Posts Tagged ‘review’

Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a fun adventure book in the If You Were Me And Lived In…  series by Carole P. Roman.


If You Were Me And Lived In…

Elizabethan England

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Education / Adventure / Children’s Book

Grade Level: 3 – 9

 My Review

Ever wondered what it would be like to live during the Elizabethan era? The author spins the time travel dial and you are there. Walking among queens and kings, merchants and explorers. Those with money and those with less eat different foods, wear different clothes, but all follow the same religion, the one practiced by the royals.

A non fiction tale told from the view point of a child living in London during the 1600s, the author did her research. While this book is directed towards a young reading audience, I learned a lot, and your child will have fun while learning too.

And I thought it was a wonderful idea for the author to provide a glossary at the end of the book to help with word pronunciation and understanding their meaning, along with a list of renowned people from the era.

 I read and enjoyed another book in this series, The American West, and I’m thrilled that the author included fun little facts you wouldn’t normally think about in this book also. Highly recommend this one too.

5 Stars



Join Carole P. Roman and travel through time to visit the most interesting civilizations throughout history in the first four books of her new series. Learn what kind of food you might eat in Elizabethan England, the complicated clothes you might wear, what might influence your parents to choose your name, and what children did for fun. If You Were Me and Lived in…does for history what her other award-winning series did for culture. So get on-board this time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Amazon / B&N


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Welcome to my Monday Minis where I share shorter reviews of books I’ve read.

It’s a new year and it was an easy pick on which book would be my first review for 2018. It’s actually two books from the Hell Divers Series by Nicholas Sansbury Smith.


Hell Divers #1

by Nicholas Sansbury Smith


Genre: Science Fiction / Post Apocalyptic

My Review

World War III happened a long time ago. The Earth is now scorched and uninhabitable. The remains of humanity reside is large air ships that are slowly falling apart. Hell Divers are the only hope left. They make dangerous dives to the planet to scour for anything that could be used to keep the ships afloat. It’s a dangerous job. From the moment they jump they have to worry about massive storms. If they make it to the surface without being fried by lightning, they have to worry about the mutant life forms that now call the planet theirs.

This had everything I could have hoped for. Real life characters, danger and action leaping off the pages, and some nasty mutant creatures. It’s all presented in strong writing. And I used my imagination and several movies to visualize the story.

While I try not too choose a favorite character so I can enjoy them all, one just wouldn’t stop popping into my head. X. Oh, X. How I do love thee!

About the ending. Say it isn’t so! I had to know what would happen next and rushed right over to grab the next book. While there, I went ahead and pre-ordered the third book. Let the fun continue.

5 Stars



More than two centuries after World War III poisoned the planet, the final bastion of humanity lives on massive airships circling the globe in search for a habitable area to call home. Aging and outdated, most of the ships plummeted back to earth long ago. Enter the Hell Divers—men and women who risk their lives by diving to the surface to scavenge for parts that keep their homes in the air. When one of the two surviving airships is damaged in an electrical storm, a Hell Diver team is deployed to a hostile zone called Hades. But there’s something down there that’s far worse than the mutated creatures discovered on dives in the past—something that threatens the fragile future of humanity.

Amazon / B&N / Audible


Hell Divers #2


by Nicholas Sansbury Smith


Genre: Science Fiction / Post Apocalyptic

My Review

After the ending for the first book, which nearly killed me, I was clapping my hands in stupid glee when I read the beginning for this second book. I got all silly, talking out loud to myself about how good this was going to be.

It’s many years later and there’s some new divers in town. They don’t have much of a life expectancy and recruits are always needed. When disaster strikes the sister ship and a risky rescue is attempted, no one could have foreseen what was to come. The conspiracies that would be revealed. The secrets kept. And…what horrors waited below, on the surface.

Man, I hope they make these books into movies. They are freakin fantastic. Action explodes off the pages. Creepy things scare the crap out of you. Suspense has you chewing your fingernails. And the character’s grab hold of you and won’t let go.

