Posts Tagged ‘ghosts’

WWW Wednesday

looking out a window photo: girl looking out the window girl-looking-out-the-window.jpg

Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

The Showing


Based on more of a true story than you might wish to believe.
It was a house Mister Jones knew from his childhood, his grandparents’ house, a house that everyone in his family feared, a house with a tangible sense of evil seeping through its walls.
However, when he saw that it was up for sale yet again, Mister Jones couldn’t resist visiting it one more time, so he contacted the agent and arranged a showing.
Throughout the visit he sensed the evil re-emerging and, sure enough, after he left, the agent was nowhere to be found.
When the police interrogated Mister Jones, it was obvious that he knew more than he was telling.
What kind of evil was inhabiting the house and what part was Mister Jones playing in its plan?

Scary good so far!

It’s free right now too. Get yours here.

Don’t know for how long so make sure you check!


What did you recently finish reading?

Bound (The Crystor, #1)


When a photo shoot ends in tragedy, Kira discovers her best friend, Lydia, has been keeping a secret. Knowing the truth, and accepting it, will change Kira’s life forever and thrust her into a world of ancient curses, magical objects, and savage enemies. What happens next will challenge everything Kira knows about her world, herself and the shape-shifting warrior she’s falling in love with. No longer the timid mouse her mother accused her of being, but a woman who finds the mental and physical strength to endure and survive.

BOUND is a heroic tale of true friendship, infinite sacrifice and untamed love.

I’ll be doing my review soon!


What do you think you’ll read next?



“I’m intrigued.  Tempted beyond what I’ve ever been before.  To know her, to open her up.  To break her.”

In love, sometimes what you fear most is exactly what you need.

Laura Drake is an author.  She writes bestselling paranormal romances that continue to top the charts.  She is sharp.  She is confident.  She is in control.

And she doesn’t exist.

Samantha Jansen is the woman behind the wig, the woman most of the world doesn’t know exists.  She is shy.  She is insecure.  She is nothing like her main character or her alter ego.  She is scarred—deeply scarred—by a past she can’t let go of and a present she can’t make peace with.

Samantha’s dreams are consumed by one man, the broken hero from her books.  Mason Strait is both her wildest fantasy and her most terrifying nightmare.

When Samantha meets Alec Brand, a corporate consultant, it is as though Mason has come to life.  Alec is handsome to a fault, as elegant as he is arrogant, and more intense than any man has a right to be.

Samantha is soon sucked into a world that mirrors the fiction she writes.  Just like her main character, Daire Kirby, Samantha finds herself unable to resist the forbidden lure of Alec.  And just like Daire, she also finds that she is faced with taking a chance on a man who could either set her free or destroy her.

The scale tilts toward destruction when Samantha finds out that Alec is as much a work of fiction as Mason.  And he has scars of his own, scars that could ruin them both.

**This book may be read as a stand-alone, as the story of Alec and Samantha comes to a conclusion in this book**

This promises to be very good.

Got a giveaway going on right now.

Want to win this book? Go here to enter.


So, whatcha readin?

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WWW Wednesday

looking out a window photo: girl looking out the window girl-looking-out-the-window.jpg

Hosted by MizB at Should Be Reading

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?

• What did you recently finish reading?

• What do you think you’ll read next?


What are you currently reading?

Night Realm (Night Realm, #1)


Night Realm is a Paranormal Detective novel set on Australia‘s Gold Coast. It is the story of private detective, Ryan Fox. When he meets the beautiful Selena Thorne, Ryan’s life takes a detour into a dark world he thought only existed in folklore and in the minds of movie producers. Selena hires Ryan to acquire the unusual research of scientist, Doctor Marlon Becker. Becker is a hematologist and an expert in blood disorders. When Ryan discovers what the focus of Becker’s research is, it puts a whole new spin on things.

Chelsea, Ryan’s teenage sister, meets Travis and she soon realizes there is something very different about this attractive and mysterious new boy in town. A relationship quickly develops .No sooner has Chelsea fallen for Travis when she learns he’s not actually what he seems.

Meanwhile, Homicide Detective David Marks investigates a spate of strange murders, where victims appear to have had every drop of blood drained from their bodies, with the only apparent injuries being two puncture wounds on the throat. With no solid leads on a suspect and more people dying every few days, Marks is getting nowhere fast in his quest to apprehend the killer.

As the story unfolds the lives of the characters – both human and vampire – come together in a gripping climax where not everyone comes out alive, and not everything goes as planned.

Great beginning. Let you know more when I’m done!


What did you recently finish reading?

The Dead of Winter


College student Christy Brewer lives in a personal hell at home with an increasingly unreasonable and violent father while balancing school and a love life. Meanwhile, over a hundred miles away, in a small ski resort town, Police Chief Wayne Marski is suddenly dealing with a serial killer who is dispatching people in a particularly grisly manner. Worse, the few clues indicate that he is dealing with a human adversary.
Or is he?

Their stories coincide in a suspenseful and action-filled climax as a centuries-old curse comes home.

I’ll be doing my review next week!


What do you think you’ll read next?

The Dazzling Darkness


A secret lies buried beneath the haunting statuary in Old Willow Cemetery. In Concord, Massachusetts, the surrounding woods are alive with the spirits of transcendentalists Emerson, Thoreau, and Alcott. Elias Hatch, the cemetery keeper, is the last of modern-day transcendentalists. Does he know the secret power buried in Old Willow Cemetery? Would he ever reveal it?

