Posts Tagged ‘review’



Book Details:
Book Title:  Squirrels In Antarctica​ by Sari Karplus
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 34 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Tip Top Story Shop
Release date:   Mar 2024
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:

This fantastical book of animals in unusual places will tickle your brain, leading readers of all ages imagining their own silly combos. You’ll see a skiing seal in Switzerland, a pufferfish piloting an airplane, a sloth who runs a marathon (but isn’t ever done), and so much more! With fun illustrations and an educational twist, this book encourages readers to embrace their limitless imagination, explore the world, and experience animals big and small in their not-so-natural habitats. Perfect for bedtime reading or as a classroom favorite, Squirrels in Antarctica sparks boundless imagination. So, come along on this epic journey and “Let your thoughts fly limitless like snails on shooting stars.” Is it a book? Is it a word game? Can it be both?!

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I had such fun reading this book. If I had to choose what was my favorite part I’d be hard pressed. The tongue twisting descriptions written in rhyme. The delightful, silly animals doing insane things. Or the funny, adorable illustrations of those critters, even bugs, doing those silly things. Even the title promised silliness and fun.

If I got so much enjoyment from this book, I’m sure young ones would too. Whether read aloud to them, read together, or reading it on their own, the fun to be discovered is endless. I recommend you grab a copy and join the fun.


Interview With Author Sari Karplus:

Your book has a number of worldwide locations featured. Have you traveled to any of these places?

I love to travel internationally, but I have only gotten to see a few of these spots so far: New York, Hollywood, and Spain. I have yet to visit Antarctica, Greenland, Peru, Berlin, Switzerland, or Cabo. This may surprise you to hear, but I’ve also never been to Saturn. 🙂

Are there combos that you wrote for this book that didn’t make the final cut?

So many actually! With more than thirty combos in this book, there were dozens that didn’t make it in. The reasons vary, too. Some of my early animal choices were too obscure where even the adult readers were getting tripped up. This is why the tardigrade, who many folks hadn’t heard of, got replaced by a zooplankton. Some others didn’t make the cut because the rhyme didn’t really pair nicely with any others. Here are a few of the combos that were early cuts: A yak visiting his grandma in South Palm Beach, a shark on the Acropolis, a tick in Timbuktu, and a cricket at a cricket match.

What authors are you most inspired by?

If you know my body of work at all, you would know that I am big into rhyming. As such, I’m particularly inspired by Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss. Their books were some of my favorites as a kid, and they remain favorites for me to read to my kids. I love that both of these authors’ works make you think and smile and sometimes laugh, which is exactly the space I’d like my books to occupy.

You are a mom as well. Do your kids take an interest in your books?

So far my kids are some of my biggest fans. I’ll be bummed when they fully outgrow being my in-house beta readers. But for now, I delight in how they share my excitement when my books arrive and repeat back lines from my stories. It’s the best!

Your book is a wild mix of animals and places. Any page that’s your spirit animal?

The page I can most relate to is the snails on shooting stars. When it comes to dreaming big, I never shy away from making a cool book or film project or performing standup comedy. The sky’s the limit! But much like the snail that looks terrified by being hurled through the universe, sometimes I’m white knuckling it through the unknown.

Meet the Author:

Sari Karplus got her storytelling start as a comedian and filmmaker in Los Angeles. But when an improvised bedtime story to her three young children inspired her first kids’ book, she officially joined the ranks of the book writing world. Sari loves to create stories with fun journeys and teachable moments… with a healthy side of humor. Sari has written all 3 books of the Robotastic! series. “Sari” rhymes with “Mary.” Sari loves rhyming.

connect with author: website ~ instagram 


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Squirrels in Antarctica by Sari Karplus Book Tour Giveaway



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Join us for this tour from Mar 11 to Mar 29, 2024!

Book Details:

​Book Title:  The Secrets Of The Hidden Workforce by Lisa Toth
Category:  Adult Non-Fiction (18+),  142 pages
GenreNonfiction Occupational
Publisher:  Yorkshire Publishing
Release date:  March, 2024
Content Rating:  PG. Suitable for all adults 17+

Book Description:

Radio show host, Lisa Toth shares how she created a staffing agency for the developmentally disabled population. Over the years, Toth has helped thousands of individuals with disabilities find work that Is not only a good fit for their strengths, but also work they find fulfilling. Readers will enjoy this collection of inspiring stories, as well as the honest candor with which Lisa shares the lessons she learned along the way. She and her clients have faced daunting obstacles and challenges that would make many give up. It’s the challenges that make the successes extra sweet for all of them.

Rise Staffing

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Welcome to Laura @ FUONLYKNEW, Lisa Toth!


  • Where did you get the inspiration for your stories? 

The inspiration for my stories came directly from my lived experiences and the lived experiences of the people I work with. They came from the many hats I’ve worn in my career working to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities live, work, and become thriving citizens within their communities. What I do, serving this community in this way is my life’s art and passion.



  • In your book you create a small guide-like explanation on how an entity could create a path for someone with a disability to get a job, what inspired you to come up with this idea? 

Not everyone has access to or the opportunity to receive services from a vocational agency like Rise Staffing. This guide can serve as a blueprint for a family to help their loved one who lives with a disability find a job and build positive habits for the workforce, or for someone who has the same life art and passion as I do the steps for them to take in building a career in this field. This also came naturally for me to develop because I share stories behind the steps through different interviews on my Radio show and podcast, The Hidden Workforce. Breaking everything down and explaining how employers can be more inclusive is one of my specialties.


  • Did you have a special place where you would write? 

I did most of my writing in a brown recliner in the living room of my beautiful home. I like to call my home “The Unicorn Resort” because just as a unicorn is a one-of-a-kind creature, my home is one-of-a-kind as well. It was everything my family and I dreamt it would be and more. I have worked hard my whole life in the field of serving people with different abilities— so to be able to sit in the space that came from decades of hard work from me and my family, as I’m putting the stories that shaped me and the people I work with to paper, it was a very special full-circle moment for me.


  • Was there a story in your book that was difficult for you to write about? 

One story that was emotionally difficult for me to revisit and write about was about one of the patients I served early in my career, Violet. I would be lying if I said I didn’t shed tears when writing about her story and experiences. It was also my encounters and working with her that shaped the direct care worker I was then and the leader in this field that I grew to be. I also knew though difficult to share, people needed to read and know her story. Her story and many others like her’s happened and still happen to this day, so I believe it’s important to shed light on that to prevent the same mistakes from happening again in the present. The section about sexuality also comes to mind. This is unfortunately a very taboo topic in the world of people who live with intellectual and developmental disabilities, but it’s very important to discuss. I made sure to write this section respectfully while also maintaining integrity within the truth. I also had a certified professional who specializes in this field of focus, Judy Myers, contribute to this section as well.

  • Do you have a favorite story in your book? 

That is always such a tough question. Every story is so special and important to me for different reasons and in different ways. My story isn’t a novel that explores someone else’s experiences and truths— they explore my experiences and truths as well as the world of people who live with disabilities’ experiences and truths, which although can be scary/vulnerable to bring forth, was also very liberating to share.

A part of my book, not so much a story but it means a lot to me, is the forward my dear friend and mentor for over three decades, John Depaula wrote for me. What he wrote highlights the dedication and passion we have for our work and a friendship that has lasted since the late 1980s. From the beginning of my journey to what my career is today has entailed tremendous amounts of hard work and relentless advocacy. John’s forward represents a special sentiment to me, and I’m honored he wrote it.


  • What are the secrets of the hidden workforce? 

You’ll have to read it all to capture the whole truth of this answer. But the secrets unveil themselves as readers encounter people within the hidden workforce— to be clear, people who live with disabilities— and witness the stereotypes they break and the glass ceilings they shatter as they accomplish achievements some of us could only dream of accomplishing. They do it overcoming obstacles and barriers we could only imagine having to face on a daily basis which makes them even more remarkable than they already innately are.