Is this book as good as the first one? Hell yes! And I’ve already pre-ordered the third one. Now waiting anxiously for it to be released. Stay tuned.

5 Stars



Ten years ago, Hell Diver Xavier “X” Rodriguez fell to Earth. Those he left behind went on without him aboard the airship he once called home.

Michael Everheart — the boy once known as Tin — has grown into a man and the commander of Hell Diver Raptor Team. While Michael dives to help keep the Hive in the air, Captain Leon Jordan rules with an iron fist at the helm of the ship. But unrest stirs under his strict leadership as a prophecy of hope sweeps the lower decks.

When a mysterious distress signal calls the Hell Divers to the surface, Michael and his loyal team begin to uncover long-buried truths and the secrets Captain Jordan will do anything to keep. They dive so humanity survives… but will they survive the ultimate betrayal?

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And coming this summer 2018!

Warning: Contains spoilers from the other books. Read on only if you’ve read the other books.

Hell Divers #3


by Nicholas Sansbury Smith


Genre: Science Fiction / Post Apocalyptic


They will dive, but will humanity survive?

Left for dead on the nightmarish surface of the planet, Commander Michael Everhart and his team of Hell Divers barely escape with their lives aboard a new airship called Deliverance. After learning that Xavier ”X” Rodriguez may still be alive, they mount a rescue mission for the long-lost hero.

In the skies, the Hive is falling apart, but Captain Jordan is more determined than ever to keep humanity in their outdated lifeboat. He will do whatever it takes to keep the ship in the air — even murder. But when he learns the Hell Divers he exiled have found Deliverance, he changes course for a new mission — find the divers, kill them, and make their new ship his own.

In the third installment of the USA Today bestselling Hell Divers series, Michael and his fellow divers fight across the mutated landscape in search of X. But what they find will change everything

Pre-Order Links

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing a fun adventure book in the If You Were Me And Lived In…  series by Carole P. Roman.


If You Were Me And Lived In…

The American West

by Carole P. Roman


Genre: Education / Adventure / Children’s Book

Grade Level: 3 – 9

 My Review

Learn how it was to join the Wagon Train of 1843. What was it like to load everything you own into one wagon and travel west across the country, braving the elements and hidden dangers? What would you do for food and clothing? What did you do for shelter once you arrived at your chosen destination? Life is different, with many new customs, and there’s much to be done to settle into your new life.

There’s so many interesting details shared about settling in the Old West. Many I never even thought about before. With beautiful illustrations by Paula Tabor, and informative discussions on such things as building homes, clothing, names of the times and daily living, Carol captures the image of the American West.

At the end of the book, the author shares about famous people from these times and includes a glossary of words that explain meaning and pronunciations.

Young readers will find this to be a fascinating and fun trip back in time to see how it was done in the American West.

5  Stars



Join Carole P. Roman and travel through time to visit the most interesting civilizations throughout history in her exciting new series.

Learn what kind of food you might eat on the Oregon Trail, the clothes you wore in in the American West, what your name could be in the 19th century, and what children did for fun once their many chores were done.

If You Were Me and Lived in…does for history what her other award-winning series did for culture.

So get on-board this time-travel machine and discover the world through the eyes of a young person just like you.

Amazon / B&N


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Dying for Space banner

Welcome to my stop during the blog tour for Dying for Space by S.J. Higbee. This blog tour is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 14 till 31 December. See the tour schedule here.

Dying for Space (The Sunblinded Trilogy#2)
By S.J. Higbee
Genre: Science Fiction
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: 14 December 2017



My Review

 So much happened in the first book, and I can’t talk about it now without spoiling this one for you. So I’m going to keep it simple.

A lot has changed for Elizabeth. Now a cadet officer serving at her father’s mercenary space headquarters, she’s torn about what to think. The other cadet’s either support her or despise her, and training is sometimes unnecessarily brutal. Everyone seems to have an agenda, including her father, and she can’t help but feel like a pawn to be used. Dangerous games are afoot.