Next door to this cemetery is a lovely gabled house. When the Brooke family moves in, the secret of Old Willow strikes. On a cold afternoon in March, five-year-old Henry Brooke does not arrive home from the school bus stop. Antonia Brooke is frantic her child is missing, or—the unspeakable—stolen. Adam Brooke spends a harrowing night searching the Concord woods, fear gripping him as hours pass with no leads.

Finally, a police dog tracks Henry’s scent inside Old Willow Cemetery. Detective Mike Balducci suspects that Elias Hatch knows the truth about what happened to Henry. Balducci knows Hatch’s metaphysical beliefs. What Balducci discovers buried in the cemetery is beyond the grave, beyond apparitions or shadowy drifts rushing through the pine trees.

There are the dazzled faces in the darkened air … and their secret.

The Dazzling Darkness is a supernatural mystery that parallels science with spirituality by exploring consciousness, death, and the afterlife.

This promises to be very good.


So, whatcha readin?

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I’ve got a special treat for you today.

Taylor Dean is here to tell us about how she got started writing paranormal romance.

Then I have reviews for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle.

But that’s not all. Taylor has a very special giveaway.

So, please welcome Taylor Dean and feel free to say hello!


Taylor Dean

What inspired me to write a paranormal romance?

I write romance in all of its many sub-genres: paranormal, suspense, contemporary. The main theme is always ROMANCE. It’s what I love to write. My daughter called me one day and challenged me to write a paranormal story. It’s her favorite genre—and she doesn’t really enjoy romantic angst in other forms.

“Mom,” she said, “Let’s both write a paranormal story and see what comes of them.” I responded with, “My mind just doesn’t think that way.” Truth be told, I didn’t really want to write anything paranormal and I kinda dismissed the whole idea pretty quickly, even though I found myself promising her I’d think about a plot as we hung up.

Paranormal? Really? No way, I thought, I write about sweet ROMANCE, not things that go bump in the night. Not going to happen, I told myself. This was during the Twilight craze (has that ended?) and I figured the world had seen enough paranormal! Although I love Twilight, I admit it. Okay, back to the story. At about this same time, I was ridiculously addicted to American Idol. With the crazed excitement of a groupie, I watched every minute of the Season 8 finale.

And then it happened.

Who’d of thought that an American Idol performance could inspire a 90,000 word novel? Not me. But it did. Go figure.

How the heck did an American Idol performance inspire Lancaster House?

Good question. I’m not really sure myself, but somehow the visual kicked my imagination into overdrive. Season 8 of American Idol blew me away. I thought Adam Lambert was amazing in every single performance. During the finale, Adam once again sang his haunting rendition of ‘Mad World.’ Even my husband was impressed by this performance, and that’s saying a lot because he isn’t usually impressed by singing performances. (Ever) Adam performed while wearing vampire-like garb on a fog-shrouded stage.

This link is a very poor video of the performance. I couldn’t find another one and I’m surprised that there are not more links to it. I own a perfect copy of it that I purchased through iTunes. I watched it umpteen times as I wrote Lancaster House.

It’s a haunting performance—like Twilight, the Musical or something! I remember saying to my daughter, “Now that’s how I pictured Edward.” My daughter, a book-a-holic, immediately corrected me. “That’s not how Edward is described at all, Mom.” She was right and I knew it, but I have this nasty habit of picturing the hero of the story the way I want to picture him, no matter how the author describes him. Adam wasn’t Edward. Not by a long shot. But, he was how I pictured Edward. There was only one thing to do.

Write my own story.


The visual of Adam rising up out of the stage amidst fog and then pausing before he began to sing, the way his movements were slow and dreamlike—all of it left me intrigued. It screamed paranormal story. What if a man appeared in my home looking like that? (sans the microphone!) What if he was a ghost? I would be scared and fascinated all at the same time. It was at that moment that Lancaster House was born.

It wasn’t quite that easy, of course. My hubby and I spent an entire car drive to Idaho (driving our daughter to college) hashing out all of the details of the story. By the time we arrived home, I had my story in my mind, beginning to finish.

And it was all due to one amazing performance sparking my imagination.

Thanks so much for sharing with us Taylor.

And now for my reviews.



To find out why Joy tried to kill herself, why she is under the care of Dr. Channing at Serenity HIlls, and why she is suspected of killing two men, we have to go back to the beginning.

When Joy first laid eyes on Lancaster House, she knew she had to have it.

She couldn’t wait to get started on the restoration. Couldn’t wait to bring the old house back to its former glory.

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The work was slow but rewarding. She was doing one room at a time. She would go to bed exhausted and rise to start again the next morning.

After five hours of scraping and sanding the bannister, she took a lunch break. When she returned to finish up, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was finished!

She told herself maybe she was confused, being so tired and all.

But the next night it happened again. She didn’t get the wall papering done.

In the morning, when she came downstairs, it was finished.

Now she panicked, racing through the house, but no one was there.

Not one to be scared, she knows she can figure this out.

Stop standing here like a ninny and figure this out. There has to be a logical explanation.

But there isn’t. And she is beginning to think the former owner, Andre Lancaster, is still living in the house. Either that or she is going crazy.


Mini Excerpt for ya.

“You can see me?” he asked again, his tone urgent.

“Yes,” she whispered, unable to find her voice.

For several seconds he simply stared at her, his eyes smoldering. She trembled under his gaze, her bottom lip quivering. One hand reached up, his motions slow, and cupped her cheek. He let out his breath and closed his eyes as if the feel of her did something to him.

“I won’t hurt you Zoe.”