If you don’t have the chance to meet people in this community in person, you are introduced to many in my book, which is a great place to start. This also further emphasizes that it’s ok to be different and do things differently than others. Sometimes, the way things are done differently is the better way. There are many secrets within the hidden workforce— the most important being our workforce of ready workers who live with different abilities— but there are many truths that come to the surface as we explore these secrets as well. We learn lessons like we don’t have to be afraid to interact with someone who lives with a different ability, we simply need respect and patience as we learn to communicate with each other. You don’t need a special tool or degree to help a person who lives with a disability at work or in the community, you just need to be willing to step up to the plate and advocate. It’s ok to ask questions when you don’t understand because it’s better to ask questions than to act on assumptions. The hidden workforce surrounds and affects all of us. My book discusses all of it and activates a greater conversation on how we can all be more inclusive.


  • Do you have a next project in mind? 

Many exciting projects are in the works! My Staffing agency, Rise Staffing, is joining forces with my Radio Show and Podcast, The Hidden Workforce, to develop a not-for-profit vocational training program for our customers interested in the field of radio and reporting. We understand that many have technical and creative skills they would like to use to work in the field of radio and broadcasting or to start their own show or podcast, and we want to help provide training opportunities for them to accomplish this. We are also expanding our show and podcast to YouTube as well as employing more remote reporters who live with different abilities to share their stories, voices, and capabilities.

  • What advice would you give someone new to the field you have served in for over three decades? 

First and foremost, you have to be in this field for the right reasons.

This is a job that happens in people’s homes, work, and personal spaces so it can become routine, familiar, and familial. Remember, in everything you are doing to stay professional and that you are there to provide a therapeutic training service that will help your client succeed throughout their life. You can’t be in this field for any self-indulging, self-serving ulterior motive— if this isn’t your passion or calling it will be a very difficult career to maintain. Sometimes, people choose a career in this field to feel good about themselves or to enjoy feeling appreciated, but a majority of the time you will be challenged in all you do to go above and beyond after you have already gone the extra mile for your client without any sort of acknowledgment or outcome. Pace yourself and set boundaries. There will be times you go the extra mile and then some for your client who won’t respond with appreciation for those extra efforts. It is very often that these experiences change the dynamic of this work for the vocational staff, and they leave the field with a bad experience. Do the work to teach the person how to do what they can, don’t do it for them, teach them and watch them grow and flourish. As much as I advise on boundaries and precautions to protect yourself— I also want to emphasize that when you’ve been in this field as long as I have, you will have your share of tribulations, but you will have just as many if not more wonderful experiences and victories. This is a field unlike any other. It’s special, and when you see what these incredible people can do and when their dream comes true, it is truly a feeling unlike any other! Don’t give up, you can do it.

Meet the Author:

Lisa Toth, CEO Owner at Rise Staffing is passionate about employment. Her favorite thing is matching people with great employers! In addition to this workToth is the host of the successful radio show “The Hidden Workforce,” a show about the positive impact people with different abilities bring to the workforce. 

connect with the author: website facebook 
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The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce Book Tour Giveaway



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Join us for this tour from Feb 27 to Mar 18, 2024!

Book Details:
Book Title:  Keeping Janie

Southport Series, Book 2

 by S.R. Fabrico

Category:  Adult Fiction (18+),  320 pages
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher:  S.R. Fabrico
Release date:  Feb, 2024
Content Rating:  PG-13+M for a few sex scenes, some bad language and a murder.

Book Description:

Embark on an exhilarating reunion with Lizzie Levine, Southport, North Carolina’s newest resident, who first graced our hearts in the award-winning novel Call Her Janie. In this eagerly awaited sequel by S.R. Fabrico, the stakes are higher, the twists more exhilarating, and the drama more enthralling.

Reuniting with her daughter, Janie, should be the start of Lizzie’s picture-perfect life. Behind the scenes, however, is a different matter. The happiness of having her daughter back is overshadowed by the fear ad distrust of her ex-boyfriend, billionaire Gray Stone.

Amidst the tapestry of wedding preparations, the custody fight looms. The story unfolds in a battleground of secrets, lies, and deception. In this gripping narrative, love and lies entwine, danger lurks in the shadows, and the courage to confront one’s past becomes paramount. Can Lizzie gain custody of her daughter, marry the man she loves, and have her happily-ever-after, or will the mistakes of their past destroy them all?

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I knew going into this that it was the second in the series. That said, I had no trouble picking up on past events. The author smoothly filled in those for me and I was able to get the gist of things.

I’m big on suspense and there was plenty of that. And I do enjoy some romance. There was some of that too. Josh and Lizzie were so good for each other. And Janie. She was exceptionally shown to me. All three of these characters felt genuine and getting each of their POVs made that even better.

This was what a call an emotional roller coaster of a read. There’s a whole lot to feel and that kept me turning the pages. Read this in two sittings and felt it all.

I plan to go back and read the first book and prepare myself for the third one. This one had a whopper of an ending.



Meet Author S.R. Fabrico:

S.R. Fabrico is an award-winning author whose literary talents have captivated readers worldwide. With her debut novel, The Secrets We Conceal, and her second novel, Call Her Janie, she has emerged as a rising star in the literary realm.

With a remarkable 25-plus-year career in business, marketing, and sports, S.R. Fabrico brings a unique perspective to her writing. As a World Champion Dance Coach and esteemed speaker, she infuses her stories with passion and insight.

Residing in Tennessee with her husband and children, S.R. Fabrico continues to create captivating narratives that will transport you to new and extraordinary worlds. Prepare to be enchanted by her exceptional storytelling prowess.

In addition to her passion for writing novels, she has published a series of sports journals and a journal for women. She believes that journaling is good for the soul.

connect with the author:
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KEEPING JANIE Book Tour Giveaway



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Looking for a Leprechaun
by Richard Lopez
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 30 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Three Little Birds Publishing
Release date:Apr 2023
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:

Looking for a Leprechaun is the story of a boy named Rich who lives in a magical world, but everywhere he turns he hears people saying he doesn’t belong. When a fairy tells him if he finds a Leprechaun it will help him find where he belongs, Rich sets out on an adventure. The search for a leprechaun is difficult. Close to giving up, Rich hears some words of wisdom. Will he be able to find what he is searching for? What if it’s been inside him all along?

Young children and their parents will be amazed by the positive story and exquisite illustrations of this Mom’s Choice Awards Gold recipient. Looking for a Leprechaun has been named among the best in family-friendly media, products and services.

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While this is a children’s book, I found the message it delivered useful for me as well.

Rich may live in a magical kingdom but he feels he doesn’t belong. That’s what he hears others saying. Then he meets a fairy who suggests if he can find a leprechaun he can also find where he belongs. So off he goes, meeting many beautiful creatures but always hearing the same thing. He doesn’t belong. Where is the leprechaun? Will he ever find out where he belongs?

What a fun story that also shows children it’s okay to be different. To as they say, stop and smell the flowers, you never know what you may learn. I was very insecure as a young girl and worried what others thought of me. Heard only the bad things. It took me being much older to hear the good and ignore the negative. This book can be a teaching tool as much as a fun adventure. And the illustrations are bold and so colorful. Truly a delight to look at.



