Posts Tagged ‘Horror’


Welcome to my spot on the THE NASTY: The Complete Series by John Lees & Adam Cahoon Blog Tour
hosted by 
Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!



THE NASTY: The Complete Series

Authors: John Lees & Adam Cahoon (Illustrator)



Pub. Date: May 28, 2024

Publisher: Vault Comics

Formats:  Paperback, eBook

Pages: 200


Find it: Goodreads


The Ring meets Empire Records in THE NASTY, a
coming-of-age horror story splattered with dark comedy, as a group of horror
movie-loving teens bites off more than they can handle when the most
sought-after video nasty ever slips through their fingers, and they are forced
to film their own video nasty slasher movie – where evil,
screams, and nightmares bleed into reality

Keep telling yourself: “IT’S ONLY A MOVIE!!!
Isn’t it?

Scotland, 1994.
Eighteen-year-old Graeme “Thumper” Connell still has an imaginary friend: the
masked killer from his favorite slasher film. Thumper is obsessed with horror
and always has been. He fills his time with scary VHS rentals and hanging out
with his friends and fellow fans, The Murder Club. But everything changes when
his local video shop acquires one of the notorious films known as “video
nasties” — films so scary they’re the target of the British Moral Decency
League’s crusade to ban and burn.
But it’s only a movie, right?
It’s all just imaginary, isn’t it?

The Nasty is a story about the perception of evil, the power
of genre, the love of fandom, the need to create art, oh, and crap-your-pants
TERROR! Become a bonafide member of The Murder Club: pick up this book!

For fans of Stranger ThingsStand By Me, IT, The Monster
Donnie Darko,Empire RecordsMy Best
Friend’s Exorcism 
and other books by Grady Hendrix, fans of Stephen
King and Neil Gaiman, Little Monsters (Jeff Lemire &
Dustin Nguyen), The Closet (James Tynion IV), The Me
You Love in the Dark
 (Skottie Young & Jorge Corona), Giant
Afterlife With Archie, Killadelphia (Rodney Barnes
& Jason Shawn Alexander), and Proctor Valley Road.

Horror Comics To Watch For in 2023 – Fangoria

“There is no other title I have been more excited about than this because it is
a love letter to horror while tackling the conservatism we are seeing rise in
pop culture today…” – Fangoria

“The Nasty is a bloody valentine to slashers and the outsiders who
love them.”– AIPT

The Nasty is a love letter to slasher flicks and a
generation of kids who loved them. Tender, funny, surprising, endearing, with
an emerging horrific twist. We had Faces of Death as the taboo
underground horror tape that was whispered about but it wasn’t cursed. The
 takes a fun nostalgic trip down memory lane and elevates it to a
new level of horror. – Lotusland Comics



I’ve been into the graphic novels for a while now and this is a fun one. Creepy story. Check. Interesting characters. Check. Plenty of horror and some comedy thrown in. Check. And awesome artwork. Check.

The plot was right up my alley. Being big on horror, it would have been a dream come true to make one of my own. But, I have to be satisfied with reading about these characters and the making of their horror movie.

A wild read from start to finish. My first by John Lees and Adam Cahoon and it didn’t disappoint.














About John Lees:



John Lees is an award-winning comic book writer from Glasgow, Scotland. He is
best known for his work on acclaimed horror series AND THEN EMILY WAS
, with artist Iain Laurie, and hard-boiled Glasgow crime saga SINK,
drawn by frequent collaborator Alex Cormack. Currently, Lees is the co-creator
and writer of THE NASTY from Vault Comics. John’s other credits include
superhero drama THE STANDARD, serial killer thriller OXYMORON:
 psychedelic nightmare quest QUILTE, and
latest projects are MOUNTAINHEAD, a snow-
swept thriller from IDW Publishing, working with artist Ryan Lee, and HOTELL,
a horror anthology series from AWA Upshot, featuring artist Dalibor Talajic.

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About Adam Cahoon:

Tuffs, Origin House: Spa and Retreat, and Anomaly, as well as
his design work with Second Rocket Comics. His other credits include the fan
comic Silver Surfer Grey, and the forth-coming I Was A
Teenage Ghost Rider
. He has design work as well as short comics in the
forthcoming books Everything Is Different Now from Justin
Richards, Morsels by J Donahue, and Dead Blood by
DB Andry.

Website | Twitter | Instagram





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2 winners
will receive finished copies of THE NASTY: The Complete Series, US Only.

Ends June25th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post


The Momma Spot






and Ice Reads

Excerpt/IG Post



Interview Adam Cahoon/IG Post


Writer of Wrongs


Week Two:



IG Review



IG Review


Comic Book Yeti

Interview John Lees/X Post


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review



IG Review

Week Three:


Books and Zebras

IG Review


The Book Critic

Review/IG Post





Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post





Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Review/TikTok Post


A Blue Box Full of Books

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post

Week Four:



IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Two Points of Interest

Review/IG Post


Lifestyle of Me




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.




by Vanessa Morgan


Publication date: March 1st 2018
Genres: Adult, Supernatural, Thriller

Clervaux, Luxembourg. This secluded, picturesque town in the middle of Europe is home to more cats than people. For years, tourists have flocked to this place – also known as “cat haven” – to meet the cats and buy cat-related souvenirs.

When Aidan, Jess and their five-year-old daughter, Eleonore, move from America to Clervaux, it seems as if they’ve arrived in paradise. It soon becomes evident, though, that the inhabitants’ adoration of their cats is unhealthy. According to a local legend, each time a cat dies, nine human lives are taken as a punishment. To tourists, these tales are supernatural folklore, created to frighten children on cold winter nights. But for the inhabitants of Clervaux, the danger is horrifyingly real.

Initially, Aidan and Jess regard this as local superstition, but when Jess runs over a cat after a night on the town, people start dying, one by one, and each time it happens, a clowder of cats can be seen roaming the premises.

Are they falling victim to the collective paranoia infecting the entire town? Or is something unspeakably evil waiting for them?

Their move to Europe may just have been the worst decision they ever made.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble


FREE for a limited time only!



They say cats have nine lives. What that means in the lovely isolated town of Clervaux, Luxemburg is they take nine. That’s right. When a cat dies, nine human lives are taken.

When an American family moves to Clervaux, they believe the legend is just that, a legend. But then a cat is killed and not long after someone dies. One down, eight to go.

This started out so hopeful. A scenic little town, friendly inhabitants, and lots of cats. But slowly, the atmosphere darkens. Strange noises are heard. Something prowls in the house at night. Claws click across the floor. Food disappears, Shadows hide a hunched over figure. And the friendly neighbors become not so friendly. Sounds like a good movie, doesn’t it? Thanks to the author’s talent for showing the story, it felt like I was watching it.

It takes a lot to give me the creeps. I’ve read a bunch of horror stories and watched lots of movies. A few scenes in this book are so creeptastic! There’s this scene where something is stalking the next victim. It moves boldly through the crowd of tourists. They think it’s part of something put on to entertain and take pictures of it, even as it attacks. I’d like to think I’d know the difference. I read it over again and still got creeped out.

Soft kitty. Warm kitty. Little ball of fur….. Not!



Enjoy this peek inside:

“Who is she?” Eleonore asked when Jess drove her to school Friday morning.

“Who’s who?” Jess countered, not sure what her daughter was talking about.

“The girl. The one who’s always watching us.”

“No one’s watching us,” Jess said.

“Yes, there is. All the girls in my baking class say the same.”

Normally, Jess wouldn’t have put much thought into such a remark – children can say weird things sometimes. But now it seemed Eleonore might be right. Jess felt like there was indeed someone watching them, no matter what they were doing.

She felt it everywhere she went. When she took Eleonore to baking class, when she was lying in bed at night, even in the shops. But not all the time.

Some of the time.

More often than not, everything seemed normal, and then all of a sudden, she felt as if someone was checking up on her. Sometimes it was only briefly, like a minute or so, but at other times, she could feel it for several hours.

Sometimes she could feel it on the streets.

But mostly at home.

And never outside Clervaux.

You’re imagining things, she told herself.

In fact, every day since she’d arrived in Europe, it had gotten worse. More and more, she’d get that tingly feeling, and know that someone behind her was watching her. She’d try to ignore it, tried to resist the urge to look over her shoulder, but eventually the hair on the back of her neck would stand up, and the tingling would turn into a chill, and finally, she’d turn around.

And nobody would be there.

Nobody, except for the cats. The sight of cats waddling along the pavement had never seemed eerie to her, but the fact that they were always there, no matter where she was – on the sidewalk, at the main square, in a café, in the forest – made her skin crawl.

Whenever she was running errands in Clervaux, she kept looking into store windows, but it wasn’t the merchandise she was looking at; it was the reflection in the glass.