But how can that be? He’s been dead for many, many years.

A really fun part of this story is the language. The slang from the 1920’s is quirky and I enjoyed reading how Joy figured out what Andre meant by some of the sayings.

Stuff like giggle water is alcohol. Makes sense. And Bank’s closed which means no kissing.

After you finish reading Lancaster House you tell me what you think. Is Joy crazy?

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Did she just make up Andre and their passionate affair to keep from being alone?

 Is Dr. Channing right in that ghosts don’t exist?

So many questions and an ending that will let you decide, or not.

I adored Joy and Andre and want a Lancaster House of my own.

5 Stars for this haunting love story.

And it continues in The Middle Aisle



Hmm, how do I tell you about this book without spoiling it. It’s hard to review the next book in a series.

In Lancaster House, you are left wondering if Andre is real or a ghost. Is Joy crazy as a loon, desperate for any kind of love, or is her house haunted?

In The Middle Aisle, you will still be wondering. You may think at some point, “Oh, now I see.” But then, as you read further, you are in doubt again.

Taylor Dean has written a series like none other. You are kept “in the dark,” figuratively, throughout both books.

I don’t recall ever being so unsure of my own conclusions in a book.

The love between Joy and Andre is very real and so endearing. But is Andre real? If he isn’t, then is their love real?


Mini Excerpt

“You’re imagination intrigues and fascinates me, Zoe,” Wade commented, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and ran his hands over his face. “Why don’t we take a break?” he suggested and quickly exited the room, stumbling on his own feet as he left.

It wasn’t possible, it just wasn’t possible, he thought, as his mind wandered to that moment…. Turns out it was possible, it just wasn’t real…


And if Andre is real, then that makes the alluring, malevolent Adelle real as well.

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Aah! I can’t say I ever really figured it out. But, I don’t have to. I feel it is up to each reader to decide for themselves. And whether you figure it out or not doesn’t matter. It is still a love story for all time. One that goes beyond the physical, to the otherworldly.

5 Stars for keeping me wondering.

That makes a total of 10 Stars for Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle.

I had these books on my kindle, but when I saw a giveaway on Sherry’s blog fundinmental, I just had to try to win the paperbacks, and I did!! Thanks so much Sherry.

Since then, I’ve went on to read Taylor’s “i have people.” You can read my review here.

 And I’m getting ready to start reading Sierra. Next up will be the upcoming new release of Joshua’s Folly.

Thanks so much for your lovely books Taylor.

As long as you keep writing, I’ll keep reading!


Gift Bag DSCN0289

You could win this really awesome swag pack from Taylor. Check it out!

One winner will get signed paperback copies of both books along with a tote bag, book marks, and a “Believe it, Know it, Accept it” pencil.

US Only


Five winners will get:

e-book copies of both books.

E-book Giveaway is International.

To enter, please leave your email address, specify whether entering for swag pack or e-books, and answer this question,

“Have you ever been in a haunted house?”

Giveaway ends May 3rd.

Good Luck ya’ll!

About the Author:

Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding that she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense-you’ll find all sub-genres of romance in her line-up.

Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle, available in print or eCopy

For all of Taylor Deans books go here.

Lancaster House  The Middle Aisle (Lancaster House)

I Have People and coming soon! Joshua's Folly


For all of my giveaways go here.

For a list of free e-books go here.

By now, most of you know how much I love short stories and collections.

Kathryn Meyer Griffith has her Spooky Short Stories free to download from Amazon  right now through March 13th.

Go here to get yours. I got mine!

Spooky Short Stories



It’s a collection of four romantic horror/horror short stories about ghosts, werewolves, a banshee and a witch. Author of 18 novels, 2 novellas and 12 short stories, Kathryn Meyer Griffith
Four contemporary spooky short stories:
Ghost Brother…
So what happens after you die? Do you go to heaven, or hell? Or do you go to a special place fashioned just for you based on the life you’d lived in the real world? Based on how you treated people? What you did to them?
And do ghosts exist? Do they roam the earth and plague the living, persuade them to do things they shouldn’t do?
Two brothers and their tale follow; their journey through life and death.
Do you believe in ghosts? Some do.

The Banshee and the Witch…
What would you do to live forever, stay young forever? To find true love again?
And if you were a white witch with the magical powers to make it happen…and the secret of how to do it, would you?
So when the banshee comes calling for you one rainy dark night you’ll do what you have to do to get what you desire the most. More time.

Running with the Train…
Sarah has always been lonely. Searching for a love she’s begun to believe will never come. Her family and friends depend on her, need her…but they can’t give her what she wants. True, eternal love. Like the wolves have.
So she goes on an adventure of a lifetime to the Grand Canyon; rides the train from Williams to the South Rim and sees these huge wolves running alongside in the evening twilight; scurrying unbelievably below on the Canyon’s ledges among the trees. She’s told there are no wolves but she hears their haunting cries. No one else sees or hears them. Just her.
Has her loneliness made her crazy?

Too Close to the Edge…
Artist Penelope had been looking forward to going with her husband, sister and brother-in-law to see the Grand Canyon…even though she was terrified of heights and, when she got there, couldn’t bear to get too close to the edge. She watched people balancing on one foot, acting foolish, taking photos, oblivious of the death waiting below them. It scared her.
Especially when a woman relates a story of a small child that fell into the Canyon the day before. Over the edge.
Then she sees a young girl go over the rim and no one will believe her.
For there was no child that had died–that day anyway.
Was she seeing things that weren’t there, or was there another explanation?***


I’m currently reading another of Kathryn’s books, Human No Longer.

