Archive for the ‘horror’ Category

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We are thrilled to share The Star and the Strange Moon this week. Read on for more details and my review!



The Star and the Strange Moon

Publication Date: November 2023

Genre: Historical Fantasy

From the author of A Witch in Time comes a haunting tale of ambition, obsession, and the eternal mystery and magic of film.

A vanished star. A haunted film. A mystery only love can unravel…

1968: Gemma Turner once dreamed of stardom. Now the actress is on the cusp of obscurity. When she’s offered the lead in a radical new horror film, Gemma believes her luck has changed—but her dream is about to turn into a nightmare. One night, between the shadows of an alleyway, Gemma disappears on set and is never seen again. Yet, Gemma is alive. She’s been pulled into the film. And the script—and the monsters within it—are coming to life. Gemma must play her role perfectly if she hopes to survive.

2007: Gemma Turner’s disappearance is one of Hollywood’s greatest mysteries—one that’s captivated film student Christopher Kent ever since he saw L’Étrange Lune for the first time. The screenings only happen once a decade and each time there is new, impossible footage of Gemma that shouldn’t exist. Curiosity drives Christopher to unravel the truth. But answers to the film’s mystery may leave him trapped by it forever.

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There’s been many a time when I sat down to read a book and didn’t look up until I finished it. Even ones as long as this one at almost 500 pages. I did have to stop reading it at one point to run an errand and quickly picked it back up when I returned. I was hooked. So hooked.

The synopsis was so intriguing. An actress, Gemma Turner, vanished during the filming of a movie in 1968. Flash forward to 2007 and film student, Christopher Kent, obsessed with finding out what happened to her after the simple act of seeing her picture on a wall drove his mother over the edge to insanity. And a secret screening of Gemma’s last acting role in L’Etrange Lune that takes place once every 10 years. Yes, it intrigued me.

As you can guess, the story jumps back and forth in time. First I’d be immersed in Gemma’s life and then I’d be immersed in what happened when she vanished and then I’d be immersed in Christopher’s present life and then his past.  That’s how this story was told and each time the story jumped to another character and time I’d be anxious to return. And that happened EVERY time with each era and character I was reading. And that’s why I couldn’t put it down. That and the fact the many character’s were so interesting, so genuine, flaws and all. Especially Gemma and Christopher. The author wrote her words and breathed life into them. I cared what happened. Felt their sorrow, their angst. How could I not.

In the hours I spent reading The Star And The Strange Moon I felt like I was transported into a fantasy world, a tragedy, a horror story…… a love story. What a fabulous feeling it was.




About the Author

Constance Sayers headshotTSSM

Constance Sayers is the author of two best-selling novels: A Witch in Time (Hachette, 2020) and The Ladies of the Secret Circus (Hachette, 2021), the latter receiving both a Publishers Weekly and Library Journal starred reviews. Her work has been translated into six languages and her third novel, The Star and the Strange Moon will be published by Hachette on 11.14.23. She is a member of the Historical Novel Society, and her short fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.

She received an MA in English from George Mason University and a B.A. in Writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She lives outside of Washington D.C.

Constance Sayers

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 The Legend Of Rachel Petersen

by J.T. Baroni

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



I love it when a story, especially a horror story, makes me wonder what if? What if something like what happened to the main character, Christian, had happened to me. Not the part where he’s passed over for a promotion or quits his job to write a book. It’s the part where he stumbles upon an old, forgotten grave in the woods. I used to go on hikes all the time. And there was a cabin we spent our summer vacations at that nestled right up against a huge woods. I’d walk for hours, pick berries and follow many faint trails made by the wildlife that lived there. During one of my walks I came upon a clearing with this huge mound of dirt in the center. Being young, I climbed to the top and sat there. I had so many questions about what it was. To this day I never found out. I’ve watched so many horror movies. The New Daughter with Kevin Costner comes to mind when I think about that mysterious mound. That movie made the hairs stand up all over my body. And that’s saying something as not much can do that anymore. That said, the sometimes funny, sometimes sad and very scary tale of Rachel Peterson made those hairs stand up. It probably didn’t help that I read this book at night. And that’s why I did. I wanted the quiet and the dark to help me immerse myself. Not that I really needed it, turns out. The author did a fine job of pulling me.

This was told in more than one time line and was still easy to follow. It added depth to the characters and the story. I could have easily enjoyed each story all by itself. And just look at that cover. If that doesn’t creep you out……..