Meet Author Richard Lopez:

Richard Lopez is an award winning children’s author originally from Hialeah, FL. He has a high school diploma and has worked in healthcare information technology for the past 15 years. He started to focus on writing in 2003 when he went back to school and completed a certification for Sound Engineering at S.A.E. He had a few poems published in books by the International Library of Poetry. The Best Poems and Poets of 2003, Invoking the Muse, and The Best Poems and Poets of 2005. He currently resides in St. Petersburg, FL and enjoys going to see live music, and being outdoors. He started Three Little Birds Publishing for his work on children’s books. Looking for a Leprechaun is his first children’s book.

connect with author: website instagram ~ goodreads


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Looking for a Leprechaun by Richard Lopez Book Tour Giveaway



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Objects of Desire by Valerie Webster Banner

Objects of Desire
by Valerie Webster
March 11-22, 2024 Virtual Book Tour




It’s August in Baltimore City. Nothing’s hotter – until Rita Mars gets a shocking visit from the police. Her ex-partner is missing and police are relentless in trying to pin her to the disappearance. One cop in particular has made her his crusade to indict. In the meantime, Rita accepts a client who suspects someone is out to destroy the charitable foundation she works for. Rita hires a hacker named Roswell and a cyber game of cat and mouse commences. This is a high-speed chase of a read that will leave you wondering – could it happen here?




Book Details:

Genre: Thriller

Published by: Ignited Ink Publication Date: November 19, 2023 Number of Pages: 372 ISBN: 9781952347085 (ISBN10: 1952347084) Series: A Rita Mars Thriller, 2

Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads



You’ll be tracking two separate cases in this one. And so will the main character, P.I. Rita Mars. There’s the messy breakup with her former partner, Diane, who is now a missing person, and the circumstances of that split put Rita on the suspect list. And then there’s the financial hanky panky being played out in another arena.

Well, I sure did have to put on my sleuthing hat and use the old brain pan to sift through all the false leads and kind of zero in on some guilty parties. That was fun. As was getting to know Rita and her background. She had so much on her plate in her personal life and she did a bang up job of managing her team. The author did such a good job of showing me Rita and filling me in on her past that I forgot this wasn’t even the first book in the series. It was that easy to settle in with the characters and become friends.

There’s lots of mystery for you fans of the genre and some comedy to lighten things up. I’m planning on going back to read the beginning of the series and hope to read more as it continues.



Enjoy this peek inside:
“I ain’t here to clean the house.” The person on the porch blocked the usually sunny opened doorway. “I’m sorry?” The woman inside the house stood waiting for an answer. She was a tiny person, slim, noticeably agitated by the unexpected break in her routine. “I brought you something.” “I have a meeting this morning. I’m afraid I have to get ready. Maybe later.” The woman inside started to close the door, but a booted foot wedged in the frame to stop progress. A broad hand with thick stubby fingers rested against the door. “Just take a minute.” The woman inside hesitated, irritated, undecided. “Promise. A minute.” The boot in the door sill stayed in place. “Uh, ok. “The woman ran a hand through her hair. “But I really need to finish dressing for my meeting.” “No problem.” The beefy palm touched the door but did not push. The woman inside opened her house. The figure outside stepped in, overshadowing the home owner by almost a foot. “Nice house. I always wondered what it was like in here.” “You have something for me?” asked the woman. “I do.” The visitor took time surveying the foyer and living room as the two stood by the still open door. “Can we hurry this up, I need to leave.” A trickle of sweat beaded at her temple. She glanced toward the kitchen where her cell phone lay on the counter. “Ok, so let’s get you ready to go.” The figure’s paw snagged the woman’s arm and clutched it so that the woman’s sleeve crushed with the pressure. “Hey, let go.” The woman pulled against the grip but she was no match. “Stop.” She dug her nails into the grasping arm. “Let’s go upstairs.” The woman was half dragged, half lifted toward her stairwell. “What is the matter with you? I’m going to call the police.” The woman threw all her weight away from her trapped arm trying to loosen it. “Stop,” she cried. She began to flail with every ounce of strength. The intruder shook her head. “Now you know you don’t want to do that. We need to get you packed up and ready.” The woman now grabbed the banister as the intruder strong-armed her up the steps. She could not hold against the brute strength of her attacker who easily drew her upward. “Gotta suitcase?” The attacker maintained the commanding grip. The attacker held fast while she went through the woman’s chest of drawers, her closet and bathroom, throwing clothes and toiletries into a small roll-aboard that had been in the bedroom closet. All the while, the impinged victim wrestled, clawed and dug her teeth into the arm that tightened around hers. The woman screamed again, but the free meaty hand covered her mouth. The attacker drew out a roll of duct tape and secured the woman to a vanity chair. She then took a pillow case and made a gag. “Get you all set up here,” said the attacker. “You’ll need stuff. Now I know this is a little bit of a surprise for you. But don’t worry, I will take care of you.” The woman in the vanity chair bowed her head as tears streamed down her face. “Ok, so we’ve got everything, I think.” The attacker shut and snapped the suitcase closed. “I wanna take that pillow case off your mouth but you need not to scream. You gonna be good?” The woman nodded and her intruder unknotted the pillowcase. “Uh, I think I should leave a note,” said the woman. “I don’t think so.” The intruder had removed the gag, but made no move to release the woman from the vanity chair. The woman’s eyes roved quickly back and forth as she scoured her brain for an escape plan. “People will wonder where I am and we don’t want them to know, do we?” “That’s my girl,” said the attacker. “Good idea.” *** Excerpt from Objects of Desire by Valerie Webster. Copyright 2024 by Valerie Webster. Reproduced with permission from Valerie Webster. All rights reserved.



About Author Valerie Webster:


Valerie Webster

Valerie Webster is a crime fiction author whose 30+ year career was focused on developing and implementing technology applications for the purpose of criminal surveillance and tracking, information security, crime deterrence and homeland security. She interlaces her work on real cases and policing applications throughout her writing and her storytelling leads you through the shadow worlds of the criminal as well as the crime fighters. She has written two books in the Rita Mars Series: DRIVEN: A RITA MARS THRILLER is her debut novel in the series. Her second book is OBJECTS OF DESIRE: A RITA MARS THRILLER. Valerie makes her home near Boulder, CO. Learn more about Valerie and her work at

Catch Up With Valerie Webster: Goodreads BookBub – @vwebster Instagram – @rmarsauthor Facebook – @RMars4Hire



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Join Us for This Tour from Feb 19 to Mar 8

Book Details:

  Sam Says: You Are Born To Shine by Sam Hirschmann
Category:  Children’s Fiction (Ages 3-7), 38 pages
Genre:  Children’s Picture Book
Publisher:  Mascot
Release date:   February 2024
Content Rating:  G.  Suitable for everyone.

Book Description:

Shine bright and don’t ever dim your light. These are the words Sam’s mom tells her every night.

When Sam begins at a new school, her classmates make fun of her colorful clothes and vivacious dance moves. Not letting her inner light dim, Sam shows them that the joy you exude when you’re unapologetically yourself is contagious!

In Sam Says: You Are Born to Shine, readers learn the power of expressing their true selves.

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Sam is a nine year old girl just starting at a new school. Most kids would be nervous, but with her Mom’s encouraging words, she not only isn’t scared, she shines.

I loved how in the beginning, when Sam first meets her classmates, she’s the only one illustrated in color. As the kids become curious about Sam and her obvious excitement to dance, they start joining in and they too are then illustrated in color. And such fun, bold outfits they donned.

A girl after my own heart, I wish I’d known someone like Sam when I was in school. I was insecure and worried what others thought of me and my school years were miserable. It wasn’t until high school that I found my own self and began to shine. Bravo to the author for ‘painting’ her character in courage and passion. I could almost hear the music and the kid’s laughter. I’m sure I’d have been tapping my feet and joining in if I’d been there.

This was a delightful story with an important lesson and I wish every child had their own copy so they could also shine.




Meet Author Sam Hirschmann:

Sam Hirschmann is the creator and writer of Sam Says: You Are Born to Shine, and is a true dancer of life. After playing Division I volleyball and working on the trading floor in New York City, she decided to take an acting class, which Sam thanks for sparking her journey into seeing life in color.