Hooked me good:)

Human No Longer


Jenny and Jeff Sanders become victims of a bizarre crime; leaving Jeff dead and Jenny in a temporary coma. She returns to her children. With Jeff’s death she must move back to her childhood home, a haunted farmhouse, in Summer Haven, Florida, where once they destroyed a family of vampires. Jenny has no appetite. She’s edgy. Her eyes hurt. She thinks it could be trauma or grief. Until one night she can’t resist the night woods or the overpowering urge to drink warm animals’ blood–and accepts the truth. Her attackers were vampires. Now she’s becoming what she once reviled. She can’t abandon her children but must find a way to live in the human world. At night she hunts, hides what she’s becoming and attempts to fit in. Then townspeople begin dying. Like years before. With her blackouts, she fears she may be the killer, or is it her vampire attackers? They find her and demand she joins them–or her family will die. She resists until they kidnap her children. Then she has to find a way to outwit and ultimately destroy them.

Can’t wait to finish it and tell you all about it!

I just recently read and reviewed another of Kathryn”s books.

You can read my review of Dinosaur Lake here.

Dinosaur Lake  (once titled Predator)


Enter at your own risk. There be a huge freakin dinosaur here.

Kathryn has written many books. I couldn’t post all of the books in their covers. Would have taken so long!  Go here to see more.

Welcome to my stop on the Book Blast for Death and Kisses by Clover Autrey hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.

Death and Kisses

“My only thought was for Aden. I ran to him, kicking up water and called out his name. He turned and my heart skidded, crumbled and dropped to my feet. Not Aden, but Brad. Then where was . . .?

I looked down to where Brad’s gaze had been focused, down, down, in the murky water towards the center of the pond. No. Noooo! I shouldn’t be able to see him through the stirred-up sediment, but I did. Pascual was drowning Aden just as he had drowned Brad.”

One night changed Kasey’s life forever. The star football player drowned and everyone at school blames her. And oh, yeah, since that night, she can see ghosts. Not that she’s afraid of them. Much. She’s more concerned with staying under the radar as the school’s once-popular, now outcast loner freak. Until the boy she supposedly killed shows up wanting revenge.

Regardless of Kasey’s outcast status, the hot new guy in school, Aden, wants to help her figure out how to get the angry ghost to leave her alone. So what if he also wants to contact his dead brother? And why are all the ghosts suddenly following Aden around?


Author Clover Autrey 

Clover Autrey’s books have been referred to as “Romance in the Safety Zone.” The pages are chock full of adventure, attraction, fantasy and love, safe enough to read with your daughter or your grandmother, yet not so sweet it will put you in a sugar coma.

Inspired by her love of Louis L’Amour heroes, Clover (yeah, that’s her real name), packed up and moved to Texas where she found a real live Texan of her own. She’s been there ever since where she and Pat (who else would a Clover marry but a Patrick?), and their three boys, listen to the coyotes howl at the trains each evening.


Praise for Clover Autrey

~Great Expectations Finalist 2012~

Ms. Autrey is a dynamic storyteller. I was enthralled from the very first page. ~~ Dark Angel Reviews You   will find yourself rooting that these two brave characters are able to find a way through every obstacle thrown in their way. ~~ TwoLips Reviews…has excitement and danger, intrigue and adventure. The love that grows is but one facet of this story… ~~ The Romance StudioIt really left me speechless, it was so wonderful. Not only is it unlike anything you’ll ever read, but it really pulls you through so many emotions as you read it. ~~Rogues and Romance.

BookBlast $100 Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Ends 3/17/13

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Click on the link below to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What better way to celebrate Emma Meade’s brand new release of End of the Line than with a giveaway.

Enjoy my 5 STAR review and enter below!

End of the Line


Now available on Amazon and Smashwords

End of the Line

In the distance, the familiar white light appeared, cutting through the dark of midnight. She’d watched it come before, but always from the sidelines, imagining what it would be like to face such a beast.

Cassie drew in a shaky breath and steeled herself. Legs splayed, arms by her sides, fists tightly clenched, she waited on the tracks as the train approached. Her legs shook, and strands of hair licked her cheeks in the gentle night’s breeze.

She swallowed the fear threatening to overcome her. Hang in there, she told herself. Another sixty seconds, and it will all be over. No more drowning, murky thoughts, heavy dreams or stilted breathing. She lifted her head and stared straight ahead, willing her body to freeze.

Closer now, but not coming fast enough. She was scared. As much as she desired to have it all over with, the fear gained ground. Could the driver see her yet? No, still too far away. Why had time slowed down? An ache began in her ankles, spreading up her legs and winding its way around her thighs and into her clenched hands.

The feel of her fingernails scraping the soft flesh of her palms roused her, just as she became aware of the vibrations on the tracks.

Cassie stumbled into the grass growing beside the tracks and ran, tears running down her cheeks. She stopped as she reached the first line of trees and leaned over, resting her hands on her thighs, trying to get her breath back.

Damn it! She wanted to die. Why couldn’t she have stuck it out?

The train thundered by, unaware of the woman hunched over in the darkness, sobbing. She raised her head to watch the carriages pass, slithering alongside Wilkins Woods like a dark snake. In thirty seconds, the night was once again silent.

She’d try tomorrow night. Maybe pick up a bottle of Jack Daniel’s after work. Might help with the nerves.

Slowly, her breathing returned to normal, and she wiped the tears away. Cassie followed the edge of the woods the mile back to her dingy flat. She let herself in and headed straight to bed. One more day. She could make it that far.