Did his book raise the dead? Outraged when The Post Gazette overlooks him for a promotion, thirty-nine year old sports writer, Christian Kane quits and moves to the country to write fiction. Inspiration flows from a grave he stumbles upon in the woods. He compiles The Legend of Rachel Petersen, a fascinating story revolving around the dead twelve year old girl lying beneath the weathered tombstone. His book becomes a Best Seller; then Hollywood makes it in to a blockbuster movie. Kane becomes rich and famous, but only to have Rachel rise from the grave to seek revenge on him for slandering her name!


One line review excerpts


This two-in-one treasure has now become one of my favorites. Jessica Barbosa -Readers’Favorite 

The Legend of Rachel Petersen is a terrifying, unsettling story you will not be able to put down.                                                             

                                                                                                     Lisa Leone-Campbell – Lisascubby

The account is beautifully written, and the twist at the end was a big surprise.

                                                                                                      Alma Boucher – Readers’Favorite

There is a story within the story that is fascinating.                        Pikasho Deka – Readers’Favorite

This book deserves the rating of Five out of Five Stars. JT Baroni is unrivaled when it comes to crafting a compelling plot!                         Juliet Blessing Official Reviewer –


Winner of Five Gold Stars! Wow! What an epic ride! Anyone searching for a gripping read in the paranormal, mystery, and fast-paced action will find this one a new favorite!

                                                                                              Alex Ndirangu – Readers’


I totally recommend this book if you are fond of the horror and paranormal genres, and you want a reading that will keep you thrilled and glued to its pages!                          Raven –


This two-in-one treasure has now become one of my favorites! 

                                                                                                  Jessica Barbosa – Readers’Favorite    


While there is definitely the scare factor in this story, the author actually weaves in humor, mystery and a thrilling story that will keep you mesmerized until the final page!

                                                                                                         Brenda Casto – Reader’sFavorite

The best part of this novel is how Baroni transforms a simple drama into the kind of thriller that will give the reader chills as they connect the dots. The Legend of Rachel Petersen is in a class of its own.

                                                                                                        Essien Asian – Readers’Favorite

So fasten your seatbelts and welcome to Christian Kane’s twilight zone. Highly recommended for die-hard fans of the paranormal genre.                                      Carmen Tenorio – Reader’sFavorite

Baroni’s narrative mastery is on full display, leaving readers with a lingering sense of wonder long after they’ve turned the last page.                                                       Demetria Head-GPBookreview


Interview With Author J.T. Baroni

What is the book about?

   Here’s the blurb:

      Outraged when The Post Gazette overlooks him for a promotion, 43-year-old Sportswriter Christian Kane quits the Paper and moves to the country to write fiction. Inspiration flows from a grave he stumbles upon in the woods. He compiles The Legend of Rachel Petersen, a fascinating story revolving around the dead twelve-year-old girl laid to rest beneath the weathered tombstone. His book quickly tops the Best Seller Lists; then Hollywood adapts it into a blockbuster movie. Kane becomes rich and famous. But then! Does an enraged Rachel become more than a figment of the writer’s imagination? Did she rise from her grave? Is she seeking revenge on him for slandering her name?

When did you start writing the book?

    I originally wrote this book in 2012. In the first half of 2023, I revised it by adding 165 pages and a new ending chapter. My story is now more descriptive, has more detail, and the final chapter comes out of left field and smacks you upside the head!

How long did it take you to write it?

    Between holding down a job as a transformer repairman, and life in general, I wrote the original book in two years.

Where did you get the idea from?

    Living in Western Pennsylvania all my life, I’ve been an avid Whitetail hunter since old enough to tote a rifle, which is also about as long as I’ve had a fondness for word games and literature. While hunting one year, I actually did stumble upon a weathered tombstone in the middle of the woods.
​​​​​​​    Waiting patiently for any deer to cross my path gave me plenty of time to think about that lone grave’s inhabitant and ponder her story, which I was then driven to write.

    Eerily enough, this is the premise of The Legend of Rachel Petersen, my first novel published in 2012, which I recently revised.

Were there any parts of the book where you struggled?

   Chapter One had originally started with the Yoder boys hunkered down under a pine tree on the opening day of buck season in Western Pennsylvania, then I focused on them to the end. This made for a very short read of only 80 pages. After much, much, thought, I finally conjured up Christian Kane the disgruntled sportswriter, and had him write the “Legend of Rachel Petersen”, which doubled the page count and made for one very interesting read. This story is actually a story within a story, spanning 3 time periods. That original Chapter One in the rough draft became Chapter Five in the finished story.

What came easily?

   The characters, their individual voices, and dialogue.

Are your characters entirely fictitious or have you borrowed from real world people you know?