She left finance to study acting at the William Esper Studio, which took her down the path of finding her true self and how to authentically let her light shine in every situation. While pursuing acting, Sam began teaching Breathwork classes and sharing her insight on social media in hopes of inspiring others to find their joy within and to let their inner light shine.

connect with author: website ~ instagram ~ goodreads

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SAM SAYS: YOU ARE BORN TO SHINE by Sam Hirschmann Book Tour Giveaway



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the WALKIN’ THE DOG by Chris Lynch Blog Tour


hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!




Author: Chris Lynch



Pub. Date: March 12, 2024

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers

Formats: Hardcover, eBook

Pages: 240


Find it: Goodreads


“Lynch is back and better, smarter, and funnier than ever.” —Jacqueline
Woodson, National Book Award Winner


A boy learns how to be a friend from man’s best friend in this funny and
moving middle grade novel about humans being able to change and dogs changing
us from acclaimed author Chris Lynch.

In a family of strong personalities with very strong points of
view, Louis is what his mother lovingly calls “the inactivist,” someone who’d
rather kick back than stand out. He only hopes he can stay under the radar when
he starts high school in the fall, his first experience with public school
after years of homeschooling.

But when a favor for a neighbor and his stinky canine companion unexpectedly
turns into a bustling dog-walking business, Louis finds himself meeting an
unprecedented number of new friends—both human and canine. Agatha, a quippy and
cagey girl his age always seems to be telling two truths and a lie. Cyrus, a
few years his senior, promises he’s going to show Louis how to be a better
person, whether Louis wants him to or not. And then there are the dogs:
misbehaving border terriers, the four (possible stolen) sausage dogs, the rest
of Louis’s charges, and a mysterious white beast who appears at a certain spot
at the edge of the woods.

Dogs and human alike all seem to have something they want to teach Louis,
including his menacing older brother who keeps turning up everywhere. But is
Louis ready to learn the lesson he needs most: how to stop being a lone wolf
and be part of a pack?






I’m a firm believer in dogs bringing out the best in those who choose to pay heed to them. Mostly by accident, Louis winds up walking dogs the summer before he leaves homeschooling behind and enters public high school. They have a lot to teach him, and so do Cy and Aggie, just two of the people he meets while walking the dogs.

I found this book both educational and just plain fun. The characters were so true to life and the hurdles Louis had to concur were daunting yet doable. For an introvert like Louis, learning to poke his head out of his shell and socialize wasn’t easy. The author brought him to life for me and included some strong side characters that made me excited to turn each page and see how things panned out.

And a shout out to the author for giving the dogs as much characters as the humans who, by the way, have some quirky, hilarious tags that go with their personalities. Got some snickers out of me. I have someone in mind to share this book with. I think he’d enjoy the characters and life lessons as much as I did.







Enjoy this peek inside:

  1. The Inactivist


Things are supposed to go a certain way, and this is not that way. He’s a commercial fisher, and so should be out of  the house for several hours already by the time I wake up.  When I get myself up, which I’m perfectly capable of doing.

“Louis,” he says, leaning way down close and misting me  with coffee and bran muffin and fig and orange breath. Fortunately, I love my father and his relatively healthy diet. Later,  he smells different. Fisherfolk, yeah?

“I need you, son.”

This, along with the darkness, and the absence of my  mother from the house, is a bit unsettling.

My dad doesn’t need me, or anybody else, really. At least  he’s never said so before. He’s very seafaring that way. It  soothes me, his unneediness.

It’s technically not true, anyway. He doesn’t need me;  somebody else does. But Dad needs that somebody else, so  there you have it.

“I’m short a man today,” he says, “and Old Man Dan is the only guy around who knows what he’s doing and is also  available to give me an honest day’s work.”

Old Man Dan is Mr. Evans. He’s one of those guys you  hear about who have millions of “fish stories” about the one  that got away and the biggest thing that ever swam the sea.  Old Man Dan retired from actual shing without retiring any  of the fish stories, or the scent. They say he’s got a thing called  trimethylaminuria. They also say he reeks. Kind of guy my dad  avoids in the street or the supermarket aisle on account of  those stories more than the smell, so he must be in serious  need of Dan’s assistance on this occasion if he’s prepared to  listen to that stuff all day.

“Okay, can I ask why you’re telling me this, Dad?” I ask,  without really wanting to ask it.

“Because Dan says he can only go out on the boat today  if he can get somebody to look after Amos.”

Oh no.

Amos. Dan’s multi-breed mongrel, who seems less like a  real dog and more like a cross between a portly dingo and a  badger. Everybody but Dan refers to him as Anus, because of  the smell, which reaches you about twenty-four hours before  you’re anywhere near him.

“Oh, Dad . . .”

“Please, Louis. The poor thing can’t be alone for more  than a few hours at a time, ever since Dan’s wife passed away.  You understand, of course. . . .”

Ah, Dad. I mean, I don’t think he did it on purpose, but  he did it. He can hardly be unaware that his wife, my mother, is in the hospital, as she has been for too many days the past  year. He cannot be unaware, but he also cannot have meant to  use that as a point of leverage in this conversation.

His fractured face tells me as much. He caught himself  off balance just as badly as he did me.

“I’ll do it, Dad,” I say, brushing past him both impatiently  and affectionately as I climb out of bed. He squeezes my arm,  I squeeze his, and we both look away.

When I come out of the shower and make my way sluggishly to the kitchen table, it’s still not quite sunrise. My little  sister, Faye, is eating a bowl of cereal by the dim, warm glow  of the stovetop light. It’s a scene I’m not used to, and one I  find unexpectedly pleasant. Faye can be a bit harsh under the  full glare of day.

I’m thirteen, and Faye is eleven months younger. Irish twins, they call it, but we might as well be the regular kind.  She’s as old as me in every other way, if not older. There’s a  family legend that—because Faye was not exactly a planned  baby—Dad wanted to name her Daisy. As in, whoops-a-daisy.

“Oh, for cryin’ . . . ,” Faye exclaims, letting her spoon fall  out of her hand and clatter around the tabletop. She’s not  really that shocked to see me at this hour, but it’s still a pretty  good show.

I explain the situation to her, how Dad needs a fisher, and  that fisher needs a dog sitter.

“Anus?” she asks, incredulous, but not really. “Well, I  don’t know what you showered for, because that’s just soap  and water down the drain.”

“Oh, he’s not that bad,” I say, because why not just let her  swing away.

“Not that bad, Louis? Old Man Dan still smells like chum  after all these years, and he remains only the second-raunchiest  creature in that house. And you’re going over there? You know  that’s what killed Old Lady Dan the Fishwife, don’t you? She  died of stench. It was in the obituary. I read it.”

Always good value for money, my sister.

I shrug. It should be noted that I shrug a lot. It’s my official state gesture.

“I’m getting paid,” I say. “And Dad needs me to help him  out. Those are two sound reasons. Throw in kindness to animals and we’re well into bonus territory.”

Felt like I was doing pretty well, for a homeschooled  debater.

“Oh, you’re heading into bogus territory, all right,” she  says. “Seriously bogus. And I love Dad, and animals, as much  as you do. But you know what Ma would have to say about  that other thing.”

I forgot that I wasn’t even the best debater in the house. “She’d say I should do it for free,” I moan. “But Ma would  have everybody do everything for free, and that’s why we’re  poor.”

“Oh, we’re not poor, Louis; we’re just normal.” “Yeah, well, poor is not gonna be my normal, I’ll tell you  that.”

“Fine,” Faye says. “Tell me that if you need to tell me that.  I need to tell you that Ma is expecting to see you today. So, while you’re walking the dog and grubbing the money, you  also need to make time for a visit to your mother.” “I can do that.”