The reflection of something sinister watching her.

Sometimes she could have sworn she saw something. The reflection of a small, squatting figure. But then she glanced over her shoulder and all she could see once more were the cats of Clervaux staring back at her.

She decided to not let her imagination get to her, to resist the urge to glance over her shoulder every few seconds.

And then her daughter muttered the words, “Who is she? The girl. The one who’s always watching us,” and the paranoia tightened its grip on her once more.



About Author Vanessa Morgan:

Vanessa Morgan is the editor of the movie reference guides When Animals Attack: The 70 Best Horror Movies with Killer Animals, Strange Blood: 71 Essays on Offbeat and Underrated Vampire Movies, and Evil Seeds: The Ultimate Movie Guide to Villainous Children. She also has had one cat book (Avalon) and four supernatural thrillers (Drowned Sorrow, The Strangers Outside, A Good Man, and Clowders) published. Three of her stories have been turned into movies. She has written for myriad Belgian magazines and newspapers and introduces movie screenings at several European film festivals. She is also a programmer for the Offscreen Film Festival in Belgium. When she’s not working on her latest book, you can find her reading, watching movies, eating out, or photographing felines for her blog Traveling Cats.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Pinterest / Amazon


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Lost in the wilderness, a desolate barracks becomes a perilous attraction for risk-seekers drawn to the heart of nowhere, as a ruthless gang turns the abandoned settlement into a deadly trap with escalating provocations and brutal violence.


Urbex Predator

by Jen Boele

Publication Date: February 4, 2024

Pages: 394

Genre: Horror / Thriller

A relic from
the Cold War, the old barracks beckon photographers, influencers, and
adventurers, shrouded in secrets and peril. Nela and Tess dare the eerie
ruins for their photography thesis, while Zander, Yelka, Vivien, and
Damon embark on a simultaneous shoot. Amid the abandoned shadows,
Yelka’s group runs into Steven and his ruthless gang, initially
outsmarting them. Yet, Nela and Tess fall victim to a nightfall ambush,
escaping but torn apart. As adrenaline courses through the gang, they
stalk Yelka and her friends, unleashing a relentless manhunt. Vivien
becomes their captive, setting off a chain reaction. Tess encounters
Damon and Yelka, while Nela, guided by Ben, the barracks’ security
manager, races to find Tess. Yelka strives to rescue Vivien, trapped in
an abandoned outdoor pool. On his lone pursuit, Zander witnesses the
gang’s brutality, delving into a darker realm within himself, spurred by
the horrifying thrill of Steven’s actions. The scene propels Yelka,
Damon, and Tess into a frenzy, unleashing chaos to liberate Vivien. Nela
and Ben, attempting to overpower the gang, witness Yelka and Vivien’s
escape as the gang closes in. With the arrival of Steven’s older
brother, Henry, the stakes are set; the old military hospital transforms
into a battleground. No one is to leave alive, and a matter of life and
death ensues. In the ruthless clash, Nela and Yelka emerge as the lone
defenders, while Zander pursues a mission for his own catharsis. In
Henry’s basement, dubbed his Hades, the teams converge for a
pulse-pounding final duel, where survival is the ultimate prize. 

You can pick up your copy at Amazon.



Can you tell us what your book, Urbex Predator, is about? 

Absolutely! ‘Urbex Predator’ is a heart-pounding thriller that takes readers on a gripping journey into the depths of horror and suspense. Set against the eerie backdrop of abandoned Cold War-era barracks, the story follows two groups of urban explorers whose innocent photo shoots quickly turn into a fight for
survival. As they navigate through the desolate ruins, they encounter a gang of depraved hoodlums whose menacing presence escalates into brutal violence. What unfolds is a relentless battle, where the boundaries between life and death blur, and the characters are forced to confront their deepest fears.


It’s a pulse-pounding narrative filled with unexpected twists, sinister secrets, and unforgettable characters. Get ready for an adrenaline-fueled ride that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very last page!

Can you tell us a little about your main and supporting characters?

Absolutely, that’s a fantastic inquiry, delving into a crucial aspect of the book. The issue of character count has been raised by some readers, prompting me to create a comprehensive character cheat sheet available for download on my website. However, I respectfully disagree with the notion of an excessive character count. In a horror novel with a high body count, each character serves a purpose, contributing to the intricate tapestry of the narrative.

Let’s zero in on the key players: Nela and Tess, inseparable friends embarking on a journey to document the abandoned barracks for Nela’s photography thesis. While Nela exudes focus and determination, Tess dreams of a glamorous modeling career, their dynamic akin to yin and yang, revolving around their differing perspectives on photography’s significance.

Enter Yelka and Zander, childhood companions drawn to urban exploration for the sheer thrill of discovery. Yelka radiates warmth and curiosity, relishing in the exploration of abandoned sites, while Zander harbors unspoken affections for Yelka, channeling his expertise in urban exploration to fuel her passion. Accompanying them are Vivien, Yelka’s sister, an emerging social media influencer, and her manager Damon, solely focused on bolstering Vivien’s online presence.

When faced with the menacing gang of hoodlums, our protagonists find themselves navigating a perilous struggle for survival, prompting reflection on who will survive and, as a famous quote suggests, what will be left of them. Prepare for a riveting exploration of friendship, survival, and the shadows that lurk within the abandoned corridors of the human psyche.

Your book is set in abandoned Cold War-era barracks. Can you tell us why you chose this location in particular?

“Urbex Predator” is fundamentally grounded in the realm of urban exploration, making the selection of an abandoned locale as the primary setting a natural choice. I envisioned an isolated, secluded world nestled amidst the wilderness, drawing inspiration from my personal experiences in urban exploration. Old military compounds emerged as the quintessential backdrop, offering vast expanses far removed from urban hubs.

These compounds, apart from the barracks themselves, encompass a myriad of structures including housing, medical facilities, sports arenas, and even entertainment outlets like cinemas and theaters. Exploring these vast expanses is akin to stepping into a time capsule reclaimed by nature, evoking sensations reminiscent of an apocalyptic film set, albeit grounded in reality.

The compound depicted in “Urbex Predator” is entirely fictional, crafted as an amalgamation of various abandoned barracks I’ve encountered. Adhering to a cardinal rule of urban exploration, disclosing the exact location of these sites to the public is strictly forbidden. While real-world locations akin to those in the book exist, their anonymity must be preserved to uphold the integrity of the urbexing community.

And let’s not forget a cardinal rule of horror storytelling: transgression invites peril. In “Urbex Predator,” as in any horror narrative, defiance of established norms invariably leads to dire consequences. It’s a chilling reminder that in the realm of horror, breaking the rules comes at a grave cost.

How long did it take you to write your book?

Absolutely, each book I embark on brings its own unique journey, and “Urbex Predator” was no exception. The genesis of this tale began with a burst of inspiration in October/early November, with the first threads of the narrative taking shape by the dawn of the new year, 2022. It was a swift process, as I delved into the story’s intricacies, spending the following four months weaving together its tapestry.

However, the trajectory of my writing journey encountered an unexpected pause in late February, prompted by the onset of the conflict in Ukraine. The chilling realities of the abandoned Cold War-era barracks mirrored the unfolding horrors of the real world, causing a momentary hesitation in my creative process. Yet, I resolved not to succumb to the shadow cast by Russian aggression, both in Ukraine and across the global consciousness, and persevered in bringing this tale to fruition.

By autumn of 2022, the manuscript stood complete, poised for the scrutiny of test readers whose invaluable feedback shaped its final form. Following a series of reviews and revisions, “Urbex Predator” made its debut in Germany by the year’s end, marking the culmination of one phase of its journey. The subsequent translation into English unfolded across the expanse of 2023, a testament to the meticulous care invested in ensuring its accessibility to a broader audience.

In hindsight, while the act of writing itself spanned a mere four months, the entirety of the creative process encompassed a year-long odyssey. Each moment, each pause, and each revision bore witness to the evolution of “Urbex Predator” from a mere concept to a tangible reality, poised to enthrall and captivate readers across borders.

What has been the most pivotal point of your writing life?

Let me take you back to a pivotal moment in my writing journey—one that forever altered the course of my storytelling. It all began with my debut book, “Sunshine,” a crime thriller sparked by the adrenaline of TV’s “Breaking Bad.” Excitedly, I handed it over to friends for their honest feedback, expecting accolades and applause. Instead, I received a bewildering response: “Jens, that’s a nice short story.”

Confusion swept over me. How could my magnum opus be dismissed as a mere short story? As we delved into the narrative together, their insights unveiled a critical truth: storytelling isn’t just about pace; it’s about depth and development. “Why does the drug dealer suddenly turn into a psychopath?” they queried, prompting a deeper reflection on character motivation and narrative arcs.