End of the Line
Cassie wants to die. When midnight rolls around, she stands on the tracks waiting for the train to come.

She loses her nerve the first couple of times but returns to try once more.
After all, third time’s the charm.
Author’s Note:
Depression is still somewhat of a taboo subject, yet it has touched most people’s lives, either personally or among family and friends. In “End of the Line” Cassie can’t make sense of her despair. All she knows is that she’s had enough.

My Review

It’s midnight and Cassie stands on the train tracks waiting for death.  Here it comes. She will not jump out of the way, she won’t. Then she jumps.

Now she’ll have to come back tomorrow night and finish what she started, even if she has to use liquid courage to do so.

If she does meet death, will it be the end of the line?

What will happen if she doesn’t jump out of the way in time? If she lets the wheels of the train obliterate her existence? What if the end of the line isn’t the end?

I feel sorry for Cassie. She’s so sad, so lost. Failing each time, I wonder if she really wants to die, or if she just needs a reason to go on living? This one stuck with me for some time.

Emma takes a sensitive topic and breathes a supernatural “what if” into it. I was so captivated by the beginning, I was finished before I was ready!

I  urge you to hop on this train and meet some very interesting characters. They have things to tell you.

This haunting and deep story gets Five Stars from me.

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I have three e-book copies of this new release to giveaway!

International Giveaway. All are welcome!

To enter, please leave your email address and answer this question:

“Have you ever hopped a train?”

Giveaway ends March 14th.

Thanks ya’ll and Good Luck!

More great news!

fundinmental is also having a giveaway for End of the Line!

Hop over here and enter for another chance to win and check out her view of this story!

Click on the titles below to read more of my reviews of Emma’s books.

Under the Desert Moon

Night Sighs

Awakening and Other Stories

Dead Beats and The Old Vampire

About the author

Emma Meade

Author of Nights Sighs, Under the Desert Moon and The Awakenings & Other Stories.

Emma Meade writes paranormal fiction. She lives in rainy Ireland and loves all things supernatural. Stephen King’s The Stand is one of her most loved books. Books, DVDS & TV show boxsets take up lots of space in her home and she collects all the Point Horror books she can get her hands on. She is not ashamed to admit that Dirty Dancing and Twilight make her top ten movie list but wishes to point out that The Last of the Mohicans, Reality Bites, Dead Poets Society, Stand by Me and The Goonies are in there too.

Writing supernatural stories & watching marathon re-runs of Buffy are some of her favourite ways of escaping reality.

You can find Emma here:


Purchase Emma’s books by clicking on images below:

The Tour of Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle has come to an end. In celebration of this unique tour of the Lancaster Mansion, we are giving away 10 eCopies of both books!! & sharing highlights from the Tour. Yep!! Catch the entire tour right here…

On tour with Prism Book Tours
2/11 –
Unputdownable BooksGuest Post Paranormal 

What inspired me to write a paranormal romance?

2/12 – I AmA Reader, Not a WriterGuest Post Inspiration

The American Idol performance that inspired Lancaster House

2/13 – Fundinmental
Guest Post by Taylor Dean

Lancaster House contains many secret passageways and hidden rooms.

Letters to the CosmosReview of Lancaster House

thought-provoking romantic read that isn’t afraid to confront darkness

2/14 – Oh,The Books You’ll ReadReview of The Middle Aisle

I didn’t think that this book would be as good as the first one but I was wrong.  Taylor Dean is a literary genius.

Proud Book NerdExcerpt

 Luminous, bright green eyes were trained directly on her. 

2/15 – LDS& Lovin’ It – Review of Lancaster House

I wanted to actually leap into the book and visit the place, old and damaged or not.  I loved the idea of secret hiding places and staircases that go nowhere

2/17 – PhantasmicReads – Guest Post Inspiration for the Lancaster House

The Hayes Mansion . . . is it haunted?

Lavender & Camomile Press Highlight

–     Colorimetry – Guest Post the Mansion

The mansion that served as inspiration for writing Lancaster House

2/18 – TheReading DiariesExcerpt

Reviews: Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle

2/19 –  Living a Goddess LifeReview Lancaster House

the imaginative Lancaster House within the novel really captured my attention.

Beck Valley BooksGuest
Post by Taylor Dean

I Scared Myself!

2/20 –
Living the Goddess Life Recipe from Lancaster House

2/21 – Passionand LifeGuest Post Excerpt

The doorway was gone.The room had been re-sealed and the wall, painted. There was no evidence it had ever been opened.

Books Mystify –  Review of Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle
2/22 –
Christy’s Cozy CornerReview of Lancaster House

 Her story becomes even more alive in this follow-up to Lancaster House. It is a story woven with great detail and raw emotion.

2/24 – Christy’sCozy CornerReview of The Middle Aisle

I give it 5 stars! 

A Buckeye Girl ReadsGuest Post 1920’s Slang

Dewdropper: young man who sleeps all day and doesn’t have a job

2/25 – Livinga Goddess LifeReview of The Middle Aisle

The Middle Aisle… toyed with the question of Zoe’s sanity, which I found to be the most compelling part of the books.

IcultgenGuest Post Excerpt

“Excuse me, I need to iron my shoelaces. Can you help me?”

2/26 – FUONLYKNEWGuest Post the Doctor

 “I consulted my psychology-degreed daughter as I wrote Doctor Channing.”

