to his questions. Little does he suspect that the Academy is filled with dangers of its own, many of them more terrifying than anything he’s faced so far.

It’s a blast! Keep reading for more about Jack. But beware. There be monsters!
And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!

Yeah, you read it right. I’m a monster hunter. Back before I actually became one, I would have thought that sounded totally awesome. And don’t get me wrong, in a lot of ways it is. But most of the time, I’m either running for my life or hiding in the shadows, praying the monster chasing me doesn’t pick up my scent. And I’m almost always scared to death. In a few pages, I think you’ll see why.

But there are a few things I need to warn you about before I tell you my story.

First, this isn’t a cartoon. These are bloodthirsty creatures who will stop at nothing to kill. They are scary. Very scary. Second, the only way to stop them is to kill them first…and that gets gross and messy. Third, this is all real.

You think I’m kidding, don’t you? I can almost see you smirking as you read this. But this isn’t a joke. Monsters are real and the story I’m about to tell you really happened. If you’d rather walk through life believing that monsters are only found in books or on the movie screen, then you should shut this book right now and go do something else.

I give you these warnings because the story I’m about to tell you isn’t for everyone. Not everyone can handle it. The blood. The gore. The monsters.

This life was thrust onto me. I had no choice but to take up a sword and fight. But you can still walk away and pretend this dark world doesn’t exist. Or you can walk through the door that I’m about to open and find out the truth about the world around you.

But I warn you (and this is a big warning), if you read this book, if you learn about the monsters that roam among us and the hunters who fight them, if you decide to learn the truth, then you will become fair game for the monsters to chase.

Make sure you understand what I’m saying.

If you read this book, you will be part of this world and the monsters will come after you too. You will start to see things that no other humans can see. The shadows will move when you walk near them. The creatures of the night will seek you out, testing the doors and windows of your house, looking for a way in.

And, at some point, they will find you, just like they found me, and you will be forced to defend yourself.

So, think carefully before you turn the page, because once you do, there’s no turning back.


Once a monster hunter, always a monster hunter.

See you on the other side.

If you’re brave enough.

Jack Templar: Monster Hunter

Orphan Jack Templar has no memory of his parents and only the smallest details from his Aunt Sophie about how they died. The day before Jack’s fourteenth birthday, things start to change for him. At first it’s great: A sudden new strength helps him defend his nose-picking friend “T-Rex” from the school bully, and even his crush, Cindy Adams, takes notice. But then a mysterious girl named Eva arrives and tells him two facts that will change his life forever. First, that he’s the descendent of a long line of monster hunters and he’s destined to be in the family business. Second, that there’s a truce between man and monster that children are off-limits…until their fourteenth birthday! Jack has only one day before hundreds of monsters will descend on his little town of Sunnyvale and try to kill him.

As if that weren’t enough, things get even more complicated when Jack discovers that the Lord of the Creach (as the monsters are collectively known) holds a personal grudge against him and will do anything to see that Jack has a slow and painful death. To stay alive and save his friends, Jack will have to battle werewolves, vampires, harpies, trolls, zombies and more. But perhaps the most dangerous thing he must face is the truth about his past. Why do the other hunters call him the last Templar? Why do they whisper that he may be the “One?” Why do the monsters want him dead so badly? Even as these questions plague him, he quickly discovers survival is his new full-time job and that in the world of monster hunters, nothing is really what it seems.

Jack Templar Monster Hunter was chosen as a Book of the Year Finalist by Foreword Reviews.

Praise for Book One: Jack Templar Monster Hunter


Gunhus brings young readers a monster-filled romp to read at their own risk. In the first few pages, Jack, the storyteller and main character, warns readers not to read about these real-world monsters that would seem to only exist in fiction. The tone is set–sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek and likable; rooting for Jack is easy…Gunhus masterfully introduces fully realized characters with whom readers can connect almost instantly. The pacing is quick but not rushed, and events seamlessly progress, complete with action, cliff-hangers and surprise reveals. ” – Kirkus Reviews
The action starts right from the first chapter and doesn’t let up until the book ends. This is the first book in a series, and I look forward to reading the rest of them.” -The DMS 

Jeff Gunhus has made a terrific fast paced fantasy. I even wanted to bolt my doors and lock my windows! Five stars for the best book of the year.” -Elizabeth A. Bolt
Everything in this book was something a reader could love – action, adventure, mythical creatures, mystery and even a touch of romance. Not bad for fourteen-year-old Jack Templar. There were so many messages to take from this book – messages of love, self-sacrifice, faith and and having the belief that you can be so much more than you are if you just believed. The words poured from the page and I just couldn’t help lapping them up.” -Sandy @ Magical Manuscripts

This was fun read with non-stop adventure. Reminiscent of Percy Jackson and Harry Potter, Gunhus creates an interesting world and characters that are easy to root for. Very good pace, lots of fun and a solid start. Already anticipating the next story!” -M. Profant



Book Trailer



Author Jeff Gunhus

Jeff Gunhus grew up in Cyprus, Greece, and Saudi Arabia where there was a distinct lack of television. He quickly found books were the gateway to incredible adventures, fascinating characters and unbelievable discoveries. Now, with five children of his own (all who watch too much television, in his opinion), he has enjoyed revisiting his old books and reliving those adventures all over again.



Book Blast $50 Giveaway

Ends 4/19/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For all of my giveaways go here.