In that moment, I realized the power of structure and attention to detail in crafting compelling tales. Our drug dealer wasn’t just a villain; he was a complex soul wrestling with his demons. His struggles with substance abuse, compounded by toxic relationships, laid bare the fragility of his existence. Beneath the facade of bravado lay a man clinging desperately to his last shred of identity—the business he built from the ground up.

As we journeyed alongside Mr. White Junior, witnessing his rise amidst the unwavering support of friends, we simultaneously mourned the tragic descent of our flawed antihero—the bad boy drug dealer. It’s moments like these—moments of introspection and revelation—that shape the very essence of storytelling, inviting readers to immerse themselves in worlds both familiar and fantastical, where every character, every twist, holds a piece of our collective humanity.

What kind of advice would you give up and coming authors?

Ah, now that’s a question that cuts to the heart of the matter—the business of writing. It’s not just about crafting compelling plots or spinning tales; it’s about mastering the art of selling your story to the world. Picture this: You’re a brilliant wordsmith, armed with plots that could rival Shakespeare, but without the know-how to market your masterpiece, you’re a ship lost at sea.

Welcome to the world of modern publishing, where authors are not only writers but also savvy marketers. Gone are the days of relying solely on publishers; today, you’re the CEO of your literary empire. You’ll find yourself donning multiple hats—graphic designer, editor, SEO analyst, social media guru—the list goes on. It’s a daunting prospect, I won’t sugarcoat it. But here’s the reality: Either invest your time or your money, because there’s no shortcut to success.

Lesson number two? Brace yourself for the rollercoaster ride of defining success and weathering disappointments. Even with meticulous planning and stellar execution, there’s no guarantee of overnight fame and fortune. But amidst the uncertainty lies the beauty of the journey. It’s a test of resilience, a testament to your unwavering commitment to the craft.

So, gear up, my fellow wordsmiths. Arm yourself with discipline and determination, for the road ahead is anything but smooth. But remember this: Amidst the challenges lie moments of unexpected triumphs—cherish them, for they are the fuel that powers your writer’s soul.


Enjoy this peek inside:

We better find a way out quickly. The editorial’s deadline is getting close, we can’t afford any further delay.

Damon’s words lay upon the group like a heavy burden. He was good at making his personal problems everybody’s business. When he felt spoiled, he meant business. And Damon wasn’t done yet.

“Moreover, we have no Wi-Fi here. Zero, nada, not a bit.”

He let the words sink in, then added, “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t post anything out here.” He put his phone away and joined Zander.

“Here’s how it’s going down: While the girls are taking photos, you’re looking for an exit that will get us out of here A–S–A–P. Get it?”

“We’ll take the pictures, don’t worry about it” Yelka hooked in from behind. “And tonight, from our hotel, we’ll be able to watch your follower numbers skyrocket in no time.”

“I assume so,” Damon replied curtly. “The sore point in the planning is the way back. But Zander will take care of that. And I know for sure he’ll find a really fast way out for us.” Appreciatively, he patted his shoulders.

“Damon, when do you think we will break the 30,000 mark? I really want that to happen by this weekend.”

“Yes, starlet, we can definitely do that. Your pretty sister will do a fantastic job and Zander will get us back to the hotel in no time.”

Zander wasn’t concerned about Damon’s problems at all. If it were up to him, Vivian should just do blunt erotic shots on the beach or in a studio. Or better, shoot soft porn. That was what it was all about, after all. Maybe he would watch that too. Vivian naked in the sand. Hmm … Anyway, none of this had anything to do with the fascination of abandoned places. And this barracks had so much of it to offer.

“If we continue along this path through the forest, we will soon reach the residential block. From there, another path leads to the recreational facilities. There is a pool, a sports field and a theater, but it could also be used as a cinema. In parallel …”

“Sis, shouldn’t we take a picture of me in this outdoor pool?” Lasciviously, Vivian played with the strap of her top.

“Absolutely” laughed Yelka.

Why wasn’t she actually on his side? After all, he had planned the whole trip just for Yelka. Zander wanted everything to be perfect today. Yet, that wouldn’t work with Vivian and Damon. Honestly speaking, they shouldn’t have joined in the first place. When the forest suddenly opened up to reveal a settlement, Zander’s heart began to pound faster.

Weathered multi-story apartment blocks rose into the sky, overgrown with birch and fir trees. Moss clung to the entrance areas; ivy sought its way upwards. The scenery looked like a modern Sleeping Beauty castle, sprung from the premonition of a sinister dystopia.

For a moment, the group stopped and let themselves be captivated by the magic of the place. Speechless, their eyes wandered up the multi-story buildings, lingering on the dark building openings and absorbing the surreal atmosphere.

“This is incredible,” Yelka was the first to return to her words. She put an arm around Zander and hugged him. “Just incredible.”

Zander felt overwhelmed. His excitement was looking for a channel. “Considering that the residents lived here for 40 years, and nature has taken over for 30 years, then … well …” He didn’t know how to finish the sentence. Zander was overwhelmed, both by the place and by Yelka’s closeness.

“Darling sister, you can start thinking about whether you want to be photographed on the steps or the old climbing frame” Yelka indicated as she dug her camera out of the small backpack.

“The steps are great!” exclaimed Vivian, settling down on the moss-covered steps.

“Perfect,” Damon joined in again as well. “That looks excellent, starlet! Lie back, let your hair fall to the right.”

Zander walked thoughtlessly over the moss that covered the former street. Here, families must have once walked home, children played on the sidewalk, and vehicles drove north to the barracks. With a kick, he plucked the green from the ground and looked at the dark asphalt. This was how the place had been left nearly three decades ago.

He squatted down and let his fingers slide over the old pavement. A shiver came over him. At that moment, he felt the same fascination for these places as Yelka. Stealthily, he glanced over at his secret love as she took photos of her hot sister.

Vivian had leaned back dramatically, her chest up, her hair hanging down behind her. Her belly was exposed, her breasts pressed against the top. She stretched her long legs, like she was riding a bicycle.

Zander’s gaze drifted off to Yelka, who held her camera with both hands. She was shifting positions from time to time. Although she was wearing cargo pants, boots and gloves, she didn’t look one bit less sexy than her younger sibling.

He averted his eyes and let them roam over the facade of the apartment block again, only to look back over at the sisters.

“So, now …” Damon was about to intervene in the shooting when heavy dog barking made their blood run cold.

Yelka stopped her shots, Vivian lost body tension and Damon turned his head.

The big, short-haired yapper hung on the leash of a young guy in his early 20s. His tattooed arms were pumped up, stretching a red shirt. His chest jutted out as he stood wide-legged, holding the dog. A sharply cut face framed his full lips. He wore a gold necklace, his hair was shaved short. Behind him, four boys and a girl had set up. Two of them held metal pipes in their hands, brandishing them menacingly.

“Good day to you all!” The words didn’t sound like a greeting, but more like a threat. “This is private property. No trespassing!” As if to underline his words, the dog growled insistently. The group slowly approached. Those two men carrying the batons grinned menacingly. “The whole compound is surrounded by a concrete wall.”

Yelka was the first to speak up, “Hey, we’re just taking pictures, we’re not destroying or stealing anything.”

“So what?” told Ryder Yelka. “Fuck it, you guys are still illegal. There are signs on the outside walls and gates that state that this place is off limits.”

“Yeah, but you’re still coming here,” the dark-haired boy with the scratched forearm shouted.

“Even though it’s forbidden.”

The group had surrounded the four, leaving no way out. Gazoo barked at Vivian, tugging at Ryder’s leash.

“What you are doing here is forbidden, you know that.”

“Okay, we made a mistake,” Yelka tried to concede. “How about we pack up and get out of here?” Seeking help, she looked over at Zander, but he was transfixed.

“Yeah, you just thought so.” A grim smile played around Ryder’s face. “I want to see everyone’s IDs!”

“IDs out!” repeated Jesse, roaring.

Yelka looked at Zander first, then at Damon. “Please, let us just go our merry way and everything will be cool,” she offered the boys.

Damon had regained his composure and was surveying the situation. Yelka and Zander getting married would be more likely than these guys being security guards. There was danger in the air. They were in the middle of nowhere and were being threatened by a gang of rednecks, carrying a loose dog.

Dave lifted the steel pipe and touched Yelka’s chin. “Ain’t nothing cool here,” Ryder told them. “Either you show us your IDs or else.”

As if to make an example, Dave hit the ground with his club.

Yelka flinched. Gazoo jumped up at her, held back only by Ryder’s leash. “Chop, chop, IDs out!”  Ryder roared indignantly.