   I loosely based the Kanes, a happily married couple, on mine and my wife’s relationship; mainly how they supported each other’s dreams and ambitions. My wife gave me the inspiration and determination to write, and finish this book. Also, since the Yoder boys were hunters, and grew up on a farm, they resemble me as a young boy.

We all know how important it is for writers to read. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

   Harold Robbins, Mark Twain, and Jack London. I’m telling my age with that answer, but I enjoyed their books because they wrote captivating stories that held my interest to the last page.

Do you have a target reader? 

   For this book, I’m targeting any readers who enjoy paranormal, spooky ghost tales. Readers who relish Stephen King’s novels will be captivated by my Revised Edition of The Legend Of Rachel Petersen.

About Writing

Do you have a writing process? If so, can you please describe it?

   I simply write when it’s raining, or the urge hits, or when I think of a good scene. Sometimes the rough draft got shelved for a month or longer, then I was able to pull it back out and look at it from a fresh perspective.

Do you outline? If so, do you do so extensively or just chapter headings and a couple of sentences?

   Only after ten or more chapters when I get lost, do I start an outline.

Do you edit as you go or wait until you’ve finished?

   I edit as I write. After writing the first chapter, I’ll edit it; then, after writing the second chapter, I’ll start with Chapter one and edit both chapters and so forth… Now that I think about that, my editing process is similar to a Ponzi scheme.

Did you hire a professional editor? (May skip if being published by a small press rather than self-publishing)

   The first edition was published by Damnation Books. Their editor, April Duncan, was wonderful and gave me great ideas on improving my writing. The Revised Edition was edited by myself and my son, Skyler, who is a grammar fanatic.

Do you listen to music while you write? If yes, what gets the fingers tapping?

   Sometimes I tell Alexa to play Santa Esmeralda, Supertramp, The Stones, INXS, or the Golden Oldies. Other times, the news is on the tube.

About Publishing

Did you submit your work to Agents?

   I did with the original, but none would take on an unknown writer. Then I contacted publishers until Damnation signed me.

What made you decide to go Indie, whether self-publishing or with an indie publisher? Was it a particular event or a gradual process? 

   I decided to self-publish mainly because that process cuts out the ‘middleman’. Again, my son, who is very computer savvy, helped me achieve that.

Did you get your book cover professionally done or did you do it yourself?

   The cover was professionally designed by Dawn Dominique, a very talented artist with Damnation Books. I listed her and April Duncan on the credits and copyright page of my revised edition. My wife added the “Revised Edition” to the cover.

Do you have a marketing plan for the book or are you just winging it?

   I have no social platforms, not even Facebook. I have been targeting bloggers, I’ve advertised locally; and again, Skyler is getting the word out there on TikTok and other social platforms. I’m trying to get this revision to go virile. I’ve been scrutinizing national advertising agencies that pinpoint consumers on their likes, then promote those annoying pop up ads.

Any advice that you would like to give to other newbies considering becoming Indie authors? 

   If you, a friend, or family member excel with today’s technology, definitely consider self-publishing. We used Draft2Digital Publishing and we are extremely pleased with their whole process, and their POD paperbacks. If you are going to take the traditional route, watch out for those so-called Vanity Publishers.

Where did you grow up?

   Johnstown, PA

Where do you live now?

   I wish I could say Key West, but I’m ten miles from where I grew up; I still have a Johnstown address.

What would you like readers to know about you?

   I like to fish; if you have a boat, call me!

What are you working on now?

   I’m 32 chapters into a psychological thriller where a psychologist and an attorney are planning to rule the world. They both share a secret, but one of them has an ulterior motive. Three more chapters should finish it. Then edit, edit, edit…


About Author J.T. Baroni:

Living in Western Pennsylvania all my life, I’ve been an avid Whitetail hunter since old enough to tote a rifle, which is also about as long as I’ve had a fondness for word games and literature.

While hunting one year, I actually did stumble upon a weathered tombstone in the middle of the woods.

          While waiting patiently for that big buck to cross my path, I had plenty of time to ponder the dead girl’s fate, which I was then driven to write.

Eerily enough, this is the premise of The Legend of Rachel Petersen, my first novel published in 2012, which I recently revised.

A newly retired transformer repairman, I refer to Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a small town outside of Pittsburgh, as home.

My wife Becky and I share our abode with two retrievers – Piper, and Remmy.

Links: Books2Read / Goodreads


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Welcome to My Monday Minis where I share short reviews about books I’ve read.

I’ve got another bloody good one from a horror author I’ve got on my top ten list.


 Children Of The Dark

by Jonathan Janz


Genre: Horror / YA



There was this one character I really liked and….. he died, horribly. If Janz would kill him off, who wouldn’t he kill? And that’s just one thing I really enjoy about his books. The unpredictability. The edgy suspense.