“Yeah, you can do that.”

“Yeah, Faye, that’s what I said.”

“Right, I was just helping. Sometimes you need help, to,  y’know, do things.”

This is all so wrong. Not inaccurate, but wrong. “Come on, Faye. Not when it comes to Ma.”

Ma is a great many great things. Foremost among them is  probably activist. She’s renowned for it. If there’s a cause that needs  activist, she’s there, and always has been. To the detriment, one  might say, of her personal health and well-being. She cares, about  everything, more than a rational person should. In my opinion.

By contrast, I have a nickname, and it was first bestowed  upon me by that very same activist Ma.

The Inactivist.

Kind of comical, and true enough, if not exactly flattering. I don’t much like getting involved.

“Would you have gone to see her today if I hadn’t  reminded you?”

“Of course I would have. But, anyway, wasn’t today supposed to be your day?”

“Ha!” Faye says, pointing through the air between us  sharply enough to nearly hurt my chest. Like she bagged me there. Which, possibly, she did.

“What, ‘ha’?” I say. “Today was definitely supposed to be  your day.”

“What, because they’re all my day? Because I’m the girl?” My choices here, as I see them, are limited and not good.  An honest answer to that does me no favors. Pausing too  long while I come up with something better presents its own  problems. It’s like verbal waterboarding, trying to argue with  Faye.

I aim for her not inconsiderable heart as a viable option  to battling her intellectually, which is no option at all. “Faye, I don’t like the hospital. It scares me.”

She slows down, out of kindness. I’d sort of prefer it if  she sped up.

“I know, Louis. And I understand. But, too bad. And any way, it’s not a hospital, so stop calling it that.”

She’s half-right, which is about 50 percent less right than  she usually is. Ma is staying at a place they call the Knoll.  But the Knoll is on the grounds of, and functionally a part  of, a whole hospital. It’s an inpatient program that lasts four  weeks. She’s done this thing before. Later, if she still needs  them, there are outpatient programs that also last four weeks.  She won’t need them, though. I’m an optimist. Dad says I am  pathologically optimistic. Meaning, I tend to believe that things  are gonna work out, on their own, without any help from me,  the way they should. Because they will, that’s why.

Ma is in the Knoll as a direct result of the fact that she  cares too much. About everything.

That’s an insufficient explanation, probably.

She works at a shelter called A Woman’s Place. Doesn’t  just work the place. Lives it. One of their managers. Often a night manager, which can be hard going. She’s a stellar person, a soldier. The single best person I’ve ever met, as a matter  of fact. All the pain of A Woman’s Place—and that is a world  of pain—is her pain.

She’s an inspiration to me. In a way she would never want  to be.

Meaning, I’m determined that what happened to her will  never happen to me.

The more streamlined story is, she was breaking up a  fight at the shelter one night. In the course of things, she  slipped and destroyed her knee. Shredded her ACL and  MCL. Such is the esteem in which my mother is held in A  Woman’s Place that everyone on the scene—including the  two combatants—dropped everything in order to care for  her on the spot.

That care took her eventually to City Medical Center.  And to surgery. And to lots of rehab and physical therapy. And pain. Lots and lots of pain.

And painkillers.

Which isn’t an altogether accurate word, is it? Pain doesn’t  die. I have seen pain, and I have never seen it die. So the pain got to my ma. And the painkillers got to the  pain. Then the painkillers got to Ma.

But it wasn’t just the knee, was it?

Dad, who has a way with words for a fishsherdude, put it  this way: Pain got to Ma. But the pain of pain got to her more.  Everybody’s pain got to her.

She cares too much, is what he meant. Like I said.

She broke, is what happened.

The job did it to her. Then being o the job double-did  it to her. She couldn’t stand being off the job—not helping  out. Helping everybody but her.

“Please, Faye?” I say because I’m out of anything more  convincing. “Can’t you do today?”

“I did yesterday,” she says.

“Yeah, but you could do today, right?”

“Right. I could. But I’m not going to.”

“Why not?”

“Because I want you to.”

“Aw, that’s just—”

“And because Ma wants you to.”

Rats. And rats and rats again.

“She didn’t actually say that. Did she actually say that?” “She actually said that, Louis. She wants to see you. And  for you to see her. She knows you’re afraid.”

“And she wants to see me anyway.”

“Duh, Louis,” she says, and with those three  syllables wraps up the discussion.

Duh, Louis. She wants to see me because I’m afraid. Not  only because of that, but for sure it’ s partly because of that.



About Author Chris Lynch:



Chris Lynch (he/him/his)
is the award–winning author of several highly acclaimed young adult novels, including Printz Honor Book FreewillIcemanGypsy
, and Shadow Boxer—all ALA Best Books for Young Adults—as
well as Killing Time in Crystal CityLittle Blue LiesPiecesKill
Angry Young Man, and Inexcusable, which was
a National Book Award finalist and the recipient of six starred reviews. Chris is the author of middle grade novel Walkin’ the Dog. He holds an MA from the writing program at Emerson College. He teaches in the creative writing MFA program at Lesley University. He lives in Boston and in Scotland.


Meet Chris! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 7:00pm ET

Porter Square Books (Cambridge, MA)

In conversation with Sara Farizan


Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 7:00pm ET

Broadside Bookshop (Northampton, MA)

In conversation with Michael Mercurio


Thursday, March 14, 2024 at 6:00pm ET

Books of Wonder (New York, NY)

In conversation with Caela CarterCathy Carr, and E.L. Shen



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1 winner will receive a finished copy of WALKIN’ THE DOG, US Only.

Ends March 12th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


YA Books Central

Excerpt/IG Post


Red Reads

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


With a Chance

Review/IG Post



IG Post


Kountry Girl Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post


Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

Excerpt/IG Post


Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post



Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:



IG Post/TikTok Post



IG Review



IG Review


Review Thick And Thin

Review/IG Post


Review/IG Post






IG Review


Callisto’s calling

IG Review


Points of Interest



Momma Spot




Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the MISS AUSTEN INVESTIGATES: THE HAPLESS MILLINER by Jessica Bull Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!



by Jessica Bull



Pub. Date: February 27, 2024

Publisher: Union Square Co.

Formats: Hardcover, Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 368


Find it: Goodreads


A witty, engaging murder mystery
featuring Jane Austen as an intrepid amateur sleuth—the first in a series.

Jane Austen—sparkling, spirited, and incredibly clever—is suddenly thrust into
a mystery when a milliner’s dead body is found locked inside a cupboard in the
middle of a ball. When Jane’s brother Georgy is found with some jewelry
belonging to the deceased, the local officials see it as an open-and-shut case:
one which is likely to end with his death. Jane is certain that he is innocent,
and there is more to the murder than meets the eye. Her investigations send her
on a journey through local society, as Jane’s suspect list keeps on growing—
and her keen observational skills of people will be put to the test to solve
the crime and save her brother. 

Featuring the same lively wit, insightful social commentary, and relatable
characters that have made Jane Austen books into perennial classics, this first
entry in the Miss Austen Investigates series is perfect for anyone who
enjoyed The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl or other historical
mystery books based on real people, as well as fans looking to add to their
Jane Austen collection.




I was already in my 30s when I finally jumped on the Jane Austen bandwagon. I read as much as I could get my hands on. When I had an opportunity to read about a younger version of Jane and it was a cozy mystery, which is a category I love, I had high hopes it would give me an authenticate character as Jane and all the fun and quirkiness of a cozy mystery.

I wasn’t disappointed. The going was slow at the beginning. There were a lot of characters, many that I recognized, and I had to get accustomed to Jane as more of an amateur at sleuthing. Once I got comfortable it was all great fun. There was a huge list of suspects and many false leads. That made figuring out the culprit harder for me and I was eager to find out who it was. Sped through this in one reading and will be watching for the next book in the series. It should be fun to see what kind of mystery the author drops Jane into next.




