Archive for February, 2024

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for On The Threshold organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author M. Laszlo will award a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

On The Threshold

by M. Laszlo



Genre: Historical Science Fiction


Obsessed with learning the origins of the cosmos, the actual meaning of life, and the true purpose of civilization, a fine Scotsman named Fingal T. Smyth dedicates himself to the study of Plato’s most extraordinary ideas. Convinced of Plato’s belief that humankind possesses any and all innate knowledge deep within the collective unconscious mind, Fingal soon conducts a series of bold, pioneering occult-science experiments by which to resolve the riddle of the universe once and for all. However, Fingal forgets how violent and perilous the animal impulses that reside in the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. And when Fingal unleashes a mysterious avatar of his innate knowledge, the entity appears as a burning man and immediately seeks to manipulate innocent and unsuspecting people everywhere into immolating themselves. Now, with little hope of returning the fiery figure into his being, Fingal must capture his nemesis before it destroys the world.


Enjoy this peek inside:

Fräulein Wunderwaffe did not return the smile. Hand on heart, the little girl drew a bit closer. Then, as the hot, animalistic presence undulated all across Fingal’s body, the little girl’s eyes grew wide. Until the little girl’s expression turned to that of a vacant stare.


A moment later, her feet pointed inwards, she removed her hat and undid her long, flaxen hair.


Again, he cringed. “If you’ve noticed something, ignore all. This hasn’t got anything to do with you.” A third time, he cringed.


A most ethereal, lyrical, incomprehensible hiss commenced then: from the other end of the winding, decorative-brick driveway, each clay block shining the color of blue Welsh stone, a sleek Siamese cat with a coat of chocolate-spotted ivory had just appeared. And now the creature raced toward his shadow.


As he looked into the animal’s big, searching, blue eyes, the chocolate Siamese studied the off-center tip of his nose. Then the animal turned away, as if to compare the peculiarity with that of some disembodied visage hovering in the distance.


Out upon the loch, meanwhile, a miraculous rogue wave suddenly arose—and now the swell crashed against the pebbly strand.


Not a moment later, a cool flame crawled across Fingal’s throat. The strange fire rattled, too—not unlike the sound of fallen juniper leaves caught up in the current and dancing against the surface of a stone walkway.


Crivens. By now, the alien, pulsating presence held him so tight that he could barely breathe. Before long, he fell to the earth, and as the dreamlike flame continued to move across his throat, he rolled all about—until the illusory sensation of cool warmth wriggled and twisted and dropped into his neck dimple.


About Author M. Laszlo



M. Laszlo is an aging recluse who lives in Bath, Ohio. Rumor holds that his pseudonym is a reference to Victor Laszlo, a character in the classic film Casablanca. On the Threshold is his first release with the acclaimed, Australian hybrid house AIA Publishing. Oddly, M. Laszlo insists that his latest work, On the Threshold, does in fact provide the correct answer to the riddle of the universe.


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Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE NIGHTMARE MACHINE by Tim White Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!



 by Tim White



Pub. Date: February 20, 2024

Publisher: Ocean Scribe Publishing

Formats:  Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 600


Find it: Goodreads


Purchase the book directly from Tim! There’s also a prequel novella! 


is The Nightmare Machine? Think Silent Hill meets Inception and Monster
Hunter International

Five millennia of suffering. A pilgrimage steeped in terror. Will her quest
bring redemption or only a false promise of salvation?

Maine. Sara Holcomb knows what she must do. Raised within a secret order
devoted to protecting humanity from a malevolent god, the dutiful
seventeen-year-old prepares for a terrifying expedition through a world of
nightmares. So when the time comes, she convinces three close friends to escort
her on a perilous journey to an otherworldly cathedral of bone and blood.

to a land of chaos and horror while they sleep, Sara wrestles with guilt at
bringing people she holds dear to this hell from which they may not escape. And
as vicious traps and pitiless creatures tear at their bodies and minds, the
honor-bound young woman fears they won’t be strong enough to complete the
mission that will preserve mankind.



The first thing that caught my attention was the stunning story displayed on the cover. Yes, it pulls you in, wanting to know this girl and her story. It’s absolutely perfect for what’s revealed inside. And the title. It’s also perfect. A teenage girl, descendant of a long line of Maidens, destined to save the world. She takes three friends as protectors into a hidden world. One filled with danger. Teeming with monsters worthy of your worst nightmares. To enter. They sleep. To survive. They awaken.

The first chapter sets up the intrigue. A typical girl. One with horrible nightmares. And hints of a family secret. I was hooked and remained that way through the entire story. Sara was an ordinary girl thrust into a horrific saga. Her character was so genuinely written and I really empathized with her. She had to face things a much older person might not have handled as well as she did.

Dylan was in love with Sara. But that wasn’t why she chose him as one of her protectors. He was a boy wonder. A budding genius and curious about how things worked. His mind worked in mysterious ways and she trusted him.

Dylan and Sara both helped Dr. Alex Warner at a small recovery clinic helping people overcome their addictions. I was unsure how that made her a good choice for a protector aside from knowing Sara and Dylan. Once they began their quest, it began clear.

