Posts Tagged ‘children’s book’

Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing another fun book in the If You Were Me And Lived In…  series by Carole P. Roman.


If You Were Me And Lived In…

Renaissance Italy

by Carole P. Roman



Genre: Education / Adventure / Historical / Children’s Book

Grade Level: 5 – 14

 My Review

Carole P. Roman once again takes us back in time. This stop, Renaissance Italy.

You’ll learn all about some of the famous people and artists of the times like Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo Galalei, Michelangelo and many more. And the wonderful illustrations show you how people lived, what they wore and what they celebrated, among other things. And the glossary provided at the end of the book proves quite handy.

I particularly liked learning about what the people ate, and how the practice of art evolved. And I always wondered how they cleaned their clothes. They didn’t have washing machines. What I discovered was fascinating.

Just like the other books I’ve read in this series, I learned a lot and your children will too. This book is a wonderful teaching tool and also a grand adventure.

5 Stars

Here’s a glimpse inside.

You might have lived in a home like this, called a palazzo. This was fun to learn as I’d seen homes like these in many movies but never knew they had a name for the style.


And here’s what you might have worn. It took a long time to get dressed, as there were many layers.




Join Carole P. Roman and travel through time to visit the most interesting civilizations throughout history in the first four books of her new series. Learn what kind of food you might eat in Florence, Italy, the clothes you wore in the 15th century, what your name could be, and what children did for fun. If You Were Me and Lived in…does for history what her other award-winning series did for culture. So get on-board this time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Amazon / B&N


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Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

Today’s book is one from my holiday list. So cute and fun.


The Tannenbaum Tailors and the Secret Snowball

by JB Michaels



Genre: Holiday / Adventure / Children’s Book

My Review

Strap yourself in. It’s going to be a bumpy ride aboard the Icicle ship. Will Captain Brendan and the Tannenbaum Tailors be able to save Christmas from the Spiritless Elves?

Wouldn’t it be super if these wee folks were real? Imagine tiny elves scampering on your Christmas tree, making sure there’s no faulty wiring that will cause a fire and polishing the bulbs to make it merry and bright.

And with any good adventure, there’s usually a bad guy or two. The Spiritless elves try to ruin the festivities and that’s where the action really begins.

 This was such a fun, action packed adventure and a whole new look at Christmas. I’d say it’s aimed at middle grade readers but don’t let that stop you mature readers from jumping in. I think you’ll find this joining your holiday reading list.

4 Stars



They are the Tannenbaum Tailors: elves charged with maintaining Christmas trees in homes around the world. Without the Tailors’ efforts, families might lose their Christmas spirit. And this year, one team of Tailors will be tested like never before.

With the North Pole itself under attack, newly promoted Captain Brendan is assigned a special mission: conceal the source of Santa’s power within a Christmas tree in Chicago. On Christmas Eve, Santa will pick it up.

The job would be simple, but the Tailors find themselves facing a serious threat””the thieving Spiritless elves, already responsible for sabotaging the North Pole Home Tree, will do anything to gain control of the very thing that makes Christmas possible.

Equally bad, Christmas spirit is at an all-time low in the Chicago home where Brendan’s assigned.

The family’s mother even wants to take the tree down before Christmas Eve! To save Christmas, Captain Brendan and his Tailors will have to use every spirit-raising trick they know””and possibly even bend a few rules to pull it off.

 Combining holiday cheer with action and thrills,

The Tannenbaum Tailors and the Secret Snowball reads like Raiders of the Lost Ark in a Christmas tree.

Amazon / B&N

I got this as a free download. Click on the links above to grab a copy.


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For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a fun adventure book in the If You Were Me And Lived In…  series by Carole P. Roman.


If You Were Me And Lived In…

Elizabethan England

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Education / Adventure / Children’s Book

Grade Level: 3 – 9

 My Review

Ever wondered what it would be like to live during the Elizabethan era? The author spins the time travel dial and you are there. Walking among queens and kings, merchants and explorers. Those with money and those with less eat different foods, wear different clothes, but all follow the same religion, the one practiced by the royals.

A non fiction tale told from the view point of a child living in London during the 1600s, the author did her research. While this book is directed towards a young reading audience, I learned a lot, and your child will have fun while learning too.

And I thought it was a wonderful idea for the author to provide a glossary at the end of the book to help with word pronunciation and understanding their meaning, along with a list of renowned people from the era.

 I read and enjoyed another book in this series, The American West, and I’m thrilled that the author included fun little facts you wouldn’t normally think about in this book also. Highly recommend this one too.