About Author Jessica Bull:



grew up in
southeast London, where she still lives with her husband, two daughters, and
far too many pets. She’s addicted to stories and studied English Literature at
Bristol University, and Information Science at City University, London. She
began work as a librarian (under the false impression she could sit and read
all day), before becoming a communications consultant. Miss Austen
Investigates: The Hapless Milliner is her debut novel.

Twitter | InstagramTikTokGoodreads | Amazon




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1 winner will receive a finished copy of MISS AUSTEN INVESTIGATES: THE HAPLESS MILLINER,
US Only.

Ends March 5th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Girl Bookaholic

Guest Post/IG Post


Two Chicks on

Guest Post/IG Post



IG Review


Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post



IG Review

Week Two:


Country Mamas
With Kids

Review/IG Post



IG Review/TikTok Post


Two Points of



Confessions Of
The Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post






Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the THE NIGHTMARE MACHINE by Tim White Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours.


Check out my review and make sure to enter the giveaway!



 by Tim White



Pub. Date: February 20, 2024

Publisher: Ocean Scribe Publishing

Formats:  Paperback, eBook, Audiobook

Pages: 600


Find it: Goodreads


Purchase the book directly from Tim! There’s also a prequel novella! 


is The Nightmare Machine? Think Silent Hill meets Inception and Monster
Hunter International

Five millennia of suffering. A pilgrimage steeped in terror. Will her quest
bring redemption or only a false promise of salvation?

Maine. Sara Holcomb knows what she must do. Raised within a secret order
devoted to protecting humanity from a malevolent god, the dutiful
seventeen-year-old prepares for a terrifying expedition through a world of
nightmares. So when the time comes, she convinces three close friends to escort
her on a perilous journey to an otherworldly cathedral of bone and blood.

to a land of chaos and horror while they sleep, Sara wrestles with guilt at
bringing people she holds dear to this hell from which they may not escape. And
as vicious traps and pitiless creatures tear at their bodies and minds, the
honor-bound young woman fears they won’t be strong enough to complete the
mission that will preserve mankind.



The first thing that caught my attention was the stunning story displayed on the cover. Yes, it pulls you in, wanting to know this girl and her story. It’s absolutely perfect for what’s revealed inside. And the title. It’s also perfect. A teenage girl, descendant of a long line of Maidens, destined to save the world. She takes three friends as protectors into a hidden world. One filled with danger. Teeming with monsters worthy of your worst nightmares. To enter. They sleep. To survive. They awaken.

The first chapter sets up the intrigue. A typical girl. One with horrible nightmares. And hints of a family secret. I was hooked and remained that way through the entire story. Sara was an ordinary girl thrust into a horrific saga. Her character was so genuinely written and I really empathized with her. She had to face things a much older person might not have handled as well as she did.

Dylan was in love with Sara. But that wasn’t why she chose him as one of her protectors. He was a boy wonder. A budding genius and curious about how things worked. His mind worked in mysterious ways and she trusted him.

Dylan and Sara both helped Dr. Alex Warner at a small recovery clinic helping people overcome their addictions. I was unsure how that made her a good choice for a protector aside from knowing Sara and Dylan. Once they began their quest, it began clear.

Tom’s place on the list of protectors was obvious.  He was a veteran of war and had survived some horrific situations. He was no stranger to violence and death and his training made him a perfect candidate to work as a team. I really enjoyed his part in the story. He was someone you didn’t want to mess with yet he had a lot of baggage and that gave him an aura of vulnerability.

I tried to envision this nightmare world the group had entered. The author did a great job of showing it to me through words and my imagination did the rest.

As for how the story moved along. I mentioned the first chapter hooked me and kept me hooked. Well that’s true. And the characters sealed the deal for me. Along with the cruel world in The Nightmare Machine and the outrageous and dangerous monsters that were unleashed in it’s pages. Whoa. I do love monsters and there were some humdingers in the book.

Packed with action, suspense and horror, I was thrilled to get everything I wanted out of this story. That was great. And even more exciting. There’s more to come! Can’t wait for that.





About Author Tim White:



Tim White is
an author, editor, writing coach, and game designer in Phoenix, Arizona. He
started writing fiction in 1996 and nonfiction in 2006. As of 2023, he has
published more than 1,000 nonfiction articles and three nonfiction books. He
has written three novels, four novellas, dozens of tabletop role-playing game
(TTRPG) scripts, and hundreds of short stories.

Tim is a
zealous crusader for the power of storytelling to promote human flourishing. He
writes fiction in several genres, particularly one that he calls “Romantic
horror” (as in “Romantic-era novelists” such as Victor Hugo and Alexandre
Dumas, not as in “romance novel”). This little-known genre is unique in that it
uses fear as a backdrop against which heroism is sharply contrasted,
dramatized, and elevated.

storytelling philosophy is summed up eloquently by one of his favorite authors:

“I often
hear people say that they read to escape reality, but I believe that what
they’re really doing is reading to find reason for hope, to find strength.
While a bad book leaves readers with a sense of hopelessness and despair, a
good novel, through stories of values realized, of wrongs righted, can bring to
readers a connection to the wonder of life. A good novel shows how life can and
ought to be lived. It not only entertains but energizes and uplifts readers.” ―
Terry Goodkind

transitioning to writing full time, Tim was an Army combat medic, and later, a
nurse paramedic specializing in trauma and surgery. He is a lifelong shooter
and has ranked moderately well in state-level 3-gun competitions. He loves
board games, video games, and role-playing games; cats; Pembroke Corgis; good
coffee; good books; and escape rooms. He owns an escape room venue in Arizona,
where he designs and builds every prop and puzzle in-house.

Sign up for one or all of Tim’s Newsletters!

Website | Goodreads | Amazon | BookBub


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Giveaway Details: (there are 2 giveaways)

Bargain Booksy Giveaway:


One winner will be chosen at random on 4/15/2024 and notified via email
that they have won the 20 eBooks and a Kindle.

Giveaway Link:

Rockstar Book Tours Giveaway:

1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours,

Ends March 5th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:



IG Post


Kountry Girl Bookaholic

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Post


Writer of Wrongs



The Melting Plot

IG Post


A Dream Within A Dream



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post



IG Review


Kim’s Book Reviews and Writing Aha’s

Review/IG Post


IG Review

 Week Two:


Books and Zebras

IG Review



IG Review



IG Review/TikTok Post


Review Thick And Thin

Review/IG Post





The Momma Spot



One More Exclamation

Review/IG Post


Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Review/IG Post


Confessions of the Perfect Mom

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post



Thanks so much for visiting fuonlyknew and Good Luck!

For a list of my reviews go HERE.

For a list of free eBooks updated daily go HERE

To see all of my giveaways go HERE.


Cold Threat
by Nancy Mehl
January 22 – February 2, 2024 Virtual Book Tour




Twenty years ago, several people were murdered in Des Moines, and the only evidence left behind was a snowman ornament hanging ominously on a tree in the victims’ front lawns. With a suspect behind bars, the killings have come to an end–or so everyone thought. But now crimes with a similar MO are happening in a small Iowa town, and a local detective believes the killer is back and ready to strike again. With little time left on the clock before they have another murder on their hands, private investigators River Ryland and Tony St. Clair must work alongside Tony’s detective father to find evidence that will uncover an evil that has survived far too long. As the danger mounts and the suspect closes in, it will take all they have to catch a killer–before he catches one of them.