Tom’s place on the list of protectors was obvious.  He was a veteran of war and had survived some horrific situations. He was no stranger to violence and death and his training made him a perfect candidate to work as a team. I really enjoyed his part in the story. He was someone you didn’t want to mess with yet he had a lot of baggage and that gave him an aura of vulnerability.

I tried to envision this nightmare world the group had entered. The author did a great job of showing it to me through words and my imagination did the rest.

As for how the story moved along. I mentioned the first chapter hooked me and kept me hooked. Well that’s true. And the characters sealed the deal for me. Along with the cruel world in The Nightmare Machine and the outrageous and dangerous monsters that were unleashed in it’s pages. Whoa. I do love monsters and there were some humdingers in the book.

Packed with action, suspense and horror, I was thrilled to get everything I wanted out of this story. That was great. And even more exciting. There’s more to come! Can’t wait for that.





About Author Tim White:



Tim White is
an author, editor, writing coach, and game designer in Phoenix, Arizona. He
started writing fiction in 1996 and nonfiction in 2006. As of 2023, he has
published more than 1,000 nonfiction articles and three nonfiction books. He
has written three novels, four novellas, dozens of tabletop role-playing game
(TTRPG) scripts, and hundreds of short stories.

Tim is a
zealous crusader for the power of storytelling to promote human flourishing. He
writes fiction in several genres, particularly one that he calls “Romantic
horror” (as in “Romantic-era novelists” such as Victor Hugo and Alexandre
Dumas, not as in “romance novel”). This little-known genre is unique in that it
uses fear as a backdrop against which heroism is sharply contrasted,
dramatized, and elevated.

storytelling philosophy is summed up eloquently by one of his favorite authors:

“I often
hear people say that they read to escape reality, but I believe that what
they’re really doing is reading to find reason for hope, to find strength.
While a bad book leaves readers with a sense of hopelessness and despair, a
good novel, through stories of values realized, of wrongs righted, can bring to
readers a connection to the wonder of life. A good novel shows how life can and
ought to be lived. It not only entertains but energizes and uplifts readers.” ―
Terry Goodkind

transitioning to writing full time, Tim was an Army combat medic, and later, a
nurse paramedic specializing in trauma and surgery. He is a lifelong shooter
and has ranked moderately well in state-level 3-gun competitions. He loves
board games, video games, and role-playing games; cats; Pembroke Corgis; good
coffee; good books; and escape rooms. He owns an escape room venue in Arizona,
where he designs and builds every prop and puzzle in-house.

Sign up for one or all of Tim’s Newsletters!

Website | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


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Giveaway Details: (there are 2 giveaways)

Bargain Booksy Giveaway:


One winner will be chosen at random on 4/15/2024 and notified via email
that they have won the 20 eBooks and a Kindle.

Giveaway Link:

Rockstar Book Tours Giveaway:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours,

Ends March 5th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:



IG Post


Kountry Girl Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


Writer of Wrongs



The Melting Plot

IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review


Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post


IG Review

 Week Two:


Books and Zebras

IG Review



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Review Thick And Thin

Review/IG Post





The Momma Spot



One More Exclamation

Review/IG Post


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post


Confessions of the Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.

Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for Happy Harry organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Barbara Lampert will award a $30 Amazon Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner. Don’t forget to Enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Happy Harry

A Magical Golden

by Barbara Lampert



Genre: Dog Memoir


In her dog memoir Happy Harry: A Magical Golden, psychotherapist Barbara Lampert, a lifelong dog lover, tells the story of her beloved Golden Retriever, Harry. Like her first dog memoir, Harry’s story comes from her mostly uncensored daily journal and takes place in Malibu, California.

Harry was a genuinely free spirit – wild, and very wolf-like. Did all this contribute to his being exceptionally happy? Perhaps.

Harry was not only the happiest being Barbara’s ever known, happy to the very core of him, but also the bravest. More than once in his life, Harry had to face true adversity, and each time, Barbara would look at him in wonder, not fully understanding how a being could be so brave and at the same time continue to be so happy.

Harry literally pranced through life, with a joyous attitude that made being around him like magic. Barbara fell in love with Harry. And as you immerse yourself in Harry’s story, it’s likely you will too! Happy Harry is unforgettable!

Enjoy this peek inside:

Harry had a girlfriend for a while when he was about four or five years old. Probably for a couple of years. Oh he didn’t see her every day, but for that two year-or-so stretch maybe once or twice a week. …

Roxie, a one-year-old Yellow Lab – the taller, leaner hunting type – was beautiful, energetic, and happy. Just like Harry. Roxie lived a few miles from our house, on the Point in Malibu. …

When Harry knew he was going to see Roxie, he would get so excited. He would pant, start running around, tail up, and on the ride over he would stand or pace in the back seat the whole time. So eager, such joy. And when we got there, he would literally go flying out of the car, with David at the other end of the leash. Tail up, full steam ahead. And Roxie, being just a year old and still quite a playful puppy, would go equally berserk when she saw Harry. They would sniff and kiss each other through the openings in the fence. …

Sometimes they would chase each other or run together, with the fence between them. David would run with them, since he had Harry on the leash. A few times Roxie’s owner came out and opened the gate to let Harry and Roxie be together. More kissing, chasing, tails up, sniffing. Both not believing their good luck. Both always bursting with joy the whole time they were together. Such a sight. …

Barney didn’t get nearly as excited as Harry about Roxie and didn’t interfere in their relationship. This was Harry’s territory. And it appeared Roxie only had eyes for Harry. …

It was always difficult to leave, because the whole time we were there Harry and Roxie were inseparable. Whenever Roxie’s owner would come out, we’d talk and laugh about the two lovebirds. It was wonderful seeing Harry and Roxie so happy. How he loved her…

About the Author Barbara Lampert:


My passion is dogs! I’ve had dogs most of my life and hope to have at least one by my side always. Dog energy is the best!

