Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Cryptid Zoo

by Gerry Griffiths


Genre:  Horror / Science Fiction


My Review

I’ve read lots of horror stories about zoos. There’s the zombies, werewolves, vampires zoo. The dinosaurs zoo. A dragon, crocodile zoo. Why not a crytpid zoo.

So, the plot isn’t all that new. We know going into this that the zoo is a very bad idea. We know the creatures escape and wreak havoc. But this gal says, so what. It’s still bloody good fun.

There’s every kind of cryptid you can think of, and a few new ones for me. They all have their own special killing abilities and, one by one, the humans fall like dominoes.

The author gave me a few characters that I actually liked and wanted to survive.  That always adds to the edginess. And not being familiar with this author, I didn’t know if he was willing to kill off prominent characters. I found out pretty quick.

The monsters are out. There’s nowhere to hide. Watch the skies. Stay out of the water. Don’t look it in the eyes. Plug your ears. Stay out of dark places. Who knows if they can be killed.  All of this made Cryptid Zoo a fun, scary, atmospheric read for me.




As a child, rare and unusual animals, especially cryptid creatures, always fascinated Carter Wilde.

Now that he’s an eccentric billionaire and runs the largest conglomerate of high-tech companies all over the world, he can finally achieve his wildest dream of building the most incredible theme park ever conceived on the planet…CRYPTID ZOO.

Even though there have been apparent problems with the project, Wilde still decides to send some of his marketing employees and their families on a forced vacation to assess the theme park in preparation for Opening Day.

Nick Wells and his family are some of those chosen and are about to embark on what will become the most terror-filled weekend of their lives—praying they survive.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!

I’m also hosting a spot on the tour today. Click the link after the comments to learn more, read the excerpt and enter the giveaway!


Planet Of The Dead

by Thomas S. Flowers


Genre:  Horror / Apocalyptic


My Review

An epidemic sweeps the planet. The dead rise, hungry for human flesh. Loved ones kill loved ones. The government denies it’s even happening.There’s no help coming and everyone must fend for themselves.

This scenario never gets old for me. I especially enjoy character dynamics. Seeing who actually comes up with a plan and implements it. Who falls victim through denial. And who turns on who. There’s that saying, I don’t have to outrun the killer bear. I just have to outrun you.

Flowers doesn’t disappoint. His characters are brought to life and thrown into the worst possible situations. The action is fast and bloody. And it’s anyone’s guess who survives and who doesn’t.

A rollicking and intense story and I now have this author on my radar for more books.




From the author of FEAST and Reinheit comes a new chapter in horror…


News reports speak of mass panic and violence spreading across the globe. Negligent leaders hide behind misinformation. But in an age of paranoia and suspicion, who can say what is true anymore? Struggling to survive against a sweeping epidemic that has engulfed the planet, survivors will have to make hard choices in a world that no longer makes sense.

Live. Die. Or become one of the undead.



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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Monster Museum

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #10

by J. L. Bryan


Genre:  Horror / Paranormal


My Review

Ellie never does an investigation by herself. That’s the number one rule. She tells herself she’s only going to go and see what the deal is. Do some research. Maybe set up some equipment. And wait for the rest of her team. But there isn’t enough time to wait. Seriously bad stuff is occurring at  Dr. Weirdman’s Mountain Museum of Monsters, Curiosities, and Ancient Mysteries. Young ones are caught in the middle. They’ll all need lady luck on their side to make it through this alive.

I’ve been reading this series from the beginning and it never gets old. Ellie is my hero. She knows what’s out there, lurking unseen, waiting to harm the innocent. It’s her job to stop that from happening. People she loves have been hurt, and she’s got enough baggage to slow down a speeding train. But, she never hesitates to help someone in need.

Something I’ve been hoping for just might happen this time. Ellie used to have a significant other until he was possessed by an evil entity and she almost had to kill him. It seems he’s ready to talk, but she’s got a lot of guilt. Still loving him doesn’t mean she’s ready to let him back into her life. Who says it will ever be safe to care about someone that much again. Her life and that of those around her will always be at risk as long as she keeps doing what she does. I’d love for Ellie to have love in her life again.

One seriously creepy lizard thing creeps through the dark hallways. Stranger and stranger events happen. The suspense builds. I quickly devour every sentence, until I reach the end and immediately start thinking about what the next book might bring.

As long as the author keeps writing this series, I’ll surely keep reading it.