“I think we need to make a cut here!” With a brisk step, Damon put himself between Yelka and Ryder. “To me, it seems like a misunderstanding.”

For a moment, there was silence. Gazoo stopped barking, Dave’s steel pipe hovered in the air, and Ryder waited to see what Damon would say.

“My name is Duke. Damon Duke, of Duke Executives.” He spread his arms and stood between Ryder and Yelka.

“We rented this location today to hold a photo shoot.”

He pointed to Vivian, who was still sitting on the steps. “This is Vivian Donahue, one of our most important models, known as Violet-D.”

Damon waited a moment, watching the gang as they stared over at Vivian. He could see the aggression draining from the young men’s faces. Desire appeared in their eyes.

“We are taking pictures for the centerfold today. Vivian’s work needs a relaxed atmosphere. So, I’d be grateful if we could do the shoot without any further disruptions. Later, I’m sure she’ll have time for a short meet and greet with autographs. If you have any further questions, please contact Councilor Wilbanks. Please carry on, we don’t have any time to lose. Hush, hush!”

A stunned silence hung over the scene. The gang hadn’t quite taken their eyes off Vivian when it dawned on them that they had just been set up. Yelka and Vivian were already preparing to resume the photo shoot when Ryder suddenly straightened up again. “Are you kidding me? I want to see your fucking IDs–no photos until I say so!”

“Good,” Damon turned abruptly and held out his ID to Ryder, “that’s me, Damon Duke.” He gave him a moment to compare ID photo and face, then pulled out his cell phone. “And now I’d like to know what company you’re with.”

Damon held the phone to his ear and waited for Ryder’s answer. But he remained silent.

“Mr. Wilbanks, this is Damon Duke speaking. I apologize for the interruption. Contrary to our agreements, we were evicted from the place by security.” His and Ryder’s eyes met. “They didn’t hire any security at all? Then I assume this is a misunderstanding.”

Dave looked at Ryder, waiting for any reaction. But he just stared at Damon indecisively.

“No, I don’t think we need police here. Thank you very much, and again, I’m sorry to bother you.”

Damon dropped the phone into his purse, then pulled out a slew of business cards. “Here you go.”

First, he handed Ryder his card, then to the rest of the gang. “We’re still looking for security employees. If any of you want to make money, you’re more than welcome to contact me.”

Dazzled, the gang looked at each other. “Have a nice day! Now, starlets, we’ll move on to the next location.”

Ryder looked grimly after the Urbexers as they walked on. Soon they would find out what kind of a nice day they were going to have.


About the Author



Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in
the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic
expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his
writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his
debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and
his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.” Jens is a
genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His
narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge
readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s
storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind;
his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling
examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane. Jens
sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the
gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues
his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic
thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading
experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day
readers alike. Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across
borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated
into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States,
Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective,
nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing,
offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity.
Visit Jens’ website at




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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE CEMETERIANS: The Complete Series by Daniel Kraus & Maan House Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!


THE CEMETERIANS: The Complete Series

by Authors: Daniel Kraus & Maan House (Illustrator)



Pub. Date: April 23, 2024

Publisher: Vault Comics

Formats:  Paperback, eBook

Pages: 124


Find it: Goodreads 


The X-Files meets Wake
the Bones
 in THE CEMETERIANS: The Complete Series, an
eerie, genre-blending story filled with horror, magic, mystery, fantasy,
darkness, and bones that grow where they shouldn’t.

Some things won’t stay buried.
After human bones begin growing inside inanimate objects all across the globe,
a renegade scientist and brilliant theologian delve into the cemeteries where
the bones originated, discovering an otherworldly force tired of being buried
in darkness.
The Cemeterians will chill you to the bone.

Written by New York Times bestselling author Daniel Kraus (The
Shape of Water, Trollhunters (both with Guillermo del Toro), Rotters, Graveyard
Girls, The Living Dead (with George Romero) The Teddies Saga, Whalefall 
latest), and The Autumnal (for Vault Comics)) and illustrated
by critically-acclaimed and atmospheric artist Maan House (Witchblade,
Krampus, Project Blue Book

For fans of The X-Files, Poltergeist, Glitch, Wake the Bones (Elizabeth
Kilcoyne), Rotters, Graveyard Girls, and The Living
 (Daniel Kraus), Pet Sematary (Stephen
King), Cemetery Girl (Charlaine Harris & Christopher
Golden), and The Resurrectionist of Caligo (Wendy Trimboli
& Alicia Zaloga)

The Cemeterians (Nightfall: Double Feature) was named one of
the “Horror comics to watch for in 2023” – Fangoria

“Tactile, fearsome, haunting — this is horror of the finest quality.” – Multiversity

“Transformative, boundary-pushing horror.” – Gatecrashers



If you’re reading my review then I’m sure you read the synopsis and high praise for this wild series. It’s out there. In the best possible way.

Human bones start appearing in inanimate objects, sometimes causing harm or death to those who are there when it happens. What’s causing it? Two people with very different views on science and religion go where no man was meant to go and find out.

I had a blast with the series. When I found out what was really going on, it made me stop and appreciate the story even more. I’d never have seen that coming.

And the illustrations. Horror candy is what I call it. Just….. whoa!




Enjoy this peek inside:







About Author Daniel Kraus:



DANIEL KRAUS is a New York Times bestselling
author. His posthumous collaboration with legendary filmmaker George A.
Romero, The Living Dead, was acclaimed by The New York
and The Washington Post.

Kraus’s The Death and Life of Zebulon Finch was named one
of Entertainment Weekly‘s Top 10 Books of the Year. With Guillermo
del Toro, he co-authored The Shape
of Water
, based on the same idea the two created for the Oscar-winning
film. Also with del Toro, Kraus co-authored Trollhunters,
which was adapted into the Emmy-winning Netflix series. Kraus has won a Scribe
Award, two Odyssey Awards (for both Rotters and Scowler)
and has been a Library Guild selection, YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults,
Bram Stoker finalist, and more.

Kraus’s work has been translated into over 25 languages. He lives with his wife
in Chicago. 

Website | Twitter | Instagram | Goodreads


About Author Maan House:

House kicked off his professional comics career at Top Cow as
the artist on both Witchblade and Cutter (2014-2015).
During that time, he also illustrated the Krampus: Shadow of Saint
the comic adaptation of the movie Krampus, for

In 2018, House illustrated the comic for Project Blue Book, the
accompanying comic (from Titan) for the History Channel’s television series.
He’s also worked on Godkillers (Aftershock), as well as developing
an anthology comic work for the band Anthrax entitled Among the Living,
along with other writers and artists.

Maan House is a Ringo Awards Nominee for Best Cover Artist (2021)
He is based in Montevideo, Uruguay


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2 winners will receive finished copies of THE CEMETERIANS: The Complete Series, US Only.

Ends May 31st, midnight EST.


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Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Two Chicks on Books

Interview/IG Post


The Momma Spot



Comic Book Yeti

Interview/X Post





and Ice Reads

Excerpt/IG Post



Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:



IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review





Fiction Lux

Review/IG Post



Review/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post


Nonbinary Knight Reads

Review/IG Post

Week Three:


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Review



IG Review


The Book Critic

Review/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post



IG Review



Review/IG Post

Week Four:



IG Review/TikTok Post






Review/IG Post


Betwixt the Pages

Review/IG Post



IG Review


Two Points of Interest




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Love Never Dies



The Undead Wars


A Cry in the Moon’s Light Book 2


by Alan McGill


Genre: Horror Romance, Dark Fantasy




The former Duchess of Harcourt lives a quiet life. The events of the Dark Forest are a distant memory. But evil does not forget so easily. The sinister Witch King has sent new creatures to find the remaining witches.
Gruesome murders plague the land as eerie Wolf Song echoes from the mountains. Is this the return of Seth? Or something else?

Alessandra de Moreau must decide if she can work with those who killed her love, for only together will they be able to stop the Undead Army. But first, she will have to find the Dagger of Dark Silver and unravel the Mystery of the Wolf, if they are to survive The Undead Wars.


**Get it for Only .99cents until March 6th!!**


Amazon * B&N * Bookbub * Goodreads


Enjoy this peek inside:


The men and women of the East Side watched in horror. It was devastating to see creatures they thought destroyed come back to life. What hope did they have if something can bring the dead back to life again and again?

But worse than that, they watched the Phoenix bring their dead neighbors back to life. Only they returned as undead. The resurrection bird would swoop in tight to a dead corpse, use its wings to sprint straight up and pull the body back as a member of the Undead Army.

The charred corpses of those who died by fire would rise with amber eyes that shined against blackened skin. They all moved in jerky motion like the Skeletons, stumbling along and picking up weapons. The peasants were horrified and reluctant to fight someone they once knew.