I’m the author of two dog memoirs: Happy Harry: A Magical Golden and before that Charlie: A Love Story. Each about one of my Golden Retrievers. (I told you dogs are my passion!)

I’m a psychotherapist, licensed for over thirty years, specializing in relationships.

I was a flight attendant for nine years. And taught sociology at several universities. I have two master’s degrees and a doctorate.

Gardening is another love – not as much as dogs, but right up there! I see my garden as a work of art and garden as much as possible in my free time. I love being in nature.

I live in Malibu, California with my husband David and, you guessed it, our two wonderful Golden Retrievers, Oliver and Henry.

Author Links: Website / Amazon / Facebook 

Facebook / TikTok / Instagram / Pinterest


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.



Join Us for This Tour from Feb 26 to Mar 8!

Book Details:

Book Title:  To Be Loved: Ain’t Gonna Be Denied by Ronald D. Steele
Category:  Adult Fiction (18+), 463 pages
Genre:  Memoir / Autobiography
Publisher:  Ronald D. Steele
Release date:   July 31st, 2023
Content Rating:  PG-13 + M



Book Description:

Born in poverty and violence, without love, the author goes to the streets to find love, becoming successful at everything he applies, even crime.

Convicted for a crime the victim said he did not commit, at 19, he was convicted and sentenced to 15 years for robbery. Determined to correct the injustice, the author turns to writing. Over 18 months and on the brink of suicide, the author’s letters led the sentencing judge to reduce the sentence by 10 years.

So begins the journey of a self-made man.

The author seeks counseling, which was a social taboo and a Godsend. The author confronts the past, determines his future, adopts positive thinking discipline, and uses the ex-con stigma to qualify for a college program. He graduates with a B.A. degree, pursues a career in public affairs in the federal government, serving seven cabinet secretaries, and serving as president of a writers guild, travels the world, sues the agency and local police, and retires at the top of the salary pyramid, a husband, father, and grandfather.

​The author illustrates the many life lessons he learns to steer readers from the pitfalls he faced.

Additionally, the author inspires readers to think positive, be true to their beliefs, and believe in themselves, even when family and friends may not, and, regardless of their past mistakes, have the attitude that you “ain’t gonna be denied.”

Buy the Book:
Amazon B&N
Apple ~ Google ~ Kobo
add to Goodreads


Meet Author Ronald D. Steele:

Ronald D. Steele is a versatile talent, renowned as a writer, photographer, world traveler, and ardent tennis player. With a career spanning over two decades in federal government public affairs and information technology, Steele’s remarkable journey is a testament to his adaptability and dedication. As a freelance journalist, his work graced media outlets nationwide, and he made appearances on various television and radio stations.

Steele’s leadership as the president of the African American Writers Guild from 1989 to 1992 underscores his impact in the literary world. Born in Manhattan, he now calls Prince George’s County, Maryland home.

connect with author: website X ~ facebook instagram 




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Sprites and Scuttlebutt: Magical Mystery Book Club
by Elizabeth Pantley


Sprites and Scuttlebutt: Magical Mystery Book Club
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
6th in Series
Independently Published (February 15, 2024)
Print length ‏ : ‎ 289 pages
ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CJ5K611Z


Would you join a book club that gets absorbed right into their cozy mysteries? These people did, and now they are hooked on traveling into books to become the amateur sleuths!

In this journey, the book club travels to the Kingdom of Everglow, where the royal family is rocked to the core when a key staff member falls dead at a community event. In the turmoil that follows, any evidence of what happened is destroyed, so they must go by the recollection of witnesses who were too busy enjoying the celebration to offer any valuable testimony. The royal family is further distressed when they return to the castle to see signs of a break in that somehow defied their complex security system. They wake the next day to discover that one member of the royal family has fallen into a deep, deathlike sleep.

Can the Snapdragon Inn Book Club uncover the plot behind this attack on the royal family? Can they find the antidote to wake the princess from her supernatural slumber? Can they bring peace back to the worried royal family and the frightened community? Let’s hope they can, since they must solve the mystery and reach The End to get out of the book and back to their home in Colorado.

About Elizabeth Pantley 

Elizabeth Pantley is the author of fourteen fun, magical cozy mystery books, as well as the international bestselling No-Cry Solution parenting series.

She simultaneously writes well-loved cozy mysteries: The Destiny Falls Mystery & Magic book series and the Magical Mystery Book Club series.

Elizabeth lives in the Pacific Northwest, the gorgeous inspiration for the setting in many of her books.