This story moves at a fast clip. At times, bitter sweet, it’s also packed with action, conspiracy and danger that keeps the suspense building.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, Running Out Of Space, and Dying For Space was just as fun. Lots of surprises and I can’t wait for more when the third book, Breathing Space, comes out. I’m a fan of the Sunblinded series and happy to recommend it.

4 Stars



Cadet Officer Elizabeth Wright just wants to make her father proud, while the mercenary warlord is looking for her to replace his dead family…

I finally get the opportunity to become a serving officer and fulfil my childhood dream, as well as get to know my biological father, General Norman. And when I first clap eyes on Restormel, the HQ of my father’s space mercenary outfit, it’s the most beautiful building I’ve ever seen.
But appearances can be deceptive. There are dark secrets hidden in the twisting corridors and blood-soaked cells beneath the training grounds and banqueting rooms. Secrets that seep out. Secrets that demand fresh victims, because whatever else happens, they can’t be allowed to see the light of day…



Running Out of Space (The Sunblinded Trilogy#1)
By S.J. Higbee
Genre: Science Fiction
Age category: New adult
Release Date: 11 October, 2017



Read My 4 Star Review


Elizabeth Wright has yearned to serve on the space merchant ship Shooting Star for as long as she can remember – until one rash act changes everything…

I can’t recall whose idea it was. Just that me and my shipmates were sick of wading through yet another unjust punishment detail. So we decide to take ourselves off on a short jaunt to the lower reaches of Space Station Hawking to prove that fertile English girls can also deal with danger.

The consequences of that single expedition change the lives of all four of us, as well as that of the stranger who steps in to save us down in lawless Basement Level. Now I have more excitement and danger than I can handle, while confronting lethal shipboard politics, kidnapping, betrayal. And murder.



SJ HigbeeAbout Author S.J. Higbee:
Born the same year as the Russians launched Sputnik, I confidently expected that by the time I reached adulthood, the human race would have a pioneer colony on the Moon and be heading off towards Mars. So I was at a loss to know what to do once I realised the Final Frontier wasn’t an option and rather lost my head – I tried a lot of jobs I didn’t like and married a totally unsuitable man.

Now I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that I’ll never leave Earth, I have a lovely time writing science fiction and fantasy novels while teaching Creative Writing at Northbrook College in Worthing. I’ve had a number of short stories, articles and poems published – the most recent being my story ‘Miranda’s Tempest’ which appeared last year in Fox Spirit’s anthology Eve of War. I recently signed a publishing contract with Grimbold Publishing for my science fiction novel Netted, which is due to be released in 2019.

I live in Littlehampton on the English south coast with a wonderful husband and a ridiculous number of books. I can be found online chatting about books at my book review blog and you’re very welcome to pop onto my website and my Facebook page

You can find and contact S.J. Higbee here:

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Welcome to The Kid’s Korner.

I decided to do this feature as I have so many great children’s books to share. From picture books, to books for beginning readers, to middle graders, I have plenty of fun ones.

Today I’m sharing my review of a delightful children’s book about unusual animals.


Unusual Animals A – Z

by Heather Jones

Illustrated by Soraya Edmunds


Genre: Adventure / Children’s Book

 My Review

Have you ever heard of a Sun Bear? How about a Jabiru Stork? Did you know a Crawdad swims backwards?  Heather Jones shares fun facts about unusual animals in her charming book Unusual Animals A – Z.

I remember spending so many happy times reading to and with my son. He’s now all grown up but that didn’t stop him from reading this with me. We had lots of fun discussions about the animals featured in this book and went on to talk about some others.

No matter the age of your kids, they’ll enjoy this delightful book and have fun while learning all about the animals. I’m an adult and even I learned something new.  My edition is a large hardcover copy. Your children can easily hold it on their lap to turn the pages. And the illustrations are cute and colorful.

There’s a section the author includes at the back of book. Each animal is featured in alphabetical order with a picture asking your child to give the animal a name that starts with that letter. I had fun coming up with quirky names and I bet your child will too.