5 Stars



Join Carole P. Roman and travel through time to visit the most interesting civilizations throughout history in the first four books of her new series. Learn what kind of food you might eat in Elizabethan England, the complicated clothes you might wear, what might influence your parents to choose your name, and what children did for fun. If You Were Me and Lived in…does for history what her other award-winning series did for culture. So get on-board this time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Amazon / B&N


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a fun adventure book in the If You Were Me And Lived In…  series by Carole P. Roman.


If You Were Me And Lived In…

The American West

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Education / Adventure / Children’s Book

Grade Level: 3 – 9

 My Review

Learn how it was to join the Wagon Train of 1843. What was it like to load everything you own into one wagon and travel west across the country, braving the elements and hidden dangers? What would you do for food and clothing? What did you do for shelter once you arrived at your chosen destination? Life is different, with many new customs, and there’s much to be done to settle into your new life.

There’s so many interesting details shared about settling in the Old West. Many I never even thought about before. With beautiful illustrations by Paula Tabor, and informative discussions on such things as building homes, clothing, names of the times and daily living, Carol captures the image of the American West.

At the end of the book, the author shares about famous people from these times and includes a glossary of words that explain meaning and pronunciations.

Young readers will find this to be a fascinating and fun trip back in time to see how it was done in the American West.

5  Stars



Join Carole P. Roman and travel through time to visit the most interesting civilizations throughout history in her exciting new series.

Learn what kind of food you might eat on the Oregon Trail, the clothes you wore in in the American West, what your name could be in the 19th century, and what children did for fun once their many chores were done.

If You Were Me and Lived in…does for history what her other award-winning series did for culture.

So get on-board this time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Amazon / B&N


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing my reviews for the last two books in the Captain No Beard series by Carole P. Roman.

Be sure to check out the interview.

And there’s a giveaway for a chance to win signed print copies of the complete 10 book set of the Captain No Beard Series! So don’t forget to enter.


Enjoy my interview with Author Carole P. Roman

Of all the themes you could have chosen for your series, why pirates?

I love pirates. I used watch swashbucklers with my mom and was surprised how easily the story came to me. I have always been attracted to sailing ships and seaports. I’m a big Mystic Seaport fan. Just seemed there was a lot of things I could do on the high seas!

I adore the zany crew of the Flying Dragon and especially enjoy meeting each new character. Where did the idea for each of them come from?

Each of the human characters are based on my grandkids. I was surprised at how well Bonnie Lemaire captured their personalities. Alexander was just over two when we started, Hallie a few months old. Then when Cayla and Zach came along, I added them to the story. The stuffed animals in the story have some traits of various members of my family. I’m not telling who- but they’ll recognize themselves, I’m sure.

Could you share with us about the delightful illustrations in your books?

Createspace had four or five illustrator and I chose Bonnie because she had the whimsy I was looking for. We’ve never met, or spoken on the phone and all our notes were done through emails in the beginning. I think she is a genius. She took my descriptions and really captures the fun of the book.

Each of the adventures in your series teaches a valuable lesson. Did the ideas for the stories come first or the lessons?

The first book was simply a reflection of playtime with the kids. It’s sort of how we used to make up a story as we played. The rest of the books evolved from a conversation with someone in my family, Snake Island started with the most beautiful sunrise. I may have written the first line, but the characters took over from there. They really do speak to me.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about writing your series?

I had a great time doing it. I love reading the books to kids and watching them enjoy the “drama” of the story. I think there is not enough adventure in kids books today.

Five fun short questions.

Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.

Sweet or salty snacks? Both!!

Hot or cold beverages? Hot- coffee.

If you could be any animal, what would you be? Probably a dog. A really cute one.

Early riser or repeatedly hit the snooze? Oh, crack of dawn for me. I hit the floor running and don’t stop until midnight.

Thanks for the thoughtful and fun questions!!!

And thank you, Carole, for this wonderful interview.


A Flag For The Flying Dragon

A Captain No Beard Story #9

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book

 My Review

Oh boy. There’s a new crew member aboard the Flying Dragon and Mongo the monkey isn’t happy about it one bit. Zachary is too young to do most jobs and a whole lot of trouble to look after. When Captain No Beard decides the ship needs a flag, maybe Zachary has an idea for that? And Maybe he’s found his place on the ship.

I love this problem solving gang of pirates. And how Carole introduces the lesson to be learned and the solution to the problem is always a fun, delightful adventure.