Author Links: Goodreads / Website / Facebook / Instagram


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February 19 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

February 19 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT

February 20 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 20 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 21 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 22 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 23 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

February 24 – Angel’s Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT

February 24 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 25 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW

February 25 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

February 26 – Review Thick And Thin – REVIEW


February 27 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 27 – Nadaness In Motion – REVIEW

February 28 – ebook Addicts – REVIEW

February 28 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

February 29 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

March 1 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

March 2 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


The Science of Attraction
Jay Hogan
(A Mackenzie Country Story, #3)
Publication date: February 22nd 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

I am Mackenzie Country born and bred. Farming the high country runs in my blood, like my father, and his father, and my great grandfather before him. My future has been mapped out for me since the day I was born. Or at least it was, until Liam Skelton walks onto Lane Station, lights a fire in my heart, and turns my whole world upside down.

Bossy, tatted, and out and proud, Liam is everything my father abhors.
And I want him.

But having a chance with Liam means risking everything. My family. My future. And my life in these mountains that I love.
Still, the heart wants what it wants, and mine wants Liam.

With so many things against us, maybe we don’t have a chance.
Maybe we’ll crash and burn.
Or maybe we’ll find a way to have it all.

Goodreads / Amazon


Enjoy this peek inside:

Julian Lane unsettled me in a way not many men did, and it was troubling, to say the least. I’d had a couple of long-term relationships in my life, but I’d never lived with anyone or wanted more. Being a fairly self-contained person, I liked my own company. I spent most days working intimately with people’s complex needs. It was intense, challenging work, and at the end of the day or the finish of a contract, my home was my sanctuary, and I guarded it with my life.

The idea of a man cluttering up that space with their things, inconvenient demands, or just the mere fact of their presence sent horrifying chills racing down my spine. I rarely got flustered by a guy, and certainly not the way Julian unnerved me with his capable air, glittering grey eyes, and that profound sense of knowing his place in the world.

Julian had the air of a man who knew who he was and where he belonged. You wouldn’t need to jolly a man like Jules along to make him feel wanted, soothe an ego bent out of shape, or play down your success so as not to threaten his by comparison. Men like that were rare and held an intoxicating allure for someone like me.

But Jules was also my client’s son, and that alone should’ve made him forbidden fruit even for a bit of harmless crushing. Should’ve. But there’d been something about his smile that first day. Something about the way I’d caught him looking at me when he didn’t think I was watching. And maybe the way I felt when he looked at me, as well.

The whole thing was fucking with my head.



About Author Jay Hogan:

Heart, humour and keeping it real.

Jay is a 2020 Lambda Literary Award Finalist in Gay Romance and her book Off Balance was the 2021 New Zealand Romance Book of the Year.

She is a New Zealand author writing mm romance and romantic suspense, primarily set in New Zealand. She writes character driven romances with lots of humour, a good dose of reality and a splash of angst. She’s travelled extensively, lived in many countries, and in a past life she was a critical care nurse, nurse educator and counsellor. Jay is owned by a huge Maine Coon cat and a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel

Find Jay in all the places:




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Mrs. Morris and the Mermaid (A Salem B&B Mystery)
by Traci Wilton


Mrs. Morris and the Mermaid (A Salem B&B Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
8th in Series
Setting – Massachusetts
Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies (February 20, 2024)
Mass Market Paperback ‏ : ‎ 368 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496741390
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496741394
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C6FV91ML


Set in Salem, Massachusetts, this fun, cozy series sees a widowed B&B owner teaming up with a charming ghost to solve murders—an engaging read for fans who like a paranormal tinge to their mysteries.

Charlene and her handsome spectral friend, Dr. Jack Strathmore, are thrilled that their Salem, Massachusetts, B&B is overflowing with mermaids in advance of the town’s newest attraction—a mermaid parade! Retired Hollywood actress Trinity Powers has even agreed to appear on the lead float to commemorate her breakout role as the eponymous mermaid in the blockbuster cult classic, Sirena. The parade also features Trinity’s rival, an up-and-coming ingénue, who stars in the film’s recent (and somewhat controversial) reboot. Though their rabid fan clubs seem ready to tear each other—and the festivities—apart, the vying actresses are keeping it cool, for now . . .

But when Charlene discovers a mermaid murdered, she realizes a killer is out to steal the show. With the help of Jack and Detective Sam Holden, Charlene plunges into the case, determined to stop a killer from striking again . . .


Enjoy this peek inside:

Charlene stepped into the dining room and clasped her hands together. Her guests were in varying stages of preparation for the big day and the kids, even Dillon, brimming with excitement.

“Great costumes.” She could see why the twins had won in prior contests because of the intricate beadwork.

Aqua and Jewel were in blue and green bodices and tails. Aqua’s hair had been dyed blue to match and Jewel’s was dyed green. The tails had been propped against the wall to keep them clean as the twins finished breakfast.

“Thank you!” Natalie was finishing some eggs and toast, with coffee and juice. “I’ll get dressed when I’m done here. Linc has to help me with the coconut shells.”

Linc, his bare chest painted blue, winked. “My pleasure.”

Barb and Andrew were in street clothes as they ate. “I have a new clam shell top that I bought to wear with a skirt that ripples like water.”

“It’ll be really pretty,” Andrew said. “But let’s get Natalie’s email and maybe we can buy you a custom tail for next year.”