You’ll want to keep this one close by as it will become a family favorite.

5  Stars



Award winning Unusual Animals A-Z is quirky, imaginative, educational and just plain fun. Whether it’s Andre the aardvark or Zena the zorilla, each of these twenty-six unusual animals is introduced to the reader with a colorful watercolor painting and a factual characteristic. While Bernie the bearded dragon likes to bask in the sun, Morris the manatee uses his small front flippers and massive body to body surf through the waves. Each animal has the same lettered name and when the reader reaches the end, he has twenty-six chances to come up with one of his own.

Amazon / B&N


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Welcome to Teaser Tuesday hosted by Ambrosia  @ The Purple Booker.

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read.
• Open to a random page.
•Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!


My Teaser for this week is from

The Dark Man

The Graveyard: Classified Paranormal Series #1

by Desmond Doane



Genre: Horror / Paranormal

 My teaser from page 63 in the eBook.

 Things that go bump in the night have terrified people since we had to look out for nocturnal predators, praying that our campfires didn’t burn out. No matter how many times you’ve flipped off the last switch and encased yourself in darkness, daring or begging something to show itself, there are times when you’ll get spooked.


Read on if you want to know more.

My Review

 It’s always a good thing when I grab a free book and wind up really enjoying it. This is one of those books.

I like a good ghost haunt. Or in this case, a demon one. Ford Atticus Ford did one thing. One very big thing. Live. On television. And it ruined him. The famous paranormal investigation show was cancelled. His marriage fell apart. And his best friend will never forgive him.

Now, Ford does private investigations. Working with police departments to delve into cases and maybe find those answers they can’t get in conventional ways. When he comes across a particularly dangerous haunting, he begs his best friend, Mike Long, to help him just this one time. But getting rid of a top tier demon is no mean feat and if they aren’t careful, they could become possessed or the demon could latch on to them, bringing danger home to their loved ones. That’s if they don’t die trying to send it back to Hell.

The story starts out with the event that destroyed Ford. Then moves forward to his present situation. I was a fly on the wall, wishing I could yell at Ford, “Don’t do it!” Yet, he risked a little girls life and sanity, and he was lucky she wasn’t killed. I felt outrage and disgust for his actions, understood it when many, along with his best friend, shunned him. But I also came to know Ford, and he won me over. I ended up hoping he’d find his way back to favor.

I particularly enjoyed it when Ford’s friend, Mike, grudgingly agrees to help him. He has a very interesting way of accepting, much to Ford’s discomfort and pain. Yet, Ford takes it in stride. As they work the case, despite their best efforts, they quickly fall back into old routines, and find themselves enjoying it. Desmond did such a great job of making his character’s genuine and often laughable.

And the author has a talent for writing scenes that chill you, fill you with foreboding, and down right scare you. He gives a satisfying ending to this case while adding curiosity about the next one, plus leaves you wondering when Atticus will finally face his demon.

Feel like going ghost hunting? I recommend you give this a go. And the other two books in the series are already released, so no waiting when you finish this one.

4 Stars

If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, it’s free on Amazon right now! Just click on the cover to grab a copy.



Ford Atticus Ford, former host of the hit ghost-hunting reality show Graveyard: Classified, has more than a few regrets—especially after young Chelsea Hopper was attacked by a demon.

Assisting police departments by conducting paranormal investigations and uncovering buried clues now provides Ford with an ounce of redemption, but it will never be enough.

What occurred on that long-ago Halloween night was unforgivable, and Ford, chasing ratings and stardom, let it happen. With Graveyard cancelled and his reputation destroyed, Ford sets out to avenge little Chelsea, and to save his own soul—if he can.



Other books in the series.

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And the collected edition containing all three books.



How about you? Got a tease? Tell me!