Those who didn’t run or fight were cleaved to death. The Phoenix wasted no time bringing them back to fight. Their wounds were still fresh and oozing blood. As with the burnt corpses, they picked up weapons and attacked in those weird jerky movements.

The Phoenix passed over the areas where the Skeleton Soldiers had concentrated first before it made its way to Alessandra. The bird swooped down over the Skeleton she dropped. Its wings flapped hard, climbing high into the air, but nothing happened.

The puzzled demon looked confused. This was not something the Phoenix had encountered before. Determined to carry out its master’s order, the creature made another pass but still nothing happened. An eerie cry of frustration erupted from its beak.

The Witch King watched but was not surprised. The black glow intensified as he recalled his flaming pet. The Phoenix immediately looked at him and with a blood-curdling caw, swooped down angrily toward Alessandra.

Alessandra rolled out of the way as the flaming bird tried to ram her. It flew past, going straight into her home. The creature then burst through the roof, engulfing the entire structure in flame. This was the most searing heat she’d ever felt. It was so intense she had to step back.

She returned home to help her neighbors, but she also wanted to retrieve the dreamcatcher. It was the one thing the Drabarni gave her to commune with Seth. Everything she owned, including that, was now lost.

As she stood helplessly watching her house burn, a singular blue flame materialized in the middle of the blaze. The light was so bright she used a hand to cover her eyes. The color was very distinctive, unlike the other flames around it.

The heat from the fire subsided. It was still too hot to approach, but not as before. Her eyes adjusted, allowing her to see. The blue flames center now turned white.

A shadow figure appeared in the flame. The figure of a man slowly came into focus. It was Seth! The only man she’d every loved. The man she’d grown up with from Parlimae village. How was he here? He died on that beach nearly fifteen years ago.

He wore a long dark coat, knee-high boots, and grey pants. His long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail. His blue eyes took in the surroundings before turning to her.

Then she heard his voice. It seemed to echo in her mind. “You must find the Drabarni” then a pause. “Do not blame him. You must work together.”

“Seth! Who? Don’t blame who?” She yelled.

Seth voice distorted, “Go to the Red Door.” The last sounds began to fade as the image disappeared. Within seconds, he was gone. The blue flame consumed the white, then diminished leaving only the blaze that consumed the house.

Alessandra wiped the tears from her eyes. As the shock wore off, she picked up a sword next to the pile of bones. Her mind ran through memories of Seth. His face at the Abandoned Church. Her stitching his wounds after the battle with the Black Wolf. And she remembered the kiss just before they had to flee.

The warm remembrance went away as her thoughts turned to anger. Right after that kiss they had to flee. They ended up on that beach surrounded by an angry mob from Mercel. That was when the Hessian shot and killed Seth in front of her.

Thoughts of the Dreamcatcher filled her mind. She looked at her home crumbling under the fire, that very Dreamcatcher somewhere inside. It was gone.

Her eyes moved over the entire area. Buildings were on fire, the whole neighborhood in turmoil, and people desperately tried to escape. Skeletons chased many across the Stone Bridge. Not all were fast enough and died horribly.

She looked again at the road north next to the river. There were two Romani wagons leading a group away. With the hordes of skeletons on the Stone Bridge, she thought it best to join the Romani.

The Phoenix was now perched on the Witch King’s pike. Its flames subdued as it rested. The Witch King had observed the blue flame. He didn’t see Seth, but he knew magic when he saw it. Now he watched as Alessandra went north to catch the caravan of people fleeing.

His eyes glowed black again as he instructed his forces to cut off her escape. The Witch King was ordered his minions to bring her to him, alive. The silver dagger and the blue flame convinced him she was the witch he sought.



A Cry in the Moon’s Light


A Cry in the Moon’s Light Book 1


In a time of castles, muskets, and hideous creatures of the night, a beautiful woman travels across the treacherous Dark Forest to be by the side of her dying grandmother. With only a young carriage driver to protect her, she must use her wits and all of her courage to cross the wild country—and to evade the mysterious beast who stalks her.

What follows is a tale full of horror, mystery, and romance: gruesome murders at a village hidden deep in the forest, a castle that holds dark secrets, and a black wolf leading a deadly pack. Nothing is as it seems, and this journey has only just begun. The beautiful lady in the carriage will learn that only love can defeat evil, but is it love or danger that cries out to her in the deceitful light of the moon?


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A peek inside Chapter 3 – The Horror Begins

Several Minutes passed before the beast turned his gaze from the forest, satisfied the black wolf and his pack were gone. The air calmed, and the clouds moved away. The moon’s light returned, and the forest brightened. It was as if the beast had somehow cleared the sky when he defeated the pack.

He looked up at me with those glowing blue eyes. Large teeth still gleamed from behind a slight snarl. Saliva continued to drip from the edges of his mouth.

It was hard to catch my breath. The beast could easily reach up and yank me off the roof of this carriage. My musket still lay on the ground at his feet.

But just as the sky had changed, so did the beast. His snarl faded and his eyes softened. The look of rage left his face. After a few moments, he looked almost peaceful.

His gaze dropped from me to the carriage, where he no doubt found mi Lady. He didn’t approach her, though. Instead, the beast walked past the horses to the fallen tree. Each step shook under his weight and power. Not one of the horses moved. They still had whale eye, the whites visible beyond the black. But they had settled and started to calm. It was as if they understood him. Somehow, they sensed the danger had passed.

He walked to the giant tree that blocked the road, looked back at me, then pressed his shoulder against it. Battered and bloody, he pushed the massive tree aside. It took a few attempts, but he finally shoved the tree far enough out of the way that the carriage could pass. Then he stood up and looked back at the carriage.

I came down from the roof and picked up my musket. I pulled it to my shoulder, slowly taking aim at him. I was going to kill this thing before he decided to attack us.

Before I could pull the trigger, I heard the carriage door open and mi Lady step out. Soft footsteps slowly approached. As she passed me, she placed a hand over the barrel of my musket, lowering it to the ground. The whole time, she kept her eyes on the beast. He didn’t take his eyes off her either.

She let go of the musket once it was pointing down and started walking toward him. I whispered, “Mademoiselle, no!”

She slowly raised her hand and motioned that it was OK. In an expression of disbelief, I heard her whisper softly to herself, “It can- not be.”

She moved alongside the horses as he took a couple of steps back. She placed a calm hand over Arca’s mane then turned to face the beast as she removed her hood. I watched as they stood there facing each other. Her eyes moving slowly over his battered and bloody body, examining every wound. She winced at some of the tears in his flesh.

She reached out, with slight hesitation, to touch his face. A clawed hand met hers. Tears began to well up in her eyes.

He stepped back, pausing before taking off into the woods. She watched as he faded from sight. A teardrop fell from her eye. It slowly rolled across her cheek, finding its way to the ground. I could see it falling as if in slow motion. It landed in a puddle at her feet with a small splash.

The moment the tear hit the ground, a deep howl sounded in the distance. It was a cry of sorrow. A look of pain crossed her face, as if she felt the anguish in that sound.

The mood was somber. An immense sadness hung in the air.

Everything was quiet. The forest was still.

She turned, slowly walking back to the carriage. “We need to go.” Without another word, she stepped inside, shut the door, and dis-appeared into the shadows.


**Don’t miss the companion books!**



Red Door


A Cry In the Moon’s Light Novella


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Father Daniel’s Compendium of the Undead


A Companion Novella to A Cry in the Moon’s Light


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Alan McGill is an American author who lives in Northwestern Pennsylvania with a clowder of cats. Alan was close to his grandparents who grew up in the Great Depression. They were married young and remained together until his grandmother’s passing. His grandfather served in the Navy during WWII and was a gifted storyteller who weaved humorous tales about tough events. Alan grew up with these stories of right and wrong along with watching fictional heroes such as The Lone Ranger, Adam West’s Batman and Captain America. Heroes who stood up to bullies and protected those who could not protect themselves. This made an impression on the author to always do what was right in his own life and shaped his love for storytelling. He is a multi-genre author with his debut novel being A Cry in the Moon’s Light which is a horror romance and mystery series. As with all his books, one of the primary themes involves characters who strive to do the right thing regardless of the adversity they face. The second theme present in all his books is love. A pure and deep love that defeats all evil.


Website * Facebook * Twitter * Instagram * Bookbub * Amazon * Goodreads


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To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


False Haven

by Rebecca Rook


Publication date: February 13th 2024
Genres: Horror, Young Adult

False Haven is a young adult horror novel for fans of Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake, Asylum by Madeleine Roux, and Fiendish by Brenna Yovanoff.

Seventeen-year-old Vivienne Barston’s life has fallen apart.