Will is the main character and easy to like. His mother is a mess and he’s tasked with raising his little sister, Peach. And then there’s Mia. The girl makes his heart race. But, she’s dating his worst enemy. This will all seem small as an escaped serial killer is heading to their town and something thought to be an urban legend begins to stir in the forest.

There you have it. The perfect storm for a horror story. And Janz unleashes it. I’ve read a lot of his books and even if I think the plot sounds familiar, have read ones like it before, I don’t let my guard down. He has power in his writing skills. Takes a plot and owns it. And drops you in to either survive or perish with his characters.




Will Burgess is used to hard knocks. Abandoned by his father, son of a drug-addicted mother, and charged with raising his six-year-old sister, Will has far more to worry about than most high school freshmen. To make matters worse, Mia Samuels, the girl of Will’s dreams, is dating his worst enemy, the most sadistic upperclassman at Shadeland High. Will’s troubles, however, are just beginning.

Because one of the nation’s most notorious criminals—the Moonlight Killer—has escaped from prison and is headed straight toward Will’s hometown. And something else is lurking in Savage Hollow, the forest surrounding Will’s rundown house. Something ancient and infinitely evil. When the worst storm of the decade descends on Shadeland, Will and his friends must confront unfathomable horrors. Everyone Will loves—his mother, his little sister, Mia, and his friends—will be threatened.

And very few of them will escape with their lives.



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If you’re like me, you have a pile of books beckoning to you from your lists. Carole hosts this fun feature where you can share some of those older books and perhaps nudge you to finally read them. If you want to join in on the fun, head over to Carole’s Random Life In Books and leave a link to your post.

Black Dogs, Black Tales

Where the dogs don’t die

Edited by Tabatha Wood and Cassie Hart




Genre: Horror


Tails that wag and tales that tell of vampire dogs, undead dogs, and canine superheroes. Some save our souls and protect the world while the others try to crush us. These spine-tingling tales aren’t shaggy dog stories. Against all odds, the dogs survive.

An international community of writers, poets, and artists came together to bring their best dark fiction to this anthology, where there is only one rule: “the dogs don’t die.”

Foreword by Alan Baxter.
Introduction by Tabatha Wood.
Nero by Shannon Elizabeth Gardner (Artwork).
Hunted by Dion Winton-Polak (Poem).
Black Cloud Sunshine by Dan Rabarts.
The Dead Way by J.C. Hart.
Vision Thing by Matthew R. Davis.
Shifting in the Black by L.L. Asher.
Synaesthete by Melanie Harding-Shaw.
Fossil Bluff by P.J. Blakey-Novis.
A Handshake in Darkness by Miranda Crites (Artwork).
Night Wolves by Tabatha Wood.
The Honeymoon’s Over by E.E. King.
Black and Tan by M.E. Proctor.
Ding Dong Bell by Steve Dillon (Poem).
The Gaze Dogs of Nine Waterfall by Kaaron Warren.
Park Life by Ian J. Middleton.
Grey Dog by John Linwood Grant.
Use a Shovel by Galina Trefil.
Banjo by Chloe Herczeg (Artwork).
I am Become by Hari Navarro.
Yellow Dog by Alan Baxter.
Redbone by Justin Guleserian.
The Feather Wall by Octavia Cade.
This Dog’s Life by Dion Winton-Polak (Poem).
And Don’t You Ever Look Back by Falco Verholen (Artwork).

17 short dark fiction stories, some poems, some illustrations. featuring dogs that you know won’t die…


I added this back in May 2020.

I’ve enjoyed a bunch of books in this series and need to get caught up.


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Two strangers arrive in town, bringing with them a prophecy recorded more than three-thousand years ago, a prophecy that places Amber directly in the midst of a battle that has spanned a millennia.


Queen’s Destiny


Blood Prophecy Book One

by Barb Jones

Genre: Supernatural Horror, Paranormal Romance


Amber Stone, once a child prodigy, has just become curator of a special collection of Macedonian artifacts for the Seattle Museum of Natural History. Chloe, a prodigy of a different sort, holds a position at the museum focusing on tribal art. The two become fast friends, united by Amber’s unsettling dreams and Chloe’s unorthodox ways of dealing with them.

Two strangers arrive in town, bringing with them a prophecy recorded more than three-thousand years ago, a prophecy that places Amber directly in the midst of a battle that has spanned a millennia.


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Queen’s Enemy


Blood Prophecy Book 2


When you are in love with the one you fear and hate the most, it leaves you no options. How can you fight her, protect her, love her, when all it would do is leave you in pieces?