Book Details:

Genre: Suspense

Published by: Bethany House Publishers Publication Date: January 2024 Number of Pages: 336 ISBN: 978-0764240461 (ISBN10: 0764240463) Series: Ryland & St. Clair, 2

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Goodreads | Baker Book House

Enjoy this peek inside:
I watched as fire devoured the house as if it were a living, breathing monster, ravenous for death and destruction. It took effort not to smile as I observed the fire department desperately trying to quench the ferocious flames, the firefighters slipping and sliding on the snow and ice. But winter is no match for me. They would lose this fight. The nightmare has just begun. Inside they will find my Christmas offering. Those whom I’d judged and executed. The beast was at my command and would destroy any evidence that could lead to me. “It’s perfect,” she whispered. “I love it.” I smiled at her. “It was a long time coming.” “But you did it. I’m so proud of you.” I had to blink away the sudden tears that filled my eyes. “Shouldn’t we leave?” I nodded. She was right. At some point, the police would arrive and would most certainly look through the people gathered across the street since many times those who set fires like to watch their creations dance and light up the night. They might even take pictures. This was the only time I felt comfortable hanging around for a few minutes—­before anyone had time to scan the crowd. This was important. The first. My debut performance. I’d just turned to leave when a couple of police cars pulled up, lights flashing, their blue-and-red beams cutting through the night and the falling snow. I walked down the street, hidden behind a curtain of white. I stopped to watch as they exited their vehicles. The sight only added to my excitement. Two officers approached the fire department chief. As they talked, another officer stood on the sidewalk, staring at the structure that was being consumed. Suddenly, he shouted and pointed up toward the second floor. I had to walk back to see why. I stood behind a tree, trying not to look suspicious. That was when I saw it. A face peering through one of the windows. “Oh no,” she said, her voice breaking. “How did you miss her?” The officer who’d spotted the unthinkable began to run toward the front door, but two firefighters grabbed him and held him back while another one grabbed a ladder and put it up against the house. It was clearly a child staring at them, her eyes wide with fear. They tried to climb toward her, but it was impossible. The flames from the first floor blocked their way. I felt a wave of anger. She had defiled my righteous mission. I fought to push back my rage. I had no desire to hurt a child. She shouldn’t have hidden from me. I would have kept her safe. I sighed in frustration. This was her fault. Now all of us would have to watch as she died. There wasn’t anything I could do. I felt the urge to leave, but the police were concentrating on her. No one was focused on the crowd, so I risked staying a minute or two longer. Suddenly I heard a shout and saw the police officer who’d tried to enter earlier suddenly run toward the compromised house and through the front door before anyone could stop him. What a fool. The monster I’d created was too strong. Now there would be two additional lives sacrificed. This wasn’t my mission. Only the guilty were supposed to die. I consoled myself with the knowledge that the blame was theirs. Not mine. “Maybe he’ll get her out,” she said quietly. I didn’t respond. I knew she was upset. I couldn’t find the words to tell her that it was too late for both of them. Part of the house collapsed on the other side, away from the window where the child still stood. Everyone watched in horror. Two firefighters started to follow the officer into the house, but their chief called them back. It was clear they were frustrated, yet the chief obviously thought it was too dangerous for them to enter. He’d probably already written off the officer and the child. “It’s not your fault.” “I know,” I said. I waited for the rest of the structure to fall, but as we all watched, the unbelievable happened. The police officer ran out of the house, something in his arms wrapped up in a blanket. A firefighter ran over to take the bundle from him as the rest of the building collapsed. The officer fell to the ground. I could see his burns from here. It looked as if the cloth from his shirt had melted to his skin and part of his dark hair had burned away. Now he would always remember this night. I felt no anger toward him. Truthfully, I was relieved that the child had a chance. I’d still accomplished my mission. This was a lesson learned. I had checked out the couple carefully, and I’d watched the house. Hadn’t seen any evidence of a child. Still, I’d missed something important. I would never make this mistake again. She sighed with relief. “I’m so glad she’s okay.” A thought suddenly struck me. I hadn’t seen the child, but had she seen me? Was she now a liability to my mission? As soon as the thought came, I dismissed it. She’d been hiding. Trying to make sure I couldn’t find her. She would have been too afraid to look at me knowing I might see her too. Besides, she was so young no one would take her seriously anyway. Even if she had caught a glimpse of me, soon I would look very different. I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I was safe. The firefighters began treating the girl and the officer until an ambulance roared up. It was time to leave. I pulled my jacket tighter and let the darkness and the dancing flakes shroud me as I slipped away, but not before I glanced at the snowman ornament hanging on the tree planted near the sidewalk. As I walked away, I couldn’t help but sing softly, “Frosty the snowman . . .”