It’s never too late to join the crew. Welcome aboard, Matey.

5  Stars



It’s business as usual on the Flying Dragon. Their mission is to find a flag for the ship. Captain No Beard sighs, “Being a captain is hard work,” as he watches the busy crew preparing the vessel for their next adventure. Polly is giving out pretzels; Linus is polishing a lamp. Matie is cracking coconuts, Cayla is stuffing holes, and Hallie is swabbing the deck. High overhead, trouble is brewing, and it is not the weather. Mongo does not want any help from the newest crew member, and it is creating a hurricane of a mess on board. The team must come together and find a task that will fit Zachary without interfering with their own fun. On the way, they acquire a flag that will unite them as both friends and crew. Join the problem-solving crew of the Flying Dragon as they find a flag for their ship and a job for Zach.



Being A Captain Is Hard Work

A Captain No Beard Story #10

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book

 My Review

The last book in the series and it’s another fun adventure.

As the title says, being a captain is hard work. Capatin No Beard says this in all of his books. What he doesn’t realize and learns from his crew is that he makes it harder on himself.  Sometimes, listening to others and not always insisting his way is the only right way means smooth sailing.

Once again I’m taken away by the vivid, exciting illustrations. Carole has some fun, lovable characters in her band of pirates and it’s always fun to see how they work together to solve problems and help each other. How Captain No Beard learns to listen to others and comes to understand that being stubborn has consequences for his crew too is cleverly blended into another exciting adventure on the high seas.

I’ve loved all of the books in this series and can’t recommend them enough. They will make reading time such fun for parents, teachers, and kids and the life lessons are invaluable.

5  Stars



Captain No Beard is determined to travel to Dew Rite Volcano. He won’t listen when Mongo predicts a storm or Linus indicates they are headed in the wrong direction. He insists Polly cook in the galley even though the seas are getting rough. What’s a crew to do with a stubborn, know-it-all captain? Will they convince the captain he is barreling headlong into danger, or will Captain No Beard jeopardize both his safety and the crew’s with his single-minded determination to go where he wants?



Author Carole P. Roman

Carole P. Roman

Named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best of 2012 for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born.”Captain No Beard- An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life” has not only been named to Kirkus Best of 2012, it received the Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award for 2012. “Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience” Book 2 in the series, received 5 Stars from The ForeWord Review The Clarion Review. Strangers on the High Seas has won second place in the Rebecca’s Reads Choice Awards 2013. It has followed with six more books to the series. This year, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis was named to Kirkus Best 2015. The entire cultural non-fiction series If You Were Me and Lived in… was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound. She has begun work on two new series that will be released in early 2016.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
Her nonfiction series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…” combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us. The debut book in the series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico” has won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Non Fiction 2012. France, South Korea, and Norway. Rebecca’s Reads has given If You Were Me and Lived in…Norway an honorable mention in the 2013 Choice Awards. If You Were Me and Lived in …France won second place. ForeWord Review has nominated If You Were Me and Lived in…France for best in children’s non fiction literature 2013. They will be followed with Kenya, Turkey, India, and Australia. She plans to do Portugal, Greece, and Argentina next year. There are now 22 books in the series and include a trip to Mars in 2054.
Carole was recently featured in a two part article on where her book, Navigating Indieworld was discussed along with her self-publishing success.
Writing for children has opened up a whole second act for her. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.

Goodreads / Website / Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Amazon


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Carole has a wonderful giveaway! One person will win signed print copies of the complete Captain No Beard series!

US Only.

I like to keep the giveaways easy so all you need to do is leave your email address so I can contact you and leave your answer to this question in the comment section:

What’s the first book you remember reading?

Giveaway ends December 6th.


And here are my reviews for the other books in the series. Just click on the covers to read my reviews.





Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills!

day of the dead photo: Dancing Skeleton dancing_skeleton.gif

I’ll be sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to

get those scares on for the 31st!


Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a really fun book.

Splat The Cat

What Was That?

by Rob Scotton




Genre: Children’s / Halloween / A Lift The Flap Book

 My Review

Splat, a black cat. How fun is that?

It’s Halloween and Splat and his friends, Spike and Seymour are at the last house on their trick-or-treat route.  Splat doesn’t want anything to do with the creepy old house. It’s supposed to be haunted. But then Seymour gets lost and Splat and Spike have to find him.

Such a fun little book. Splat and his friends are adorable  and this lift-the-flap book shows them in glossy, colorful illustrations. I remember this type of book when I was little. I read it over and over, excited every time I peeked behind one of the flaps.