Amber and Chloe are pulled deeper into the Prophecy that reveals itself as the Blood Moon rises. Michael is pulled and torn into different directions. His choice is fated but is not known until Amber embraces her true destiny and is crowned Queen.

Together, all four embark on a journey, joined by new allies, enemies and the past. A child is born to be the instrument of the Queen.

This is the preparation for the upcoming Epic battle that has spanned a millennia.


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Queen’s Ascension


Blood Prophecy Book 3


Bloodshed. Heartbreak. Revelation. When the darkness was compelling and the heart knew no bounds, was there really a right choice?

With Michael’s life hanging in the balance, Amber had a choice: save her star-fated love or keep on the crusade to unite the magical community. For Amber, her fate was sealed even before her birth and it was her destiny to fight the great battle ahead of her. But, when it came to her heart — her friends, her great love — Amber’s torn.

Not only was she the Queen, but she was a human in every sense of the word. She was vulnerable. And so the very people — Chloe and Michael — that gave her strength, quickly became her weakness. It wasn’t her fault she loved too much, was it?

Nevertheless, the Tall Dark Man had set a plan in motion that could threaten the very existence of the Blood Prophecy. Would he gather his dark forces and succeed in destroying Amber once and for all? Or, would she assemble her powerful friends and save the world?


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Barb Jones is the award-winning and best-selling author of the Blood Prophecy Series, the Heaven and Hell Series, as well as standalone supernatural thrillers and horror. Having been born and raised in Hawaii, she calls upon her Hawaiian heritage when she writes because she grew up around the supernatural and legends of gods and goddesses. Jones is known for her world building and her exceptional way of creating characters that her readers can relate to. Today, she resides in Florida with her family and her rescue cat, Yuffie. When she isn’t writing, you can find her making live appearances across the US and internationally for book events, public speaking on various topics that are dear to her heart.


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Spread: Tales of Deadly Flora

Edited by Rachel Clarke



Green thumbs beware. Plants are beautiful, peaceful, abundant, and life-sustaining. But what if something sinister took root in the soil, awakening to unleash slashing thorns, squeezing vines, or haunting greenery that lured you in? Perhaps blooms on distant planets could claim your heart, hitch a ride to Earth on a meteor, or simply poison you with their essence. Imagine a world where scientists produced our own demise in a lab, set spores free to infect, even bred ferns to be our friends only to witness the privilege perverted. When faced with botanical terror, will humanity fight to survive, or will they curl and wither like leaves in the fall? Read ten speculative tales ripe with dangerous flora to find out.

Includes stories by: Alyssa Beatty, Katie Ess, Jen Mierisch, Josephine Queen, Lisa Fox, Katie Jordan, Melissa Mendelson, Andrea Goyan, Alex Grehy, and R.A. Clarke.

Foreword by: Holly Rae Garcia.



The first thing I want to say about this anthology is brilliant. Positively astounding. The prose is excellent. The stories read like an artist painting on canvas. I was astounded by how compelling these tales were. Even though the subject might be dark, it felt like a light was shining when I read some of the passages.

I live in Alabama and we have this vine called Kudzu. It was brought in to help with erosion on the bluffs. They must not have done their research because the invasive species took over. It simply can’t be killed. Just keeps coming back. I often thought it would be great for a horror story. Something along the lines of The Ruins. That movie was terrifyingly brutal.  That said, I wanted to mention that while some of these tales are dark, they aren’t necessarily gory. It’s more of a let your imagination take you there, wherever that is.

Being a collection, I usually have a favorite. Though I don’t usually single it out in my review. I was hard pressed to choose just one this time. All of them blew me away. The forward by Holly Rae Garcia was equally captivating. As were the illustrations spreading between the stories.

I love anthologies. Especially in a genre I read voraciously, such as horror. They’re such a fun way to discover new authors, and I found several. Each of these author’s are true storytellers and I’d love to sit around a campfire and let them spin me a tale. Feel those icy fingers creeping up and down my spine.



Edited by Rachel Clarke


Purchase Link: Amazon


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A Beast Within

by Aidan Lucid


Publication date: November 10th 2023
Genres: Adult, Horror

Have you experienced true terror? For three criminals, they’re about to face it head-on!

Fresh out of prison, Jeremy vows to steer clear of a life of crime and clean up his act. But he quickly realizes that to the world, he will always be an ex-con and plunges back into his old ways. The perfect opportunity presents itself in the form of his best friend, Stephen, and his spunky girlfriend, Natalie.