2/26 – Who’sThanny?  – Review of Lancaster House in Portuguese

A sequência de Lancaster House, The Middle Aisle, já está disponível. Aguardem pra saber mais sobre essa história!

Letters to the Cosmos
Review of The Middle Aisle

Dean adds some great storytelling to mix, turning the concept of an unreliable narrator so completely on its head that the reader is never quite sure what is real, what isn’t, and how it will all end.

2/27 – Livinga Goddess Life Recipe from The Middle Aisle

2/28 – ABuckeye Girl ReadsReview Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle

 This series just has a way of pulling you in and not wanting to come up for air.

  – Who’s Thanny?  Review of The Middle Aisle

(…) But I’ll never admit That he’s here. Never again. I need him. I want him. I do not care if he’s not real. I wish I’d never known the truth. The truth sucks. Delusions are fantastic. The world would be a happier place if everyone was allowed to Live Out Their fantasies, live in a dream world where everything is butterflies and roses. (…)

Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle, available in print or eCopy from Smashwords or Amazon

Taylor Dean:

Taylor Dean
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding that she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense-you’ll find all sub-genres of romance in her line-up.

Find & Follow:

Bookblast Giveaway!!10 eCopies of Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle for 10 Winners!!!

March 1 – March 7, 2013

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Taylor Dean. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour-Wide Giveaway Winners on Rafflecopter:

5 WINNERS in USA will receive…. Signed copies of Lancaster House and The Middle Aisle, two Lancaster House bookmarks, two pencils that say, “Believe it, Know it, Accept it,” and a cute little tote bag.

5 International Winners will receive… eCopy of Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Taylor Dean. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank ya’ll and Good Luck!

On tour with Prism Book Tours

Lancaster HouseLancaster House by Taylor DeanPaperback, 304 pagesPublished June 7th 2012 by CreatespacePremise: Zoe Grayson needs a change. So, she moves to another state, purchases an old, dilapidated 1920s Victorian Mansion, and sets out to restore it to its former glory. As she begins the restoration, she finds herself falling in love with the old house . . . not to mention its illustrious builder, Mr. Lancaster. Zoe becomes obsessed with the house as she discovers its secrets; hidden rooms, secret passageways . . . and a mysterious man who seems to think the house is his. Who is he? More importantly, how does he live in her home unseen and unheard?

The unexpected answers leave her reeling—and questioning everything she’s ever known. To her dismay, Zoe’s actions land her in the local psychiatric hospital, scheming for ways to return to Lancaster House . . . and the love of her life.

The Middle Aisle (Lancaster House)The Middle Aisle

by Taylor Dean

Paperback, 356 pages

Published November 26th 2012 by Create Space

Zoe Grayson is back in Lancaster House, ordered to bed rest for the duration of her unexpected pregnancy. Doctor Wade Channing, her overzealous psychiatrist, is living in Lancaster House, taking care of her, waiting on her, and tending to her every need. It seems to be the perfect arrangement.

There’s just one catch.

She has to tell him her story—everything that has happened in her life since the moment she escaped from Serenity Hills. It’s been quite an adventure to include renovating another home and a walk down the middle aisle.

But, that’s all over now. Nothing is real. It never was.

How did she end up in this miserable situation?