“That would be nice!” Barb said. “How much are they?”

Linc sipped coffee. “Anywhere from five hundred to ten thousand. Check out Tida Wave’s Creations.”

Charlene swallowed her surprise. That seemed expensive, but Natalie’s work was first-rate. That explained how they could afford to travel.

Andrew didn’t blink at the cost. “Thanks. We will.”

Natalie shifted toward Charlene. “Registration starts at ten, right?”

“Yes.” Charlene bestowed an encouraging smile at each of them, her keys to the Pilot in her palm. “I’ll see you there, so make sure to say hello.” Brandy had rented metal stands for observers though people were welcome to bring their own chairs to watch from the sidewalks or their lawns. “Parade begins at noon. There will be food trucks all day. The King and Queen Neptune will be announced at six. At eight we’ll start Sirena to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the movie at the Common.”

Natalie gestured to Charlene’s shirt. “Is that the T-shirt for registration? It’s very cool. Too bad there wasn’t one with Alannah Gomez on it. The new Sirena.”

Charlene hadn’t realized this would be such a point of contention but after hearing Andrew and Natalie discuss it on Friday, she and Jack had looked up the feud online. Fans were vicious in their defense of their chosen mermaid. Trinity fans claimed that Alannah needed support from her other actors because she wasn’t as graceful in the water, and Alannah fans said that Trinity was boring.

“Trinity is classic,” Andrew said. His tone today wasn’t as friendly as it had been on Friday. She wondered if it had anything to do with the party at Ariel Glitter’s house last night. Jack had told her that the Martins had come in after midnight.

The Bonets wore T-shirts with Darryl Hannah from Splash on the front—nice, neutral ground at the dining table. The Sanchos brothers had on tight silver T-shirts that would be paired with their tails later but for now, wore jeans. Dean was older by a few years than Steve.

“We are Team Alannah too,” Lottie said. “Dillon knows all the songs.”

Dillon, hair dyed dark blue, wore a navy shirt and shorts with painted scales. His parents were in matching shimmering shirts—jeans for Terry, but Lottie wore a skirt.

“I heard there might be trouble at the parade,” Dean Sanchos said to Charlene.

“What kind of trouble?” Charlene hid her dismay behind a cool façade. She hoped to nip the problem in the bud.

Steve plonked his elbow next to his plate with a sigh. “At Ariel Glitter’s party, there was talk of a possible showdown. Trinity’s people want Alannah to apologize in person for all that she’s said.”

“What?” Terry asked, confused. “We don’t know anything about that.”

Andrew slammed his coffee cup onto the table. “Team Trinity will defend their queen.”

“When?” Charlene asked. She’d need to tell Brandy.

Barb waved her hand. “That was just a bunch of people blowing off steam after too much beer. Ariel probably won’t remember anyway. Nothing will happen.”

“Don’t know a time.” Dean glanced around the table. “Me and Steve want a chance at the prize money for the best costume. We created an animated Triton. It’d be cool to meet Trinity, but we don’t care about fighting.”

Charlene cleared her throat to get their attention. “I declare this B and B Switzerland.”


About Traci Wilton


From cozy mysteries to seaside romance, USA Today bestselling author Traci Hall writes stories that captivate her readers. As a hybrid author with over sixty published works, Ms. Hall has a favorite tale for everyone. Mystery lovers, check out her Scottish Shire series, set in the seaside town of Nairn, or the Salem B&B Mystery series, as Traci Wilton. Her latest project is an Irish Castle cozy as Ellie Brannigan. Whether it’s her ever-popular By the Sea romances, an Appletree Cove sweet romance, or a fun who-done-it, Traci finds her inspiration in sunny South Florida, living right near the ocean.

Author Links: Website / Twitter / Amazon / Instagram / Kensington

Facebook / Facebook / Facebook

Purchase Links – Amazon – Kindle  – Amazon – Paperback –  B&N –


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February 20 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW

February 20 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

February 21 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

February 21 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT

February 21 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

February 22 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 22 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

February 23 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

February 24 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

February 24 – MJB Reviews – SPOTLIGHT WITH EXCERPT

February 25 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 26 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

February 26 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

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The Snow Job (Century Cottage Cozy Mysteries)
by Dianne Ascroft


The Snow Job (Century Cottage Cozy Mysteries)
Cozy Mystery
3rd in Series
Setting – Fenwater, a fictional small town in the province of Ontario in Canada during the early 1980s.
Independently Published (December 13, 2023)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 310 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8871249321
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CQ3DJL3F


A Scottish shindig, a pretty pin, a cold corpse.

When a well-liked and respected townsman is murdered on a snowy street in Fenwater, it’s up to Lois Stone to sift through a multitude of motives to find the killer.

Middle-aged widow Lois is beginning to feel part of the Fenwater community, and as winter sets in, she is getting ready for the town’s biggest Scottish event, the annual Burns Night supper. But when one of the committee members dies in suspicious circumstances, Lois has more to worry about than the fate of this year’s celebration. She tried unsuccessfully to revive the man and her friend Marge worked with him. So, they want to find his killer even though Lois promised her partner Bruce that she would stay out of police matters. But, what’s the harm in asking a few questions? Such as does someone want to safeguard their inheritance or give their business a boost? Will finding the motive for the murder lead them to the killer or maybe more?