After a failed bank robbery, Jeremy and his accomplices’ identities are made. So, they find refuge in the home of a typical Christian family. Their getaway should have been smooth sailing…after all it was three armed criminals against the wholesome Boyd family.

But the Boyds are hiding dark secrets of their own…

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Enjoy this peek inside:

Malcolm looked in his rear-view mirror at the car and its driver growing smaller by the second. “I feel bad about leaving him there.” He slowed to a stop, then shifted the stick into reverse.

“What are you doing? This is insane!” Helena protested as he reversed the Wagoneer.

“Yeah, but if anything happened to him, I’d never forgive myself. Besides, I can’t just drive past him.”

“Course you can. Just press the accelerator and go.”

He brought the Wagoneer to a halt a few feet from the Buick and yanked up the handbrake. “I won’t be long.”

“Malcolm. Malcolm!” Helena hissed as he got out.

The stranger stood staring at the front left wheel, not acknowledging Malcolm’s presence.

“Howdy, sir. Having car trouble?” he asked the chubby driver who appeared to be in his fifties.

“Got a flat. Can’t change it with my back.”

“I can do that if you like? Got a spare?”

“That’s mighty kind of you, fella. Uh . . . yeah, in the trunk.”

“Let me get my wrenching nut.” Malcolm opened his own trunk and took out the tool. He kneeled down and began unscrewing the nuts. “You from around here?”

“The next town a few miles ahead. You?”

“We live about three hours away. Hartford Town. Ever heard of it?”

“Never, sir. Thanks for doing this. I’m starvin’, I’m just waiting for my brother-in-law to come. Lazy bastard probably hasn’t even left the house yet.”

Malcolm chuckled. “Got one of those myself. Just don’t tell her I said that.”

“Yeah, God I’m hungry. Good thing you came along.”

As Malcolm continued to unscrew the nuts on the flat tire, he noticed the driver walk a short distance away from him. Next, he heard the cracking of bones and popping sounds, as if joints were being dislocated. Low grunts soon transformed into growls.

Malcolm turned to look at the man but stood up, his jaw hung in terror.

“What…the…fu—” he uttered while retreating slowly to the Wagoneer.

The stranger’s shoulders grew wider as his shirt tore. Black fur replaced the man’s chubby stomach.

“Holy crap!” Malcolm exclaimed.

The only reply he received was a quick snarl as the man turned around, no longer bearing a human face but a wolf’s instead. Sharp, yellowed teeth dripped with saliva.

Helena’s screams confirmed she saw it too.

“Hurry, Dad, get in,” David cried, as tears streamed down his pale face.

Malcolm threw the wrenching nut, hitting the beast on the forehead. It staggered back, shaking its head, momentarily dazed.

Malcolm dashed into the driver’s seat, his trembling hands fumbling for the keys. He jumped when the creature let loose a feral howl.

“Come on, start the damn car! David, honey, lock both doors and get down,” Helena said.

The werewolf started walking towards the driver’s door as the engine roared into life. As Malcolm pulled out onto the road, the beast ran after them, leaping into the air. A thud let them know he was on their roof.

“Oh, Christ. Lose him,” Helena shouted.

Malcolm let loose a few expletives as an enormous paw smashed into his window. He swerved left and right to throw the monster off. Malcolm then slammed the brakes.

The beast rolled forward, digging his claws into the metal to keep himself on the car. Malcolm feared that they were so sharp, if the werewolf reached the windshield, it would slice or tear off the roof.

“Crap,” cursed Malcolm as he drove again, unable to loosen the monster’s grip and knock it off.

The tormentor crawled up towards the windshield. When it was on the hood, the creature went on all fours. He reached back his arm, ready to smash into the glass.

“Oh no you don’t.” Malcolm slammed on the brakes again, catapulting the beast off the Wagoneer. When it hit the ground, the werewolf tumbled and rolled around before coming to a stop, its left arm bent out of shape.

All the Boyds stared on in disbelief. Helena glanced down at her skirt; shame washed over her face as a circular patch of urine soaked her crotch.

Malcolm gave another quick glance in the mirror. David’s face was whiter than normal, his eyes wide in horror. Malcolm grabbed his own right hand to stop it shaking.

They all jumped when the beast grunted again and raised its head, his bright green eyes locked menacingly on them.



About Author Aidan Lucid:

Aidan Lucid began his author journey after a spiritual experience in 2002. Two years later, he sent several short stories, articles and poems to magazines and was published seven times that year. Having successfully completed courses in creative writing, writing for TV and radio, and freelance journalism, Lucid went on to have even more poems, articles and short stories appear in national and international magazines and anthologies over the years. Between 2019 and 2023, he published five books. Aidan is the author of a YA horror series titled, “The Hopps Town Series” and also a YA epic fantasy novel, – The Lost Son (Second Edition), the first in a YA fantasy quadrology – The Zargothian Saga. A few stand-alone stories have been released also. In his spare time, Aidan likes to listen to music (being a huge Elvis and Shakin’ Stevens fan!), read, go for walks and see the latest cinema releases with his wife, Claire.