The Doctor: An
excerpt from Lancaster House
*If you missed
yesterday’s post which included an excerpt from The Middle Aisle using slang
from the nineteen-twenties, then put down your tea and slip out of this hidden sitting room back to icultgen. . .
Doctor Wade Channing
is the psychiatrist in the Lancaster House series. In writing him, I found
myself debating his personality traits. Should he by the stereotypical ‘evil
psychiatrist?’ Nah, to overdone. Should he fall I love with Zoe? Nah, to
unprofessional and the reader will lose all faith in him. Should he be a main
character or just someone Zoe rehearses her story to?
In the end, Doctor
Wade Channing becomes the kind, benevolent doctor who truly wants Zoe to see
the error in her ways. He really wants to help her realize her delusions. He
loves her, yes, but he loves her as his patient, not in a weird-creepy way.
Doctor Channing very much becomes a main character in that he is the person Zoe
fears, the person who has the power to take her life away from her and keep her
from Andre. That reason alone makes him the enemy. I consulted my
psychology-degreed daughter as I wrote Doctor Channing. How would he act in
this situation? What would he say? She helped me immensely. Otherwise I
wouldn’t have had a clue as to how to write him!
That being said,
here’s one of my favorite exchanges between Doctor Channing and Zoe:
Channing rubbed his forehead in pain, his legs propped up on his desk. He let
out his breath as it whistled through the cracks between his teeth. He studied
her contemplatively. So far, he’d been completely unsuccessful in breaking down
Zoe’s belief in her story. He couldn’t even break off a chink in her armor and
he was frustrated. After sitting in silence for several minutes, Zoe finally
asked, “Don’t you have anything to say?”
you wish you could have saved your father, Zoe?”
kind of a question is that?”
is true that he died in your arms?”
visibly paled. “Yes,” she said almost inaudibly. “He had a heart attack right
before my very eyes. I held him while awaiting the ambulance. He was gone
before they even arrived. I’ve never felt so powerless in my life. I suddenly
knew nothing was in my control . . . nothing.”
you created an immortal being, one that feels no pain, can never die, and never
leave you. He awaits you forever. All you have to do is go home and there he
is, waiting for you. It’s all very opportune, isn’t it, Zoe?”
said nothing. Her eyes lowered and she stared at the ground.
knew he was on to something. He stayed completely calm, sitting in his casual
manner, yet he verbally attacked her, letting his words roll off his tongue as
they hit her with striking force. “You’re right, he’s the perfect man. A man
who scoffs at porn, a man who can only take intimacy so far, a man who sees the
sheer goodness in you, a man who loves to help you redecorate the house . . .”
With each statement, he didn’t hide the dripping sarcasm in his voice.
it.” Zoe paled and her hands shook in her lap.
man who would never dream of hurting you in any way, a man who loves to simply
look upon you day after day, a man who needs nothing as he doesn’t need to eat
or even sleep, a man who spontaneously gives you piggyback rides, a man who
puts you to sleep when life gets rough . . .” His words were thick with
up.” She was becoming defensive, tense.
was only just warming up. It was time for her to face reality. “A man who can
never cheat on you, a man who can never leave the house, a man who kills for
your honor, a man who can read your mind, a man filled with tender emotions, a
man who loves to simply touch you and nothing more, a man who no other woman is
after as you are the only one who can see him—it’s all very convenient,
wouldn’t you say, Zoe? What woman wouldn’t fall in love with such a paragon of
a man?”
only way he was aware of her reaction was the pronounced rise and fall of her
know nothing,” she said through gritted teeth.
say I hit the nail on the proverbial head. Andre is a combination of your
perfect father and what you wished Connor was, all rolled into one faultless,
handsome little package. Only everything is in your control. You say when,
where, and how. You say sit, stay, and roll over. Did you pat Andre on the head
and say, ‘good boy.’ Did you give him a treat for good behavior?”
shot to her feet and screamed at him, “Shut up!” The orderly was in the room
immediately and held a writhing Zoe in his strong arms. She struggled
frantically. “You know nothing about love, you cocky, little jerk!” And then to
the orderly, “Let go of me!” She turned on Wade again, “Go ahead, sit behind
your safe little desk like the coward you are. Who do you think you are? You have
no right to judge me! None!”
orderly took her away and as they walked down the hallway, her screams could be
heard throughout the hospital.
smiled, pleased with her reaction. He’d hit a nerve. She could rail at him all
day, as long as it got her thinking about her delusions and facing the cold,
hard truth.
wouldn’t give her something to help her sleep tonight. She needed to dwell on
it, sulk over it—brood in it.
*Thanks for following along on the Lancaster House and The
Middle Aisle tour. I hope you enjoy Zoe and Andre’s story! To find your way
home, just return to the entryway and Prism Book Tours. . .

(Pictures can be sourced through

Taylor DeanAbout the Author:
Taylor Dean lives in Texas and is the mother of four grown children. Upon finding herself with an empty nest, she began to write the stories that were always wandering around in her head, quickly finding that she had a passion for writing, specifically romance. Whether it’s paranormal, contemporary, or suspense-you’ll find all sub-genres of romance in her line-up.
Lancaster House & The Middle Aisle, available in print or eCopy
from Smashwords or Amazon: 

Tour-Wide Giveaway:

5 WINNERS will receive….

Open only to those who can legally enter. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and announced on Rafflecopter and Grand Finale posts as well as emailed and the winner will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Burgandy Ice @ Colorimetry and Prism Book Tours and sponsored by Taylor Dean. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Tour:
2/11 – Unputdownable Books – Guest Post
2/12 – I Am A Reader, Not a Writer – Guest Post 
2/13 – Fundinmental Guest Post 
          Letters to the Cosmos – Review
2/14 – Oh, The Books You’ll Read – Review
          Proud Book Nerd – Guest Post
2/15 – LDS & Lovin’ It – Review
2/17 – Phantasmic Reads – Review
          Lavender & Camomile Press Guest Post
2/18 – The Reading Diaries – Guest Post
2/19 –  Living a Goddess Life – Review
          Beck Valley Books – Guest Post
2/20 – Living the Goddess Life –  Recipe
2/21 – Passion and Life – Guest Post
          Books Mystify – Goodreads Review
2/22 – Christy’s Cozy Corner – Review
2/24 – Christy’s Cozy Corner – Review 
A Buckeye Girl Reads – Guest

2/25 – Living a Goddess Life – Review
          Icultgen – Guest Post
2/26 – Who’s Thanny?  (Byzinha) – Review
          Letters to the Cosmos – Review
2/27 – Living a Goddess Life – Recipe   
Tressa – Goodreads

2/28 – A Buckeye Girl Reads – Review
3/1 – Grand Finale TBA…

Welcome to my stop on Emma Meade’s December Blog Tour. Today I’ll be revealing her beautiful cover, giving you a teaser excerpt, telling you my thoughts about The Awakening & Other Stories, and I’m hosting a giveaway!

The Awakening & Other Stories

by Emma Meade

Put on the kettle, close the curtains and curl up by the fire. Dive into 8 short tales, each with a slice of the paranormal.

Ghost Story

While walking her grandmother home, Jessica and her friend Michelle can’t help but notice the house. It’s supposed to be haunted. Stories are that you can see a shadow of a man in the bedroom window. The discussion turns to who he might be and why he lingers there.

On their way back, the two best friends decide to check out the old house and see if the stories are true. Jessica will learn something tonight. She ‘ll learn that ghosts are real and that maybe she was meant to enter the house on Rambles Lane.

I got a surprise with this  story. I didn’t have any idea where it was going and I love that! It’s not often that I don’t see what’s coming.

The Awakening

She remembers being ill. She remembers the mysterious dark man coming to see her. She remembers the blood.

She sleeps and when she sleeps she dreams. Now she wants to wake up. Why can’t she wake up. Wait, did she hear something? Is she waking up?