And so begins a fortnight of slippery sidewalks, angst about ancestors, capable firemen and cunning firebugs, unreliable records, swirling Scottish music and swinging tartan kilts, calico cats and smouldering spooks set against the backdrop of snow glistening under streetlamps on serene streets, the comfort of ritual in a cold churchyard, the swish of skate blades in crisp night air and the tang of mouthwatering meatloaf in rural Canada in 1984.

The Century Cottage Mystery series is mainly set in rural Ontario, Canada during the early 1980s.

A tale for fans of Cindy Bell, Leighann Dobbs, Dianne Harman and Kathi Daley.

About Dianne Ascroft

Dianne Ascroft writes the Century Cottage Cozy Mysteries, set in rural Canada, and The Yankee Years historical sagas, set in WWII Northern Ireland. She has a passion for Ireland and Canada, past and present. An ex-pat Canadian, Dianne lives on a small farm with her husband and an assortment of strong-willed animals.

Her previous fiction works include An Unbidden Visitor (a tale inspired by Fermanagh’s famous Coonian ghost); Dancing Shadows, Tramping Hooves: A Collection of Short Stories (contemporary tales), and an historical novel, Hitler and Mars Bars, which explores Operation Shamrock, a little known Irish Red Cross humanitarian endeavor.

Author Links: Website / Facebook / Twitter / Newsletter

Purchase Links:   Books2Read    Amazon


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February 19 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

February 20 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

February 21 – Read Your Writes Book Reviews – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

February 22 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

February 23 – fundinmental – SPOTLIGHT

February 23 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT


February 25 – StoreyBook Reviews – AUTHOR GUEST POST

February 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST

February 26 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

February 27 – Sarah Can’t Stop Reading Books – REVIEW

February 28 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

February 28 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

February 29 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

March 1 – Boys’ Mom Reads! – SPOTLIGHT

March 2 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST

March 2 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

March 3 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT




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Playing Dead
by TG Wolff



February 19 – 23, 2024 Virtual Book Tour

The nightmare is over. Alexander “Rotten” Carter is dead. But when his body is dumped in Cleveland Homicide Detective Jesus De La Cruz’s neighborhood, there are more questions than answers. Rotten was dressed up like the king of hearts, right down to the dagger in the suicide king’s temple. The elaborate staging is perplexing at the same time seems to be sending a message. As Cruz investigates, he discovers Rotten Carter was more complex than the simple villain he had painted him to be. So is his murder, which is related to the deaths of his two lieutenants months prior. Both were strangled and found, with playing cards in their mouths. Jacks. As the body count climbs, connection tie back to a dead CI and an accident that made a cop a widower. A web becomes apparent with one man in the middle: Narcotics Detective Matt Yablonski. But is he the spider or another fly?

Book Details:

Genre: Mystery

Published by: Down & Out Books Publication Date: February 2024 Number of Pages: 398

Series: The De La Cruz Case Files, Book 4

Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads

Enjoy this peek inside:


The crime scene was around the corner, no more than ten houses from Cruz’s own. Two streets came together at a sharp angle, creating oddly shaped yards. An island was formed at one of the peaks, surrounded by roadway. It was the length of one of the yards facing it. Geometric colors showed brightly in the morning sun, giving the landscape a third dimension it didn’t naturally have. Cruz approached, his mind transforming the lines and shapes into the macabre corpse. “I called 9-1-1 and, thankfully, no one else has come out,” Binnie, the girls’ father, said. He stood guard over the island in worn sweatpants and a sweatshirt. He was barefoot. “Aurora kept the girls. She’ll settle them down.” “Good. I didn’t want them to see this, not any more than they had.” Binnie turned until he and Cruz were side by side. “The island was part of the city’s Color the Corners Chalk Festival. It took the artist two days to do it.” That explained the background, a mosaic reminiscent of a stained-glass window, but not the character on it. Cruz thought Francie’s description of a costume was accurate. The victim, male, White, was in his twenties. The torso was covered by a tunic, the kind a knight might wear. Instead of regal, the tunic was decorated with hearts in groups of twos and threes, some facing up, others down. The costume was thin fabric. Details were printed on, not embroidered. The legs were dressed in a pair of tights, the red color coordinated with the tunic. The feet were bare. The arms were bare as well. One was bent at the elbow with the hand resting on the lower abdomen. The other was positioned upward. The hand curled around the hilt of a long dagger, the blade buried in the head. It was an unnatural position that forced the wrist, elbow, and shoulder out of a flat alignment. Cruz rounded to the base of the figure. He recognized it. “Someone made him into the king of hearts. Better get shoes on, Binnie,” he advised as vehicles began arriving at the scene. “This isn’t going to be quick.” “I’ll put some coffee on,” he said and headed to the house directly behind them. There was no estimate on when the man had died. His body temperature was lower than was naturally possible given the weather. The nighttime low bottomed out around fifty degrees. The body was low forties. The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner would use methods more sophisticated than temperature to estimate time of death. A cursory review of the body found no cuts, wounds, or contusions aside from the knife in the head. The blade had been driven in above the left ear. The handle was wrapped in leather, the complicated over-under weave spoke of skill and craftsmanship. Cruz examined the round, silver ball at the end and found it to be slightly flattened and marred with scratches. Something about the position of the mouth drew Cruz’s attention. He applied pressure on the chin, opening the jaw. Inside was the white edge of folded paper. Widening the opening, he gently pulled. The folded item came easily. It wasn’t paper exactly. It was thicker. Coated. He turned it over, both sides printed in a blue elaborate pattern reminiscent of…a playing card. He unfolded it, revealing the king of hearts. Rising, he compared the body position to the card. It was a match. He pictured the man resting his head on a table. His killer standing over him, holding the dagger in position with one hand and using a hammer in the other to drive the point deep. There were no defensive signs. It was as if the man simply lay down and allowed the knife to be driven into his head. The ME would tell him if the man was incapacitated via drugs or other means. Wherever happened, it didn’t happen here. Beneath the body was the chalk of the drawing. The lines separating the colors were disturbed directly beneath but even that was minor. There was minimal transfer to the back of the clothing. The man was set in place, not dragged, which meant either multiple people were involved or one person strong enough to handle a body. The man was average to short with sinewy arms and legs. Cruz put him in the 160-pound camp. Ready to tackle the timetable, Cruz went up the short walk to where Binnie waited with a cup of coffee. “It’s nice and hot,” he said, holding out the insulated Cleveland Browns cup. Cruz went up one step to accept. “I appreciate it. Tell me what happened this morning.” “You know, Cruz, I can’t tell you much. I was dead asleep when Sunny screamed. You know how it is, one second out cold, then wide awake. I went to the front door. I could tell there was something on the island but not what it was.” He pointed to the screen now hiding the crime scene. “It didn’t make sense until I was nearly to the sidewalk. I told the girls to go get you and ran back in the house to get my phone. I didn’t even think about shoes. I called 9-1-1 and waited for you or them to arrive.” “What time was this?” Binnie pulled out his phone and searched for outgoing calls. “Eight minutes after seven. The sky was light but the street still dark. You know. You arrived just a few minutes later.” Cruz did know but wanted details to supplement his own observations. “What about cars on the street? Anyone leaving the area? Any vehicles that didn’t belong?” His witness thought for a moment, then shook his head. “Everything was quiet. I didn’t even see anyone walking their dog yet.” “I had someone go house-to-house. Anyone who was awake was in their kitchen or backyard. There was no answer next door. Any idea where your neighbor is?” “Metro General Hospital. He works first shift in the maintenance department. He left at twenty to seven. When he started his car, I woke enough to read the clock and decide it was too early to get up.” Binnie pointed to a pair of patrol officers waving their way. “I think they want you.” “We’re close to wrapping up here. Let me see what they need, then we’ll go to my house. I need to ask your daughters a few questions.” Cruz left the porch, turning his attention to the officers. “What do you have?” “The victim has been identified as Alexander Carter, age twenty-seven,” the leading officer answered. “His listed address is his parents’, but he’s spent a lot of time as a guest of the county. In and out for possession, assault, petty theft. He’s—Detective?” Cruz stalked to the protective tent. “Detective? Cruz?” The officer hurried to keep up. Cruz took a knee next to the dead man’s shoulder and studied the face. He’d seen it in pictures a dozen times, only twice in person. In every case, the eyes had been narrowed with hate, the chin tipped up in challenge. “Do you know this guy?” the officer asked. “Not just me. We’ve been after Rotten Carter since July. Send me the information on his next of kin. I’ll make the trip after we wrap here, and I follow up with the girls. Go back through the neighborhood, see if anyone here knows our vic.” The officers left the tent to execute orders while Cruz studied the man he daydreamed about killing. Without the attitude he wore like skin, Rotten Carter had a clean-cut look. He didn’t have ink tatted across his body or battle-earned scars saying the man fought his way through life. He could have been a family man with a white-collar job. He could have been an ordinary guy earning an honest living. But he wasn’t. Rotten Carter was a mid-level dealer who had been on Cleveland police’s radar for years. His sister, Natasha “Sasha” Carter was a confidential informant to Cruz’s best friend, Narcotics Detective Matt Yablonski. Sasha snitched with her brother’s permission or at least knowledge. She fed information on Rotten’s competition, keeping her brother’s territory solid. One day last January, Sasha got in touch with Yablonski and asked for a meetup. She didn’t follow their normal protocols, wanting Yablonski to come to her place. He arrived at the agreed upon time and found Sasha overdosing. Yablonski called for backup and began CPR. Rotten walked in and misread the situation. While Rotten and Yablonski fought, Sasha died. Rotten blamed Yablonski. He focused his energy and resources on finding the man who killed his sister. Bad luck or bad timing put Rotten in the same place at the same time as Yablonski, and Yablonski’s wife, Erin. Rotten saw his opportunity for revenge and took it. That night, Erin and Aurora were driving to a restaurant for a celebratory night out. Rain poured down, making the street dark and the road slick. There was no evidence Rotten Carter tracked Erin’s car through downtown Cleveland. There was no proof Rotten drove the car and instigated the crash. There were no witnesses to point to Rotten as the reason Erin Yablonski was dead and Aurora’s legs might never be the same. And yet there was no doubt. Alone in the tent with the corpse of the man he hated, Cruz felt empty. This didn’t fix a damn thing. And now, it would be his job to find the killer who had done him and the rest of the city a favor. Cruz didn’t want the job, but he wasn’t going to pass it on. He was going to use it to his advantage and prove Rotten Carter was behind the crash. Closure. That’s what he could give Aurora and Yablonski. *** Excerpt from Playing Dead by TG Wolff. Copyright 2024 by TG Wolff. Reproduced with permission from TG Wolff. All rights reserved.