Just outside the small but colorful mountain resort town of Foxboro, Tennessee lies Dr. Weirdman’s Mountain Museum of Monsters, Curiosities, and Ancient Mysteries. Once a major tourist attraction, it offers travelers the amusement of touring unusual underground caves and pseudo-scientific exhibits ranging from strange creatures to the supposed artifacts of lost civilizations.

Now the museum is a crumbling relic of an older age, fallen into disrepair. Its longtime owner has died, leaving it in the hands of a younger distant relative who knows nothing of how to run a failing tourist trap of a museum, but who is desperate to make a living and provide for his own children.

The museum has a serious ghost problem, though, and Ellie Jordan is called in from Savannah to help. An unexpected old friend joins Ellie at the last moment so that they can spend a snow-filled Christmas together in the mountains…if the ghosts of the restless dead don’t turn the holidays into a horrific tragedy.

Amazon / B&N / Kobo

The first book is free right now.

Ellie Jordan, Ghost Trapper by [Bryan, JL]

Click on the links below to grab a copy.

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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Megalodon In Paradise

by Hunter Shea


Genre:  Horror


My Review

Imagine winning billions in the lottery. That’s just what happens to Ollie. He decides to buy a tropical island and invites his friends from college to come live there. They’re the closest thing to family he has. Sounds like a dream come true. But, that doesn’t last long.

Hunter has a way of giving you genuine characters in quick, efficient descriptions. I could easily picture all of these. Then he bombards them with Nazi’s, government cover ups, Jamaican mobsters, the character’s own personal demons, a Cat 5 hurricane threatening the island and the largest shark to ever roam the oceans. The Megalodon. Once the action begins the hits just keep on coming.

Those of you who have read Hunter’s work before know he doesn’t spare his characters. Death comes quickly and from all directions. Some of which I can’t share.

It was terrific fun reading this book. I’ve read a bunch of his novels and short stories and was thrilled this was one of the longer ones, as I couldn’t get enough. Hunter made it even more fun when character’s referenced events from some of his other books. I notice he shared another fishy tale that I have to read. The Last Colossus. There’s an opening scene for it included at the end of Magalodon In Paradise. Confirms my decision to no longer swim in the ocean!

Did I enjoy this book? You know it! I got what I was hoping for.Would I recommend this book? Yepper. Treat yourself!




Island life can be deadly.

For Ollie Arias, owning an island in Micronesia is beyond his wildest dreams. Moving his best friends from college to share his dream…priceless. A little urban exploration of the abandoned military lab unearths strange, dark secrets. And awakens a slumbering beast that has gone decades without food. Ollie and his pals have unwittingly unleashed a deadly infection above, and a prehistoric killing machine below. The storm of the century is headed their way. Paradise has never been so close to hell.

Amazon / B&N


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



by Michaelbrent Collings


Genre:  Horror / Thriller


My Review

When I was a young girl, I dreamed of going on safari in Africa. Then, I got older, read some books and saw some movies, and changed my mind. They say the odds are low you’ll get attacked by a shark while swimming in the ocean. I live on the Gulf Coast and have seen what lurks under the water and I don’t swim in open water anymore. I figure the same goes for trekking around Africa, especially after dark, when things come out to hunt. A diverse group of people do just that and get more than they bargained for.

I’m big on character driven stories and that’s what this was all about for me. Sure, something hunts them. But it’s how they react, who steps up and who turns tail that feeds this horror fan.

So, the characters. A father, along with his blind little girl and her grandmother. A washed up movie mogul and his aging trophy wife actress. A bully and his timid wife. The Maasai brother and sister tour guides. There’s more to them than meets the eye.

The author puts his characters into the worst possible situation and strips them down to the bare bones. As they try to get back to safety, they’re tracked, hunted by something that taunts them. Just out of sight, but always there. Then the attacks begin. It’s raw, brutal, and almost beautiful to see these character’s true colors come out.

Who survives? It’s anyone’s guess.

Did I enjoy this book? Most definitely. From the opening page to the final face off.  Would I recommend it? Sure enough. And I’m already reading The Haunted, another thrilling book by the author.





Evie Childs hoped the all-expense-paid trip to Africa would give her a chance at adventure. Maybe it would even let her forget a past that haunts her, and find safety from a husband who abuses her.


But when a group of “freedom fighters” kidnaps her safari tour group, intent on holding them for ransom, the adventure turns to nightmare.