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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 Sunset House

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #18

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



The title and cover are perfect for this one. An old mansion on a run down street that’s converted into a retirement home. Hence the eerie house on the cover and Sunset in the title. These people are living out their last years.

I’m always looking for horror stories with more mature characters. Got a lot of them in this book. And they aren’t going down without a fight. Some real tough cookies.  And some don’t think they need Ellie. That changes pretty quickly as events become more and more dangerous.

I loved some of these characters. I think they’d have taken on the evil presence with canes and  walkers. Any ghost should think twice before taking on these senior citizens. They’ve been around a long time. Got plenty in their bags of tricks.

I remember how much I loved this series when I started reading it and I still do. The author continues to give me new settings and evil beings to keep it fresh. Not that it could ever fall short for me. I’ll always be waiting for the next book.




The old Heusinkveld mansion overlooks the mostly shuttered main street of the small town of Burdener’s Hill. Once a testament to local wealth and aspiration, the brooding edifice now clings to life as the Sunshine House, a retirement home inhabited by an eccentric collection of locals bound together by fond memories of their shrinking hometown.

When a newly arrived resident finds herself tormented by a threatening specter from her past, paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan is called in to confront it. The entity puts up a strong fight, resisting capture, and soon more residents are in danger. With nowhere else to go, they need Ellie to remove the ghost before it inflicts serious harm or death on those who have made the strange old house their home.



 The Funtime Show

Ellie Jordan: Ghost Trapper #19

by J.L. Bryan

Genre: Horror / Paranormal



All of the Ellie Jordan books are scary, but I was seriously creeped out by this one. The lifeless eyes in dolls and puppets have always made me shudder. I imagine them suddenly blinking, their heads turning and something terrible coming out of their mouths. There’s this scene where Ellie puts her hand inside the puppet. Eew. What if it gets stuck or possesses her? See, they’re creepy.

Ellie and Stacey have their work cut out for them. The Calvert’s are in real danger. Something wants in. And something else already is. Once again, Ellie does her research and Stacey mentally paces back and forth, ready to get to the good stuff. The ghost trapping. And a ghost trapping they will go.

Still loving this series and the characters. And I’m really curious where it goes next. I’ll be waiting……….




Come here, children, play with me,
I’m the friend in your TV…

The Calvert family’s new home used to belong to the recently deceased creator of a forgotten children’s program from the early days of television. The family’s younger kids are fascinated by the basement rooms, a chaotic wonderland of discarded stage sets, props, costumes, and puppets.

At first, the parents are glad to see the kids put down their screens and play creatively with the old theatrical elements, but their performances and their experiences grow more disturbing over time.

In this house, the reruns of a dark past never stop playing, and paranormal investigator Ellie Jordan must protect the family from a malevolent presence trying to draw them into the infernal show.



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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


by Kevin Bachar

Genre: Horror / Short Stories



You recognize a true storyteller when they can write short fiction that gives so much in so few words. Kevin is one of those. He’s taken his experiences with the natural world and written some unnatural horror stories.

Among my favorites is the telling of his first hand encounter with a sasquatch. I love that big, hairy cryptid. The author truly creeped me out and I’ll think about his encounter before setting foot in the woods again. Heck, I’ll never take nature for granted after some of these stories.

Whether super short or a bit longer, all of these had something going for them. I enjoyed the diversity and the lingering affect this collection had on me. I say to the author, bring me more. For you fans of horror, I suspect you’ll enjoy these as much as I did.




A child died in an avalanche, and she won’t leave me alone.

A woman plagued by blood-draining mosquitoes on the Alaskan tundra figures out a horrific way to scratch her unending itching.

There’s something outside my tent…and I think it’s hungry.

A collector of rare tropical fish, receives a new species that is both fascinating and terrifying.

DREAD – Thousands of people have gone missing out in the wild and here is a collection of tales that offer up some horrifying reasons why. Emmy-award-winning National Geographic cinematographer Kevin Bachar has swum with sharks, climbed the peaks of mountains, and explored the darkest of forests. In DREAD, he weaves together terrifying true stories from his real-life adventures with twisted fiction from the depths of his frightening imagination. Flip open the pages to indulge in the dark side of nature— haunted forests, tree demons, monstrous snakes, and a search-and-rescue team terrorized by the ghosts of those they couldn’t save.