River Ryland stared at her phone, willing it to ring. Unfortunately, it seemed it didn’t respond well to mental telepathy. The pastor at the church she’d started attending with Tony had taught on faith yesterday. He’d brought up Mark 11:24 and Philippians 4:6. From what she could understand, faith was something you needed before your prayers were answered. As a child, she’d listened to her father preach, but he’d never mentioned anything like that. His sermons had been about sin and judgment. How to stay pure. Which was laughable since he ran off with the church’s secretary and left his daughter, son, and wife behind, humiliated and without any way to survive financially. As she continued to eye her phone, she wondered if she should start believing that God would bring more clients to Watson Investigations. Was it okay to have faith for something like that? It was clear that faith was important to God, but she didn’t want to treat Him like some kind of genie in a lamp who would bring her whatever she asked for. What was His will, and what was selfishness? She sighed quietly. Life with God was proving to be interesting. She glanced over at her partner, Tony St. Clair, and asked herself the question she’d posed so many times. What was he doing here? She’d had to leave the FBI. Severe PTSD had made it impossible for her to continue working as a behavioral analyst. Tony had been shot by the Salt River Strangler, the serial killer who’d tried to kill her, and was still dealing with some of the aftereffects. Even so, he could have gone back to work. Instead, he talked her into starting this detective agency. They’d only had two cases so far. The results had been positive. One case had to do with teachers at a local high school selling drugs—­something they stumbled across. The teachers were arrested, and the drug trade shut down. No paying client with that one. The other case had been pro bono. They’d solved that too. Thankfully, someone connected with the case—­not their client—­had given them a generous stipend. But how long would that last without some new cases? Was asking herself that question a lack of faith? She really didn’t know the answer. Tony’s long legs were crossed, his feet up on his desk. He was leaning back in his chair, writing in a notebook. He reminded her of Benedict Cumberbatch. His curly dark hair was longer than most FBI agents had worn their hair. His long eyelashes sheltered eyes that sometimes looked blue and other times appeared to be gray. Tony was an enigma. A handsome man who never dated. He used to. Before the shooting. There were definitely some women at church who had him in their sights, but he clearly wasn’t interested. Of course, she wasn’t dating either. Didn’t want to. Right now, she just wanted to figure out who God wanted her to be. It was hard to believe He needed a private investigator. She didn’t see that among the gifts listed in the Bible. “Okay, God,” River whispered. “I’m asking You to make this agency successful. I thank You for hearing me. And . . .” She gulped. “And I thank You for our new cases.” There. She shook her head. Weird, but Pastor Mason would be proud of her. She jumped when Tony’s phone rang. River listened closely. If this was a case . . . Well, Pastor Mason also said something about patience. Surely answers to prayer didn’t happen this quickly. If so, she should have started praying this way a long time ago. “Slow down, Dad,” Tony said. “I’m not sure I understand.” River was almost relieved that it was Tony’s father. If it actually had been a new case . . . well, it would have freaked her out a little. She began to straighten her desk again, only slightly listening to Tony’s conversation. It seemed to be a little one-­sided. Finally, Tony said, “I’ve got to call you back, Dad. Let me talk to River and see what she thinks. You know her mother is ill.” Pause. “All in all, doing pretty good. She has full-­time help now.” Another pause. “Okay. I’ll phone you in a bit.” After he hung up, he pulled his feet off his desk and sat up straight in his chair. His blue sweater was the same color as his eyes . . . when they were blue. Why was she paying attention to his eyes? She gave herself a virtual kick in the pants and realized that Tony looked upset. “Everything okay?” she asked. “No, not really.” “Is your dad all right? Your mom?” “No,” he said, cutting her off. “They’re fine. And before you ask, my sister’s good too.” He looked away and cleared his throat. Something he did when he was troubled or thinking. Finally, his eyes met hers. “I told you that when my dad was a rookie police officer, before he was promoted to detective, he was badly burned in a fire?” She nodded. She remembered the story. It was hard to forget. “He saved a little girl’s life.” “Yes. Well, they found two bodies in the house after the fire was put out. The little girl was the granddaughter of the couple. Thank God, Dad got her out in time.” “Yeah. Your father’s a hero.” Tony smiled. “Don’t say that to him. He won’t put up with it. I also told you that they never found the person responsible?” She nodded again, then waited for him to finish. It was obvious what was coming next. She swallowed. Was this just coincidence? Of course, this was Tony’s dad. They couldn’t charge him anything for their services. River should have mentioned in her prayer that they needed a paying case. She didn’t realize God was so literal. Trust Me. Although she hadn’t heard an audible voice, it was so clear it made her jump. Trust Me. She swallowed hard. “Uh, he wants us to help him solve a twenty-­year-­old crime?” she said. Why was her voice squeaky? “Why now? I mean, I assume he tried to close this case himself. From what you told me, he’s an excellent detective.” “He is, but he’s retiring.” “And he wants this solved before he leaves?” Tony nodded. “In a way. You see, there were two other similar murders with the same MOs in Des Moines not long after that one. The police arrested someone. Charged him with all three. Dad was never sure they got the right person.” “You never told me that.” “I never went into details because I thought it was a closed case.” “So, your father wants to make certain the case is truly closed before he leaves? It’s still a really cold case. You know how tough they are to solve after so long.” “Well, except he says it’s happened again.” “In Des Moines?” Tony shook his head. “No, up in Burlington, Iowa, where they are now. They moved there years ago because Dad felt it was a better place to live. He was convinced that Des Moines was getting too big. Too dangerous. He wanted a slower-­paced life. A safer place for Mom. Truthfully, I think he had a tough time working in Des Moines. He couldn’t get anyone he worked with to believe they’d arrested the wrong person for those murders.” “Wait a minute. So, your dad thinks the killer followed him?” He shrugged. “He doesn’t know, although I agree that it seems strange. Look, I know you have questions. I do too. Can you come to Burlington with me so we can write a profile? He wants to see if we can add something to what he has so far.” River hesitated a moment. “I know you’re thinking about your mom. Sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked. I can go alone. I shouldn’t have put you on the spot.” River shook her head. “You’re not. Now that we have Mrs. Weyland, I may be able to come with you.” Hannah, the young woman who had come in to help River’s mother during the day, had quit after finding out she was pregnant. She’d recommended her aunt, who had recently lost her husband. Agatha Weyland was sixty-­three years old and had nursed her husband through Alzheimer’s. When Hannah told her she was pregnant and had to leave her job, Mrs. Weyland had begged her to set up an interview with River. At first, she wasn’t sure if it would work since Mrs. Weyland wanted to move in. “I just can’t stay in my house anymore,” she’d told River when they talked. “Too many ghosts. Hannah and her husband love the house and they’ve offered to buy it. I was goin’ to move into an apartment, but if you have a spare room . . .” Her hazel eyes had filled with tears, and River had been touched by her. But would she change her mind and quit once she was stronger? She didn’t want Rose to get used to someone and then have her leave. River’s mother was still dealing with Hannah’s quitting. She had loved and trusted the young woman. “I’m not lookin’ for anything temporary,” Mrs. Weyland had said as if reading River’s mind. “I intend to take care of your mother until . . . well, until she no longer needs me.” This time it was River’s turn for tears. “Oh, honey,” the older woman had said, taking River’s hand. “I know what Alzheimer’s is like. I know how to take care of your precious mama. My Harold was a happy man until the day he died. I learned how to go with him wherever he was . . . and how to be whoever he needed me to be. We were happy, and your mother will be happy too. You have my word.” River had really wanted to hire Mrs. Weyland, but she was certain Rose wouldn’t give up another one of her rooms. She’d gotten upset when River and Tony had moved her original sewing space to another room even though they set it up exactly the same. They’d moved things around so River could be closer to her mother in case she needed help during the night. Now she’d have to give up her sewing room completely, even though she never used it. River was prepared for a meltdown. But after spending a couple of hours getting to know Mrs. Weyland, Rose had said, “Can’t we just move the things in the sewing room down to the basement, River? Either Agatha could move in there, or you could move into that room, and Agatha could be right next to me.” Although she was more than surprised by her mother’s request, she quickly agreed. River moved into the old sewing room, and Mrs. Weyland set herself up next to Rose. “Let me talk to Mrs. Weyland,” she told Tony. “She’s barely had time to get to know my mother. She might feel uncomfortable with me leaving town so soon. How long do you think we’ll be gone?” “Why don’t we say the rest of the week?” he said. “I think that’s enough time to create a profile. My father’s already put together a murder book, although I’m not sure how much information he’s been able to get his hands on. Hopefully, we’ll at least have some pictures and reports.” “Okay, but if Mrs. Weyland or my mother is uncomfortable . . .” “I’ll go alone and bring everything back with me.” He frowned. “I’d really like you to talk to my dad. See if he can convince you the cases are related. I know that’s not what we do when we write a profile, so we’ll be using our ace deductive skills as well.” River laughed. “I’ll call Mom now, but you might as well plan on going alone. My mother will probably have a conniption fit.” “A conniption fit? Where do you get these expressions? I truly think an old lady lives somewhere down deep inside you.” River picked up her phone, stuck her tongue out at Tony, and dialed Mrs. Weyland. *** Excerpt from Cold Threat by Nancy Mehl. Copyright 2024 by Nancy Mehl. Reproduced with permission from Bethany House Publishers. All rights reserved.




It’s always a sign you’re in for a good read when the Prologue hooks you before you even get to the heart of the story. It all began twenty years ago. Several murders, a missing child and a snowman ornament.

Fast forward twenty years. The killer, The Salt River Strangler, was caught and is behind bars.  But it appears he had a partner who’s come calling and the residents of Burlington, Iowa are living in fear. River and Tony are no longer with the FBI. They have their own private investigation firm. Business has been slow and River is praying for a case. When Tony’s father calls asking for help in wrapping up the twenty year old case, they can’t ignore the request for help. That old saying, “Be careful what you wish for,” comes to mind.

This is a favorite trope of mine. Cold case and new case. Both connected.  It makes the mystery that much harder to figure out. The list of suspects, new and old is large. The clues are stale and fresh. The characters tasked with solving the case have matured. Moved on. And now they’re dragged back in. But with more experience now. And an immediate urgency to wrap the case up once and for all.

Cold Threat was every bit as good as the first book in the trilogy, Cold Pursuit. River’s stalker is still out there and I’ll be there to find out how the author wraps up her series.



About Author Nancy Mehl:


Nancy Mehl

Nancy Mehl is the author of more than fifty books, a Parable and ECPA bestseller, and the winner of an ACFW Book of the Year Award, a Carol Award, and the Daphne du Maurier Award. She has also been a finalist for the Christy Award. Nancy writes from her home in Missouri, where she lives with her husband, Norman, and their puggle, Watson.

Catch Up With Nancy Mehl: Goodreads BookBub – @NancyMehl Twitter/X – @NancyMehl1 Facebook – @nancy.mehl




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