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Twofer Murder by Lauren Carr

A Mac Faraday Mystery #13

Category: Adult fiction, 400 pages
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: Acorn Book Services
Release date: November 17, 2017
Tour dates: Dec 4 to Jan 19, 2018
Content Rating: PG + M (Please be aware that TWOFER MURDER is a murder mystery. There are depictions of murder and some violence–though easy on the gore contents. No f-words but there may be some mild profanity, and mild religious expletives such as “damn”, “hell” and “Oh God!”. Some depictions of brief sexual content (kissing). No drug use or underage drinking among the protagonists.)


My Review

We’re back with the usual suspects, er, I mean characters, but where are they? Well, the men are all going fishing, spending some male bonding time. No crying allowed. And the women are attending an authors award ceremony at a posh hotel, being pampered, wined and dined in the presidential suite.

The pets, you ask? Oh yes, they’re along for the adventures. Gnarly and Storm are with the men.  There are a couple of scenes where I laughed out loud. One is an incident with a door that involves Mac and Gnarly. Another is the fishing contest where the only ones who caught any were Gnarly and Storm. And I must share one more. There’s the case of the vanishing cheese balls. If you’ve met these canines before, I think you can guess who the culprit is. Then again…maybe not. My son came in my room to see what was so funny.

And Spencer and Monique are with the women, being spoiled rotten. Spencer has their intimidating looking private concierge, Garth, wrapped around her little paw with just a wag of her tail. And Monique! Oh yes. I finally get to know her personality. You wouldn’t expect one for her species, but she brings her own brand of mischief.

The guys are busy solving a murder, the women are trying to prevent one, and the critters…. they’re probably laughing at the silly humans.

Can you read this without having read the other books? I’d encourage you to start at the beginning so you don’t miss out on the fun, but yes, you can. Each story has a different plot and Lauren provides a break down list of all of the character’s and how they connect.

Once again, I’m charmed and in love with this series. Keep bringing them, Lauren.

5 Stars


Book Description:

Twofer murder? What’s a twofer murder?

Twofer Murder is a treat for fans of best-selling author Lauren Carr’s fast-paced mysteries! Lauren’s latest novel contains the main characters from her three successful series: Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, and Thorny Rose mysteries. The guys go away for a fishing weekend only to get caught up in the murder of a journalist investigating fraud at a timber company. Meanwhile, the ladies are spending the weekend in the presidential suite at a posh resort where Jessica Faraday is to accept a lifetime achievement award for her late grandmother at a murder mystery writers conference. But before they have time to get their facials, they get wrapped up in their own real mystery when an up and coming author ends up dead!

Lauren Carr’s Twofer Murder is a 2-for-1—making it a must-read for any mystery fan!

To read more reviews, please visit Lauren Carr’s page on iRead Book Tours.

Buy the Book:
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Meet the Author:


Lauren Carr is the international best-selling author of the Mac Faraday, Lovers in Crime, and Thorny Rose Mysteries—over twenty titles across three fast-paced mystery series filled with twists and turns!

Book reviewers and readers alike rave about how Lauren Carr’s seamlessly crosses genres to include mystery, suspense, romance, and humor.

Lauren is a popular speaker who has made appearances at schools, youth groups, and on author panels at conventions. She lives with her husband, and three dogs on a mountain in Harpers Ferry, WV.

Connect with the author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram


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Ends Jan 27

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I’m tearing through the CORE Shadow Trilogy and want to share my review of the first book, Shadow Of Danger, while the feels are still fresh in my mind. Kristine Mason has now become one of my go to authors for romantic suspense.

Shadow Of Danger

The CORE Shadow Trilogy #1

by Kristine Mason



Genre: Romantic Suspense

 My Review

I won this book in a giveaway a while ago. Kristine also sent me a gnome. You’ll learn his significance further into my review. He sits in my front garden protecting my home. He’s been joined by several others and I suspect I’ll be seeing more. Knowing how much I enjoy this genre and upon some trusted recommendations, I went ahead and grabbed the three book boxed set before I even began reading Shadow Of Danger. I’m now into the second book, Shadow Of Perception, which introduces some new character’s while some favorite ones from the first book make brief appearances.