Now, Evie and the rest of the survivors must travel across miles of the harshest, most dangerous environment on Earth. No food. No water. No communications.

And they’re being hunted.


A pack of Africa’s top predators have smelled the blood of the survivors, and will not stop until they have fed. Because in this place, you can be either one of the prey, or one of the…


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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


Little Black Spots

by John F.D. Taff


Genre:  Horror


My Review

When I took a gander at the cover art for this, I had a bit of an idea what was waiting inside for me. Well….I thought I did.

This collection took me all over the pace. Most of these stories really cranked my tractor. Really hit the horror radar. Purple Soda Hand, The Depravity Of Inanimate Things and The Bunny Suit, for instance. A few started to go right over my head. I almost missed the point. Probably not the author’s fault as I stayed up way too late reading these, so I set these aside and started up again the next day. And some were almost poetic, surreal in the best way. The sense of wrongness was palpable. However you like your horror, it’s in here.

 I’m really glad I got my hands on these. There’s nothing like a little horror with a reality check included to make me a happy camper.

Did I enjoy this book? Certainly. Any fan of horror will find something to like in these pages. Would I read this author again? You know it. Whether more short stories or a full length novel, I’d dive right in.


Thanks so much to Author John F.D. Taff and Grey Matter Press for a complimentary review copy.



First he gave us LITTLE DEATHS: THE DEFINITIVE EDITION. Then he unleashed his unique brand of pain in THE END IN ALL BEGINNINGS.

Now Bram Stoker Award-nominated John F.D. Taff – modern horror’s King of Pain – returns with LITTLE BLACK SPOTS. Sixteen stories of dark horror fiction gathered together for the first time, exposing the delicate blemishes and sinister blots that tarnish the human condition.

From a man who stumbles on a cult that glorifies spontaneous human combustion, to a disgraced nature photographer who applies his skills for a vile outcome.

Where a darkened city parking structure seems malevolently alive, and a Halloween costume has a husband seeing his wife in a disturbing new light.

When a ruined man sees far too much of himself in his broken family, and a mysterious bottle of liquid arrives with a deadly secret inside.

Little Black Spots is a beacon shining its light into some of life’s most shadowy corners, revealing the dark stains that spatter all mankind.

The next collection of horror from Bram Stoker Award-nominated John F.D. Taff, LITTLE BLACK SPOTS will be published worldwide on September 18, 2018.



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You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Curse Of The Zombie Zoo

by Erik Masterson


Genre:  Children’s Book / Horror


My Review

I confess, the cover and title got me to grab this without even reading the blurb to see what it was about.

It’s a rather wondering story with a group of kids trying to find some adventure. One thing leads to another and they stumble upon a long abandoned zoo. Imagine their shock when they discover the animals are still there, along with their caretakers, but they are undead. Okay, this had me perking up since the beginning of the book was a bit slow. Things picked up quickly and I became very curious where the author would take the story from here on out.

While tagged as horror, it was more of an adventure and mystery as someone is keeping the zoo’s inhabitants trapped. I liked the characters and the story brought back memories of when I was young and also looking for an adventure. Never stumbled on a zombie zoo though.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. Though it was a bit slow at the start. Would I read this author again? Yes. I would be willing to try another story.




Abby Pruitt and her brothers, Philip and Sam, discover an abandoned zoo in the woods. A zoo where the dead find no rest and myth and magic mingle with the real world.

The Pruitt children are drawn to the forgotten zoo of Forest Heights that is host to the undead animals and people that died there so long ago. An ancient curse holds them all to this place.

They make friends among the undead at the zoo, and they discover that old grudges and mysteries linger long after death. Disarray and upheaval quickly follow the children to the abandoned zoo and things go horribly wrong before the curse is broken.

From summer vacation to the snow days of Christmas Philip, Sam, and Abby do their best to help their undead friends at the zoo…even if it means letting them go forever.

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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


The Melting

They Came With The Snow #2

by Christopher Coleman


Genre:  Horror / Post Apocalyptic / Sci Fi


My Review

The first book was shorter and super creepy. I had hopes this one would be creepy too. And it was. It was also filled with new characters. Some were meat for the crab thingies. And some were more central to the story. Of those, many didn’t make it. A few hung in there for a while. And some had surprises for me.

I shouldn’t have been that surprised. The weird winter weather and crab like things that used the snow to hide in while they hunted had to come from somewhere. Outerspace? Something escaped from a lab? Something unleashed to remake the world? Or, what? I can’t spoil it for you. Would I say the cause of these things surprised me? Nope. Read too many books and seen too many movies for it to do that. I did like how the author twisted it. Especially on how the creatures behaved and reacted to outside stimulus.