With her mother recently dead, her father disappears into his grief – leaving Viv to deal with her sadness and anger alone. Viv turns to destructive behaviors like petty vandalism, but after a disturbing stint in a juvenile detention center frightens her, Viv agrees to a court mandated service opportunity designed to expunge her record. The deal: work for six weeks with a trail conservation crew in the rural woods of southern Oregon, and she’ll be free with a clean slate.

She knows it’s her last chance to fix her life.

When Viv arrives at the small town of Hard Luck, Oregon, she meets her motley crewmates, all with troubles of their own. The unusual group travels to Grafton Stake, a remote and derelict former asylum with a haunted history–and now Viv must face the ghosts of the past while fighting for her future.

Don’t miss this inventive horror novel where Holes meets The Haunting of Hill House!

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

“Morgan! She’s here, oh my god, she’s here.” Cat tried to push past Viv.
Viv flung up an arm to bar Cat’s movement. “Stop,” Viv hissed through gritted teeth. “Look.”
Cat stopped. She saw. And fell back, almost behind Viv.
“Oh my god,” Viv heard the other girl whimper from behind her.
But she couldn’t take her eyes off the scene before her.
Morgan stood several feet away, near the center of the graveyard. Dressed in a white gown that
gleamed like bone in the twilight, Viv saw that the garment was old-fashioned, with flounces at
the hem and on the chest. The hem trailed in the wet grass at Morgan’s feet. Long sleeves
covered her arms, and Morgan’s long hair draped down her gown and around her body like
ropes, the ends of her hair coated in a sticky fluid. Viv’s eyes trailed over the gown. Red stains,
etched in symbols that resembled keys, were traced across the fabric. Morgan’s hands were
coated in red, and Viv realized, in a distant corner of her mind, that the red was blood.
More blood dripped from her scalp, a gory crown that haloed her white face and wide eyes. Her
lips were stained red, and more fluid dribbled from her mouth as Morgan’s face stretched into
the familiar too wide, grotesque grin. Feathers, blue and black and red, rested on the ground at
Morgan’s feet, also stained with blood.
Morgan turned from the sky and focused on Viv. The grin grew wider.
“Hello.” The high, thin, childish voice was back.
“Have you come to join us?”



About Author Rebecca Rook:

Rebecca Rook designs tabletop games, manages a little free library dedicated to sequential art and comics, and lives in the Pacific Northwest with two wonderful dogs. She writes young adult fiction in the fantasy, thriller, and horror genres.

A 2021-2022 Hugo House Fellow in
Seattle, WA, she also attended the 2021 Tin House YA Fiction Workshop in
Portland, OR. Rebecca was selected as one of the 100 invited writers to participate in the Write Team Mentorship Program’s curated Pitch-a-Thon event before being chosen as a Mentee for the 2021 Program. Prior to this, she completed the wonderful Yearlong Workshop for Young Adult and Middle Grade Fiction at Hugo House.

Website / Goodreads / Instagram / TikTok


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am so excited that I get to share the trailer for URBEX PREDATOR by Jens Boele!


If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book, be sure to check out all the details below.


This blitz also includes a giveaway for an awesome t-shirt of the book courtesy of Jens & Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.



URBEX PREDATOR : Take nothin but pictures, leave nothing but
bodies. A Deadly Survival Story.

Author: Jens Boele



Pub. Date: February 4, 2024

Publisher: Jens Boele

Formats:  Paperback, eBook

Pages: 394


Find it: GoodreadsAmazon


Abandoned Horrors. Deranged Souls. A Deadly Survival Story.


In the chilling new horror novel, “Urbex Predator,” by Jens Boele, a
group of intrepid urban explorers embarks on what they believe to be a routine
trip to an abandoned barracks in the middle of nowhere.
As a relict from the Cold War era, they are a popular destination for
photographers, influencers, and adventurers. A place that is closely guarded
and harbors a multitude of risks. But it’s not just the derelict buildings that
pose a danger.

Nela and her friend Tess venture to the eerie ruins to complete their
photography thesis, only to find themselves relentlessly pursued through the
darkened corridors by a group of ruthless thugs.

Zander, Yelka, her sister Vivien, and her manager Damon set out on a photo
shoot, only to be unexpectedly cornered by a gang of depraved youths. As night
descends, the boundaries between life and death blur, and the group is forced
to confront the darkest corners of their own souls.

As the night deepens, will they fall victim or rise as hunters in the shadows?

Inspired by early works from literary giants like Jack Ketchum and Richard
Laymon, “Urbex Predator” promises readers a heart-pounding journey
through the realms of fear and survival, where every turn reveals a new
nightmare. Yet, this spine-tingling narrative is not just the product of
imagination; it’s also a reflection of author Jens Boele’s real-life
experiences as an Urban Explorer, who spent many years venturing into the very
places he describes in his book.



About Author Jens Boele:



Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment
industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born
in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth,
culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in
2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling
creation, “Urbex Predator.”


Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and
crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales
that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s
storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his
villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination
of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane.


Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic
horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion
imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic
thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading
experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers


Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders,
as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into
English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s
passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family
and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a
captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity.


Website | Instagram | YouTube | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub



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2 winners will receive an URBEX PREDATOR T-shirt, International.


Ends March 8th, midnight EST.



a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Urbex Predator

by Jens Boele


Publication date: February 4th 2024
Genres: Adult, Horror, Thriller

Abandoned Horrors. Deranged Souls. A Deadly Survival Story.

In the chilling new horror novel, “Urbex Predator,” by Jens Boele, a group of intrepid urban explorers embarks on what they believe to be a routine trip to an abandoned barracks in the middle of nowhere.
As a relict from the Cold War era, they are a popular destination for photographers, influencers, and adventurers. A place that is closely guarded and harbors a multitude of risks. But it’s not just the derelict buildings that pose a danger.

Nela and her friend Tess venture to the eerie ruins to complete their photography thesis, only to find themselves relentlessly pursued through the darkened corridors by a group of ruthless thugs.

Zander, Yelka, her sister Vivien, and her manager Damon set out on a photo shoot, only to be unexpectedly cornered by a gang of depraved youths. As night descends, the boundaries between life and death blur, and the group is forced to confront the darkest corners of their own souls.

In the face of danger, will they fall victim or rise as hunters in the shadows?

Inspired by early works from literary giants like Jack Ketchum and Richard Laymon, “Urbex Predator” promises readers a heart-pounding journey through the realms of fear and survival, where every turn reveals a new nightmare. Yet, this spine-tingling narrative is not just the product of imagination; it’s also a reflection of author Jens Boele’s real-life experiences as an Urban Explorer, who spent many years venturing into the very places he describes in his book.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

“However, that’s the shortest way!” Out of the corner of his eye, Zander Regan watched the rest of the group with his arms crossed.

“Are you telling me that I have to crawl through a bush and then climb over a wall for a photo shoot? Really?” Yelka handed Vivian her sneakers. She was carrying her flip-flops in her right hand, like she was carrying a purse. Vivian’s outfit for the trip to the abandoned barracks was far from practical, especially her choice of hot pants and a spaghetti-strap top.

“I must admit, Yelka,” added her manager Damon, “I’m quite irritated about this location too. Isn’t there an official entrance to the site?” He lifted his sunglasses and glanced at Yelka and Zander, eyebrows raised.

Zander ignored Damon’s gaze, pretending to check his watch. Vivian and Damon were already starting to get on his nerves. This could have been a fun trip, but he was used to their behavior. It was likely that one of them would become dramatic at the slightest opportunity. The other sure bet was that Yelka would try to appease her sister, his pretty Yelka.

Oh, if only she knew how much he desired her …

“Zander really tried everything, Viv. This is the fastest way to the barracks—and your photos.” She smiled. “You’re going to look more than gorgeous, darling sis. The barracks make an impressive backdrop, right, Zander?”

There she was again, Yelka with her velvety voice and twinkling eyes that made his legs feel weak. Zander didn’t understand why Vivian, not Yelka, was the Instagram model. It was like a joke.

I am a model on Instagram.

Yes, and I’m a mercenary in Call of Duty.

“Isn’t that right, Zander?” repeated Yelka.

“Huh? Oh yes,” Zander stuttered as if he had been caught in a lie. “The barracks were abandoned after German reunification and have lain fallow ever since,” he explained. “The area is in the middle of a 6,000-acre woodland and consists of barracks, a civilian settlement, and a military hospital. All areas are separated from each other, but are supposed to be connected by underground bunkers …”

“For fuck’s sake, can you please wake me up when he’s done with his monologue?” Annoyed, Vivian glanced at Damon.

“Viv, please.”