Celeste is plagued by horrific nightmares and visions of torture and death. A clairvoyant, she sees four women brutally attacked and murdered.

The local sheriff believes in Celeste’s abilities and calls on a trusted friend from a private agency, CORE, to send assistance. The man he sends, John Kain, is having none of it. He’s a former FBI agent, relies on facts and the rest is just nonsense. But before long he witnesses one of Celeste’s trances. The information she provides is vital to the investigation and John comes to accept her abilities.

Reminiscent of shows like Criminal Minds, Karen takes you on a dark journey into the mind of a killer. You get insight into what feeds the need for insatiable blood lust. Gruesome scenes provide a high level of suspense and create empathy for the victims and all of the character’s involved in the case. Kristine does this very well and it’s something I need in a suspense romance.

The suspense builds as the author drops in some twists about the killings and some intriguing side stories.

As for the romance. I had a lot of good times reading about Celeste and John and their instant attraction. It was very believable. Especially when the danger ramped up and the character’s emotions were heightened. And the author provided some much needed comic relief in the form of Celeste’s gnome collection. It started as just one gnome and quickly grew to dozens of them in all shapes and forms.

This book has it all. Suspense that keeps you glued to the book, anxious to see how it all plays out. Anxiety over whether more will die and if they’ll catch the killer or killers before they kill again. And excitement and amusement as Celeste and John fall hard for each other and work through the instant attraction and lusty thoughts.

5 Stars



Four women have been found dead in the outskirts of a small Wisconsin town. The only witness, clairvoyant Celeste Risinski, observes these brutal murders through violent nightmares and hellish visions. The local sheriff, who believes in Celeste’s abilities and wants to rid their peaceful community of a killer, enlists the help of an old friend, Ian Scott, owner of a private criminal investigation agency, CORE. Because of Ian’s dark history with Celeste’s family, a history she knows nothing about, he sends his top criminalist, former FBI agent John Kain to investigate.

John doesn’t believe in Celeste’s mystic hocus-pocus, or in her visions of the murders. But just when he’s certain they’ve solved the crimes, with the use of science and evidence, more dead bodies are discovered. Could this somehow be the work of the same killer or were they dealing with a copycat? To catch a vicious murderer, the skeptical criminalist reluctantly turns to the sensual psychic for help. Yet with each step closer to finding the killer, John finds himself one step closer to losing his heart.

Amazon / B&N / Kobo / Audible



AuthorPhoto_PerfectlyToxicKristine Mason is the bestselling author of the popular romantic suspense trilogies, C.O.R.E. Shadow, and Ultimate C.O.R.E. She is currently working on her next trilogy, C.O.R.E. Above the Law, along with a series of Psychic C.O.R.E. novellas.

Although Kristine has published a few contemporary romance novels, she focuses most of her energy on her romantic suspense stories, which she loves for their blend of dark mystery/suspense and sexy romance. She is fascinated with what makes people afraid, and is famous for her depraved villains whose crimes present massive obstacles for her heroes and heroines to overcome.

Kristine has a degree in journalism from Ohio State University and lives in Northeast Ohio with her husband, four kids, and two dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s chauffeuring kids, gardening, or collecting gnomes. Oh, and she makes a mean chocolate chip cookie!Connect with Kristine on Facebook, Twitter or email her at You can also find out more about Kristine’s books at

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Hunting Hour: A Timber Creek K-9 Mystery
by Margaret Mizushima

I loved this book. I loved the twists and turns this book took you on. The characters are well developed and the story is well written.
~Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting

The writing keeps the reader hooked and the mystery kept me guessing with a few surprise twists along the way just to make it even more interesting. I am fully invested in the characters now and am looking forward to future installments to see what happens next.
~Books a Plenty Book Reviews

Hunting Hour, a combination of police procedural and suspense, is an outstanding murder mystery – atmospheric, fast-paced, haunting, a clean read that was downright hard to put down.
~The Power of Words

Hunting Hour: A Timber Creek K-9 Mystery
Mystery/Police Procedurals/Woman Sleuths
3rd in Series
Crooked Lane Books (August 8, 2017)
Hardcover: 320 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1683312772

My Review

I enjoy crime fighting and search and rescue teams that include dogs as partners. Having enjoyed James Rollins’ Tucker Wayne series, Katie Ruggle’s Rocky Mountain K9 Unit series and another dynamite duo from Iris Johansen’s Eve Duncan series, I’m thrilled to say Hunting Hour is every bit as good.