The author gives a good ending. Some of you might not like it as much as I did. I feel he left it open to interpretation and a possible third book, but he did give this an ending.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. I especially liked the character dynamics, and the scenes with the creatures really made my hair stand up. Would I recommend this book? Sure enough. Especially to those who enjoy an apocalyptic scenario with their horror and monsters.




The snow is melting, and the crabs are growing more violent.

At the base of a blocked-off bridge spanning the South River, Dominic and his friends plan a daunting journey to flee Warren County and the monsters that came when the snow fell.

But the crabs aren’t the only danger they face.

There are other forces at work, forces with a secret as inhuman and terrifying as the crabs themselves.

And these forces are determined to never let the group leave.

The quest is no longer just to survive, it’s to escape.



I read the first book and it was scary good.

They Came With The Snow

They Came With The Snow #1

by Christopher Coleman



Genre: Horror / Apocalyptic / Sci Fi

My Review

This is a short one. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to like.

When an explosion cuts off the residents of a small town and plunges them into an apocalyptic winter, they have no one to call for help and must rely on their own ingenuity. Do they stay where they are? Or do they brave trying to go for help and risk coming up against the strange things that wait in the snow?

I love stories set in wintry landscapes. There’s something about having to battle the elements as well as the horrors prowling in it that makes for an edgy read.

The creepy, crab things that hide in the snow, only detectable by their cold black eyes peering out of the drifts, were this horror lovers delight. Always looking for new, creative monsters to scare the crap out of me.  I think they stole the show from the characters, who didn’t really win me over. Good thing, as there’s no guarantees any will survive.

While this didn’t terrify me, it sure got the endorphins pumping. I’ll gladly read more by this author.




When a mysterious blast goes off in a small college town, triggering a blizzard, the few survivors must decide whether to stay or leave and face the monsters who came with the snow.



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I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2018! I did this last year and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!



Gretel #1

by Christopher Coleman


Genre:  Horror / Retelling


My Review

I enjoyed Christopher Coleman’s They Came With The Snow horror series and when I discovered he’d written a modern retelling of Hansel and Gretel, I was intrigued.

 It started out creepy enough and the author created some eerie atmosphere while also changing up the original story quite a bit. I was expecting some brutal scenes. The original tale was quite dark. I certainly got those. However, I did feel this book could have been shorter or the author could have done more to liven it up. The pacing in the middle slowed down quite a bit. I was intrigued enough to continue and got a good ending.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes. It had me rethinking driving at night in isolated areas, for sure.Would I read this author again? I already have the second book and I’m told the series gets better.




There is an ancient evil in the Back Country, dormant for centuries but now hungry and lurking. When it sets its sights on an unsuspecting mother one routine morning along an isolated stretch of highway, a quiet farming family is suddenly thrust into a world of unspeakable terror, and a young girl must learn to be a hero.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

You can find a list of my reviews HERE.

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Fatal AgreemendtsbyAshley Fontainne

This is a Tag Team Event hosted by myself and Sherry.

 It’s always a pleasure to share another book by Ashley Fontainne. I’ve read many of her books and plan to read everything she writes.

For today, I’m sharing my review of Fatal Agreements.

After reading my review, head on over to Sherry’s blog at fundinmental and check out her review.

Enter her giveaway for another chance to win!


Fatal Agreements

by Ashley Fontainne



Genre: Mystery / Suspense / Thriller

My Review

Samantha cuts her losses and returns home. She purchases the old Halstead House, a crumbling mansion she always dreamed of living in and hangs her litigator’s shingle. But, it’s not all smooth sailing. Major repairs are needed on the house. She’s juggling a tenuous reunion with her sister, and a mother and nana that butt heads over every little thing. And someone she’s desperate to escape from isn’t ready to let her go. Long kept secrets are coming to light and Samantha’s life and that of those around her are up for grabs from those who’d rather let sleeping dogs lie.

This is an author who keeps on giving. It seems like one dilemma gets resolved and three more pop up. So many ways to take down three generations of women. So many skeletons in thee closets. Lots and lots of skeletons. Wanting to come out.

Same for those bent on taking down Samantha and those she loves.. It’s exhausting to me how these desperate character’s wouldn’t give up. If one scheme didn’t work, they’d come up with another even crazier one.