Read… if you dare.



About Author Kevin Bachar

Kevin Bachar

Kevin Bachar is a national EMMY award-winning natural history documentary filmmaker and WGA writer. The elevated horror film he wrote – The Inhabitant –… – was released through Lionsgate and is available on most streaming services.

If you’ve watched National Geographic, PBS, or The Discovery Channel over the years you’ve seen his work. He’s the idiot in the water filming sharks or crawling into caves to photograph vampire bats. You can see Kevin at work filming sharks here –

The natural world has always captured his imagination and the supernatural world inspires his stories. Through his journeys, he’s interviewed scientists who’ve enlightened him, heard folk tales that have frightened him, and seen quite a few things that have challenged his skeptical mind.

His collection of short stories that weaves together the natural world and the supernatural world entitled, DREAD, is available on Amazon. He’s currently working on his second collection entitled – CREEP.

Complimenting his writing, Kevin has lectured and given presentations at prestigious institutions such as Rutgers University, American University, and the Rubin Museum of Art.
To keep up to date with Kevin’s movies, documentaries, and books –…


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Welcome to My 31 Days Of Thrills And Chills 2023! I missed doing this the last couple of years due to Covid and so excited to do it again. I’ll be sharing reviews and lots of extra spooky stuff every day leading up to Halloween. I hope you’ll join me!


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I’m sharing all kinds of books, movies, and other spooky stuff for every day in October. Gots to get those scares on for the 31st!


 The Swarm

by Frank Schatzing

Genre: Science Fiction / Horror



Our oceans have been called the last great frontier. Depths no man can enter. Could there be intelligent life? I can’t help but wonder. And what if that life resents us? Have had enough of our plundering and damage to an ecosystem they also depend on to survive? Could you blame them if they used the very thing we all need to defend themselves?

This is a huge book. I can’t remember if it was gifted to me or I bought it. The synopsis was intriguing and I love books where nature plays a vital role in humanities survival. The cast of characters is large. It couldn’t be otherwise with so many sciences needing to be included in order to explain what’s attacking and why. As each new species of marine life turns on us, those who specialize in that field of study are introduced. From Orca who attack and kill us, to whales who sink our ships and crustaceans that poison us, it’s a race to find answers. Man can’t live without the oceans.

When a mission is planned to try to communicate with the intelligence in the depths, many rose to the occasion. Sadly, some died. Some also chose to remain with their families and try to ride it out. Those who went out to meet the unknown had no guarantees they would ever come home. But, someone had to go.

I mentioned this was a large book. That said, I never lost interest or felt tempted to skip ahead. Even in the scientific bits. They were explained in ways a layman like me could understand. The scenes where marine life that we trusted turned on and attacked us were vicious. It made me angry at their betrayal. Then I was saddened when I learned what was behind it. And when the group goes down there. Where the enemy is. Those scenes were so suspenseful. I couldn’t get enough. Had to know what was down there. Whether it could be reasoned with. Wondered what the fate of mankind would be.

I loved this book and thought what a great movie it would make. They went one better. There is now a television series and I’m watching it now. Just a couple of episodes into it but I’m hooked already and can’t wait to see how closely the film follows the book.




For more than two years, one book has taken over Germany’s hardcover and paperback bestseller lists, reaching number one in Der Spiegel and setting off a frenzy in bookstores: The Swarm.

Whales begin sinking ships. Toxic, eyeless crabs poison Long Island’s water supply. The North Sea shelf collapses, killing thousands in Europe. Around the world, countries are beginning to feel the effects of the ocean’s revenge as the seas and their inhabi-tants begin a violent revolution against mankind. In this riveting novel, full of twists, turns, and cliffhangers, a team of scientists discovers a strange, intelligent life force called the Yrr that takes form in marine animals, using them to wreak havoc on humanity for our ecological abuses. Soon a struggle between good and evil is in full swing, with both human and suboceanic forces battling for control of the waters. At stake is the survival of the Earth’s fragile ecology — and ultimately, the survival of the human race itself.

The apocalyptic catastrophes of The Day After Tomorrow meet the watery menace of The Abyss in this gripping, scientifically realistic, and utterly imaginative thriller. With 1.5 million copies sold in Germany — where it has been on the bestseller list without fail since its debut — and the author’s skillfully executed blend of compelling story, vivid characters, and eerie locales, Frank Schatzing’s The Swarm will keep you in tense anticipation until the last suspenseful page is turned.




The above cover is the one I own in hardback.

Here’s an alternative cover.

The Swarm: A Novel

Which do you like the most?


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