  Margaret’s characters stand out and compliment each other to make the concern for them stronger. Her talent for putting words together makes the mystery deeper. And reading about the human and canine team at work is very powerful.

How the author shows me what’s happening instead of telling me is awesome. There’s a scene where Deputy Mattie Cobb and her dog, Robo, are setting out on a search and he is overly excited. She describes how he hover sits. Bam, that hit me. Never thought of putting it that way, but my dog does the same thing. He sits on command but his rear end never quite touches the ground. I’ve seen military and police dogs do it too. It takes patience and trust to control an excited dog with tons of energy to burn. I’d love to see this team in action.

She portrays Mattie as strong, owning her flaws and vulnerabilities and trying to deal with them. This makes Mattie good at her job, and it’s going to take everything she has to give to stop a killer. One girl is dead. And now another girl has gone missing, and this one is personal.

Loving a good mystery with lots of curve balls thrown at me, the author took me to another level. I never could figure out the motive behind the killings and who was doing them until right near the end. It’s nail biting suspense all the way.

This is the third book in the series. Not wanting you to be turned off by that, I’m telling you it doesn’t matter if you haven’t read the other books. You won’t be lost as this is a different case. Sure, there are some things I want to know about. The history between some characters, for one. I’ll be exploring that when I read the other books.

If you love a taut mystery loaded with suspense, and enjoy human/canine teams in action, do yourself a favor and grab this one. Or grab any of the others. You just need to have some reading time set aside as you won’t be able to put the book down.

5 Stars



Deputy Mattie Cobb is in a dark place and has withdrawn from Cole Walker and his family to work on issues from her past. When she and her K-9 partner Robo get called to track a missing junior high student, they find the girl dead on Smoker’s Hill behind the high school, and Mattie must head to the Walker home to break the bad news. But that’s only the start of trouble in Timber Creek, because soon another girl goes missing—and this time it’s one of Cole’s daughters.

Knowing that each hour a child remains missing lessens the probability of finding her alive, Mattie and Robo lead the hunt while Cole and community volunteers join in to search everywhere. To no avail. It seems that someone has snatched all trace of the Walker girl from their midst, including her scent. Grasping at straws, Mattie and Robo follow a phoned-in tip into the dense forest, where they hope to find a trace of the girl’s scent and to rescue her alive. But when Robo does catch her scent, it leads them to information that challenges everything they thought they knew about the case.

Mattie and Robo must rush to hunt down the kidnapper before they’re too late in Hunting Hour, the third installment in critically acclaimed author Margaret Mizushima’s exhilarating mystery series.


Author Margaret Mizushima

Margaret Mizushima is the author of the Timber Creek K-9 mysteries, which includes Killing Trail (Crooked Lane Books, 2015) nominated for an RT Reviewer’s Choice award for best first mystery, Stalking Ground (Crooked Lane Books, 2016) a finalist in the Colorado Book Awards mystery category, and Hunting Hour (Crooked Lane Books, 2017). She has a background in speech pathology and practiced in an acute care hospital before establishing her own rehabilitation agency. Currently, she balances writing with assisting her husband with their veterinary clinic and Angus cattle herd. She enjoys reading and hiking, and she lives on a small ranch in Colorado where she and her husband raised two daughters and a multitude of animals.