All of the character’s make mistakes, some worse than others. And they all move like chess players, trying for the best advantage and the ultimate prize of winning. I was continually set back on my heels as one thing after another came to light. And it makes me wonder what I’d discover if I shook my family tree.

Halfway through the book so much had already happened I couldn’t imagine how the second half could have much more to reveal. Well, turned out there was. Plenty of suspense and thrills kept the story moving at a fast clip. All the way to the nicely wrapped up ending.

Did I enjoy this book? Yep. Every scheming bit. Would I recommend it? You better believe it. There’s never a slow spot or a dull moment.




Whispered rumors tickled the ears of the residents of an entire town for decades about the disturbing secrets of the old Halstead House, dating all the way back to the early 1920s. Most people didn’t believe them. Several people will soon discover they should have listened.

Three years after struggling to cope with the death of her beloved father and escaping an abusive relationship, Samantha Chapman decides it’s time to return to her hometown of Hot Springs. She buys the ramshackle Halstead House, eager to transform the dilapidated, abandoned piece of history into her new law office and residence, hoping it will be the start of a brighter chapter and a safe haven to escape her personal demons.

Instead of newfound freedom, things take a dark turn when the resurrection of the old home reveals the disturbing secrets hidden within its walls. When youthful transgressions of numerous people come to light, including ones some members of the Chapman family are desperate to contain, it reveals the sins of the past. They collide with the grave mistakes of the present, creating a perfect storm of chaos and death for not only the Chapman family but others as well.

Some will survive.

Others will get burned.

Sam and her loved ones realize some family secrets should have remained buried.

Amazon  / B&N / Kobo


Author Ashley Fontainne


Award-winning and International bestselling author Ashley Fontainne is an avid reader of mostly the classics. Ashley became a fan of the written word in her youth, starting with the Nancy Drew mystery series. Stories that immerse the reader deep into the human psyche and the monsters that lurk within us are her favorite reads.

Her muse for penning the Eviscerating the Snake series was The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Ashley’s love for this book is what sparked her desire to write her debut novel, Accountable to None, the first book in the trilogy. With a modern setting to the tale, Ashley delves into just what lengths a person is willing to go when they seek personal justice for heinous acts perpetrated upon them. The second novel in the series, Zero Balance. focuses on the cost and reciprocal cycle that obtaining revenge has on the seeker. For once the cycle starts, where does it end? How far will the tendrils of revenge expand? Adjusting Journal Entries answered that question: far and wide.

Her short thriller entitled Number Seventy-Five, touches upon the sometimes dangerous world of online dating. Number Seventy-Five took home the BRONZE medal in fiction/suspense at the 2013 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards contest and is currently in production for a feature film.

Her paranormal thriller entitled The Lie, won the GOLD medal in the 2013 Illumination Book Awards for fiction/suspense and is also in production for a feature film entitled Foreseen.

Ashley’s decided to delve into the paranormal with a Southern Gothic horror/suspense novel, Growl, which released in January of 2015. The suspenseful mystery Empty Shell, released in September of 2014. Ashley will be teaming up with Lillian Hansen (Ashley calls her mom!) to pen a three-part murder mystery/suspense series entitled The Magnolia Series. The first book, Blood Ties, released the Summer of 2015.

Whispered Pain released in October of 2015 and Night Court released December 13, 2015.

Ashley also hosts The WriteStuff, a popular BlogTalk Radio show, each Friday night at 10 p.m. CST.


Author Website

Foreseen Movie Website – See the trailer

Number Seventy-Five Movie Website


giveaway photo: Giveaway Banner for 42nd giveaway.png

Ashley is giving away two eBooks and five print copies.

Entry is easy. Just leave your email address so I can contact you if you win and answer this question:

“Do you still live in the town you were born in? If not, have you ever went back there?”

Now hop on over the Sherry’s post on fundinmental for her review and another chance to win!

Giveaway ends October 18th.

tag you're it photo: You're awesome tag-game-awesome-friends_zpscce89964.jpg


Books by Ashley Fontainne




29542739    Blood Loss (The Magnolia Series Book 2) by [Fontainne, Ashley, Hansen, Lillian]  36577244  38725061

Click on the covers to see on Amazon.

And click on the links below to see my reviews.


The Lie

Night Court

Suicide Lake

Tainted Cure

Ruined Wings


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

I am an Amazon Affiliate. Product images are linked.