About Author TG Wolff:




TG Wolff writes mysteries that play within the gray area between good and bad, right and wrong. She specializes in puzzles, giving you everything you need to solve the mystery. Diverse characters mirror the complexities of real life and real people, balanced with a healthy dose of entertainment. TG Wolff is the co-creator and co-host of Mysteries to Die For podcast. She holds a Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering and is a member of Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime.

Catch Up With TG Wolff: Goodreads BookBub – @TG_Wolff Instagram – @tg_wolff Twitter/X – @tg_wolff Facebook – @Mysteries2Die4



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Welcome to my stop on the virtual book tour for The Spinster, The Rebel, And The Governor organized by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Author Charlene Bell Deitz will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Don’t forget to enter!

And you can click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Spinster, The Rebel, And The Governor

by Charlene Bell Deitz



Genre: Historical Fiction


Move over Susan B. Anthony. There’s an unsung woman asking for the vote 224 years before you, and murderous rebels and bigoted gentlemen can’t prevent spinster Lady Margaret Brent from wielding her power to defend Maryland settlers from plunder and obliteration.

Lady Margaret Brent, compelled to right wrongs, risks her life by illegally educating English women, placing her family at risk. She fights to have a voice, yet her father and brothers exclude her from discussions. Worried the kings’ men may know of her illegal activities, she flees to the New World where she can enjoy religious tolerance and own land, believing she will be allowed a voice. Once in Maryland, she presents cases in provincial court where she’s hired as the first American woman attorney, but there she uncovers perilous actions, prompting her to build a fort to shield those within from being murdered. Can Margaret Brent’s integrity and ingenuity protect Maryland from being destroyed?


Enjoy this peek inside:

Their cousin Cecil, the second Lord Baltimore, addressed the men. “I’ve spoken of colonization before. You’ve listened politely, but your loyalties remain with your king and England. I understand, as do mine.”

“Then you’ve no need to speak more of this.” Edward said.

“But I do.” Cecil narrowed his eyes.

Richard said, “You forgot something rather important, my friend.”

Cecil hesitated.

“You must consider the king’s act that restrains the popishly bred from going beyond the seas and the punishments for those who assist.”

Giles looked up from the map. “Popish—the hell. King Charles can’t even bring himself to say Catholic.”

“Silly. Everyone but those of us who are says ‘popish.’” Margaret now waited for her father to reprimand her, but he said nothing.

“A serious point, my friend. Dangerous times, indeed,” said Cecil. “King Charles’s wrath increases and will come down on those who refuse to conform to the Church of England.”

Fulke shut his eyes a moment before saying, “You’re a kind gentleman, sir. But if you pursue this, you will certainly lose everything you and your father have acquired. Even your mentioning this to us puts you in jeopardy.”

“Every second of every day puts us all in jeopardy. Today and the weeks forward, your family may suffer destruction beyond your imagination.” He took several paces then stopped and studied each of the men. “Please, friends, decide to take my offer. It takes time and special negotiations to arrange a safe passage for you. Remember, a most disagreeable mood has overtaken England concerning passengers who refuse to take the oath of allegiance and acknowledge the king’s supremacy. We need to be clever so as not to be entrapped.”

A tap on the door stopped the conversation. Mary glanced at her father, then rose, and opened it.

Pursell stood waiting to be acknowledged.

“Yes?” said Richard.

“Sir, supper will be served within the hour, and also there’s a man at the back door. He’s asked to speak with you.”

 “Cecil, good friend, will you join us in a late supper?”

“It’s past time for me to be on my way to Ilmington. Please consider what we’ve discussed. I’ll send word where we may engage in a private meeting.”

“Pursell,” Richard said, “have Dary see Lord Calvert’s carriage and horse are brought forth.”

Lord Calvert strode to the table. He placed with great care what must have been his cherished map on top and slid the stack into a burgundy, embossed leather folio. Gathering his cape and hat and in good cheer, bowed his farewell.

Her father squinted at his servant. “Tell me, what brings this fellow to our door at this hour?”

“He says his name is John Coates, sir. It seems a young girl saw Lady Margaret talking with his son earlier this afternoon. His son has gone missing, and the sheriff has found a dead man.”


About Author Charlene Bell Deitz:


Charlene Bell Dietz lives in the central mountains of New Mexico. She taught kindergarten through high school, served as a school administrator, and an adjunct instructor for the College of Santa Fe. After retirement she traveled the United States providing instruction for school staff and administrators. Her writing includes published articles, children’s stories, short stories, and mystery and historical novels


Author Links: Email / Website / Twitter

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