“6,000 acres is pretty darn big,” Damon hooked in. “I hope we don’t have to trek for miles through the woods. Tonight we have to post our stories, and by tomorrow morning the pictures. And our designers still must retouch them before.”

“This is the fastest way. We’ll be there in half an hour,” Zander meekly assured.

“I’m supposed to spend another half hour …”

“Get down! Down!” shouted Zander and Yelka at the same time.

As they walked along a dirt path next to a weathered stone wall, a car approached.

About Author Jens Boele:

Jens Boele, a veteran media designer in the entertainment industry, brings over two decades of cinematic expertise to his writing. Born in Germany in 1975, Jens embarked on his writing odyssey in his youth, culminating in the publication of his debut book, “Sunshine,” in 2015. This was followed by “Hurensohn,” and his latest spine-tingling creation, “Urbex Predator.”

Jens is a genre-bending author, specializing in horror and crime thrillers. His narratives often blur genre lines, weaving intricate tales that plunge readers into the darkest corners of the human psyche. Jens’s storytelling brilliance lies in his fascination with the criminal mind; his villains are always profoundly human, offering readers a chilling examination of the psychological aspects of the criminally insane.

Jens sets himself apart by seamlessly integrating classic horror with the gritty authenticity of the present day. This innovative fusion imbues his narratives with a dynamic quality, seamlessly blending archaic thrills with contemporary intrigue, resulting in an immersive reading experience that resonates with both vintage enthusiasts and present-day readers alike.

Jens Boele’s latest endeavor takes his work across borders, as “Urbex Predator” becomes his first book to be translated into English. A globetrotter with deep connections to the United States, Jens’s passion for exploration and his international perspective, nurtured by family and friends in the US, shine through in his writing, offering readers a captivating blend of horror and cultural diversity.

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Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.



Changing Tide


by Robert Joncas


Genre: YA SciFi Paranormal Romance, Fantasy, Horror


Changing Tide,” 2023 Book Awards:

*Maincrest Media Award, Winner, YA Fiction (2024)

*Outstanding Creator Awards, Best Fiction Book of 2023, 2nd Place

*Outstanding Creator Awards, Fantasy (1st Place), Sci-Fi (1st Place), Romance (2nd Pl.)

*The Global Book Awards, Bronze Medal, Science Fiction – Romance

*The BookFest Awards, Silver Medal, Science Fiction – Romance
*The BookFest Awards, Bronze Medal, Fantasy – Contemporary & YA – Science Fiction

*Royal Dragonfly Awards, Honorable Mention, Best Cover, Sci-Fi, Fantasy & YA Fiction

*American Fiction Awards, Finalist, Romance – Paranormal: Supernatural
*American Writing Awards, Finalist – Science Fiction
*Halloween Book Festival, YA Horror – Honorable Mention
*Literary Titan Book Award – August 2023

A wild adventure that takes you on a journey from the California coast to the depths of the Grand Canyon. Dive into this fast-paced, suspenseful Sci-Fi fantasy novel that melds sizzling romance, action, heart-stopping horror, and a high-stakes battle to save humanity.

After her father’s tragic death, eighteen-year-old Skye Conner and her mom visit her Nana on the California coast. There, Skye stumbles across a mystical conch shell in the surf. Suddenly her dull, empty life takes on a thrilling and terrifying turn.

Skye has had to endure a despondent mother drowning in grief, living in a private world of darkness. Nana is a feisty, intelligent, take-no-bull grandmother with a flaming sense of pride and heart of gold. Then comes a handsome, mesmerizing alien on a mission to save the Earth. But are his intentions sincere, or does he have another agenda?

Skye has finally found someone to love, but can he be trusted? Changing Tide is a witty, original page-turning thriller that will make you look at First Contact in a whole new way.


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Chapter I

First Contact


I never thought anyone close to me would die. I know it seems unrealistic because, sooner or later, we all die. But dying is supposed to happen in the future, like getting old. When you’re eighteen, you shouldn’t have to think about death. The idea of death takes you to a dark place where no one young ever wants to be.


It was the second week of June, and the first faint evidence of dawn trickled into the room. I pulled the curtain back, and fog blanketed the beach, darkening my mood. But then, a peculiar light shone from the shoreline in the distance, casting an eerie glow, like a beacon, in the mist.

I pulled a pink tee shirt from the closet and grabbed a pair of shorts from the pine dresser. Finally, I jerked a purple hoodie over my head, slipped on my flip-flops, and ran outside.

The strange light in the distance glowed like a full moon on a cloudy night. I crossed the beach and drifted in that direction. The long lines of white waves that swept across the shore glowed with a warm, radiant light. I kicked off my sandals at the shoreline, treading barefoot in the cold surf. Shivering, I clutched the sweatshirt tight around my neck. The ocean swirled around my ankles. I felt tiny shells and bits of seaweed in the ribbed sand under my feet.

Last week, after my high school graduation, Mom and I had flown from Phoenix to Nana’s house in Crescent Cove, a small tourist town on the California coast. It was a two-hour flight from Phoenix to Sacramento, then another forty-five minutes in a small plane to the nearest airport. It would have been almost ten hours in the car had we driven. Unfortunately, Mom was in no condition to help me drive, so Nana said she would pick us up at the airport.

By the time we picked up our luggage, Nana was waiting outside the terminal in her old VW van. The trip was hard on Mom. Dark circles of exhaustion were under her eyes, and her hair hung in matted strings against her pale cheeks. She collapsed into the front seat while Nana helped me load the baggage into the back of the van.

When we drove up to the house, I knew it right away, even though it had been five years since I’d last been there. The red shutters and gray wood shingle siding looked the same as I remembered. I knew the inside would smell of lemon polish, and everything would be spotless and scrubbed.

Without seeing it, I knew the old back deck would be the same: weathered but sturdy and always covered in sand. I could picture Dad grilling and sipping beer while Mom and I watched the waves crash on the shore. I had hoped coming here would be a distraction, but memories of Dad continued to flood my mind.

My stomach ached as I remembered the heavy black dress I wore to Dad’s funeral on that scorching day in Phoenix. The air was sizzling, too hot. I’d had to take deep breaths to keep from passing out. Although a canopy shaded the gravesite, the temperature was over 100 degrees. I ached with grief that I couldn’t at least see Dad one last time — to make sure it was really him who’d died in that horrible accident. The burning car wreck left his body unidentifiable. The funeral home cremated what was left of his remains.

As I followed the light through the surf, the sea surged with a rolling wave that knocked me over. It was as if something had stirred below the ocean and was rising from the deep. I threw my hands out to break my fall but landed in the shallows on my butt. I sat motionless in the surf, shivering in my wet clothes…


What readers are saying:

“…simply elegant…from the plotline to the characters to the action to the humor… (and) a story for anyone, young adult or adult, who enjoys a good science fiction novel with some romance thrown in. I would recommend the book to everyone.”


“…truly a breath of fresh air! …A sci-fi romance like this was exactly what we needed. …despite dealing with things like loss, coping, and mourning this book is surprisingly fun and lighthearted…reading like a Disney script.”


“Anyone who enjoys sci-fi horror thrillers will find plenty to love about this book.”


“I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end.”


“…an enthralling fantasy novel that immerses readers in Skye Conner’s captivating journey…”


“…traverses science fiction, fantasy, horror, and mystery seamlessly, entertaining you with thrills galore.”


“Nothing is as it seems… a speculative sci-fi page turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat. …brings in sci-fi and fantasy elements of magic seashells and aliens to create a call to adventure.”


–snippet of a review from–

Robert Joncas has crafted a compelling narrative that keeps readers on the edge of their seats. The pacing is well-balanced, and the author’s ability to evoke a wide range of emotions is commendable. Skye’s character development is particularly noteworthy, as readers witness her transformation from a grieving and vulnerable girl into a brave and determined young woman.

….Changing Tide is a remarkable book that grabs the reader’s attention from the very first page. With its compelling characters, intriguing plot twists, and seamless blending of genres, it is a true page-turner. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment spent reading this book and was genuinely sad when it came to an end. Without a doubt, I highly recommend picking up Changing Tide by Robert Joncas and awarding it a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars.

–snippet of a Review from Literary Titan–

In “Changing Tide,” Robert Joncas masterfully entwines an evocative narrative of a young girl, Skye, wrestling with her personal turmoil while being swept into a journey far beyond her understanding. Haunted by cryptic dreams and grappling with the tragic loss of her father and her mother’s spiraling depression, Skye’s world is painted with a brush of melancholy. However, a glimmer of hope emerges as she rekindles a connection with Paul, an alluring figure from her past, previously known for his childhood mischief.