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Tour Participants

November 24 – Books,Dreams,Life – SPOTLIGHT

November 24 – Because I said so – Adventures in Parenting – REVIEW

November 25 – Books a Plenty Book Reviews – REVIEW

November 26 – The Power of Words – REVIEW

November 27 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST

November 28 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST

November 29 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 30 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

December 1 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

December 2 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – INTERVIEW

December 3 – Mystery Thrillers and Romantic Suspense Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST


December 5 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST


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Check out this special feature from Something Down There by Nancy Widrew!
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Nancy Widrew
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Azure Spider Publications
Publication Date: November 15, 2017)
Something Down There
My Review
There was supposed to be four of them, but when one couple cancels, Jeremy and his wife, Karen, go spelunking anyway. They decide to go to any easier cave so there is less risk of injury. Then, Jeremy doesn’t show up for work. There’s no evidence they ever returned home. Months go by, and they’re assumed dead.
I’m not crazy about confined spaces so I don’t get the desire to crawl into caves. The thought of tons of earth above me makes me shiver. And having a wacky cult kidnap me, dragging me deep into the cave system, is the stuff of nightmares.
This thriller wasn’t packed with action. It was subtle, just like the cult was with luring the happy couple into their trap. The tribe thought cutting themselves off from humanity was a good thing. But they couldn’t hide from it. It came with them. The jealousy, insecurity, anger. All of it followed them down the hole.
And  the bad times grew for Kate and Jeremy as time blurred their past lives and they started to succumb to life in the cave. It was almost like brain washing. Sooner or later they would give in and accept their fate. The author did this part really well. It felt so real as both of them caught themselves falling for the fantasy, shook it off, and fell for it again. It was becoming easier for them to forget their past than to hope for escape.
Somewhere Down There reads at a steady pace. It’s a solid psychological thriller that grows on you, keeping you eager to find out who would survive and how it would end.
4 Stars
Not all caves are uninhabited
Horror erupts when newlyweds, Karen and Jeremy, cross paths with members of a diabolical cult inside a West Virginia cave. Living below the earth’s surface has triggered mutations, rendering the cult members nearly infertile. Their leader, a wild-eyed, cunning brute, refuses to let the couple leave, believing they and their potential offspring hold the key to surviving underground. Are Karen and Jeremy doomed to spend their lives inside this sunless, subterranean wasteland, or do they escape before their minds shatter and their bodies betray them?
– [Name], Goodreads Reviewer

Purchase Links

Available now $3.99 only. Grab your copy today.

Blog Tour Schedule

Ongoing till December 2, 2017.
Get behind the scenes on Something Down There.
Visit each stop daily and iscover more features, excerpts, reviews, interviews, fun facts and other extras.
To check the latest schedule, visit the Something Down There Book Page at Book Unleashed.

Check Out These Fun Facts:

  1. My description of the protagonists, Karen and Jeremy, descending into the cave is based on my own spelunking experience in W. Va. After crawling snakelike on my belly, I was linked by a rope to a boulder, then slid down a ledge with a silent scream and swung like a pendulum for touchdown.
  2. A “boohoo” fun fact: Because it didn’t advance the plot, I deleted a scene where two especially unsavory characters begin falling in love. I still regret having to obliterate their blossoming romance.
  3. The protagonist’s name was Michael in the first draft. I switched to Rahm (short for Abraham) since he was the patriarch of the underground group.
  4. I originally wrote this book a long time ago but decided it wasn’t good enough. Years later, on one of those nothing-better-to-do days, I began rewriting it. By the time I reached page thirty, I knew I wouldn’t stop until it was done.
  5. Although she’s not the “star” of the book, Helene is my favorite character. I love her screwball, passive-aggressive nature.
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* Available for US Residents Only
Contest runs from November 1 – December 2, 2017.
Additional Giveaway
Join the Goodreads Giveaway and win a print copy of Something Down There (US Residents only).
Contest runs from September 19 – November 15. Click here to enter.

About Nancy Widrew

Nancy Widrew

Nancy Widrew was born and raised in NYC before settling in New England with her husband. She has two grown children and two four-legged furry ones, always a source of amusement. She has had short stories published in webzines and a print anthology. This is her first novel.
Follow Nancy Widrew on Twitter at

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