Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.
I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.
Today I’m sharing my reviews for the last two books in the Captain No Beard series by Carole P. Roman.
Be sure to check out the interview.
And there’s a giveaway for a chance to win signed print copies of the complete 10 book set of the Captain No Beard Series! So don’t forget to enter.
Enjoy my interview with Author Carole P. Roman
Of all the themes you could have chosen for your series, why pirates?
I love pirates. I used watch swashbucklers with my mom and was surprised how easily the story came to me. I have always been attracted to sailing ships and seaports. I’m a big Mystic Seaport fan. Just seemed there was a lot of things I could do on the high seas!
I adore the zany crew of the Flying Dragon and especially enjoy meeting each new character. Where did the idea for each of them come from?
Each of the human characters are based on my grandkids. I was surprised at how well Bonnie Lemaire captured their personalities. Alexander was just over two when we started, Hallie a few months old. Then when Cayla and Zach came along, I added them to the story. The stuffed animals in the story have some traits of various members of my family. I’m not telling who- but they’ll recognize themselves, I’m sure.
Could you share with us about the delightful illustrations in your books?
Createspace had four or five illustrator and I chose Bonnie because she had the whimsy I was looking for. We’ve never met, or spoken on the phone and all our notes were done through emails in the beginning. I think she is a genius. She took my descriptions and really captures the fun of the book.
Each of the adventures in your series teaches a valuable lesson. Did the ideas for the stories come first or the lessons?
The first book was simply a reflection of playtime with the kids. It’s sort of how we used to make up a story as we played. The rest of the books evolved from a conversation with someone in my family, Snake Island started with the most beautiful sunrise. I may have written the first line, but the characters took over from there. They really do speak to me.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about writing your series?
I had a great time doing it. I love reading the books to kids and watching them enjoy the “drama” of the story. I think there is not enough adventure in kids books today.
Five fun short questions.
Favorite holiday? Thanksgiving.
Sweet or salty snacks? Both!!
Hot or cold beverages? Hot- coffee.
If you could be any animal, what would you be? Probably a dog. A really cute one.
Early riser or repeatedly hit the snooze? Oh, crack of dawn for me. I hit the floor running and don’t stop until midnight.
Thanks for the thoughtful and fun questions!!!
And thank you, Carole, for this wonderful interview.
A Flag For The Flying Dragon
A Captain No Beard Story #9
by Carole P. Roman

Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book
My Review
Oh boy. There’s a new crew member aboard the Flying Dragon and Mongo the monkey isn’t happy about it one bit. Zachary is too young to do most jobs and a whole lot of trouble to look after. When Captain No Beard decides the ship needs a flag, maybe Zachary has an idea for that? And Maybe he’s found his place on the ship.
I love this problem solving gang of pirates. And how Carole introduces the lesson to be learned and the solution to the problem is always a fun, delightful adventure.
It’s never too late to join the crew. Welcome aboard, Matey.
5 Stars
It’s business as usual on the Flying Dragon. Their mission is to find a flag for the ship. Captain No Beard sighs, “Being a captain is hard work,” as he watches the busy crew preparing the vessel for their next adventure. Polly is giving out pretzels; Linus is polishing a lamp. Matie is cracking coconuts, Cayla is stuffing holes, and Hallie is swabbing the deck. High overhead, trouble is brewing, and it is not the weather. Mongo does not want any help from the newest crew member, and it is creating a hurricane of a mess on board. The team must come together and find a task that will fit Zachary without interfering with their own fun. On the way, they acquire a flag that will unite them as both friends and crew. Join the problem-solving crew of the Flying Dragon as they find a flag for their ship and a job for Zach.
Being A Captain Is Hard Work
A Captain No Beard Story #10
by Carole P. Roman

Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book
My Review
The last book in the series and it’s another fun adventure.
As the title says, being a captain is hard work. Capatin No Beard says this in all of his books. What he doesn’t realize and learns from his crew is that he makes it harder on himself. Sometimes, listening to others and not always insisting his way is the only right way means smooth sailing.
Once again I’m taken away by the vivid, exciting illustrations. Carole has some fun, lovable characters in her band of pirates and it’s always fun to see how they work together to solve problems and help each other. How Captain No Beard learns to listen to others and comes to understand that being stubborn has consequences for his crew too is cleverly blended into another exciting adventure on the high seas.
I’ve loved all of the books in this series and can’t recommend them enough. They will make reading time such fun for parents, teachers, and kids and the life lessons are invaluable.
5 Stars
Captain No Beard is determined to travel to Dew Rite Volcano. He won’t listen when Mongo predicts a storm or Linus indicates they are headed in the wrong direction. He insists Polly cook in the galley even though the seas are getting rough. What’s a crew to do with a stubborn, know-it-all captain? Will they convince the captain he is barreling headlong into danger, or will Captain No Beard jeopardize both his safety and the crew’s with his single-minded determination to go where he wants?
Author Carole P. Roman

Named to Kirkus Reviews’ Best of 2012 for her first book, award winning author Carole P. Roman started writing as a dare from one of her sons. Using an imaginary game she played with her grandson as a base, Captain No Beard was born.”Captain No Beard- An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life” has not only been named to Kirkus Best of 2012, it received the Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award for 2012. “Pepper Parrot’s Problem with Patience” Book 2 in the series, received 5 Stars from The ForeWord Review The Clarion Review. Strangers on the High Seas has won second place in the Rebecca’s Reads Choice Awards 2013. It has followed with six more books to the series. This year, Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis was named to Kirkus Best 2015. The entire cultural non-fiction series If You Were Me and Lived in… was named Best Series by Shelf Unbound. She has begun work on two new series that will be released in early 2016.
Motivated by her love of yoga, Roman has written a book that not only teaches four poses, but shows how easy and accessible yoga can be.
Her nonfiction series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…” combines her teaching past with her love of exploration and interest in the world around us. The debut book in the series, “If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico” has won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Non Fiction 2012. France, South Korea, and Norway. Rebecca’s Reads has given If You Were Me and Lived in…Norway an honorable mention in the 2013 Choice Awards. If You Were Me and Lived in …France won second place. ForeWord Review has nominated If You Were Me and Lived in…France for best in children’s non fiction literature 2013. They will be followed with Kenya, Turkey, India, and Australia. She plans to do Portugal, Greece, and Argentina next year. There are now 22 books in the series and include a trip to Mars in 2054.
Carole was recently featured in a two part article on Forbes.com where her book, Navigating Indieworld was discussed along with her self-publishing success.
Writing for children has opened up a whole second act for her. While she is still working in her family business, this has enabled her to share her sense of humor as well as love for history and culture with the audience she adores. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and near her children.
Goodreads / Website / Blog / Twitter / Facebook / Amazon

Carole has a wonderful giveaway! One person will win signed print copies of the complete Captain No Beard series!
US Only.
I like to keep the giveaways easy so all you need to do is leave your email address so I can contact you and leave your answer to this question in the comment section:
What’s the first book you remember reading?
Giveaway ends December 6th.
And here are my reviews for the other books in the series. Just click on the covers to read my reviews.

Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!
For a list of my reviews go HERE.
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To see all of my giveaways go HERE