Little ones will be giggling, begging to be the one to lift a flap and see what’s under it. Simply written and not really scary, it’s a fun Halloween story.

This is a series and there are plenty more adventures with these delightful characters.

Too cute!

5  Stars



Splat the Cat and his friends have a Halloween adventure in Splat the Cat: What Was That?, a  lift-the-flap book by Rob Scotton, creator of the beloved Russell the Sheep.

Halloween should be a black cat’s favorite holiday, but Spat the Cat is nervous about visiting a creepy haunted house. He’s worried it will be too scary. Splat’s friend Spike tells Splat not to be a scaredy-cat—the haunted house is just for fun!

Splat and Spike’s visit to the haunted house turns into a rescue mission when Splat’s pet mouse, Seymour, gets lost inside.
Kids will relate to Splat’s apprehension about visiting a haunted house and they’ll enjoy the exciting surprises under every flap in the funny, spooky book.


Here’s a peek inside.


And a peek under the flap.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

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Age Range: 8 – 12 years
Grade Level: 3 – 7
Hardcover: 176 pages
Publisher: Walden Pond Press (June 27, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0062418793
ISBN-13: 978-0062418791


“An engaging, entertaining compendium that will inform and confound.” ―Kirkus Reviews



Two Truths and a Lie is the first book in a fascinating new series that presents some of the most crazy-but-true stories about the living world as well as a handful of stories that are too crazy to be true—and asks readers to separate facts from the fakes!

Did you know that there is a fungus that can control the mind of an ant and make it do its bidding? Would you believe there is such a thing as a corpse flower—a ten-foot-tall plant with a blossom that smells like a zombie? How about a species of octopus that doesn’t live in water but rather lurks in trees in the Pacific Northwest?

Every story in this book is strange and astounding. But not all of them are real. Just like the old game in this book’s title, two out of every three stories are completely true and one is an outright lie. Can you guess which? It’s not going to be easy. Some false stories are based on truth, and some of the true stories are just plain unbelievable. And they’re all accompanied by dozens of photos, maps, and illustrations. Amaze yourself and trick your friends as you sort out the fakes from the facts!

Acclaimed authors Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson have teamed up to create a series of sneaky stories about the natural world designed to amaze, disgust, and occasionally bamboozle you.

You can purchase Two Truths and a Lie: It’s Alive at the following Retailers:


Book Nerd Spotlight
Photo Content from Ammi-Joan Paquette & Laurie A. Thompson.


Ammi-Joan Paquette

Ammi-Joan Paquette has never met a ghost, mummy, monster, skeleton, or witch — as far as she knows. This book, she says, was inspired by a game she used to play with her sister: “Most of the details have been lost to time, but I still remember the shivery thrill I got when we played it. So, I drew on that same energy to write a spooky picture book, which eventually became A Ghost in the House.” In addition to writing, Joan is also a literary agent representing authors of children’s books. She lives outside Boston with her family.

Laurie A. Thompson
Laurie writes for children of all ages. She is dedicated to inspiring and empowering young readers through nonfiction and fiction that educates as well as entertains.


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*JBN is not responsible for Lost or Damaged Books in your Nerdy Mail Box*

Click on the banner below to follow the tour for more great posts!



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE

Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

I came across this on Amazon and just couldn’t resist it.

It was free on Amazon at the time of my posting. You can click on the cover to grab a copy. Just make sure you check the price before you one click.


 Me Tawk Funny

A Shaggy Dog Story #1

  by Neil Roy McFarlane



Genre: Children’s Book

Ages 6 – 13

My Review

It all starts when Hector Dumble’s dog, Buster, starts talking. Hector thinks of himself as dumb. Now he thinks he’s going crazy. Dogs can’t talk. But Buster can. And he keeps getting smarter. Soon, he has Hector studying and getting smarter too.

It’s not long before reporters get wind of the miracle and interview Hector and his talking dog Buster. It’s the headline in the newspaper and leading story on the towns news program. Until they’re knocked from the headlines by a bank robber. He’s due to strike again and maybe, just maybe, Hector and Buster can combine their smarts and catch the guy.

This is such a fun and clever story to encourage children to ask for help, not give up, and believe in themselves. Hector and Buster both buckle down, support each other, and learn together. But it wouldn’t have been as fun if they didn’t have a dastardly villain to catch.

The author had a good idea with this and made it silly and fun while also teaching children some valuable lessons. They’ll have so much fun reading about Hector and Buster, that they won’t realize they are also learning.

I think a lot of kids will identify with Hector. Learning can be hard, but it can also be fun and rewarding. Just like this cute tale.

There are two more books in this Shaggy Dog series and you can bet I’ll be reading them.

   4 Stars



How did Hector’s dog start talking?
Hector Dumble thinks he’s dumb. When his dog Buster starts talking to him, Hector begins to think he’s crazy too.

Things become even stranger when Hector learns that his teacher Mr Weazel has a secret identity.

How will Hector handle having a dog that can talk and a teacher who wants to take over the world?

Find out in this shaggy dog story for kids aged 6 to 13.


As they were taking a short cut across the park, Buster suddenly stopped walking.
“Come on, Buster,” said Hector. “Mom’s waiting for us.”
But Buster just stood there and started making some funny noises. It wasn’t really a growl and it wasn’t really a bark. It was like a cross between the two. A ‘grark’. Then he coughed a bit and gave another grark.
Hector looked at him curiously. “Buster, are you OK?”
Buster looked at Hector, grarked again, and then he said, “Kay kay.”
“Did you just say ‘kay kay’?” Hector asked.
“Nuh nuh,” said Buster. “Missa me kay kay.”
“Huh?” Hector thought that the noises Buster was making were pretty weird.
“Missay me ko kay,” said Buster.
“Buster, are you trying to talk?” Hector said.
Buster cleared his throat again and said, “Me say me OK.”
So, thought Hector, all this studying and homework has finally made me go crazy. Now I think my dog can talk. “OK, Buster, let’s go home. Mom will be worrying.”
“Hokay Hector,” said Buster. Then he gave another grark, as if he were trying to clear his throat. “Me tawk funny.”
“You sure do,” said Hector. “Come on.”

Free for Prime and Kindle Unlimited Customers

A perfect-length bedtime story – grab a copy today!

Click on the link below for your free copy.



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE


I’m so excited to share this book with you.  Check out my 5 Star review of Mama’s Knight. And enjoy the interview with Author Aurora Whittet.

And don’t forget to enter the giveaway!


Interview with Aurora Whittet, author of

Mama’s Knight: A Cancer Story of Love


There are many books out there about cancer. What makes yours different?

The big difference with Mama’s Knight, is that it is personalizable. No matter what type of cancer you have, breast, brain, thyroid, this book can help your children understand what is happening. Mom can write in her diagnosis and symptoms. Put in photos of her child and find activities based on mom’s energy level. Most books are concentrated on one type of cancer, but I wanted to create something that any mom with any cancer could find hope and help.


How long have you been writing?

I have been writing stories since I was about eleven or twelve years old. Naturally those ones were terrible, but my friends enjoyed them at the time. I continued writing, and one day when my mom was diagnosed with cancer, I realized I needed to start pursuing publishing now, because tomorrow wasn’t a guarantee. I published my first novel in 2013, and have since finished the entire Bloodmark Saga series, followed by Mama’s Knight: A Cancer Story of Love. It has been an amazing and creative journey. I’m currently in edit for a new novel, illustrating the daddy version of the cancer book, and writing and illustrating a children’s picture book about monsters. I am endlessly creating something. Keep an eye on my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates and Cover Reveals.


Is there a specific ritualistic thing you do during your writing time?

I like to listen to the same song on repeat every time I write on a book. Sometimes with longer novels, that can be three or four different songs based on the mood of that section of the book, but whichever song it is, that one is on repeat. It helps me set the tone, return me to where I was the day before, and drown out any distractions, while not becoming a distraction itself.


If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I would go back to the moment that the doctors told my mom she had cancer again and I would buy us tickets for a week in somewhere amazing and take that moment. I would take her on a trip. I would help her see all the things she dreamed. I kept saying when she’s healthier we’ll go, but she never got better. Sometimes you truly must live in the moment, because tomorrow is never a promise. I would go back to that moment and I would help hug her. What I wouldn’t give for one more hug from my mom.


If there is one thing you want readers to remember about you, what would it be?

You know I don’t think it’s about me. I’m just a mom who writes books. What I want readers to remember is to always love, forgive, find grace, make time, be kind. Be there. Be present. Take the photo of your kids, but also put the phone down and just play. Make the wonderful homemade meal, and make the dinner from a bag. Don’t live by someone else’s standards, make your own rules and find happiness. Life is unexpected and chaotic and there is an ever-present unknown expiration date, so don’t put off the fun and hugs and life for tomorrow, because tomorrow may never come, so love hard every day. And one must always hold the door for the next guy.

Mama's Knight

Genre: Children’s Book / Interactive / Non Fiction


My Review

Families coping with cancer will find this book invaluable. It’s an interactive book designed to be personalized with children’s names and family pictures, and includes activity plans, and cute, colorful pictures to help a mother with cancer explain treatments and symptoms with their young ones.

I especially liked the idea of coupons the kids can fill out choosing who will help them with an activity when mother is too tired or ill to participate. This is just one of many helpful ideas.

I can honestly say I’ve never come across a book like this before. Very helpful and one of a kind.

5 Stars



Once upon a time . . . It’s how all heroes begin their story, and you’re a hero, too! Your mama has cancer, and it’s a scary journey, but you can help your mama just by being you—special, wonderful, YOU. Your mama loves you just the way you are. You are your mama’s knight.

Mama’s Knight: A Cancer Story of Love is an emotional toolbox that can help kids and parents communicate about what it means for Mama to have cancer. The book is filled with tools and activities designed to make coping with illness easier on both parent and child, and can be personalized for each child.

Buy the Book:  Author’s Website

Author Aurora Whittet

Aurora Whittet

Aurora Whittet started out as a wild red-haired girl in Minnesota dreaming up stories for her friends to read. Today, she has completed Bloodmark, Bloodrealms, and Bloodmoon of the Bloodmark Saga trilogy and started her journey into children’s books with Mama’s Knight in honor of her own mother who lost her battle with cancer. She’s a national award-winning graphic designer and birth doula in her day jobs. Aurora lives with her family in Minnesota.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook


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April 3 – Library of Clean Reads – book spotlight / giveaway

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April 5 – Cheryl’s Book Nook – review / author interview / giveaway

April 6 – Books, Dreams, Life – review / author interview / giveaway

April 7 – 100 pages a day – review / guest post / giveaway

April 10 – A Mama’s Corner of the World – review / giveaway

April 11 – Heidi’s Wanderings – review / giveaway

April 12 – Fantastic Feathers – review

April 13 – ReadingBifrost – review / giveaway

April 14 – T’s Stuff – review / guest post / giveaway

April 17 – Svetlana’s Reads and Views – review

April 18 – Deal Sharing Aunt – review / giveaway

April 19 – FUONLYKNEW – review / author interview / giveaway

April 20 – Book Room Reviews – review / guest post

April 21 – Kristin’s Novel Cafe – review


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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today’s I have some very different books to share with you.


Breakfast Doodles #1

Written & Illustrated by Donovan Scherer


Age Range: 9 – 12  years / Grades: 4 – 8

Genre: Children’s Picture Book / Art


My Review

I couldn’t resist when I read the blurb for this book. I wish there had been ones like this when I was a youngster. Being a kid at heart, I had a crackin good time.

Lots of fun ghoulish illustrations are followed by short captions, kind of one or two sentence stories to go along with the pictures.

Some of my favorites are Workin’ Cats about Area 51 and Monster Monday and the Black Lagoon.

It’s all in fun and this ghoul wanted to grab a sketch pad and pencil and try some of my own. The author should make this a coloring book. Now, that would be even more fun.

3 Stars



Breakfast Doodles are the daily drawings of Donovan Scherer, author and illustrator of the Fear & Sunshine series and more. Created as a reason to get out of bed and make some art before heading off to the day job, this morning routine has quickly become a horrible addiction of our dear artist, leading to strange creatures and cats with workplace depression. Join him as reality spirals out of control in this first collection of artwork and stories.

This work is originally published daily online but collected here for convenience and because he thinks it would be cool to say he publishes a book every month. And since you ought to know just what you’re getting into, here’s your Breakfast Doodle Menu:
Monday – Monsters
Tuesday – The Art of Fear & Sunshine
Wednesday – Childhood Adventures
Thursday – The Rise of the Deadish
Friday – Free for All
Saturday – Workin’ Cats
Sunday – Adventure Quest Land

As an added bonus, Volume 1 was created during October 2015 while Inktober and Drawlloween were happening. Inktober is an annual event where artists around the world work to create a new inked illustration each day of October. Drawlloween offers Halloween-themed suggestions for artists to choose from. This month’s Breakfast Doodles combines them both (along with the regular menu).

Hope you like it!



Be sure to hop over and check out my review of Mama’s Knight, A Cancer Story Of Love. It’s such a unique book and there’s also a giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy! Click on the cover below to read my review and enter.

Mama's Knight


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