Robert Joncas showcases an exceptional ability to portray raw emotions and delicate sentiments. His narrative is an intricate tapestry of romance, familial bonds, suspense, and an unmistakably human touch enveloped in a mantle of science fiction. The characters are vividly constructed, each contributing a unique hue to the narrative palette. Nana, Skye’s vivacious and fearless grandmother, was a particular standout, embodying a captivating blend of loyalty and audacious spirit.

The narrative is particularly successful in illustrating Skye’s internal struggle – her battle against emotional turmoil and her hesitant forays into new friendships. The character development of the alien entity is equally commendable, with its adaptation and backstory revealed in a layered, compelling manner.

Changing Tide” is a warmly recommended read, particularly for young adults who yearn for a slice of relatable, yet enchantingly fantastic, reality. This novel embodies the essence of heartfelt storytelling interlaced with an adventurous spirit, ensuring a riveting reading experience.



Can you, for those who don’t know you already, tell something about yourself and how you became an author?

I have always read books since I was a kid. I knew that eventually I would write a novel.


What is something unique/quirky about you?

I have always believed in reincarnation. Even as a kid, I could not relate to other children my age. I have always felt like an old soul.


What are some of your pet peeves?

People that need a lot of attention. I am never bored; I always have something to do or somewhere to go.


Where were you born/grew up at? 

I was born in Colchester, England and grew up in Southern California. It was nice to be able to go from the mountains to the beach in one weekend. I also liked the mild weather.


Who is your hero and why?

I don’t really have one person as a hero. I admire people that struggle to succeed. It’s easy to give up.


What kind of world ruler would you be?



What are you passionate about these days?

My work and writing. I am a Real Estate Broker and sell mostly second home mountain resort properties. Lots of people in Phoenix want to get out of the heat in the summer. I sell to a lot of teachers and retired folk. I enjoy what I do.


What do you do to unwind and relax?

I did a lot of skiing and backpacking. Now I’m getting older I enjoy traveling and writing. I spent the last few years during COVID finishing my novel.


Describe yourself in 5 words or less!

Stress free, laid back.


When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I had a short story published a few years ago in an anthology of International Writers. It was about a girl that bought an old muffin pan at a thrift store and the muffins she baked in it killed people.


Do you have a favorite movie?

I would have to say “Silence of the Lambs” is one of my top 10.


Which of your novels can you imagine made into a movie?

Haha! I only have one out. Changing Tide would make a great movie. Also, it wouldn’t break the bank to cast it.


As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

I guess it would have to be an alien. One of the greys, like in my book.


Stuff about the Book: 

What inspired you to write this book?

It started out as a short story I wrote for my granddaughter when she was twelve. Skye was also twelve and it was about 6,000 words long.


What can we expect from you in the future?

A sequel to Changing Tide. I never thought it would take off like it did and get great reviews. I left it open for a sequel just in case.


Do you have any “side stories” about the characters?

I felt sorry for Karly. She didn’t deserve to get hurt the way she did in the book.


Can you tell us a little bit about the characters in Changing Tide?

In the beginning Skye has just graduated from high school but has had a tough time dealing with her father’s death and her mother’s depression. Her world has come crashing down on her. When she goes to visit Nana at the beach for the summer everything changes. Skye finds a conch shell that has an alien entity inside it. This sets in motion a series of events that change her life.

Skye’s grandmother (Nana) is a knowledgeable, aging hippy that doesn’t take any bull but has a heart of gold. She’s a loveable character. I don’t want to say too much about Paul. It would give away some of the story.


How did you come up with the concept and characters for the book?

I originally fashioned Skye after my granddaughter, Kaylee. Because I wrote the short story for her. Nana is every gutsy older woman that doesn’t care what they say or do. I rounded her out with a witty gentle side and lots of empathy. You can’t help but love Nana.


Where did you come up with the names in the story?

I liked the name Sky, but added an e. My mom was always called Nana by my son and granddaughter since she was from England. I used Paul because it was a common name but not old fashioned.


What did you enjoy most about writing this book?

Not knowing where I was going with the story. I didn’t have an outline. I’m a pantser (writing by the seat of my pants). I wrote two alternate endings and through them out to my writing class and they chose the ending.


How did you come up with the title of your first novel?

The original short story was called “The Seashell.”  It sounded too bland for a novel. “Changing Tide” addresses the sea and the change that Skye goes through in the book.


Who designed your book cover?

I hired a company in Phoenix, 1106 Design to do the book layout. They sent me cover samples, but I had a different idea for the cover. I wanted something that grabbed the reader when they were searching for a book. I had my Real Estate photographer Barbara Sherman helped me design the cover. Barbara also does photography for the schools in Flagstaff. The background on the cover are some rocks in Buckskin Gultch, up by the Grand Canyon. The crow with the one blue eye is symbolic with the story and the conch shell sits on my desk in my office.


Did you learn anything during the writing of your recent book?

Since this is my first novel, I learned writing isn’t as easy as I thought. I also learned that I edited too much while I wrote. The next novel I will concentrate more on getting the story down and worry about the editing when it’s completed.


If your book was made into a film, who would you like to play the lead?

I hadn’t though about Skye, but I would like to see Kathy Bates play Nana.


Anything specific you want to tell your readers?

Hello everyone!


What is your favorite part of this book and why?

I like the fast pace and adventure of the Grand Canyon. It’s a wild ride and it was fun to write.


If you could spend time with a character from your book whom would it be? And what would you do during that day?

I’d like to have lunch with Nana. I would also like to sit down with the alien and talk about life and the universe.


Are your characters based off real people or did they all come entirely from your imagination?

None of my characters are based on one specific person. They are a combination of personalities of people I have known.


Convince us why you feel your book is a must read.

Because of the good reviews and I am an avid reader and each time I had to read through it while it was being edited, I fell in love with it. Another reason, my friends Kathy and Kevin. Kathy read my manuscript and told Kevin about it. Kevin hasn’t read a book in almost 20 years. He couldn’t put it down.


What did you edit out of this book?

I edited out some of the cuss words. Originally Nana was throwing F bombs throughout the book. I realized that I wanted to clean it up so that it would be acceptable for younger people. I left a few cuss words though. When I edited Nana’s mouth, I realized I liked her a whole lot more.


Stuff about Writing/ Reading: 


What book do you think everyone should read?

There are so many but “The Stand” by Stephen King and “Swan Song” by Robert McCammon left a big impression on me. It’s funny because the story lines are similar in both novels.


How long have you been writing?

About ten years.


Do the characters all come to you at the same time or do some of them come to you as you write?

I had the characters in my mind before I wrote the book. They were in my short story.


What kind of research do you do before you begin writing a book?

In “Changing Tide” I had to research the Hopi’s legend of the Ant People. Also, a lot of research on archeology and astronomy. Even though I have a science degree, it’s been a while since I’ve been in school. I also wrote a lot of the end of the book at the Grand Canyon. It’s not far from where I live.


Do you see writing as a career?

I would like to.


Do you read yourself and if so what is your favorite genre?

I am a member of the Horror Writer’s Association. I like horror and fantasy. I also like crime and mystery novels. I read a lot. I have also read a lot of YA novels in the last few years as research for this book.


Do you prefer to write in silence or with noise? Why?

I like to write with music in the background. My favorite is soft rock, like Linda Ronstadt or Stevie Nicks, and to be fair to the guys, I like to listen to Cat Stevens and Paul Simon when I write. I like all kinds of music, but I need mellow to concentrate while writing.


What made you want to become an author and do you feel it was the right decision?

As an avid reader I though, I could do that. Write a novel. So, I did. I just wish I had done it sooner. But I also realize that it’s hard when you have a full time job, family, etc.


Advice they would give new authors?

Start when you are young and be patient. If it takes ten years just plug away at it. If you stick with it you will end up with a novel.


Describe your writing style.

I looked at many novels through the eyes of a writer instead of a reader. What makes them good? What sells them besides the story? I found that James Patterson is so popular because his novels have short chapters. It’s an easy read. You can read him on break at work or while on the bus or airport. So, I made my chapters short. I also made the font larger. I listened to what other readers said. People don’t like to squint when they read a book with tiny font.


Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?

I feel my story is original. I tried to find something similar but there are not a lot of alien romance books that are similar to mine. I’d have to say it’s sort of like Twilight with aliens instead of vampires.


What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

It was hard to write Skye in the beginning. I had lots of help from the women in my class and coworkers. When I finally got the hang of an eighteen-year-old girl, Skye took off. I also had help from my mentor, the Author Lynn Hightower. She would critic my chapters.



Robert grew up in Southern California and has worked as a Real Estate Broker in Flagstaff, AZ, for many years. He has a BS in Health Science and graduated with Distinction from the prestigious UCLA Writers’ Program, where he studied under Author Lynn Hightower in her Master Novel Classes. He is a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors and the Horror Writers Association.


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