I really liked this one. The ending is one of those, Oh No! ones.

End of the Line

It’s midnight and Cassie stands on the train tracks waiting for death.  Here it comes. She will not jump out of the way, she won’t. Then she jumps.

Now she’ll have to come back tomorrow night and finish what she started, even if she has to use liquid courage to do so.

If she does meet death, will it be the end of the line?

I feel sorry for Cassie. She’s so sad, so lost. Failing the first time, I wonder if she really wants to die, or if she just needs a reason to go on living? This one stuck with me for some time.

Milsa Loris

The kingdom of Milsa Loris has just one night each year to come alive. The once majestic but now long abandoned home will host old friends tonight. They gather to pay their respects to an era that’s past.

The king’s witch, Noraleen, is brewing up something special for them. She just has to do this one thing and then she can finally rest.

Witchy good. I wouldn’t want to be invited to the party.

The Knocking

Alison tries to be patient with her grandfather. He’s old, losing his memory, and really tests her mettle. Tonight is no different from any other night.

Then there’s a knocking at the door. She opens it. No one’s there. Not long after, there’s more knocking. Again, there’s no one there.  The knocking is much more violent the third time, but again, no one is there.

What’s come knocking?

That’s what I asked myself. What’s at the door?

The Boy on the Beach

When Kate was a little girl her grandmother read the tea leaves for her but wouldn’t tell her what she saw. As the years passed and Kate grew into her teens, her grandmother still wouldn’t tell her. Then she passed away and Kate thought she’d never know what the tea leaves said.

When she finally finds out what they said, she’s just confused. Her grandmothers warning from the grave gives her the shivers.

B-E  C-A-R-E-F-U-L  D-A-R-K  B-O-Y  W-A-N-T-S  Y-O-U

“He will have the strangest green eyes you’ve ever seen… He will use trickery if needs be.”

This is one of my favorites. Kate tried to heed her grandmother’s warning.


Two young lovers arrive at Calvin’s Cabins for the Christmas holidays. They’re here to try to mend their failing relationship.

Will they be able to get back what they once had?

Maybe Calvin could help them.

This is another favorite for me. It’s magical.

The Old Vampire

Hailey’s dreams aren’t about a knight in shining armor riding up on his white steed to rescue her. Her knight is a vampire, or maybe a demon or ghost. Any of these would do.

She’s longed for the supernatural world her whole life. Is she really destined to a hum-drum existence or is there something more for her.

She dreams and she waits. And she waits. And waits. Will she ever meet her knight?

This is a good old horror story. Horror just the way I like it.

Emma sprinkled some razzle dazzle on these pages and zinged me but good. I love short stories and in her book, you get a smorgasbord of paranormal and horror.  I didn’t meet a story I didn’t like.

Five snowglobes for The Awakening & Other Stories


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Excerpt from “End of the Line”

In the distance, the familiar, white light appeared, cutting through the dark of midnight. She’d watched it come before, but always from the sidelines, imagining what it would be like to face such a beast.

Cassie drew in a shaky breath and steeled herself. Legs splayed, arms by her sides, fists tightly clenched, she waited on the tracks as the train approached. Her legs shook, and strands of hair licked her cheeks in the gentle night’s breeze.

She swallowed the fear threatening to override her. Hang in there, she told herself. Another sixty seconds, and it will all be over. No more drowning, murky thoughts, heavy dreams or stilted breathing. She lifted her head and stared straight ahead, willing her body to freeze.

Closer now, but not coming fast enough. She was scared. As much as she desired to have it all over with, the fear gained ground. Could the driver see her yet? No, still too far away. Why had time slowed down? An ache began in her ankles, spreading up her legs and winding its way around her thighs and into her clenched hands.

The feel of her fingernails scraping the soft flesh of her palms roused her, just as she became aware of the vibrations on the tracks.

Cassie stumbled into the grass growing beside the tracks and ran, tears running down her cheeks. She stopped as she reached the first line of trees and leaned over, resting her hands on her thighs, trying to get her breath back.

Damn it! She wanted to die. Why couldn’t she have stuck it out?

The train thundered by, unaware of the woman hunched over in the darkness, sobbing. She raised her head to watch the carriages pass, slithering alongside Wilkins Woods like a dark snake. In thirty seconds, the night was once again silent.

She’d try tomorrow night. Maybe pick up a bottle of Jack Daniel’s after work. Might help with the nerves.

Slowly, her breathing returned to normal, and she wiped the tears away. Cassie followed the edge of the woods the mile back to her squalid flat. She let herself in and headed straight to bed. One more day. She could make it that far.


I have one e-book copy to give away.

To enter, leave your email address and answer this question, “Are you making a New Years resolution?”

Giveaway ends Dec. 23rd.

About Emma Meade and where to find her

Author of Nights Sighs and Under the Desert Moon.

Emma Meade writes paranormal fiction. She lives in rainy Ireland and loves all things supernatural. Stephen King’s The Stand is one of her most loved books. Books, DVDS & TV show boxsets take up lots of space in her home and she collects all the Point Horror books she can get her hands on. She is not ashamed to admit that Dirty Dancing and Twilight make her top ten movie list but wishes to point out that The Last of the Mohicans, Reality Bites, Dead Poets Society, Stand by Me and The Goonies are in there too.

Writing supernatural stories & watching marathon re-runs of Buffy are some of her favourite ways of escaping reality.





You can purchase The Awakening & Other Stories for $1.99 at these links:
